8 THE SCBAOTON TRIBUNE THUIISDAT MOBNING. - SEPTEMBER 13, 1895. CarboDdal? ' DIRECTORS CUM V ENE. Moathly MMtlac of School Board Uald Taasday Night. Th tegular meeting- of the school board rat held In the central school bulldine. all the members being pres ent. Several bills were placed before the board and ordered Da HI. Among them was one from William Paasmore for $37.75 for repairs done on the different buildings. As 'Mr. fass more was Indebted for some of his children for lant year; this was ordered deducted and the rest paid. There are several other Deonle who owe bills, and it was thought advisable that bills be sent them. Alderman Jones had a bill for 6, the costs Incurred in the arrest and punishment of several boys who an noyed the teachers of the Farview school. This was ordered paid after some discussion. Mr. Keynolds naa a bill for SU2.92 for 6SI) 2-3 square feet of blackboard. This was referred to the committee. Professor iHockenberry addressed the board and asked for per mission to use the school to hold a meeting of the Alumnt association to consider the organisation or a toot oaii team. The remiest was Kraiited. Superintendent Forbes made his re port of the cundrtlon or tne srnoois. Ihe schools were In excellent condi tion, he said, and never hail the opening been more favorable. The attendance bad been somewhat Increased, and there were at the time 1.S3 pupils In the schools of the city. The furniture In No. S school was not best adapted to Its purpose. The seats are too high for most of the pupilw, and recommended that a committee be appointed to rem edy the mutter. Mr. Forties also recommended the mirt'h.ise of an atlas for use in the ntirn school. Many complaints were made about the number of books lost, ami the commit'tee were Instructed to get an ntllcer who should secure the books and have the cost charged to those holding the books. The Janitor of No. 9 sent In a bill for J:'fl for cleaning the si'liool. but as the school now belonged to the city he ex pected them to pay It. The Ixiaril thought differently. .No mure business of Importance was transacted, and the meeting adjourned TWENTY DAYS NOTICE GIVEN. The Councils .Meet and Milch lluslncss ' Transacted. Both houses met separately and Jointly Tuesday nlg'ht aiul much busi ness done. The ordinance which pro vides for the removing of the Transit company's tracks to the middle of the street passed third nnit nnal reaoing and by Its conditions the company will he given twenty days to comply with it. The bids for the sewering of Park street were recommended to be reject ed and new ones providing for prices for earth and stone work be advertised for. This passed. The bids for the curbing and grad ing of Snlem " avenue came next and tome little trouble was caused before the contract was awarded. Mr. Ulalr's bid Wis riiuch higher than the other two and It now lays 'between Collins & Kennedy and John liooth. The committee recommenced that It be given to Uonth, but this was not thought right by some, as the other bid was a little lower. It was given to Collins & Kennedy at last. City So licitor Stuart raid that the suit agalnnt the otty Instituted by Frank Wells would come up for trial next week and asked that a committee be appointed to confer with him. This was granted. Several other things came up. some discussion being made on the proposed fire alarm system. The meeting then adjourned. WILL COME TODAY. Evangsllst Sehtverea litis Completed All Arrangements for His Slav Mere. Today, or tomorrow at the latest, the famous Evangelist Schiverea will come to Carbondale. The funds which were necessary for his coming have all been raised, and a telegraph telling of the fact was sent yesterday. The young men who were on the committee to raise this money have been untiring In their efforts, and It Is due to them mainly that he will be here. The tent he will bring will be a large one, and will be erected at the head of Garfield avenue, on the Ktrby lot. - ' Ills Nephew Failed tV Arrive Some time ago Johon Coultry, of Fall tlrookt sent a ticket to his nephew, .Michael