The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 07, 1895, Page 12, Image 12

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Sho InJrgnantly Denies the Accusation
That Sho IiUoncJ Her JlushnnJ.
I'pon cRlllnpr at the home of Mrs. Jen
kins yesterday a few facts were
Fk'until that may be of interest to 1'hu
TriliumB riHidiT.
Mis. Jenkins was questioned as to the
rumors eniieernlnj; her huslmmi. and
denied them, tayimr that they were
fulfe and that the anonymous letter
was piobnhly written by some person
who was prompted by a desire tor re
venue The letter received by the county au
thorities was primed In yesterday's
Tribune. 'Mrs. Jenkins denied every
thing in It. She did not even know
where l'.rhrhtoii was. a plaee which the
letter raid she would shortly moxe to.
She had aINvays lived peaceably with
h. r husband, and both were happy.
They had no quarrels to separate them,
and except when he hud come home
slightly intoxicated, had never scolded
As to selllnsr the furniture, that was
an absurd idea, and one which would
only originate with a person who would
be Kuilty of writing an unonymous let-
The people of Curbondale, and tho
neighbors especially, think that Mrs.
Jenkins has been persecuted and are
verv Indignant over the affair. The
otliclnls who investlpated the matter
are. of course, not to blame for the part
they have taken in it, as they are doing
but their duty, but they join with the
people in the hope thnt Mrs. Jenkins
will be fully exonerated. Nothing can
be done, however, until the analysis of
the stomach is known.
Half of tho Money Necessary Has llccn
After prayer meeting Thursday even
ing the members of the Methodist l'res
byterian and liaptist churches who are
interested In the matter assembled in
the lecture room of the I'reshyterlan
church to consider the advisability of
having the noted Evangelist iSchiverca
hold a. series of meetings here next
Those present were very enthusiastic
over the matter. L. L. AVolte was ap
pointed chairman. Hew J. A. Cran,
of Scmnton, was present and addressed,
the meeting, lie told of 'the great work
done by Mr. Sclilverea while in Scran
ton and said the expense of keeping
the tent- in that city for three weeks
was t-70. As the ten would be In this
city but two weeks, the expense would
be considerable less.
A committee of gentlemen was ap
pointed to canvass the town and see if
the necessary funds could be raised.
The committee is as follows: Itev. J.
A. Cran. Charles Avery, T. C. Kobluson
and P. II. Briggs.
The tent will be brought to this city
today !f sufficient money is guaranteed.
It Is luite large and has a seating ca
pacity of 1,200 persons.
The tent will bo erected on the vacant
lot on Spring street, at the head of
Garfield avenue. The probabilities' now
are that Schiverea will come, as the
committee is a hustler.
The Trnction Company Sale Ibis llccn
Tho sale of the Carbondale Traction
company, which was scheduled for yes
terday afternoon, has again been post
poned. The sale has already been nd
Jiurned several times on the prom
ise that everything should be settled
up. They never have, however, and
whether they will be this time is ex
trmely doubtful.
The creditors nre William May, of
this city, who wants JSOO for the Injury
done to his property by the culling
lawn of the road in front of his house,
and Horace K. Hand, of Serantnn, who
has claims amounting to $:i.Ss2.2S. Mr.
Aitken will say nothing on the pro
posed sale. It in said that Aitken has
managed to get some money and thus
had tho sale again postponed.
It was rumored that several Wllkes
Parre gentlemen, who had driven to
this city in a carriage, were here for
the purpose of viewing the roacj, but
they denied this, eaylng that they were
here on a pleasure trip.
Another rumor says that the fVran
ton Traction company has acquired
control of the Lackawanna Valley con
cern, but this could not be verified.
Must Play in the Carbondale Ball Club, or
Not at Alt.
(Left Fielder aicQuade, who deserted
the Carbondale JJase Kail team a short
time ago, has at last been suspended.
McQuade had been playing with
Syracuse ever since he left Carbondale
and was playing good ball. Yesterday
he did not put in his appearance on the
ball field and the reason for it was be
cause he had received notice from
Ton want of medicine 1 that it shall do
you good purify and enrich your bloodj
throw oS that tired feeling, and give you
health, strength, courage and ambition.
Saiatpnflla Is the only true blood purifier
prominently in the public eye today, and
it meets theie requirement perfectly.
This is proved by the testimony of thou
sands of people. Hood's
Builds op the nerves by feeding them on
pare blood, creates an appetite by toning
the digestiveorgans, overcomes That Tired
Feeling by giving vitality to the blood,
and gives sweet refreshing sleep. Yon
may realize that Hood's Sarsaparilla
this by giving it a fair trial. Insist upon
Hood's and only Hood's, f 1 ; six for f5.
HoftH'c Dlllc set wtta
1IUUU I'lllS Hood, HaraaparilJa. Sc.
AH the latest Fall Styles.
We bundle all kinds and styles.
Rugs and mats
In endless variety from 25c. to
$10.00. '
Oil Cloths. Linoleum. Window
Shades, Wall I'apers, Carpet
Sweepers and Fancy Chairs.
J. Scott Inglis
P. S. Low Prices our motto.
President Yovntr. of the "National
league, announcing that he had been
suspended and could i:ot play with any
other team, as he was under Contract
with Carbondule.
This will be somewhat of a surprise
to AIcQuade's friends, who thought
that Young hadn't the'iiower. Mc
ijuade cannot play except with Car
bondale, but as the season Is nearly
over, he will not lose much.
The Remains of I rn S. l ewis are Cotr
signed lo I no lomn.
The remains of Kzra S. Lewis were
taken to Clifford Thursday afternoon,
where they were interred in the fam
ily burial plot.
A short service was held nt the home
of the deceased's sister, in which tho
ltev. Charles Lee oliiciated. A short
ritualistic service was held at the grave
by the ltev. K. J. lialsley. of Trinity
church, and tho Masonic ritual was
also performed.
The remains were accompanied by
members of the iMawnie order, from
this city, Clifford and Vorest City.
A large number of people assembled
at the service held In this city to show
the respect which they owed the de
Services Held ut the KcslJenco YestcrJny
Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock the
services over the remains of David Jen
kins, who died on Wednesday morn
ing, were held at the late residence, en
South Alain street, ltev. Abratn Jones,
of the Congregational church, olliclat
lng. The funeral cortege was unusually
large nud the esteem in which -Mr. Jen
kins was held was shown thereby. A
large number of Mr. Jenkins' fellow
workmen on the Gravity were present.
The pall-bearers were Charles iSeury,
S. A. Pllts, .Henry Ilerbet. Abner
Amey, John IMurphy and .l imes Wal
lace. Interment was made In Maple
wood cemetery.
Street Committee .Meet.
The joint street committee mot In tho
select council rooms Thursday evening
to talk over several matters pertaining
to the 8treeits. The business discussed
did not amount to much, howpvor. They
did not think the city would be willing
to pay the Sl,0in for right of way de
manded by the Ielnwnre and Hudson
and thought that the sewer would have
to be placed In the bed of the river.
- . . ..
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cillgallon. of
Brooklyn street, have returned' from
their wedding tour, which Included
New York ami New England.
Mis Kulalie Tenntint, of Belmont
street. Is visiting her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wells, of Starruccn.
Mrs. Craig, who has been the guest
of .Mrs. George Kelly, of Lincoln n ve
nue, has returned to her home in Phila
delphia. '.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MrfMUlIn left
yesterday for New York city, where
they will make a short visit.
M. A. Harrison has returned from
New York city.
iMrs. James Lindsay and daughter,
Vina, of Archbald street, are visiting
friends In New York city.
.Miss Mnllio Ilennegan, of Honesdale.
Is tho guest of Miss Mary Seliuff, of
Wyoming street.
Misses Ella Hart and Kmma Swart,
of 'Dundnff street, were calling on
Scrnnton friends yesterday.
i.MIss .Mary Jay, who tins been visit
ing nt the home of her parents on
Washington street, has returned to her
home in Fort Wayne.
Miss Jennie Cohen, who has been vis
iting Miss Anna White for some time,
returned to her home in Hinghamton
Miss 'Mary McAndrew. who has been
visiting friends In Forest City, has re
turned home.
C. Davis Allen, of Philadelphia, repre
senting the DufTalo Forge company, Is
In the city on business.
Miss Lizzie Mooney, who has been nt
Atlantic. City for the Inst six months.
Is visiting her parents on Brooklyn
Miss Mabel Cove entertained the fol
lowing young ladles at tea Thursday
night: Miss Daisy LnurRnee. of Beth
any; Miss Louise Tryon. Martha Brink,
Grace Brlggs and Nellie Stephens.
F.dward C. Hughes, of BInek Hawk,
Col., Is visiting relatives In this city.
V. L. Burnard has rented his prop
erty In Wayne county and will shortly
move his family here. Ho will engage
in the milk business with his brother. ,
"Miss Bessie Jones, of Sernnton, was a
visitor at the homo of Mrs. Harry Kor
lns this week.
Mrs. James A. Blgart, of Blgarf's
lake. Wayne county, and Mrs. W. I J.
Blgart, of Dunmore, visited at the home
of the latter's sister, at Simpson,
Charles (. Evans entertained L. W.
Firth, of New York city, Thursday.
Miss fJraee HiUheral, of Moscow, is
visiting her aunt, -Mrs. Jennie Krear.
The employes of (irassy island Dela
ware and Hudson breaker were paid
Mr. and .Mrs. F. M. Benseouter are
visiting with relatives at Clifford.
Jtobert Tuthlll, a Newark, N. J., po
polleemen, and his wife are the guests
of Mr. and Airs. William l'age.
A public meeting will be hold this
evening at 7.30 at the hose rooms to
take aotion In regard to the Jermyn
water. All imrthm Interested will please
be present.
-Miss J-'llle D Curtis is on the sick
Miss Jennie Williams, who hns been
visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
Airs. J. E. JWllroy, at Wavcrly, has re
turned home.
iMIss Lena iStahl, of PltbMon. is vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Williams, on
Hickory street
Mrs. Charles Brong loft last Thurs
day to visit her parents. In Monroe
Miss Stella Wadoman hns returned,
after a' few dayH' visit at Carbondale.
John Lyons and Patrick Heffron, two
miners at the No. 2 slope a.t Orassy
Island, were severely burned about he
hands nnd face last Thursday after
noon. They were in the net trf charging
a hole with black powder when a
spark of one of their lamps Ignited the
powder. They were removed to their
homes vt Olyphant in it he ambulance.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. iHollMer and two
rhlldren are spending a few days with
friends at Snlem.
Mr. and Mrn. George Tuthlll, of
Newark, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Alton
Cobb and daughter, -of Arizona, and
MIspcb Josle Croup nnd Susie Kitchen,
of Hcnlock's Creek, spent Thursday
with Joseph Croup.
Mrs. W. W. Peters was a caller In
Seranton last Thursday.
Solomon Newton, of South Canaap,
was In town the forepart of the week.
Mrs. Cora Fradlna and Miss Bilvla
Van Gorder. of Chicago, ore the guests
of Mr. and Mrs, Homer English.
R. n. Chapman, of flalem, spent
Thursday with his son, Charles Chap
man. If tho linbv la Catting. Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnnlow's Soothing Syrup has been
useil for over Fifty Years by Millions of
Mothers for their Children while Teething,
with Perfect Success. It Hoothcs the
Child, Boftens the Gums, Allays all Pain;
Cures Wind Collc( and is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. Bold by Druggists In every
part of the world. Be sure and ask fur
''Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrup," and
take no other .kind. Twenty-five cents a
bottle. ! , .'.'
Highest of all in Leavening Power. .Latest U.S. Gov't Report'.'
Humor have been flying around Tor
a day or two that Mis. Samuel Hat
lield. is ho has been living the past
year with her son ut 'Ifc-nver. Colo.. Is
dead, and her remains are now on the
way east, accompanied by her family,
but the rumor Is as often denied as
started. The truth of the matter will
probably be unfolded in a day or two. and Mrs. S. S. Breese leave today
for a two-weeks' visit down in the ul
by. Three prisoners at the Jail were re
leased by the county commissioners
last night. Mnry "Mack, who was in
for assault upon Daniel llawley. nnd
llunsliiger and wile, who were serving
time for costs. This leaves but two
boarders for the sheriff.
Itobert H. Evans, of lien union t, nnd
Mrs. Kllzaheth J. Bennett, of Bow
man's Creek, nre among the newly
Wedded people.
Programmes for nn Epworth league
mlly for the Avoca wib-illstrlct, lo be
held nt lMicndum on Tuesday, fi-pt.
17, are out. Among those who have
places assigned on the programme are
ltev. J. Madison, of Yates; Uev. W. K.
Cochrane, Ithcndum: Uev. W. U. iSlmT'
son. West Pittston; ltev. J. C Tenr.nnt,
Avoca; Mrs. J. It. Wilson, Diiryea S.
S. Broese, Tunkhannock: Mr. French,
Mooslc. nnd "Mrs. ,1. It. Wagner. Avoca.
Kx-ShcrllT Charles S. Knapp has sold
the Yielding farm, nt Black Walnut,
to W. J. Burgess, of IyneUon. It Is a
tine and valuable tract of farming
The primary eb-ctlons occur this nf
ternoon .and there Is sure. to ben lively
hustle for delegates. It seems to be
a free-for-all race, nnd each candi
date Is plucking delegates wherever he
can find them. The number of candi
dates in the Held will doubtless b ad to
a hot light In the convention also.
A large concourse of people gathered
to pay the last sad tribute of rest t
at the funeral of Mrs, Etna osterhout,
which was held nt the home of her sis
ter. Airs. Lull. The funeral services
were conducted by Ttev, W. M. Jllller,
assisted by Bev. Thomas Barker, of
Seranton, formerly pastor of ft. Peter's
Episcopal church lu re.
Wyoming county will furnish quite
a contingent of people to the Atlanta
Cotton exposition this fall.
The lakes are being deserted.
A board of arbitrators, composed of
George Benson. It. 'M. Hall and A. L.
Carey, of Baton township, has been
chosen to fix amount of damages to be
paid by Monroe township to Alphens
()' Dell, whose horse fell off nn embank
ment while Mr. O'Dell and Miss -Mollle
Fresr were returning from Orcutt'a
Grove. The horse was killed, the buggy
smashed, nnd the young people more
or less injured.
The attendance nt the nnnunl con
vention of the Woman's Christian
Temperance union was said to lie the
best this year since the organization
of the society. All the unions in the
county were represented, nnd the pro
gramme was carried out nearly ns laid
down. Among the features hlgliy
spoken of were the address of welcome
by Mrs. C. II. Burgess, nnd the re
sponse by iMrs. James Itniney, both of
which were extemporaneous and very
nicely worded. The singing by the
Ladies' qunrtette, compos-.ed of Mrs.
C. J. Heed, Miss -Ma mo AVIUiamson.
Miss Eva Moss and .Miss 'Maine Craw
ford, was highly enjoyed, ns was r.l?-o
many of the Inptoal essays presented.
The services of llrs. A. D. Brnndnge
ns organist were nlso nppreclated. The
ofllcers for the ensuing year are: Pres
ident. Mrs. E. L. J)ay. Nicholson: vice
presldent.nt lnrge, 'Mrs. It. P. Northup.
Tunkhannock: recording secretary,
Mrs. P. It. Borden, Tunkhanno..l;: cor
responding secretary. Mrs. N. L. Wal
ker, Nicholson: treasurer, Mrs. Cole
man, Fiietoryvllle. The next mid-year
convention will be held ot Laceyvllle,
the time being not yet fixed.
Mrs. L. D. Kemmer entertained her
brother, Chnrles Star, of Philadelphia,
this week.
Miss Annabelle Taylor has returned
from attending Dimmock camp meet
ing and visiting friends nt Montrose.
Professor D. D. Mlamiou, of Bay
Kiilge, Is spending a few days here.
Mrs. Vina Stephens, of Volley Forge,
hns moved to this plnce, nnd will edu
cate her daughter ut Keyatone acad
emy. Miss Jessie Kemmer hns returned
from a few weeks' visit wllh friends at
Curbondale and Iloiii sdale.
Tho Ladles' aid will give a dime sup
per ut the lecture room of the .Method
ist Fpiscojial church Wedneadny after
noon, Sept. 11.
'.Mrs. Amy Hall Is nt Glenburn, where
she will spend a few days at the home
of Herbert 1 In 11.
A. It. Konglit hns purchased a bund
ling lot of H. S. Wilson near (ho 'Meth
odist Fplseopal church, uud will build
a dwelling thereon.
A large hack load of ladles from this
plaee attended the Women's Christian
Temperance union convention alTunk
hntinock Wednesday.
Professor D. i. Harmon, Archie
Spragtie, Misses dura iordner and
lone Bennett attended the "Fall of
Pompeii," fit Seranton, this week.
Miss Hattle Gerdner attended the
Hausen-Turnir wedding at Wllkcu
Barre Wednesday.
Dr. I. C. Alney and wife are In Phil
adelphia. Bicyclist Hearle was looked for by a
number of enthusiasts till nearly mid
night Thursday, when it was reporfd
that he had been Injured on his trip
and had given up the Job.
ltev. 'Mr. Llnaberry, of this place,
gave a lecture on temperance at Jack
son Sunday evening.
The clay pigeon shoot occurs this
(Saturday) afternoon.
The Lewis family gathering was held
in Orange hull Friday afternoon and
very largely ivttended. A bounteous
dinner and a fine variety of music was
Indulged in.
Messrs. John Hand, Chnrles Culver
and F,d. Hummers, of this place, as
sisted the IMontrose band Thursday nt
the firemen's celebration at Kusque
hanna. Joe Halo, aged 16, hns a broken arm
from f.illlng down stairs while strolling
in his sleep. '
There Is a young man In Itollstnad
who claims ho can ride a bike so fast
evenings that the light from his bi
cycle lantern can't k'P up to his. ma
chine. CLARK'S GREEN, -
Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. Benedict and
daughter, Mae, former residents here,
have spenrt the week among their nu
merous friends here.
J. W. Abrahams, a Persian, gave an
Illustrated lecture on his native coun
try on Tuesday evening In the Bap
tist church to a large and appreciative
Mrs. A. A. avis, iMrs. Alice Beatty,
with Mrs. James i'oston, visited among
friends and the places of Interest In
Seranton on Wednesday.
Everett iMarrfatn and his friend, Mr.
F'arnham, of West filde, called on
friends here on Tuesday,
M. H, Coon made a business trip into
Benton Thursday..
Mrs. James, Poston returned to her
f VA
. r.TTJ
home. In Strnudsburg. on Wednesday.
(.Mrs. Fred Baruum and two daugh
ters, of Binghamton, are visiting at
Miss Fie Clark's.
John Smith uid Miss Cora Cook vis
ited Jordan Hollow and ChapiiKin's
Lake Thui-sday.
Your reporter was wrong in ptating
that Jonathan tlreen had received In
juries: It was his son, .Merrit Green.
Ills condition was proM-rly stated ns
being intoxicated, lie was riding ntn
a loud nf lumber drawn by Dr. Neil's
team when Given fell from the wag..n.
which passed over him, breaking his leg.
lie was taken to the Lackawanna, hos
pital by South Ablngton P.xir Direc
tor .M. H. Coon on W ednesday nk'ht.
Will 1. 1 m iShannon has been here on
busiiu'-s visiting his ir.uny friend.
Ills cheerful countenance always
makes one feet hotter from having such
a friend.
The theatrical season will lie opened
In this .ac(, next Tliuinlay evening
by the "outcasts of u Great Cltv."
Thursday evening a trolley party
from Scrnutnti were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. T. V. Watkius. of Main
street, Itlakely. Several vocal solos
were rendered by W. WutUlns uud
Howell Davis, of lYckvlllc.
C. S. toud, of Peckville, was a caller
In town yesterday.
Mi.;s Alice Kelly entertained a num
ber of her frl lids at her home on Water
street Thursday evening. Games and
dancing were Indulged tn and a most
enjoyable evening was passed by ull
'Miss .Willi- Sillier returned to her
Inline i,i i'lillaileloliia after a month's
sojourn with relatives at this place.
Ml.s Belle Connor is the guest of -Miss
Alice Kelly, on Diinniore street.
.Miss Bilie Carpenter is visiting James
Nealon. mi Dunmore street.
Tally Bios, are cnlarning their place
of business on Lackawanna street.
Mrs. Lawience
Delaware street,
gii"i-ts of .Mrs. F.
and children, of
Seranton, w. fe the
C. Drlgys Friday
.Miss Cora Kling ha. returned after
a short visit with Mrs. t). It. Alden, of
Fust New Millord.
Frank Welch, of Wlllfes-B.irrc, was a
culler In town Wednesday last.
.M:'s. Carr and daughter, Hannah, of
Seranton, are visiting friends and rela
tives here.
Mrs. Kate Hubols, left for New York
Wednesday lust.
..Miss Genevieve AVllliams entertained
several of her little friends last
Wednesday afternoon, the occasion be
ing her sixth birthday.
Mrs. H. Stephens has returned from
Binpliainton. where she attended the
marriage of her son, Fred, to Miss
liessie Thnrn.
Marlon Stephens Is attending Key.
stone academy, ut Factoryvillc.
Ttev. J. M. Lewis nnd wife have re
turned home after several Weeks' ab
sence. J. T. Brady was In Shuhola Friday,
calling on friends.
Two wheelmen fp'un Bhighamlon
passed through Honesdale yesterday
on their way home.
L. i). Bose, J. Kirk Hoo nnd W. ST.
Gardner are enjoying a few davs' fish
ing at j:ik Lake.
A peach social was given at the Bap
tist church Thursday night, when va
rious delicacies taado from the peach
were served.
"How to Cure All SUIn Iliscasc."
Pimply apply "Swayne's Ointment "
No internal niel!o!n.; required. Cures let
ter, eczema. Itch, ail eruptions mi ihu fare,
h.inils, nose, etc., k-MVllig til" :klll rle.l'-,
while nn. I healthy, lis ureal nnd
eii.-iitlve powers are possessed hy no other
renii-dy. Ask your druggist fur Swavne's
Ointment. '
Another man expresses his grntllrtile to
Dr. Sniith and staff for curing him of a
bad cii-o of ralnrrh of the head. Mr.
Cust Lager called on Dr. Smith and staff.
He was suffering from a bad case of ra
larrh. It had caused catarrhal iiilluninia
tlun of the throut nnd had extended tu the
Inner ear, Inipnring his hearing and cans
lug peculiar Rounds in his ears, whrh nn.
noynl him very much, lie would fre
qiielilly Imagine pome one had spokon to
him when, la fai t, there was no one near
him nt tho time. Ho commenced taking
magnetic (real incuts. The Hist two weeks
he thought lie was worse. The second
two weeks showed a slight change for tho
better, lie kept on improving and In tea
weeks was r.itl.-lled that be was mired.
All chronic diseases nre rum! by those
dm tors. Call and see them. Consultation
free. 9 lo fi dally, Tuesdays ami Friday j,
9 to 9. at .".ild Linden street.
lAligR4 or
Oflloo: 329 Washington Avcnno.
Work.! Nav Aug. In 1-1. IV. V. K. R.
General Sales Agent, Seranton, Pa
Thi tork wa pnrt hnwwl nt tho Mwr C' Salo
at Iln7.l1t.11, I'.i. Our Kaliw, Kinra ...ilnii
iirnreil ninio a-it'afaetnry ttian tlieiiuht.
1 h". cretvd on Mi.mlay waa rtmrnidiiFiy 1hi-k',
anil r:irrlil nwny thu llui jaun, nn:i tha tek
wlnrh la left we'll (Iihimu or at vmr own
Iiriiro, 8alo nil w.-fili at thu lollowinv prfcmi:
caae Drew UliiKbumi, Rrnsa pi iits, 7 cents
Our Price, 3 Cents
1 caae of Unblcachait Urnwtl Cotton, i 4,
heavy, for bbeetiutf only, itmsa price. 8
cents Our Prlc,4K4 Cents
I caao t "hocked Clash, all llnrn, arniMprira,
10 ant Our Price, 5 Cents
1 mm lilcaclifil Towp'.a. hy tha pair,
f I iugod, groaa price, 0 canta.
Our Prlco,10Conts
I ram 9 4 Blcarhad Mohawk alualin, er.wi
prioo, 25cents - Our Price, 12V Cents
A great aale for the lite of every household.
I raaa ot Torkcy lied Coven, alxoa 8x4 and '
111x4, groM price, tl.nil and
Our Prtee, 50c. and 69a
Faat '1 nrkey itod.
AM 3
SURGICAL INSTITUTE sorst) Dr. Rooraj, at lib olt-t:inl.
ltd. 412 Sprues St., Scrcnion, Pa.,
Ci ntinuo to treat Dr. lli9vi' old pa
tl.'iits mill all others who untrc ill. t oll
and i tliiin. They trcnt you reason
ably and with croat micciM Blood
Poison, Rheumatism ami ull foriua
tf acuiot'lm.uic uud urtott!i diM'ttuea
uf tuen, women and c'olilro'i, and se
cret diseaso Tumor3, Cancers
and Goitres removed without tho
use of knife or pain.
... i
1 1
liOUiU IIOill
Fluidity from ID A. M. t 4 1". M.
223 Lackawanna Ave., Sc::.i
Wc are the Selling Agents
for Seranton of the $3
a stylish, hand-made, first
class Derby, guaranteed to
be as good as any $5 hat in
the market.
Three Dollars' worth ot
honest quality is all that can
be squeezed into a Derby.
You don't pay any more than
$3, do you?
Our window is full of the
in black and brown, small,
medium and large shapes.
. 230 Lackawanna Ave
CoM nf the bast quality for dometl
ns. nnd of all hIkoh, Unllvered tn ani
(art of the city nt lowest price.
Orders left nt mv ortica
Rear room, firwt floor. Third National
lianh, or aent by mall or telephone to tha
tone, will receive iirompt attention.
Hoeclal contract will bn mado for tha
Mi ajuj delivery of Itui-kwheat Coal.
X I'oliUi' U rltf
lnnrnnl etH'urr for
lnT MANuAnn
ly Ittnl ull nttfiiililiif niininH
Lv Intth of youtiir and inidillo
iii-Huiinu. m-Bimiaii. llll(( .1. M, lirmlllMlttf wrnlc.
Illfn, NiTYOtifl lMnlity.Kltfitlr KmlKi.Iot.i.,(nyliniillon.
liixnnit,; lrui!tnniM!iof ix.wcrnr tl' lien
crat!viiiirinn.Buiinttliiirnrur.riitiiily, bnnhmi anil nmr
riwvlaqnfiililyriiri'il hy Op. 1,'o.lrlriior Spnnl.h rrve
raln. Uify Dot only run' by ittarlinif iilthi.wnt nlMi.
S?J"l .,'.n1. "f" P F'ent. M llll! 'IIINlr mid lll.omt
1. 1 1 1. Ill It, hllnKlliK Iwt tli pink lrl"W to inlo
rhik and iwlmlw llio KIKK O' VOI i'll to tl.
ll.nt. Hymsll.irl.iMrlK.xirH . with rll.
leu ritiilie tn m or rerun.! thr oinnrr. He..k
Tor mil by JOHN H. l'MKI.I'S, irus.
Bint, Weonilnsave. and Siituce Htrvct,
2 cnaea of Buninior rtalliricirnn Man' Vn
ilerwenr, in all qualities, Krom prico, Itio.,
!lju and fulc.. nnr
Prico to Close Out Entire Lot 20o
ffildnznn Slen'a Whlto tTiilnnnilriod Bhlrta,
pure Hum larani, donhlolr,jntaul back,
groaa price, 50 cauts,
Our Price, 29 Cents
HO down of Otitlnpt Bhirt In all qualities
Rrini prico. V9o Wlo., Olc. B'nl ",ic
Wo will makes aweonou tho entire lot
and let bar go at 25 Cents Your Choice
HOSIERY-Thoao price will hold cooil
ter all this woek. e;l pair Mon a Hock
t Cc, griwa price, IUe.; Ill pair Ladlea'
Kt It) ack Horn, t;riH .ri. e, 10 eenta.
Our Price, 5c.j W dozen ot Kntach
EalbrlKtfuu Half lioae, nnd I'aat Black
Hoaa, gross price, !i ecuta.
Our Price, 12!ti Cents
Ladle' f'ftnts at ona half leaa than elaow bore.
lie careful aud call.
iaaHtaaa a
frVr mrw?
TO our patrons:
,u,sr1,.r.n"Cro-MJlu:0- wls,,.to wurc their many pat.
rons that they will this year hold t their usual custom
ol m Ulna STKICI'LY OLD YVIIKAT untU . new crop
Ls fully eared. New wheat is now upon the market, and to the excessively Ury weather many millers are
of the orniion that it is already cured, aud in proper
condition for iml!mR. Washburn-Ooshy Co. will tuko
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully thrco
months to mature before Kfindin.
This careful attention to every detail o! milling baa
Phiced WnsJiburn-Crosby Co.'t flour far above other
Wholesale Agents.
Carpets, Mattings, Linoleums,
Oil Cloths, Window Shades,
and Lcce Curtains, Draperies
and Upholstery Goods.
Pertaining to the Carpet and Certain Trade.
4C6408 Lackawanna Avenue, Seranton, Pa.
Will be found at our branch store in the Watt Build
ing, Church street, Carbondale, Pa.
ocomotiyes, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
m ivionaav. eoiemoer ym.
And see what you think of our new Clothing Department.
We will not be happ)- until wc have sold to every inau here.
It oughtn't to be a very hard thing to do. It won't be if
3'ou come here, when )'ou need such things. We're going
to staud strictly on the merit of our goods (as we have for
nearly six years). Wc ask for your trade because we think
wc can do better for you than anybody else will. We want
you to try it just once. Where you go after that once will
depcud on the quality of the goods j-ou get. We're not
afraid of that. If you are once our customer it's nearly cer
tain you'll remain our customer. Get what you want and
pay us as you can. Don't forget we open
11 Will, Li LU
C. A. Building, (
7 Wyoming ve.. '
V: ,.-'"(;-.:vy,',!A-:-
iv .