TIIE FCBANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAT MORNINO. SEPTEMBER 13, 1895. WilkeS'Barre. (The Tribune has opened a branch of flee at No. 29. Inning- building. tubllo Square. Wllkes-Barre. It Is the purpose of the publishers to issuo a newspaper as valuable to the general public a the met ropolitan dallies, and deliver It to the peo ple throughout northeasten Pennsylvania from three to Ave hours earlier than the Philadelphia ana New York papers can reach them.) TIIE FIREMEN'S PARADE. A Largo Parade and Some Perfect March ing Done. . Yesterday's firemen's parade was the largest seen 4n this i-lty for many years and it was must creditable to the par ticipants, who made a splendid appear ance. There were about 6W tlnely uni formed men In line, and with the band, drum corps and the handsomely decor ated tire engines, hose carrlUKes, etc., the parade was ntoout as fine an affair of its kind as this city has ever wit nessed. Too mui"h credit cannot be given to Firemen tvtermjiier, St. John ahd Oonstlne for the interest they dis played In the parade, and the enthusi astic work they did In having the demonstration pass off so smoothly. The formation of the line was as fol lows: Police Department, William KrlRKS. Chief of Police. Muyor K. IM. Nichols. City Officials and Fire lvpartment Comni'lttees In Carrluges. Pntrol AVuroii. Chief iMarshal, Robert AV. Williams. Chief of Staff. Lieutenant Colonel C. How Dougherty. Aides, Ueonre I.. Weitsel. J. P. Ttrannlng. J. F. iMaek, Fred. Turner, S. A. Pinch. Alexander's Ninth 'Kcicltnent nand. Temple Commandery Band, of Tunk hannock. Triton Hose Co.. of Tunkhannnork. Mechanics Fire Co., No. S. J'lttston. Eagle Qlose and 'Steamer Co., No. 1, PIN st on. Niagara Engine company. Plttston. Black Diamond 'H. & L. Co.. Plttston. Volunteer Hose company, Parsons. Citizens' Independent Hose Co., Par sons. Band. Franklin Hose Co., Edtrardsvlllc. flood Will tHose Co., No. 2. Plymouth. Plymouth 'Hose Co., Nu. 3, Plymouth. Rescue Hpjse Co., No. 1, Ashley. Kingston Fire Department. Luzerne Hose company. Dorraneeton Hose company. Nantlcoke Fire Department. Avooa Hose company. Stegmaler's Hose Co.. No. 1. Marshal of Wllkes-Harre Fire Depart ment. Robert Harvey. Aids Ambrose Constine. Joseph Will iams, Hugh Sharp. J. 11. Montayne, Lew Knlffen. Major W. O. Cool 'baugh. Fred Klrkendnll. Fred Stegmsiler. Wm. (f'M alley. Old Volunteers Firemen and Engine. Darkeytown Fire Rrlgnde, Plttston. Jr. O. IT. A. M. Hand. WILlvi:S-RA.HKiE FIRE DEPT. No. 1 Steamer Co., iMen. 'Hose Carriage and Engine. N'o. S HoseCo.J.Men nnd Hose Carriage. No. 6 H. & J.., iMen. Hook & Ladder Co. No. 70toeCo..iMen and IHose Carriage. No. 2 Steamer Co.. iMen, IHose Carriage and Engine. No. 9 Hose Co.. Men and 'Hose Carriage. No. 3 Steamer 'Co., 'Men. IHose Carriage and Engine. No. 5 H. & T... -Men. Hook & Ladder Co. No. 4 Steamer Co., IMen. Hose Carriage and Engine. The parade formed on River street, with the right resting on Union, and at 2.30 o'clock the two taps of the court house clock were given, showing that the line had moved. The route of march was out Tnlon to Washington to Market, around south side of the Smnre down Franklin to Ross, to South, 'to iMaln. to .Square, around Public Square, out East Market to city hall, where the mayor and council received them, and dismiss. There was some masnlflcent march ing done by some of the companies. The entire police force was out. and they showed the excellent results of their marching practice under Ser jeant Kline. But by far the liert marching was done by the Eagle Hose company, of Plttston, who brought down thlr patrol wagon, their hoap cart and their full force of fifty-five men. Their drill squad of twenty-five men, under Captain J. "M. Jones, was the best of the day. They wore coats of blue cloth, square cut and trimmed with white liraid. and dark blue trousers. T'nder Captain Jones they performed some difficult marching tac tics on the route, and were hailed everywhere with loud applause. After the parade the drill squad appeared on the wept side of the Square, and did some superb drilling, going through a large number of evolutions with won derful ease and precision. The Black Diamond Hook and Lad der company, of Plttston, was gotten up In outlandish rig, as the Darktown Fire brigade, and many of the cos tumes were very striking and original. An old mule harnessed iby rope to a dilapidated cart represented their me chanical outfit. The rompany was the recipient of a great deal of applause, and created lots of fun. The Luzerne borough delegation turned out sixty men, and was one of the largest In the parade. They all wore light brown frock coats, caps and trousers, and were accompanied by their own hand, dressed In the same uniform; The -Lape 'Hose company, of Nantlcoke, also made a good appear ance. The second division of the parade, headed by Marshal W. O. Ooolbaugh, was reserved for the Wllkes-Barre fire men, and they showed up splendidly.. The engines were polished until they shone like silver, and each was dec orated With a l)lg bouquet .of flowers. The horses were In fine shape, and the men In their suits of dark blue made a splendid appearance. A II the companies were received with tnud cheers as they passed. The second di vision was headed by Foremen St. John, Constine and 'Stegmaler, and then came the engines, hose carts, ladder trucks, etc., in order, with the men following them. The department never showed up better than It did yesterday, and their good marchlnir and fine appearance won well-deserved applause. Among other companies that were prominent In the parade were the Mechanics, of Plttston; the Tritons, of Tunkhannock, who were accom panied 'by the Temple Commandery band, of that place; the Volunteer SLEEP & REST For Skin Tortured BABIES And Tired MOTHERS taOa AppUsatieaef trsiDT Cm Tmnmrr. Warm hatha Ttunmn,-warm mum ear, gentle applleauom of tnt), and mild dosae of Cut r (the aaw Mood parlfler). vita otmctnu Boar, vtmeim (ontmeni), CUB HMOVTMT ticora Hose company, of Parsons; the Ply mouth Host company, and the Ashley Hose company. The parade was, taken all In all, one or the nnest ever seen In this city, and it was much enjoyed and appreciated by the citizens. TIIE KNIGHTS ADJOURN. Their Business I Inlshcd-Nixt Meeting Place at Reading. Yesterday morning the Knights of the Mystic Chain completed -tlieir an nual conclave and adjourned for a year. Naomi Castle, Ladies' Degree, met at 8 o'clock In Red iMen's hull, on Northampton street, drew up resolu tions, which were adopted, and then proceeded to Install the new otllcers. The resolutions thanked the mayor and the citizens for their kind hospl- tailty In receiving the Knights. An other was a resolution of thanks ex tended to the local castle for their en tertalnment, and another expressed the sympathy of the degree for the grand secretary. Mrs. Lawler, In her recent bereavement. The following otllcers were then Installed: Grand chaplain, Mrs. C. Weltzel, York; past grand commander. .Mrs, R. White. Allegheny: grand commander, Mrs. It. Wrumb, 'Pittsburg; grand con ductor, IMlss H. Wrumb. Pittsburg; gruud secretury, Mrs. R. Lawyer, Pittsburg; grand treasurer. Mrs. 'Mur phy, Altoona; grand Inner guard, Mrs. Smith. York; grand outer guard, Mrs. Hlte, Pittsburg; grand trustees, Mrs. K. B. Weltzel. Harrlsburg; Mrs. Ma dura, Johnstown. The select castle met at Concordia hall, and completed their election as follows: . tleorge II. Sturrs, of Scranton, select marshul: J. C Adams. Bristol, Inside guard; 'H. B. Clare, Philadelphia, out side guard; E. iS. Edwards, Pittsburg. Robert IMoKoe, Philadelphia, Richard White, Allegheny, supreme represen tatives. George B. Chandler, Harrlsburg, past supreme commander, assisted by Charles iNailor and Charles Holcomb, installed the otllcers. Joseph Mitchell, of Pittsburg, and J. Q. Leezer, of MeKeesport, were created pust select commanders. For select commander, Ralph Law yer. 'Pittsburg; Joseph iMltchell, Pitts burg. Select commander, E. S. Rettew, of Lancaster; W. H. Man. of Harrlsburg. For select marshal. Charles C. Rich ardson, of Allegheny. Select scribe, John J. Davis, of Pitts burg: treasurers, L. C. Ootthold, Phila delphia; I). K. Retten. of Lancaster; J. 1. iLeezer, McKeesMrt. Select inside guard Charles C. West, Philadelphia; H. Y. Pickering. New town: H. Wilkinson, Philadelphia; A. iS. Freeze. Sprlnget; O. H. Lehman, Wrightsvllle; II. 8. Marks. Altoona; W. D. Chandler, Stroudsburg; 'Peter Clare, Philadelphia: Leon Bentley, Philadel phia. For outside guard, George W, Dennis. .McKeesport; II. II. 'Hopkins, Springe Forge; J. O. Adams, Bristol: E. Joyce. Pittsburg; Theodore Cook. Phila delphia: Thomas Potts, Johnstown; J. H. Morris, Boyertown; Grant C. Nobbs, Pittsburg; James F. Taylor, 'Miner's Mills; George Powell, fVranton. Heading was then selected as the place to hold the next annual conven tion, and after tendering a vote of thanks to the mayor, the press and the people of Wllkes-Barre. the convention adjourned permanently. TIIE I.UTIII-R LEAGUE. Tho Assembly Meets and Discusses Inter esting Topics. The Luther league of Northeastern Pennsylvania met at St. John's .Eng lish Lutheran church on the corner of River and Academy streets yesterday morning, with about forty delegates present from 'Scranton, Pttston, Avoea and every other town In .Northeastern Pennsylvania. The time In the morn ing was consumed in hearing reports of committees and the treasurer's re port. In the afternoon Rev. Mr. Ettweln, of Pltitston, conducted a question box, and there was a general discussion among the delegates on topics concerning the welfare of the society. Last evening the l.Model Luther league was discussed. Rev. Dr. Rehm er, Rev. E. L. 