The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 05, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Govt Report
Mia Masslo Swam and E. V. Kyan
' Inltod.
Yesterday morning at St. Rose
church occurred the maiTlace or iJlitis
aiuggle Swarta, daughter ot Mr. ana
Mrk W. Swarta, of 20J Dundatt street,
to E. F. Ryn, of Honesdale.
The wedding Ua one of the Pret
tiest ever aecn in thla city At 9.15 the
contracting parties met at the church
and to the strains of a wedding inarch,
played by (Professor Stockman, walked
down the aisle and stood before the
altar, where the Rev. T. F. Coffey,
pastor of the church, pronounced the
words which unKed them for life.
Philip Ryan, brother of the Broom, act
ed as best man, while the bride was at
tended by iMlse Emma Swarts. her sis
ter. The bride wore a drvss of white
shot silk and looked charming; she
carried a large bouquet of bridal roses.
The bridesmaid wore a gown of canary
colored silk and carried a bouquet
of Marechal Nell roses.
A reception was given the young
couple at the home of the bride s par
ents immediately after the ceremony,
to which the friends of both parties
were Invited. At 11.20 Mr. and Mrs.
Ryan left on the Delaware and Hud
son train for an extended tour, which
will Include iNew York, Philadelphia.
Washington and other places. The
young couple will be at home to friends
on Oct. 1. at their newly-furnished
home, ot 33 iPark street.
Among the out-of-town guests were
the following: 'Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Ryan, (Mr. and Airs. J. P. lunn. J.
Canavan. V. A. Ryan. Mksss Mary
E. Ryan and Hlldu Dunn, of Hones
dale, and Miss Rose Roland, of Lead
Vtlle, Col.
Successfully Performed I'pon Dr. H, c.
Wheeler by Dr. Hums.
Yesterday morning Dr. H. C. Wheeler,
of Church street, underwent an opera
tion for appendltlcls. and the present
symptoms of the patient are very favor
able. Mr. Wheeler has not been In the best
of health for some time, and has been
suffering much pain lately. He hud
an attack of what he thought was
renal colic, but In a few days was quite
well again. On Friday, however, he
had another attack, but It was not of so
long duration.
On (Monday the pain extended over
his entire abdomen und the doctor was
obliged to go to bed. As the pain did
not abate he began to think it was ap
pendicitis from which he was suffer
ing, and several physicians, being
called In for consultation, agreed with
him entirely.
It was then seen that an operation
must be performed In order to relieve
the patient, and Dr. Reed Burns, of
Scranton, was chosen to do the work.
Dr. Edward Burns, of iHonesdale, as
sisted. At about 11 o'clock the ether
was administered and the patient was
Boon under its power.
Then Dr. 'Hums made an incision In
the abdomen nearly three inches in
length, and when the appendix was
reached they found it full of pus, al
though there was no perforation. The
operation was very timely, and If noth
ing elw sets In, the chances are very
much in favor of the patient. Gan
grene had already begun on the outer
end. and If the operation had been de
layed the case would have become
much more serious.
The wound was packed with gauze
for drainage and sewed up. No In
flammation has occurred, and the out
look at present Is very favorable.
Well-Known Couple Are United at South
Canaan by Hev. Towner.
' Miss Anna terch. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Lerch, of South Ca
naan street, was married to Frank
O. Nlles, of Wichita, Kan., a son of Dr.
A. Nlles, of this city, yesterday.
Rev. Mr. Towner performed the
ceremony, after which an Informal re
ception was tendered the newly-married
iMr. Nlles is in poor health at present,
and the couple will move to the west at
once, as the change. It Is thought,' will
be beneficial to Mr. Nlles.
Those from this city who attended
the ceremony were Dr. and Mrs. A.
Nlles, Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Nlles and
Mr. and Mrs. William Erk.
The Work on the New Depot Not
Work on the new Delaware and Hud
son depot has been suspended for sev
eral days, and Foreman Joseph Robin
son paid off the laborers Tuesday night.
The cause of the .suspension Is said
to be due to a car of lumber not arriv
ing which will have to bo used at once.
Another cause is said to be because the
architect Is not satisfied by the way
I Was an Invalid
Bo long I did not expect ever to be well
again, I was confined to the house tbe
whole winter
with nervous
debility and le
mle weakness,
having no
strength, appe
tite or energy.
A friend urged
ma to (aks
Hood's Saras ps
rllla whichldid
and I was soon
able to do my
, own work and
feel that Ufa la worth living. I cheerfully
neommend Hood's Baraaparilla to all
afflicted In like manner." Mas. M. E.
Boaaum, Manard, Virginia.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
' s the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently In thepnblloeye. fl; gforfS.
Hood's Pills tUSSS&A
All the latest Fall Styles.
, We handle all kinds andstylesi
In endless variety from 25c. to
i Oil Cloths.Linoleums, Window
Shade. Wall Papers, Carpet
j.. ' Sweepers and Fancy Chairs.
.:.. , - : .
J. Scott Inglis
f. & Low Prices our motto.
the work Is being done, but Mr. Robin
son says he has followed the plans to
the smallest particular. The plans are
said to be Improperly irawn, und work
can not go on until they are changed.
What the changes will be Is not ex
actly known at present, but some which
necessitate the taking out of several
large timbers have been already or
dered. This will also cause some of the
brickwork to come out.
One of the things objected to by the
architect Is the roof braces, which had
been put up In two separate pieces, and
which he claims that the Juints will
These timbers have been ordered to be
made out of one solid piece, and thi
will make a great deal more labor.
rranit Shannon Sustains Injuries to His
Hand Necessitating nn Operation.
While at work In the framing de
partment of the Delaware and Hudson
gravity cur shops Foreman Franli
Shannon met with a very painful ac
cident. Air. Shannon was working on
a planer at the time und had placed
a small block on the machine.
The block was quite smull and could
not be sot In position and while en
deavoring to lit it. (Mr. Shannon's hand
came In contact with the knife, and the
second and third lingers of the left
hand were badly cut and bruised.
He at once went to the olllce of Dr.
Fltzslmmons to 'have the Injured mem
bers dressed. The doctor saw at once
that one finger would have to be taken
off and performed the amputation. The
other finger was also badly hurt, but as
Its Injuries are not of so serious a na
ture the doctor thinks It can be saved.
The Proposed Salem Avenue Improve
ment I'nder Way.
A meeting of 'the upper house was
held on Tuesday evening, all being
present, except lessrs. McNulty and
Spencer. i.Mr. Isted took the chair
and business proceeded. Several bills
were ordereti-1ald.
The opening of the bids for the work
of improving Salem avenue was next
taken up. Ru-t three bids had been
submitted by local contractors. Those
who bid were John Booth, B. R. Blair
and Collins & Kennedy. The bids
were given to the committee for con
eslderatlon. It was thought best that bids for the
Park street sewer should be adver
tised for again. The meeting then ad
journed. Doath of David Jenkins.
Yesterday af his home on South Main
street occurred the death of David Jen
kins, who hus been a resident of Car
bondale for over fifty years. Deceased
was born In Carbondale In 1S44, and
resided here since that time. He was
a trusted employe of the Delaware and
Hudson for the last thirty-eight years,
and during that time has won for "him
self many friends who will regret to
hear of his demise. The funeral will
take place Friday afternoon at 2.30
o'clock at the house. Rev. Abram
Jones, of the Congregational church,
will officiate.
I. F. Kuss Resigns.
J. F. Russ. chief dispatcher of the On
tario and "Western railroad, has re
signed his position at Mayfleld yard.
OUr. Russ and family will move west
about the middle of the month, and will
probably farm In Indiana.
Miss Ada Burce, of Oneonta, N. Y., is
visiting friends In this city.
Miss Katie Klnny, of Hyde Park, is
visiting at the home of Miss Ella Clark,
on the West Side.
iMesdames Anna and 'Margaret Clif
ford, who have been visiting In Scran
ton, have returned.
Mr. andiMrs. John Dlmock are enter
taining Llr. and ,Mrs. Monahan. of Day
ton, O. They are on their way home
from tnei.Masonlc conclave at Boston.
Oeorge and Charles IMcIntyre, of
River street, are visiting their uncle,
Oeorge to. Klmbal, of llonesdale.
'.VI las Ida Gebhart, of 'Serunton, is vlt
Itlng her cousin, Miss 'May Ulmcr, of
Salem avenue.
Mesdames Kate Roberts and haggle
Thomas, of Plymouth, have returned to
their homes after a short visit with
IMIss Edith Lewis, of 'South Church
Harry Carnle, a former resident of
this place, who has been visiting in this
city, has returned to his home In Jer
sey City.
J. J. iMcGee, of iPlttston; IMIss Mary
Flanaghan, of Clinton, and (Miss Katie
E. Ulbney, of 'Scranton, nre visiting
(Mrs. J. J. O'Hearn, of South iMain
i.VIIss Maggie Dunstan, of Spring
street, pleasantly entertained a number
of young people at her home on Spring
street Tuesday evening.
'Louis Brauere and his mother, Mrs.
Louis Brauer, are visiting friends In
iMIss Bridget Neweomb, of Farvlew
street, is visiting friends In Susque
hanna. IMIss I.Mary iMoAndrews, of Spring
street, 1b visiting friends In Forest City.
l.Mrs. P. Fee and IMrs. iMartln Gordon
called on friends in iHonesdale yester
day. iMarcus .Duffy, one of the efficient
clerks at the postoflice, was In WIlkeH
Barre yesterday, where he acted as
groomsman at the wedding of Tliomus
Trainer and Miss Aurora Lynn.
An Informal dance was held In the
W. VV. Watt building last evening In
honor of the IMisses Pendleton, of Ston
Ington, Conn., who are visiting in this
Rev. (Jeorgo F. (Merrill, formerly sec
retary of the Young iMen's Christian
association In this city, but who Is now
preaching in'the Presbyterian church
In Bethany, Is calling on friends in this
Mr. and Mr. Lyman J. Hmlth, of
Blnghamton, who have been the guests
of IMr. and iMrs. Fred. Franks, of 73
Houth Washington street, have re
turned home.
The district agent of the Metropoli
tan Insurance company will give the
eight employes of the company a day's
outing at Lake Ariel (Saturday, where
they will witness the regatta to take
place on that day.
i.Mr. and iMrs. Alfred Pnsese, who
have been spending the last two months
at Ocenn Grove, have returned.
iP. H. Joslln Is visiting his daughter
In Buffalo.
Mrs. J. O'Hearn was In Archbald yes
terday attending the funeral of
Thomas Kilgallon.
C. C. Rose, of Silver Lake, was In
town Wednesday.
IMrs. William Post entertained a few
friends at dinner Wednesday.
Colonel Warner left town this week
for New York city. He will be present
at the great International boat race
whloh occurs Saturday.
The Montrose graded school opened
Tuesday with a large attendance.
The- ScarleH.MoCollum pnrty, who
have been sojourning at Sliver Lako
for a week, have returned to their
homes. ' ".' . , , ;
iMlsa Sally Cow-fright and Miss
LouCse Warrlner entertained a large
number of their friends at a phantom
party Tuesday evening, at the house
of IMIss Sally's grandfather, Asa Lath
rop. When the masks were removed
tt was discovered by some promenadera
on the piazza that the moon had also
entered Into the spirit of the occasion,
and waa disguising himself behind the
shadow of the earth, eclipsing them all.
Mrs. Mary F. Haines, mothe- of Ben
jamin V. Luims. editor of the Wayne
Independent, died at her home on Sec
cond street at 10.30 Tuesday evening.
'Mrs. Haines' maiden name was Mary
F. lloldsmith. She was born at Col
denham. Montgomery township. Orange
county, N. Y.. lec. 22. ISoS. and was
married to Robert It. Haines April 1X44.
Mr. and Mrs. Haines moved on a farm
in Maryland, on the tomae. about
twenty miles north of Washington,
and lived there until the war broke out,
when they became refugees and were
compelled to come north. They then
settled In Orange county. 'Her husband
died In June, IMiti. &he Is survived by
two children, Benjamin V. Haines and
Susie A. Haines. Benjamin K.
Haines tuime to J-lonesdaiu in 1S7K and
founded the Wayne liidcindciit and
was followed a few years later by his
mother and sister. For the past few
years IMrs. linlne-a has Iwn living ut
the home of her son, where she died
from old age. iMrs. Haines was a great
nailer and thinker and thoroughly ac
quainted with all the old authors. Shu
has been a member of the Presbyterian
church for seventy yenrs. The funeral
will be held from the house at 4 o'clock
this afternoon. Revs. Swift, Benjamin
and Presiding Elder Thore will ofll
clate. iMIss Sadlo E. Hallcck. of Campvllle.
N. Y Is the guest of the Misses Edgutt,
on Third street.
Mr. Hunter, of Carbondnle, was a
caller in Honesdale yesterday.
The Hoodoos of Honesdale take ex
ception to the score of the game of
base ball at Farvlew Monday as pub
lished In Tuesday's Tribune. The
score was: Hoodoos (Honesdale), 14;
Voodoos tCarbondale), l;i; not 13 and 16
In favor of Voodoos, as published.
.Misses Shauley, Brandymore and
Freeman are the young Indies contest
ing for the bicycle offered by the Maple
City Wheelmen.
Horace Collum returned Tuesday
night from his extended bicycle trip
In New York state.
Mrs. Augustus Olsen, of Dunmore, is
visiting relatives In town.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of iMIss May Kimble to Fred J.
Stone, on Sept. 18, at the Presbyterian
illss Mary Olsen and George Rho
dine were united in marriage yester
Officer John IMurray was seriously
stabbed at a late hour Tuesday night
by Andrew Luctoch, a Hungarian. In
the early evening Luctoch was assault
ed by a number of his fellow-countrymen
and Instructed Officer Murray to
swear out a warrant for the arrest of
the offenders. They both proceeded to
Justice of the Peace Cummlngs' offlco
but owing to the lateness of the hour
they decided to wait till morning. Later
In the night Luctoch visited several sa
loons and was Intoxicated to some ex
tent. Murray pleaded with Luctoch to
go home und they both started home
ward, but at a point near Busock's ho
tel, on River street, Luctoch set upon
the officer and stabbed him several
times in the back. Last evening he
was brought before Justice Cummlngs
and was committed to the county jail
to await the result of Murray's inju
ries. E. J. James, of Hyde Park, was In
town last evening.
Miss Mame Mulligan, of Philadel
phia, who has been the guest of Mrs.
J. P. Cummlngs, has returned home.
Mrs. A. V. Haines, 'Mrs. Daniel Mor
gan, Mns. David Griffiths and Miss
Hannah Jones have returned home
from New York city.
Miss Lucy Farrel. who has spent her
vacation with her parents at this place,
will leave today to resume her posl
Hon as milliner In Wellesboro.
Mrs. W. L. Houghton and son,
Percy, were Scranton visitors yester
day. R. W. Rymer, who has been acting
as extra agent and operator for the
Ontario and Western during the sum
mer, is spending his vacation In New
York and at the sea shore.
Don't fall to attend the social Sept.
10 In Enterprise hall. A good time la
assured to all.
Archie iMartln Is in Elmhurst In at
tendance on his brother, Professor
Martin, who has typhoid fever.
T. Flitcroft, of Scranton, and George
Wells, of Bath, N. Y., were Jermyn
visitors yesterday.
Air. and Airs. W. & Badger are
spending their vacation In New York
The Citizens' band will go to Newton
Lake Friday to make music for the
Farmers' Alliance people.
H. P. Woodward, of the Dunmore
Pioneer, was a Jermyn visitor yester
day. A child of Thomas Bray, of South
'Main street, Is seriously III.
C. F. Baker attended a class day re
union in WIlkes-UaTre yesterday. The
teacher, who resides In California, was
present as well as the entire class.
This Is their first meeting for many
'.Mrs. Jasper Silvias and Miss Mary
Silvias are on a two weeks' visit with
relatives In Scott.
Ben 'Searfoss, of Rockport, was a
caller at Asa Fllo's SKumlay.
Aloy Townsend and family and Will
iam Juston and fumlly have returned
home from spending OH wo weeks' vaca
tion at Salisbury Beach.
IMrs. iF. 8. Benedict was a caller at
'Rose cottage yesterduy.
iMrs. Weiuhel was in Scranton yester
The schools In this borough opened
yesterday for this season with the
usual large attendance at the begin
ning of the term. The primary depart
ments were unsually crowded and It
was difficult to secure seats for them
all. A large part of the day was spent
In arranging classes and taking down
the names of the pupils. All of the
teachers who taught last term are re
engaged, with the exception of the
school made vacant by the marriage
of Miss Mary C. Davis, now Mrs. James
E, Watklmt. "Miss Llbblo Jones has
been engaged In her place.
Fred Wlnslow begun a course of
studies In stenography at the Scran
ton Business college this week.
The funeral of John Shields will occur
today from the home of his parents, on
Orove street. Interment will be
made In the Forest Home cemetery.
IMrs. Louis Conrad, of Scranton, was
a visitor here yesterday.
Miss Polly Davis has returned from
her summer vacation at Waymart,
Miss .Mollis Gllgallon, who has 'been
visiting the Misses McDonald, on Oak
street, was called to her home In Arch
bald' on account of tho death of her
iMIss Julia Farrlngton, of Hyde
Park, waa a visitor here the lore part
of the week.
Christmas Evans and Job Price have
commenced a course of studies at the
Scranton Business college. ,
Mtsa Jennie Angers, who has been
visiting Mlas Edith Cocker, on Union
street, for the past month, has re
turned to her home In New York city.
The Reds, of this place, and the Sen
ators, of Green Ridge, played a game
of ball on the latter's grounds yester
day afternoon. In which tho former
were victorious by a score of 10 to 4.
The features of the game were the
home run hit by Watklns, and a bril
liant one-hand catch by Hayes, both
of the Reds.
Michael McGlynn. a respected citizen
of the town, met with a sad death yes
terday afternoon In iNo. 13 shaft of the
'Pennsylvania Coal company, where ho
was emloyed as a laborer, just as he
was completing his day's work: a fall
of roof came down, killing hint instant
ly. His remains were taken. to the
home of his undo. James IMcOlynn, on
'.Main street. Mr. 'McGlynn was about
26 years old, and his parents nre both
in Ireland. He came-to this country
about five years ago. Funeral an
nouncement will be made later.
A young child of Mr. and Mrs. Doran,
of West Avoca, was burled yesterday
afternoon and a second one is lying In
a critical condition. The parents only
arrived In this country on Saturday.
Tlu-y have tho sympathy of tho com
munity in their trouble.
Misses Dyak, of Albany, and Wylle.
of Carbondale. were guests of IMIss
Mame McCrtndle yesterday.
Misses Teresa Hannon and l.lllle
Shrlber, of New York city, returned
home after spending a month with
friends In town.
Misses Josephine Powers, of Pittston,
and Doran. of Susquehanna, are guests
of .Miss Vina Gibbons.
The following young people spent a
pleasant day at the Falling (Springs
yesterday: Misses Carrie McDonald,
Carrie 'Snyder, Lena and l.Maggle Rennl
mun, Jennie Whyte, Mame Cranston,
Mrs. Sltterly, William Alexander and
Rev. A. J. Welsley.
Mrs. John Curran, of 'PeckvUle, Is vis
iting friends In town.
The regular meeting of the borough
council was held on Tuesday evening.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Street commissioner, $7; John Cannon,
$172; John Conaboy, :!7.50; IH. B. Cur
len, high constable, $12.75; Weeks &
Hutledge, for surveying, $46.40; A. D.
Reese, engineering, $.15. The treasurer
reported that the amount to be paid by
the property owners on Pittston avenue
for guttering Is $58.10; of this amount
$413.32 has been collected. Several bills
were left over until next meeting.
Another man expresses his gratitude to
Dr. Smith and staff for curing h!m of a
bad case of catarrh of the head. Mr.
Gust Lager called on Dr. Smith and staff.
He was suffering from a bad case of ca
tarrh. It had caused catarrhal Inflamma
tion of the throat and had extended to the
Inner ear. Impairing his hearing and caus
ing peculiar sounds in his ears, wheh an
noyed him very much. He would fre
quently Imagine some one had spoken to
him when. In fact, there was no one near
him at the time. Ho commenced taking
magnetic treatments. The first two weeks
he thought he was worse. The second
two weeks showed a slight change for the
better. He kept on improving and In ten
weeks was satisfied that he was cured.
All chronic diseases are cured by those
doctors. Call and see them. Consultation
free, 9 to 6 dally, Tuesdays and Fridays,
9 to 9, at 605 Linden street.
Manufactured at the Wapwallopea Mills. La
erne connty. Ph., ud at Wil
mington, Dolaware,
General Agent for the Wyoming District.
118 WYOMING AVE, Scranton, Pa,
Third NsUen.l Bank Building.
Aoanmaa :
wtrna vntin 1,1, t -
John'b. SMITH HON, Plymouth, Pa,
&. w. auuuiuAn, wiiiM Harra,
A rents for the lb' panne Chemical Uoia
atay High Ksplvsivea,
mm mi en., inep. catHaLft .Menses.
Bjcar sifoK rw thb would.
-A doUar U a dotlmr md." ,
TaleLaMllM'Mlil Preach Doaa-aUtKMBe.
tea Bast aaltoNd tr mjwhm as the U.S., ea.
Mint oiuwn, aavMT umr,
1'aMal Nate far aiJO.
Kauai vary way ae boot
nld la ntall atone for
I.U. We aake this beat
eunalvaa, therefore we faar
anara inmjntmwm aaa wnrr.
end If any one it aot aulaflcd
we win raruaa iae stoavy
W MM MMKD0T Pali trpn
To or Vommem fWiau,
widths O, t. B, a BB.
mini aaa aav
II JU fa.
logue Colter Sroe Co..
Bfii terms tt Dta
n i"""t J.
IT'lllKini -v
The atork we purchased at tho hnrjff'a Rale
at Ilazlotou, Ph. our Hale, alnce jiiIiik,
rovwl muro eatlafactory than we thought.
Tho crowd oti Hoiiiluy was enormsualy lui (f,
and carrird away the Bargalna, and the ttoek
which la left we'll diapoMi of at your own
iirlcee, Hale all wvek at the tollowlnit prleee;
1 caea Oren Oinghama. ctum price, 7 cent, I
Our Price, 3i Canta
1 case of Unbleached Drown Cotton, 4 4.
heavy, for ahoating only, Kroes price, 9
cent, ... . our Price, 4M Cent
1 case Checked Crash, all llnrn. erroea price,
luctntt Our Price, S Canta
1 case Bleached Towels, by the pair,
hinged, roai price, Wopnts,
OuPPrlee, 10 Cants
1 rase B-4 Bleached fobawk Muslin, gross
price, a cents.: .' Our Prlea, 12M Canta
. A great sola for the ttse of every household.
1 cas of Turkey Red Oovers, sites 8x4 and '
10x4, gross price, $1.00 and II.GU,
Our Prlsa, 60o. and 69c.
. ' Fast Turkey bed.
vmm m co.. i sip wrm: cm mm,
.1 ' 516 Lt.wtawi3 ,r?M3l ' ''
Bnce-aaors to Dr. Reeve, at hi old stea l.
No. 412 Sprues St., Scranton, Pa.,
Continue to treat Dr. Reercw' old De
limits and all others who inv cilL fall
and ace them. They treat you nana
ably and with great tucceas Blood
Polaon, Rheumatiamandall forms
of acute chrome and nervous disoaae
of men. womea and children, and so
cret dlaeaae. Tumors, Cancers
and Goitres removed without the
use of knife or pain.
Otlice Honrs ironi 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.
Bundaya from 10 A M. t 4 P. II.
230 Lackawanna Av&, Scranton
We are the Selling Agents
for Scranton of the $3
a stylish, hand-made, first-
class Derby, guaranteed to
be as good as any $5 hat in
the market.
Three Dollars' worth ot
honest quality is all that can
be squeezed into a Derby.
You don't pay any more than
$3, do you?
Our window is full of tht
in black and brown, small,
medium and large shapes.
m fiTuiun uniiQc
230 Lackawanna Ave.
Coal of tho bast quality for domstl
use, and of all hIsos, delivered In ans
(art of tho city at lowest price.
Orders left at my OfTlce
Rear room, floor. Third National
Bank, or aent by mall or telephone to Um
Ulna, will receive prompt attention,
Bpeclal contracts will bo made for tht
lals and delivery of Buckwheat Coal.
Gnnraiitwri Care r
aril all atteuiuuir ailinctit
btiih of younir and mUMto
awvl mm atul women. The
nivrulifltoMnf VllllTllt'lII.
Keanltaottroatmont. FllliOIi.s. pralnelna' weak
araa, hervoue Dubilltj, Nightly EmiMlOttM'oBtnimnlion,
InManttr, KzhautitlnB' Uralatanlllnsiof iMiwerot thTU?u
rUiielaqnlrklyriiri'dhy Itr, ltxlrlrun'iinl.h .Nrrra
4iralna. Tory not on!youn by itartlnir atllioacnt or ill
uo. but aro a prrnt M'.ltVK TOXIC nna BI.Oiill
lll, brlnxmg bull tho pluk jrUw te "lo
kcrka and rratbhuc the KIHK Vol Til to tha
patlaut, Hy mall, per but or fur with writ,
tea aaraute t. tar r rrfund INr M.Mry. lionlc
fnw. apaalliMcrcUralaC.,lliUSUtf,new Tark.
l-'or trnlo by JOHN H. I'HNWtf, Urujj
Blst, Wyoming ove. and Spruce atrcet.
2 cases of Summer Rslhrlessn Men's Un
derwear, In all qualities, grosj price, 23a,
IUa and Wt. our
Prlca to Cloaa Out Entire Lot 20o
to dozen Hen's Wbito (Jnlaundrled Shirts,
pure linen bosom, double front and back,
gross price, SO cants,
' Our Price, 29 Centt
tOOdosen of Outing Bhlrts, In all quelttte,
gross prion, S)c., IKto., 60a., (Vic. and 73a.
Wo will make a sweep on the entlrnlo.
and letter go at 29 Centa Your Choice
HOSIERY These prices will hold good
for all this wook. 6;KI pair Men's Socks
at Sc., gross prlco, lOo, ; 04 pslrs Ladlus'
Vast Black Hose, gross price, 10 centa, -Our
Prlea, Bo.l 10 dozen of French -
.. Halbrlggan Half Mono, and Fast Black .
Hose, gross pries, 25 cents.
Our Price. 12 Cents
Ladles' Vests at ons-Ualf last than elsewhere.
Be caroful and call
Gotham Hat
Gotham Hat
TO our
Wushburn-Croshy Co. wish to atwuro their man Date
rons thut tlicy will thh year hold to their usual custom
u f."? iv"8 SRI iLY WHEAT until X?p
IK fllllv cured. N.ur ati.nft lu ....... Ai . . i
j .. .. -- uut uuu uie maraei, aiHl
AWinc. tn tin. vuulvAu ... .1. 7.T
1. , .
if til.- nninimi tl.,.
i 1 i.c opinion iiiuc it
condition for milling.
no risK.s, and will allow the new wheat fully three
months-to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail ol milling haa
placed, WashburnOobby Co.' Hour far above other
Wholesale Agents.
Carpets, Mattings, Linoleums,
Oil Cloths, Window Shades,
and Lace Curtains, Draperies
and Upholstery Goods.
1 fliil
Pertaining to the Carpet and. Cnrtaia Trade.
406-408 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Will be found at our branch store in the Watt Build
iug, Church street, Carbondale, Pa.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Oencral Office: SCRANTON, PA.
casli or credit j ust as you
sell Furniture, Carputs, etc.
mh P
CLOTHIERS. Y. M. C. A. Building, 1..,
HOMI FURNISHERS. ai8oi7 Wyoming ave.J . t ,
v j 7 "vaiucr many millers 1
I . .I..l . . ' . .
is already cured, and In proper
Wahburn.CroHby Co. will taka
didn't have uuy such
clothing as we will
bo prepared to offer after
next Monday, Sept 9.
Wo want the trade in
Scranton in Men's Ready-to-Wear
Clothing. We
ask for it because we
think we deserve it. We
expect to give you just a
little better value than
your money will get auy
place else in Scranton.
That's the basis on which
we ask for trade.
Needn't take our word
for it. Look around
compare examine. The
more folks know about
clothing the more certain
will we be of their cus
tom. Will be glad to see
you. Drop in and get ac
quainted, whether yon
think of buying or not
We want you to know
about this store and all
that's in it. The buying
will come around all
right That part of it
we leave to your judg
ment We'll sell to you
please the same as we