THE SCRANTON THIBITNE FRIDAY MOBNING, SEPTEMBER 13, 18.1 7 CCriTESTS IN TBE LEAGUES Springfield Woo by Narrow Margin ' from Scranton. SCRANTON IN ntOVIDENCE Games Traasferred to lb Latter City. Ho ChaaM la National League Position Eleven-Inning Game la Syracuse. Wllkes-Barre wan the only one of the four leading clubs in the Eastern league to lose yesterday, and they paid the penalty of trying an amateur pitch er against the strong playing cham pions of '94. Scranton met defeat by he Spring-fields, but the defeat was not without honor. The score was close and the gtMiie was Interesting. An eleven-inning rame was lost by Rochester in Syracuse, and Toronto defeated 'Buffalo by the narrow margin of one run. . Today there will be a shifting around of the clubs. Scranton has transferred the three games scheduled at home with Providence to the lntter city, fprlngtleld Roes to Wllkes-Barre and Rochester to Syracuse. ' Yesterday w'M one of the scarce days tn the National league when the games do not change the position of any club. Philadelphia goes up four points nearer Cleveland by defeating the Washing ton. The Beaneatem. who fell before Ttusle's prowess and drop with the Brooklyn, who lost to Baltimore. Pltts fcurg and Cincinnati and Ixiulsvllle and Chicago played tie games. EASTER? LKACIE. ' Voter Joy's Results. Springfield U Scranton 8 Providence 11 Wilkes Hnrre 2 Syracuse ,.. 7 Rochester 5 Toronto Buffalo 8 Standing of Eastern League Club. V. W. U P.O. Bprthgfleld 112 7ti Sti .679 Providence 11", 71 4t .17 Wllkes-Barre liW 61 48 Syracuse 113 til 2 .MO Ruft'alo KM 69 61 .4'jJ Scranton 112 41 US .:M Rochester l?l 47 "9 .373 Toronto 115 42 "3 .Km Today's Kastunt League Unities. Scranton at Providence. - Springfield at Wilkes-Rnrre. Rochester at Syracuse. F01C1IT A CAME FIGHT. Scranton's Last League Game at Home Ended in a Defeat of Honor-Beaten by One Run in the Ninth. There is some consolation In that the Scianton club yesterday closed the Eastern league season on tlie home grounds by a game that redounded to its credit rather thun otherwise. Bpringtlld won. as a matter of course, but it was by only one run in the hint Inning and the less thun lOo loyul knockers huddled In the middle of the grandstand had their blood, a-tingllng during the last three innings, and the players go to Providence to finish the season with the satisfaction that on me from having fought gamely in the fare well game at home. Owing to the illness of Captain Don nelly, of the Ponies, his position at third was filled by tWkbert, and Gruber want to first. The Scranton playing or der was changed by the appearance of Smlrh behind the rubber and Schrlver jii 1IKI1L iiriu. o-pittiii Biennis wus In control of the team owing to the ab sence In Syracuse of Manager Barnle, who Is making final arrangements for the Syracuse players who will play for Scranton agalnut Wllkes-Barre in The Tribune' Trophy cup series. The score was 4-4 untH the fourth Inning, whet the 'Ponies batted In two earned runs, and in the sixth they In creased their lead to three. Scranton In th seventh earned one on Brodle's douhli and Meuney's single, and tied the soo In the eighth on three runs secured Stearns' two-bagger, a base on balls "i Tuston. errors by Shannon and McDo, aid and a single by Ward. After making a two-bagger In the r..lnth, Stearns spoiled a chance to ecore by napping off second, where he was caught by 'Shannon, Huston hav ing previously been retired at first. Sweeney drew a base on balls and Brodie fanned out. Springfield's winning run was made on Jones' triple and Leahy's out to Meaney, who made one of the star one hand catches of the season, but the distance to the plate was so great that the ball could not be fielded and Jones scored. Following is the detailed score: SCRANTON. A.B. R. H. O. A. K. Jiard' 2b'i 4 1 S 3 B 0 Meaney. ct. S 1 2 4 0 0 fichrlver, rf 4 0 l o o n Smith, c 5 0 0 2 0 0 Stearns, lb 6 13 9 11 .Huston. 3b 4 1 0 1 S 1 Sweeney, ss 4 0 0 2 3 1 Brodie, P 4 2 110 0 Totals iO 1 Ji 5 is 1 SPRINGFIELD. ,. A.B. ft. H. O. A. E. Shannon, ss 5 2 2 5 0 2 Oruber,.la. 5 0 2 8 0 0 Jones of 5 12 10 0 Lynch. If 1 l o 0 o ( Lfapy; If 4 i n 2 10 Fcheltler, rf 4 1 24 0 0 CMberi, 3b 4 0 2 3 3 0 McDonald, 2b 8 10 1 2 2 Ounnon, c 4 0 2 8 0 0 Callahan, p. 4 2 1 o 10 Totals .., 39 9 II 27 7 1 One out when winning run was made. Scranton ...........3 10000130-8 Springfield 3 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 1-9 Karned runs Scranton, 3: Springfield, i. Two base hits Kagan. Ward, Hrod, Stearns 2, Scheffler, Oruhor, Shannon, Ounson. Three-base hits Gilbert, Jones. Stolen bases Ward, Shannon, Leahy. Left on bases Scranton, 10; Springfield, '&. Double plays Sweeney to Ward to Stearns. Struck out Sweeney 2, Itrntllp. First base on balls Off Brodie. 