The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 13, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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For all tbe Private Schools
In the City and Vicinity
At Wholesale Prices.
School Stationery,
All the t'seful Requisites,
At Popular Prices.
The New Books,
Everything Desirable or Popular
That Is Fit to Read,
At Cut Prices,
322 Lackawanna Ave.
A Foe to Dyspepsia
use THE
And Always Have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mill Co.
Ulackxmlth J. C. Howie ha returned
from his trip to England.
Mis Muye Simpson, daughter of Chief
of FoIas Simpson, is visiting friends In
M:d Cella Hautigan, of Rochester, N.
Y., is visiting Miss Cella Karnes, of
Franklin avenue.
.Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Bocher. of Cedar
avenue, have returned from Lake Wluola,
where they spent the summer.
Sol Uolilsmith and family have closed
their summer home In Elmhurst and have
returned to their Washington avenue resi
dence in this city.
Kred Schwartz, represent ing the Marie
Tavary Orand and Kiisllsh Opera com
pany, Is In the city arranging for the ap
pearance of the company at the Frothing
ham on Sept. 23 and 24.
An afternoon party was Klven yesterday
by Mr. and ,Mrs. John Loverins. of Green
wood, to a number of their friends from
the West Side. The occasion was passed
very delWhtf ully. Music, vocal and in
strumental, served to make the hours pass
quickly. Delicious refreshments w;re
served. Those who were present are:
51 rs. T. J. Price and Miss oj'.ve Price, of
North Washington avenue, and the following-
from the West Side: Mrs. Rich,
ard Nicholas. Miss I.!zzle Nicholas, Miss
Llzz'.e Williams, Mrs. Robert Jones, Mrs.
James Protheroe. Mrs. T. Reeve Jon,
Mrs. Evan J. Davis. Mrs. John T. Will
lams, Mrs. Thomas Jones. Mrs. John Kel
ley. Mrs. Mary Lewis. Mrs. Obed Jen
k'ns. Mrs Thomas Jenkins, Mrs.
Phillips. Mtpt. l. E. Davis and Mrs. W.
Penn Morgan.
- - -
The mission at St. John's church em
phasizes the need of a very much
larger edifice for the congregation, and
It Is understood that P.ev. E. J. Melley,
the pastor, will soon prepare for the
erection of a new church. Since the
opening of the mission It has been
found almost impossible to seat more
than- two-thirds of the women that
come to the evening services. Father
L"urke preached the sermon last night
nd spoke on the occasions of. sin.
His forcible language left a lasting Im
pression. The occasions of sin to wo
men, he said are three, reading bad
literature. Using 'bad language and
keeping bad company. Ther" Is no
reason, he argued, why parents should
allow their young children to read the
reports In newspapers about divorce
cases or such events. Then- should be
a care taken against the entrance of a
newspaper Into the home the tone of
which is not above the dealing out of
scandal, even If It Is news. He touched
upon bad language and bad company
In a general way.
William Lavelle, of iWllkesi-Barre,
who has been 111 at hls'mother's home,
on Cedar avenue, Is now out of danger
and recuperating rapidly.
On the 2oth a social will be held at
the South Side Young Women's Chris
tian association, and all young ladies
are Invited to attend. It will be made
a point bylMIss Root, the secretary, on
that evening to explain to all young
ladles wh,o may be desirous of Joining
the classes, the studies that will be
taught during the winter, and all who
think about Joining the classes are
'Invited to the social. The classes will
open on Tuesday evening, Oct 1. The
gospel meeting Sunday afternoon will
be led by Miss Jamleson, of the West
Rev. P. p. Doty, of Hampton street,
preached the revival sermon at the
Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal
church last night.
Rev. Anthony Durkln, of the Pas
stonlst Order, is here from New York,
yisltlng his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Burkinv of Rrook street.
Leopold Yearlng, of South Wyoming
avenue, has returned as mysteriously
as he disappeared.
Tribute lo Ilia Memory of Mr. Andrew
Darby by Dunmoie Presbyterian Sab
bath School.
It has pleased our Heavenly Father to
remove from earthly scenes and fellow
ship, Andrew Derby, a beloved and hon
ored member of our Sabbath school.
Mourning the loss we have sustained, we
are. nevertheless, sure that our loss has
been his gain, and that the blessedness
Into he has entered is a fitting if
quel to his Christian living In our midst.
