.THE SCRANTOK. TRIBUNE SATURDAY. MORNING, AUGUST 31, 1895.. nn are mm ho:.ie Sammcr Tourists Keturaliig to the City in Large Numbers. rUXS FOR THE COMING SEASON They Aro Being nisenssed hj the Local Society Lenders-Morrlugce of tho Week in Seranton and lis Vicinity. Of a Purely Personal Nature. Society Is slowly drifting homeward. The height of I he summer season at sua-shore. mountain and lake lius been reached and passed and the exodus thltherword Is now replaced ly return ing cmmlj In-nt on recuperating lor the winter social season. In many households all is hustle and hurry oc casioned by preparations for the re turn of the young folks to achool. These young school folks themselves are running a lively pace in order to make the most of the remaining ten or tifteen days before BChool begins. After , all the Hummer visitors are hi ine and the school boys ami school girls have departed, society will set tle down to preparations for the com ing winter. It Is too early to make prognostications on the iosslbillt!es of the season. No affairs of extraordi nary "Importance have as yet been an nounced, but ere long it Is expected that several notable weddings will take place. Two are already spoken of In confidential whispers ami others will, before lone, be the subjects of conver sation lit the little teas. No dance of any special Importance is us yet FlHtkcn of or Is likely to occur, but it Is understood that there will lie a series of nice small affairs at the Bi cycle house before Christmas, con ducted, in the sani manner as the as semblies of the past two years. It may bo. however, that some of the more ag gressive lenders have something on a large scale in mind, but as yet It has not cropped out. At nil events. If the coining season Is anywhere near as lively as the last. Seranton society will have no cause to complain. Three South Side marriages were s.'lemnlzed Wednesday afternoon. Michael Kelley, of iMItiooka. and Miss Annie Pulley, of Stone avenue, were iirited at St. John's church by Rev. Father Melley. Henry J. Casey, of Minooka, was groomsman, and Miss l.iar.lo TVan was the brides maid. In the evening n recep tion was held at the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Kelley are well known and have hosts of friends, .lames I.ar kln. of Avoea. and Miss Katie Guy, of intone avenue, were married at St. Peter's cathedral by Rev. J. A. O'UleT ly. Their many friends were present at the wedding nnd congratulations were profusely bestowed upon the pop ular young couple. Anthony u'Uoyle nnd Miss Belinda Hushes, both of Prospect avenue, were married at the cathedral. At the home of the bride assembled a large number of Invited guests. At 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon Miss Nora Hutler, of Archhuld. and Anthony Mullen, of this city, were married nt St. Thomas' church. Arch bald. Rev. T. J. Cnmerford performed the ceremony In the presence of a mul titude of friend.' of the contracting couple. The bride was attended by her cousin. Miss Maggie McAndrew. of Seranton, and the best man was Den nis Koche. of the same city. The bride I'-oked charming In a dress of cream silk, trimmed with ribbon, and she carried a bouquet of white roses. The bridesmaid wore pink silk. with rlhbon trimming, and she also carried flowers. A reception was held at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. Martin Hutler. of Hill street, where many assembled to congratulate the young couple. At Phlinpsburg. N.M.. last Monday were married 'Miss Helen S. Deppen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac M. Ieppen, to George R. nice,' the well known Insurance man. The ceremony was performed on 'Monday at Phlllips burg, X. J., by Rev. K. Clark Cline, pastor of the Westminster Presby terian church, of that place. The match meets with the approval of Mr. and Mrs. Deppen. A desire to be married qnietly and without ostentation In duced the young people to have the ceremony performed at Philllpsburg. They are at present stopping with Mrs. Rice's parents at 913 Price street, West Side. .' A very enjoyable Informal dance was conducted at the Bicycle club house Wednesday night by the members of the club.. t PERSONAL MENTION: WUlard Megargcl is visiting' In Hones dale. II. E. Leonard 1s home from Atlantic City. fleorge Klefer, of tha North End, Is In Canada. P. J. Bheeran, of Van Euren avenue, Is In Isoston. Mrs. A. R Aldrleh la visiting her sister In Honesdalo. T. I. Wendover, of Adams avenue, is in New York city. T. C. Watreg, of fitroudsburg. Is vlsttlng friends In this city. . City Solicitor J. II, Torrey Jef t yesterday on a western trip. Mr, nnd Mrs. 4'harTe Tropp are homo from Atlantic City. . Hiss FrsncoR Wlnton has returned homo from AtlanUn CHy. James Ocarhart has returned from ft VIsK to Lock Haven. E. S. Ieeker, of this city, Is Jn Susque hanna for a few days. Miss Jonnie DavU, of Taylor, Is visit ing friends in Ehnhrorst. Mr, and Mrs. Charles MeMulten have re timied from Hlock Island. Miss Kmma Wilson, of Oalc street, has returned from Lake Wlnola. Miss May Greene,' of Franklin avenue, Is summering at Atlantic City. i M. E. Worden.-K. O. Warden and Will Sproats aro In New York city. ; Congressman Oalnsha A. Jrow, of Sus quehanna, was in town yesterday. Miss Lizzie Illltz, of Plttston avenue, s Visiting friends In Ellzabotth, N. J. Miss Anna Davis, of Tenth street, Is home from a vfcdt to Wllkes-Barre. County Detective Thomas Ijeyshon Is dipping in the surf at Atlantic City. Miss Bertha Conger, of the North End, Is visiting friends in Norwich, N. Y. Mrs'. L.. S. nichn.nl and children were Visiting In Plttston during the week. ' Miss illiith Bcddoe. of North Main ave nue, Is visiting friends In Carbondale. Misses Mary Iavls and Josephine Mills re the guests of friends In New York. Miss . Millard Jones, of DunmoTe, Is speeding her vacation at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Guernsey are home from their trip to Saratoga and Boston.' John J. Oangwer, of Boston, Is visit ing Chief Simpson. Colonel II. M. Holes and family returned from the seashore this week, James V. Clifford, of Prospect avenue, Is home from a trip to Portlnnd. Me. M'ss Rose Mellnle, of the South Bide, Is visiting friends In Hawley. Rev. Thomas J. Coffey, of Carbondale, called at the eploonal residence yesterday. Councilman I). P. Rattle has returned from a trip through the west. Miss Ethel Woodruir. of the West Blfle, returned. Thursday from Lake Wlnola. m 8. C Stelle, of Dalton, called on friends Inftoranton yesterday. . . ... Rev, P. J. Golden, of Wllllamsport, railed on Rt Rev. Bishop O'Hara yester day. .... Miss Cora Harvey, of Oreen Ridge', spent the early part of the week In Carbon dale, - , it;, Miss Martha Davis, of Eynon street, will spend tomorrow with friends In Carben-dale.- .... Mrs. Marshall Keller Is visiting her mother, Mrs.. George Bishop, of Carbon dale, Mm. V. W. Coyne, daughter, Hortense, and son, Stanley, are home from Asbury Park. ' Miss TVUth Miller, o? FactoryvlUe, Is the guest of Miss Nettle Nlcholls, of Rock street, 'M4eS' nhoda Jenkins, of New Ydrk, Is vlaMing the 'Misses Jones, of Twenty-third street, -f --.it- Mrs. Thomas B. "Davis, of Freelanis It the gueet of bra. David Davl. of Merrl- : Miss llamls Mulligan, A Philadelphia. Is the vurxt at Mrk Joha f, Cummlngn. or uiypnant. Rev. M. P. Falllhee. of Arllnaton. III.. In visiting his sister, Mrs. P. Lynott, of unve sireel. , - . . - . Mis Kose UndarWood. of IjiM Como, Is visiting Misa ltuth Jackson, . of .-the North Knd. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Ck!;g L. Dickson, who si.'nt art of lie summer at Asbury Park, ure home. T. J. He nolds and sisters, Mnrgart nnd l.l(e, uf ilumpton street, are visit ing at Syracuse. Miss Kdlth 1. May; Miss Maud R. illlns dell and C. II. Hlnsdell, of (Syracuse, are at the wyutnlng. ' Miss Mary Miller, of Cedar avenue, spent part of itlio week past with fiieiids tit Wllkes-ltnrre. Miss May Keating, of Plttston. Is the guest of Mr; and Mrs. John K. itiche, of i.apiuse avenue. , ' Miss Sadie Hush, of Hronilcy avenue. has returned from a visit to friends In Henryville. N. J. Kov. I. M. K Inter, of the North Knd, attended a church convention at Ply moitth yesterday. Miss Julia Allen, of Adams avenue, has returned from Whittiey's Point, where sho pent me summer. C. J. Carter, of the Lackawanna Valley House, sp.-nt Wetlnesday In Wllkea-llarre visiting his mother. Mrs. Moriran 1 1 turtles, of Wllkes-Barre. Is the guest of Mi-s. John II. Williams, of South Main avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ivy and family have returned after a month's visit' at 1),.li wii r V fr i Inn Misses Oallen, of 'Monroe avenue, are entertaining their cousins, 1ho Misses Jneolis. or New 1 ork. Miss Tillle Wostpfahl. of Willow strict. has . returned fngn l.uko Wlnola, where she nncnt'two we-ks. Mrs. lCinnia Younir. of llelvidere. N. J. b the guest of Mrs. Wllllum Yohe, of South Hronilcy avenue, llward Crellin. of North Main avenue. who has been slek for some time, Is able to he around again. Marvin Carter and John McDonnell, of the North Knd, are home from n trip through New ork state. Kilniiuiil I'ellett has returned to l'hlla delphia after a wo weeks' visit with his mother on Cupouse avenue. l!olrt Von Storeh and family, having snen t the month of Autiust at Lake I n derwood. have returned home. Miss Florence Silkiimn. of the North Fnd. Is homo from Syraeuse. where she Fieut three weeks with fr!ends. Mr. and Mrs. John Uordon. of Taylor, have returned fioni their, wedding trip, which was spent at the senslile. Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge n. M.ihy nnd Mrs. Frances F.. Haekley. of New York, are ut Preston park fra brief sotourn. Misses Helen V. and Anna .Tones, of riitston avenue, aro home from Harvey's Lake, where thev spent the week. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Caspersou, of Wll mlngton, Del., are visiting their daugh ter. Mrs. Tl. P. ltmk. of Pine street. Jlorris Kind and Otto Waironhorst. stu dents at the I'ntverstty of Pennsylvania, called on Scranfon friends yesterday. Miss (1ertri.de Freeman, of the West Ride, gave a party to a group of her friends at her home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Frank Barclay lias returned from a visit among friends 1n the southern part of the stale and later at Atlantic Cltv. Mrs, F. P. Richards and son. Fred, of Howard place, are nt Crystal Lake since Wednesday, and will remain two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Weed, of Franklin avenue, have returned from two weeks' vacation at Lake Poyntelle and Montrose. Miss Alice Deppen. nsslstant secretary of the board of health, s home from a two weeks' stay among friends In Hazle ton. Pr. and Mrs. John J. Walsh, of Pltts ton avenge, departed yesterday morning en a pleasure trip through southern New York. Conductor fJeorgp R. Filtehey. of the Ontario and Western railroad, nnd wife. lert ror Uuffalo, Niagara Kails and To ronto. Herman Lnngfeld, proprietor of Ilas laeher's millinery emporium. Is In New York purchasing a stock for. the fall trade. Miss Kittle Cosgrove, of Wllkes-Rarre, and MissiKFIa Mcifowan, of Avoca, are the guests of Miss Maggie Dlskln, of First street. Hon. K. N. WUlard expects to return to Seranton on Monday after an absence at his old home at Madison, Conn., for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. McDonough, of AunooRa. returned Thursday from Sara toga, where they went two weeks ago after beinK married. Hardware .Merchant T.' F. Leonard reaohed home this week from Nova Scotia, having been absent for six weeks, most of the time being spent nt Halifax. Frank E. Nash, of Lebanon, N. Y and Miss Anna M. yualey, of Horsoheads, the same state, were married on Wednesday afternoon by Alderman W. S. Millar. Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins end daugh ter, Jennie, and Miss Sadie Edwards, of Kdwardsdale. are guests at the residence of M. P. Daniels, on Division street. School Controller F. L. Wormser and daughters, Miriam and Rose, are home from a Jaunt through the west, having visited Buffalo, Cleveland and Detroit. Edward Ron me, general agent of tho Willlajn Penn Mutual Life Insurance com pany, was absent from the city for two weeks on a vacation. He returned on Wednesday. Mrs. Thomas P. Joyce nnd 2-yenr-old daughter, Mary, of .Minooka, left Wed nesday for HtraitsvJIle, O., to remain a month with Mr. and Mrs. John O'Brien, Mrs. Joyce's parents. Rev. Oeorgo R. Culld, pastor of the Providence Presbyterian church, returned from Europe Thursday at 1 o'clock. He was met at New York by his wife and two sons and Mr. and Mrs. it. It. Atherton. Mr. and Mrs. H. IT. fthurtleff have re turned from a very pleasant trip to Olas gow, Edinburgh, London and other noted places of historical Interest on the conti nent. They haveibeen absent since July 19. Rev. and Mrs. F. P. Doty, of Hamp ton Street Methodist F,p!nrnpnl church, have returned from Ocean Orove, where they attended the campmeetlng. Their trip took In a visit to New York city also. Rev. Warren (I. Partridge and family returned from Scarborough Reach, Me., yesterday. Mr. Partridge will occupy tho pulpit In his church, the Penn Avenue Rnptlst, nt both morning and evening services flundav. Tit. Rev. William O'Hara, D.D., bishop of the Seranton diocese, accompanied by Rev. J. J. I!. Feeley, of the cathedral, have returned from TlSflgehum, where Rev. J. V. Tlussle s parish priest. Through the efforts of Father Hnssle an Imiioslng church hai been erecited and It was dedicated Tn Thursday by the right reverend blshnri. Miss Kdlth Kvans, of Wahburn street, entertained her friends lat Tuesday even ing. Those who attended were; Misses Jnsslo E. Owens. Wlnrrle Stevens, Mar garot Powell, Annie Matthias,- Annie Ja mes, Mo mo ,Ton-s, Harriet Rrock. Rose Luxornbergor, T,ottle Ace, Ida Ace. Jennie Luxemberger. Txoi Jones. Mr. Stanton, Kdwaril Evans, Charles Rone, Will Hall. Duncan Hall, Charles McCrackcn, pert Adams. Will Allen, David Sayres. Mr. Hutchinson, Clinton Keller, Charles Doer sam, Phil. Doersam, Arnold Zcrflough, Mr. and Mra Raymond. . MY HITIIKRS. I tell you what I'd rut her do ' 1 " If I only