1; off Cal lahan. 4. First on errors Scranton. 4; Springfield, Hit by pitcher Ward. Tlmo t l.K. 'Umpire Owartwood. IT WAS DISASTROUS. Wllkes-Barre Tried; Amateur Pitcher McOroarty Against Providence. Wllkes-Barre. iPa,. Sept. 12. Wllkes Barre tried an amateur today from Edwardsvllle named iMcGroarty against the Grays, and he was an easy mark for the graduates from the? big league. Rudder ham was Invincible as usual toward the coal barons, Digglns being the only one who could hit him safely. The game was a listless contest, the only feature being the work of Cooney at short. Attendance, 700. The East ern league season closes here on Sat urday with Springfield. Score: WILKES-RARRR. Lytle. If 4 1 2 2 0 0 Bonner, 2b 4 118 3 1 Lesotte, rf 8 0. 0 0 0 0 Griffin. f 3 0 0 1 0 0 Earte, lb , a 0 0 32 0 0 Dlgglns, e 4 0.8.4 0 0 flnVth, Sb 4 0 0 1 4 0 McMahort, ss....... 4 0 0 1 S 0 McQroarty, p....... 3 0 0 0 1 0 To'tatt 5 1 . a 1 , ' " t PROVIDENCE, ' ' V ' i i , -.. A.B, R. H. O. A. E. rLyotis, cf.. 6 8 3 1 0 0 Basset t. Sb ' 4 1 t ' I 10 Knight, If ...5. 0 0 1 0 1 f Borers,, lb ,... 6 3 4 1 Cooney, 'ss 5 2 8 2 6 0 Strieker, lb......... 5 .1 4 2 4 0 Murray, rf.......... 4 . i 2 I 0 0 Dixon, C...J.......V- 4 0 ,t t : 0 1 Bsdderham, .....; 0 O'e ' 0 9 Tetals ..V 42 5 20 27 10?' "i WHkes-Barre 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0-1 Providence ...u..t.l- I 0 4 0 1 1 -U Batted ruasWUkes-Barre, . 1 Provi dence, M. - First base on errors Wilkes Burre, 1 Left on bases Wllkes-Barre, 5; Providence. 8. First base on balls Off McOroarty, ; off Kudderham. 2. Struck out By MeQrourty, 2; by Kudderham, 3. Home, run Lyons. Three-base hits Strieker, Dlgglns 1 Two-base hits Bas sett, Murruy, Lyons. Stolen bases Rog ers, Cooney, Strucker. Murray, Dlgglns, Smith. Double plays Cooney to Hussett; McMahon to Konnnr to Kurle; Cooney to Strieker to Rogers; McGroarty to Bonner to Kurle. Hit 4y pitched ball Lesotte. Umpire Jack Keenan. Time 1.45. Rochester at Syracuse. Syracuse. -N. Y., Sept 12. Eagan's timely batting practh-ally won today's game for the Syrucusans after the Kochestcrs had it won. The home team tied the score in the ninth on Moss' base on balls. Hess' force hit, Deluney's single and Kugan's right Held drive for two bases. The game was won In the eleventh inning on Hess' two base hit, singles by Kagan and Simon and Tlghe's error. Delaney pitched very effectively except in the fifth Inning, when Rochester had a lucky Dtrenk of batting. lie allowed Rochester but two hits after the fifth inning. The attendance was only 600. Score: Syracuse 0 003000020 27 Rochester ....0 110301(000 tt5 lilts Syracuse, II: Rochester, IX Kr rors Syracuse, 2: Rochester, 3. Hattcr les Delaney and Hess; Hewitt and White. Karned runs Syracuse. 5; Rochester, 5. Two-base hits . Sweeney, Kavun, lle.ia, Deltiiicy and o'Hrlen. Double plays O'Brien to Tlghe to Breckinridge. Struck out By Delaney, 5: by Hewitt. 1. First base on errorM-rSyrnciise, 2; Rochester, I. First base on balls Off Hewitt, 3. Left on bases Syracuse. !; Rochester, 4. Stolen bases lSagan 2, Simon. White. P. Swee ney. Sacrifice hits Moss, Harry,. White. Umpire George Geer. Time-i-Two hours. Toronto at Buffalo. Buffalo. N. Y.. Sept. . 12. Buffalo bucked against Toronto and a Cana dian umpire today. The latter was a corker. lie absolutely robbed Buffalo of one run by calling Buffalo out on bases when they' were safo by live or six feet. Toronto had' two runs given to her In .the third and on balls and strikes this man's Judgment wns some thing wonderful. It in a safe that he will go back to Toronto tomorrow. President Powers reinstalled iMirsclier tonight and "l.Kiesch" will Judge to morrow. The BufTalos were In poor shape today. They crossed the lake from Toronto this morning and all were seasick owing to the gale. Bot tenus had to leave the game and Sheuron was so sick that he could not piny. (Attendance, 600. Score: Buffalo .'. 2 0031 02008 Toronto 2 0 5 0 0 1 1 0 09 Hits Buffalo. 13; Toronto. 13. Errors Buffalo, 5; Toronto, 1. Batteries Wadn worth and Dowse; Payne nnd Lake. Earned runs Buffalo. 4; Toronto, 2. First btise on errors Buffalo, 1; Toronto, 3. Left on bases Buffalo, 0: Toronto, 10. First base on balls off Wads worth, 5; off Payne, 2. Struck out Ry Wadsworth, 1; by Payne, 2. Three-base hit Wise. Two base hits Clymer 3, Dowse 2. Stolen bases Demont, 1'ro.uhart, Wise. Double plnvs Dcmnnt to Slilnnlek to Lutenbcrg. lilt by pitcher By Wadsworth, 1. Wild nltch Wadsworth. Umpire Joe Lyndon. Time 2.10. NATIONAL LEAGUE. . Standing of National en (t ne rinbs. P. W. L. p.r. Baltimore 113 XI .6".8 4i ,iil7 47 .5911 51 ..v,7 Cleveland K'i 71 Philadelphia 117 7a Brooklyn 115 i Boston 115 Ci Pittsburg 11H 64 New Vork 120 63 Chicago lit. til Cincinnati 1 14 59 Washington 111! 