THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE THTJB8DAT MOENTKO. 8EPTEMBEB 12, 1895. WiIkesBarre. m Hhufwa hits Aliened a. branch of- flm Tin sSl l.anliiir building". Public Square. Wllkes-Barre. It U the purpose of the publisher to issue a newspaper at valuable to the general public as the met- ........ 1 1 . .1 Ml .... ...... .1 ..I I ...... It In ttiA no pie throuKhout northeasten Pennsylvania rrom mree to nve noure raer .. .Philadelphia and New York paper can reaca meiu.j 31VSTIC CHAIN CONVENTION. Officer Elected for the Comiiif Year. The Prle 1111. The nnnual nrize drill of the uni formed rank, KniKhts of the Mystic Chain, was competed in by the follow ing: Companies A. H. O and D. of the Third regiment, and Company A. of the Fourth regiment, thla city. The adjudicators were chosen from the Ninth regiment. They were captain 1). S. iMyers, 'Lieutenant lleorge s. Me Cleery and Captain Charles S. Peek The first prize. $ii. was won by Company C. of York. Captain Adam Garner, percentage L time eighteen minutes; second prize, JtiH, won by Company H, of I-nneaster, Captain w . McElroy. percentage 67. time twenty- five minutes; third prize, $10. won by Company D, of Beading. Captain . R Marks, percentage 5S, time thirty minutes. Company C, of York, was awarded the diamond presented by the Dins more Uniform company, of Chicago, for the best appearance. This Is the third time they have won It. and It now belongs to them always according to the rules. The following are the percentages made by the highest three companies: Company C, SI); Company B. S3; Company D. "2. The second business session of the order was opened at 10 o'clock yester day morning In Concordia hall, and, after the roll call. Hon. J. B. Black presented Colonel J. B. .Stetzer with the gold chain of the order, in recognition of his services as a Knight, and his cordiality In welcoming them to Wllkes-Barre. The select commander was Instructed ito send greeting to the Select Castle, of Ohio, which is now In session at Columbus. The committee on election, submitted their report elwtlnp otneers for the coming year as follows: 'Select Commander. A. It. Wambold. of Philadelphia: select vice commander, 'Ralph 'Lawyer, of Pittsburg; select recording and corre sponding secretary. John J. Davis, of Pittsburg; select treasurer. J. O. I.eex er. of McKeesporot: supreme represen tatives. D. K. Rettew. of Columbia: J. B. Black, of Philadelphia; Dr. J. W. Hamer, of Johnstown: Charles Ash com. of Johnstown: S. D. Hunter, of Phoenlxvllle; Ceorge P. Chandler, of Barrishurg. There are three more supreme representatives to be elected. There are eleven candidates for select marshal, seven for select Inside guard, thirteen for select outside guard, and four for select trustee. No election Is reported on these ofllces. An extensive report from Seleot Commander Kalph B. Clare was submitted. It comprises twelve sheets of a good sized pamphlet and covers fully everything concern ing the standing of the order, Its pro press during the past year, useful sug gestions and recommendations. He closed by extending his best wishes to hla successor. The report was referred to a special committee. The reports of the treasurer and the secretary were referred to the II nance committee. The committee on appeals and grievances reported that Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 had' been approved, and Nos. 5 and 6 were re served. Appeal No. 7 was Incomplete and was therefore referred to the In coming appeal committee. A recess was then taken. At the afternoon session the reading of the report of the committee on law and supervision was -the first thing. This was quite lengthy, and consumed a great deal of time. Other reports were read and considerable secret busi ness was transacted before the meeting adjourned. TODAY'S PARADE. A Big Demonstration by the City's Fire men. Today's parade of the firemen of Wllkes-Barre and vicinity will be the biggest parade of its kind seen in this city for many years. The route of parade will be: 'Form on Rjlver street, resting on Union street. The march will be on River street from Vnlon to Washington, down Washington to East iMarket. out south side of iuare, thence to West llarket, to Franklin, down Franklin to Ross, out Ross to Washington, up Washington to South, thence to .Main, to Public square, around Public Square to city hall and disperse. The Btartlng of the parade will be announced 'by two toots of the flra gongs and two taps of the court house bell at 2 p. m. The old volunteers are asked to meet at 1.30 p. m. at No. 2 engine house,- where their apparatus will be In waiting for them. 'Robert. Williams has been elected chief marshal of the parade, and his aids will be George I,. Weltzell, J. D. Brannlng, James F. iMack, Fred Turn er, J. A. Finch. IK. N. Carpenter, Cleorgo D. KlngHlty, Frank Jnnes, Web Clause. Marshal of Wllkes-Barre lire depart ment: Robert Harvey, aids, Ambrose Constlne, Joseph Williams, Hugh Sharpe, J. N. Montanye, Lewis P. Knlf fen, Major W. C). Coolbaugh, Fred Klrkendall, Fred StegmaleU, Wj A. OMalley. The parade will be received by the mayor and members of the city coun cil from the city building. Among the companies which will participate with be the nine Wllkes Barre companies, four from Plttston and the departments of West Plttston, Kdwardsvllle, Parsons, Plymouth, Ashley. Kingston. Luzerne Dorranee ton, Nantlcoke and Avoca. A number of visitors from Scranton and other cities are expected to witness the pa rade and the test of the new ball nozzle In which all firemen are interested. LIZZIE PERKINS FOUND. She Is Discovered In a Gypsy Camp and Sent to Her llrothor. Lizzie Perkins, the young southern girl who disappeared so suddenly from tier brother, 8. F. Perkins, on Aug. 27, has been found and returned to her brother. It will be remembered hat she and her 'brother came here, as they travel from town to town, selling smnll amttclea, and one day the'glrl tllw appeared and all efforts to II nd her were futile.. Up to yesterday her wlheneufhouts remained a mystery. Cons-table Kulp, of Narctiooke, heard A WORD III YOUR EAR The Secret or Beauty of the complexion,. hands, arms, and hair Is found In the perfect action of the Pores, produced by The most effective Skin purifying ind- beautifylng sotplntbe world, is well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. heal tk trwM. liMsisistti F. fur fur a Sen. I, alsl 4 !- lata. rem fiws aae Gsss. wu,M rraWs. V. s. a. r 9SS of her disappearance and had a de scription of the (ilrL Yesterday he was In West Nantlcoke and While passing through a sypsy camp saw a young Ski. whose description corresponded exactly. He spoke to her and learned that she was the missing girl. Accord ingly, he -took her to his home and ob tained a warrant for the gypsies, but before It could be served they wad gone. Lizzie's explanation of the affair Is not entirely satisfactory. She says that on tine day of her last visit to this city, she was waittng to take a Pltts ton car. when she met one of the gyp sies. Jle told her that he would tuke htr to 'the car. and Instead of placing her on the one going to Pittston he took her to Plymouth. Once getting her Into camp, he Informed her that she should stay there, and If she attempted to run away, he would have her arrested. The girl got frightened nd fearing Im prisonment obeyed him. She says she had 1een kindly treated ami the utmost respect shown her. Her brother was noil lied at once ami he came to it his city, where foe met his sister. ALDERMAN'S QUEER ACTION. Refuses to Accept Ball Offered by a Friend of a Prisoner. Testerday morning a Slav ap peared before Mayor Nichols and asked advice on a matter, which. If his side of the story is true, places Alderman Connlff, of Georgetown, In a peculiar light. It seems that the alderman com mitted John Amiraska to Jail on a charge of assault ami battery which he never committed. The charge was pre ferred by Mary M-atzcnskui. and from the evidence It was shown that the lit tle son of Andraska.aged about 6 years, was playing with the prosecutor'H little daughter recently while his parents were nbsent from home, and during a quarrel which ensued, the girl struck the boy, who. In return, bit her on the arm. A lawsuit followed. The squire, after hearing the testimony, decided the father was liable for the child's ac tions and Imposed a fine of S3.50, which the defendant refused to pay, prefer ring to give bull for his appearance at court. 'Squire Connlff would not accept the ball offered, though one of the men went home and got the deed for his property, which he offered as evidence of his being quailed, and the man was compelled to go to jail, where he is now. The mayor advised the friend to go see a lawyer, and he left vowing vengeance on the 'squire. Their Positions Safe. One of the ordinances passed finally at the meeting of the council Tuesday evening was that Introduced at a pre vious meeting and provides for the employment of policemen during good behavior. The ordinance Is one looked upon as a most sinsille one and will doubtless operate to the better elllclen cy of the force. Heretofore policemen were handicapped In the discharge of their duty by fear of dismissal, but the passage of tihe ordlnnnce referred to leaves them comparatively safe In this respect and free to -act as their conscience dictates. Heretofore the entire force has 'been reappointed at the beginning of each fiscal year. A Drilling Contest. A drilling content took place yester day afternoon In Owen D. Jones' yard, near -the Central 'Railroad of New Jer sey depot, In a Mock of rock. The contestants were John M. Evans and Henry Francis, and if-'amuel '.Miles nnd Oliver Tucker for a iprize of $r; time, fifteen minutes. Messrs. TOvans and Francis drilled twenty Incihes In the time, and Messrs. Myles and Tucker fifteen nml one-half Inches. The con test was witnessed; by a large number of rockmen Htvd miners, -Richard T. Edwards was referee. A llundsoino Outfit. George St. John, of the fire depart ment, and Robert Williams, chairman of the fire department committee of the city council, yesterday tried a hand some team of blocks which the city In tends purchasing for use on the new hose wagon which they are having con structed by the firm of Cleason & Bailey, of Seneca Falls. The wagon Is to bo painted pure white with gold trimmings, and will cost $ii"!. The team Is a pair of coal blacks and will cost about $000. They showed up splen didly In the trial. The Dallas Fair. It Is but a short time now till the Dallas fair will be held, and from present indications the exhibition will be a good one. Upwards of $5,0u0 are offered for premiums In the various de partments this year. Insuring an ex cellent display. The catalogues are now out. Should you desire one, drop a postal to the secretary, J. illhrry An derson, and you will receive It by re turn mall. The fair begins on Oct. 1 and ends on Oct, 4. . . . . Yesterday's Fire. The lire yesterday afternoon was in the house of Jacob Schwab, editor of the Wllkes-Barre Sun, on NorMi Washington street, between Jackson and North, lit started in 'the kitchen roof and was caused by an overheated stovepipe. The blaze was readily ex tinguished by No. 2 engine, which ar rived In short order. 'Several other com panies were on the ecene, but their ser vices were not necessary. Tho Cut-Off Murderers. Judge Lynch yeftorday appointed counsel to defend 'Nelson Miller an'd the other negroes who are chargod with 'blowing up the eh-anty on -the moun tain, by wlhleh several Hungarians were killed. Tne attorneys appointed were A. M. Freas. M. J. MuHiall. P. A. iMHxell and U. W. Davis. (Frank Mc- Cutgain will nilso appear for the de fense, having been rt-talirpd by one of the defendants. Itr. Young Hurt. (Dr. IT. N. Young, the well-known dentist, was hurt painfully on Tuesday night while bicycling. He was riding down South River street, and In turn ing Northampton, ran Into a horse. The animal reared, and when he came down one foot landed on the doctor's leg, Indicting a very painful, but not serious, Injury. Released on Hall. OlflrlMI If. f tiler fhn rirt.l -nnUfc blng the Mooslc postolllce, was released from Jail yesterday on $1,000 ball, fur- nisneu iy nis ororner, William '.Miller. He wlH hn.w. n honrllnir sittl WailniwJau of next week 'before United States Commissioner Hiahn. BRIEF NOTES. Hose company No. 7 will hold an oyster supper on the big lot near their house tomorrow evening. There Is a -bis- sale of tickets for tho excursion to the Delaware Water Gap, to be run Sept. 25 by the Oratorio so ciety. Chief of Police Brlgcs has received notice of the theft of three bicycles from Blnghamton. It Is thought that a gang of professional bicycle thieves are around. The Harry Hlllmnn academy will be gin Its eighteenth year next Tuesday, v The .trustees of the Nantlcoke Hook and Ladder company -have called on D. T, Ttlchards, bondsman for Gomer D, Lewis, of the Pioneer Fire company, to pay $80.76, with which Mr. Lewis is said to have left town. A boy named Doran wis struck by an electrlo car on llasle street last Tuesday evening and quite seriously hurt The funeral of the late O. At. Ernst will be held tomorrow with services at St. Nicholas' church. airs. James CampbelLof South 'Wash ing-ton street, fell from a stepladder oa Tuesday and broke her arm. The Grant street school bulldln- will not be ready for occupancy before next Monday. The gang- of sneak thieves that have been doing business on the West Bide, have resumed operations In dwarda- Vllle. Checker experts In this city are much interested in the coming match be tween D. W. Harrison, of Huntington, and Wright Edgar, of Wllkes-Barre, for $50 a side. After the tlremen's parade today, the American Ball Nozxle comirany, of New York, will give a practical exhibition of their great Invention on the river bank. A temporary building will be erected and then set on tire. Professor Dean's monthly report on the water used In the city to the city council last Tuesday was not favor able. The city council will take steps to have the 'South Washington street switch taken ud at once, as H was laid without permission. George Watson, aged 14 years, was killed at Inkcrman yesterday by being run over by a trip of coal cars. Peter Kllnges, aged 12. son of D. K. Klinges. of -North 'Main street, was drowned In one of the pond holes on Tuesday afternoon. He was playing on a raft and fell In. Hugh Boyle and Alice Johnson were married lust evening at St. Muiry's church by Bev. Further Mc-Andrews. Frank Brewlck, an old miner, trad his back hurt yesterday by a fall of coal In No. 4 slope, near Nantlcoke. Today's tlremen's parade will be one of ithu largest ever held In tills city. AVOCA. Rev. J. F. Keernan. of iParsons. ns entertained yesterday by Revs. Crane and MeCabe. William 1-aw was a visitor In Arch bald yesterduy. The borough school board has given the contract for the erection of the new school building to Contractor Frye, of Wllkes-Barre. 'Mirs. 11. W. Steever Is vlaltlng friends in Peck v Hie. A meeting of tihe Epworth league was held at the Methodist Episcopal church last evening. . Mr. Ashley and daughter. Susie, of Hackettstown, N. J., are spending a few days In town. Mr. Ashley Is look ing after the Interests of the new silk mill. The marriage of John J. Hanlon, of fills -place, to Miss MUry Kane, of Pitts-ton, is announced to take place at St. Johns church, Plttston, on Sept. 24. ' Frank Austin, formerly of this place, now resklmg at Susquehanna, Is vis iting friends here. Miss Nellie Quinn, of Plttston, la the guest of IMiss Nellie Hums. At a recent meeting of the borough council, all members being present ex cept Councilman Cannon, a tax of 5 mills oa the dollar was levied for the ensuing year. The treusurer was in structed1 to enter Hens ogalnst alt de linquents on 'Plttston avenue. The amount of corporation tax Is $310.80; citizens', $558.30; total, $369.10. Mioses Katie and Maggie Me.Hale are the guests of lArchbahl friends. Mrs. John Higgins, of Clinton, Muss., is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Walsh, of North Avoca. Mrs. P. J. Scahlll. of Main street, has returned after a visit with her sister, 'Mrs. (McOarty, of Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O'Malley, of Giove street, are rejoicing over the ar rival of a young daughter. Mrs. Knank Ashworth, of iPark City, Utaih., Is vlyitlng at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McKeon, of Grove street. Misses '.Mary Fttzslmmons, (Nellie K. Curi'an, Kate Brennan, Alice and 'Ag nes iMorahan, Mary Kearney and Lydla Connor and George Allen attended "The Last Days of Pompeii," at Scran ton, last evening. CKOSS.THE.WATER FUN. Compiled from Foreign Exchanges. A Frenchman was Coasting that he had tnorughly mastered the Knglish language when he was asked to write from dicta tion the following choice specimen of our eccentric vernacular: "As Hugh Hughes was hewing a yule log from a yew true a man dressed in garments of a dark hue came up to Hugh and said: 'Have you seen, my ewes?' To which he replied: 'If you will wait until I hew the yew I will go with you to look for your ewes." " After an attempt the Frenchinun admitted bis mistake. Barrister: "Now, sir, you have stated un-ler oath that this man 'had the appear ance of a gentleman. Will you be good enough to tell the Jury how a gentleman looks In your estimation?" Witness; "Well, er a gentleman looks erllke er " Barrister: "I don't want any of your ers, sir: and remember that you are on oath. Can you see anybody in thla court room who looks like a gentleman?" Witness (with sudden asperity): "I can If you'll stand out of the way" Bhe was an observant little lady of six, and on her way to the park with her nurse was met by a lady neighbor, a friend of her mamma's; and the latter said: "I hear that you have two dear little baby brothers now, Edith." "Yes, I have," cried the little girl de lightedly. "They were brought to mam ma by Dr. Ferguson at lunch time yester day." "And do you like them?" "oh, yes, I think they are little dears." "And what are they to be called?" "I'm not iult sure; though I think I know, for I overheard papa say, as he came down stairs, 'Bell and Tommy!' " A wayside Inn, standing on one of the old conch roads. Is ra,pllly going to ruin. A traveller who stayed there one night complained that t-he water came through the roof, nnd dripped on to his bed. To this the landlady replied: "All right, sir, you can soon mend that. You'll find an umbrella in the corner by the clothes press." Lover: "You are getting prettier every dfy." Uweet Girl: "Just now I am living on brown bread and water to improve my complexion." "Mow long can you keep that up?" "Oh. Indefinitely." "Then let's get married." "Now, ' said the governor to a forger, who hod Just arrived nt the prison, "we'll set von to work. What can you do best?" "Well, If you'll give me a week's prac tice on your signature, I'll sign your cheques for you," said the prisoner, A peasant went with his wife to the theatre. At the conclusion of the first not he said to his better half: "Come along, old woman, let's go home: the second act doesn't begin till five years later.". Nurse: "Sure, ma'am, the twins have been making a fuss all dav. ma'am." Mrs. Olive Branch: "What about?" Nurse: "It's because they can't have a birthday apiece like the Dawson's chil dren next door. They think they have been cheated." Plttston Business IHreetnrv. FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBING CALL on wrlgnt & o., vi uoutn Mam sireei. A new range for sale or exchange; also second-hand household goods, bought or sold. If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes th Child, Softens the Gums, Allays ail Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and Is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. He sure and ask- fur 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and lane no oinur ainu. iwenijr-nve cents a bottle. When Baby was slefcywsisvs her Csstorsy When she wai a Child, th cried for CsKurta. Whea she became Hiss, she clung to Castorls. Whss she had Chllarss,sss gSTetheis Cssterla WHEN HOPE FADED Mrs. White, a Citizen of Ithaca, . Was Sired. (From the Ithaca Herald.) Our. representative, hearing of the ease of Mrs. H. T. White, called to see her at Seneca and Plain streets. We publish their conversation In the following Interview: "Mrs.- White, I hear you have some thing to say about a new remedy for back ache and kidney disorders. Will you give me your statement for publication?" "Yes, I am uilo autistiod to do so. I think the public should know when a really good remedy Is to be had. It Is the least I can do In gratitude for my recov ery:" "Tell me about your complaint." "About a year ago I had the OrlDDC. and since then my buck has pained me constantly In the region of the kidneys; a dull pain at times, ana at other intervals sharp, darting pains piercing through me, were almost unbearable. I seemed to be giving out as the pain In my kidneys grew worse, and at last I had to stay In bed the greater part of the time. Finally, I gave up altogether. I had terrific, headuches, and suffered so much pain my appetlto left me. "Did the disorder affect the bladder?" "Finally, It did. The urine was hlchtv colored, and varied In suppression and ex cess. 1 often told my friends I believed I should go Insane from the pain. I heard of Doan'n Kidney Pills, and began their use. After taking them two or three days I began to feel their good elTects. I con tinued, und now am perfectly well." "Am I to understand that Doan's Kid ney Pills hBve entirely cured you?" "Yes, that's the truth, I have no more headuehes or pains, and my appetite has returned. Before using Doan's Kidney Pills I found It very trying to go up and down stairs, or to sleep on my back; but now I can do so without a single pain, I feel completely cured, and I wish the man ufacturers every possible success." For sale by dealers. Price, 50 cents. Mulled by Foster-.Mlllnirn Co. Buffalo, N. Y., Sole Agents for the IT. S. NICHOLSON. The Nicholson orchestra, consisting of Dr. H. K. Wllklns' coronet; O. D. Pratt, first violin; . It. iBlukeslee; second violin; -K. 1). Bacon, trombone; A. J. 'Shields, tubn; K. N. Weaver, piano, played at the wedding of Dr. A. J. Taylor and IMIss Cora Wright, of Foster, Tuesday evening last. IMiss Grace Crock left for Philadel phia and 'Pittsburg Monday last and will be gone three or four weeks. '.Miss Clara Wilcox returned from New York Saturday last. Arthur Welnsclieck was the guest of Ralph Williams Sunday Inst. The Ladles' Aid society of the Uni versalis! church will meet nt the home of Mrs. E. L. Bacon, Thursday after noon, Sept. 12. An Invitation Is ex tended to all. The funeral of George Walker, who died so suddenly Saturday last, was held in the Universalis! church Mon day afternoon. The church was crowd ed with sympathizlnz friends. Miss Vlda Johnson was the guest of Miss ltuth Perry, of Waverly, Sunday lust. Delegates W. S. Billings and J. M. Carpenter attended the county con1 ventlon at Tunkhannock Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thayer attended the wedding of Dr. A. J. Taylor and Miss Cora Wright, of Foster Leon Boyle is attending school In Scranton. , HALLSTEAD. J. Tl. Swartz has secured a position In' iRcrunton-. Mrs. Parmer, of Hoboken. N. J., Is visiting at the residence of C. J. Lang ley! Sr-arle, the bleycl rider, who Is try ing to 'break thi record between New York City and Chicago, will arrive In town this morning. Relief in .six Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "New South American Kidney Cure. This new rem edy Is a great surprise on a. omit of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back, and every part of the urinary passages, in male or fe male. It relieves retention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Drug gist, 125 Penn avenue, Scrunton, l'a, ONE CENT A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADB, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN CENTS. THIS RULE AP PI. IRS TO SMALL, WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. JfspJfVantsd w ANTED-WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stock ubtnriD- tlons; a monopoly: big money for aeonta; no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH CO.. tsoruen uioci, wuioago. in. ft II.ITJJVB'M Ht. sinifVT H1I.P.HMRN ...r wiiuu-u, w-Tiiiniiiivu witii tun lot nuu nearby drug and grocery trade, to handle our ... ...I (....! 1.1. ,L. I .. 1 .. ,1 lino ui iiiKn RTnun itivhtv, amui-wi, aiviiiir ..I..MIV... .1 triViitnuiWI.l'ji aPil in Chambers street, N. Y. Helo Wanted Females. EW'YMKTnKSANU Ladle' French tailoring: almolutelv no refitting; you work on your own material wnue learning. ii L.acxawanna avenue. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO KNER eetie saleswomen to reDreaont us. Guaranteed luadsy without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. write fur particulars, Inclosing stamp, Mango Chem-ji-sl ' oliilimy. No. 72 John street. New York, For Rent. 0 NE NEWLY FURN18HED ROOM TO rent 41V Vine etreet JJOfl RENT-fJ BOOM HOUSE. FINE LO. 1 ration In Orenn Ridge. Inquire NET TLETON, I Mil Washington ave. TjHJB RENT FURBISHED ROOM, WITH r or without board, suitable for two per sona liu Adania are. . TOM RENT A LARGE, 4-HTORY BUILD V ingatlill Franklin avense; suitable for wboleeiile business, CABHON UAVIES, Beranton. F'OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avonue. Address THOMAS K. EVANS, aear liml Lucerne, Hyde Park. lOB RENT NICELY FU RN IBH ED HALL F suitable for kids room. JOHN JER- MYN, III Wyoming avenue. For Sals. FOB SALE - A NEW BUOOY, VERY ehean. InunirS MACKRBTH'B anon. lMCI Washburn at ' -t Ior saLe'cbeap-laroe Rouse and I1 barn and one acre of around at Ikllnn Pa Address J. L. Hwarts. Dalton, Pa or H. Li. Bwarm. iii-i nprace street, city, li'OH iS'ALB A"T REASONABLE FIGURES. 1 alot of Hoe A Co.' Iron Dine anmnml. Won frame, ajngle and double: Mao a lot of Rooker cea In Dalro. soma extra dmth All only (lightly need and good a new, Addreiu inquiry to BUBIN MANAUCS, Tn Trib one, Borantoo, Pal . ' . - In Pound. flN FRIDAY, SEPT. 6, A GBAY Was placed In pound ini id will be a' Saturday, Settt It, -coordlng to. law, called lor, at xis Hoatn aiAln aventln. 1 WARE old on da lea c omnnolD KID GLOVES ED) MiMi7iiii.nHmiWMmi All the talking and advertising on earth wouldn't make a glove reputation if the gloves were not good. We don't say none are as good as ours. We do say none are better. That means that these gloves are as good as the best. Prices as little as they always aro here, several shades below the usual. Our importation for fall is now in, and to attempt to describe it in full would take more time than you have to read it and more than we have to write it. We simply say that it is a great deal more complete than ever before, and includes better values, lower prices and every new shade that can be thought of. The are also some new patents in the make-up that make them fit and wear better. Notice the display of One-Dollar Kids in our wiudow, and then step in at the counter and examine them. Chances are you will be so well impressed that you'll buy. The result Ou mutual benefit. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, Agents Wanted. WANTKU FOUR OR FIVE AUENTS; large commission to the right parties. Call at tthoop'a Clear Store, Mi Lacka. ave. AGENTS WANTED-TO SELL CIGARS; Si& per mouth milnry and exiiennr paid. Aridrea, with two cent stamp, F1UARO CI OAK CO., ChicftKo. AOENTB TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickrl and copper elrctro platei-H: price from S-'l upward; salnry and fix nenara paid; outfit free. Address, with a tain p, MICHIGAN MFli CO., Chicago. AOENTS TO HELL CIO ARS TO DEALERS; f " wocklv and eswnas; experience un noceoxary. O.WSOLIUATED UFO. CO., 48 Van Huron St., Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 15 O per vent. oommiHslou; sample book mailed free. Address L. N. CO.. btatlon L, New York. AT ON CK AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new liclitnine- aellliiir table cloth. mos quito and house Hy liquid at ID cents aud 25 cents a bo tlo. Sample free. UOLGIANO M r u Co., Hxltimoie, aid. AGENTS HI E'S-PATENT UNIVE R aal Huir Curlers and Waver (used with out host), and "l'yr Polnted"Hir Pin. Lib eral oomuiiwilons. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 4&U New York. YlfANTrD ACTIVE SALESMEN TO II. nandln our line, no reddllns. Salarr, S" per month aud expense paid to nil. Oood entirely new. Apply quickly. P.O. Box,UUa, Boston, Must Soeelal Notices. TVTOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1, I ll will niako a monthly tour of tho follow Inif places KlvInK freu open air advertising ex hibitions with tho stereopMixin: Tavlorville, Hvdo Park. Providence. Dickson Olvtitasnt, Pcekville, Archl:d, Jerniyn. Exhibitions eivdn i n Wednesday and Friday of each week during tlio month, tlin rates for adver- tiHinit are sill per month. Address b. tu Call, Tribune office, city. "VHE HOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." J Yon want this relic. CVntaln all of Frank Lcalio s famous old War I'ictures.sliow inir the forces in actunl battle, sketched ou the spot. Two volumes, ZlKiO pirtiiros, Void on easy monthly pavmetit. Delivered by ex press complete, sll Charlies prepaid. Address I . o. akhidx, u Aasms Ave., ncranton, ra. 11LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA JJ nines, etc., bound or rebound at Thb TniHLN office. Vuli-k work. Reasonable prices. Real Eststc. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALB-MODER-ate prices. Call and c't our circular be fore purchasing. W. OIBSON JONES, 811 Spruce street. Wanted Second- Hand Buggy. AT RIGHT PP.ICE, WILL BUY SECOND hand bticirv suitable- for a pony. E. U. SHURTLEFF. m Wyoming ave. Annual Meeting. NOTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the members of the Lackawanna Store Association, Limited, will le held at the office of tint association, in the city of Scranton, cm Wednesday, Oct 2, M at 2 o'clock p. m., for the election of manauers for the ensuinir year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the mnetlug. J. P. HIGGINSON, Secretary. Scranton, Pa., Sept. 7, 1x95. Dissolution of Partnership. rpHE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE BX 1 ivtln between J. M. Rhodes, C. W. Rhodes and Louis D. Aquino, doing business s tne Goon Bumsritnn baive Co.. lias mis uuy Imvn dissolved tiv the retirement of J. M. Rhodes from said firm. All claims ngainst said fund should be presented toC. W. Kuodcs, Eliuhurst, Pa. Til E GOOD SAMARITAN SALVE CO. September II, 1SHV. Transfer of license. I'STreTWa'erTif mrreiTicENSR of Atinlo YalHko, in the First ward of Arch bald liorouuh, to Joseph Kroschlok. No tice is hereby givon thst court has fixed Sept. 1. I8t.", at V a. in., as the time for hearing in above case. TAYLOR & LEW 18, Attorneys for Petitioner, Charter Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will lie mad to the governor of tho state of Pennsvlvanls. on Thursday. the third day of Octol'ier, A. I. IWi, by Or lando s, Johnson, Edward u. sturgos, Arthur H. Christy, Joseph B. Dickson and Josse L. tody, under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en titled "An Ai't to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of certain cor porations," approve ! April SV. 1874. and the supplenvHita thorcto, for a charter of an intended corporation to lie called The John son Coal Company, the character and oldect whereof is the mining, pieparlng, loading, shipping and selling of anthracite coal In ail the various branches thereof, with inch busi ness as may lie necessarily appurtenant there to, and for these purnoses to have, possess ami enjoy all the rights, benefits aud privi lege of the siild rtof Asseinhlv and It sup plements. WARREN & KNAPP. Solicitor. Sealed Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE GKAD of the space Isttween the county jail and the southwesterly fence line of New York St., in the Thirteenth ward, city of tfcranton. Pa, also for laying flagstone, gutters and setting curbstone, will be received at the county com mlsiloners' office until HI o'clock a. in. Mon day, the 2(1 day of September next. Plans and speclflostions for said work can be seen at county commissioners' office. The county commissioner reserve the right to reject any or all bids. GILES BOBEBT8, JOHN DF.MUTH. S. W. RUBER 1 8. County CommlBslooara. Situations Wanted. MTANTED-A SITUATION BY A YOUNO VV lsilv who Is anxlons to seeuroa Doflition: has had experience In offloe work. Address F. K. s., caro Trunin. ANTED A SITUATION BY A GOOD horsoshonr and general blacksmith. Ad dress IAS Franklin avenue. SITUATION WAKTEDA8 CASHIER OK Cj assistant hnokkaenor! tborousblv under stand bookkeeping; anxious to secure seaitlout moderate salary to begin. Address BOOK KEEPER. DOo Lackawanna ay. ANTED - PI SITION AS HOUBEKKEP- or: enod washer and Ironer. Adores ELIZABETH JACKSON, Forty Fort, Pa. SITUATION WANTED BY A BOY IS VMM nf titTss In nfllfea or mtopm. H. J, p., Trlbuno offlc T I TRY US. 602-604 LACKA. ML, COR. ftDIRS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN. Bridge and Crown work. Office, 25 Washington avenue. C. C. LAUBACH, SURGEON PfiNTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. 8TRATTON. OFt'lCE COAL EX change. 1'hyKiciana and Surgeons. DR. O. EDO AR." DEAN HAS REMOVED to 610 Spruce street. Scranton. Pa, tJUSl opposite vouri nouse etuurv. DR. KAY. 206 PENN AVE. : 1 to 8 P. M.J call 20C. Die. of women, obatretrlcs and and ail dig. or uhll. DR. A. J. CONN ELL, OFFICE Ml Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Fruncke'a drug atroe. Kesldenco, 722 Vine st. Office hours: 10.30 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4. and (.30 to 7. SO p. m. Sun. day, : to l p. m. DR. W. E. ALELN, 512 North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. FREY, PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: office, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence. KS Vine street. avenue. Otllce hours, 8 to s. m.. 1.30 to 1 and 7 to s p. m. neamence we aui son avenue t-,d t r niTfllnH nlct.IARI.F. RKIN Tumor and Cancer Specialist. Tuesday ana rriuays, at dw A.iuueu oi- v flee hour. 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN & KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and Counsellor at Law, Republican DUIiaingp wasmngion avenue, pviu ton. Pa JESSUPS ft HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealtb oullUlng, Washlne-ton avenue. W. II. JESSUP. HORACE R. HAND. W. H. JESSUP, JR Diwtinanu A. WITVIV A TTAP ney and Counsellors at Law; offices f a . . . I . II a . T.n sua Ajinmry duiiuiiik , ocrHiuuu, ra, ROSWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX ALFRED HAND," WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorney and Couneellors. Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room W Coal Exchuiitfe, Scran ton, ra. JAMES W. OAK FORD. ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms til. M and S3, Common wealth building. SAMUEtTwr EDO AR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Oirtce. 317 Spruce at., Scranton. Pa. L. A. WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 421 Lockawana ave.. Scranton. Pa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building. Scranton. Money to loan In large sums at S per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT law. Commonwealth building, Scran ton, Pa. CTCOMECIYS, 821 8PRUCESTREET. D. B.REPLOaLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 401 Hpruce street B. F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 120 wyoiningave., Mrinv. JA8. J. H." HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 46 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. jTmTc RANCK. 1M WTOaUIItJ AVU. Architects. EDWARD H. "DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 24. 25 and 2. Commonwealtb building, BcranUn. E ii WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICII rear of 600 Washington avenue. LEWIS-HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce at., cor. Waahsve., Scranton. BROWN MORRIS. ARCHITECTS, Price building, 120 Washington avenue, Hcranton. ; Louns. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terma and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. Cullender. Dim Han. building. Schools. SCHOOL OF THB LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girl for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re auest. Opens September 9. quest, up THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BUELL. if IBS WORCESTER'SiCINDERQARTEN and School, 4iz Aaams avenue, open Sept. . Kindergarten $10 per term. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR k.n. ninnlca. Dartle. recentlona. wed dings and concert work furnlehed. Fer term address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 111 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'S mustu ; . ' MBOAROEB BROTHERS. PRINTERS' Supplies, uiwy"", vFvr wnas. w.u. Warehouse, U0 Washington ave.. Reran ten, Pa. FRANK P. BROWN CO, WHOLE sale dealers In Woodwars, Cordage and OII jjoth. HO Wsst Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT AC cou nian I ana suaiier. sasss uns m, William Building, oppoalt potottlca AasDl for tlis Rss Sirs Extinulahr. A ft nn wawiace GLOVES 2onounuft UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Glean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses Make and Repair Springs, Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL. REAR 511 - LACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa,, manufac turer of Wire Screen. Seeds. O. R. CLARK ft CO., SEEDSMEN AN'D Nurserymen; store 14tt Washington ave nue; green house, 13T0 North Main ave nue: store teephoeJ32. Clairvoyant IMPORTANT ARRIVAL OF THEOIPSY (jueen; reveals hidden secrets of the present anil future, will give sitting for a few duys at 103 Spruce street. All who have been unlucky in love, business or kindred subjects, pall on the Madam and consult her. Misses treatments. This la the best week to consult the Olpsy Queen on all subject. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK- lln avenue, Kates reasonable, P. ZIEOLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D , L. ft W. assenger depot. Conducted on the luropean plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. westm1nste1ihoteu Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rate. 13.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. AN ABLE. Proprietor. fT m. . Pioneer of the hotel een- CrlfZS ter ,n Nw Y"- : J II ITI 1 Noted for It superb loca W sWsssp tion, superior room and excellent cuisine asrvlce. The Standard Hotel for giving MORE VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any first-elans hotel in the world. Facing Central Park, 68th and 69th sts., Plaxa Square and Fifth avenue; reached by any uptown cars, and the crosstown cars at 59th at., which latter In tersect all surface and elevated roads; terminal station 6th ave, L road within half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plana. Drlnk'.nj water and Ice used I vaporised and froten on the premises, and sertlfled as to purity, by Prof. Chandler. F. A. HAMMOND. III OF SCRANTON, dill 1 Special Attention GItcd to Business ml Personil Accounts. INTEREST PAID OR TUB DEPOSITS. Stocks, Bonds, and Grain. Bought sod sold on New Tori Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, either for cash or oe anargln. O. duB. DIMHICK, 41s Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS I SPfCULTT. TelefhoneSOOl ON THE LIKE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are located the floeat flshlnt sad haatiaf frouadi la the world. Dtserlpttv books oa application. Ticket to all point la Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, St. Paul. Canadian aud United State North wests, Vanotmver, Seattle, Taooosa, Portland, Ore, Saa Kranclaoo. First-CtoJ Slewing and Dining Csn attaekeVl to all throssh trains. Tenrlal ears fully fitted with beddlns, enrtalss and sp lally adapted to wants of famllle may b hid with cosd-eIiia tickets. Rata always lass Km u other Hum VW rull tsfoemstlflSL time table, etc., on appllcatloa to :. V. SKINNER, Q. K. A. O ISOIDWATs RW V0R1 T.