Ave gratefully record our sense of obliga
tion to God for His gift of such a man ta
the church. As a friend and co-laborer
wim us, wnose kindness or heart, warmth
of sympathy and forbearance, under all
. circumstances, he has won from us the
deepest regard. We nrav that this anr
bereavement may be sanctified to all who
Seea ine can to devote themselves to that
taster's service which our brother lovoit
and In the strength of grace to carry for
ward me worn in which he was to heart
llv enraged. - '
Resolved, That we tender to his be
reaved family our heartfelt sympathy and
commend them to the tender comforting
of our Heavenly '-Father.--' ' '
Resolved, That this action be entered
upon the minutes Of the Sabbath school
nd a cop? De sent to the dally papers. .
J. W. Williams, bsstor: Miss Anna HI.
ftoyd.'M! Anna Bishop, Miss Nettle
Large Batch of Trie and Ignored Bills
Presented to Court.
Namber of Trne Bills Fouad Against
Them-Vlsalsklo a ad J esse p Murder
Cases Considered by the Court Yes-lerday-The
Ignored Bills.
After count convened yesterday morn
ing the grand jury made Its first return
to court, handing in a large batch of true
and 'ignores! bills. Among those against
whom true bills were fuund were
Johanna Lacarro. Hunuro Ixxlato, Sar
ta l.odato. Peter Sputa, Andrew Lodato
and Philip lLodato, the Italians arrest
ed In Ureen Ridge for shop-lifting, and
In whose houses a lurge quantity of
stolen goods were recovered.
The time of the Jury was consumed
yesterday in listening to testimony
with regard to the Visnlskie and Jes
sup murder cases. A transcript In he
case- against Joseph Olalberk, who was
arrested yesterday on a charge of tam
pering with the witnessed of the com
monwealth In the case against Murder
er Visnlskie, was placed In the hands
of District Attorney John R. June
yesterday afternoon and will be
brought to 'the attention of the grand
Jury today. The true and Ignored bills
returned by the grand Jury are as fol
lows: 1. 1st of the True Kills.
Larceny and receiving: John lloran and
John Klnnesun: Maria llrady. prox. Pat
rick l'udden; Maria llrady, prox. Johanna
Lacarro. Hunaro Lodato. Sarta Loilato.
Peter Sputa, Andrew Lodato and Philip
Lodato: U. W. Kritz. pros. Daniel Fal
lon, Svlvester Fallon. Patrick Mi-Hale,
and Harrv Messet; Martin Vrlppen, pros.
Peter Kcltier: Maud Belknap, prox. Mall-i-hl
McDonough; Abraham Shiparih. pros.
Johanna Lacarro, Kunaro Lodato. Sarta
Loilato, Peter Spota, Andrew l.o
dato and Philip Lodato; H. J. Oollns.
pros. Johanna Lacarro, Runaro Lodato
Sarta Lodato. Peter Spota. Andrew
Loduto and Philip Lodato: Joseph A.
Meats, pros. Johanna Lacarro, Runaro
Lodato. Sarta Loilato, Peter Spota, An
drew Lodato and Philip lodato: Soloman
Goldsmith, pros. Johanna Lacarro, Ru
naro Lodato Sparta Lodato, Peter Sparta,
Andrew Lodato and Philip Lodato; A. O.
ilewl. pros. Johanna. Iicarro. Runaro
Lodato. Sarta Lodato. Peter Spota, An
drew lAidato and Philip Lodato; 1-Mwin
Llovd. pros. Johanna Lacarro. Runaro
Lodato, Sarta Lodato, Peter Spota, An
drew Lodata and Philip Lodata; M. Lang
Sarta Lodato. Peter Spota. Andrew Lo
dato, Sarta Lodato. Peter Spota. Andrew
Lodato and Philip Lodato: Simon Lauer,
pros. Johanna Lacarro, Runaro Lodato,
Sarta Lodato, I'eter Spota. Andrew Lo
dato and Philip Loilato: Moses llrown,
pros. John Haldauff; Oscar Freeman,
They Took Stolen (inoJs.