35 St. Louis lR :w Loulsvlllo 116 30 .Ma .,-.12 .'. .51S .::n .jIO .259 77 SO SO At Pittsburg R. 11.13. Pittsburg 2 0 1 0 0 0 00 0 0 3 11 2 Cincinnati 0 002 U 01 0003 6 0 Batteries Hawley und Merrltt; Fore man and Vaughn.' Umpires Kmslle nnd McDonald. Called, darkness. At Baltimore R. II. E. Baltimore 016 1 4 0 3 3 IS 21 0 Brooklyn 1 00 2 00 0 2 0 5 8 3 Batteries Hoffer and Robinson; Hum bert, Abbey, Grim and Burrell. Umpire Hurit. At Washington R. H.E. Washington ,...00 0 4 0 1 0 5 5 D Philadelphia' 4 2 0 2 5 0 4-17 14 3 Batteries Boyd. Gllroy, Mularkey nnd McGuIre; Carsey nnd Buckley. Umpire Murray. Called, darkness. At Louisville- H. H.E. Louisville 0 0000200 2 6 2 Chicago 0 0000200-2 6 2 Batteries Cunningham and Warner; Friend and Donahue. Umpire Jevne. Called, darkness. At New York R. H.E. New York 2 0011012 - 7 11 2 Boston 0 0000000 1 1 C 0 Batteries Biisle. Farrell and Wilson; Stlvetts and Ganxel. Umpire Keefe. St. Louis-Cleveland game scheduled for today has been postponed until tomorrow. statkTeagik. At Carbondale- R. H.E. Carbon. lale 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 6 S 2 Lancaster 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 05 7 3 Batteries Anderson and Patchen; West and Both. At Haxleton R. H.E. Hazleton 3 00 2 1 00 0 0 6 ID 4 Reading 1 000 0 0100 2 4 5 Batteries Keener and Westluke; Mayer and Stanhope. PLAYERS ARE SIX I KED. Negotiations Are Closed with the Syracuse Players Who VI ill lluttlo fur Scranton In the Cap Scries. Manager Barnle was In Syracuse yesterday closing the negotiations with the 'Syracuse players who will wear Scranton uniforms in the Herb-H against Wllkes-Barre next week for The Trib une Trophy cup. .Last night he tele graphed that he had positively secured Power, Egan, Minnahan and .Moss, the Syracuse Inlleld, and Burnett, the crack Syracuse t wirier. It hud been the Intention to pitch Johnson, Meaney and 'Burnett In the series, but Johnson last, night received a message that his mother was dying In San Francisco and he will leave for the west this afternoon. He was last night notified by President Betts that He Is reserved for next season. This unforseen circumstance will make It necessary to engage another pitcher. Manager Barnle was Informed by tele graph of the situation and it Is not un likely that he will get Harper of the Rochesters. Word, was received from Wllkes Barre last night that Manager Shannon was on a skirmish for a strong pair of pitchers who, with Keenan, will repre sent Wllkes-Barre In the box. as Coak ley is obliged to go to Pittsburg on busi ness. Through a well-known Scranton Jew eler the trophy cup has 'been ordered from New York and during next week will be placed on exhibition. It will be of especial design and will nosaess con siderable Intrinsic value. DIAMOND DUST. Of the Scranton team It Is probnble that In addition to Pitchers Meaney and John son not more than two of the present club will bo reserved for 1890. Schrlver will probnbly be one of tho two; the other player's Identity Is a guess. Apropos of the exclusion of Sam Crane, of the New York Press, from the Polo grounds, a western contemporary re marks: "Bnse ball magnates seem to think that the principal duties of newspa per men are to throw bouquets at them." Will Sandy Griffin manage the WUkes Barre club next year? Inside Information says thut Jack Keenan, the WHkes-Barre twlrler, who has won about 73 per cent, of his games, will be drafted by Washing ton to be transferred to Rochester along with Dnn Shannop. Dan Shannon Is tinder reserve contract as mnnager of the Wllkes-Barre club, but the reserve clause will not' prevent Wash ington, of the National league, from draft ing him. Washington will then turn him over to Rochester. .The national agree ment (7) Is as solid as a sieve. Dan Shannon Is In his dotage. He says Manager Barnle cannot secure for The Tribune cup series a team that will defeat WHkes-Barre In a majority of games. Wllkes-Barre has a good team, but there are other players on the face of the earth. They will be drafted from other clubs of the Eastern leajeue and In the series the Alligators are bound to run against a strong combination. In the face' of the report that Tom Burns, of Hprtngfleld. will manage the New Yorks next season the assurance Is given from different sources that Jack Chapman will undertake the contract of leading the Giants to victory. Chapman's achievements with the Toronto during his control of that club oasts Burns' Springfield record ill the shade and oil the strength of this fact Chapman may get the berth. WILL THE FIGHT COME OFF? Parson Davles Thinks Governor Culber son Means Business. Tt Is reported that Champion Cor bett's friends lo not believe that the fight with Fltxslmmons will come off, and that consequently ho Is not train ing. Pbrson Duvis says: "I saw Corbett about a week ago. and I did not like his looks, lie did not seem to have the life and energy which he formerly possessed, and iiis eyes were dull and listless. I attrib uted this to the fact that he had been knocking about the country a great deal playing ball, attending theatrical performances, keeping late hours and other dissipations. Corbett Is a won derful man. though, and a great light er. If he trains all right and enters the ring In tit condition there Is no doubt but he wil whip Fltxslmmons. Bob, however. Is in great condition right at this time, and will put up an awful tluli t. If Jim Is not right up to tho mark he may suffer defeat. "I don't attach much Importance to what I hear of the condition of the two men, for I don't believe they will meet, at least not tn Texas. When a gov ernor of a state announces that he will stop a prise fight, he usually means what he says, and In this In stance I think Governor Culberson is In earnest." POINT UKKI'ZK RACES. Qunricrmarch and Humps Win in Straight Heats. Philadelphia. Sept. 12. The fall meet ing ut the Philadelphia Driving park (Point Breexe) ended ithls afternoon. Two of the principal events of the meet ing hud been kept for the last day, but there was not enough speed In the fields to drive the winners to their best effort. The races today were the Blngham House purse of 32,000 for the 2.20 cIiibs trotting, and the Point Breeae purse of $2,000 for the 2.24 class pacing. Both were won In straight heats. In the pacing event three of the live starters were distanced In the first heat. Bumps, the winner, going the mile in 2.KHi. Summaries: 2.20 class, Bingham House purse, $2,000, Quartermareh (Snyder) first; Rosellne. br. m., (Clark) second. Time, 2.18H. 2.174. 2.17. 2.24 class, pacing, Point 'Breexe purse, $2,000. Bumps, b. g., by Baron Wilkes, (Wilson) first; Comet.' s. m., (Barnes) second. Time, 2.10V4, 2.17V4, 2.15',4. AMONG THE PUGS. Valentine .Matched Against McKcever. Uodfrcy-Choynski Fight Off. New York, iSept 12. 'Manager Ken nedy, of the Kmplre Athletic club, signed Arthur Valentine, champion lightweight of England, this afternoon to meet Charlie iMcKeever, the crack lightweight of Philadelphia. The men will box twenty rounds on Oct. 2. The match between "Young Orlffo," which was down for Sept. 27, before the Km plre Athletic club, has been declared off, owing to the fact that Lavlgne, after having agreed to meet "Young Oriffo," backed out. Boston, Sept. 12. The fight between George Godfrey and Joe Choynskl, which was to be decided here, has been declared off. Will Test the Deelsion. NorrlstoT), Pa., Sept. 13.-The Norrls town wheelmen held a meeting tonight for the purpose of taking action on the decis ion of Chairman Gideon, of the League of American Wheelmen, In transferring the class A riders, Walter . Douglass, Wlcse Hammer, Carroll H.Jack, Percy C. Dickey, W. M. Trott and John F. Urauch, to class B. Tho men were transferred because of an allegation that a diumond ring for whleh they raced hero was worth more than fco. the class A limit. This the wheelmen deny. A committee was ap pointed to test the decision of the chair man, either by process of law or by au ap peal to the League of American Wheel men at the next national meet of that body.- The committee was authorized to expend $l,0fto In the furtherance of Its appointment, LIVE SPORTING NOTES. , The Morning Glories, of Dun more, chal lenge the Jermyn base ball club to a game on Dunmore grounds Friday or Sat urday. The Shamrocks, of the South Side, chal lenge the Shamrocks, of Avoca, to a game Sunday. Sept. 15, on Dutch Hollow grounds. An alley hall game between O'Connors and Scott and Wilson and Fallon will lie played on the Exchange hotel court to morrow afternoon at 3.30 for $10 a side. . MINSTRELS AT ACADEMY. Thatcher and Johnson and Their Com pany (lave an I p-to-hate Performance. Thatcher ft Johnson's minstrels were at the Academy uf Music last evening and gave a good entertainment. Inno vations have 'been yearly creeping Into minstrel performance and Inst night's Twentieth Century minstrels had Its share. The grand opening, which was In the nature uf a social session of the Royal Hunt club, was a repetition of the time honored fealture of part 'first In min strelsy. Interspersed among the ebony hued comedians, dance artists and fair complexioned ballad singers was a light sprinkling of the new woman. Raymond iMoore, famous as a com poser and singer of ballads, contributed a number of his sweet vocal tenor se lections, among them his