'Miller, Rev. Mr. New bauer, all of Scranton, and Rev. O. F. Ettweln, of Plttston, all made interest ing addresses. HURT AT A DANCE. A Fireman Gets His Husk Very Badly Wrenched. After the firemen's parade last even ing, a dance was held In Saengerbund hall and among those who attended were Sam Bartleman, foreman of Hose company iNo. 8, and employed at iMack In's store at Five Points. As he en tered1 the hall about 9 o'clock Mr. Bar tleman saw a friend, and the two be gan a friendly tussle. In the melee, iMt. .Bartleman slipped and fell to the floor, wrenching his back so badly that he was unable to get up. Dr. iSweeney was called and he recommended that the injured man be taken to the hos pital as soon as possible. The police patrol was called and Bartleman put on the stretcher and taken to the hospi tal. His hack Is badly hurt, but he will be able to be about again In a few weeks. A itrave Act. About noon yesterday iPatrlck Gavin did a brave deed In stopping a runaway which, had it reached the Square In the crowded condition of the street Just before the parade, would have done se rious damage. One of Brennan & Ward's teams became frighU ned at the depot, where It stood untied and ran away, "up 'East Market street. Gavin, who Is a driver for Behee's freight line, saw them and as they passed him on the run.-aelzed the bridle of the horse nearest him. The animals dragged him half a block before they were stopped. One of the horses stepped on his foot, making an ugly wound and cutting clear through the fhoes and stocking. The large crowd who saw the brave net cheered him heartily as he went to a drug store to have his foot treated. Charged with Embezzlement. J. C. Card, who has been an agent for trees, shrubbery, etc., for quite a length of time for different nurseries, has also been soliciting nnd doing some work for Florist Moore, of 81 Park avenue. Oardi was arrested by Constable Peter Bauer and taken before Alderman Kulp yesterday on the charge of em bezzlement. It Is alleged by Mr. 'Moore that Card solicited orders and then would erase the number the order called for, making the figures larger and thus Increasing his commission. . A Bill In Equity. Constable Lloyd yesterday filed 'a bill in equity against the county commis sioners, asking that they be restrained from drawing warrants; that they be compelled to put all 'bonds in his cus tody; furnish him with an office and fix salaries for his clerks. The bill will be argued on Saturday before Judge Lynch. , .. . . BRIEF NOTES. - Al Lewis has been held for court on a charge of firing a revolver at Thomas Caffrcy, of Sugar Notch, Lewis waived a hearing and gave bail, Edmund Bevan end John M. Derr, of Mill Creek, made a bicycle run from Phllllpsburg to Wllkes-Barre via the Delaware Water Gap, arriving home Tuesday. The annual election of officers of the Wllkes-Barre Wheelmen will take place at the next meeting. The church of the Evangelical elation, on Dana street, this city, has been completed and will be dedicated on Sunday. A Hue concert will be given In Emanuel church, Edwardsvllle. on Sept. 18. for the benefit of Uwllym Davis, 'who will pursue his musical siuuies in (uosion. The Dallas fair will be held four days, beginning Oct. 1. Their races this year will be unusually good. A charter for the Hogadas of Israel a new Jewish congregation of Hazleton, has -been granted by the court. O. F. Federoff. the embezzler, has been held for court In default of $1,000 bail at his hearing before 'Squire jnonias. The pupils of the Grant street build ing will report today at the Hancock street building. The former building will be ready for occupancy on Monday next. 'Miss Howlson. the well-known lee. turer, will give an address on Robert Burns and his works at the Young Men's Christian association next Tues- day. This is the opening event of the annual course. A big tmzaar Is to be held the first week In INovember by the Young 'Wo men's Christian association at their rooms on Nouth Franklin street. 'Mike Kubltskl was held by Alderman ltononue yesterday for a further hear Ing for stealing u M bill from Victor Kernel. A model of Defender Is on exhibition In Carpenter's window. It Is four and one-half feelt long and Is a superb piece or work, being made by Architect Haw kins. The lines of the crack yacht are rollowed nearly exactly. One of S. E. Wells' teams, at Ashley, ran away yesterday afternoon and broke the wagon lrtto bits against a telegraph pole. Mayor iNlchols yesterday fined Joe Cuff and J. 'Harkness to und $20 re spectively for disorderly conduct and inciting a prisoner to resist an omcer. James Harper was fined t20 yester day by IMuyor Nichols for resisting an olllcer. and went to jail in default of that sum. Rev. Father Jordan leaves 0t. Mary's today to take his new charge at Rend ham. CHANGES IN TIIE ARMY. General Miles Will Go to Washington to Succeed Schoficld. Washington. 'Sept. 12. Major General Nelson A. 'Mills, commanding the de partment of the east, will be ordered to this city to take command of the army on the 2!th Instant, when Lieu tenant General John fM. Schotleld goes on the retired list on account of age. General Miles Is the senior major gen eral of the army, and General Ruger Is his Immediate junior. General Wes ley .Murltt Is the third major general, recently placed In command of the de partment of the .Missouri, with station at Chicago, and will undoubtedly re tain that command. There Is no likelihood of other changes In the station or the duties of the other general officers now in cam mand of various departments. Gen eral Schofleld's retirement will result In no promotions. General Schotleld says there is nothing decided about moving the Fifteenth regiment from Fort Sheridan. SOCIETY RUNNING CARS. Novel Way of Working Charity In Syra eusc, N. Y. Syracuse. N. Y.. Sept. 12. The mem bers of Syracuse's 400 have spent most of the day riding on trolley cars. For eighteen hours a regular organized company, composed of women, has had charge of four cars each, on four of the different lines of the Syracuse Street 'Runway company. The use of the six teen cars for one day was tendered the Woman's Christian association by the railroad officials and as a result the treasury of the organization Is swelled to the tune of nearly 11!. 000. About fifty of the most fashionable young ladies of the city acted as con ductors, relieving each other at stated Intervals. The cars were gayly dec orated witn tlags and bunting. All day the cars were crowded and this even ing trolley parties are holding the boards. The regular conductors were on board the cars to prevent accl dents. WILL NOT INTERFERE. Quay Will Not Fight rtalzcll's Reappoint tnent In the Next Congress. Philadelphia, 'Pa., Sept. 12. There was a renewal this morning of the story that 'Senator Quay would use his influence with Thomas B. Reed, of Maine, the probable speaker of the In coming congress, to prevent John Dal zell, of -Pittsburg, from becoming chairman or the next ways and means committee. "(Senator Quay has declared that he will not atitempt to Influence the make up of any congressional committee said Colonel Thomas V. Cooper, "so that he Is not going to place opposi tion in the way of 'Mr. Dalzell or any other member." BLOODHOUNDS. Indiana Farmers Adopt Extreme Meas ures to Suppress Criminals. Frankfort. Ind., -Sept. 12. Farmers of Perry township, this county, have lot several hundred dollars in prop erty recently by thieves who raided the community. Last night Farmers Ves terson, Mellln and Wyants lost In the neighborhood of S00 turkeys and chick ens. This morning they sent to Darlington for a pair of bloodhounds, and at noon a crowd numbering 300 persons, led by the dogs, started In search of the criminals and serious results are feared. Mt'LTl'M IN PAHVO. Patience Is tho key of content. Mo hammed. Command Is anxiety; obedience, ease. Paley. Merry larks are plowmen's clocks. Shakespeare. f After victory strap the helmet tighter. Jupanese. (ip.nion is a medium between knowl edge and Ignorance. I'lato. I ho sure way to miss success Is to miss the opportunity. Chasles. It Is the penulty of famo that a man must ever keep rising. Chupln. Minds which never rest are subject to many digressions. Joubert. Tho pursuit even or the best thlnm biiKht 'to be calm and tranquil. Olcero. There are some people who give with tho air ot refusal. gueeu Christina. 1 have great hope or a Wicked man. slen der hope of a mean one. Beecher. Fiction is a potent agent for good In the hands of the good. Mm, Necker. The shorter way to do many things Is to do only one thing at once. Smiles, lie shall be Immortal who llveth t'.ll he be stoned by one without fault. Fuller. A cheerful race is nearly as good tor an Invalid as healthy weather. Franklin. Money often costs too much, and power and pleasure are not cheap. Emerson. I-outer the ueauurui una every nour thou cullest new flowers to birth. Schil ler. If the Baby Is rutting Teeth. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Million. r Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays ull Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Bold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five oents a bottle. . Wboa Baby waa lick, we gate her OafCorta, Than abe waa a Child, she crUd for Caatorla, ffhea aha baoaoe Hia, she dung to Caatorta. wiihelurAJlaaheiTetlHraCMt DECEIVED BY A WAX FIGURE Traveling Man's WiU Creates Snn la a Michigan Hotel. Muskegon, Mich., Sept. 12. A young Grand Jtapida traveling man has been up north, and on his way back stopped at one of the leading Muskegon hotels. His charming young wife thought she would surprise him at Muskegon, so went down there and kept out of sight with friends untU he had gone to hia room. Then she stole up, and found htm sitting with his back toward the door, divested of his coat and shoes. Just back of him the dim light revealed the outi'ines of an apparently young and beautiful woman. With a piercing scream the enraged wife rushed into the room, fastened her lingers in the bleached hair of the one who dared thus occupy a mom with Charlie In her absence,, and laid it prostrate upon the carpel. By tnis time she discovered It was only a wax nVuii' it Mnmi to a showman across the street, who was In town for the county fair season, and who occupied the room a part of .iic iime. TOOK PARIS tJREEN. Ueath of a Woman Who Ilollcved That She Had killed Christ. Unlontown, Pa., et. 12. Mrs. Al- ieu jiunarus, or iHellevernon, took a dose of paris green this morning with suicidal Intent, and died In terrible agony a few hours later. She mixed hulf a box of the poison and drank the whole dose. She wus found some time after In the cellar in a dying condition and medical aid summoned, but she was beyond help. The xulcide was the result of mental aberration. 'Before 'the unfortunate woman died she regained conscious ness and told those about her that she had a horrible Illusion that she killed Christ and had to give up her life for the sin she had committed. . Mrs. Rich ards Is an English woman. Her hus band Is employed at the 'Bellevernon glass factory. MR. CLEVELAND EMPHATIC. Ho Pronounces Against the Crime of Carrying Concealed Weapons. Washington, Sept. 12. President Cleveland put himself on record today against the concealed weapon evil by refusing a pardon to a man who had been sentenced to serve a year in jail In Washington for carrying a revolver. The prisoner is Kdward Scott. He made a foolish flourish of his weapon some time ago, and was convicted of assault. The president says jln refusing a pardon: "Carrying pistols and using them on every possible pretext and assault such as this convict committed, growing out of this pistol carrying habit, ought. In -my opinion, to be se verely and lirmly treated." WORK OF M'KINNON'S GHOST. Depopulating a Prosperous Town by Its Strange Movements. Prescott, Mich., Sept. 12. The town of Shearer, which only a few years ago was a promising and prosperous burg with sawmills, salt Mocks, etc., is now being abandoned. The removal of the sawmills and other plants hus caused the exodus, but there is said to be still another reason. A short time ago, Hugh -McKlnnon, a hermit, was found dead with bullet holes In his body. Ever since the vil lage, it is said, has been haunted by hl ghost. So great has 1een the agita tion among the superstitious that many left town even -before the mills shut down. MURDEROUS MINISTER. Kov. Uanlol Griffin, a Georgia Preacher Shoots His Son-lu-l.aw. , tiu., jt. j. utrv. .uuuiei Grl'lin, a well-known divine, shot and killed his si-n-ln-law, Robert Dudley, last night. Griltin got Into an alter cation with Hen Smalls and Dudley un- ueriouK 10 uc as peacemaker, Urlllin warned lilm not to Interfere, but Dudley kept on, and then Gritlln deliberately ghot him dead. Hclicf'ln Six Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved In six hours by the "New South American Kidney Cure. This new rem edy Is a great surprise on acount of its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back, and every part of the urinary passages. In male or fe male. It relieves retention of water and pain In passing it almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Drug gist, 125 Penn avenue, Scranton, Pa. T A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHAROR WILL BE LESS THAN Zfi CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO RMAI.T, WANT ADS. EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. - Help Wanted-Hale. WANt15UWElk40 every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; big money for ssenta; no capital required. EDWAKD C. r'ISH CO., iJorden tsiocs, wuioago. JiL. SALESMEN - RESIDENT SALESMEN D wanted, acmialnted with tha local and nearby dru and Krocnry trado, to handle our line of high sradn ciirara. Addresa, giving references, J. KDWARD COWLUS CO., H3 C'hambera stront, N. Y. Helo Wanted Ftmalea. NEW YORK DKRSHMAKINO ACAI'KMV, I. ad lea' French tailorinir: aliaolutulv tin refitting; yon work on your own material while learning. 417 Lackawanna avenue. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO KNER eetio palpftwomon to renrea-nt na. Guaranteed tfa day without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write rr pnrticmara, inciming stamp, mango I'liera Ical ''onipany. No. 73 John afreet. New York. For Rent. o NR NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM lO rent.- 41V Vine atreet. I .''OK REN T-FCH I8HED ROOM. WITH or without board, suitable for two tier- aona. litt Ailami are. 1,'OR.RKNT-A LARGE, 4-HTORY BUILD JP Ing at 11 Franklin avenoe; suitable for wholesale bualneas. CARSON DAVIES. Scranton. . IfOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST r Lackawanna avenue. Adrirnm THOMAS K. EVANS, sear I IBS! Luserne, Hyde Park. J"6b rknt-nToe'lyfurn'isheii HALL ' aultnbln for ludim rooma. JOHN JKK- MYN, 111) Wyoming ovenna. . ' . For Sal. 1XB SALE - A NEW BU(I(Y, VERY 1 eheap Inquire MACKRETH 8 ahop, 1VU3 Waahburn at. j . FOB SALE CHEAP-LAROlTHtnJSE AND barn and nnn acre of around at 1)1aii Pa. Address J, L. Hwarta, Daltun, Ps or H. u. Bwans. na spruce street, cuy F'OR SALEAT REASONABLE FIGURES, alot of Bee A Co. 'a .Iron nine mural. tlon tramea, single and double; also a lot of Rookar oaaea. In tialrs. noma extra dankh. all only alightljr nw-d and eood aa new. Address Inquiry to BUBINBBbj IANAQKB, The Trlb ana, Bcrantoa. Pf. , " Money to toan. 200. isuo. ti oin. s&ooo. aauai to IWi . loaron Nil estate security. D. B. RKPUXiLE, Attorney, w gpraot bt 0 C Dress Goods Dopartmont As a season of novel conceptions in Fabrics the present one easily bears the palm. Of coarse, with every turn of fashion's wheel we expect improve ments, but this season we appear to have more than the usual proportion; we have been furnished with more than we could rightfully demand or ex pect We placed our orders early, before the advance in prices took place, and are, consequently, able to oner a wealth ot the best things in Dress Goods and Silks at prices which tell their ott o story of careful and early buying. Black Goods Mostly Fricstly's Goods, and worthier weaves never found room on a retailer's counter. They are se lected with an eye to quality, to style, to generous width and extra value. CONNOLLY Agent Wanted. A OENTS WANTED TO SELL ClOARS: Si 5 ner month aalarv and elnenaea naid. AddreM. with two-cent stamp, FIUARO CI OAK CO., cnicaeo. AOENTB-TO BELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro plators: price from 13 unward: aalarr and ax- penaea pmd; outfit free. Aridreaa, with a tamp. aiitniuan aru tu., cnicauo. AGENTS TOSELL ClOARS TO DEALERS; tS weekly and exuenaes: experience un- necewary. CONSOLIDATED MFO. CO., 48 vau nurvn ai.. imcaso. CALF.8MAN TO CARRY SIDE LINK: V Vj per cent, coromlaaion; aample book maut-o rrne. Auurese u, tu, Biauou 1 new ors. A T ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO 1. aell now lichtninir nellinu- table clotb.mos quito and houao fly liquid at 10 cents nnd il conm a Dome. Kampm rrea. nubuuu M r 'Q Co Baltimore. Md. A GENTsTillNDE'-H- PATENT UNIVER- J aal Hair Curlers and Wavers (used with out beat), and "I'yr Potnted'Hair Puis. Lib eral romminaions. Free aample and fall par ticulars. Addreai P. O. Box -iSuw New Yora AlAANTKD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO V V handle our line, no iMtddlinv. Salarr. 75 per month and expenaea paid to alt Uooda entirely new. Apply quicaiy. r.u. on, bwb. Hontnn, Maaa Soeclal Notice. TVTOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1, I li will make s monthly tour of tho follow Ins nlacee uivine free on -n air advertising ex hlhitioue Willi the stereoplh-on: Taylorvllle, Hvilo Park. Providence. Lickaon Olvohant, Peokville, Archhald, Jerniyn. Exbibitiona (rivon on Werlnreday and Friday of each week during the month, the ratea for adrer- tiHinjr are am per montu. Aaureae n. ion. i rinuno omi-e, cuy. (4'PHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAP.. I You want this relic. IVntaina all of Frank Lexlie a famous old War Plcturea,anow Ins the forces In actual battle, sketched on tha pot. Two volumes, 12.0U0 pictures. Sold on eaav monthly navment. Delivered bv ex press complete, all cbargoa prepaid. Addreas I-. j. aiwu i , n Anams Are., seranron, ra. T1LANK BOOKS, PAllPHLETS, MAOA- lt slnea, etc., uouna or rebound at THi TimiL'NS office. (Juick work. Reasonable prices. Real Estate. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR BALK-MODER-ata nricea. Call and eet oar circular be fore purchasing. W. GIBSON JONES, ell epruce street. 'nnual Meeting;. NOTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING OP the members of the Lackawanna Store Association, Limit' d, will be held at the office of the association. In the city or Scranton, on Wednesday, Oct 2, 1W at o'clock p. m., for the election of mauaa-ers for the enauinc year and for tha transaction of such other bualneas aa may properly come before the meeting. J. P. HIGOINSON, Secretary. Scranton, Pa., Sept ", 10S. Dissolution of Partnership. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE IX 1 lNtlns lietween J. U. Kliodea. C. W. Rhodes and Louis D. Aquino, doing business as tue uikxI Samaritan naive I o . Has tins day keen dissolved liv the retirement of J. M. Rhodes from said firm. All claims against said fund shnnld be presented toC.W. Rhodes, Elmhurst, Pa. THE GOOD SAMARITAN SALVE CO. September II. lHUii Increase of Indebtedness. Orrick or Tns Coi.i.ikiiy ENuissen Co , I July 9, IHU5. f T HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOL 1 lowing resolution waa adopted at a meet ing of the board of directors of this company, held on the Vth day of July, 1HUV Resolved, That a meeting of the stockhold ers of the Colliery Engineer company be called to convene at the general office of tho com pany. Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa-, on the l.iin aay ot ne?ieniDer, to tune action on ap nrovnl or dinaDnrova,! of the nrouosed increase of the Indebteilneis of said company from nothing to IxO.otK), and that the secretary be and Is hereby directed to give notice thereof i required ty luw. Attest: . R. J. FOSTER, Secretsry. Executor' Notice. INSTATE OF CATHARINE WINTON, j deceased, lute of the city of Scranton, Pa. Letters testamentary noon the above named estate hsvina- Imen granted to the under signed, all persons baring claims or demands against tne aaiti estate will present tneni tor payment, and th indebted theroto are require'! to make imniedtat payment to vi a 1.1 r.it vy. Hinio.x, t , B. M. WINTON. Eiecutor. GARKIt'K M. 1IAKOING. Attorney. INSTATE OF SARAH STUART, LATE OF " , L. ....... , . t. , .. , 1 1 M M rci UUV.,11. Ill .MOT uuiiuit Ul II.U.IW.I1U. and state oi Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters testamentary anon the above named estate having lieen granted to the undersigned, all persons Having cinims or demands against the ssld estate will present them lor paymont, and those indebted thereto will please make Immediate payment to r.r r in oiuAKi, executrix JOHN F. SORAGU, Attorney for Estate. Situation Wanted. WANTED A SITUATION BY A YOUNG ladv who la an x Ions to secure a position: has had experience In office work. Address F. E. H., caro Tribune. WANTED-A SITUATION BY A GOOD horsesboer and general blacksmith, Ad dress MS Franklin avenue. SITUATION WANTED AS CASHIER OH O assbtsnt bookkeeper: thoroughly under stand bookkeeping; anxioni to secure pi sitlon; moderate salary to negin. Aaareas mniM. KEEPER. Vuu Lackawanna av. SITUATION WANTED BY A BOY 16 years of age in office or store. Address H. J. P.. Titbonc office. Medical. AOttst r,hlcH!cr, ticWi Pwyroysl P initmMs' as.'), nrp the fB. Ji "SffSs T.U m abut, ini ajir, fx fUtlralua. "(ulkf Urfwy icnir - Paturo Walla., UraifMa, CoJeMster CksulcaTCe.. TulbuUh. ! BLANK BOOKS Of all kinds, manufactured at rt Mtkt, at The Trifcxxe CZce. SILKS. & WALLACE, I TRY US. 602-604 LACK. AVE., COR. ID1MS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN, Bridge and Crown work. Office, fc2e Washington avenue. C. C. LAUBACH. BURGEON DENTIST, No. lift Wyoming avenue. It. M. STKATTON. OFFICE COAL Ex change. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 616 8pruce street, Scranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, 206 PENN AVE.; 1 to I P. M.: call 2062. Dls. of women, obstretiice and and all dls. of chll. D R. A. J. CONN ELL, OFFICE 501 Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Francke's drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vine st. Office hours: 10.30 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4. and 130 to 1.30 p. m. Sun day, 2 to S p. m. DR. W. E. ALELN, 012 North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. FRET, PRACTICE LIMITED dlaeases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: office, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence. t2 Vine street. DR. L. M. OATEB. 126 WASHINGTON avenue. Ottlce hours, I to a. m., 1.30 to 3 and 7 to 1 p. m. Residence 309 Madi- on avenue. DR. J. C. BATEflON, RELIABLE SKIN. Tumor and Cancer Specialist. Tuesdays and Fridays, at C06 Linden street. Of fice hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN A KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scran ton. Pa. JE88UP8 ft HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealto Building, Washington avenue. W. II. JES8UP. HORACE E. HAND. W. H. JES8UP, JR. PATTERSON ft WILCOX, ATTOR. neys and Counsellors at Lnw; offices I and Library building , Scranton. Pa. R08WELL H. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room i. Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms 63, 64 and &, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDO ARTaTTORNE Y-AT-Law. Office, 317 Spruce St.. Scranton. Pa. L. A. WAT RES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 423 Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa. URIH TOWN8END. ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building. Scranton. Money to loan in large sums at I per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT law. Commonwealth building. Scran ton. Pa. C. COMEaYsTlCl SPRUCE STREET. d.b7 reploqleTattorney-loans negotiated on real eatate aecurlty. 406 Spruce street. B. F.KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW lWyomlngaye.,B raiuon.jra. JA8. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY AT law, 48 commonweaun oia a. ocramon. j7m C. RANCK. 1M WYOMING AV, Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Rooma 24, Z anu at, -iiiiiiuiii" building, Scranton. E lTwALTKR. ARCHITECT. OFFICB rear of 606 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR. ARCHITECT. 4je cipruce si., wr. r-T BROWN MORRIS, ARCHITECTS. Price buiiuing, tat ania . Scranton. , Loan. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association win on easier terms and pay you better en Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Callonder. Dime Banlt building. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE L.ACKAWANNA. Scranton, v " for collge or buslneaa; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re- auest. Opens September 9. HEW. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDEROARTEN and School, ll suam. annur, uiriia Sept. . Kindergarten W per term. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. 1. Bauer, condueter, . nr ,Min. avanua. avav Hulhart'a I T J u.... rnuaic bwij. - . rrM . . nil t ivnattpoa ' twarafra-sia. if... .naaUinaa taaair tuaa-a. tavlnav Warehouse, 139 Waahlagton ave., Scran ton, Pa. . ; . FRANK f. BROWN CO. WHOLE ale jeaiera in Woodware, Cordage mmi Oil Cietn. lav wm aawaawanua -. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT AC. countaat ana auaior. Boom id and M, WUItmnM BMlMutc, ajppMltsj pmtHt AmtM tot the Bh Fire KxllnaSiliher. Wallace Novelty Dross Goods We have' a remarkable collection of both foreign and domestic novelties. We won't tire you out with a long string of French names that wouldn't make you any wiser after yon had read them, as they must be seen to be appreciated. . If you are an admirer of beauty In a fabric yon can't afford to miss our Silk Department We won't go into arguments or explanations, but come and see the goods. All are welcome, whether to look or buy. 0c0ouf; UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, V Make Over Mattresses, Hake and Repair Springs,1 Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL. REAR till LACK A wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manutac turer of Wire Screens. Seeds. O. R. CLARK CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen: store 14ti Washington ave nue; green house. 13W North Main ave nu: store tclephoe 7si Clairvoyant. IMPORTANT ARRIVAL OF THEOIPSY guec-n; reveals hidden secrets of tho present and future, will give sittings for a few days at 103 Spruce street. All who have been unlucky In love, buiinesa or ' kindred subjects, call on the Madam and consult her. Misses treatments. This Is the best week to consult the Olpsy Queen on all subjects. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 12S and 1Z7 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. A W. assenger depot. Conducted on the luropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMIN8TER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, New York. Rates, 13 60 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. AN ABLE. Proprietor. Pioneer of the hotel cen ter in New York clt. Noted for Its superb loca tion, superior rooms and excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for giving MOKE VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any nrst-class hotel In the world. Facing Central Park, Mth and tsth sts., Plaxa Square and Fifth avenue; reached by any uptown cars, and the crosstown cars at 69th St., which latter In tersect all surface and elevated roads; terminal station 6th aw. L road within half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plans. Drlnklnjr water and Ice used is vaporised and frozen en the premises, and certified as to puiit by Prof. Chandler. F. A. HAMMOND. id 8 OF SCRANTON. mm mi rails, - wo Attention Giren to Business and Personal Accounts. MEREST PAID 01 TIIE DEPOSITS. Stocks, Bonds, and Grain, Bouirbt and told on New York Exchange and Chicago Boara) of Trad, either for cash or oat margin. Q. duB. DIMniCK, 4U 5pruce Street. LOCAL STOCK I SPECIILTT. Telephone aooa. i i ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC H are located the finest fishing aad banting grocBds in the world. Deecrlptlvs books oa application. Tickets to all points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Prorlnees, Minneapolis, St Paul. Canadian and United States North wests, Vsncoarer. Seattle, Taooma, Portlaad, Ora, Baa Fraaeleea. First-Ctsss Sleeping sr. D!ri:j Cs attaebed to all taroagh trains. Ton rial ear mi) Bttsd with aadding, curtains and ap ally eaaptad to wants of faaalnaa asay be nasi with esoood-olsaa tiekets. Bates always lass tbaa via other Unas, For tall tafotvatiae tlms Utilsa, etc on apalleatloa to K. V. SKINNER, O. K. A. 3C3 ISS-WM, EX I0SI