The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 07, 1895, Image 1

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    ,. -
- s
) lore It
Than Is offered In our present opening-
1 hardly conceivable. The foreign
ami dome-trie maikots have been
ransacked for tie choicest novel
ties for stylish drown, while the
wants of those who are more mod
erate or ouM In. their tastes, have
been cuii'J for with a lavish hand.
begins tomorrow (Thursday) and
the spe"!al display will hf con
tinued for one ul-ek. Among the
novelties shown are:
Needle Point Sui tings,
Picote . Cloths,
Illuminated Persians,
Aurora 5 ui tings,
-RucfielJals Weaves,
Loufeene Broches,
Gros de Ecosse Cloths,
Lizard Crepes,
Crepllle Suitings,
Silk and Wool Barres,
Bayadere Cloths,
New Jacquard Weaves,
Boucle Effects,
Crotchet Mohairs,
Mohair Hosaic Effects,
Cheviotte Suitings,
Mottled Hairline Weaves,
Rapax Suitings,
Irregular Checks,
Etc., Etc. -
Rnch.'ns Henriettas. Cheviots,
tierges, etc.. etc.; etc., our line was
never so complete as now. and nil
. the pojiulnr colorings are amply
will lie much In demand for ladles'
waists, children's dresses, comblna
' tlon effects, etc. We have them in
All Wool Plaids,
Mohair Effect Plaids,
Silk Line Effects,
Ribbon Stripe Plaids,
Rough Effect Plaids,
Etc., Etc.-
might be said as to prevailing fash
ions, etc,, but the assortment Is so
great that we could not begin to
even touch on the subject In the
limited spare at our command,
therefore we think It best to Invite
you to call, when you can meet
fashion's latest whims face to face.
New Mi
A Coalition Is Hinted Between
l'oraher anil Ouay.
Will Ohio Side-Track (iovcinur Me
hlnlev in the Interest of Heed?
Th Onay and Cameron Stories
Arc Vluei edited.
Columbus, O., Sept. 6. The Tress pub
lishes this evening a story In explana
tion of the reeeut visit "f Charles L.
Kurt::, chairman of the Ohio Republi
can executive commit tee, to Senator
ijti.iy. t Pittsburg. The sulwdancc of
it is that a coalition Is being made be
tween I ..raker and Wuuy in behalf of
Ueed. of .Maine, for the presidency, in
conseejiieiiee of the work of William
XI. Halm, of Ohio, who has been In New
York the la:-t two weeks In the Interest
of (ioveri.or i.MeKlnley's presidential
If the lb-publlcans carry Ohio this
fall, as they expect to, Koraker will
be in full control of thin state, and
Km (7. is said to have reported to Quay
that while the ("hi detection will be
nominally for MoKlnley, tit list two.
thirds of them will be nt heart for K I.
and will eo to hint Umui the llrst oppor
tunity. oiiiin nid Cameron ltrcnk.
Pittsburg. P -ft. f.. .Lieutenant fiov
ernor Walter I. yon does not take any
stock In the story frifni llnrrlsbtirs that
Sepalor yuay might take up ilovernor
Daniel Hustings again nnd(nuikc him
a' I'ulted States senator to succeed
Senator Canieron In 1MI7. He said:
"1 never had heard anything of such
a scheme ilthor front Senator tjuay or
anybody else. It hardly seems to me
probable that It com! I be true. Resides,
I am not partlenla : ly anxious that It
should be. as I have no ri al liackerlng
nfti r tiovernor Hastings' seat."
Another Harrlsburg story, says ex-T'o.nm.i-ter
Janu s S. MeKe.m may be
made the head of the Quay organiza
tion In Allegheny comity. Mr. Mr
Kean says his business will not allow
him to take the place If offered.
The latest political rumor that has
pained currency Is that a new political
combination is to be formed in Pitts
burg w hich will cause almost a politi
cal revolution. The story, which Is not
credited. Is that 'Senator (tiiay, Senator
William F'.inii and Director J. O.
Hrown have formed a political partner
ship to drive ( I,. Ma.goe out of poli
ties. -
Plstrict of Columbia Team .Makes the
Ugliest Score The Washington .Men
Win the Ibonc Horse.
Sua C.iit. N. J.. Sept. C The Xew
Ji rs'-y liltie association can feel proud
over the success" of Its fifth annual
n eetin. which commenced on Monday
and ehe -totnoriuw iriwht. Several
records live been brnken. Tomorrow
the match for the Whnble.lon cup will
take place.
The creatept Interest wns centered In
the Inter-state team match. In which
thirteen teams w -re entered. It was
open to teams of r.lx from the regi
mental battalion and separate com
pany organisation of the National
(luard of the I'r.lted States or of the
l"nlted States Army. The lat-ter wns
represented by the Thirteenth Infantry,
whhh Is stationed at tlovernor's
The conditions were the same as In
th stab- regimental match, namely:
Firing at the 011 and .oo-yard ramres,
flnivhina with bvn skirmish runs. The
enKlneir corps of the District of Colum
bia won by seven points from the First
battalion of Ceorpla.
The Total Scores.
The total scores made are as follows:
Interstate regimental match, Knul
neer corps, District of Columbia, 1..M1I;
Fit-t battalion, Oeorpia, l..',.',7; First
Alabama, 1.17H; First District of Co
lumbia. 1.417: Second Xew Jersey, 1,4 14 :
Second District of Columbia. l.:;?2;
First Massachusetts, l.:!4I: Twelfth
New York. l.:il ; Third Pennsylvania,
1.271: Thirteenth, Ignited States firmv.
1.27,".; Sixth New Jersey. 1.1M; Third
New Jersey,; Fourth New Jersey,
The br-Ft Individual score on the
skirmish run was made by Lieutenant
Ilutteily. of the Kniflneer corps, of the
District of Columbia, who made nine
teen bullyeyci and one four out of
twenty shots, a total of nhietyiilne out
of it possible PW. This beats the record
by four points, and Is the most remark
able rill ; performance ever made in n
skirmish. n the second run Ilutteily
made !i'l. Ills score, therefore, for the
two runs was l:.. F. C Wilson, of
(P orcia, made, ftsi on one of the runs.
Si rceant Dietrich, of Jho 'Second New
Jersey ill. and Lieutenant I'pton !J
Il"iilenaiit liutterly was coiiKralulnted
011 all sides for Ids Bleat shooting.
The trophy in the interstate regi
mental is a bronze horse.. It has been
won three times by the F.nprineer corps
and becom; I heir pruperly.
CAKKII.KS' c(nvi:ni io.
Offiuers Uuetud tit tlie Sessions of
Philadelphia, Sept. C At tonlrht's
Ff-Hslon of the convention of the Na
tional Association of Letter Carriers It
was announced that Richard V. Union,
(.f I'hilacielpliia, had been elected Jiresl
dent of the aisoela tlon. Ills opponent
was William J. HcnmKsy, of lioston.
The frtliers. In addition to the presi
dent, who were chosen tonight, are:
Treasurer. Alex. McDonald, Craml
: phis. Mich.; Fersreatit-al-nrtns. W. P.
Kills. Camden. N. J.; members of the
executive board, Kdwnrd H. XleC.eoy,
Philadelphia; J. F. X1Klroy. ItibbTc
port. Conn.; F. W. Campbell. Jlinne
apolls. Minn.; Samuel F. Stevens, Cin
cinnati, O.
Kohcrt llrynn Killed by a tilnnt Powder
Ilnstlntjs. iMIch.; Sept. . A fntal
dynamite accident occurred this morn
in on the farm of Jicnry Hnitley, near
this city. Hubert Dryan, of Goals drove,
was driving a well, 'and bad driven
ninety-nine feet. Masting with dyna
mite through a luriru rock.
; At he stood by the well with a cart
ridge In his hand, ready to drop into
the pipe, the cartridge exploded, kill
ing him Instantly and severely Injur
ing iMrs. Henry Ham-ley and Mrs. Whit
ney, who were standing near.
Ho Fulls I'nder art Knglna of Ills Own
Wllkes-Ilarre, Pa., Kept. C Daniel
Coxe, of Drlfton, son of Alexander
Coxe, who was a brother to the late
F.okley B.' Coxe,, was killed tonight at
Ms home. The deceased was a me
chanical genius and had constructed In
the rear of Ids residence a railroad
about. four miles long, upon which he
ran . a . Ave horsepower - locomotive,
which he had also constructed himself.
While riiniiiuc this engine this even
ing It left the track, turned over, and
Coxe fell under It. lie was Immediate
ly released and then sat alongside of
the track for 11 bout two hours super
intending the replacing of the locomo
tive on the track If possible. He was
suddenly seized with a pain in the side
tintl died an hour later, at 7 o'clock.
Internal Injuries complicated with
heart disease caused death.
The deceased, since the death of his
uncle. Kckley P.. I'oXe, has been super
intendent of the Drifton, Siisiiuehannn
and Schuylkill railroad. Daniel Coxe
Is reputed to be worth a million of dol
lars or more, mid was well-known
throughout Ihe coal region.
llo Sent lor the first Vtlfo and Was
Frankfort, lnd., Sept. C John V.
Sir. iu m, a prominent local at toniey and
politician, was granted 11 divorce yes
terday and today married Flora
Stiawn. who was granted a. divorce
from last June.
Strawn has lived happily with his
Inst wife for twelve y.sils, but became
smitten wild Kmiua Cullity, of iudi.ui
ai 'dis.
Ills. Stiawn obtained a divorce, and
tin ce days later Stiawn married tic
Indianapolis woman. After living with
her in bis old bonie for three weeks lie
was smitten with remorse, ami, send
ing for his llrst wife and their child,
was forgiven.
July 'Ml he tiled a bill for divorce from
his bride, and on the convening of court
yesterday was granted a decree. l;'e
r.nirrlage to his llrst wife followed.
The Itrightest feature in All the llorion
Is the Certainty of an Immense ('urn
New York. Sept. (!. U. (1. Dun Co..
In their weekly rc lew of trade, tomor
row will say:
There Is no real rcnctlon In business.
Cains which weie recognized as tem
porary are vanishing, hut there re
mains a decided increase over last year
ut date, although prices average .N.N pel
cent, lower than 11 year ago. It needs
no ke.-n observer to see thai the tenc
tlou against rapid advance of prices l.i
strong. Cotton Is strong, but bus
paused. The-general tendency to cur
tail purchases where prices have no
tably advanced grows clearer in hoots
and shoes, In wool, and in some pro
ducts of iron.
Imports are large, but It is stated
that Kradford manufacturers timi It
hard to get labor enough to (III their
orders, so that delay may cancel many
contracts, ns Inferior quality has can
celled some already.
The brightest feature in all the hori
zon is the certainty that the crop of
corn will be enormous. Frosts now can
only n fleet a small fraction, and
the surplus will go Into manufacture of
m.-als, because at I!.'.. 7 cents at Xew
York, nearly 4 cents lower than a week
ago, there Is no other pioiitalde use
for corn.
The one farm product which has been
strong because ctainly short in held
rose from s.iil cents for spot cotton last
week to x.2.'. on Tuesday, but lias since
been weak in slate of concerted otilciiil
statements that the decrease is 3:1 per
cent. In some states and 27 per cent. In
Texas. The public observes much or
ganized and skilled labor In these re
ports and also sees what ninny specula
tors refuse to see, the :i.fKio.ooa bales old
American brought over. It Is earnest
ly hoped that southern agriculture has
not sustained so grent a calamity. The
anuual reports, showing a larger yield
last year than lias been supposed, only
indicate that more cotton must remain
In the country besides the unconsumed
stocks abroad. A quiet market, with
out much change of prices for a time,
would ie a blessing to the south.
The railroads have gained .3 of 1 per
cent. In earnings over last year for
August, the last week doing better,
though the tonnage cast hound from
Chicago was 7 per cent, smaller for the
month than In P!'2, ami the earnings
of nil roads were 14.1! per cent, smaller.
Failures for the week have been 1M6
in the Cnlted States against 21!l last
year, and in Canada lis ngnlnst 47 last
buildings Arc I nJunnliK'J and Collapse.
A Woman Is browned. - 1
llaltlmore, Sept.' C Ilaltlmore was
visited today by the heaviest downpour
of rain in twenty-live years. Starling
at 2 o'clock this morning there was lit
tle cessation until ti o'clock tonight.
There was little wind anil no thunder
or lightning. For (he sixteen hours
four and seventy-six hundredths Inches
is the record of precipitation nt the lo
cal observer's ollice: The overtlow
flooded the cellars of Nos. 1SII and
lull! C.reenniount avenue. The torrent
undermined the foundations nod the
buildings coon collapsed, the occupants
barely escaping with their lives.
Yawning holes In the ground marks
tlie place where the three houses stood.
, Xlru. Annie o. Smith and her son
were washed off the foot bridge that
spans Jones' falls, nt .Mount Washing
ton. The young 111:111 ' succeeded In
reaching the shore, but his mother was
A Hill for Cicatlnc n l and Will lie Pre
sented emigres.
Philadelphia, Sept. 6. The letter car
riers today look up nnd adopted the
pension bill presented by the Chicago
delegation yesterday. The bill, which
will now be pres'-nb d to the next, con
gref.s, provides for the payment of a
pension to nil carriers who are injured
In the service and the retirement of
carriers 011 hulf pay after twenty years'
The money Is to be obtained, by de
duct lug 2 per cent, from the snlnries of
active carriers each month, nnd 1 per
cent from the pay of retired carriers,
' An K.v.lndKc In Trimble.
Heading, Ph., (I. While in Heading
on biisiiie's 11 cinp as wns served cm Frank
,. Sliuinan, ex-iissuelate Judge of Colum
bia county, lit the Instance nf linne-l SJ.
Stellner. a carpenter of I'hllmlelpA'n. Zell
ner charges SIiiiiikiii w'th iil'Vnut'iig the
nffnellniis of IiIh (;! Ilner'sl w!fe and
claims JKI.dji) iliimaKin. Hliiiiiinn gave f.?)D
-.. . -
Cholera nt Constntitlnnnle.
Constantinople, B".t. .- There hnvn
been eiRliteen cases nf cholera nnd nine
deuthJ from the dines se lit liriisa, II ft y
sevmi milei smithiast of this e'ty. Tlie
otllelnls hnve .drawn a snnlt?iry curdiui
around ltruso. in order to prevent thn
spread of the disease to Constantinople,
Three hundred tents at Center Unit, Cen
ter county. .have hc-n engaged by farniari,
who will tiVxt week attend lie Orungers'
minded by a fog, a trolley enr nnd
KVJ.ih J. lt.P'hle's tciuni, nit Chester, col
lided, one horse being killed and the pas
sengers shaken up. ,
An extra force of workmen Is engaged
In repairing the Durhiun furnaces nt Dur
ham. When the work shell be completed,
the furnaces will slsrt with a large num
ber of employes, after an extended Idle
ness, .
EY'iik-ncc to $liow That Comic Dc
Yeniitlito 'ns Kitjht.
Senor Miirnnga I.'csigned I'.ccnnsc llo Did
Not Cure to See Spain lliiniiil
lite J Tito Spanish Press
Is lnJiMnant.
IXIadrld, .Pepl. fi. Hon. llobkirk, the
Frenchman who was on hoard the
American steamer Alllancn nt the time
she was tired upon by it Spanish war
ship oil' Cape Maysi. Culm. Is now in
Ibis city. In nn liitorvl--w today lie
said that the .Mlinnca was so close to
tlie coast that he could see the In
habitants clearly. When Captain
CrorT.nian, tlie master of the Alliaiua,
saw the Conde 1 ie Vetmdlto, the war
ship which lireil on the nieriean ves
sel, In- was enraged, because lie knew
he would not be aide to laud the arms
he had it hoard the sleain-r. lie ex
claimed: "I will kick ii) u nice row
when I reach the l ulled States."
Si nor .Murii.'tea. formerly Spanish
minister to the 1'nlted Slates, has writ
ten to the papers stating that be re
signed because lie hud proof that the
Conde De Veiiniiito was right 111 tiring
on the Alllanca. lie would not con
sent Mint Spain should give humiliat
ing Sllllsflictioll to the Cuitcd States
for an Incident In which the Failed
States was at faiill.
Moreover, he adds, It Is known In tht
United States tlict Captain Crossinan
smuggled arms to the rebels In Itra.ll
dining the civil war In that country,
and that he now carries on n brisk
trade smuggling a.rms to the Insur
gents In Cuba. Senor Miiruaga adds
that he had the statements of wit
nesses that the Alliaiua carried con
traband of war. and that she was only
a mile and a half froirt the Cuban
coast when Ihe Conde De Vouadito
hailed her. He sent these statements
nnd a full report of Ihe occurrence to
the Xladrid government and they con
ceded them.
The Spanish press Is indignant over
thcie revelations, and violently at
tacks the Pnlteil Stait.-s and the Span
ish government.' The newspapers de
clare that the action of tlie rutted
States In sending an ultimatum was a
gloss abuse of strength, seeing
Spain's dillieulty n.t the time.
I red Shcland Commits Suicide After
licing PcclaieJ Innocent.
Diiluth. Mln 11., Sept. fi. The county
jail was the scone of a desperate suicide
late tills afternoon, the man whi killed
himself being Fred Sheiand. who n
ceritly killed l'etr (Jordon by breaking
his neck with a right-hand blow. She
land was recently held to the grand
Jury on a charge of murder, nnd this
morning the July met to consider the
ense. All the evidence that could b'
produced wcjjt, in. show that Shcland
and (lorden were havlng-a friendly tin
sel when the killing occurerd, nnd,
therefore, no Indictment was found
ngainrt the prisoner. Instead, an or
der wns drawn up giving him release
from custody.
During a recess of the jury several
of the members went over Into the jail
to ciingi-atulute Sheiand upon his good
fortune In getting otf. As the men
entered the c. Mroom. there was a sound
of a fall In Shelnnd's cell. The grand
jury men hastened to the spot, and
saw the man they had come to con
giatulate, hanging by the neck dead.
He hail taken 11 piece of rope from his
hammock, around his neck,
climbed una chair nnd jumped off, Just
ns the men rune In the door.
.Most Ileum! fid Woman in Atlanta
Negotiating With Mummers.
Atlanta, Ca., Sept. 6. Atlanta socie
ty had n decided shock today by the
announcement of .Mrs. Lucy Martrcll
XleCnslan 4 lint she Intends going upon
the .stage. iSlie Is probablythe most
beautiful woman In Atlaii'ta. About
twn years ago she married W. J. 11c
Caslan, then n prominent and success
ful com mission merchant. They bought
nn elegant home on Pcniihtreo street
and attracted much atteiitloii by their
elaborate entertainments.
Mei'aslan got Into business troubles,
lost his home, and a few days ago was
sent to the asylum. Mrs. .McCashin has
signed 11 contract to sing here, during
the exposition and Is negotiating with
several New York managers for a per
manent position.
- , ,
(iniclo Maddux nnd lllsia Wninplcr, Mere
children. Leave Home.
Muncle, lnd., Sept. 6. Oracle Mad
dux, aged II, daughter of Mrs. Frank
XLiddox. nnd Klsle Wninplcr, aged 12,
daughter of Lumber Merchant It. F.
Waii'pler. ran away from their homes
In Montpeller 'tonight, coming to Mun
cle. They tried tn buy tickets to Salem,
where It Is liHIcvcd they want In Join
a show company. They are bright nnd
pretty ami have plenty of money, tlu ir
parents being wealthy. The entire po
lice force has failed to local them
laic tonight ami their parents are
nearly wild, line Is dressed In pink
and the other In w lilts. short dresses.
James Ward's Olimtlv (inii e of l oot Hull
II in I Its Seqnet.
v Kvnnsvllle. Ind.. Sept. fi. A trlnle
tragedy occurred near here last night.
James Ward became Involved In a
quarrel with Aaron and John Hunter,
his father-Ill law, nnd brother-in-law,
respectively. lie stabbed them ti
death wit It a huge knife nnd then cut
off ' their heads. Those he kicked
iiround the ground lit foot ball fashion.
The alarm was given nnd a mob
piiraucd Ward. Seeing that capture
wns Inevitable, Ward cut his throat
and died almost instantly. The cause
of the qunrrcMs not known.
Watchman In n Now llngtnnd road
Office Hound nnd (iunged.
Swnmpscolt, Mnss., Sept. fi. The safe
of the Lynn and Muslim Hallrond com
pany In the nlllee here wrs entered by
burglars nhout 2 p. m. ycslcrdny nnd
nhout $2li(l taken.' Watchman Lewis
was silting in the oflce, when two men
knocked him Insensible nnd gauged nnd
bound l)lm. 1
Then they cut the telephone wlrcand'
blew open the -snfc iMr. Oerrlsb, who
lives near by, wart aroused ky the noise
of the explosion, nnd was fired at by
the burglars, but was not hit. , .
Omahn Woman Keep Her' Wits In thd
Presence nf llttrclnr.
Omaha, Sept. .6. Womanlike, Miss
Maggie O'reeley screamed In the pres
ence of a burglar today, but she did not
lose her head. She saved the cash.
She Is n clerk In the otllce of the (Ne
braska Ice company, at Twelfth and
Fa 1 mini streets, ami was alone in the
ollice, when a negro brushed past her
nnd was making for the safe. .Miss
Orcelcy demanded to know what he
wanted, rising to her feet. The li.bber
told her to keep still or lie would Kill
her. I.Miss Creeley sprang to tlie safe,
slummed the dour phut and screamed.
Checkmated, the robber made Ids es
cape through the inner door leading
Into the main corridor.
'He had been gone but a few moments
when niintlier negro entered, made a
quick survey of the ollice and seemed
u. be looking for his confederate. 'Miss
(ireeley ordered him out of the ollice
nnd telephoned for the police. The f
liee windows overlook the sidewalk,
and tXIiss Orecley says the men were
evidently afraid to attack her because
she could so readily have called in as
sistance from the street.
Several London Healers Kenlt.o 1000 Per
Cent and All liush l or It.
London, Sept. fi. The Immensely pro
Iltald" success 111 handling last wwk's
consignment of American fruit, owing
to i;s tine keeping qualities ami excel
lent, flavor, has created a rush to buy
as each steamer arrives. 'onie of the
r..tail"i-s last week realized us high as
l.ii'i'l per cent, on their purchases.
Cimsequently. buyers wor" clamorous
nnd gn-ntly disappointed when the con
signment of California fruit by the
sieanier I'arls, which arrived at South
ampton last evening, failed to reach the
Coveitt (lardeii market In time for sale
The dealers on band were clamorous
for American peaches. There being
none of tin. product of France or Ung
land in the market except Close of hot
house rrowth. itlie Americans bring
fancy prices. They are wrapped up in
tissue paper and sold ns the best Kng
llsh hot-house grown fruit. California
pears also sold like hot cakes.
lkwistox ( i:ti;nmal.
The Town llnllvenej by "Wild West"
Shows. IS11II01111 Ascensions, Speeches,
1'aindcs nnd I Ircvorks.
Lewlstown, I'll., Sept. fi. The two
days of the Lewistown centennial have
proved an abounding success. The cel
ebration began yesterday morning with
exercises in tlie public square. .11. 1 .
Lantz delivered an eloquent address
from the court house rotunda and then
an olil-tlnic stage coach drove up. A
'uillil voMt"cx-hill;ion followed, cul
minating In the capture of the coach by
liuprovisct Indians and the subsequent
rescue of Its passengers. At :i.:in p. m.
n balloon ascension wa.s given by the
Jewell brothers, of Trenton, X. ,l the
aeronauts, d.-seending In a parachute.
The veterans of the Juniata Valley
nut In annual encampment at Camp
Hillings hist evening, a veterans' Ilhi
ininuteil parade closing the ceremonies
of the first day. t
The exercises today opened Willi con
certs at Oiimp 'Hillings and In tin? pub
lic square. Another balloon aseensiuti
and parachute descent was given.
rain fell this afternoon, but did not
dampen the ardor of those who had
prepared for an Industrial parade, line
hundred limits, were in the procession
and. tlie streets were lined with spec
tutors. A dress parade of the veterans at
their camp, a band concert nt the
same place nnd a. fireworks display to
night closed the proceedings. Several
thousand visitors attended the cele
bration. I
Hock King Pays the Penalty of His Das
tardly Crime.
Nashville, Tenn., .Sept. . While Mr.
Charles Jones, 11 highly respectable
citizen of Unrein county, was in Fa
ycttevllle . (Monday 'night . attending'
lodge, n negro broke into his reshlenco
In the country, where his wife and her
sister were staying, and committed a
criminal assault on the .wife. The sis
ter ran away to secure aid.
liotb women recognized the negro ns
Dock King, a farm hand. King's ar
rest followed next day nnd he wns
found to hnve marks on his arm that
was injured while he was forcing his
way Into tlie house. Until women vis
ited King In Jail yislerday. nnd further
blentillcd him ns their assailant. This
morning nt an early hour n mob of bio
men took King from the jail and hang
ed him to a tree.
Proscctit on Pruning the Chuln of Kv
dencc About tho .Murderer.
San Frnnc'lsco, Cal., Sept. 6. When
the Durnnt trial was resumed this
morning iC. O. N'oble. uncle of the mur
dered girl, was recalled and completed
his evidence respecting the identifica
tion of the body.
A. H. Klehl, police oflicor. wns the
next witness, lie entered the (Hunch
with Detect Ive C.lhson and assisted the
latter In breaking In the door leading
Into the Peltry. Oihson discovered tin;
body of IMIss Lnmont, and nulled bis at
tention to It.
Witness saw blood stains on the floor
of the third landing below, where tho
body was found, nnd on examination
be huil found that (his blood bail
dropped from above. He also snw foot
prints In the dust on the steps of the
l lcljs Inundated nnd Crops Arc Knined
In XPirvlan J.
Tinlllmore, Sept. O.-TA cloudburst oc
curred today near ('den Falls station,
of Ihe Western Maryland railroad,
I weiity-threo miles from this city. The
water washed nway the embankment,
and ruiid-bed for 4 considerable dis
tance, leaving the rails and ties sus
pended In tlie nil-. The west branch of
Ihe Patnpsco river, which Is ordinar
ily only a few feet wide, became a
swirling torrent, an eighth of a mile
wide, Inundating tlie licldu and ruining
crops for several miles along the I'u
tlsco Valley.
I'leces of barns and oolbitibllngi
were seen floating by. Trnllic on the
railroad .was delayed several hours.
Lineman Shocked. -P'Wslon,
I'ii., Sept. Wh'le engaged In
repilYng 11 broken t.'b'Kiindi wire nt a
he'Klit of forty feet, today, William Kelly,
a Western Colon lineman, met with a A
Hons accident. Tlie wire that Kelly wot
repairing came in contact w'th a live elec
tro light wire nnd he lineman received a
shock thnt hurled hlm-tothe ground, lb;
become etitamdc'f In the w'res In his fall
sad lint foir the ns!stnnee of a bystander.
wJio eut the electric l!tht wjre, he would
hsve b"rn k'lled. As it was he was. dan
gerously hurt.
-The Rothschild HoinK
Paris, Sept. fi. Tho bomb found upon
tho man arreted yesterday in the bank of
Messrs. Rothschild in the Hue lifltte
was opened by experts today. It was
found to contain a .mixture of chlorate of
potash and ordinary gunpowder, which
the experts declare, would not hnve -x-
I.lodrd even had It come in contact with 11
ghted fuse. There was no projectiles In'
the "Domo.0 " -; . -
Leader in the Ku-Chenq liutehcrics Is
Tho I'nltcd States to Inquire Indepen
dently Into the Cheng Tn Afr.-tir-An
Anti-pnrncllito iotory Pa
lermo Socialists.
Hong Kong, Sept. 6 The leader of
the kueheng riots has been arrested.
An attempt was made by the Chinese
soldiers to kidnap this person in the
hope of securing the reward which'
would be offered for liis delivery to tlie
The total number of arrests thus far
of those concerned in the Kueheng
massacre is I.IH. Twenty-three of the
number hnve been convicted, but up to
this lime sentence lias not been passed
upon any of them, the viceroy of Fn
Klen demanding the right to review the
evl'b-i adduced nt the trials.
Washiimton. Sept. fi. It Is authorita
tively announced nt the state depart
ment today that the Cnlted States gov
ernment has decided to enter nt once
upon an independent Investigation of
the Chenc-Tu riots, with the co-operation
of a Chinese repr esentative. As nt
first arranged the Inquiry wns to have
been made In co-operal Ion with Eng
land, but there 1ms b"i-n n chang" of
plan within tlie last few days, occa
sioned partly by the fact that the P.rlt
Ish consul at Chung-King, who is to
conduct the investigation on behalf of
his government, arid to whom, w ith the
concurrence of nn American missionary
member. It was nt first proposed to In
trust the preliminary Investigation of
the affair, hns been detained at his
post, and will not be able to begin the
inquiry for a month or more.
China Is expected to lend her support
to the American Inquiry to the extent
of supplying nn oeort to th" persons
who will conduct It, hut who have not
yet been designated, nnd will probably
furnish an ofiicial who will co-operate
with the American Investigator, ns In
the Kueheng Investigation. The In
vestigation Is expected to be made by
some ofllolnl now on the Chinese coast.
It w'll probably take n month to rench
cheng-Tu. which is the capital of the
interior province of Sxechuen.
h'csult of the Parliamentary Contest In
the South Pitislnn of Kerry.
Dublin, Sept. fi The parliamentary
election In the south division of Kerry,
where much l.itterresr. was caused by
the nomination of a, candidate by the
Healyiles In opposition to the candi
date previously put forward by the fol
lowers of Justin McCarthy, has result
ed In the choice of Farreli, the ilcOar
thylte nominee, by 1,20:1 votes, against
471 votes for Murphy, the Healylte
' ' " rnfennn Soct.ifMtsr
Palermo, Sept. fi. The pdioe of this
city have dissolved n socialist electoral
society which had 4f) members. T4i
society was organizing disturbance!? for
Sept. 20. the twenty-fifth anniversary
of the occupation of Jlome by Italian
troops. If the government did not ac
cord amnescty to Do Felice. H.irbnto
o.nd other socialists who are now In
Postoffico Investigation of a Town Slto
Project In California.
Los Angeles, Sept. (!. Postotllcp In
spector Fllmt is inspecting a case of re
ported land swindling. Tlie tax collec
tor of Kings county has received nu
merous letters of inquiry regarding the
town of Lakeviow. In the county re
corder's otllce there is on file a finely
lithographed work purporting to repre
sent the .town In question,. with a rail
road depot and numerous public
The place where the town Is rcpre
rented to he is really under he water
of Tulare lake. The record shows the
plot to have tiecn filed 'by Michael
O'Brien. PostolTleo Inspector Flint.
says that a good many eastern people
have been swindled by this schomo.
Two Persons Xlcct Penih In Front nf an
llxpress Trnin,
Pittsburg, la.. Sept. 6. Mrs. Nicho
las ohm, jr.. was instantly killed nnd
her f.ither-ln-law. Nicholas Ohm, sr.,
was fatally injured, by being run down
on .a crossing by the Cincinnati express
on the Wheeling divilon of the Hultl
iinne and Ohio rnllroad near Uellly sta
tion at 11 o'clock this morning. Ohm
a.nd his hnughter-ln-law. were en routa
to the funrul of a neighbor.
The train, running at high speed,
struck their carriage squarely nnd
hiirl'-d the occupant n. great dis
tance. The horse was uninjured. Ohm
Is a coal operator. ! years of age. Mrs.
Ohm was 25 years of nge nnd had no
children. Xlr. Ohm died of his Injuries
nt the Homeopathic, hospital, Pitts
burg, this afternoon.
l our Thieves Captured.
About two weeks ago T. F. McDon
oiurh's saloon on flcriintoti street whs
broken into an a quantity of curius,
whisky a'i'l (beer stolen or consumed nnd
hollies mid bar flstim-H broken. Carly
yesterday morning Lieutenant Will';. "is
and Patrolmen Marker nnd lwls. acting
on Information given hy onn of the thtev.
who made a confession, n.irrsle, four
youths Implicnled In the deed and made
etTorts to capture three others who were
also In the partv. The captured quartette
ave Lemuel I'll lPps, Ves-er De'.trick. Mi
chael Toole and Daniel M.-Ooiigliii. They
admitted their guilt nnd were held In $TA)
bn'l to answer nt court. All are under
venrs of nge.
. .
In Hie County Jnll.
Alex. l,efeofski. of (ireenwnod. wns
broinrlit to In' I on n enpins. He wis r-iv-q.wi
for feloniously a-s-iultinir C.corco
MeCtoskey, h's successful rival, nt a pic
nic nl (Ireenwood on Ju'v l. Ills bonds
man. tirnn.19! Cram, surn-nitered him. F1
wnrd Peirley wis commuted by Alderman
!'.:! lev. of the Thirteenth ward, for threat
ening to kill W. W. Marsh. Xlary Kan
n'njr was e.mim;l,ted by AMerman Xloon.
of the Second ward, for scolding Knte Mc
Donald. L n ne nil of Patrick McDonnell.
The funeral of Patrick 'McDonnell, nf
D'ir,vea, who died last Thursdny at the of
fCt, will be held tomorrow afternoon lit 2
o'clock. Interment will be made In Mar
ket Street Catholic cemetery, Plttstoii.
fpne dei-easied residc.l, seven years nt
Duryen, nnd prior to that time ut Wyom
ing. He was well known sad lenves a
wife and six children. Mart.a, Frnnk,
Joseph, Alex., Anna nnd Hurry.
Ills flnmplgn Concluded.
Kvangelist Ferdinand pehlveren con
cluded the cninna'gn on the South ! ill
Inst evening. The tenl was not able to
contntn miy more people. His sermon was
on the texr. "Though your sins be a red
as si-nrlet, 1 will make them whiter thnn
For eastern Pennsylvania, (air; variable
winds; wannar, ' . : . .. .
We have just opened the best line Of
IHankcts we have ever shown. Theso
goods were nil purchased before tho
advance In wool, consequently at much
lower figures than they could be du
plicated for. AVo intend giving our
customers , the advantage of these
prices, and quote tho following!
SO pairs Elk, 10-4
59 Cents.'
SO pairs each Crcy and" White Norway,
98 Cents.
60 pairs Snowflake, 11-4
60 pairs Alpine, 11-4 i i ;
"Borders, Pink, Eluo and Lemon. j
50 pairs each, 10-4 and 11-4, Jewell,
oil Wool and Shrunk. Borders, .
1'lnk, Blue, rtcd and ILcmon,
$3.55 and $3.89,
40 pairs Housekeepers' Choice, 11-1
Jacquard Borders, Blue, Flnit and
10 pairs Silver Cliff, 12-1 i '
Jacquard Borders, Blue, Fink and
Lemon . k ,
20 pair Flour City, 12-4,
$6.75; 13-4, $7.35.
Borders, Lemon, Fink and Blue.
Complete line of California Blankets,
Choice line of Fine Wrapper Blankets,
in Plain and Fancy Centers.
510 and 512
Agent for Charles A.
Schieren & Co.'s
The Very Best.
333 Spruce St., 5cranton
We are busy selling good
School Shoes for good chil
dren. Lewis, Rdily & Bavics,
, Call and get one for
your Bicycle. Only 75c.
with your name engraved
on it.
W. J. Weichel
408 Spruce St.
..; :- "-'v-'-v'-';.
. ' ' . i,..4 .
e ,",V
.'h,., ' '