latest suc cess, "Dear Louise." Part second con tained a number of specialties that were well -received. Barbie and Ritchie, as the cyclist and tramp, gave an exhibi tion of rldlngend acrobatic work on the bicycle that was marvelous. They also performed on the unlcycle, tricycle and every other kind of whell. ' Thatcher and Carroll held down the ends in the opening port, nnd In the concluding number, "The Sidewalks of New" York," they port rayed the parts of Svengali and Little Billee. THAT SETTLES THE MATTER. Mayor Conncll Signs the Resolution In the Arlington Tnrnplke Case. The resolution directing the mayor to accept as final the decision of the lower courts In the lAblngton turnpike case was 'yesterday approved by Mayor Connell, and the threatened litigation Is now a thing of the past. Many North iF.nd people who have been having trouble with the Turnpike company were averse to the verdiot of $2,000 which was given the company, because of the city's failure to keep In order the portion of the turnpike which thn company granted to the city on that condition. . . Others,' who seemed to be In the ma jority, wanted the matter settled, ' be lieving that the Turnpike company only received Its Just dues. - Numerous prominent people have Interviewed the mayor concerning the -measure, -and no small amount' of 'lobbying was dune while It was on Its' way through coun cils. ''.,. ( . By. the. provisions of the, resolution the street commissioner Is directed to hereafter keep the thoroughfare In good repalri ' Plllsbury's flour mills have a capacity of 17,600 barrels a day. . '. . . : . MASON I II Mi 50c. Per Dozen AT Luce Bros. Scranton and Taylor. ON OTHER SIDEOF CHANNEL Some Events of the Day on the West Side of the City Noted, SOCIAL FOR MISS BL'NELL It Was Given at the Homo of Mr. and Mrs. Henry klino. of South Hyde Park Avenuo Personals and News Notes. (The West Side Interests of The Tribune have been placed in the hands of Emer son Owen, to whom all news announce ments and complaints may be addressed.) At the South Hyde Park avenue home of Mr. und Mrs. Henry Kline lust even ing an enjoyable party was held in honor of Miss "Winnie Bunell, of Allen town, who Is visiting here. (Many of our young people attended and for several hours passed a delightful even ing In various social amusements. Messrs. fieorge Rowlands and Thomas Thomas figured In the vocal endeavors of the evening. At midnight refresh ments were served. tMiss Bunell has attracted many frlend since her short stay here and the demonstration last evening proved her popularity. Those who attended were: Misses Jennie Lawrence. Father Thomas. -Lizzie Lawrence, Anna Williams, Clara Ross Kelley, Llsxie Batt. Ella Cobb, Ixnilse Corless, ..Mume Kromer, 'Mamo Faton. F.lla lloyles. Lizzie llredllne, Rose Shneffer, the .Misses Stetter, Min nie Holing, Martha Beach, Ella Staff, Jennie Jones. Johanna Davis, Mame Williams. Mame E. Schlechter, Sally E. Met.. Jennie Lewis, Hattle Williams Etta .Stuff, Mattle Batt, Kitty Brown and Cora Williams: Messrs. 'Brown, leorge Shaeffer, Will Thomas, Will Sof(ly. Dan Tralnor, Dan Thomas, Harry Relnhart. Elmer Wilson, Frank Shaeffer, John Beagle, Jay Reese, Bert Sherman, Thomas Thomas, C. 'H. Der by, John A. Tonkin. M. Staff. Sam Pelrce, W. "l. Oaughnn, 'E. A. Schwurs, Oeorge Rowlands. Mr. Rosar. Mr. O'lbbs, Charles Mansfield, Charles Brennahan, Bert (Use. There Ih much talk current as to the formation of a semi-professional thea trical company on this side to produce plays during the coming winter. That there Is talent here Is a certainty and the enterprise needs only a good busi ness management to make a success of the venture. Among those who could furnish an evening's entertainment are the Misses (Margaret flilibs, the talent ed elocutionist: Martha Davis, a reol tatlonlst of ability; Kitty M. Brown. hIso a recltatlonlst; May Fisher, and Messrs. .Myron Evans. C. E. House, Will Reynolds. Horace Johns and the well known artist. Harry Storms. (Mr. Storms would make and acceptable ager. Social Inst Evening. Socials were held last evening at the Simpson Methodist church and at the Tabernacle church. At the former the Epworth league held forth, with a re ception to Its members, who have been summering out of town. The event was very much enjoyed by a large at tendance. Refreshments were for sale and the patronage was largo. At the Tabernacle, n novel cob web social was held. A large crowd attended, and were caught In the web of the en tertainment. A neat sum of money was obtained as a result of the enter prise. Another social was held at the home of Mrs. Moore, on South Main avenue. William MeAndrew Dead. William MeAndrew, an old resident, died yesetrday morning at his home, on North Sumner avenue. He had been a sufferer for about four months and death was expected. Jiecensed' was a life-long resident of this side, and was well known. He is survived 'by a wife and seven children. Their names are: William, Frank, John, James, iMary, Delia and Kate. The funeral will be held Saturday. Unterment will be made In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. News Notes and Personals. The Indies of St. David's church will hold a peach cream social next Tuesday evening. Mrs. John Williams, of .Bellevue, Is seriously 111. .Her recovery is doubt ful. Eddie Davis, the lad who was assault ed by Jimmy 'Dean, Is recovering. . Miss Lorctta Flanaghan, of Hamp ton street, has returned from a sojourn nt Crystal 'Lake. The .Misses Lizzie Stnnton nnd (Mar garet Burns, of Pleasant street, have returned from a visit to friends at Wllkes-Barre. The Ladies' Aid sorlety of the Scran ton Street Baptist church held a sup per last evening at the home of Mrs. Moore, of 414 South iMaln avenue. A social was enjoyed in the evening by a large crowd. Mrs. Moore entertained her gueBts in a hospitable manner. D. T. Evans has returned from Wllkes-Barre. Airs. iP. W. fl Wallow, of S87 North Bromley avenue, called on Plttstoro friends yesterday. Falrchlld's hotel Is receiving the fin ishing touches on the recently built front. Clarke Bros.' new building; Is about Completed. Mrs. .Mumaw and Miss Grace Itoberl son, of Hasleton, who were visiting- at the home of their uncle on North Re becca avenue, returned home yesterday, Miss Delia .Roberts, daughter of (Mr. and iMrs. John Roberts, of Decker's court, was quietly married In Blng hamton last week to Judson Lltman, of Jackson street. They are residing at present with She bride's parents, but will In a few days begin housekeeping on the West tstde. (Mrs. F. P. . Ooty and son, Howard, are attending the annual convention of the Lackawanna county ' Women's Christian Temperance union, now In session In the Presbyterian church at Peckvllle. - West Hide Business Directory. BICYCLES - repaired, ' scissors ground, tools sharpened, saws filed, keys fitted, machines repaired by W. L. Bteenback, dealer In Ouns, Fishing Tackle, under West Side Bank. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet photos, 11. per dosen. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourrelf by calling at Staroer'i Photo Parlors, lot and 103 South Mala . avnue. BARBER. Hair cutting and shaving done In a flrst-class manner at John It. Rey nold's Barber Shop, at Falrchlld's Hotel CRIX'ERiES Revere Standard Java Coffee is unexcelled. The leading coffee of the day. Kor sale only at F. W. Ma son Co. Fine Groceries, 111 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE CASH for anything you have to sell. Furni ture, Stoves. Tools, etc. Call and see the stork of J. C. King, 1024 and 102 Jackson street. WALL PAPER-Oo to Fred Reynolds, 200 North Main avenue, and see his complete line of Wall Pawr. Paints and Window Shades. Just opened with new stock. PLUM Bl NO William D. Ortmths, lit North Main avenue, doek tlrst-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Batisfactlon is strictly guaranteed. PAPER DID NOT PAY. W. C. Tnnstall Is Suing to Hoover Money as a Consequence. Attorneys M. A. (McOlnley, W. W. Lath rope amk David W. Brown sat as arbitrators yesterday and heard testi mony In the assumpsit suit of W. C. Tunetall. publisher of the Providence Register, ugulnst Joseph F. Bannis ter. Simon iLuuor, C. W. Wcstpfahl, Harry C. ilaak, tleorge Frable.-llenry T. Koe'hler, L. C. Armbrust, John Blat ter, A. F. .Stokes. W. H. Coons and B. S. Eimory for a debt of ?M .89. Attor ney James J. H. Hamilton represented the defendants, and Ross & Vldaver the plaintiff. The defendants some time ago or ganized a stock company to publish a paper called the "Sons of America," representing the Interests of the Patri otic Order Sons of America In Lack awanna county. The paper was print ed 'In the olilce of the Providence Reg ister. They (had ft meeting one evening and appointed Barry Hopewell manager of the Sons of 'America and at that time the assets exceeded the liabilities, it is alleged. IMr. Hopewell was empow ered to collect all -bills, etc., and lie claims that the revenues did not flow in quickly enough to liquidate the obli gation, for which they now are sued. Mr. Hopewell, as manager of tho Sons of .America, was agent of Mr. Tunstall, of the Register. . The testimony of the plaintiff show ing the agreement was heard and part of the testimony of the defendants. 1492 AT FROTIIINGIIAM. Attracted on Audlcnco Which Taxed tho Capacity of the House. Rlchardi Jlarlow, chic Bessie Botiehlll and Ross Snow carried "141)2" through with a swing and a dash at the Froth Ingham last night, although it was the first night of the company's road sea son. It was never intended that "1492" should be dissected or seriously con sidered. It won't stand that sort of treatment. As an amalgamation of cleverness, now. alas, somewhat behind date In spots, It Is most enjoyable if you don't dip below the surface. Conceived to entertain and please It was made redolent of life, color and ac tion to accomplish that purpose. Every stage grouping was arranged with an eye to artistic effect and a series of attractive pictures are the result, which appeal to one sense, while bright dialogue and lively music do to an other. To add variety the Kllanyl living pic tures are Introduced. They were given last evening under the direction of Herr Kllanyl with the attention to coloring and detail which made each picture pre sented almost an exact copy of the ori ginal. Bessie Bonehlll was a favorite from the moment she appeared upon the stage. She Is a very versatile and en tertaining young woman. Richard Har low was every Inch a queen In appear ance. His make-up wus a work of art. Ross Snow demonstrated that, as the King of Spain and Charley Tatters, he Is a worthy successor to Walter Jones, who crented the roles. 'Mr. Know Is a comedian of more than ordinary clever ness. An sudlence that taxed the cnpaclty of the house saw the performance. MANY CROWDED SCHOOLS. West Side Building Are Especially Af fected and Transfers Are Necessary. During the next week Superintend ent of Schools Phillips will make a number of transfers of students In or der to relieve some of the buildings, which are now overcrowded. Nos. 14, 15. IX and ill. on the West Ride, are taxed to t'helr utmost capacity. There are over 800 students In No. 14. and as the building cannot comfortably ac comodate this vast number. It has been determined to transfer one of the primary classes to the annex. Forty pupils will also 'be transferred from No. 36 to 'No. 32 In order to relieve the former. The dividing lines between Nos. 27 and 28 were yesterday ilxed bv Superin tendent iphilllps. All children living north of Delaware street and east of Sanderson avenue In the old No. 28 dis trict will die accomodated at the new No. 27. All otihers will go to No. 28. Six rooms have already been opened up at No. 27 and two new rooms will be opened immediately. Owens' Fur Store Closed. Sheriff Frank H. Clemens closed the fur Btore of George W. Owens, of Spruce street, yesterday morning on three execu tions amounting to t2.3lil.37. The creditors nre: .Mary M. Owens, tl.1AI.7l: Peter Egler, t-li2, And the John Kusx'.t's Fur company, of New York, tl7.Cii. The sale will take place next Monday morning be tween the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock. SPECIAL CLOSING OUT SALE OF EDWIN C. BURT & CO.'S FINE SHOES. We have decided to close oat this entire took of Pine Shoes and Slippers at actual cost. These Shoes are all in perfect condition no eld styles or shelf worn goods. This Is a rare opportunity of obtaining the highest grade Footwear at tho prices usually paid for ordl nary Bhoes. Call and examine them while the stock Is oom Diets. lie ttfiii store union LIMITED.) CORNER LACKl. IRD JEFFERSON IVES. HOTEL VENDOME, BROADWAY and FORTY-FIR ST ST., NEW YORK CITY. A Modern Fireproof Hotel containing 800 rooms, 200 with bath and toilet 'attached. EUROPEAN PLAN. Good Rooms, (1.&C: Large Rooms. S3, and With private bath 92.511 and upward per day. RESTAURANT. CUISINE AND . , 8ERVICE UNEXCELLED, la close proximity to the principal theatres and the shopping district. Fire minutes from Orand Central and jtJ5 onore uepois. LOUIS L TODD, Owner. J. n. jife, AMUSEMENTS. THE FROTHINGHflM, Wagner Kcis, Lessees and Managers. . FRIDAY IRQ SATURDAY, SEPT. 13 AND 14, '' - Engagement of and bis distinguUlicd company tn snporb pro ductions uf L'husio flays. Sat Matinee ffSTAs this uttraction docs not Pluy in Wilkcs-Harrc, ull orders by muil or telegraph promptly ut tended to. Hale of scats opens at tkix Office Wednesday to. ui. DAVIS' THEATRE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sept 16, 17,18, AFTERNOON AND EVFNING. THK BI.AZINO Sl'N OK THE KAKCE COMEDY SKY, The Prodigal Father The Most Exponsive Puree-Comedy Organ ization ever seen on tour. S THE MOUNTEBANK THE LION'S MOUTH nam It Is Fresh. It Is Snappy. It Is Strong. It Is Yaried. It Is Brilliant. It Is Fetching. PRICES AS UBL'AL-IOc, 20c. and 30c WHY SUFFER When yon can have your eyes scientifically Tested Free bv the new method. tVThers are hundreds of people if they knew this, would go miles to have their examined. DON'T WAIT. WWhon yon got lenses, or ('asset, as' many people call them. Got the Best, as they won't cost yon any more tnun poorer ones. Do not trust yourvaluable sight to ped dlera. The ACRO-CRYSTAL LENSES will correct the vision and stop all pain In the head. Placed Id tbe Finest Solid Gold Frames for J3 Th-so Legtos are sold only by De WITT, EYE SPECIALIST AND JEWELER Oppcslte Scranton House. 