Receiving stolen goods: Johanna La
carro. Runaro Lodato. S-irta Lodato. Peter
Spota, Andrew Lodata and Philip Lo
dato and Philip Lodato; John Clelnnd,
pros. Johanna Lacarro. Runaro Lodato,
Sarta Lodato, Peter Spota.Andrew lo
dato and Philip Lodato; Isaac Banister,
pros. Johanna Lacarro, Runaro Lodato,
Sarta Lodato, Peter Spota. Andrew Lo
dato and Philip Lodato; Charles Schenk,
pros. Johanna Lacarro, Runaro IOiluto,
Sarta Lodato. Peter Spota. Andrew Lo
dato and Philip Lodato; P. R. Finley,
pros. Johanna Lacarro, Runaro Lodato,
Sarta Lodato, Peter Spota. Andrew Lo
dato and Philip Lodato; K. Gorman, pros.
Larceny by bailee: S. Cohen and Max
Tomback; Herman Karpeles.pros.
Felonious wounding: John Watkln;
William T. Simpson, pros. James Dean;
Henry J. Davis, pros. John Watkins;
Wiliam T. Simpson, pros. John Wat
kins; Willam T. Simpson, pros. Clement
Marsh, Jr.: Richard Moi'Kun, pros. John
Kindly; Paul Mergood, pros. Thomas
MitDonough, Sr., Thomas McDonough,
Jr., and Claude English: A. Brown, pros.
Aggravated assault and battery : John
Lukin; August Vocrath, pros. Charles
Block; Martin Rartsavaue, pros. John
Ribey; Martin liartsavage, pros. John
R'.bey; Martin Rartsavage, pros. Charles
Merskln; Matthew Rartsavage, pros. John
Merskln; Martin Rartsavage, pros, John
Merskln: Matthew Rartsavage,- pros.
John Gibbons; William Karrell, pros. Hu
bert Duggan and Mary Duggan; Michael
Day, pros. George W. Decker, Jr., C. L.
Beers, pros. Roman Gairbal; John Rulla,
Assaulted and Muttered.
Assault and battery: Ann )olan and
Maggie Dolan; Cella McDermoti, prov.
Joseph Morgan: David W. Lloyd, pros.
J. C. Comton and May Comton; Elizabeth
Hannah Brown, prox. John H. Neal;
John H. Booth, pros. Charlotte Elder
skin; Mary Jane Jones, prox. John
Dougher and Maltchl McfKinough; Abra
ham Shiparih. pros. Charles Mi-Hale;
William Freeman, pros. Mary DugKan
and Hubert Duggan; Bridget Day, prox.
Harry Halchock; Paul Rulla, pros.
Michael Caveston; W. R. Raker, pros.
Assault and battery upon public officer:
Kate Williams; Bernard Davis, pros.
Joseph Grlska; John J. Boyd, pros.
Michael Sapn, John Palfrey, George So-fi-k,
Mrs. John Palfrey, Mrs. Annie Ite
lln; Jacob Ferber, pros. August Brill; P.
A. Allbach, pros. F. A. Khrgood; James
Durkln. pros.
Obstructing execution of legal process:
Kate Williams ; Bernard Davis, pros.
Michael Sapp, John Palfrey, George So
fek, Mrs. John Palfrey and Mrs. Annie
Belln; Jacob Fxrher, pros.
Rescuing prisoner: John Dougherty;
Abraham Shiparih, pros.
Selling llipior without license: Jessie
Hall; Thomas T-yshon, pros. Charles
lusher: Thomas Leyshon, pros. John
Scheiiik: J. W. Clark, pros..
Selling liquor to minors: Charles Lasher;
Thomas Leyshon. pros. John Schepik; J.
W. Clark, pros.
Carrying concealed weapons: James
McNnlty; John Ward. pros.
Pointing pistol: James McNulty; John
Ward, pros. J. L. Roseler; William F.
Morgan, pros.
Robbery: John T.nkln: August Vocralh,
pros. David Roberta; William T. Simp
son, pros. Thomas Price and Reuben
Morris; Thomas Harris, pros.
Burglary: Daniel Mi-Donegal, Michael
Toole, l,emuel Phillips, Vester Detrlch;
William T. Simpson, pros. Edward Day;
John King, pros.
Fornication and bastardy; Watkln
Davis; Ida Mlckel, prox.
Keeping bawdy house: Jessie Hall:
Thomas Levshon, pros.
Malicious mischief: Stanley Yahollnskl;
George Sonowski. pros. Lewis Gran line;
Minnie Slmmal, prox. Lulgt Scalzo, (ma
licious mischief by explosives); Gabriel
PiiKliano, pros.
Rape: James Perry; Thomas Leyshon,
False pretences: L. Freedman; Schuy
ler C. Gernon, pros.
1. 1st of tha Ignored Rills.
Aggravated assault and battery: Samuel
Zertinavage; Peter Slhnoski. pros., to pay
costs. Aguftl Zwlnchle; Peter Sinowskl,
pros., to pay costs, ' Michael Gambal;
John Rulla. pros.; county to pay costs.
Burglary: Aaron Lee; David P. Itoche,
Assault and battery: Henry Harvey;
Thomas S. F.vans, pros., to pay costs.
Levi Hazen; Rosalia liazen, prox; county
to pay costs. John Mustard; James C,
Mustard, pros., to pay costs. Stanley
Yadollnskl; George Sonowski, pros., to
pay costs. Jacob Padetzkl; F. W. Pilger,
pros., to pay costs. Domlnlck Pndden;
Patrick F. Campbell, pros.; county to
pay costs. Lewis Granfine; Minnie Slm
mal, prox.; county to pay costs. George
Ml nick, Jr.; George -Mlnlck, Sr., pros.;
county to pay costs. James Kearney;
Mrs. W. H. Seddon, prox.; county to pay
costs. ,
Robbery: George Jones; Nellie Dush,
prox .
.Larceny and receiving: . Edward Day;
John King, pros. James Ruane: John
Riley, pros. David R. Hughes; Elizabeth
Davis, prox. Martin Moon: John Riley,
pros. Preston Cordner; W. H. Lewis,
pros. ....
Defrauding boarding house keener:
Lawrance allien; Jeannette Crandall.
prox.; . county to pay costs. Stephen
Travis; Henry Oaklev, pros.: county to
pay costs. -Peter MoHugh;. Edward Mc
Cormlck, pros. : county to pay costs.
Benjamin Travis: Henry Oakley, pros.;
county 'to pay costs.
False pretences; Patrick Maloney: Mar
garet Berry, prox., to pay costs. Charles
Bailey; Lucy Stanton, prix.. to pay costs.
Felonious wounding: Andrew Lucotch;
John Murray, pros. . 1
Rape: Patrick Maloney: Margaret Ber
ry, prox ,w ,
Cruelty to animals: Horace ones; M.
W. Hurley, pros., to pay costs.
Buy tha Weber.' , '
and get the best At Guernsey Broa
blast stasia Wants to Keeover Damages
la That Amoaat. '
Attorney Frank T. Okell, represent
ing Kost Rusin, of Old Forge, began
an action In trespass yesterday in Uhe
office of frothonotary Pryor against
Rev. Valentine fclalough. pastor of St.
Michael's Greek Catholic church, of
that place. Damages are claimed In
t'he sum of !6.0UO.
Not Ions ago the priest brought an
action in trespass against Rusin for
slanderous umt defamatory words ut
tered against the priest. The suit In
stituted yesterday is in the nature of
a counter proceeding against the priest.
The plaintiff is one of the faction
that has, locked up the church and re
fused admittance to t'he priest. He
keeps a store In Old Forge and al
leges that he has a large sum of money
Invested In It; that he did a large bust
ntss with the members and congrega
tion of St. Mk-hael's Greek church, from
which he derived divers great gains and
profits, but that Father Italoug'h con
celvlng a spite and ill will toward htm
and Intending to Injure and destroy Ma
business did. on or about May 1!C. ltfta,
from the pulpit of St. Michael's church,
speak to the congregation assembled
on that Sunday the following false and
defamatory words: "Don't you deal
with Kost Rusin; better go and deal
wltti Jews. The Jew will give you 2
cents cheaper and Jews are Just as good
brotlu-rs a Christians, and Kost Rusin
was cheating you long enough."
The selection of "The 'Lion's Mouth"
for performance by Frederick Warde
and his company for the Saturday
matinee at the Frothlngham should
please the matinee audience. It Is a
play whose scenes are laid in Venice
during the time of the Doges, and the
complicated threads of love, treachery,
ut'sutpatlon and revenge are cleverly
mingled in a story of spirited action
and smooth, brisk dialogue, written in
blank verse of poetical melody. Large
opportunity Is afforded for scenic dis
play and effect, which the Warde man
agement tukes full advantage of,
bringing the entire stage mountings
used In the play, which were specially
prepared for Hie production. Frlduy
night Mr. Warde will open his engage
ment with "The iMountebunk," and
Saturday night "Runnymede; or Robin
Hood and His Merrle Men" will be pro
duced. Who has not heard of the Green
Goods Game? It Is as old as the hills,
and from time Immemorial has proven
of service to one of the smurtest set
of sharpers to fleece the unwary. The
business consists in swindling men who
come to New York, or wherever the
game Is located, expecting to buy
counterfeit money with which they
may swindle their neighbors and
friends at home. "A Green Goods
Man," the new farce-comedy which
will appear at the Academy of Music
for three performances, commencing
Friday, Sept. l;l, exposes the swindle
thoroughly, and at the same time is
full of refined fun, music, dances, etc.
Wulter Sanford's beautiful scenic
production. "The Struggle of Life,"
comes to th Academy of Music on Mon
day and Tuesday next. The piny has
undergone many changes this season,
and is now considered by competent
critics to be the best melodrama on
the road, and the grandest of all scenic
productions. This play Is local to New
York city and its stage settings show
many well-known localities in the
great metropolis. The principal scenes
are the exterior of St. Patrick's Cathe
dral on Fifth avenue, City Hall park,
with Printing House row in the per
spective, and Battery park.
When all is sMd. there Is certainly a
wonderful satisfaction when leaving a
theater, to feel that you have seen
something you can recall with delight.
Such a play Is "The Bicycle Girl." The
plot Is wholesome, the scenery superb,
the fun unceasing, the songs new and
catchy, the dancing pretty and novel,
the climaxes thrilling, and the com
pany excellent, headed by that great
American soubrette. Jolly Nellie Me
Henry, who Is one of the greatest and
brightest on the road. At the Acad
emy of Music Wednesday night.
Our theater-goeres and music-lovers
will -be pleused to hear that arrange
ments have been consummated for the
engagement of the Marie Tavary
Grand Opera company, which will ap
pear at the Frot'hlngham on Monday
and Tuesday, Sept. 23 and 24, In a grand
production of "Faust" and "Carmen"
with a matinee of the "Bohemian Girl"
on Tuesday afternoon.
- --
'Mrs. Rennett, of Nantlcoke, has re
turned to her home after spending sev
eral days with her sister, Mrs. G. S. Ma
loney, of West Drinker street.
Thomas -Shephard has moved his
family from Dudley street to Clay ave
nue. John Miller, of Blakely street, is con
fined to the house by sickness.
Miss Genevieve Morgan and -Miss Ber
tie Jones, of Nantlcoke, (have returned
home after a visit wMh Mrs. G. S. Ma
loney, Mrs. William Ryan, of Fourth street,
who has been dangerously III for some
time, hd an operation performed on
Wednesday, and It Is now thought that
she will recover.
Leslie, son of (Mr. -and Mrs. Silas Bel
lls. Is quite ill at their home on Blakely
street. ,
Gertie Farber went to Philadelphia
Wednesday, where she will have an
operation performed upon her eyes.
George Fritz returned yesterday af
ternoon from a week's vacation spent
in New York state.
About fifty-five members of the La
dles' Aid society went to Lake Ariel yes
terday morning on a basket picnic,
leaving on the 9.W train on the Erie
and Wyoming Valley railroad.
iMr. and 'Mrs. IM. O. iMalley, of West
Drinker street, are rejoicing over the
birth of a son.
Miss Bertha Bold, of Waverly Is the
guest of Miss 'Lizzie Krause, of Blake
ly street.
J. O. Taylor, osslstnnt dispatcher at
the Pennsylvania Coal company's of
fice, was all smiles yesterday over a
pair of twins which his wife presented
him with, a boy and a girl.
Miss Grace Yule, of Cold Springs, Is
the guest of Miss Blanche Bloes, of
Fourth street.
Miss Lottie Ripley, of Monroe avenue,
returned yesterday from a visit with
relatives at Mansfield.
DID YOIT EVER think that you ennnot
have good health without pure blood?
Health comes by the use of Hood's Sar
saparilla, because It makes the blood pure.
HOOD'S PILLS have won high praise
for their prompt and efficient yet easy ac
tion. -
Wall Paper
v Styles and colorings are
very fine this season. -.
Let us fix you up a
sample room with nice
Gilt Paper, $5.,. ; -
Uctiiaoit Uuii
, .t ... NORTH END.
(Michael iRuddy and Miss Sarah Pur
cell were united In marriage Wednes
day afternoon at the iHoly Rosary
The 'Royal 'Family Dancing class of
Providence will meet every Friday
evening, beginning tonight, at Hud
son's dancing academy, on East Market
Nelson Gillespie, of Oak street, left
yesterday for IPrlnceton college to re
sume his studies.
A large number of Christian Kndeav
orers from the various churches of the
North End attended the Christian En
deavor rally at the First "Presbyterian
church df Scranton last evening.
Rev. O. M. Klnter. of North Main
avenue, returned from Harvey's Lake
yesterday, where he has been spending
the last few days fishing.
Arthur L. Donsey wilKli-llver a lec
ture In the Providence Christian church
on Tuesday evening, on the subject,
"The Fate of All iNatluns."
William Harris, of .Brick avenue, has
returned from a vacation In Europe.
Dr. W. :D. 'Donne, of West Market
street, will be a candidate for coroner
before the Republican county conven
tion. MINOOKA.
Thomas Loughney is visiting friends
In White Haven. J'a.
'Squire O'Hara 'has removed his of
fice to his residence, on Stafford street.
The Young Men's Institute held a
meeting last evening to complete ar
rangements for their lawn social, which
occurs tonight. The committee In
charge anticipate a decided success.
Refreshments will be served by coteries
of young ladles. Music by Miss Rear
dpn. A rumor Is current that a petition Is
being circulated by some of our lead
ing citizens requesting the Scranton
Gns and Water company to extend
their linn to Mlnooka.
Washington, D. a,
The entire stock of nearly
$10,000 worth of Watches,
Jewelry, Pictures, etc., was
shipped here Aug. 26, and
goes on sale today. Our
prices are always low, but
to turn this surplus stock
into money at once we shall
not let cost stand in the
way. Space permits very
few prices. We name a
few :
Rogers' 1847 Knives
Go at $1.50 for 6.
Rogers' 1847 Forks
Go at $1.50 for 6.
Rogers' Teaspoons
Go at $1.00 for 6.
If you are planning to buy
one within several months,
why not drop in and have
it set aside. Think of an El
gin Jeweled Watch, ladies'
or gentlemen's, in gold
filled case, made by the re
liable Keystone Watch
Case Co., warranted every
way, and sells at from $15
to $20, for $9.00.
Over a thousand, and the
prices, can't call 'em prices.
Genuine Etchings, 17x30
inches, in white and gold
trames, worth $2.00,
But they will all go low
and fast. Extra salespeo
ple to serve you, too.
213 Lackawanna Avenue.
SMew Goods.
We Are Receiving Daily tbe New Styles in
Dress Goods
Also an Immense Stock of
Kid Gloves,
Hosiery, Underwear,
Blankets, Comforts, Etc.
Which We ;Are Marking at Very Low Prices.
A ' -
C. $j xx
Of which you can select
such pieces as you need.
There is no stock so well
suited as ours.
Ei I Ilflf!
134 Wyoming Avenue.
Walk In and look around.
Will Buy a Pair
Button Shoes
Pointed Toes,
Opera Toes,
Common Sense Toes,
All sizes and widths.
Only this week will sell them
$2 aPair
Full line of the best
School Shoes
Come and See Them.
410 Spruce Street.
CALL UP 8683.
M. W. COLLINS, rVPsfr.
Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippe,
Cures Incipient Consumption.
Manufactured by G. ELMEN
DORF, Elmira. N. Y.fand for sale
by the trade generally.
Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pi
Great Sale Of
Saturday Morning,
Must Be Sold in Thirty Days.
Wyoming Avenue.
Speclallj Adapted for Eliding tad Stitcg.
Consumes three (8) feet of ma ner
hour and gives an efficiency of alxty
(60) caudles.
Saving at least S3) oer cent over the
ordinary Tip Burners,
lail and see It.
flanufacturers' Agents.
Cooling drinks are nei'estutry. They re the
universal antidote for exceMlva warmth.
Mi tiling is so popular with the fair sex In
Scrauton as our loda servud in all the Tartous
flavors and with cream for only a nickel a
(lass. To have their attentions well received
young men should treat their sweethearts
cinlly, and by Inviting them to enjoy our soda,
which is really the cooleot and most delightful
Hiumior drink in the city, wholesome, health
ful and invigorating. Soda heads the list of
summer beverages, and the foaming stream
from our fountain beads the list of all sodas.
Spring House
U. E. CROFUT, Prop'r,
Heart Lake, Pa.
Altitude nearly 2,000 feet Fine groves and
beautiful snenery. House new and well fur
nished; but three minutes' walk from D., U
A W, station, and 1C0 feet from tbe lake.
Dancing Pavilion, Swings, Croquet O rounds,
etc., FREE to Quests.
Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton.
Gas and Water Co. Building,
OFFICE HOURS from T.M a- m. to p. m.
(1 hoar intermission tor dinner and supper.)
PartlcnlarAttentioB Glmto Collections
Prompt Settlement Guaranteed.
Telephone No. 134.
The Finest In the City.
The latest Improved furnish'
lags and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter aod eggs.
- 223 Wyoming Ave,
l Pure rVnne
1? colli.
. Sit Laek. Ay. sag Stewarf e Art tore.
Photo EofrtTlif for Circular!, Books, Catt
s lofBM, Hitiptitn.
HahVTenee ana Una Wor
BI RO'S ftiid hT your iamin4 tno,
W tuv reduced prima lud an th lovaat lm
the city. N iokel pectclen from 11 to 2: colli
from (4 to to.
303 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa,
"l He ess ,i s
The Philadelphia Specialist, and his asao
elated taff ( English and Oermasi i
physicians, are now permanently
located at
Ols) PostotYlce Building, Corner Penal
Avenue ansi Spruoe Street.
The doctor Is a gTadiia of the Untvei
elty of Pennsylvania, formerly demon
trator of physiology and surgery at the
Medlco-Chtrurglcal college of Phlladeb
phla. Hia epeclalties are Chronic, Nor
voua, Bkln, Heart, Womb and Blood die
Eases of the keryous ststei
The symptoms of which are dlaslneas,lack
of confidence, sexual weakness in man
and women, ball rtnlng In throat, spota
floating before the eyes, loss of memory,
unable to concentrate tbe mind on one
subject, easily startled when suddenly
epoken to, and dull distressed mind. which
unfits them for performing tho actual du
ties of life, making hapMness Imiwttsible
distressing the action ol the heart, caus
ing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil
forebodings, cowardlc, fear, dreams, mel
ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling a
tired in the morntr.g as when retiring,
lack of energy, nervousness, trembling,
confusion of thought, depression, constipa
tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so
affected should consult us immediately!
ard be restored to perfect health.
Lost Majihood Restored.
Weakuew of Young Men Cured.
If you ha v. been given up by your phy
sician call upon the doctor and be exam
t"ed. He cures the worst cases of Ner
vous Debility, Scrofula, Old Bores, Ca
tarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Affeo
tlons of be Bye, Kar, Nose and Throat,
Asthma, .leafness. Tumors, Cancers and
Cripples every description.
Consultations free and strictly sacreS
and confidents.?. ottW hours dally freai
a.m. to p.r. Sunday, 9 to t.
Enclose five 1-cent stamps for aymtpom
blanks and my book called "New Life."
I will pay one thousand dollars in gold
to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI
Old Post Office Building, corner Pens)
avenue and Spruce street.
11.1). SYYAHTZ & CO.
Are the Leading Wholesale Agents la
Smokeless Powder,
L C. Smith's and Remington
Guns, (lay Pigeons and
Pigeon Traps.
Telephone 2723. Open Evenings.
313K Spruce Street, between Psnn and Wyo
mlng Avenues.
Late of Pittsburg,
First-Class Livery In Connection
Sweet Potatoes
Home Grown Tomatoes
And Green Corn, r
; Fancy - -:r. ; va.
: Jenny Lind Cantaloupes,
Bartlett Pears,
Peaches, Etc
KMC, M. u. vpecK, committee.