Murphy, for a passage on the St Louis from Liverpool to New York city, and Is now greatly worried, as he bas not yet arrived, the steamer hav ing reached New York several days ago. . As he did not turn up at the ex pected ' time his uncle at once tele graphed to the steamship olllclals at New York. who reported his as hav ing arrived safely, and been provided with a through ticket for CarlKindale. Know Hood's Cured ; Because It Made Pure Blood. "1 was all run down and could not sleep at night on account of the continuous ud severe pains through my body. I had also stom ach troubles and catarrh. After taking Hood's Bariaparilla a short time I com- menced to im- ; prove, and after ! using three bot- i ties in all, . mj 'complaint en tirely left me. I now have an appetite, leap wall and am free from all stomach trouble. I know Hood's Barsaparilla has cured me, and I cheerfully recommend its ne by all woman who are ran down and ntsd a bnildinff np medicine." Mil AUca Wbat, W. Eridgewster, Pa. Hood's Sarsaparilla It tba only True Blood Purifier promt aently in the public eye today. Hood's Pills sjsiar; . CARPETS. All the latest Fall Styles. CURTAINS W handle all kinds and styles. RUGS AND MATS In endless variety from 25c. to $10.00. . , Oil Cloths.Linoleums, Window Shades,' Wall Papers. Carpet ' Sweepers and Fancy Chairs. V J.Scott Inglis V iw uciiiwim MEUE I f. t Low Prices our motto. Neute Mr. Coultry has also telegraphed to the Delaware. 'Lackawanna and West era ticket agent at Hoboken. and a seach made for the missing man, but no trace of hint could be round. EPWORTU LEAGUE MEETS. Members Hold Their Monthly Literary Meeting Last Night. The regular meeting of the Epwortti league was held last night In the Hun- day si'liool of me Methodist cnurcn. After the bus4ness had been finished an excellent programme was rendered to the large audience that had gath ered. It was good throughout and those who participated in it are de serving of gireiait praise) for the way In which each piece was given. Quite a few ind Army of the Re public men were also present to hear the address, "t'nnrge on 'Mobile, given by Mr. Kelly. The address was ex cellent and full of tire. The programme was opened by a chorus by the Kpworth league choir, after whioh W. 11. 45mlth gave an ud dress of welcome. J. M. Alexander then gave an address, entitled "The Tragedy of the Crater," tand Is deserv ing of much credit for the able man ner In which he presented It. iA piano duet by larlssa I'lace and Once Hum phrey was nexit. Which was followed by D. C Ueiiscoter. who gave twenty four hours' experience of a soldier. Then came a vocal duet and n n-cltn-tion by iMiiss Nina Kolls. entitled hav ing the Flag." 'Mr. Kelly's address fol lowed. A vocal solo by Professor Crow- ell was good as was 'Mr. Kellow's talk on the "Hvcryd-ay Life of a Soldier." The progra mine closed with the "Star Spangli'd' Ifcinner" by "the choir. The league are deserving of much credit for the programme 'they provid ed. Their entertainments are free and always largely attended, ljast night's was given mainly tor the memhers of the Orand Army of the 'Republic and the programme was nearly all made up of recitations and sketches of the war. IU RT IN AKUNAWAY. Arthur II. Pierce Severely Injured by flclns Thrown from a Wugon. Arthur H. Pierce, of Clifford, a son of Liveryman T. F. Pierce, of this city. was very seriously Injured In a run away Tuesday. Mr. Pierce was driving to Jermyn at the time to sell some produce, which he had raised on his farm In West Clif ford. The team, which is a young one. became frightened at a street car and dashed off before .Mr. Pierce could do anything. They rushed down the street at a terrific speed, the wagon swaying from side to side and nearly upsetting it. At the first jump M"r. Pierce was thrown to the ground and struck with great force on his head and shoulders, being rendered unconscious. Spectators hurried to the assistance of the unfortunate man, and picking him up tenderly, carried him to the home of Clay Davis, of Jermyn. A doc tor was at once