The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 13, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Horriiian & Uooro
120 Wyoming Ave.
- Washington Avenue.
Regularly In all parts or the dtj. HT
nviultsed your uropspoauu.
308 Penn Ave. A. 0. WARMAN.
Tbat we bate the Latest
Fall Novelties in
Wall Paper,
Drapery and
Do not fail to see our
new Drapery and Cur
tains before yon boy.
The Baptist Ministers' association will
banquet in this city next Monday at l.Sj)
p. m.
Patrolman Lona Dav yesterday shot
mad dog owned toy a Raymond court
Their will be a meetinir of the Knaurth
league of Elm Park church tonight to
elect a third vice president. All members
re requested to be prenest.
Rev. W. A. Noble, a returned mission
ary from Corea, will ureach In the Meth
cdtst church at Taylor on Hubbath morn
ing, aepc. 13, at iu.45 o'clock.
The meeting of the St. Aloyslus so
ciety oi ine cameurui pa run was not
held last evening, but was adjourned until
ine nrsi i nursuay n:gnt or October.
Rev. Father O'Callahan. of the Paul!-t
fathers, giving the mission at St. John's
church, South Side, will deliver the ser
mon at the cathedral next Sunday at the
iv. m mass.
A new map of the city of Scranton and
Dunmore has Just been Issued by Tay
lor's Directory company. The map is
right up to date and Is a valuable posses
sion for any one.
Charles Ford was arrested yesterday for
Dealing n;s way irom Jersey City to his
home In Bloomsburg. Alderman Millar,
after hearing the man's hard luck story,
Mowed him to go.
The Syracuse and Pleasant Beach ex
cursion on Saturday will bo very largely
attended. The locomotive Firemen have
arranged lor sufficient cars so that there
will be no crowding.
A marriage license was Issued by Dep
uty Clerk of the Courts Kmll R. Honn yes
terday to Charlts t'olvln, of Tunkhun
nock, and Agnes O'Malley, of Scranton,
both-21 years of age.
Harry Bimrell, white and Oeorge John
eon, colored, two Vine street lads, who
ran away from home Wednesday, were
picked up In Wllkes-Rarre yesterday by
the police and sent home. Neither of them
Is over 12 years of age,
Sal va tore Revacqua, of Carbondale, was
committed to the county jail last night by
Alderman S. 8. Jones. His bondsman sur
rendered Bevacqua. who was arrested,
suspected of having been concerned In
the destroying of property by exploding
dynamite. Scalzo, the arch conspirator in
this affair, skipped out and bevacqua was
preparing to emulate .him.
Annie Smith yesterday had her washer
woman, Alice Wilson, arraigned before
Alderman Millar on the charge of larceny
by bailee. Miss Smith alleges that M!rs
Wilson failed to return a black silk
chemise, a pair of black and white silk
stockings and some other articles which
were among the wash. The alderman
continued the hearing until next Thurs
day. Both parties live In one of the cen
tral city courts.
William Thomas, a colored man whom
Constable Carman arrested for assault
and battery on m white woman named
Kdna Williams, broke away from the of
ficer leaving half his vest in the officer's
grasp. Thomas then mvde down Ray
mond court and has not since been heard
of. A ticket for Wllkes-Karre, which
might have served the fugitive In his
fight, was found In the part of the vest
-which WIHiams left behind.
The Atlanta committee met yesterday
afternoon to report concerning the exhi
bits sent to Atlanta. They were forward
ed on Monday, after being packed by
Welchel at Millar and Photographer Orlf
fin. It is considered that Lackawanna
county will make a most creditable ex
hibit. Carbondale has contributed a share
In sending for the woman's building the
books of Mrs. M. B. S. Rassett and for the
collection of relics a Bible of 1615 and a
portion of Fayalese dress by Mrs. Charles
Lee. The sum of $30 has been received to
ward the statues. It Is hoped that more
will be subscribed this week. Among those
have contributed are Mrs. JI. M. Boies,
Mrs. K. H. Ripple, Miss Jessie Conncll,
Mrs. J. I Crawford, Mrs. J. I... Connell,
Mrs. I. F. Everhart, Mrs. Alex. Dunn,
J. U Crawford will send his petrified tree
this morning. Much credit Is due to Pho
tographer Dillon who contributed so mnny
beautiful views of scenery In this locality
and also to Pho.ogrnpher Frey for his line
photographs of handsome public build
ings. j
Three Names Selected to Send to Rome
in Halation to Coadjntorshlp.
At announced In The Tribune exclu
sively yesterday there was a meeting
of the twelve priests known as con
eultors of the Scranton diocese In the
afternoon at the Episcopal residence on
Wyoming avenue, for the purpose of
electing three names to send to Home;
from these names and three sent by
Archbishop Ryan Pope. Leo XIII will
elect " coadjutor for the diocese to
sstst Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Hara.
The twelve priests met. but their
nominations are a secret among
themselves and) will so remain. The
three names were sealed In a packet
nd will b transmitted through the
mall to Rome.
, F.llas railed a Qun. '
During a disturbance In Glynn's hotel,
t South Taylor, last night, Thomas 11 as
nd Daniel Davis become engaged In a
flgtjt, which resulted in Ellas pulling out a
revolver and. attempting to shoot Davis.
Bystanders disarmed Ellas and prevented
' .
: ' Fane Jersey Washes Dans'. ' ' "
, 78c, tl.OP to !.. E. O. Coursen. ' ' j '
'Monsoon' Tea better tea than you
mm svsr known and very economical.
SoSays Councilman Kochc Concerning
Valley Passenger Railway.
Mr. Roche Speaks Out in Meeting Aboat
Matter Which lias Been Whispered
About of Late-Both Branches
of Council In Session.
In considering the ordinance for the
Valley iPaasenger Mailway company's
proposed extension to Petersburg iu se
lect council last nlifht Mr. Roche
touched upon a matter which has been
mentioned only in a whisper hereto
fore. It Is the nvalldlty of the valley
Passenger railway company's fran
chises undtr which the Scranton Trac
tion company Is now oeratliiK miles
of electric railways in this city.
LMr. Roche suid that the franchises
were invalid because of a recent de
cision of court which held that u street
railway company must necessarily se
cure the right of way over the entire
length of Its proposed line before It can
make use of any of the privileges
grunted by any -lty, borough or town
along Its route. The Valley Passenger
company, Mr. 'Roche sum, hud se
cured the right of way over Scranton
streets on the strength of their inten
Hon to construct a road) up and down
the valley. They fulled to secure many
of the franchises which wvre necessary
for the completion of the original plans,
consequently, not having carried out
their expressed intentions, the tain
chlses which they did secure revert to
the city, borough or town which grant
ed them.
Contention of Mr. Wagner.
Mr. Wagner contended that the law
only applied to townships and bor
oughs, butlMr. Roche, who had evident
ly anticipated this objection, stated
that he hud consulted a lawyer upon
thut very point and hud been given as
surance that Mr. Wagner's interpreta
tion was not correct.
Mr. 'Roche explained that his object
In bringing this matter to the atten
tion of councils was that the councils
might provide against future contln-
gi'iicles which 'might arise If the law
was strictly enforced. One of these
contingencies Is that in case the street
railway company is compelled to tear
up Its tracks the city will be liable for
dumugc to pavements, which are luid
at property holders' private expense.
The matter was too Important for
nasty consideration so council let It
pass for the present, unil also passed
the franchise ordinance with a few
amendments, chief among which were
provisions for paving twelve Inches on
each side of both tracks and compelling
ine company to give transfers on In
tersecting as well as connecting lines.
i.Mr. Chittenden, for the committee on
resolutions. Introduced the following
resolutions on the death of Charles l-
Mattes, for so many years a member
or scranton councils, and known
familiarly as 'The Father of the Coun
Resolution! of Sympathy.
Whereas, Almluhtv Uod I n the exercise
of His dlvino w:ll has removed from this
world ana the busy cares of life, Charles
F. Mattes, for many years un honored
member of select council, ami
Whereas, This body desires to place
upon reeoru ineir prorouno grier at the
death of their former associate: therefore
be It
Resolved. That the services rendered the
city of SiTHiiton by Charles F. Mattca
during the time he represented the Sev
enteenth ward in select council were in
keeping with his virtuous character. Immi
nently practical In affairs, he was tire
less ln,h:s industry, clear and comprehen
sive in his perceptions, bold and efficient
In the discharge or every duty; and as
temperate an I methodical In his habits
us he va tenacious and reliable in his
Risolved, That the members of select
council extend to the family of the lie
ceased their deepest sympathy in the dis
tressing loss they have sustained.
Resolved. That these resolutions he
spread upon the minutes and that a suit
ably engrossed copy be presented to the
bereaved family as an evidence of our
C. E. Chittenden,
M. J. Hums,
R. II. Williams.
Council reconsidered its action of the
previous meeting In the matter of send
ing Fred Durr to the tire cniets con
vention In Augusta, On., and substi
tuted the chief of the fire department
In hrs place. A petition was received
from Jenkln Lewis of (Main avenue, Fif
teenth. ward, complaining of the public
cattle pound which Is within ten feet of
his door and praying that councils
abolish It. He said that the stench was
so great and the bellowing and bark
ing of Impounded animals was so dis
turbing that he would have to move
out of his house If ithe nuisance was not
done aw.iy with. It was decided final
ly to refer the matter to the sanitary
Fixing the Salaries.
The board of revision and appeals or
dinance, fixing the salary of members
ait 13 a day and providing for a joint
session to elect "the board was passed
on third reading and sent over to com
mon council, where It was passed on
first and Becond readings. The ordin
ance transferring the Jlu.OOO viaduct ap
propriation to the fund for completing
the approaches to the bridges took the
same course.
The following ordinances also passed
third reading: For paving AVebster
avertue; for the construction of a latemi
sewer on Oapouse avenue between
Marlon and Oreen Ridge streets; for the
settlement of Stephen Jones' claim for
$2,200; for the Improvement of Ninth,
Robinson and Jackson streets; for grad
ing Fllmore avenue between Wash
burn and lHampton streets; for con
structing a sewer on Irving avenue
north of Mulberry street; forbidding
the laying of cement sidewalks; for
flagstone sidewalks on Washington ave
nue between trlbson ana inive streets;
for narrowing and paving the roadway
on Wyoming avenue between Marlon
and Larch streets; ror grading jiamp
ton street west of Main avenue.
Mr. Williams reported tne railway
committee's favorable consideration
of the ordinance granting the Valley
Passenger Railway company the right
of Wflr to Petersburg. Accompanying
the committee s report was a resolution
directing the company to seek a route
other than over Myrtle street, owing
to the 14 per cent, grade on that thor
iMr. Lauer, of tho parks committee,
reported a resolution directing the
proper city officials to secure an option
on Tripp's woods, which resolution was
" For Paving Olive Street.
An ordinance was Introduced by Mr.
Chittenden providing for paving Olive
street, between tMadlson and Monroe
avenues. The ordinance was referred
for printing. Mr. . Coyne's ordinance
for guttering and curbing Fig street.
In the Twentieth ward, was referred
to come up at the next meeting.
Raft of New Measures Introduced In the
- l-ower Branch.
In addition to concurring In numer
ous measures sent over from select
council, the lower branch last night
passed upon the following new meas
ures: A resolution requiring the street
commissioner to submit a monthly re
port of the number of aliens employed
on city work and compensation paid;
a resolution appropriating 150 to defray
the expenses or tne firemen's parade;
a resolution requiring the street com
missioner to construct approaches to
Leggett's Creek bridge; an ordinance
providing for a lateral sewer on Penn
Avenue, In the Thirteenth ward; an or
dinance, establishing wages to be paid
men employed on city work as follows
teamsters. St: mechanics, 12.50; lalwr-
ers. $1.50; a resolution for opening
Hampton street from Merldan street
to Fourth street; an ordinance for
lateral sewer on -Hyde Park avenue.
In the Fourth ward: a resolution
changing the West Wide fire alarm
station from the Oxford to the Central
mine; a resolution directing the chair
man of the lire department committee
to buy the Crystals effects.
The bills of the Taylor Water com
pany of f&.50, for supplying water, and
of $100, for setting tire plugs on Helle
vue Heights, were referred to the Light
and Water company with instructions
to look Into the meagre supply fur
nished people ou the West Side of the
They Are Anxious to Benefit by the New
lee Bill.
The state legislature two years ago
revived the statute providing for the
remuneration of Justices of the pence,
aldermen in cities, and constables, but
the county commissioners of this coun
ty und those of several counties of the
statu have refused to pay the fees under
the new fee bill on the ground that the
law Is unconstitutional, at has tin
creased the fees of the constables.
The constables of this county met at
Prtceburg Wednesday afternoon and
decided not to accept any more fees
from the county commissioners until
the Supreme court makes a ruling on
the law. A tost case has gone up from
the xauphln county court.
Charged with Trying to Intimidate Wit
nouses In the Visnlsklo Murder Case.
Joseph Gulberk, a Polish Interpreter,
who resides on Houtn wasnington ave
nue, was arrested yesterday by Detec
tive Stephen Dyer and held for court
to answer the charge or embracery,
Ualbcrk was the 'interpreter in the
Vlsluskie murder case when the com
mittment proceedings were on before
Alderman -Fuller In July last, and when
he was yesterday seen buttonholing
wltiutises who were to appear before
the grand jury in the same case, the
police decided to keep a watchful eye
on him. Their vigil was rewarded by
the discovery that Ualbcrk had a wit
ness In tow und was taking him to the
oftlce of M. A. McUInley, counsel for
Went to Attorney's Office.
They were In the attorney's office for
over un hour, the police claim. W lien
they emerged the witness was cornered
and admitted that he had been told It
was not necessary for him to appear
at the trial. This particular witness,
whoso name Is Yancowskl, is the moat
Important witness for the common
wealth, as he was present when the
shooting took place and Is the only wit
ness of the murder who Is not friendly
to the accused.
Chief Simpson, upon hearing that this
bold attempt to get rid of his witnesses
was being made, directed Detective
Dyer to have Oalberk arrested. When
the officer approached hlin and accused
him of tampering with the witnesses
he made a denial, but did not want to
be further Interviewed. He skipped
down stall's and fled from the building.
but was subsequently arrested on a
warrant and given a 'hearing before Al
derman Fuller, where Yancowskl and
another witness named Anthony Re
beck swore that Galbeck tried to Influ
ence them by telling them It was not
necessary for them to appear before
the grand Jury.
Ualbcrk Held In Doll.
The alderman held him In $500 ball to
appear at court. Oalberk was sent up
to the county jail, but later In the
arternoon was released, his father,
Leopold Galburk, qualifying as bonds
man. The transcript In his case was
placed In the hands of District Attorney
Jones yesterday afternoon and today
tne case will be laid before the grand
Discovery Mode By Mrs, Lancaster in
Mrs. Lungdon's Apartments.
Oeorge H. 'Lancaster, superintendent
of the Scranton Vitrified Brick and Tile
Manufacturing com puny, wus lust
night arrested -In the apartments of a
Mrs. 'Iangdon, alias 'Robinson, at No.
107 Wyoming avenue, on a warrant He-
cured by IMrs. Lancaster, who charges
her husband with adultery. Lancaster
and rhe 'Langdun woman were In
dishabille when arrested, and were
locked In the central police station to
await a hearing before Alderman Mil
lar this morning.
The arrest of the pair was made pos
sible through a clever ruse planned by
the wronged wife, who alleges her hus
band has been guilty of a liaison with
Mrs. Langdon since last May.
IIokiis Telegram Sent.
'Mrs. Lancaster on Wednesday went
to Newfoundland, Wayne county, in
answer to a 'bogus telegram 'that her
mother was ill. From there she wired
her husband not to expect her home for
several days, but accompanied by her
father she came to Scranton last night
and procured the warrant from Alder
man Millar.
'Soon after 11 o'clock Lieutenant of
Police Davis, Patrolman Feeney, Mrs,
Lancaster and her father, Deputy Jor
dan, of the alderman's office, and a
Postal messenger boy filed up tho
stairs that lead to IMrs. Lungdon's
apartments, on the third floor of No.
107 Wyoming avenue.
The messenger boy was used as a
decoy to secure entrance to the rooms,
but the ruse didn't work, and the door
had to be burst open.
He Hid In tho Pantry.
Lancaster was found In the pantry.
He was clothed only In a robe de
chambre and stood with his coat in his
hand. At sight of him his wife be
came hysterical and was taken by her
rather to tne Conway house, where
they had secured rooms.
Mrs. 'Langdon wns also only airily
attired. The couple's clothing was dis
tributed about the rooms, showing that
they had made a hurried effort to
Mr. and iMrs. (Lancaster live at No.
IIS New York street, In Oreen Ridge.
They have been married thirteen years
and have two children, boys, aged 12
and 10 years. He Is quite generally
known among the business men of the
city. The Langdon woman Is attrac
tive, i
First Presbyterian Church Was Where the
F.ndcavorors' AnMiuhlod.
The sweltering weather did not Inter
fere with the attendance at the Chris
thin iRndeavor rally in the First Pres
byterian church last evening. The pro
gramme printed In The Tribune yester
day wan carried out. The chairmen of
the various Christian Rndeavur unions
In the city were appointed a committee
to prepare plans and arrangements for
the state convention that will be held
here in August, 18SKI.
Rev. W. H. Stubhleblne. pastor of
Calvary Reformed ICiilscopal church.
gave an earnest ami Interesting address
on the good effect the Erie convention
had on that city. Rev. U. L. Alrlch. of
Grace church, spoke In behalf of the
City Pastors' union. (He said that the
pastors were pleased to see the success
of the committee In securing the con
vention tor waranton. (
Rev. Warren O. Partridge, of the
Penn (A-venue Baptist church, gave an
earnest address and wlrthed the En
deavorern Godspeed In their work. He
said If any of them go to Cincinnati In
tne future to can on him at the Ninth
Street Baptist church and he will glad
ly weloome them. Rev. N. F. Stabl im
parted benediction.
Trial Blend Java and Moaha. 9a. 1
Best ooffee m lamerlca. Hi O. Coup.
sen. a ,
I'orcst City Selected for the Meeting
Next Year.
Resolutions Regretting the Departure of
Revs. Partridge and Collins-New Com
mittees Announced by President.
Adjourned During Afternoon.
The sessions of the Ablngton Baptist
association continued yesterday In the
Penu Avenue Baptist church, and
closed In the afternoon. Forest City
was chosen for next year's meeting.
The morning session opened with de
votional exercises. The committee on
missions' report was made by Rev. A.
U. o'Ncil, and the following addresses
were made: Rev. V. H. Conrad, D. D.,
of Philadelphia, on ''State Missions;"
Rev. Dr. Palmer, secretary of the
Home Missionary society, on "The
Work of the Society;" Rev. Dr. Fllppo
on "The Labors of the Publication So
ciety." Instead of Rev. J. L. Fielding, who
wus to have preached the doctrinal ser
mon. Rev. Dr. W. ii. Watklns, of the
North Main Avenue 'Baptist church,
preached a sermon from II Corinthians,
iv. 18.
Mrs. Jones, of. Philadelphia, who was
to huve addressed the Women's so
cieties Wednesday afternoon, but who
was unable to be present, made her
address yesterday morning. She rep
resented the Baptist Women's Foreign
Missionary society.
Resolutions regretting the departure
of (Mr. Partridge and Mr. Collins from
the district were presented by Rev. Dr.
1J. C. Hughes and were adopted as
The Partrldsa Resolution.
Whereas. Our most highly esteemed
brethren. Rev. Wurien O. Purtriuge, who
has been pustor of the Penn Avenue Uup
tist church of Scranton for over live years,
and itev. T. J. Collins, who hus been pus
tor of the First Baptist church of Scran
ton over seven years, ure about to leave
our association, und
Whereas, Moth these brethren have been
eminently faithful und useful In our asso
ciation work, therefore, be It
Resolved, Thut the departure of these
most highly esteemed brethren will be a
loss lo our association which It will be dif
ficult to estimate.
Resolved, That while we deeply deplore
our loss In their departure, we cordially
congratulate the churches and the cities
to which our beloved brethren are going,
and we prayerfully commend them to Uod
and to the world of His grace, and we
promise them the we earnestly pray that
Uod will bless them In thoir future labors
still mure abundantly than ever before.
After the resolutions were adopted
by a standing vote the two reverend
gentlemen feelingly thanked the con
Rev. H. H. Harris presented the mis
slonury report, which included a resolu
tion asking for more funds and which
with the report was adopted.
Names of Committeemen.
The following committees were an
nounced by the president:
Committee on Keystone Academy Rev,
W. U. Watklns, Rev. A. V. Browe, H. S.
Committee on Ordination Rev. M. J,
Watklns, Rev. Thomas Baker, C. F. Hall.
Committee on Temperance Rev. W. B.
Grow, Rev. J. L. Fielding, W. W. Put
terson. Committee on Obituaries Rev. H. H.
Harris, Rev. Charles Kmbery, H. w.
Committee on Benevolence Rev. J. R,
Ellis, Key. T. E. Jepson. O. W. Smith.
Committee on Education Rev. W. J.
Ford. Rev. A. B. O'Neill, A. W. Gardner,
A song and prayer Bervlce opened the
afternoon session. Rev. 'D. C. Hughes
read an interesting paper on church
discipline, and the Keystone Academy
report was presented by uev. vtarren
G. Part ridge. Following the history
of the Mt. Bethel church, the obitu
aries' report was made by Rev. W. B,
Grow, .
Annual Session of the, W. C. T. I'. Opened
Yesterday in Pcckvlllo -Three Interest
Ine Sessions Held.
The ninth annual convention of the
Women's Christian Temperance union
of Lackawanna county was opened yes
terday afternoon In the new Presby
terian church at Peckvllle. The formal
opening of the business session was
preceded with devotional exercises led
by Mrs. Doty
At 2 p. m. Mrs. D. B. Hand1, county
president, took the chair and declared
the convention opened for business.
The roll call by the secretary. Mrs. Klla
E. Rhodes, showed that all the county
officers were present. Addresses or wel
come bv Rev. B. C. Byer and Mrs. A. F,
Brundage then followed. Both were
full of cordial greetings ana gioweu
with rich tributes to the Women's
Christian Temperunco union for Its un
selnshneRs and the great work it had
accomplished In elevating not only wo
man herself, but humanity. Mrs. Gard
ner, of Moscow, responded In a few ap
propriate remarks, closing with a fine
recitation, wnlcn was receivea wun
applause. The president followed with
a short address.
Mrs. Simpson's Report.
Corresponding Secretary Mrs. C. D.
Simpson's report was full of encourag
ing Item. "The open doors of churches.
free access to the press and many other
features give the organization a new
Impetus," she said. Green Ridge union
reported the largest number of enrolled
members. The treasurer, Mrs. J. B.
Slckler, of crmyn, reported $369 raised
for work In the county.
After reports from unions were heard
committees were appointed as follows:
on resolutlons-Mrs. Butler, Carbon
dale; Mrs. A. F. Yost, Hyde 'Park; Mrs.
John Harvey. Oreen Ridge; Mrs. A. F.
Brundage, Peckvllle; Mrs. Mary W.
Gardner, Moscow.
On credentlals-Mlss Frances Raub,
Mrs. E. Tewksbury, Scranton.
Grouping unions for delegates to
state conventionMrs. C. D. Simpson,
Scranton: IMrs. J. B. Slckler. Peckvllle.
Rev Mr. 'Morgan, of Olyphant, was
Introduced and made a few remarks
Just before the close of the afternoon
session. Delegates were assigned
places of entertainment and the con
vention udjourned to meet at 7.30 p. m.
Tho feature of the evening session
was an address by Miss Elizabeth
Yates, of Maine, one of the most elo
quent members of the union.
Listened to with Interest
Miss Yates was listened to with In
tense Interest as she gave an historical
discourse on the various' movements
of the temperance cause, from the first
sermon preached In .Maine In 1786 to the
Washington 'movement, touching Inci
dentally upon the John B. Clough and
Francis Murphy crusades. She proved
very clearly that total abstinence was
the only salvation and characterized
the crusade as a wonderful movement.
There was, she said, no greater evi
dence that Ood answers prayer than
that which followed that great crusade
In the formation of the Women's Chris
tian Temperance union.
The license system was well ventilat
ed. She argued that -high or low li
cense never diminished the 'drink traf-
fic. Defense system was ' no remedy,
she raid. Prohibition was Hhe best
means brought to bear for the suppres
sion of the saloon. Liquor men'a asso.
ciatlona furnish thousands of dollars
to defeat the Prohibition amendment
In various states, showing how thv
dread its effect. -"--
Enfranchisement for Women.
Enfranchisement of woman la neces
sary for the destruction of the saloon.
Law Is not automatic, It must be backed
by a live constitution. A, prohibiting
law will become as a rusty aword unless
It Is wielded by officers of the law.
What we need la not public eentlmtnt,
but personal conviction to make law
effective. The great lesson to learn is
that unless we destroy the liquor traf
fic it will destroy us. Lessons of history
teach us that we are not too young, as
a nation, to die for our sins.
Miss Y'ates closed with an appeal to
temperance people to cease being pas
sive side and become aggressive.
Today the annual reports of the su
perintendents will be heard, and offi
cers for the next year elected. Mrs. W.
Frank and Mrs. O. L. Field will lead
the devotional exercises. Business will
be brought to a close with the afternoon
Michael O'Day. of Meridian Street, After
$5,000 Damages.
Hubert Ouggan, of Meridian street,
was brought to the sheriffs otllce yes
terday on a capias growlnir out of a
suit for damugea In the sum of $ri,000
In which ho Is the defendant. A neigh
bor, Michael O'IDay, is the plaintiff.
Deputy (Sheriff J. D. Ferber mudu the
On Aug. 31 last Duggan Is charged
with having struck OlDay with a brick,
knocking him down and trampling upon
him lying supinely In the dust, with
such force as to 'break O' Day's left arm.
And he .Is alleged to have persevered In
his assault until he made pettlpieces
out of O'Day's clothes.
The plaintiff wants damages In the
sum named. Duggun could not fur
nish ball In the sum of $1,000 and was
sent to the county Jail.
Attended by a l.nrgo Number of Persons
from Ills l.ato Residence.
The funeral of F. A. Beamish was
held yesterday morning at o'clock.
At the family residence on River street
large numbers of friends gathered to
pay their tlnal respect to the deceased.
Many from out of town were present.
The line of currlages wus very long,
the South Side having turned out ul
most en imusse to do honor to the de
parted. There were many prominent citizens,
city and county officials at the funeral.
Among the out-of-town persons pres
ent were noticed Judge and Mrs. Jiyhn
Lynch, of Wllkes-diarre; Aldcrmun
Donahoe, of 'Wllkes-iHarre; Mr. and
Mrs. T. 'R. Callery, of Nanticoke, and
Mrs. 'P. P. Callery, of 'Plymouth; M. W.
Loftus, of IMoosIc; John Q. Lee and
James Lee, of 'Plymouth; P. McDonuld.
of Carbondale; and T. A. 'Hendrlck. of
Jermyn; und Airs. Patrick Leiiahun, of
Wilkes-liurre; thelMlsses Cosgrove and
Rutledge, of W'llkes-3iurre, and James
Comtskey, of Elmliurst.
Mass at St. Peter's Cathedral.
The cortege left the residence at 9.30.
and at 9.45 a solemn high mass of
requiem was begun at St. Peter's
cathedral, celebrated by Rev. J. A. IM'c
Hugh, with Rev. J. A. O'Reilly dea
con, 'Rev. IM. J. Mlllane sub-deacon, and
Rev. J. B. Feeley master of ceremonies.
Other clergymen present were Rev. Fa
thers Coffey and Curran, of Carbon
dale; Healey, of M't. 'Pleasant; Crane,
of Avoca; McAndrew, of Wllkes-Barre;
MdManus, of Providence; Griffin, of
Honesdale; IMcAndrew, of Scranton,
and MdNally, of iHyde iPark.
The choir sang tho Oregorlan chant.
Professor W. (P. Schilling was the di
rector. IMrs. Schilling sang -the offer
tory solo. Father -Mottugh preached
the sermon from the text, "O death,
where Is thy sting; O grave, where is
thy victory?" The reverend speaker
said that he knew the deceased had
made a good final confession, received
the last sacraments of the church and
closed 'his eyes In peace. He spoke
very highly of the life and qualities of
the deceased, and urged all tho friends
to pray for his soul.
Interment In llvdo Park Cemetery.
Interment was made In Hyde Pnrk
Catholic cemetery. The pall-bearers
were Judge John Lynch, of Wllkes
Barre; ex Judge P. V. niilth. P. P. Cal
lery, of Plymouth; K. J. Lynett. C. O.
Roland and Alfred Twining. The flow
ers were carried by John Bradley, of
this city, and J. 'W. Kilpatrlck, of Car
bondale. Floral tributes were sent by
E. J. iLynett, 'Frank and B. H. .Megar
gee, John Bradley, M. W. Walton and
Alfred Twining.
Martin Delancy's Stock Being Sold.
The sale of Martin & Delaney'a Immense
stock Ib attracting a large crowd of pur
chasers daily. The bargains offered are
exceedingly rare. This entire stock, which
Is the finest in the city, must bo sold in
thirty days on account of financial dltll
cultles. A most complete line of men's,
boy's and children's clothes of cleuant
pattern and Intest style may be found
anion k this handsome stock, which is be
ing sold at a discount of from 20 to SO per
cent. In the merchant tailoring depart
ment a fino line of cloth pieces, suitings,
coutings and vcstlngs are for sale, con
siderably below the actual roBt.
Now Is tho time, and Martin & Delaney'4
Wyoming avenue store !s the plnce to buy
your fall and winter clothing, thereby
saving Bliont2ror W per cent, on your pur
chase. Don't forget our fine line of over
coats at prices simply surprising.
Reunion of War Telegraphers.
Veterans of the United States Military
Telegraph corps hold a reunion in New
York this week, and surviving members
are assembling from the most distant
points of the continent to exchange greet
ing and war talk. The programme Indi
cates a fine time for the boys who strung
and worked the field lines In the great
war. Scranton Is represented at the re
union by Rlohnrd O'Brien and Dr. J. E.
O'Brien with their families.
The dressmaking iparlors of Madame
L'Amoureaux, 612 Spruce street, are now
open. She hns Just returned from the
citv, and Is prepared to furnish all the
latest styles. Prices reasonable; satisfac
tion guaranteed.1
Partner wanted with from four to ten
thousand dollars cush. To take part or
whole of half Interest in a business that
will net from fifteen tot twenty thousand
dollars annually. All strictly confidential.
For Interview, address P. O. Box ifii,
Scranton, Pa. -
(ilobo Hotel.
Between the Academy of Music and the
Frothingham. Special rates made to the
atrical people and Jurors. Rates $1.00 to
$2.00 per day. Bird ft Flanaghan, Props.,
!9 Wyoming ave, Scranton, Pa,
Karly fall novelties In Indies' and misses'
sailors and bicycle hats at Haslacher's
Millinery, H. Langfeld, successor, 324
Lackawanna avenue.
l.a Bella Scranton, Best 5e. Cigar.
11.50 per hundred, K. G. Coursen, sole
agent. .
Miss Hardnnbergh's pianoforte school
will reopen Monday, Sept. 10, at 633 Madi
son avenue.
DAVIK9.-Tn ScranTon, Sept. 12, 15. Ber
nla. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas H. Davius, of 413 North Main
avenue. Funeral at.2 o'clock Frldny af
ternoon. Burial at Washburn Street
FADDRN. In Olyphant, Sept. 12, 1896, S
monlhs' old child of John Fadden, of
Olyphant. Burial Friday afternoon at
HIGUINS.-In Scranton, Sept. 11. im.
' Bridget, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat
rick Hlgglns, aged 16 months and 7 days.
Funeral at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon.
Burial at Hyde Park.
laeludlBt the parolees estreettaf
teeth by aa entirely new ieeeaa
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
. osrucEtT
Similar to the Irish-Cured
Hams, which are the best in
tbe world.
Only Hams of young pigs
used, weighing from 6 to 9
pounds each. Tbese are tbe
finest Hams in America today.
Can be bad in tbis vicinity
only at tbe
Price 12c. per pound.
Special sale of Tinware for
one week outy, including the
10-qt. Tin Pail, wood handle,
14-qt. Tin Pail, wood handle,
10- qt. Pieced Tin Dish Pans,
11- qt Pieced Tin Dish Pans,
8-qt. Block Tin Dish Pan -10-qt.
Block Tin Dish Pan,
14-qt. Block Tin Dish Pan, -1
Gallon Tin Oil Can,
5-qt. Covered Tin Pail, wood handle
Medium Sized Angal Food Pans,
2- lb. Bronze Tea or CoiTee Canister
3- qt. Milk Cans, covered.
Drip Pans, large, 11x16,
LargeSize Block Tin Preserve Kettle
Large Size Block Tin Sauce Pans,
3- qt. Tin Coffee Boilers,
4- qt. Tin Coffee Boilers, -10-in.
Sheet Iron Fry Pans, -Extra
Heavy Oyster Broiler,
Green and Gold Store Prank
Lotiis Riipprechf,
Successor to Eugene Kleberg.
Wo spare nothing to brine before tbe nnbllc
a good and carofully selected stork, and as
times are improving It Is little wonder our
suporinr experience reaps the harvest.
'1 he space Is limited, but tho gooit are tak
ing. Seo what we offer In Toilet Seta,
Decorated, 10 Pieces
formerly $3.10, now $1.93
Formerly fa -40, now 2.40
Formerly 103, now 2.69
New and handsome, low at 3.60
Now and handsome, low at 4.90
New and handsome, low at 5.3S
New and handsome, low at 6.00
Now and handsome, low at 7.2S
Call In and examine. We will be (lad to
ahow you around. New goods constantly
Also m largo stock of first -class
You can obtain better
value for your money at
our old reliable establish
ment than elsewhere,aud
we will have the largest
show rooms after our
building is finished.
Manufacturer of Furs,
and cau sell you Furs 30
per cent, less than any
other house in the city.
We will offer for less
than half the cost. La
dies' Jackets, Capes,
Skirts and Silk Waists;
also Infants' Caps and
To have your Furs repaired ty
the only Practical Furrier.
Wyoming Avenue,
The Celebrated
On Sale, Both Stores.
Thursday, Aug. 29
Oirea from I a. m. to ( p. a. at the
Green Ridge Sanitarium,
720 Marlon St., Green Ridge.
For Ladles Sufferine frem Nerroua Diseases,
Catarrhal and Rheumatic Complalata epeeta!
attentloa ie given.
(Graduate of the Boeton Hnapltal Training
School for Mnraes). Superintendent
in at Pram taeJIgJaMliir aa netaiss tf
Wtnriint OepeHle WusaW Menu at,
SOB Washington Av. 8ara.ntofi.laj
Ml i fii
: Styles i n
Clothiers, HdleralFumisfiera