had my rut hers ,' I'd ruther work when I wanted to Than lie bossed round by others. ' I'd want to kind o' git the swing O' what was needed llrsl, by Jlngt Afore I sweat at anything! If 1 only hail my ruthers. In fact, I'd aim t be the same With all men as my brothers, And they'd be all the same with me Ef I only had my ruthers. The poor 'ud git their lues some times Ef I only had tny ruthers. And be paid dollars 'stld o" dimes, , Fer children, wives and mothers. Their boys 'at stokes; thnir girls 'a ' sows ' For others, not herself, Ood knows! The grave, her only change of clothes! Kf I only had my ruthers. Thoy'd all have "stuff" and time enough To answer one another's AnneaUn' prayer for "loveln " care Kf I-only had my ruthers. They'd be few folk 'ud ast fer trust Kf I only had myruthers. And blame few business men to bust Thelrselves or hearts o' others. Illg gims 'nt como here durln' fait Colild put up Jet anywhere ' And find a full and plenty there -Ef I only had m ruthers. The rich and Kroftt 'udj'soclate. With all their lowly Brother Feelln we done tho honoraim Ef I only had my rutiers. v ' Jantes -Whltoomb Riley. DID' THE UANJWOME TU1NO. "We're about trf liang you;M aald the captain of the vigilance committee; "have you anything to say I" ' ' "Yea," gasped thejoulprlt; "my family's poor. Please glve 'em easy terms on rny funoral expenses." , "Don't let that bother you," said the captain a "M tightened, the rope;' "I'm In the undertaklnT business, and I'm goln' to malts you a present of a hox wim pew ter baadlea, aar oametery tot to bootl" THE WOULD OF BUSINESS STOCKS AND B8XDS. . iNew York, Aug., 30. Speculation at the 'Stock " Exchange wj Irregular again today, but in the main the tone of the market was Arm, when the strength of sterling exchange, the en gagements of tL'.SuU.OOO Kold for ship ment to Europe and the further sales of stocks for foreign accounts ure taken Into consideration. At the start prices were generally lower, a break in Tdbacco of 1 per cent, to 92 having in duced selling by Home of the small trad ers of bullish proclivities. Before the expiration of the tlrst hour, however, there was a change for the better, the bulls having taken the (Irnngers and Anthracite coalers In hund. Reading and Jersey Central were advanced sharply, the first named selling up to lr4 and Jersey Central to 110. It wus reported that t'he negotiations looking to a settlement of trade trou bles were progressing favorably. In the afternoon t.he market was decidedly strong for the low priced issues. Union and Texas Pacific being more promi nent than of late, in the final transac tions Sugar and Tobacco were pressed for sale, the first named falling to 110 nnd the latter to ;t. The general list ran off in sympathy and closed about steady." The syndicate deposited $1,000,- 000 with the assistant treasurer Just before the close, 'but this was not gen erally known. Net changes show losses of 'ia per cent. The rango of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar. ket are given below. The quotations nro riiriiiHhed Tho Tribune by T. du J I. Dim mlck. manager for William Linn. Allen & t o., stoek brokers, 412 Sprucu street, Seranton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos. . , lipr. est. est. Ing. Am. Tobacco Co 92 SB s2 '.KtLJ Am. Cot. oil 'X 2ii 2 "ti Am. Sugar Ho'g Co-llo5 lll74 1M 1ln, Atch., To. n s. l.... ai'i an, -m 3114 Can. South r.7 M'i r.7 f.7 dies, a Mh lo -JliJ 21 -n 2134 21-H Chicago (las Iij P ll',:V Kl'fc Chic. N. W liCi lini'j, IUH4 ltfei Chic, B. ft y 1 M ikiTj, i C. C. C. St. L 49 ts'i, 4XVt 4H Chic, Mil. St. P... 7'4 77V, "li-iji 7'iVi Chic, K. 1. P KUi Rt'i S.1 Mii Indaware A Hud lilt l.'ll 1:11 1!U 1 Ust. ft C. V 2174 21 21 2li lien. Electric S7' M 3714 :t7'a III. Central 1M'9 m74 10414 lot Louis, it Nash t3i H.T'W liit'4 Kl4 Manbat'tan Elo '.lUl 114i 11414 1MH Mo. Pacific iSl'4 3'li JWSi .TJ Nat. Conlage 7', 7'4 7' 7'n Nat. Lead r.14 SRI4 3T.'4 N. J. iVntral lus'i 1WH 1ii'4 W.it N. Y. Central UM14 lot'4 I0114 liMt-a N. Y., L. K. & W HV; !Vi4 914 9S, N. Y., S. & W W, lIFfi 1.1'4 li N. Y.. S. & W., Pr... 3P4 .Vi 3114 35 Nor. Paolllc CSi Si fi'-i Nor. Pacific. Pr 18 Wk 1SS 1V4 Out. West 17"(, 17-4 17-4 17'4 Pacific Mail Sii Sa-iJ 3014 3fr Phil & Read 19 IH-H 19 1914 Southern It. R 14 14 13i 13H Tenn.. C. & 1 394 H", :I9'4 394 Tex. Paellle 2P4 12 12'4 12'4 linlon Paclilc K,U l.Vj ir.ij K Wabash 9'4 !',, 9"j Wabash. Pr 2:i 2i 23 2I'! West. I'nlon 94'4 fll-S W 9P4 V. S. Leather 17 174 17 17 IT. S. Leather, Fr.... 8474 83" Kl STi'4 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Open- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. ing. est. est. Ing. September fil'4 152 fiB4 l December 3 fi C a May 6S !i 67 GS OATS. September , 19 19 1SV, 4 217li May .... .. 22 22 2174 CORN September 14 30 3(! 311 IHwember 3i',4 3014 SiHi 3e May 31 . 31 31 31 LARD. September RM R.9D 5.80 n.Sii January 6.90 6.95 ' S.90 5.95 PORK. September 9.00 9.00 8.92 9.00 January 9.82 9.87 0.75 9.85 Seranton Hoard of Trade Exchange Quotations-All Quotations Dosed on Par of 100. STOCKS. Rid. Ask. Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 125 fireen Ridge Lumber Co 110 First National Rank fl(M) Lackawanna Lumber Co 110 ..... Seranton Savings Bank 2U0 ..... Seranton Lace Curtnln Co 50 Third National Bank 350 ..... Thuron Coal Land Co 90 Seranton Axle Works 80 Seranton Olass Co .... Mi National Boring Drilling Co .... 90 Seranton Jar & Stopper Co 25 Lacka. Montrose R. R 100 Spring Brook Water Co IK) Elmhurst Boulevard Co , ino Lacka. Trust Safe Dep. Co. .... 11.0 Allegheny Lumber Co 105 Seranton Packing Co 115 BONDS. Seranton Traction Co , 95 Economy Steam Heat & Power Co , inn Seranton Glass Co ino Rushhrook Coal Co., (! , .... 100 Seranton Pass. Railway first mortgage G's, due 1920 110 ..... People's St. Railway, first . mortgage 6's, dun 1918 110 People's St. Railway, second.. 110 ..... Seranton & Plttston Traction Co. 6s , 90 Lacka. Valley Trac. Co., first mortgago Cs, duo 1925 100 Seranton Wholesale Fruits and Produce Dried npples, per lb., Ba6o. ; evajiorated n.ppb, 7a8e;. Cali fornia prunes. Iii4akc.: Encl'sh enrrnnls. 24o3c.; layer raisins, $1.60al.70; muscatels, 4a5c. per lb.; Ilnl.25 per box; new Valen clas, 54alil4r. per Hi. Beans Marrowfats, $2,511 per bushel; mediums, $2.25; pea beans. Pees Oreen, tl.10til.lu per bushel; spilt, $2.Vi2.ni; lentels. 5n8o. per lb. Potatoes S1.5fial.fiil. Onions Per bbl., 12.25. Butter lUa20c. per lb. Cheese 6a9c. per lb. Eggs MVfeaiiic. jvieais iiams, lOftc.; small hams, lie; skinned hams, lie; California hams, 8c; shoulders. 744c: bellies. 8'Sn smoked breakfast bacon, 104c Smoked Beef Outsldes, 12c.; sets, 134c; Insldes and knuckles, 15c; Acme sllend smoked user, j-iii. cans, i.'.iu per ilozen. Pork Mess, 114.50; short cut, $15. Lard Loaf, In tierces, 8c; In tubs. 84c; 10-lb. palls, 8c per lb.; 6-lb. palls, 874c ncr lb.: 3-lb. nails. c. per lb.; compound lard, llorees, 6c; tubs, 64c; 10-lb. palls, c per lb.; '5-lb. palls, 6c. per lb.; 3-lb. palls, 7c. per lb. Flour Minnesota patent per bid., S4.10a 4.35; Ohio and Indiana nmber. S3.7S; Ora ham, $3.75; rye. flour, $3.75. Feed-Mixed, per cwt., $1.05. Grain Corn, 50c; oats, 35a 40c per bushel. Rye Straw I'er ton, II.Iu 16. Hay-17al9. New York Produce Market. New York. Aug. 30. Flour Quiet, about steady. Wheat Dull and firmer with op tions; No. 3 red store and elevator, 664c; atloat. 67140.; f. o. b., 674iUi8c; unjrrnded red, 60nii9c; No. 1 northern, fi84c; options 2 red. August, 6fi4e.t Aepteniher, fiUTJc; October, 074c.; December, 6874c; MHy, 7.T,4e. t.'orn Dull and firm; No. 2, 42c elevator; 43c. afloat; options closed firm and unchanged to 4c. .higher; September, 41c; October, 41c; November, 4074c;' May, 36c. Oats Hull nnd firm; options dull, easier; August, 244c; September, 2.14c; October, 234c; May, 2614c; No. 2 white, October, 254c; spot prices, No, 2, 244c; No. 2 whltn, 27c; No. 2 Chicago, 254c; No. 3, 23c; No. 8 white, 24a25c; mixed western, 2ia2c; white stnte nnd western, 25a33c. Beef Dull; family, $9nl2; extra mess, SY.wiaa. lioer Hums Quiet and weak: $15.50. Tlerced Beef Firm: olty extra India mess, $lU.50nl7. Cut Meat Qulot, steady; pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 7c; do. shoulders, 5ii54c; do. hams, 9a 94c Lard Quiet and firmer; western steam, Vi-oi; ciiy, u; nepiemner, xu.su; re fined, quiet; continent, $8.7f; Mouth Amer ica. S7: comnound. 4a5c. Pork Steady. moderato demand; mess, I10.75all.25.' But ter Quiet, choice steady; stnte dairy, 12a 184c; do. creamery, 194a20c: western dairy, vftai;ic; ao. creamery, isazvc; 110, factory. 8al2'X.c: Elglns. 20c: Imitation creamery,' Hal5o. Cheese Moderate do. mand, fancy steady; state large, 6a7HJo. ; do. fancy. 74a7c; do. small, ao.; part skims, 244o.! full skims, 14a2o. Rggs Oulet. weak,-for sll but choloet state and Pennsylvania, I5a1ftc; western fresh, 13148150.; ao. per.case, i.aat. Dnffelo Mve Stock. ' ? nuffalo. Aim-. SO. Cattle RecelntS. S.A14 head: on sale, 80 head; market dull; light to fair heifers, $2.653.25: old to fair cows, $2al,75; bulls, stock to good butchers, $1.85a3; veals, active and higher; good to prime, $7a7.60; light to good, $4.2Sa6.76; hevy fed cahrea, .76a4. Hoits-RBceJptf , 11,440 head; on sale, 8.000 . head market dull; Yorkers, good to choice, $4.50at.55; traseera and aUchigani. 4.a4W mixed packers, $4 50alG5; good heavy,. $4.5a4.W; Common and grassy, $4a4.2S; pigs, good corn fl. S4.l5a4.2$; C ommon and gnimt. HXnii roughs. S3.25aX75; staga. SSali. Sheep and Lambs Receipt. 9,750 head; on sale, 8.5110 head; sheep steady, lamim dull and weak; good to choice lambs, $4.50al.85; few fancy. $5a&.10; lKht to fair. $3.tjua4.2&; culls, $z.2ia3; mixed sheep, good to raolce, $2.25a2.75: culls and common. $la2: ex port sheep, $3.25iO.&0; Canada lamba Sold lute at $t.5ilal.75; extra prime, all ewes snu weinera, Drought S5. Toledo Urnin Market. Tuledo, )., Aug. SO. Wheat Receipts, 43.21.1 bushels: shipments. 37.UW bushels; market firmer; No. 2 red. cash, flic. : Sep tember, &SC.: Octotier, nkc; PwcraluT, fJi'r.e. : May. 7n;ie.i No. S red. cash. Kl'ie. : No. 2 white, cash, 61c 4'orn Kw-elpts, 17,. 017 bushels: shipments, 89,1100 bushels; mar ket quiet; No. 2 mixed, cash. 3H4c-.; Sep tember, 38c; No. 2 while, 3914c; No. 3 do.. ;-.; No. 3 yellow, as'vc onls iteceipis, lino bushels: shlnmenhi. 21.8110 bushels; mar ket dull;' No. ! mixed, ttesitember, 20i'.; May, . 2:14c. Clover iSeeil Rece ls. HU hags; market essy; prime, cash, $6.15; Oc tober, $j.I7!4; prime timothy, cusn, 4.111. rhiengo l.lvo Stoek. Union Stoek Yards, III., Aug. SO. Cattle ltiH-el.ts, 4.5HO head: imirket steady to firm: common to exlru sti-ers. $.1.6005.9.1 sloekers and feeders, $2.40a4.l5; cows and bulls, $1.25a3.75; calves. $3.5ia6; Texaim. $I.90iiS.50; western rangers. $2n4.05. Hugs tteeelpts. 14,Ul head; mnrket weak. 5C lower: heavy narking and shipping lots. $4.10114.55; common to ehoieo mixed, $1:14.51; choice assorted. 14. 4uii4.ru: light, Sln4.ru; pigs, f2.50u1.50. Sheep Iteceipis. I.im iieU'i; inarKi't weak, lac lower; interior to choice, $1.50a3.40; liintbs, $3u5. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, Aug. 30. Tallow Is steady nnd unlet. We quote: City, prime. Ill hhds. 44c: country, nrlmo. in bbls. 4c; do. dark. In bills, 4iil1e.; cakes, 44c.; grease, S'alline. Oil Market. Pittsburg. Aug. 30. -Oil closed 124. tho only quotation here today. oil C'ly, Aug. 30. oil oiened and lowest, 124?;,; hluhest, 125; closed. 12t-. NEWS OF OIK INDUSTRIES. Happenings of Interest to the Staple Trades and Particularly to the Trade In Iron, steel nnd Authraclto Coal. Hazloton Sentinel: A distressing state of affairs exists nt Morea. owing to the drought. Uodson & Co. have shut down operations nt the colliery announcing that they will not resume until , rain has replenished the wuiiply of water. The residents of the village are on short supply and compelled to go a long distance for the .Hfe-Rlvlng fluid. A gentleman who returned from iMorea says thnt some of the Ignorant people living In tho village are charged with setting the brush afire In the vlclnty. under the impression that the tires would cnuse rain to fall. Wllkes-Barre Record: The largest cnble In tho world, nt least the ofllcials of the Hazard works know of none larger, will be shipped on Saturday from the Hazard works In this city to the (Metropolitan Traction company of Now York city, which company has already taken live monster cables of the Hazard's manufacture. Tho new cnble is 37.800 feet (seven and a half miles) long and an inch and a half In diameter.. Tho Hazard's cables are In great demand on account of their dura bility and superiority In comparison with other cables. VIEWS OF THE RESl'LT. What Will Mo Ho with It ? Lancaster New Era: "The question that now .most vitally concerns the people of Pennsylvania and Senator Quay himself Is the use ho will make of his great vic tory. Ho enlisted alio moral support of thousands who had not been In sympathy with lilm -n tlie past, because of his decla ration that he was making a campaign for municipal reform and liotter political methods. This was met with smiles or In credulity from somo. and sneers from others, but tho fact that he had his ex plicit wehedule of proponed reforms incor porated In the platform of the party at test his sincerity, or at least conirhits him and the iparty to a course that norther can in honor or safety fall to carry out. A failure In that direction would seal the political fate of Senator Quay and the party of which ho is now the accepted leader. But Senator Quay, whatever may have been his political shortcomings In tho past, Is not a polltlcnl fool, and he may be relied upon to make good his pledges." Qnny Not linlike Grant. Chicago Times-Herald: "It Is not put ting it too strongly to say that Sonutor Quay went Into this contest with public sympathy and all other odds ngalnst him and comes oirt of It ,mot only with the Kc- puiineans or tne Keystone stnto tllilly at his back but with general admiration of his geniu. ability and 1-esouroes. All the world loves a lover, but all the world also loves a. fighter, and Quay as a fighter has lieen simply superb. Such a man cannot be dismissed with a sneer nsi to his mental equipment and his achieve ments In statesmanship or nn Interroga tion point as 'to his methods. An enthu siastic admirer In yesterday s convention compared him to Gen!ral llrnti't. Bold as the parallel was, it was not without foundation of fact. Certainly flrant nnd Quay are alike remarkable for silence, for discretion, for thoroughness, for reliance upon common sense, for fighting qualities, for sticking to n thing, nnd above all, for 'getting there,' whatever the obstacles In tho way." Only a Local Boss. Springfield. Mass., Union: "The trouble with Quay is that he Is a boss. In view of his recent achievements. It nil girt seem, nt first thought, 4lmt th's is not an abso lute disqniilHlentlon. But Quay's author ity ends at the Pennsylvania stn.te line. Ho has, It seems, a very firm grip on the Republican party in hls own state, but the Republican pnrty in the rest of the country does not. acknowledge his au thoriity. There are .Isisse and bosses, nnd Quny is a bright and shining light among them, but h's territory is local rather than nntionnl, and the Republican organization may well congratulate Itself that this Is the cam. If Quay were not a boss, he would not be anything." Exhibited Rare Tact. Philadelphia Bulletin t "It Is credit able to Mr. Quny that, tiavlng demon el rated h's ability to control tho conven tion, he mode use of his victory gracefully and sagaciously, and In thn spirit of con cession nnd peace. . Ills opponents gener ally met him Jn the same spirit, ami thn result was an exhibition of party concord that was remarkable In view of the con tentions that hnd preceded it. Whutcver personal nrftngonlims may survive tho conflict will not affect tho campaign, and a great majority for the stnte ticket In November will now be the aim of all the party lenders." line Many Elements of Sncocss. Rochepler Post-Express: "That Quny should triumph under such circumstances Is extraordinary. There Is no doubt that he must he ranked with the ablest poli ticians of our lime. We have never liked h'.m.; Jris record has been bad, but tt Is use less to deny his skill ns a political leader. He has elements of popularity; he never breaks a promise and ho never forgets a friend; and he has wonderful abllMy in organising and managing men."' . Crcdltnhle to Governor Hastings. Wllkes-Barre Record: "Tho result 1a altogether credit abb to Oovernor Hast ings and his supporters. By their action they have prevented what might have been a very serious aid It in the ranks of tho Republicans of Pennsylvania, and made It possible for the party to go 4nto the coming campaign with unbroken ranks, confident of victory." . Poor Work in Philadelphia. LancnstiT Examiner: "Quay," Bays Senator Gorman, "is a remarkable man. He has taught those people In Philadel phia all they know about politics, but ha hasn't taught them all he knows." This seems to be about the stie of ft. We are half IndHned to believe Lancaeterrounty could give the boys In Philadelphia a few lessons of-practical value. ; i : Will Pollen" 'Em Off. , Altoona Gasotte: "If Quay la as good a reformer at he la a Reformer of adversar ies the hNrh places In Philadelphia, Hnr riabunr and PtMsbur ahouM aaine Ilk the floor of Dutoti l&alieaV , . Valuable Real Estate -ON- SATURDAY, SEPT. 14. 18K By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa clus. Levari Facias and Venditioni Expon as, issued out of the court of common pleas of Ijiekawanna county, to me di rected, I will expose to public sale by ven due or outcry, to the highest and best bid ders, for cash, at tho court house. In the city of Seranton, Lackawanna county, on SATI'RKAY, thn Kul'RTKKNTH DAY OKSKlTKHRKIt, A. I. 1W5, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, 'all the right, tltlo and interest of the defendants In and to tho following described lots, pieces or pu reels of land, vlx: No. 1. All the right, tltlo and Interest of the defendant, Adon W. Cramer. In end to nu 1 lie loiiowing ueacribeit p.ece or parcel of land sltuato in tho township of Jeffer son, county or Iickawunna and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described cs follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post In line of land of the lato Christopher Wilbur, southwest corner of J. A. Sharer, thence by said J. A. Sharer's line east one hundred and thlrty aeven rods to a post - on the eastern margin of the Potter Brook, thence down same south twenty-six und one-fourth de grees east twenty-nine roils to a hemlock stump,, thence by tho light track of the Pennsylvania Coal company's railroad, south twenty-nine and one-half degrees wtwt one hundred and sixty rods, south seventy-two and one-fourth degree, west seven rods to a post In the said Wilbur's lino, and thence ulong the same north one hundred and live rods to the place of be ginning. Contalmiing sixty and fifty-seven one hundredths acres of land, be the same more or less. All Improved with a two-story-frame dwelling house, one frame barn and outbuildings and fruit trees thereon. Seised and taken in execution at the suit of W. II. Whyto vs. Adon W. Cramer, liebt, $2,000. Judgment No. 514, April T., 1895, n. fa. to September T., 1H95. 8HURTLEFF, Atty. ALSO No. S. All the right, title and Interest of tho defendants, Elizabeth T. Beane, Thompson Beane, J. u. Benne and Mrs. I.. T. Beane alias Elizabeth Beane, In and to all that certiuin piece or parcel of land, situate In the borough of Dun more, county of Lackawanna, state of Pennsylvania, bounded und described as follows, to-wlt; Being lot number eleven in block number thirty-six (30) as laid down on the plot or map of Sanderson's addition to the city of Boranton and tooreugh of Dunmore. The lot hereby conveyed is sixty M0) feet In width on Fourteenth street and one hun dred and seventy-one and one-quarter (171'4) feet In depth, being reotangular In shape, and being the southerly corner of Green Ridge street and Four tenth street, tho measurement of the depth and width to commence ten feet from the Inside of the sidewalk of said Four tenth street and Green Rldgo street. With the right to enclose, occupy and use ten feet, but not to erect any buildings thereon. Subject to all the reservations, conditions and pro visions contained in the deed of the above described premises from George Sander son and others, recorded in Lackawanna County Deed Book No. 60, page 3t2. Improved with a two-story frame dwell ing and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of A. D. Dean vs. Elizabeth T. Beane, Debt, $102.34. Judgment No. 308. January T., 105. F.l fa, to Sept. T., 18!5. DEAN. Atty. Also at the suit of C. R. Patterson vs. Thompson Beane. J. G. Beane and Mrs. L. T. Beane alios Elizabeth Beane. Debt, $022.26. Judgment No. 230. January Term, 1891. FL fa. to Sept Term, 1805. DEAN, Atty. ALSO No. 3. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Levi Frey, in and to all that certain tract or piece of land situate m tho township of Covmgton, county of I.ackawamnii, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Bcginlng at a spruce In a corner of land of Aaron Frey, deceased, now occupied by Wilson Frey; thence south fifty (50) de grees east one hundred twenty-one and one-half perchea (121) to a stone corner; thence south forty (40) degrees west sixty six (6G) perches to a comer; thence north fifty (50) degrees west one hundred and twenty-one and one-half i'il'i) perches to a corner; thence north forty (4) degrees east sixty-six W5) perches to the spruce corner, the place of beginning. Containing titty acres of land more or less.- Except ing therefrom one aero conveyed to the Union cemetery of Freytown. Improved with a two-story frame dwell ing, barn nnd outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of A. N. Bayer vs. Levi Frey. Debt, $111.95 Judgment No. 2.14, June T., Uta VL fa. to September T., 1895. DEAN, Atty. ALSO No. 4". All the right title nnd Interest of tho defendant, Frederick Kellcrman, Jr., in and to all that certain piece or parcel of lund, situate, being and lying In the city of Seranton. county of Lackawanna, slato of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wlt: Bering tho front half or part of lot num ber twenty-three (2.1) 1n square or block one hundred and five (105),and situate upon street called and known as Wlnfleld ave nue, upon the town plot of tho city of of Seranton, Intended to bo duly registered and recorded. Said half lot being fifty (50) feet In width in front on said Wlnfleld avenue, end fifty (50) feet In width in rear, and sovonty-five (75) feet In depth. Coal and minerals reserved. Being the same tract of land which Frederick Kelerman and granted and con veyed to Frederick Kellrman, Jr., by deed dated the day of 1892, and recorded August 22nd, 1892, In Lacka wanna county. Deed Book 39, page 168. All Improved with a two-story frame dwojllng house and outbuildings. Seized and taken m execution at the suit of Industrial Building and Loan As sociation vs. Frederick Kellerman, Jr. Debt, $1,000. Judgment No. 650, May Term, 1896, alias fl. fa. to Sept. T., 1N05. WATSON ft ZIMMERMAN, Attya. ALSO No. 5. All the right title and Interest of the defendant, Michael Fldk or Michael liHck. in and to the surface or right of soil of that certain lot or parcel of land situate In the borough or Maytleld, 1-ackawanna county, Pennsylvania, distinguished as lot number six (0) m block number ten (10) on the property of the HUslde Coal and Iron Company, being In front sixty (60) feet and In rear sixty (CO) feet, and one hundred and fifty (150) feet In depth. Bounded as fol lows: On the northeast by lot number seven (7), southmst by lot number four teen (14), southwest by lot number Ave (5), northwest by HMI street. Coal and min erals excepted and reserved. Hetna; the same properly conveyed lo Michael Flck by the Hillside Coal and Iron Company by deed dated 1st April, 1892, re corded In Deed Book 113, page 472. Improved with a two-story and base ment frame dwelling and outbuildings thereon, tintsod and taken In execution at the suit of Furguson ft Doyle vs. Michael Fldk or Michael Flck. Dent, $msi. judgment No. (99. March T 18. Lv. fa, to Sent. T..1896 UtfAN, Alt?, ALSO No. . All the right, title and Interest of the defendant. Michael Walsh. In and to all that certain lot of land situate in the village of Mooslc, Lackawanna township, county of Lackawanna and state of Penn. sylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, to-wit: 'Bes-lntna- at a corner on the westerly aide of Main street, also on a corner of lot of Lewie Flterers; thence along the said T.wl mterers' lot two degrees and ttilrtv mlnutea west three hundrd and twenty-five feet to a corner on tne dstik or during Brook; thence along the aald brook up stream in a northerly direction about one hundred and ten feet to a corner; thence along lot of the late Oeorge Btengen south two decrees and hkty minutes east two hundred and fifty feat to a -corner on Main street aforesaid, and thence along Mala street south eighty-seven degreea and thirty mlnutea wat one hundred feet to tne piaoe 01 - Deginmng. vonxamina twenty-five thousand equare feet of land tnora ne mmm TiMn lata 111 and 1X0 m BtaHc's form; All Improved wtth a ose ttaiy Inuw dwtMBX Booee and tmtbuUd-1 tugs thereon. JMaed aad taken In exe cution at the autt of P. J. Conway, agent. vs. Michael Walsh. Debt, $18.42. Judg-', meat No. 536. May T., 1(95. Vend Ex. to baiit. T., 19. ' . . .. TAYLOR ft LEWIS. Atty. ALSO No. T. All the right, title and Interest of the defendants, Michael Davllt and Margaret Davit. In and to all that cer tain lot, piece or parcel of land with the mesuage or tenement thereon erected, sit Uat. lying and be ng in the Twontleth ward of the city of Seranton, In the coun ty of Lackaw anna and state of Pennsyl vania, described as follows, vis: Beleng lot number twelve (12) in square or block number eight (SI and situate upon street trailed and known as Pear street, upon the town plot of the said city of Seranton, Intended to be duly registered ami recorded. Said lot timing forty 140) f-t In front on said Pear street, forty (40( feet In rear and one hundred and fifty (15U) feet in depth. Being the same 41 remises which tleorgo Fisher and Wife by deed dated the 21st day of September. A. I). 1SS9, and rei-orded in the office for recording deeds, etc.. In and for said county of Ia-kawa.nn.-i, In Deed Book No. 12, page 603. etc., granted and conveyed unto the said Margaret Davitt In fee. Excepting and reserving, however, unto the legal owners thereof all coal and minerals beneath the surface of said lot with the right to mine tuisi removo the same to the same extent and with. tho same force and effect as excepted and re served In the above recited deed. Im proved with one two story frame, shingled roof dwelling house, outbuildings, etc. Seized and taken In executions at tho suit of Now ork Mutual Savings and Loan association vs. Mlcluud Davitt, Alnrgaret Davitt. Debt, $l,,V,(j.:il. Judgment No. K58, Mureh T, 1115. Iv. fa. to September term, 1895. WATSON & D1EIIL, Atlys. ALSO No. 8. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant. T. P. Mutton, In and lo nil that lot, ptccH or parcel of land situate 'n tho township of Ransom, county of I jn k awantiaand state of Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner nnd thence west three hundred and fifty (351)) feet along lots as follows: John Heath, Sebastian, Dersheimer, Ds vld Reagan and Evangelical church, and thence south sixty-two and one-half eWfc) feet along lands of Sebastian Dersheimer, and thence east three hundred and thirty two (XC! feet along lot of M. K. Mutton, and thence north one hundred and five (1U0) feet along land of said Dersheimer to corner of beginning. All Improved with dwelling house, barn and other outhouses, fruit trees, etc. Seized and token In execution at the suit of D. C. Vosburg & Itro. vs T. P. Hatton. Debt. $125. Judgment No. S, November T., 1591. Fl. fa. to September T., 183G. HOUSE. ALSO No. . All tho right, title and Interest of Mary O'Nell and Michael O'Nell, defend ants. In Mid to all that certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate In the old bor ough of Hyde Park, now city of Seranton, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania known as lots numbers sixteen and seventeen (16 and 17) In square or block number seventeen (17) fronting on Everett avenue and hiring each twenty-five (25) feet 'jn- front on said ave nue, and one hundred and eighty-seven (187) feet in dtipth, as designated upon a plan or may entitled "Price aad Pan coast's Addition to the Olty of Seran ton,'.' Coal and minerals excepted and re served. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of H. L. States, assigned to the West Sldo bank vs. Mary O'Nell and Michael O'Nell. Debt, $170. Judgment No. I'i7, September T, 195. Fi. fa. to 8-ptember T, 11195. DAVIS ft EDWARDS,. Atty. ALSO No. 10. All the right, title and interest of the defendant, Patrick Rafferty, in and to all tho surface or right of sail of all tht certain lot or parcel of bund situato in the township of Old Forge, county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, and bounded and described as follows, to wlt: Beginning at a corner pot hi Hne of alley street, thence along said street south eighty-two (82) degrees, west sixty-one (61) feet to a corner post, thence north forty-two (42) degrees west ninety-two (92) feet to a corner post, thenee south In lino of Pine street, thence forty-two and one-half (42's) degrees east fifty (50! feet to a comer posit, thence south forty-two (42) degrees east one hundred nnd thirty-two (132) feet to the place of beginning. Being lot No. 32, as by reference to map, will more fully appear all improved with a two story frame building used as a dwelling house. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of P. J. Conway, agent, vs. ratriek RafTerty. Debt, $73.27. Judgment No. 701. January T., 1895. Vend. Ex. to September T., 1895. WATSON ft DTEHL. Attys. - Also at the suit of Dersheimer O tiffin vs. Patrick Rafferty. Debt, $40.84. Judgment No. 337, January T., lt93. Fi. fa. Septem ber T.. 1893. HIBBB, Atty, ALSO . No. 11. All the right, title and Interest of the defendants, Annie J. Lally and John W. Lally, in and to all that village lot or parcel of land situate in the Third ward of Arehbnld borough. In the county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, and distinguished ns lot number eleven (11) on plot of village lots laid out by John P. Farnham upon the tract of land In tho warrantee name of Jacob Flanders, In the northeasterly ipsrt of said borugh. Being sixty (GO) feet In front and rear and one hundred ond in-lnety (190) feet deep, more or less, and bounded east by lands of the Delaware and Hudson Canal com pany, on the north by lot number twelve (12) , on the west by lands of said John P. Farnham and on the south by lot number ten (10). Reserving and. excepting the right of wav for a public road along and upon the easterly end of said lot number eleven (11). Bring the same lot of land conveyed by rndonturo of llainnali Zimmerman, August 7mmerman, her husband, and Willlnm Sherrer, to the said Annie .1. Lally. dnted 14th May, ISM, and recorded In the office for recording deeds, etc.. In Iyickawanna county In Deed Book No. 85. pngo 494. etc. Improved wtth one two story, shh-.gle roof, frame dwelling house, outbuildings, etc. Selr.nl and taken In execution of the suit of New York Mutual Savings end l,oan sssoclstUm vs. Annie J. Lally and John W. Lally. Debt. $S21 .08. Judgment No. 859, March T., 1895. Fl. fa to Septem ber T., 1896. WATSON ft DIEL, Atty. ALSO No. 12. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, John L. Swarts, In and to all those certain pleees or parcels of land, situate, lying nnd being In the vil lage of Dalton, county of Ijnckawnnna, state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wlt: The first of said pieces beginning at a corner In the middle of the public road loading from Dalton past Warren White's, being a corner of lands sold to Ira Tripp, now deceased, thence slong the middle of said road north eight ymJiie and three fourths (89i) degrees west seventeen (17) perches to another corner In the middle of said road, being a corner of lands now or late of H. D. Swarts, thence along said lands north thirteen and one-half (13li) de grees east, thirty-three and fourteen one hundreds( 13 14-100) perchea to a corner, thence along other lands now r late of the sand H. D. 8warts south seventy-six nnd one-half (76i,i) degrees east twonty-one nnd ninety-two one-hundreths -(21 92-101) perches to a corner In line of lands sold to the said Ira Tripp, thence along the same south twenty-four and three-fourths de grees west thirty and thirty-four one-hun-dredths (30 84-100) perches to a corner nnd the place of beginning. - Containing three and one-half (3Vfc) acres of land, be the same more or lew. The second of aald pieces beginning st a corner In the middle of the road lead ing from Dalton. Independent school dis trict, thence along last mentioned lands north forty-four (44) degrees west one hundred and forty-six and one-half (146'4j) feet to a corner of lands sold by contrnct to Mrs. Lizzie Parkton, thence along the easterly aide of same north forty-six (46) degree east two hundred (200) feet to a corner at the southerly side of a street called Seranton avenue, thence along the same south, torty-four (44) degrees east three hundred and thirteen (313) feet to a corner In the middle of the public road af resold, thence alone? the middle of tho same south eighty-seven and one-half (tTVt) degrees west two (hundred and sixty-one (261) feet to a corner, t'he place of the beginning, being lot No. 1 of Decker ft Francis addition to the village of Dalton. All improved with a two story frame dwelling house, bam and other outbuildings thereon. ' .." .'vi ' eetaed and taken in execution of the uu of a i. Ipruka vs. John I Swatt. ., Debt $5,000. Judgment No. 1043, September wa, ri 1a (O eepieoiDer I. item. f ; . STOKES. Attf. , I ALSO No. IS.-A 11 the right, title and Interest of the defendants, William F. Loftus and Mary Ann Lottos, in and to all that-xwr -tain piece or parcel of land situate in the Ninth (9) ward of the city of Seranton, eoinity of Lackawanna and state of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as fol lows: 1 1 ,. Being lot sMimber one fl) in square or block two hundred and seven (207) und de scribed as follows, to-wlt: Situate at the north easterly corner of Washington ave nue and Gibson street and containing In front or breadth on the sold Washington avenue Torty (40) fet and extending of that breadth in lerncth or depth enstwanlly along tho northerly side of said Gibson eiix-t one hundred and fifty (150) feet 10 an alley. Measurement of width end depth to commence ten (Hi) feet Inside of the sidewalk. Being the some premises which John J. Maher and wife by deed dated the 24th of May, A. D. 1S92, and re corded in !.! Book No. 89 at page 2i etc., granted and conveyed unto the said Mary Ann Loftus In fee. Excepting and reserving, however, all coal and minerals beneath the surface of said lot as heri-ln recited. All improved with three (3) two (2) story frame dwelling houses thereon. Seized nnd taken In execution at the suit of the United Security Life Insur-, ance and Trust company of Pennsylvania'' vs. Will'am F. Loftus and Mary Ann Lof tus. Debt, $-..ri2.42. Judgment No. 721 May term, 1895. Lev. fa. to September term, 1W5. WOODRUFF, Atty. . ALSO . , "" '. No. 11 All the right, title and Interest of the defendants, j(Jm William Lalwtor and Levlch Laistnr. In and to all the ' following described lot of land situate ia tho city of Seranton. county of Lacka. wanna and state f Pennsylvania, bounded and d-scr!ln-d a.s follows: HC.ng lot number one hundred and ' thirty-six (l.ir.) In Alfred Hand's addition to the elly of Seranton and fronting on ' Kynon street, formerly South Ev non street, also being fifty-five (55) feet In front on 1he said street and one hun dred and thirty-three (13.1 feet In depth. All coal and minerals resem-ed to the legal owners thereof. Being the same premles conveyed to the said John W. Ilster nmd Ivlrh Lalster by John Clark and Mary Clark, his wife, by deed dated the third day of May A. D. lw7. and record-i n iiekawan. na county in Deed Book No. 43, pace 4M. Improved with a two story frame dwell ing and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution nt the suit of Spruks Brothers vs. John W. Lalster nnd Levlch ljlvter. l-bt, Lalster. Debt. .. Judg ment No. 581. September T., 1895. Fl. fa, to September T., 1895. BROWNING. Atty ALSO No. 1-.-A11 tho rleht. title and Interest of the defendant, Joseph Powlak, or An tonia Powlak, In and to the followlne de scribe.! lot or tsirc.-l of land situate lying and being In the city of Scrainton, In the ' county of Lackawanna and state of Penn sylvania, being the southerly half of lot No. 2S, In block No. 28, and situate upon street knwn as Ptovne avenue, upon the town plot of Seranton, said half lot being twenty (20) feet In front on said avenue, twenty 01) feet in rear and one hundred aird forty (140i In depth and reetanu-ular. All Improved with a two story frame dwelling house and outbuilding thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Antonl Ixipkiewey vs. Joseph Pow lak, Antonl Poivlak or Powliskl. Debt, Ji.vi. Judgment No. 1M. September term, 189 Fi. fa. to September term. 1W. STOKES, Atty. - ALSO No. 1C-A11 the right, title and interest of defendant, Thomas Lynott. In and to -all that certain lot piece or parcel of land situate In tho Third ward of the city of Seranton, county of Lackawanna, state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Said lot 4s on the Abington Plank road and is known ond designated as lot num ber twenty-one (21). in block number thirty (30), on David Coughlln survey for 11. B. Rockwell and others. Said lot Is fifty (50) feet hi frnt and rear, and about three hundred (CO") feet deep. Coal and minerals ., reserved. Improved with a two story dwelling house, a one story store and out buildings. Seized nnd taken In exeenrfon at the J, suit of O'lmore tc Duffy vs. Thomnfl Lynott. Debt, R".1.03. Judgment No. W71 September T., 1S94. Vend. Ex. to Septem-: ber T.. 1S95. M. E. M'DONALD, Atty. ALSO No. 17. All the right title nnd interest of tho defendant. Harry J. Marring, in and to all thnt certain lot or piece of ground with the measuage or tenement thereon erected, situate In the Fourth ward of the city of Seranton. county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylvania, and described according to a survey made thereby by A. It. Dunning. Jr., surveyor, dated July 30. 1891, as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the northwesterly side of Everett avenue at the distance of one hundred and tlfty-six feet, southwesterly from the southwesterly side of Ijvfayette street, containing In. front, or breadth on aald Everett avenue forty feet, and extend ing of that breadth in length or depth northwesterly two hundred and fifty feet. Being -the same premises which Isaac Sumnierhill and wife by an Indenture dated Ihe tenth day of July. A. D. 1891, and intended to be forthwith recorded, granted ami envcyed to said Harry J. Harring In fee. Excepting and reserving all coal and minerals beneath the surface of said lot as therein recited. Improved with two story, single, frame dwelling and outbuildings the.reom Seized nnd taken In execution at the suit of 1'ni'te.l Security Life Insurance and Trust rompnnv of Pennsylvania vs. Harry J. . Harrrrnr. Debt. (K3.42. Judgment No. 117. September T.. 1S33. Lev. fa. to September . CO.MEGYS & REYNOLDS. Atty. ALSO No. IS. All the right, 4Itlo nnd Interest of the defendants. Amos Washer, adminis trator of Cnthenine Ulblions. deceased, nnd Thomas Gibbons. In and to nil thnt certain lot of .land situate in. Punmnre. Imcknwannn county. Pa., bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning nt a point on Drinker street, near tho Junction of said Drinker street . and Apple avenue, thence along said Drinker street one hundred nnd twenty (12'U feet, thence nt right angles with sn'.d Drinker street seventy-five (75) feet to said Apple avenue, thence along said 1 . .. .... aa Yi,tn,lre,l AJld twentV (120) feet, and thenee toward Drinker street seventeen (17) feet to the place of the beginning. The whole containing five thousand five hundred and twenty (5.520) square feet, more or less. Being the same land which Owen Corcoran and wife con veyed lo Catherine nnd Thomas O.bbrtns -bv deed dated October 12th, 1S92. Coal aiid minerals reserved. All Improved with a two story frame , dwelling house nnd outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution nt the suit of Dunmore Bu'lding nnd Loan associa tion vs. Amos Washer, administrator of Catherine Gibbons, deceased, nnd Thomas Gibbons. Debt.' $C00. Judgment No. 59, ...... t t . - ...... 1. . m n- My 1. A-'v. 11- t' v-.-,Miii.-. , ism; duggan, Atty. ALSO No. 19. All tho right, title and Interest of tho defendant, R. P. Krelnberg. In and to all those two (2) certain lots of land sit uate In the tiorough of Dunmore. county of Lackawanna nnd state of Pennsylva nla, described as follows, to-wlt: Being lots Nos. six (ti) and eight (S) on street . called Third street, as designated on map . pr plot of lots of tho Pennsylvania Coal , company (n said borough; sold lots being contiguous and together one hundred (UIO) feet In front on said Third street, and extending at right angles to sold street, one hundred nmd forty (140) feet to nn alley In the rear: containing fourteen ; thousand square feet of land, more or less.. Coal and minerals reserved. All improved with frame barn and frame slaughter house thereoni Seized nnd taken in c. oeution at the suit of Bell, Francois ft..; Co., assigned to John Christ vs. R. P. Krelnberg. Debt. $648.25. Judgment No.t 1066, September T., 1895. Fl. fa to Sep tember T., 1895. . ' . NEWCOMB. Atty. Alt of which will be sold for cash only.. . FRANK H. CLEMONS, Shsritt. i Sheriff's offlce, Seranton, Pa., .".' . . Aug. 83,-1896. . .. .. . ', IF TOPS OLD BOORS JKtSSKWCU INO, SEND TUXM TO . Tbl SsrwtN Trlbm - StWklMnai D :J., -V1;,! y.'r-'. - I ' ' 'r' ''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers