THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1895. AFTER .NASEBY, By DAVID Copyright 18J1 by n. (For a moment my sudden and unex pected advent threw the three men Into mime confusion, but quickly recovering from their surprise they rushed upon me with drawn swords. Parrying a tierce blow which the foremost trooper dealt at me, I tot under his guard and passed my blade through his right lung. "A brave thrust V As the man tell, tils two comrades dropped fcack and I had an instant to look around. The ma kit n stood beside me, watching the conflict with brightly Hashing eyes; her bosam heaved, her whole form was alive with the keenest excitement. Truly. It was no peasant iblood which ran in her. "A brave thrust!" she cried again. "The King!" I shouted, "the Kins, and confusion to his enemies!" Somewhat taken back by the death Of their comrade, the two remnlnlng tnen seemed in no great hurry to renew the combat. iBut I placed my back to the wall and stood on guard awaiting the 'a onslaught, and when they held back taunted them for cowards. I looked again towards the maiden, and he gave me a glani'e which set my heart a throbbing faster than had the flashing b words, 'Presently, recovering something of their lost courage, the two men again approached, but this lime with less ifuiy and more method. The trooper came first and engaged mie, while the sergeant remained standing behind, ready to spit 'me under his com panion's arm. if opportunity should of fer. For some moments there was the ring of steel against steel as we struck and parried, neither being able to ob tain the mastery, while ever and anon, at a fiercer blow, bright sparks shot forth from themeeting blades. After the first few thrusts. Indeed, I felt that I had the measure of my adversary, but 1 dared not devote to him the whole of my attention, requiring 40 be continual ly on my guard against a subtle thrust from the sword of the sergeant. At length, with a swift and sudden upward stroke, I deprived my opponent of his weapon. It flew from his hand and fell with a clink and a Jangle upon the stone fl or. It seemed, however, that the blow was likely to cost me dear, for In strik ing I stumlbled over the body of the fallen trooper, and in a trice the ser geant was upon .me with Hashing sword. 1 felt that my 'last moment had come and made ready to die as became a ser vant of the Kink. Instead of a death thrust, however, a most astonishing and somewhat ludicrous thing came to pass; for I 'found a most useful ally In the brave lady who bad displayed so much Interest In the struggle. She seized the pot that was seething on the fire, ami 'with a quick movement poured the whole of the scalding contents Into the face of the sergeant. iHe surang back with a cry of rage and piln. and when he turned around again I had much ado to restrain my mirth, for his face at that moment re sembled nothing so much as a boiled lobster. It seemed to be his purpose to wreak vengeance npon the lady who had caused his discomfiture, but I had had time to recover and when he turned he found my sword point at his throat. Inferring, maybe, from that circum stance that nothing to his advantage was likely to result from a continued stay, he turned on his heel and, fol lowed by his disarmed trooper, went rapidly from the house, using as he did o many ungodly words euch as I trow he had never found In his prayer-book. We waited In silence until the sound of their horses' hoofs had died away In the distance. For myself I could even then do nougtfit but laugh at the thought of the grotesque and most dis figured figure which the burly ser geant had cut. But the brave lady to whom I owed so much was of a differ ent humor. She plucked my sleeve and looked into my face with such grave and earnest appeal that at once I checked my merriment. "Sir. I pray you lose not a moment, but depart forthwith, for I fear me you sergeant will most surely return." "Nay, fair lady," I answered. '1 de part not alone; for, If I mistake not, this same fellow went off In worse humor at thy greeting than at mine." "You spenk In riddles, sir; whither would you have me go?'i "To your home, sweet lady." "And where may that be, most saga cious sir?" "Nay, I know not; yet I am sure 'tis rot a cottage such as this." The maiden stood pensive, while a man might have slowly counted ten. and when she looked up, there was a change come over her, for she had laid nrlde her bantering manner, and spoke In a voice of such exceeding softness that It was like the music of some sweet Instrument most skillfully tuned. 'IMost valiant gentleman," she said, "I will tell you who I am, and whence I come, and why you find me here; for you have borne a brave part tonight, and It would III become me to deceive one who has wielded for my pake so t rutty a sword. I am the daughter of the Karl of Morvale, whose purpose It was to i.tlve me In marriage to a certain courtier of the King, a man I had never seen and who I did not doubt was de voted solely to puffs and frills, and such things as are becoming only to women that kind of man. Indeed, which In my Injustice I did at first conceive you yourself to be. But since I had no great desire to be passed from hand to hand whether I would or no, like a piece of merchandise and my father not ceasing o press me, I left his roof to seek that of my mother's sister, who lives on the WHO IS a? Tbat insists upon Jcteplnititockof In the house? Why, the vise mother. Because, when taken internally it cures in a few minutes, Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn. Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Sick Headache Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Colic, Flatulency and all internal pains. ' DOSE Half a teaspoonful in half a tumbler of water. Used externally, it wU cure Rheumatism, Meuralfla, Mosquito Bites, Stinrs of Insects, Sunburns. Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Coughs, Colds and all throat troubles. r Radway's Ready Relief, aided by Rad way'a Pills, wilt cure Fever and Agues Ma larious, Bilious and other Fevers. ftftjrCtati a Battle. - ttUtoVnaUti. . BADWAY CO., Hew York. RAD WAY'S , Ma . , M at dlgestioo, eoawlet sarlnilUtlon and u renlarltv. Oars aonailoation and ' of aaploeaaateyatpteau sad rejn tjrsta. as tat boat, All am J r WECHSLER. Irving Barhaller. ' border of the county of Worcester, un til such time as bis humor should have changed. Hut. being unused to travel ing unaccompanied, I mistook the path and went grevlously astray, so that when night fell I had wandered far from my direction, and this good dame, seeing my dilemma, took me In and gave me shelter. Then the troubles broke out In this quarter and 1 could not with safety resume my Journey. So my good mother lent me this peas ant's dre?s, that I might be the less easily recognised, and here for six days I have abided." A most astonishing but. very pleasing possibility had born Itself upon me while she spoke. Yet I could not be wholly certain, and so I said. "You have told me much, madam, and yet not that which most I desire to learn. Your father being the Burl of Morvale, have I the privilege of ad dressing the Lady Constance Temple?" She Inclined her head to signify as sent. "Is It then possible that the courtier of whom you speak Is Sir Lionel Mor daunt?" "You have again guessed rightly." raid the lady, gaslng at me In some as tonishment; "though how you come to know so much that concerns me I as sure you, sir, I am at a loss to under stand." "And yet." I nnswered. with a bow, "It Is by no means wonderful, as you will presently perceive, for the mo ment, we must make your safety our "I, Madam. Am Sir Lionel Mortlaunt." chief concern. The Castle of Morvale lies from here not tslx leagues distant. The night is tine, and by pressing for ward without delay we should reach It before the dawn. Once there you will be safe, for the Earl of iMorvale has taken no active part In the troubles. Shall we go thither?" "But the courtier. Blrrah? exclaimed the lady. "Yon forget the courtier. My father will surely still seek to force this marriage upon me." "As to that." I replied, "you need ap prehend no further embarrassment; and for this very reason, that the un witting cause of all your troubles stands before you." I made her a low bow. "I. madam, am Sir Lionel iMordaunt." I feared then that I had made my announcement somewhat too suddenly, for the lady was covered with confu sion. A crimson flush suffused her cheek and neck, and she drooped her head. When at last she looked up, she wns smiling through her blushes. "Yet I fear, sir." Bhe said, with a comical look, "that the Earl will still refuse to reliqulsh his desire." "And you, madam," I answered; "you can refuse." "But sirrah" she looked at me with a merry twinkle in her eyes, and yet with a passing sweetness "I am a dutiful daughter." I took her tiny hand In mine, and bending low before her, kissed It. The old woman had listened while we talked, sitting on a low stool before the lire, her withered Hps evr and again emitting a muttered exclamn tlon. I laid a purse of money on the table, that Bhe might not regret the kindness she had shown to us both, and taking my lady's hand again In mine, led her gently forth Into the open. There I placed her upon my own horse, and mounting myself the one which had belonged to the dead trooper, we rode out Into the night. NEWS OF OIK INDUSTRIES. Happenings of Interest to ths Staple Trades and particularly to the Trade la Iron, steel and Anthracite Coal. The Allentown Rolling Mill company will shortly put 'its furnace In blast. It to reported that the Cambria Jron company of Johnstown Is to go into manufacture of armor plate. The Tennessee Coal and Iron com pany has advanced prices of Iron 21 a ton, to take effect Immediately. The No. 3 furnace of the Crane Iron company, at Cataauqua, ' has been blown in. It has been Idle for some time. An Increase of from 5 to 10 per cent, has been made In .all departments of Sternbergh's Bolt and Nut works, of Heading. The Townsend wire mills, at New Brighton, are now running full single turn, and lately have been making a quarter of a day extra. The Central Iron works, of Harrls burg, manufacturers of. boiler and tank iron and steel, have Increased . the wages of their employes 10 per cent. Work on the four new blast furnaces of the Carnegie Steel company, at Duquesne, Is being pursued with vigor. Last week 300 additional men were put to work. The first cast from No. 1 blast fur nace of fhe Paxton Furnaces, at Har rlsburg, was made last week. Mill Iron Is being made, and the operations and product are highly satisfactory. The No. 1 furnace rf the Cambria Iron company, at Johnstown, which has been out of blast for some time, has been rellned and Is being placed in shape to go Into operation soon. No. 2 furnace, at Braddock, has been blown In, giving employment to 100 additional men,. It has been out of blast four months, and since the sus pension has been built ten feet higher. The Reading Iron company is equip ping Its Oley street mill department, now In course of erection, with gas heating furnaces and a plant of Its new design of grateless water-seal pro ducers. The Tennessee Coal, Iron and Rail road company has put one of Its fur naces on the production of basic pig Iron, and is now- making shipments of sample carloads to steelmakers in Pennsylvania. The first annual meeting of directors of the reorganised (New York and New England Railroad company will be held Nov. 14. Belief Is general that control of the property Is In the hands of Mr. Morgan nd his friends. ' The Pittsburg" Wire works, at Brad dock are making many Improvements In their plant. A new machine shoo will be added and the company will thereafter manufacture wire nails. Us work being heretofore confined to wire. Ground has been broken for the new tlnplate plant) to be erected by George J. Humbert, at Connellsvllle. 'Negotia tions are now under way for the pur chase of the exclusive right to use a certain patent process of making tin plates, whereby the cost Is greatly re duced. . . , One Of the largest-slied Davis-Colby roasters Is being put up for the Lack awanna Iron and Steel companat the Colebrook furnaces, at Lebanon". Pa., desulphurising Cornwall orb. It la for ty feet high and? twonty-two feet In diameter. The capacity will be 100 to no tons per day. At a recent meeting of tre directors and stockholders of the American Tin plate company o Blwood. lnd.. It was decided to Increase the plant five more mills, making twenty-one mills In all. This means the employment of to ad ditional! men, making nearly 1.0UO, and an increase In the production of tin plates to 20.000 boxes per week. Pittston Gasette: From the present Indications, the Broad Street Electric railroad will, before many weeks have gone by, be In operation. The road Is completed as far as Scotch Hill, and It will require but a few weeks to bring It down to Main street, when the people of Pittston will have an opportunity of going to Scranton on the electric cars. The cut nail factory of the Portage Iron works, at Dtmcunsvllle, which ras not been In operation since 1873, Is now being remodeled and repaired. The factory has a capacity of 500, kegs a day, and the machines will all be Im proved so as to make them self-feeding. The works will be equipped to make everything from a two-penny fine nail up to an 8-Inch spike, and will make steel nails exclusively. Operations will be commenced shortly. Philadelphia Stockholder; Shipments of anthracite coal for the first six months of 1893. in percentages, com pared with the average-percentages of shipments during 1894 and 1SS3. make a very Interesting showing, as follows; Name. 1895. 1894. 1S9S. Reudlng 21. U 20.03 W.Xi Lehigh Valley 1(1.75 1.1.59 15.: Lackawanna 12.45 14.45 KM Pennsylvania ra'Jroad 11.47 11.40 13.5? Jersey Central 11.37 11.07 12.77 Delaware Hudson . 0.75 10 I J Pennsylvania Coal S.54 4.11 4.39 Ki le 3.52 4.03 1! Coxe Bros 3.55 3.93 2.52 Ontario A Western 3.12 3. SO 2,9 Busquehanna & Western .. 3.44 1.75 The Susquehanna and Western's sharp Increase was due to the completion of its terminals and the Wllkes-Barre and Kastern line, which took a large busi ness away from the Lackawanna. This, in a measure, accounts for the Lacka wanna's decrease of 3 per cent. Other changes were small, being fractional In each Instance; the Pennsylvania Coal lost .57; the Erie. .51; Coxe Bros., .33; the Ontario and Western, .18; the Jer sey Central, .30. The Delaware and Hudson more than held its own by a gain of .07. The Reading's gain was 1.07, and the Lehigh Valley's. .16. In considering these figures It should be borne In mind that the half year of 1895 Is compared with the entire year of 1894. THE WORLD OF BUSINESS. Stobks aad Honda. New York, Aug. 31. At the Stock Ex change today a number of active issues sold at the best figures since the pres ent upward movement Bet In. The In quiry was most pronounced In the case of the low-priced Issues, Anthracite Coalers and the Grangers. The trad ing, however, was confined to the pro fessional element, which. In the main, Is bulling. The low-priced stocks ad vanced anywhere from 14 to 1V4 per cent. Texes Pacific was more active than for a long time past, and rose to 136 on reports that the company's earnings were Increasing, Jersey Cen tral and Reading were In demand. The Grangers were strong and active. The Industrials were higher, except for Distilling, which ran off slightly. Sugar, Tobacco and Chicago Gas were all higher. Speculation closed strong with prices anywhere from to 2Vi per cent, higher on the day. Total sales were 129,000 shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by G. du B. Dlm mick, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co.. stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lng. Am. Tobacco Co 83 84 83 94 ' Am. Sugar He'g Co.llO'j, Ill's H0V4 111 Atch., To. & 8. Fe... & 20i 2o(, SM-K, Can. South 57s 57'i 57! 67'4 Ches. & Ohio 21VA 21? 21 21 Chicago Gua 6414 K SUi 5 Chic. & N. W 108 10 10 KM ('h., B. & q 91 91 91 91 'A C. C. C. & St. L 49 49 49 49',j Chic., Mil. ft St. P... 74 77S 7H 77S, Chic, H. . & P 8I4 84 Hi Delaware & Hud 131 131 131 131 Ulst, & C. F 2I4 21 20T4. 214 Gen. Electric 37 37-H 37 37 111. Central 1M4 101'i 104 10li Lake Shore 151 ' lfl, 151 1511, Ixiuis. & Nr.ih 61 61 61 61 Manhnttan Kio 114 114 111 1U4 Mo. Pacific 4 W 394 39 Nat. Lead 35 36 8T, 36 N. J. Central 110 111 110 111 N. Y. Central 101 104 103 lo: N. Y., L. K. & W 9 ' 9 N. Y., S. & W It 14 14 14 N. Y S. & W., Pr... 35 35 85 35 Ont. & West 1S 1X 18 18 Pacific Mail 30 80 80 3" Phil, ft Read 19H 2 194 2o Southern It. R 13 13 13 13 Tenn., C. & 1 40 40 8!i 39 Tex. Pacific 12 13 12 13K. tTnion Pacific 15s, 15 15, 15 Wabash 9 9 9 9 Wabash, Pr 25 25 21 25 Weft. Union 94 95 95 IT. fl. Lesthor.. 17 17 17 17 U. S. Leather, Pr.... 85 86 85 86 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADB PRICKS. Open- High- Low- Clos- WHF.AT. lng. est. est. In. September 61 61 60 fiu December 3 63 62 63 May 67 68 67 67 IAT3. September 1S 18 18 18 Mny 22 22 21 22 CORN. September 3(1 36 36 -36 December 30 .I'', 3" 30 May 31 31 31 81 LARD. September 6.85 6.09 685 6.95 January 6.95 6.97 6.95 ' 6.97 PORK. September 000 9.05 8.90 8.95 January 9 87 10,00 9.87 8.92 Scranton Board of Trodo Exchange Qtin tnt)ons-AII Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Rid. Ask. Dime Dep. & Dis. Bank 125 Green Rldgo Lumber Co 110 First National Bank 6! Lackawanna Lumber Co 110 Scranton Savings Bank loO flcranton Lace Curtain Co 60 Third National Bank 850 Thuron Coal I Jin J Co M flcranton Axle Works 80 flcranton mass Co... . 65 National Boring ft Drilling Co .... 90 Scranton Jar ft Stopper Co ID Lacks, ft Montrose R. R 100 Spring Brook Water Co 90 Elmhurst Boulevard Co 100 Lacks. Trust A Safe Dep. Co. 1M) Alleghony Lumber Co 106 Scranton Packing Co US BONDS. Scranton Traction Co 95 Economy Steam Heat & Powor Co , 100 Scranton Glass Co .... 100 Rushbrook Coal Co., 6 .... ICO Scranton Psss. Railway first mortgage t's, due 1920 110 ..... People's St. Railway, first mortgage Vn, duo 1918 110 . People's St. Railway, second.. -110 ' flcranton A Pittston Traction . Co. 6s ,, 90 Lacks. Valley Trac. Co., first mortgage 6s, due 1926 ' t 100 flcranton Wholesale. Fruits and Produde-Drled apples, per lb., 6Mc.; evaporated apples, 7atej. Cali fornia prunes, a8c.; English ourmnts, 2a3c.; layer raisins, Sl.60al.70; muscatels, 4a5c. per lb.; tlal.S per box; new Valen cia, 6a6c. per lb. Beans Marrowfats, 82.60 per bushel; mediums, 12.28; pes, bean. Peas Green, tl.10a1.16 per bushel; split, S2.50a2.6O; lentels, 6a8c per lb. Potatoes S1.50al.t0. Onions Par bbl., $2.26. Butter 16a20c. per lb. Cheese 4a9o. per lb. Egvs 14al6c. Mests-Hams, 10c.; small hams, 11c; skinned hams, He.; California hams, Sc.; shouldsrs, 7o.; bellies, c; smoked breakfast bacon, 10c. Smoked Beef Outs ides, 120.; sets, 18c. ; Insides and knuckles, 15c.; Acme sliced smoked n Caleb Ittkk MasMas IrM ' Vv 3 M. nM viiSUw rtttaa. fiumy M tjj Mlln Sm Si hi'im tmUmnh 1 ilMUMwimn. iBrwli,rl4. beef. 1-lb. cans, S2.40 per dosen. Pork Mess. S14.60; short cut. 115. ljtr.l Leaf, in Uerces, 8c.; !n tubs. 8c; 10-lb. pulls, A par lb.; 5-lb. pally, 8c. per lb.; J-IU pails. Sc. per lb.; compound lard, tierce. 6c.; tubs. c; 10-lb. pails. c. per lb.; 5-lb. palls, c. per !b.; S-lb. palls, 7e. per lb. Flour Minnesota patent per bbl., S4.10a 4.35; Ohio and Indiana amber. S3.75; Gra ham. S3.76; rye Hour, H.75.. Feed Mixed, per cwt., $1.05. Qraln-Cora, 50c.; oats, S&a 4c. per bushel. Rye Straw Pr ton. Ilia W. Hay-SHaW. New York produce Markot . New York, Aug. St. Flour-Bteady. Wheat Dull and easier: No. i red store and elevator, 6uaU6e.; afloat, 66c.; f. o. b.. 0a67: ungraded red, OOaSSe.; No. 1 northern, 7a8e.; options weak; Septem ber. 65e.; October, ic; December, 6SV4c; May, r.c. Corn Dull and easier; No. 2, 42c. elevator; 43c arloat; options dull; September, 41c; October, 41c; November, 41c.; December, S7c.: May, 37c. Oats Dull ind Htoady; options firmer, dull; September, 23c; October, 23c; spot prlcen. No. 2. 24a2ltc; No. 2 wh'te, 27c; No. X Chicago, 25Vsa25'.i.-c.: No. 3, 23c; No. I white, 24c; mixed western, 24a2c.; white state and western, 25a33c. Provisions Ouli t and unchanged. Lard Higher, quiet; western steam. S6.S5; city, $Hn6.12: September, $6.30; refined, quiet; continent, $6.80; South America, $7.05; com pound, 4n5c. Butter Quiet and un changed. Cheese Quiet, and unchanged. Eggs Quiet and steady; Pennsylvania aud state, 15al6c.; western fresh, 13alDc.; do. per case, $1.25a4. , Toledo Grain Market. Toledo, O., Aug. 31. Wheat Receipts, 25,000 bushels; shipments, 31.000 bushels; market quiet; No. 2 red, rash, and Sep tember. 4c.; ileceniler, 66c; May, 70c; No. 3 red, vish. 63c. Corn Receipts, 2,000 bushels; shipments, 2.0U0 bushels; market dull; No. 2 mixed, rash. 38c. ; No. 3 whiti-, 3$c. Oats Receipts. 2.000 bushels; No. 2 September, 20c.; do. May, 23c; No. 2 white. 22V.C.; No. S do.. 20c. Rye Mar ket dull; No. 2 cash, 43c. Clover Seed Receipts, 316 baits; shipments, 4i8 bax? mnrket steady; pt. me, cash, and October. $5.15; December, $5.20; February and March, $5.30. Buffalo Live Stock, Buffalo, Aug. 31. Cattle Receipts, 2,300 head; on sale, 40 head; market closed steady; good cows ami heifers, $3.25a:i.40; rough, thin green steers, $2.80; veals, steady; good to choice, $ti.75a7.25; extra, $7.50; light to fair. S4.25aU.60; heuvy fed calves, $3a4; grassers, $2.25u2.75. Hogs Receipts, 6,250 head; on sale, 7.600 heud; market closed dull; Yorkers, good, M..!".:i 4.40; grassy and Mlchlgans, $4.20a4.30; mixed packers, $4. 35a 140; menVums and heavy, $4.35a4.40; roughs, $3.25a3.60; stags, $3u3.25: pigs. $la4.25. Sheep and Timbs Receipts, 5.500 head; on sale, 8.000 head; lambs opened 15o25c. lower ami sheen steady: prime lambs, S4.50.i4.75; Rood, $4.25 a4.40; light to fa'r. $3a4; culls, $2.25a3; mixed sheep, $2.50a2.85; culls and common, $la2.25; export sheep. $3.25a3.65. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Aug. 31. Cattle Receipts, S.300 head; common steers and Mockers 10al5c. lower, others Mendy; common to extra steers, $3.50a3.95; stockers and feeders, S2.25a4.15; cows anil bulls, $l.25a3.75; calves, $3.50a; Texans. $l.!i0a5; western rangers, $2a4.65. Hogs Receipts. 6,500 head; mar ket weak and 5c, lower for light hnRS, others steady: heavy packing and ship ping lots, $4.10a4.55; common to choice mixed, Sa4.55; choice assorted. $4.40u4.55; light. $3.9fta4.50; pigs. $3.50a4.40. Sheep Receipts, 1,000 head: markot steady; Infe rior to choice, $1.50a3.40; lambs, $3n5. OH Market. 'Pittsburg, Aug. 31.-OII closed 124, the only quotation. Oil City, Aug. 31. Oil opened, highest and closed, 124; lowest, 123. N.A. HERTS II? WYOMING AVE SCRANTON. STEIRWIY I SON DECKER BROTHERS IRIKICH I BACK STULTZ I BAUER ad Othen PIANOS A1m large stock of first-olua ORGANS BU5ICAL rtERCHANDI5B MUSIC. ETC DU FONT'S mm, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Maoofnrtnred at the Wapwalkipea Stills, La teraa county, pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware, HENRYBELIN.Jp. General Agent for the Wyoming District, 118 WYOMING AVE, 8oranton, Ps Third Kationsl Bank Bali ding. ', AOKKC1ES! TB08. rORDT MtUton, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH A BON, Plymouth, Pa L W. MULLIGAN, Wilkes Barre, Pa. AtenU for toe Kepaana Chaiaioal U knar's Ulgh Kaploslves. fMTAfll.TSHED 1(170.1 GILHOOL'S CARRIAGE WORKS. Carriages, Bnsinou Wafnas, Rseairma Horns Shonlnt, Painting and Upholsterlnr. Hoe. Uk ttl. $t, Kb aeTenth street. Moras ton. Pa, AYLESWORTH'5 MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest Improved furnish ings and apparatus far keeping meat, butter and eggs. - t23 Wyoming Av JOHN L HAKGI, EK2?iVER, OrFICB AND SHOP : lit Laek. At. aad stawarr's Ait Store. , fed Ecif1oj p Clrtalin, IxU, Citi ' 4lfrTe.Bi Utt WsV '..,'. If A nun The Only Remedy in the World That Re Kinds Purchase Price if If Tails lo Care the Tobacco Habit in 4 to 10 Days Is S7 It aires While Yoa Tobacco. The greatest discovery of the age ! A certain, pleasant, permanent cure. A lifetime's snfferlncr ended for $5.00. Why smoke and spit your life away? Why suffer from dyspep sia, heartburn, and drains on your Vital forces? Stop using; tobacco, but stop the right way I Drivo the uirotiue from your system by the use of this wonderful remedy. Narcoti-Cukb Is warranted to remove all desire for tobacco in every form, hicludina; Cigar, Cigar ette and Pipe Hmoklng, Chewing and Snuff Taking. Use all tho tobacco you want while under treatment, aud in from four to ten days your "hank eriug" aud "craving" will disap. pear -the weed won't tasto good. Then throw away tobacco for ever. , Narcoti-Curb Is entirely vege table and free from Injurious in gredients. It never falls to give tone and new vigor to the weakest constitution. Remember Nabcoti-Corg does not deprive you or tobacco while ettectiuga cure; doesn't ask you to buy several bottles to be entitled to a guarantee; doesn't require a month's treatment; and, finally, doesn't enable you to stop tobacco only to find yoursslf a slave to the habit of tablet chewing. IRON km STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Rh ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES. And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTE1BE1IE1 SCRANTON, PA. LUMBER.PHOPSAHD TIES I o n bco TELEPHONE 422. ETWFPV WflMAN lians V Bean B Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Rllo Tber are nrraipt, sate as ourtaln la molt. Tto cTtae (Pr. Pial'i) tct lletp. Biat, fieat Bhe, 11.00. Adoieu ftLU. Hsvnsxa Co., Cleveland, O. For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenu and Sprues Strsst, Scranton Pa i b V I f V RESTORES VITALITY. Made a r. .mL.;-m Liiist ii at THI ORtAT 80tb Day prodaeM ths abora teenlta la'30 days. It sett bowerlall and quloklr. Com wiian all etbere tall. TeangaaeawtU regain th.lf loet manhood, aad old nea will reoor.r tneir youttilul or by aalns BKTITO. II qnleklr and snielr iwtoroe N.rtoua sans. Last Tltalltr, Im pointer. Hlgbtly Kmiiaionn Lost rHnrer, railing atetaory, Wwllna IMseaiea.and all esTeets af self abase er esemaad tndleereUon, slab ealla ene for sf ndy. bnataeaa er aarrlage. II set ealr cant by (tarllng at tbe Mat el dlaaan. but la a great swrveteatla an J blood builder, bring' leg seeS the pink (low to pale cheeks a-.d re staring tbe Are of yonth. It wards off lanaltr and Oasrampllon. unlit oa baring Itr, VIVO, no ether. It eaa be carried la met pocket. By nell. SlMtm paekta-e. or alt for SCOU, with a peel tie written gaaranteo to rara ow refacd the eaey. Olnnlartree. Address S0VAI MCDieiM CO.. IS Rler St, 0HICAQ0. ILL Vaw gal mj tfattbews Bres Si (egg let Senates . ttmt "A UUar teMd U S d TMslaaUM- SalM loacsPoewbsiMwS. SsmBwaS datttefed free enywheiotatheUea menaitaHi .mi or Foetal Mote tor SIM. X quale erery way the beets CM an oh men gl.M. Wo SMke this boot oaienhoa, tuoiofoia we soar onUt tbe Sr, aryei aad omot, sad If any one fa aot aasoSoi wo will renna tat aaoaey oreeouaiiiiiini ami, upon Too or roaueoa Beaor, widths , a. a. a as, l to s ass sal Jroaawaretay im pea. UuoUate Aasalsl less lo Xleofire. n 1 V a alia-' t na 111 f 111 au aiaas. I II IMIWI Vm ejil NL STm lea W" -eo Aorpreoijaof e . SL - n SI aw i M BaUSP i ajnmiraoa gas nwoa wearan - n m mm a V ,o mm r' m an jf-nmf nil mm m at av Continue th? Us? of WML Narcoti CfEK, when you are through with tobacco, you are through with the remedy. One bottle euros. Send for book of prominent tes timonies like the following: nuKTiHOTOf, Miss.. March 13, ISM. Tnii .ah;oti Chemical Co., hpringSslil, Kaon, Oontlemon;-1 havo usod tobacco for over twunty-flTe years, ohwiuz aad smoking Try day from I a. m. to V p. m. stopping only for laoals. On Monday. Fen. 4. I callsd at your ofllca in Surtngfteld, anU taught a hot-la of tbs DBS which I ud as directed, salon tu lentil day the desire, fur to bacco Sad l"ft mu and it hax not re turned. I did not lose a meal while tak ii gte Cuk a Myappetithsiinprovd aul I ojonMur Nakcoti-Curb a grauil thing. Very respectfully. UAH. L LINCOLN. Wr. Frank H. Morton, of Chloop e Falls. Maw., late Inaiector of public buildings for Vansachuaettii, says: I ured tobacco for twenty-flTe years, and was a conflruird sinukr. In Just eight days' treatment with Narcoti Cti ns! wai through with tobaooo, in fact tlie desire for tobacco vanlsned like a dream. Very np-ctf ally, rttANK a MORTON. If your druggist Is unable to give full particulars about Narcoti Cure, send to us for Book of Par ticulars freo, or eond $3.00 A.' bot tle by mall. TEEKARCOTI CEEHICALCO., Springfield, Miss. 1 (Won 0 MIN 22 Commonwealth ( j Bld& ScrantoDj a. an mw a w a w i aetrf s a nllibh, menthly, rtfnlatlrf medietas. Only Kara leal the punt drags taenia be natd. Ifjeu ni ths bail, get tod Uurafactnrart of tbe Celebrated P1LSENER LAGER BEER CAPACITYl loo,ooo Barrels per Annum Spring House U. E. CROFUT, Prop'r, Heart Lake, Pa. AIMtndo nearly S,ono feel, rise rroree sad oeantlful soenery. Honae saw and well far ntahed; but throe tntnatea' walk from IX, U At W, (tattoo, sal ICS trot from tho lake. GOOD BOATS, FISHIKG TACKLE, Daadag Farilloa, fSwInga, Croquet Qreaaoa, eWrUBBwaneeu. COLD SP11IKG WATEK AMD PliEXTT Of MILK. - ATt RCA80NABIX : WfMs tor i In LAGER BEER BREWERY. DAM DHAH TlltC-TMD . Central Railroad ot Now I t ut-tuih and UKtneaaaaa Mraaea, Miuiracita ooau uaea eoiUoTeour, laa r lea nil n iios mat osaaf orb V.tai I'ABtdii it h.fc.C-V JUNK Trains nave anrantoa for ittte WUkoa-Barrs. atk. at US. tJL U.S) a l.u. H.M. .at, S.VV. I.m p. m. ItuMaya, - . ma . . r tin - - . n., J.vwh cuh ' f- m. Rnr Atlmntln Clt. SSI Fur Kuw York. Newark and HHaahe.i t 2ii ieKL,iaa) u in.. t.2S texureaa with tt,. let parlor car). MS (expreae) p.m. ivnl nay, xlo p. ni. Train leaving LU P. nu mm. s.zi p. m. am ivew lorn a.ei p. m. Beiu. lLaatun ana rniiaaeiunia. ai m - 1 i. 1.U6. S.OO (except PhUadelphlai n, m. Sunday, 115 p.m. For Ljong Branch. Ocaaa OrOTo, ota- at 1.20 a. m. (ihroush coach), l.W p. m. Vor ReaUing, Lebanoa and Harrlsbara. via Allentown. 8.) u m., 1.J3L I.W p. Bunday. lis p.m. f ur i'oUv:il, g.Ms. m.. I.n p. . Returning; lcavo New York, foot ot Lib. any arrcet. North rlrer, at 1 11 (expresst a.m., 1.10., 4.SS exproas with Bullet parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.M a.m. Leavo Philadelphia. Reading Terminal. I.oo a.m.. 100 and: . p.m. Bunday a.m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates n-.ay ho had on application In ad vance to tho ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN. Qcn. PavSaV AcftAtat 1. H. OLRAVBBN. Oen. Bust. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, Juno 14. law. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Et rress for New York and all points Bast, 40, 160, 6.15, .00 and .M m.; 116S and 1 p.m. Kxpresa for Baaton, Trenton, Phlladek hla and the south, lli. ISO and t.K lu, LS6 and 1S4 p.m. Washington and way stations, S.H p.ra. Tobyhanna accommodutlon, IIS p.ra. Express for Bingham ton, Oswego, El mlra. Corning. Path, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo. 12.10, 185 a.m., and 1.21 p.m., making close connections at Buf falo to all points In the West , Northwest and Southwest. Ruth accommodation, a.m. Hlnghamton and way stations, ltSTp.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 4p. m. anil 110 p. m.. Blngbamtoa and Elmlra Express, I. OS p.m. klxpross for Cortlnnd, Syracuse, Oswega Utlea and Klchtleld Springs, 1H5 s,m. a:tl 1.24 p.m. Ithaca, IS and Bath I a.m. and 1.H p.m. For Northumberland, Plttaton, Wilkes Barro, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umherland for Wllliamsport, Harrlsburfc Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate its tlons. C.Ou, I.5S a m. and 1.30 and (.07 p.m. Nantlooke and Intermediate stations. t.Ct and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations. 3.40 and 1.52 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaohss oa all express trains For detailed Information, pocket tlmo tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, Kt Iackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. DT3LATTARB AND HUDSON RAIL ROAD. Commenoing ' Monday. LAJM ' awanna avenue statloa lArtr as follows: Trains will leave Boras ton statloa tar Carboodale sad ln tennodlau poinu at 120, 145, 1.00, 1SS and 10.10 a.m., ills, M. 164. lift, 11a, V&. 11 and I1.2S p.m. Pr Farview, Wayraart aad Honesdale at 1M. US and a,m.,U.IW, 120 and 11B For Albany, Saratoga, ths Adlrondaoaat and Montreal at 14 a.m. aad 120 p.m. For Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate . ,ints at 7.44. 141 . and N.44 a.m., UOti 1.20, lift. 100, IIS, ., 11 and 1LIS p.m. Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carbondalo and Intermediate polntrj at 7.40, 140. 114 and 10.40 a.m.. 12.00. 1.17,1,34, 140, 4.M, 144, 7.46, 111 and 1L3S p.m. From Hoaosdalo, Waymart aad Fare new at lit a.nv. UN, Ll7. 140, lit ant 7.46 p.m. f"rom Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etAe at 4.64 and 11.21 p.m. Prom Wtlkes-Barra and Intermedlattl points at 1.11 104. 10.09 and U.U a m., l.llj Ur. SJS. 110. lot, 7.20. 102 aad U.1S p.m. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Honesdale, Hawley and local points at 7,u0. t.40 a, m. and 124 p. m. All tho above aro through trains to and from Honesdale. Train for Lake Ariel 1.10 p. m. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at IB) m m. and 2.46 p. m. May 11 lttS. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. H. R. R. at 7.4t a. m., 12 0!, 1.20. 1.28 and 11.31 p. m., via D.. L, At W. R. a. 100, 101 11.20 a. m., and I.N p. m. Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wllkes Barre, via D., L. ft W. R. R., 100, 102, 11.19 a, m., 2.60, 6.07. 162 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha Elnton, Pottsvllle and all points oa tho. Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle braachea. via E. ft W. V. R. It., ft. 40 a.m., via D. ft H, K. R. at 7.45 a. ra., 12.06, 1.20, 1.23, 4.00 p. ro via D., L A W. R. R. 100. Its, 11.20 a. m.. 1.30, 160 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton. Reading, Hariisburg and all Intermediate points via D. ft H. R. R., 7.44 a.m., ItlO, 1.20. 2.22. 4.00. 11 2 p. m., via D., U4W.1 R.. (.00. 8 0S, 11.20 a. m., 1.20 p. m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannook, To wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. ft H. R. R.. 1 4( a.m., 12.06 and 11.26 p.m., via .. L. At W. R. H., 10S. 66 a.m.. 1.20 p.m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Nlnnara Palls, Detroit. Chicago and all f oints west via D. It H. R, R., 146 a.m4 2.05, ft. 15. 11.S8 p.m., via D , L. ft W. R R, and Pittston Junction. 102, 164 a.m., l. A, 160 p.m., via E. ft W. V. R. R.. 141 p.m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, via D. At H. R. R , 8.45 a.m., 12.04, 104 p.m.. Via D., L. At W. R. R., 108, 164 a.m., Lift, and 7 p.m. ... . Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. ft B. Junction or Wllkea-ltarro and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Buspensloa BrlJROLLtN H. WILBTJR, Oen. Bupt CHA3. S.LEE, Oen. Pass. Agi, Phtla., Pa, A. w. in u . ti..l ai n r. Pass. At South Bstblsham, Pa. CRAVTitN RinatOtf. la KS-eet, Mar lSlh, ISM. Wocta Sisst, tasatk BMkaaef. BOA (OBlftOl I J-i Buttons lOttMlitw AW I rep punaay. Arrive Leavei N. Y. Franklin fJ West 4tnd streeu Wechawkea Arrive Uavj Banoook Juncgkati Haooooa Starlight Preston Park cotno Porntells Belmont Fleasaat Ml t'nlondals Porsei City CarboDdals WhlMBrtegs MaySMsT iermya Archibald Wlatoa PeotviUs Olrpaaat Taroop ItSvtoeaos Park piass AU trains rut Sally axoeft f ay. . t sisssttialasstossaaaal far ass. teagerS. recurs rates na oatarto a wsstsra wi iiiiihiwsi ucama ana savo anasay, eaj aaa hiagt AxtrsasteUs Wat. . . T. WWals, ir. la AoiAW m t w wr p air al ioiStoo... P alp Ml B 5l 1 IfU TWTfiB Ill IN .... 1 10 ISM .... 4 01 IS 41 .... 4 SMI .... 46199 .. 4 47 It 1 .... 4 Ml! 11 .... I4 2M116I .... 441l4Sa OS II SI sin . ...I1U0 li nsgi .rrrvnoi SS6I11 Ss SO) 1611119 867 a riiia t&4 S4SU n too tstiior te Its 11 S3 841 a UlI 09 SB) 101100 K ftrrnoryr in SSIlttfl 8 Jg :::: JS its .... in IM .... 141 tii .... It 4Sj .... 161 IW .... MM .... IH tisv a lis tatiesi aia Tntiawiftaj ttantesita f W 4(3 1 44 ief'tlllei PB tsS i as IBs Tt8llB ill p nt'a wfk alUsva t tr a a -