303 Lackawanna Ave., SCRANTON, PA. Hours Daily: I to 11 a. m., 1 to 5 and 7 to S p. m. TUB TRADERS Monal Bank ot Scranton. OROANIZED 1890. CAPITAL 250,000 SURPLUS, $40,000 MM BAMtTEt, ITTNEa, President. W. W. WATSON, Vice-President. A. a WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Samuel nines, James M. Kverhart, I nr. Ing A. Finch, Pierce B. Flnloy, Joseph J. Jermyn. M. 8. Komerer. Charles P. Mat thews. John T. Porter, W. W. Watson. and LIBERAL. mat bonk Invites the patron ore at bus. kssas men end Arms ceneroly. HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED. DR. JOHN HAMLIN, The Acknowledged Expert in Horseshoeing and Dentistry, la Now Permanently Located on West Lackawanna Ave., Near the Bridge. ESTABLISHED IB 70.1 GILHOOL'S CARRIAGE WORKS. CUrlam. Badness Wieoas, Bmtrlaf. Hem Bhoelng, Psintiaoad Upkolnterlnf. Hos. A til, tt, & aVreuU street Soros too. Fa. This And Show Is Has Now Won Right Its On Way Top life EYES AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF. MUSIC, FRIDAY MD S1TURD1T, SEPT. Q MD 14. Saturday Matinee. Here is where we all laugh. "A GREEN GOODS HAN," The Big- Farce-Comely Buocess. inter preted by a strong company. FRANK R. JACKSON. the Bh.iifr In "Old Jed Prouty" for Are years, BARRY MAXWELL, late with Charles IL Hoyt The famous Barefoot Trilby Cancers, Misses Chartressnd Raycieta, Hale of seats opeus Bpt 11 at o'clock, Prices IS, 2, 51) and 7.rm. ; matinee is and five. - - - 4 ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Monday and Tuesday, Sept. IU and 1 7 WALTER SAN FORD'S Superb Production of tbe Ureat Bcenic Melodrama, The Struggle of Life Battery Park In Winter Rutgers Slip in a Snow Storm Exterior of St Patrick's Cathedral Typical Dance Hall in Water St Death Trap In a Deserted Cellar Hale ot seats opens Saturday, Kept, li, at t o'clock. Keitular prices. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 13. America's FavorlteComedienne, JOLLY NELLIE McHENRY, Presenting tbo Latest Musical Faroe Craze THE BICYCLE GIRL PRETTY GIRLS, NEW MUSIC, CATCHY DANCES, JLABORITE COSTUMES Bale of tests opens Monday moraine-, Rent. 18. at o'clock. LAUREL HILL PARK Scranton, Pa., AN INSTANTANEOUS SUCCESS This Week' Second and Last Pain's Gorgeous Production, LAST DAYS OF POMPEII The Most Dazzling. Realistic and Magnificent Scene Ever Shown to the Public. 350 Performers on tlie open air stage 350 Keallstic Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius Orand Balluts, Brilliant Pageants, American and Europeau Specialties. $1,030 FIREWORKS DISPLAY NIGHTLY $1,000 SPECIAL NIGHTS: Friday, Orand Army Nlfrht Saturday, . . . firoinen's Might General admission 25c re served seats 25c. and 50c extra, box seat SI. GATES OPEN AT 7.30; PERFORMANCE AT I Single Fare for Round Trip on all Koads Entering Scranton. Apply to yonr nearest station aif-nt. In c9h t rain ticket!) Kood for next elnar night. (W Dun't inias this opportunity to see the greatest spectacle of tbe ae. f DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT A TRIP TO On the Brotherhood of Loco motive Firemen's Excursion Saturday, September 14th. Would Be a Source of Pleasure to You ? ROUND TRIP TICKETS, $2. HALF FARE will be charged from towns up and down tbe valley to Scran ton anil return. Htrcct cars will run on all lines to connect with excursion train morning and uigut at D L. & W. depot, Scran ton. t rT-TrsIn lenvos D.. L. W. dejiot st 0.00a. tn.: arrive nt Beach at 11. Ju a.m. Litare Peach at 6.:W p. in. I'atorer llanley. t,f the D . L. ft W. Dining Konuis, will furnish rcfreh ments of all kind which is a aunran tee that the quality and price will suit all. i I I ' i j 4i -A itllmr tattdUa dolimr senna." n Tssstdlas'Hnlift Fmeta Psesjsas KldBw. i mm itiii Hi 1 1 - - f-1- - " nmrnnuH, ami vnm, or Postal Note far Bqnsls enty wsy SSS seoss sold la oil rstad Hens far S'i.M. We make tola sees oaraehes, tteieleie we fmaf antf the ju, Uff mmm swap. i II any ene is set awasise will or Msd another pair. Opsra Toe or uosnscw ummm. widths CD,I,t KB. 1 to sad oobT llhistralssl rncc FEDERAL ST., . Ettial ttrmu U Dmitn. HE HAS. FOUND IT SO QAI YOU. 'A' , fin, the best place In the city to get flshlnf tackle and sportsmen's supplies. That STERLING WHEEL, of his Is a beauty, aodu for quality well, Um Otkers an aet la it Opea eYtnint. POPULAR, PLEASING J il4..tS?!aV .a Kk s I isr Jriv;""v. r ii "Tt in , !i J1U II IT II U ll 1 1 Din
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers