TIIE fiCBANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY- MOHNIN'Q-. SEPTEMBER 0. 1893, Wilkes-Barre rffk. K.lk.... haaaa nnantll A brftlkCh Of' flee at No. , Lanlng bulldlna;, Public Square. Wllkes-Barre. It Is tho purpose of the publishers to Issue newspaper us valuable to the general public as the met .....n..... .i.iii.. ,isiivr It to the peo- pie throughout northeasten enn,,ha'hi j rum inreo 10 live huuip ........ - thiladelphla and New York papers can reach them. SCHOOL BOUNDARIES. Territorial Lines to Bo Observed Hera after In the City. The following limits nnd boundaries will be observed by the pupils enter itis; the public schools for the terra beginning-on IMmiduy. iScpt. 9: , Ualtlmore achool-OWniury It. C and T. L. and S. R K.. Laurel, Scott. Pine to city limits. ivaruv Avenue school Primary a, it, P and I. and Grammar C and 1. from South Klver. lana il'lace to Wilkes. Hurre and Plymouth railroad to city limits. . Central school Primary A. B. C and I. iver. 'Koss. Huale. U and S. rail road to Market. Urammar O and D. Klver. Rosa. Haile, Dana, J'ark ave nue (both sides) south. -L. and S. rail road to Market street. Orammar A and 13. Susquehanna, uiver. Hasle, ana. Park avenue (both sides) south. L. and B. railroad to .Marae.. Centennial school L. and . railroad Hrown. Jones. Loomls. Stan ton, city limits. Dana (both nldt) to Park avenue. Dana. 'llaxlu to Railroad, for primary A, IH. C and D, and Uram mar D and C. Conynnham school A. 'T. C and D and Orammar C and 0. Wllkes-Harre and Plymouth railroad, wood, L. v. . U ta pltv limits. Oourtrljrht Avenue school 'Primary A. H. C and D, North, iSumiuehannn river. Courtrlpht avenue. River. Kulp avenue. Olive and Harry streets (both sides). L. V. railroad. Uutlvr, Main to North. Urammur C. u ana u me mme. Including North lluin street territory. Orammar A; North. Main. Heaumont. IL. and S. R. iR to city limits of Beau mont street. Custer street school (Primary A. B. O and D. Coal. North Grant, iMarket. Hillside to city limits. Franklin school. Primary A, B. C and V, and Orammar D and C, River, Dana Place, Railroad, Wood, L. and 8. railroad. Hazle. Ross. Orammar A and B, Ross. Hazle. L. and S. railroad, flouth. to city limits. Grant street school Orammar A. B. C and D, Coal, iL. and . railroad. South, (Park avenue, IDana east to city limits. Hancock school Primary A. B, C, D, Coal. IL. and 8. railroad, South, Grant to Coal. Hasle street school Primary A. B. C. D, and Grammar D. Poplar. Grove Mc Lean. Loomls, Stanton to city limits. Hill street school Primary A. B. C and D, Lehluh and Schuylkill railroad, South. South Grant, Dana, Hazle. Hlllard Grove school Primary B, C, T. Pine. Scott, Laurel. Lehluh and Schuylkill railroad. Coal, to city lim its. Primary A, Orammar D and C, Coal, kehlgli and Sohuylkill railroad to city limits. Meade street school Primary A, B, C and D. Hillside, Market, South Grant, Dana, to city limits. North street school Primary A, B, C and I, and Grammar C and D. Jack son (both sides); Lehigh and Schuylkill railroad. Butler, Main, to Jackson. Orammar B. Market street (both sides); River. North Main, Beaumont. Lehltrh and Schuylkill railroad. Including Hll lard Grove Grammar (trade territory. North Main street school Primary A, B. C and D. LehlfTh and Schuylkill railroad from Courtriffht avenue boundary north to city limits. Parrlsh street school Primary A, B, C and D. and Grammar C and D, Le hltrh and Schuylkill railroad. Poplar, Grove, MoI.ean, Loomjs, Jones, Brown, Stanton. Grammar C to Include Hazle street territory. Grammar A and H, jjviiiku aim ocnuyjKin railroad, nazie, Dana, to city limits. I'nlon street school Primary A. B, C and D and Grammar C and D. Market (both sides). River. North, Main to Jackson. Lehlfrh and Schuylkill rail road. Grammar B of the Union street territory go to North street schorl this year. Orammar A, Market, River, North, Wain. Beaumont. Le high and Schuylkill railroad. Including Hlllard Grove Grammar grade terri tory. High school Pupils are admitted to the high school from the entire city on presentation of their certificates of pro motion from the Grammar A grades. TROUBLE AT MILL CREEK. A Saturday Fracas After a Base Hall dome. On Saturday night a good sited fight took place at Mill Creek. There had been a base ball game between the out side and Inside men of the Keystone colliery, and after It was over half a dozen men went Into a saloon kept by a Pole named Mazlnskl and talked It over. David Carey, one of the men, or dered drinks and then had ho money to pay for them and was kicked out. While this was being done some one threw a bottle that nailed the bar tender In the head and made a bad cut. Ed. Jenkins took an active part In the affray that ensued, and with such missiles ai he could find stretched sev eral of the Poles out, a good bit the worse for wear. Then the air became thick with missiles, and everyone threw what he could find. Jenkins was the object of their wrath, and with great difficulty made his way to the Dela ware and (Hudson depot, where Station Agent Powell telegraphed for help from the sheriff and sent an engine and a coach to town to bring back the sher iff's posse. Jenkins had got Inside the station and Mr. Powell had locked the door, and the 'Poles onthe outsidu were besieging the station. Before help could arrive some Polish leaders came upon the scene and persuaded their angry countrymen to go home, which they did shortly after. Jenkins was then ar rested and taken before Burgess .Ber gen, of Miner's Mills, who ordered him locked up. . , TRIED TO SUICIDE. A Young Polish Qlrl Hangs Herself to a Tree. On Saturday afternoon Mary Fll lliteln, a young Polish girl residing in Georgetown, made an attempt to com mit suicide near the Red Ash colliery. The girl Is about 20 years of age and on Saturday last she told her parents that she did not want to live any THE PRIZE fCZEMA REMEDIES Oar hahv rha Uvea weak eld m badlr if- Jeted with bum. Hr seed, emu, ank, limb, and nearly eery joint In her body raw and bleeding when we concluded to try Cuticvsa Hauspisa. We began with Cuticcba (oint ment) aad CUTictia soap, aad aMr ' Jlrti application we could an a obancc Attar we had Md Una oat week tome of (he aorta had healed entirely, ud oessea to spread, la lets tbaa a awatu, tea wai free from scale, aad Meaisbas. and to-4ay bat as loTrlr skla and nslr as any elilld. Mm was abowa at the Urania Pair, and look a braailum at Iks BratUast baby, ore Ixtam others. V a. A Mas. PARK, lout Ballenew Ats Kan. City. KANSAS ,DistgOM X. ..CDTICDRA sMnjiin PftmvaaaaMssvaesN longer. They thought she was Joking and paid no attention to her. Mary left the house and, taking a rope, went to the Red Ash colliery. She met a friend and had some brief conversation with her, but said nothing of her at tempt at suicide. After leaving her friend, Mary went Into the woods and tied the rove around a tree. She then slipped the noose over her neck and Jumped from the tree. The fall did not break her neck and she screamed for help. George Struble, the butcher, heard her, and, taking his big knife, cut her down. Stroble tried to persuade the girl ta go home,, but she refused to go, saying that he was d4er mined to kill herself. Stroble then went to 'Squire Ford's and told him what had happened. The girl was placed under arrest shortly afterward, the constable flndinir her playing in the Polish cemetery. 'Squire Ford commit ted her to jail until nn examination can be made as to her mental condition. TRUE BILLS REPORTED. The Murk of tho Urnnd Jury the Past Week. On Saturday last the grand Jury re turned the following true bills, the re sult of their week's work: Murder Abram I. lEckert, George Wind Inch, Lewis Troo, Anthony Jim might et al.i Frank Shaffer and George Jordan, James iMlller et nl. Involuntary manslaughter Carl F. Seeling. Assault and battery to ravish Jo seph Thrash. Rape Thomas O'Brien. Charles Black, Anthony Kalowskl, et nl.; Henry Fogelberget, 'Patrick J. Rowan, Staiiislaw eVibetskl, Albert White, Henry ILegran, Jdhn K. Ferguson. Robbery "Henry Pearson, et al.; James Meehan. Patrick Gibbons. Pat rick Cummlngs. Breaking iKrank Charles. Forgery Sampson Nanklvel. IVadls law 'Marlnkowski, Jacub Cohen. 'Malicious mischief Powell Vlcker, -Maggie Wilklns, Judson iLuts, Edward O'Donnell, John Luckacs. Pointing pistol Frank Bencavicx, George Shuia. Seduction Joseph Palmer. Fornication and bastardy John Ven nes. William Stone. Joseph 'Huskar, T. Harry Cox. James Wren. Jr. Extortion Sampson Nanklvel, Rich aid Burke. Embezzlement Barney Rosenthal, Sampson Nanklvel. IBawdy house-iElla Kresffo. Emma Hatfield. P M. of R. Katharine Kruss. J. L. Strunsky. Tjarceny-John Urban, John Brill, Ignatz Pavadosky, Maggie Mitchell, et ai.; John Wilson, Anthony McGlnley, et al., John Heck, Charles Fuller, Har vey Mccarty, Manus Dugar (two counts), John Howard, et al., James B. Brennan, Lizzie Tomclilck. Michael Rubuskle, John Berona. Harry Coplln. Julia iMulroy, George Wlttig, John Daniels, Fortuanto Abisanl, George Stone, Lafayette Wyun, Millie Greek. B. P. Maxlield. et al.: John Howard, et al., Patrick O'Keefe, Thomas Bleck, Richard O' Neill. Adultery Frank C Forschner, Wil liam Kroppa. Defrauding Boarding House 'Mark Wellington, George Uisler, alias George Henry. Libel S. W. Boyd. Prostitution of Child Patrick J. Rowan. Perjury iMatteo Gerod. Detective without a License D. J. Gallagher. Cruelty to Chlld-Mary Davis. Common Scold Mary Katkoskt. Felonious Entry and Detainer- Charles Kelly, James Kelly, Jane Kern. Concealed WeaponsPatrick Boyle. Tippling House Pasquale Rowano. False Pretense T. E. Emmett, alias R. S. iLinden, James B. Brennan. Felonious Wounding James Mc Laughlin, ' Andro Jancissan, John Kotch, Adam Umlah, Peter Warsell, Samuel 'Lehman. John J. iMulvey, John Firman. John Pakutka. et. al.. John firman et. al., Salvator 'De Ora, John Kotch. John Swatkle, et. al., George Chlsnell, Dominic Stmnltes (two cases), Patrick Cummlngs. Aggravated Assault and Battery- Steve Balash, John Fruit, (two cases), Albert Perch, Felix Navitskl, Joe No kitus, John Wacko, et. al. Assault and Battery John Wilkes, Thomas Malrn, Mrs. Thomas Tlghe, Fred. Lloyd. Oeorge .Phelps, Fred. Da vis, Elmer Stefonskl, Thomas 'Dough erty. Jacob Kellar, Patrick McGinn, Michael iMunley, John J. iMunley, iMrs. Joseph Bartell, John Polka, John Moi llck, John 'Lukacs. Fornication ana Hasiaray unanes Jones, LIoydHartzel, Samuel P. Cooper, August Jillck. LABOR DAY PICNIC. A Big Crowd Celebrates at Mountain Park. The several labor unions of this city observed Labor Day on Saturday with a parade and picnic at Mountain Park. They met early Saturday morning and paraded, being headed by the Albion band of Avocat The parade formed on South street at 9 o'clock, the route be ing out River to Northampton, to South Main to Public Sriuare, to East .Market, and thence through the principal streets back to the Square, where they took -the electric cars for Suburban park. The positions were as follows: First came tho chief marshal, Al Smith, on horseback; Albion band; Bricklayers' and Stonecutters' unions. The brick layers wore white duck overalls and dark coats with their badges, and car ried their lodge banner. The stonecut ters were In their shirtsleeves and wore white hats and the regulation apron and carried their banner. There were upward of 125 men In the parade. After the parade the United Machin ists held a largely attended picnic at Mountain 'Park, at which the Ninth Regiment band was present and enliv ened the day with a number of selec tions. At Hanover Park. Branches 12 and 21, Ancient Order of Hibernians, drew large crowds, and at Suburban Park the members of the Stonecutters' and Bricklayers' unions held their pic nic. . ., BRUNDAOE INDORSED. The Dcmoeratla County Committee Urges Ills Claims forjudge. The Democratic county committee held a meeting on Saturday morning and the following resolution offered by KUitor iieiuieman, or the hfekshinny Democrat, was unanimously passed: wnereas, me name or our distin guished fellow-Democrat and able law yer, Hon. Asa R. Brundage, has been favorably mentioned 1n our county and In many places In the state In connec tion with the nomination of Judges of the Superior court; Resolved, That as representatives of the Democratic party of Luzerne coun ty we cordially recommend to the state convention, which is to meet at Wlll- lamsport, Sept. 11, the name of Asa R. Brundage as one of the nominees of the convention for the office of Judge of the superior court, ana we urge upon the delegates from this county that they use an nonoraoie means to secure hli nomination. A Sunday Hide. Yesterday morning at 4 o'clock a number of young men of thla city left PubHc Square and went to Hasleton over the Boulevard by way of Bear Creek and White Haven, returning last venlng; The rider Were Clem Relch ard, Harry Sanders, Alexander Pat terson, John Newberry, John Ripple, Nicholas Glosser, John Jdoyer, Charles Connor. Charles Brodburn. Frank Ter ry, Wayne Newman, Grimes Joslyn. Stanley Pierce. 8. Houpt, Edward Terry and John Walcott. Arrested for Ucsartloa. Edward Griffiths waa arrested on Saturday, charged by hla wife with de sertion. He came before the mayor and said they had been married four years, but had never lived tiapplly to gether. His wife told him to pack up his things and leave the house and he had done so, and then found himself arrested for desertion. He was per fectly willing to support his wife, but would not live with her. The mayor neia mm in s.oo ball for court, and in default of ball fie was sent below. Located at Canton. O. P. Fettsolf. formerly of thla city, who Is churged with embezzling money from the Washington Building and Loan asoclutlon, while acting as their agent here, has been located at ( un ton Ohio. He expressed his willing ness to return and stand trial without requisition papers, ami Detective Baur left yesterday for Canton to bring him DUCK. Travcr Heleasuil. On Saturday last. Charles Traver, editor of "All The Newa." who ha been in )aii on a charge of criminal iidhI, preferred by J. II. Orr. was re leased at a habeas corpus hearing, be fore Judge Bennett on his own recog nizance, to appear at court when called tor trial. BRIEF NOTES. Richard Myles was yesterday arrest ed for fast driving and lined $5 and costs by the mayor. William Closkey. Polander, who nas own m jail on a charge of mali cious mischief, was permitted to enter bail Saturday in $200 for his appear ance at court. Grocer Glbbs. of Sullivan street caused the arrest of one of his clerks lor the larceny of two spools of thread. - PlTTSTON. The Plttiton office of the 8eranton Tribune has been opened by H. W. Cruser, a-eni, at no. o Williams street, where con' trlbutlon of news, complaints of non-de llvury. orders for lob work of all descriU' tions, should bo addressed and regular subscriptions received. Advertising and auoscriptun rales cheerfully submitted. Friday evening a regular meeting of the school board was held, at which there was a good attendance. Air. Jones, the new member from the Tenth ward, was made chairman, as Presl dent HInes was absent. On motion of (Mr. (Miles, the plans of Architect Frey, of Wilkes-Barre, for the remodeling of the Junction school, "were accepted. The Improvements are very elaborate and will cost, with the new heating sys tern which the board Intend putting In, between $6,000 and $7,000. The privilege os using one of the rooms In the old Butler Hill school building was grant ed to Professor Rutledge with the pro visa that he must furnish the lights. Various repairs needed on the different school buildings were left In the hands of the controllers of the different wards who were authorized to attend to the matter at once. And now a new hotel scheme Is tak ing definite form. Senator James I. Slocum has had the plan In mind for years, and within a few months has had Architect John (Duckworth, of Scranton, work out his Ideas in draw ings and plans which leave nothing to be desired for beauty, utility or con venience, and If carried Into execution will result In the finest summer hotel In Northeastern Pennsylvania. An ele vated piece of ground In Exeter bor ough, on the west side of the river, a short distance below Forest Castle, Is the contemplated location, and the building materials will be steel and wood. The lot on which the hotel Is to be erected contains nearly three acres, and Is well suited to the purpose. The plans Include a tower fifty feet square and seven stories high on the north end, while the remainder of the build Ing will be 170 by 50 feet and three stories high. Elevators and all modern Improvements are Included In the plans, and everything Is ready for work to be commenced at once, except the arrangements for getting to and from the place, which Senator Slocum thinks must be by an electric railway. He Is now conferring with parties whom he thinks will Join In a scheme to build such a line and also connect with Wllkes-fBarre and Scranton lines. Senator Slocum Is very enthusiastic over his plans, which .also Include the laying out of the grounds into a fine park and pleasure ground. He says that he Is willing to Invest all the money necessary, and If the electric road can be built the hotel Is sure to follow. Diagrams for all trie plays of the Kitty Rhoades company are now open at 'Music Hall Book Btore. The Young iMen's Christian associa tion educational department will be opened Oct. 1. In a few days complete announcements of the studies will be made. Meanwhile those Intending to be pupils may register for any of the classes. Important additions are being made to Hltchner 6 Co.s cracker bakery. Miss Minnie Bevan left Saturday morning to visit her aunt, IMrs. Wat kins, at iBelmar. N. J. Ed. (Hltchner leaves for Philadelphia today to complete his trade with Hoyt & Co., the well-known tailors on Chest nut street. Letter Carrier George Delahinety. while delivering his mall Saturday morning, was quite seriously hurt. He has been taking the place of Letter Car rier Miller, who Is off on his vacation. While on Damon street. In stepping from the buggy he caught one foot In the line, giving the horse a sudden Jerk, which started the animal off at a rapid rate. Mr. Delahinety was dragged several yards, which resulted In bruis ing him badly on one side of his body and cutting some ugly gashes In his head. 'Mrs. George. Coward, of Nafus street, has gone to Brooklyn as the guest of her son. Will. Rev. 8. Ross 'MoClements. pastor of the First Presbyterian church, was an nounced among the arrivals from Eu rope on Saturday. iRev. and 'Mrs. Courtney Fenn left Saturday to visit friends In Washing ton. D. C ' A bicyclist In bloomers astonished the East Plttstonlans by riding through their streets on Saturday. Plttstnn nuslnem Wreotor. FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBING CALL on Wright ft Co., W South Main street. A new range for sale or exchange: also second-hand household goods, bought or sold. If the Baby Is Cutting Teoth. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and Is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. On lh tall L'ndeclded. "Are all the details for the wedding ar ranged?" aald the mother of the Emanci pated Woman to her daughter, who waa soon to be a bride. "I have not yet decided who the Best Woman Is to be," waa the reply. Life. Than Baby was alok, we gs her Castofta, "Then aha waa a Child, ah criad for Caatorle. Wbsb aba baoasM Mies, aha dung to CaetotlO) Vhsaths bad CUUraa,aasvstaanUasiara mm aramwfsii.iaaaiei'uaii 'i'i Mild aytXTaKriMS ABSOLUTELY PURE THE CLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Nat steed the Tat! el Tiano MORE SOLO THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMDINCO TUN KM AIM NOCK. Labor Day as observed here Satur day in the usual laborious fashion. It happening to be the day on which the Republican primaries were held, the laboring was chiefly done with those who "really handn't time to at tend the caucus." Professor Frank Hermon. of Katon ville. Is principal of the Centromore land schools. W. E. Bullock; who has been nn In valid for a year or more. Is worso again, and efforts are being directed toward getting him Into the Methodist hospital ,at Brooklyn. N. Y. The Knights of Pythias lodge, of which he is a member, donated t'M to that pur pose at their last meeting. The Montrose Sentinel offers $5 for the best news Item furnished by a resi dent of Susiiuehanna county. Brad ford Republican. That statement needs elucidation. Persons who furn ish the best newa Items are sometimes very Indignant at seeing them in print, and $5 would bo no temptation to form a contract. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Decker, of Gibson, Susquehanna county, are visiting rela tives in this vicinity. The local supply of Ice has failed, and householders will be obliged to do without that necessary article for the balance of the season. S. S. Day, who Is the only dealer handling It, says that more housekeepers have pur chased refrigerators this season than have been sold for five years previous ly, all put together. This accounts for the unusual demand for Ice and tho consequent short siiply. Messages concerning the progress of the yacht race between the Defender and Valkyrie were bulletined at Inter vals at the postal telegraph office of Billings A Sons Saturday afternoon. A good deal of Interest was manifested, and there was general satisfaction when It was learned that the Defender had taken the lead. The 'Messrs. Bil lings are entitled to credit for tho In novation, The editor of the Fort 'Mende, Florida, Pebble has been visiting tho farm of C. 3. Heed, formerly of this place, and pronounces It one of the model farms of South Florida. He has 1,000 acres mslde of wire fencing, and Is raising pens, chufas. beggar weed and various kinds of grasses, besides which he has a large number of cattlo ready to turn Into beef with a little feeding. Mrs. Reed and son. Spencer, Intend Joining him this fall, and It Is said that quite a number of Pennsylvania people will go down there to settle. Paul Jennings, an old resident of Turnpike street, Is passing through a severe Illness. The contest at the primaries Satur day afternoon resulted In the first ward In the election of Joseph Carlln and T. iM. Harding, and In the Second of J. I.. Bannatyne and B. L. Lyman, as delegates, all favorable to the nom ination of J. P. Harpe for county treas urer. Out In the township the dele gates are for W. I." Avery. The ball game between the Tritons and the Scranton Young Men's Chris tian association on the home grounds Saturday afternoon resulted In a Vic. tory for the home team by a score of 12 to R. IMrs. Byron Kelley and Miss Victoria Oray visited Scranton friends the lat ter part of the week. Claude Arnts will enter Wvomlnor Seminary as student for the fall term. J. W. (5ray. who has been candv making all summer nt Crystal Beach. N. Y., a summer resort on Iike Krle. has returned and will take his old posi tion in tne factory of trie Gray Candy company. ttelicf in Six llnnra. Distressing Kidney and nimbler rtlAn relieved In six hours by the "New South American Kidney Cure. This nw mm. edy Is a great surprise on acount of its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, buck, and every part of the urinnry pasrnireK, in mnle or fe male. It rulieves retention of water and pain In passing It almost immediately. If you want aulck relief nnd cure Dili is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Drug gist, 126 Penn avenue, Scranton, Pa. ONE CENT A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MITCH. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCF1. WI1KN A BOOK ACCOUNT 19 MADE, NO I'HAItGR WILL BIC LKSS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE Al' PI.IKB TO SMALL WANT ADS. EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wantsd-Mals. WANTED-8KVKKAL tOUNU MEN TO f V present the latoat idea to retail arucerv cigar and ealeon trade: 1 ti t'l Mr dsy. Cal or address HUNT. A E. IHth nt.. . Y. WANTED--WELL-KNOWN" MAN IN evtrr town to solicit stock aufawrio- tloni: a muntly: hli money for aitenu: no capital required. EDWARD C. r'iUH CO Bordua Block, Chioago. HL SALESMEN - RKSIDENT SALESMEN wanted, eoooalnted with ths local and ntarbjr drag and urocorjr trade, to handle our line of high rrade cigars. Address, giving referauoFS, J. EDWARD COWLEd A Co., 143 Chambers street, N. Y. Hlo Wanted Females. W I1M Mifflin are. WANTKD IMMEDIATELY -TWO EN1CH satto saleswomen to raprea-nt ua. it . a. .i,hh.t , other duties. Healthful occupation. . writ i or paronaiars, wcionna; siarap, siango (.'nam Iral 'Jompany. No. 71 John street. Kww York. Cnnual Meeting. N OTICK-TBB ANNUAL MEETING OF the members of tba Lackawanna, Mtnva A aa notation.' Lhaitrd. will ba halo at th bSm of the aasoriatioa, la the city of SamAa, oa Wednesday, Oat. s, IN, at iVcloos aTsaTfor tba election of majuursr for ths snsajae' T sad for tfce traaaaeUaa of aach ether baafciw as mmj properly aoane osrore laa aaaatiag. c nmiiiniuiiiminiiiiiiiHia RID GLOVES KID inniiuuuiiiuiiUasMuniiminimiiiiiiitinnant All the talking and advertising on earth wouldn't make a glove reputation if the gloves were not good. We don't say none are as good as ours. We do say none are better. That means that these gloves are as good as the best. Prices as little as they always are here, several shades below the usual. Our importation for fall is now in, and to attempt to describe it in full would take more time than you have to read it and more than we have to w rite it. We simply say that it is a great deal more complete than ever before, and includes better values, lower prices and every new shade that can be thought of. There are also some new patents in the make-up that make them fit and wear better. Notice the display of One-Dollar Kids in our window, and then step in at the counter and examine them. Chances are you will be so well impressed that you'll buy. The result Our mutual benefit. CONNOLLY Agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL CIGARS; $75 per month salary and expenses paid. Address with two-oaut ataum r 1UAHO CI UAH tX., Cntcago. AUENT8-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL Bold, silver, nickel and copper electro platers: pries from fU upward: aalsry and ex penses paid: outfit free. Addresa, with stamp, MICHIGAN HFG CO., ChlcuRu. AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; SS weekly anil expenses; experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MrG. CO., s Van Biireo at., Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 25 per rant, commission; sample book mailed fro. Address L. N. CO.. button L, New York. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new lightning selling table elotu, mos quito and house tlv liquid nt 10 cents and M cents a bo tlo. Sample free. BOLGIANO M'F'Q Co., Baltimore, Md. a rrivvTiZBlvnR'ir'PATENT UXIVER- 7V aal Hair Curlers and Wavers fused with out heat), and "Pyr Pointed"Hair Pins. Lib eral coniuilnrioBs, Free sample and full par ticular. Address V. O. Bo. 4BO. IS I ora. ItTANTKD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO li.nriL one line, no trntMlina. SalarT. STB per month and eapenaoa paid to aU. Uooda entirely new. appit uuiuaijr. , Bonton, Mass. For Rent rpHREE ROOM8TO LET. CENTRAL CITY X bath; rent cheap. t Mifflin ava. VOR RENT-8 ROOM HOUSE. FINE LO. A' cation In ureen KlUge. inquire na,i' TLETON, 1MU Washington ave. - -.,.. trve TUjn ClTBHlUHrD ROOMS F fronting Wyoming ave. Call at JACOB WALTERS, R!7 Wyoming are. TJIOH RENT-FURBISHED ROOM. WITH V or without bonrd, suitable for two per aons. l.u Aoamn rvv. V.XJR. KENT A LARGE, 4-BTORY BUILD V lug at IK) Franklin avenue; suitable fur wholesale business. C'AKHON DAVIES, Hcranton. r-OR RENT BIX ROOM HOUSE ON WE8T A. Lackawanna avenue. Address TiiOMAO K. EVANS, sear UK Lmaurne, uyue t'ara, T.OB RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL J' suitable for lodge rooms, JVHl JfcK MYN. 11!) Wyoming ovenua. For Sale. 1 ViH BALK A NEW BUOUY. VERY r cheap. Inquire If ACKRETH'S shop, ICOil waanuurn si. VOR BALE CHEAP-LARGE HOU8E AND J barn and one acre of grouna at uaiion. Pa. Addresn .1. I Hwarts, Dal ton, Pa,, or H. D, Bwartz. Tin Spruce atreat. cny. F'OK BALE AT REASONABLE FIGURES, a Int nf Hm A Co. 'a iron Dine cotnDOsl- tion frames, dingle and double; also a lot of Hooker caxea In uaira. some extra depth. All only slightly used and good as new. Address inquiry to BUSINESS MANAGES, The Trlu line. Scranton, Pa. Special Notices. A O. K. OF THE M. C. CONVENTION 1 . The Ancient Order Knighta of the Mys tic Chain will convene in annual session at Wilkoa Barre on Tuesday. Sect. lu. A grana military and clvlo parade during tne aiter ixmn. An excursion train will leave D. H. depot atS.ioa. m. Fare round trip. M cents. Tickets can be had of any memlier or at depot TVJOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY I, I 11 win male a mommy lour oi me ioiiow Ing places giving free open air advertising ex hli.itione wilh the atereopticon: Taylorirille. Hvrin Park. Providence. Dickson Olrobsnt. I'eckville, Archbald, Jermyn. Exhibitions given on Wednesday and Friday of each week during the month, the rates for al Ter ns ng are) eie per iiiuuhi. auu.vw w. Call. Tribune office, eity. OrpHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." X Von want this relic, ivntatns an or Frank Ialie's famous old War Ptctures.sb.ow ing the forces In actual battle, sketched on ths pot. Two volumes, 2,0110 pictures. Sold nn .... tnrmthlv iiavment Delivered hv ex- prera complete, all charges prepaid. Address P. . IMOOIJl, vst Aflsms Ave., ncranion, ra BLANK BOOKS. PAMPHLETS, MAOA sines, etc.. bound or rebound at Tils Tribukb office. Quick work. Reasonable prices. Wanted Second. Hand Buggy. AT RIGHT PRICK, WILL BUY SECOND hxnd hntgv suitable for a pony. E. II. HURTLEFF. IW Wyoming ava tstrayed. STRAYED TO MV PREMISES. LARGE hav horse. Owner can hsve same by pay ing damage and for this advertisement. AN ThONY LONG. IiK Capoues ave., Scranton. Real Estate. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE MODER at prices. Call and set irar circular lie fore purchasing. W. GIBSON JONES, SI I Spruco street. Money to Loan. Q nflD M.OO AND OTHER SUMS ON V.,'"'VJ, mortgage. BKOWW. Attor ney. fUO Spruce street Strayed or Stolen. SI RAYED OR STOLEN A RED AND white eow with end of right horn off. A suitable reward will lie given for In format loo. PATRICK DURKIN. Old Forim Situations Wanted. (SITUATION WANTED AS CASHIER OR O assistant bookkeeper; thoroughly under stand bookkeeping: anxioua to secure position; moderate) salary to begia. Address BOOK KEEPER. WW Lackawanna are. . ANTED-M BITION AS HOU8EKESP mr vimd waaher and ironer. Adareaa ELIZABETH JACKSON, Forty Fort, Pa. ANTED BY A YOUNG MAN. Posi tion as olerk. bookkeeper or as assist ant In any boainensor office; caa furalea ami elaaa reference. Address J. N- care Tribuae. I EXPERIENCED BARTENDER WOULD Id like position; would accept position at any honest labor. .Address P. J., oars Trib une office). SITUATION WANTKD BY A BOY it yeaura of as in offlos or store. Address H. i. P.. Tribune office, Medical. f ADtat.t MuViwart & & WALLACE, I TRY US. 602-604 LftCXL IVt, COR. I0IIS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN, Bridge and Crown work. Office, KS Washington avenue. C. C." LA V B ACH.8U RO EONDl3NTISTt No. US Wyoming avenue. - H. M. BTRATTON, OFFICE COAL EX change. l'hysicluns and Surgeons. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 616 Spruce street, Bcranton, fa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) Tit, VAV Ana DWU ft -C . . n x . call 20C2. DIs. of women, obstretrica and and all dls. of chll. DR. A. J. CONNELL. OFFICE Ml Washington avenue, cor. spruce street, over Francke's drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vine at. Offlco hours: 10.30 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4. and f.3t to 7.30 p. m. Sun day, 2 to I p. ta. Da W. E. ALELX, 512 North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. FRET. PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: office, 122 Wyoming ava. Resi dence, 629 Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, 3 to t a. m., 1.30 to 3 and 1 to I p. m. Residence 3U Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. BATESON. RELIABLE BKIN, Tumor and Cancer Sueclallst. Tuesdays and Fridays, at 5(16 Linden street. Of fice hours, I to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue. Scran ton, Pa. JESSUrS A HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law. Commonwealth oulldlnt;, Washington avenue. W. II. JESSUP. HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP. JR. PATTERSON A WILCOX. ATTOP. neys and Counsellors at Law; offices I na S L,lrrary ouiiding , scranton, fa, ROSWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT. Law. Room 6. Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY at-Law, rooms 63, lit and &, Common, wealth building. 8AMUELW. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT." Law. Office, 317 Spruce it., Bcranton, Pa. L. A. WATRE3. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawana, ave., Scranton, Pa. URIB TOWN8END, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building, Scranton. Money to loan in large sums at S per cent, C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT law. Commonwealth building, Scran ton. I'a. C. COMEQYS. $21 SPRUCE STREET. b. B. P.EPLOQLE. ATTORN EY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 401 Spruce street. 6." F. kiLLAMTATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyoming avo., Bcranton, Pa. JA8. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 46 Commonwealth bld'g. 8cranton. jTmTc. RANCK. 1M WTOMINO AYS." Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Ronms 24. 25 and 2. Commonwealth building. Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of 60S Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT, 435 Sprues ., cor. Wash, sve., Scranton. BROWN MORRIS. ARCHITECTS. Price building, 126 Washington avenue, Scranton. Loans. TUB REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terme and pay you better on Investment than any other aaaoclatlon. Call on 8. N. Callendor, Dims Uanll building. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton. Pa., preparea boys and girls for coilge or business; thoroughly trains young children, Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 413 Adams avenue, opens Sept. t. Kindergarten 310 per term. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR kklla aotasslosl f-asart laa SI MAanl laaa eaaia. IMH1 IS, SB B-Pi VVSIIUU. Wl" d.nt and conowrt work furnlshwd. For ttrtni addreM R. J. Bauer, conductor, U7 Wjromlnv ftvonut, ovtr Hulbrta niuvtv SWI we MEOARGEB BROTHERS. PRINTERS' unnllaa. anvaloDaa. rjaner baaa. twins. Warehouse, IN Waahlngtoa ave., ieraa ten, Pa. . FRANK P. BROWN CO,. WHOLE. dealers In Woodwars. Cordage and inn Oil Cloth. TW West Lackawanas ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT AO. couniani anq aucuior, Rooms II sag is, Williams Bi lldinaT. SDOoalte postotTlca, Aatat lor i Rax Firs BsUnflUishsr, Wallace GLOVES 2oHoenue' - UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Springs. Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL. REAR fill LACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufao turer of Wire Screens. Seeds. G. R. CLARK A CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave. nue; green houe, 1350 North Main ave r nue; store telephoe 782. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAKE. 125 and 127 FRANK. lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EQLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOU8E, NEAR D., L. A W. passenger depot. Conducted on ths European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, New York. Rates, 33.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLE, Proprietor. Pioneer of ths hotel cen. ter in New York cltv. Noted for Its superb Iocs tlon, superior rooms and excellent eulslne service. The Standard Hotel for giving MORE VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any first-class hotel In the world. Facing Central Park, 58th and 59th sts., Plasa Square and Fifth avenue; reached by any uptown cars, and tha erosstown cars at 59th St., which latter In tersect all surface and elevated roads; terminal station 6th ave. L road within half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plans. Drinking water and Ice used Is vaporised and frozen on the premises, and sertlned as to purity by Prof. Chandler. F. A. HAMMOND. Il 110 OF SCRANTON. era, - sn suns, - mm DIVIDED PIUS, con Special Attention GI?en to Business and Personal Accounts INTEREST PAID OK TIME DEPOSITS. IU,IIIILBEirS WYOMING AVE, 8CKANT0NL STEIRW1Y t SOU DECKER BROTHERS miiiur.inci il w mm MUNICH I UCK Others STULTZ t UUEI PIANOS Also larg stock of flntolaM ORGANS CU51CAL nERCHANDlSB, MUSIC ETC Stocks, Bonds, and Grain, Bought ud gold on Nsw Toil Esohange and Chicago Board of Trade, tlthsi for ouh of m ,,.. sDtrgiB, Oa duB. DIMniCK, 4U tme ftratt. : UCsLSTCCSSISPttiSLn. TaiMftaaalOOa. n