summoned, and word sent to his father In this city. IMr. Pierce was out of town, but IMr. Snyder hurried to Jermyn, and brought the Injured man to his father's home. He was still unconscious, and is in a very dangerous condition. The phy sicians say that he Is suffering from concussion of the brain, and there are doubts bf his recovery. USE OF HOUSE FORBIDDEN. No Hcllglou Meetings Allowed in the School Houses. The members of the Hercan Baptist church have been conducting very suc cessfully for some months a regular prayer and song service In the school house In the recently annexed district. Tills was allowed while it was under the control of the township authori ties, but since it came in the hands of the city they have been forbidden. There Is a resolution in the school law which says that the public schools of the city are not to be used exciept for school purposes. The board are clearly justllled in this step, but it is greatly to be re gretted that such a thing was unavoid able, it is ulte a long distance to the churches, and it was for this purpose that the meetings were held there. In the winter, especially, It becomes hard, and for the children It is impossible to go to church. i is to be honed that another place where the meetings can be continued will lw found. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS.- A party composed of the following persons pent yesterday ut Crystal Lake: Mrs. Q. II. Cook. Mrs. C. K. Keupert. iMrs. M. ilnll, Mrs. A. J. 'Hell, Mrs. J. J. Rosier and William C. ulill. 'Raymond N. Hackenberry. of Salem avenue, left yesterday morning for Car lisle, Pa., where he will enter Dickin son college at that place. :He was ac companied by the best wishes of his many friends. The M'issfj iolden, of Plttston. have returned home, from a visit with the Mlxses Ittie and 'Hussle Kills. Joseph M'Kourke has resigned his po sition as engineer at the Steam Dye works. Miss Sarah McTlale has returned home from a two months' visit with friends In Plttston. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and diug'hter. .IiOis, of Oarfleld avenue, have returned from Norwich, N. Y., where they have bpen wpentfing a few days wl'fh friends. Miss Uewle Hards, of Orange. N. ,T.. Is the guest of her brother. S. S. Hards. on 'Lincoln avenue. The 'Misses Omtrlntte and Louise Pendleton, of tftonlngton, Conn., will eturn home today after a visit with friends. In' town. Mrs. O. .A. Sober and daughter. Kathryn, of 'Rochester. 'N. Y.. are vis iting at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith's. Frank Devers has accorded a txusl- tion at the Delaware and Hudson loco motive shops. Mw Martha iMosea. of Bcranton. Is visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Singer, on South Main street. hmmons L. Peck, of Washington street, left yesterday for Hucknell uni versity, where he will .beirin a course of studies preparatory to entering the meoioai precession. IMr. Peck has the best wishes of a host of friends. J. P. A. Thwley. of the Forolii rtriie store, has returned from a two weeks' vacation spent in the 'New Knirlft,nrl states. H. A. Chambers, of Phlladelohla. In Visiting friends In this city. .virs. Mark lircnnan and diinirhter. Annie, of Dumlaff street, have returned from an extended visit with friends In Bopton. ' Miss Mary Kestees has returned tn his home, In Iloncsdale, after a week's vllt with Mta 'Millie Hruner, of Pork street. II. A. 'Plirnle made a business trln itn Wayniart yesterday. Mrs. J. N. O'Mal ev and son. Ttnn-h of Scranton, hove returned home after rpendtaig a few days with Mrs. Owen Judge, of South Washington street. MIPS Nellie Farre II hn returned tn her home, In Olyplrant, after spending a few days In town. , Miss (Muggle Welsh, of Plko street, who has been visiting friends at Hol 1 en back wftch, has returned home. rn following . young ladles snent yesterday at Crystal Lake: Mesdames Charles fllrs, A. W. Rurdlrk and Hur ry .Harrison and Misses Josephine Burr,. Bertha Hathaway, Frances Daley, Jjou WaHtonm, Jessie Moore, and Liszle Scurry..' . Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Knatin left veter- dny for a week's stay In New York. councilman and Mrs. J. w. Olennon and eon, William, of Pike street, left Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ' 1MM AD60IAITEKV PURE yesterday morning for New York city, where they will visit for about two weeks. Mesdomes D. W. Humpfrey. J. Fer- rell. J. Scurry. A. K. Kullero. J. Van nan. and tMlyses .Mary Vaunan ami Mary Vrrell sent yesterday at Loos dale with iMrs. A. J. Archbald. Wilson Oeary has returned to hte studies nt Hucknell university after upending his vacation with his parents, on Church street. Yes-terduy afternoon a larty was held at the home of Mrs. J. 'St. Campbell, on Sand1 street. 1rs. H. F. Reining and two children linve returned from a visit with friend at Rlleyvllle. John Ahliott, of Garfield avenue, who hns been seriously 111 with typhoid fever for the past six weeks. Is im proving and his friends are hoping tor his speiMly recovery. Miss Helen DVack. who has been vis Itlng Miss Lizzie Wyllle. on llelmont strett, for the past two weeks, re turns today to her home. In Albany Miss AVyllle will accompany her ami will be her guctit for the next three weeks. aiirs. Richard Udy entertained a num ber of her friends 'Monday afternoon In honor of her guest, Mrs. tJeorge Knight, of , IJinghamton. Hurry Tlmmons, of Seventh avenue. who hns lieen seriously 111 for several months, Is rapidly sinking and hi relatives nnd physician fear that he will not recover. - MONTROSE. Miss Jennio Reynolds, who has been spending the summer with her cousin. Miss Bessie Reynolds, returned homo Monday. H. W. Linderman, of Huflalo, spent sunuay here with relatives. Dr. Walter Lathrop returned to his home Monday. Charles Knoll left for Buffalo Mon day, where he will be engaged in the wheel business. Glen Ouy went to Stnte college Mon day, where lie will attend school this winter. Stanley Newton has gone to Factory vllle to school. Colonel West, of Silver Lake, spent Sunday with friends In Jlontrose. Lloyd Spencer, the genlnl clerk at the store of C. M. .Stoddard, Is spend lug his vucntion at Forest Lake. Mrs. B. T. Hurley, of Baltimore. Md., Is the guest of airs. William Lusk, on Lake avenue. liuy watklns, of Philadelphia, was entertained over Sunday by Judge and t.wrs. wearie. Mrs. t!uy accompanied Dr. Nevins and family, who are relatives, and huve been her guests for the summer. to .Newark, where she remains for a short visit. They will drive over the country, making short stops on th way. Fred Frlnk. youngest son of Avery Frlnk, is uble to make the Journey from Waverly to Montrose. He has been dangerously ill, but Is slowly Improv ing. Charles Post has returned to Cornell university, where he is pursuing the study of the law. Miss Emma Richards, who has been passing the summer at the Richards cottage, left Montrose for Philadelphia tne nrst or the week. John Howells Is quite sick, so much so as to be absent from his post at the cattle station '.Monday. Mrs. Lelsenring and family, of Upper i.enign, are the guests of her father. Hon. William Jessup, on Monument Square. Mrs. Welden. of New York cltv. Is boarding In the family of Mr. Hutson. on Lake avenue. HONESDALE. At the annual meeting Tuesday eve ning Protective Kngine company elect ed the following otllcers: President, R. W. Ham; vice president, J. P. James; secretary, B. W. Fitch; treas urer. T. K. Callaway; trustees, C. H. Rockwell, iIC. F. Dudley and F. C. Keen; foreman. R. 11. Brown, first assistant foreman, C. J. Wreaver; sec ond assistant foreman, K. J. llartung; chief engineer, J. IM. Lyons; assistant engineers. T. F. Carroll and Frank .Me.Mullcn; strokers, Henry Lange and J. ii. Carroll. Harry Oretter was surprised by a large number of his friends on Tues day evening, who assisted in the cele bration of his birthday. William O. Ames, of Hawley, was in town yesterday. The arbitrators In the suit of Dr. J. J. O'Connell vs. Krle railway-have awarded the plaintiff $9,216 damiigea for a broken knee cap. Herbert J. Quinney, who has been working nt Minneapolis, has just re turned to his home here after taking a trip as far west as Seattle. Dr. R. If. Gibbons, of &cranton, was In town yesterday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles It. Connell and Mr nnd Mrs H. A. Connell, of Scran ton, and Miss J. B. Heaver, of Dan ville, were viewing Maplo City sights yesterday. Miss Ida Barnes has' returned from a visit with Port Jervls friends. The marriage of IMary Farner trt Thomas Igo was solemnized at St. John's church at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon. rvioosic. John M. Robertson left on Tuesday morning for New York, where he takes steamer and sails for England and Scotland. J lis trip will lust about six weeks. Rev. J. C. Tennant will present a communion set to the Methodist Epis copal church on Sunday evening. The set Is the gift of the Kpworth league to the church. David and Oharlcs Robertson re sumed their studies at Wyoming semin ary yesterday. Mr. and iMrs. Squires and family, of New York, who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Hessler, on Main street, returned home yesterday after enjoying a very pleasant visit. King iCIwell, of 'Scranton, spent Tuesday at the home of W. R. Man ners, on Mnln street. The family of J. S. Slcklcr, of .Mill City, are vksltlng at the home of 8. V. Corby, on tMaln street. 'A ball will be held on Sept. 18 at Loftus' hall; the proceeds are for the benefit of the Popular Base Ball club of Mooslc. Mrs. Margrete A. Lewis, of Wllkes Bane, who is visiting at the home of D. W. iRIchards, of Spike Island, Is confined to the house by a severe at tack of sickness. ' CLARK'S SUMMIT. E. F. Smith and John Myers, of Ash ley, spent a few days at Rose cottage. Miss 'Lulu Keith spent Sunday with her parents. . .. . A grading bee was held at the church yesterday. The 'Ladies' Aid served' a free dinner to the workmen. - Mr. Walker Is building a fine '.new house on Woodlawn park. Jinks Beagle Is building a handsome dwelling on 'Highland park, .. . Fred. Welchel wm down to Pompeii Tuesday night. W. V. Smith has gone to Wllkes Barre on a short visit. Mrs, Charles Dalley Is spending a few days In Mill City. Mr. Dalley has gone to Bast "Lemon to viBlt his brother-in-law, who la ill. ... Epulis rjv it FOREST CITY. A number of our cltitens. attended the chun bake at Scull ond. W. J. uuaxey. J. P. Constable. John . Jones and JIarry Joseph were In Hopbottom. this county, Monday, on business. A false alarm of fire was sounded Monday evening Just before o'clock. The cause of the alarm was a large bonfire which had been started by M. W. Woodmansee, of l)elaware street. Mr. Woodmansee had Just reshlngled his house, which was recently partially destroyed by tire, and as he Intended to go on the excursion to Toronto Tuesday morning he thought It safer to collect the old shingles anu uurn them. T he large volume of smoke as cending caused many to think that his building was again on tire, and the ....... i... .. ,.t hu lire companies anil many other cltliens took considerable exercise In the way oi sprun.ue - - i . Cora Jones Hias been seriously 111 for some time with diphtheria. About a dozen went on the KHO excursion to the Toronto fair on Tues day morning. . David Hughes, who hns been a resi dent of this place for the past eight or ten years, will leave for a visit to Wales, his native land, on next Friday. John S. Hughes, w ho hus been work ing In Archbald. stient Sunday and Monday with ils family In this place. He will move his family to Archbald on Sept. 20. C. 'Burdick, of Honesdale, Wayne county, was the guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burdick, Satur day and Sunday. Rev. J. L. Williams, of Wellsboro, will occupy the pulpit of the First Bap tist church, of this borough, on Sunday next, morning and evening, and also on Sunday, Sept. 22. It Is rumored that a call wilt be extended to Mr. Williams to become pastor of the church here. The reverend gentle man served this pastorate for three years before, and was a very able min ister, and generally esteemed by his flock. It is sincerely to be hoped that the rumor of his recall here will prove to be a fact. Mine Inspector Roderick was en gaged In an official capacity In this vicinity Saturday. Mary K. Reynolds spent Sunday with Clifford relatives. Enterprlze Hose company will hold Its picnic on Monday, Sept. 16, and not on Friday. Sept. 13. as has been erron eously published. The boys have been making preparations for a first-class time, and If the weather Is favorable they will have the biggest and besv picnic of the season. The Tribune has before noted the attractions provided for the occasion, but will beg leave again to urge on everyliody to attend the firemen's picnic. A parade will he held at 1 o'clock p. m., to which all local societies have been Invited. "The Outcasts of a Great City" Is the attmctlon at the opera house next Saturday evening. The troupe is said to be an excellent one, and as the show Is the first of the season. Manager Collins expects a large attendance. ARCHBALD. Evangelist I,. .Shelhorn, who Is hold ing gospel meetings at Green Ridge and Ross streets, Is announced to preach at the "IMother's meeting" Thursday afternoon. This will lie a good time to hear this great preacher and soul win ner. "How to Cure All Skin Iilsencs." Blmply apply "gwayne's Ointment." No Internal medlolne required. Cures tet ter, eczema, Itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, etc., leaving the skin clear, white nnd healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne's Ointment. HEALTH! Do You Appreciate It? If so, consult the most eminent physi cians available. Dr. F. H. Smith and staff, at 6U5 Linden street, opposite the court house. Dr. Smith Is and has been for the past six month curing some of the worst and most complicated diseases known to humanity. Many a poor man and woman who have been terrible sufferers for years have been RKHTOKKD To PKRFKCT HKALTH through the skill of these emi nent physicians, and have returned to ex press their heartfelt thanks and grati tude. ( omparing those that have been cured by us to those that are now ailing but have been reluctant or deterred from visiting us, we find them anly a few. Don't let Ignorance nor the cry of "quack" prevail over irooil ludument hut see for yourself. We Invite investigation. Consultation absolutely free from 9 a. m. io o p. m. aany. .raesuays and Fridays until. p. m. THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK TILE RIANUFICTURING CO., SHALE PAVING BRICK AND BUILDING BRICK Oflioai 329 Washington Avenue. Worksi Na?-Aug, Pa E. W. V. B. B. M. H. DALE. General Salon Agent, Scranton, Pm EMPIRE DRY 516 LACKAWANNA AVE. The stork wa nnrrhaanil at tho Elinrfff'. a.l at Hazletun, i'a. tiur Halus alnce I'lnnlnic. I'TOTeu more (utisrm tory than we tuouxlit. 1 nn crowd on afiitnlitv .v.. .iui,mnn.i. and carried away the Haritalnn. nnd the stock wimu m ! we 11 aispom) or at yuur own tricea, Kale all week at the lolluwinv prions: 1 cae Dreaa UinKhain. frruM price, J cents, Our Price, 3 Cents 1 cam of Unbleached Brown Cotton. 4 4. heavy, for sbeuting only, itriiea prirv, ""it. Our Price. 4W Canta 1 case Checked Crash, all linen, proas price. uctm our f rice, B Cents case Bleaohed Towels, by the pair, hinged, groan price, cents, ' Our Prlea. lO Canta IraasM Bleached Mohawk Unalln, gruaa price, lb cent,. Our Price. 12U Canta , A great sale for the u of every household. i ens of Tnrkey iM Covers, attss 8xt and una, gross price. i.uv and ll.GU. ' Our Prlee, QOe. and S9c Fst Tarkey Ued. ( me i:w ca.i sio Kin cot price sk 516 Idassa i AND ICflL I SncoMMrs to Dr. Been, at kta old staal, K& 412 Spsa SL, Senates, Pi, Oatinae to trsat Dr. Kmtw' old pa ttest and all others who Buy ealL Call aad see them. Thy treat you reaaoa ably and with great aucceaa. Blood Poison, R ha u mat ism and all forma of acuta chrouic sud uarroaa diseases of men. woomb aad ehildran, and eret diaeaasa Tumor. Cancer aad Goitres removed without the use of knife or pain. II 11 9 P. i Dundays from It A. M. to P. M. THE BELL 230 Lackawanna An, Scranton II T-S We are the Selling Agents for Scranton of the $3 t a stylish, hand-made, first elass Derby, guaranteed to be as good as any $5 hat iu the market. Three Dollars' worth ot honest quality is all that can be squeezed into a Derby. You don't pay any more than $3, do you? Our window is full of the t in black and brown, small, medium and large shapes. FOR SALE ONLY BY THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL. nr. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal ef the bast quality for domastn kse, and of all sizes, delivered In ass part of the city at lowest prlca, Orders left at my Ofllce NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Raar room, nrst floor. Third National Bank, or aant by mall or telephone to tba tilna, will receive prompt attention. Special contractu will be matin for Um MJe end delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WIVI. T. SMITH. ArH.tttr,tt4- CitnrttBtred 4'are far LOST MANHOOD luiil evil ftttwudiofr -ilmrnt Mb of yuunff nd mldillo afrotl mffi anil women. Th wfulf ffectiof YiHlTITFI'L hnmltn of tratmrnlL BM. Merront lublJil j.KIffhtly Kmlttlon Consumption, ItuMtiity, RihMirtlnir dratniiand low of prnw of th itn- , miliMM and mat 1 "mmi .1 erva atthMat of ilfnw tw, but are a ffrrat KKKVR tMi and HMMil III II.UKU, brirurinpr nark I ho frink vlntr al arrfca and rvntnrinif thn FtUK lK V4M TH totha kuii'ii. iy mail, imrnos orw ror 9 WHH write ivm cuaruutr rare r prfand th man. Bonk tiWfeaaal Nrc Urala Co., Ua IM09, iaw 1 art Kor unle by JOHN H. I'HKI.1'8, lrua gist, Wyoming ave. and Spruce hi net. GOODS CO., 2 cases of finmtner Ballrlgran Men'a TTq. derwear, In all qualities, troM price, 2jc,, - 8jo and ttk:. our Price to Close Out Entire Lot 20c CO dozen Men's White ITnlanndried Shirts, . pure linen busom, double front and back, gross price, tu cjnts, ' Our Price, 29 Cents BJU dofen of Ontlng Shirts, In all qualities, . grow price, !&. 311c., fiOe., sic. and "3c. .' Wa will make a sweep on the entire lot ' and let bar go at 25 Cents Your Choice HOSIEftY-lheae prices will hold good ' tor all this week, few pair Men's Hocks at So., gross price, lUo. ; tH pairs Ladies' ,- Kaat H ack Boae, . grots prlie, 10 cents, . Our Price, Sc. 16 down of Krench Maibriggan Half Hose, and Fast Black . Hose, groaa prlee, 2u cents. - r Our Price, 12X Cents Ladles Vstts at one-half leas than elsewhere. Be careful and call. Gotham Ha Gotham Ha TO our patrons: Washhurn-Croshy Co. wish to assure their natiy pats rons thut they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling; STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop u fully cured. New wheut is now upon the market, and owtnu. to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Wanhburn-Crosby Co. will take) no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling hat S laced Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other rands. 1EGARGEL Wholesale Agents. KERR, SIEBECKER Hi GO. Carpets, Mattings, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, and Lace Curtains, Draperies and Upholstery Goods. 1 1 Pertaining to the Carpet and Curtain Trade. 406408 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT Or FURNITURE Will be found at our branch store in the Watt Build ing, Church street, Carbondale, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. 'TWAS A MASTER-STROKE OF BUSINESS POLICY. The introduction of these OUTFIT SALES first it was one room then two and three now it's three rooms at the We furnish homes in this Parlor Suit, 6 Table, 1 pair PARLOR Pole and Trimmings, Brussels Carpet. ROOK Spriug,Cottou' Chairs, 2 Window Shades, DINING A 100-PIECE DINNER SET included FREE with above THREE-ROOM OUTFIT for $99.00. CREDIT FREB TO No Notes Easy Payments. ri OTH1PD6. - . V ML " L HOMI FtlBNI.HEB4. CONNELL iff I (ICC ft tu I price of two for $99.00. styJe: pieces; Silk Plush Parlor Lace Curtains, Curtain Antique Bed, Dresser, Washstand, Table,2 Chairs,Rocker Woven Wire opMattress,2 Pillows,Ingrain Carpet. An Antique Oak Extension Ta ble, 6 feet long, 6 High Back Ingrain Canv- AL.L- C. A. RuUdlltff I Ihmvim.. , WvARlirtr Avs.l V V:'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers