2 THE SCItANTON. TRIB17N15-- SATUKDAY MOHKlNtJ. AUGUST 31. 1893. Wilkes-Barre, The Tribune bu opened a branch of fice at No. 21. Laning building. Public Square. Wllkea-Barre. It l tho purpose of the publishers to laaue a newspaper as valuable to the general publlo as the met ropolitan dallies, and deliver It to the peo ple throughout northeasteu Pennsylvania from three to Ove hour earlier than the Philadelphia, and New York papers can reach them. GEORGE METZGER'S HEARING Given Another by Alderman Thomas and Commuted Wit boat Ball. Yesterday afternoon George Metittar. the young accomplice of William Henn Bowman chawed with the murder of The Arab an peddler at .Red bridge, was given a heurlna; before Alderman ThomRS. of the Ninth ward. Meusgar was brought down from the la" In a closed cab by High Constable Charles Bauer and Olllcer Evans on the warrant which Mr. Bauer swore out for him on Oct. 27. 1894. The squire read the warrant and asked Metzgar what lie had to say. "Not guilty," replied the prisoner In a loud, clear voice. Constable Hauer was sworn and said Metzsar made a statement to him and Olllcer Evans at Mauch Chunk when he was arrested. In which he admitted planning the shooting with Bowman and later killed the Arabian. Metzgar retorted: "1 have nothing to say Just now: my attorney -Is out or town and 1 won't talk about the case. Then looking at the reporters who were writing. Metsar added: "Say, ir there la anything said In the paper about me, I want nothing but the truth." He was assured by tho newspaper men that they would treat him fairly. One of them -asked If he did not feel better thHii when he was first arrested, and he replied that he did feel a great deal better, but vu still troubled with a bad ear, on which the physician's skill had not-made any Impression. Metzgar again asked the reporters to treat htm fairly, and said: "There was a bad report In the Blmlra Telegram about me, and If I could get that re porter I would fix him." "You wouldn't shoot him. would youT" said the alder man, to which Metzgar replied: "No, but t would like to use my fists on him to get even." "Leslie is a scrapper himself," said the 'squire, "and he might be too much lor vou." "Oh, I ain't afraid of that." said Metz gar. "I've been In a couple of fights myself." This raised a 'laugh, and Constable Bauer asked Metzgar when he was In town last before running away. Metz gar said: "I was here on Aug. 19. I was on the corner of Northampton and Washing ton streets that evening and wandered up on the Square at 6 o'clock next morning and saw a policeman. I was very sick then, almost unconscious. I was Just getting over the typhoid fever. When I saw the oflloer I became scared and went awiry. I then went to Mauch Chunk to see a cousin of mine named Mum mn, and there I was caught. I was out west as far as Denver, Colo." "How did you leave here the first time?" asked Constable Bauer. "Well. I strayed around a few days after the shooting and then 1 became seared and Jumped on the Lehigh Val ley cannon fcall freight and tfent to Mauch Chunk. I did not have any money until I reached Trenton, where I met some gamblers at the fair there. When I came back to Mauch Chunk I saw Engineer Mumaw. of the Valley road, and I guess he squealed on me." Metzgar was then taken back to Jail and held for court without ball, lie la rounding Into good physical shape rapidly and his eye Is bright and his color good, although from his conversa tion it Is evident that his mind has not yet recovered Its full strength. He took a great Interest In theproceedlngs, and had he been asked would doubtless have told all he knows about the murder. THE COMPANY'S SIDE. what They My About the South Washing ton Street Switch. The answer of the Traction company to the bill In equity recently filed by Dr. Weaver and James Campbell was given into the care of the prothonotary yesterday. This case, it will be re membered, was about a switch which the Traction company laid one dark night, in front of . the1 properties of James Campbell and Dr.. Weaver, on South Washington street. The answer of the company is as follows: That 4hey had a right to construct a twitch or turnout; that the space left between car and curb is quite aufllclent for ordinary publlo travel; there Is no hindrance to travel nor danger to life, and no damage to Weaver's or Camp bell' property; that there Is a necessity for the switch In order that cars going In different directions .may pass. They further say that their right to sonstruct and operate the switch is de rived from a charter of Coalville Pas enger (Railroad company the consent of the municipality of Wilkes-Barre re quired by said charter and the necessity Df such switch or turnout. The Traction company asks to have the bill dismissed -with (their costs in this behalf wrongfully sustained. H. 1A. Fuller appears as attorney for Traction company. FIXING THE COURT HOUSE. Work the Commissioners Have Had Done During tho Vacation. The county commissioners have been busy during the summer vacation (loaning up the court house. Court room No. 1 has been cleaned from top to bottom, and new window shades have been put on. In addition to this, the woodwork of the bar enclosure haa been repainted, and a handsome Brua els carpet adds greatly to the ap pearance of the room. A Wilton car pet has been laid on the judge's ele vation, and everything about the room has been cleaned in as thorough a manner as possible, and made to look like new. ' -. The waiting room for the Juries has tlso been refitted. The gloomy, dark paper has been removed, and the walls repapered and the woodwork' re painted. ' juries the greatest change has been lurles, the greatest change has been made. Heretofore the room has been lecldedly uninviting, the floors being incarpeted, the beds old and rusty, ind the mattresses dirty and evil melling. Now the floor has been car- M SKIN ' A warm shampoo with CtrtJcara 3op, and a (Ingli application of Cutkvr (olmmcrrtl, the treat Skin Cure, clear the alp and hair of enftts, Kales, and dand ruff, allay ttchlnr, soothe irritation, stim ulate the hair follicles, and nourish, the roots, Urns producte Luxuriant Hair, with a dean, whoUterne scalp, . .. OissVfc siniejn, If. I. A. . . ' Vh7IR' peted and the beds repainted. New mattresses have been provided, and clean, new bed-clothing now takes the pluce of the old. The sleeping rooms now for the first time within the mem ory of the oldest inhabitant look quite tempting, and wherever the commis sioners have touched there are evi dences of newness and refreshing cleanliness. ENLARGING THE JAIL. The Scheme to Render the Prisoners More Comfortable, The county Jail Is badly overcrowded and ever since the beginning of his term Warden Boland has been at a loss to know what to do with his extra pris oners. A few days ago 172 men were confined In the Jail, and us only three have been discharged since, there are still 16 in Jail; and the healthy cupacity of the prison is only loi For a year past it has been apparent that some thing must be done to accommodate the Immense crowd of criminals and the county commissioners - have taken the matter tu hand. Several schemes have been proposed, but as yet none have been adopted. Among them is the ex tension of the wing, commencing at the boiler house. Into the side of the hill at the rear, and the other is the entire re moval of the hill. If the former Is adopted, it will be detrimental to the health of prisoners. The cells will have the appearance and every condition of those on the basement floors, and will be damp, gloomy a-ntl unhealthy. IBut If the entire hill is taken away an ad dition of any desired size can be erect ed and atlll be a healthy place. The hill is composed of shelly rock, which oould be used to good advantage on the streets or on the river bank. Whatever changes are to be made must be made at once.j . RAILWAY MEN'S MEETING. Annual Meeting of Thalr Association to no Held Next Week. 'Next week the Pennsylvania Street Railway association will hold Its an nual convention In Wilkes-lBarre, and a oouple of hundred delegates will be present from all over the state. They will begin to arrive on Monday, but the convention will meet on Wednesday, lasting over Thursday. General Man ager John Graham, of the Traction company, has the matter In charge and has all the preliminaries well arranged for the accommodation and reception of the distinguished visitors. He has engaged the Ninth Regiment band for a concert at Hanover Park Wednesday evening which will be free to every body. On Thursday the general reception and banquet will be held at Hanover park, to which only those will be ad mitted who hold invitations. This gathering will be one of representative business men, prominent In street rail way management throughout the state. A number of practical tests of fenders and other Improvements in the street railway line will be given. No bonds Sold. Quite a large crowd assembled at the arbitration room in the court house yesterday morning at the sale of Kingston school bonds. At the recent election the people voted to Issue Sl.SGO In bonds to meet the expenses of a new school building. The matter was made legal by a resolution of the school board to take effect. In transcribing the record in the clerk of the court's office an error was made by use of the word "Inclusive" by which It appeared that the total Issue might be construed as $19,100. In order to correct this rec ord and have everything beyond doubt the sale of today was adjourned for one week, to Friday, Sept. 6 at 10 a. m. Frank Pottobonc's Funeral. The funeral of Frank Pettebone took place from his late residence at Dor ranceton at 1.30 o'clock yesterday after noon, atovs. H. H. Welles and W. F. Gibbons, of Forty Fort, and J. C. Jj& Bar, of Wyoming, officiating. The Methodist Episcopal church choir of Forty Fort led the singing. The pall bearers were Frank Remmel, Alexander Nical, Edward Blerman, I. A. Bennett, Ralph Shaver and Willard Keleler, all of Kingston. There were a number of very handsome floral tributes. Inter ment was made in Forty Fort ceme tery. A Narrow Escape. Yesterday morning about 9.S0 o'clock, while passenger train No. 5 of the Del aware and Hudson railroad, going north, was slowing up at Parsons, the engine hit a horse and wagon driven by Jacob Early's son, of Five Points. The wagon was smashed into a thou sand pieces and the horse slightly skinned, but the boy who was driving escaped unhurt. The young fellow said he thought the train would stop before It got to the crossing, which is only twenty feet north of the depot. The train waited until the debris was re moved and found that the boy was not Injured. Ultton by a Dog. Yesterday morning another mall car rier was bitten by a dog, and this time the unfortunate was John Jeremy, who was tackled by the brute as he en tered the house of Russell Brown;' 248 Northampton street. The mail carrier, when he" entered the yard, paid no at tention to the dog, which was lying by the fence. After he had passed the dog sprang at him, biting him in the right leg and ruining his trousers. The wound was cauterized and Jeremy will be all right In a few days. A BUI in Faulty. A bill In equity between Charles Baab and John,B. Jlauser was filed yester day. The claim Is that some years ago Buab sold a lot to Hauser on Barney street In Wilkes-Barre and by the word ing of the deed the Idea was conveyed the coal and surface was sold. Hnuser claimed all that was contained by the said wording. It was not Intended that the coal nhould be sold, and the bill is to recover possession. Kilted on the Road. About 10 o'clock yesterday forenoon engine No. 602 of the lehlgh Valley railroad struck and instantly killed a 'Hungarian laborer named George Hel co at one of the Cox ton coal pockets. The remains were taken to the dead man's boarding house by Foreman Waterbore and (Deputy Coroner (Per kins was notified. ' A Huge Cable The largest cable In the world will be shipped from the Hazard Wire Rope works today to the Metropolitan Trac tion company of New York, which com pany has already taken five b'lg cables from the Hazard works. The cable to be loaded today Is 87,800 feet In length, or about seven and one-half miles. BRIEF NOTES. John Mellet, a young company hand In the Dorrance colliery, was badly squeezed yesterday between a car and a rib in the mine. - A welt-attended concert was given In St Leon's church last evening, for the benefit of the church choir. Rev. Dr. Joseph has returned from his vacation and will conduct services at the Temple this morning. Judge O. M. Harding this week re ceived 1,000 yellow bass from the state fish commissioner and stocked Bear Lake with them. Arthur Cohen has resigned as leader of the. Music Hall orchestra and has been succeeded by William P. Rleg, who led the orchestra there last year. Jacob Mann, who caused the arrest of Yank Tight and Jim Reynolds In this clUt a few days ago, aa the Ha sleton Standard. Is well known In that section as a gambler. If this Is trne the man from the peanut town had better drop the case. A handsome new four-story brick building will shortly be completed on North, Main street by J. I. Kibble and Frank Hennigea. It has a frontage of fifty-two feet and a depth of 111 feet. Henry T. Lees and Bliss Elisabeth Oollghtly were married at Plymouth last Thursday evening by Rev. O. L. Severson. One prisoner was before the mayor yesterday and was discharged with a reprimand. He was asleep In the street and on being awakened refused to give his name or address. The members of the Wilkes-Barre wheelmen will make their first run to Berwick and Danville tomorrow. It Is not a club run and anyone who wishes can go. No scorching will be done and the whole day will be taken tor the run. .Miss Stella Leach and Albert H. Wells were married at the home of the bride on Jackson street, last Thursday morning. , City Clerk Deitrlck spent part of yes terday In this city, having come over from Harvey's Lake. The Sheldon Axle works will, after today, work ten hours a day instead of fourteen, as heretofore. When the Georgetown cars begin to run today a 20-mlnute service will be given the residents of the hill. William H. Thomson, a constable of Glen Lyon, has been held by Alderman Ford under IsGO ball for court, on a charge of stealing 44UO from the bureau of a man uiHin whom he made a levy. Superintendent Morgan, of No. 2, at Nantlcoke, has laid off several em ployes for three days because they went to a' picnic without Informing their bosses, thus making the mine Bhort-handed. The Hanover Pnrk theater will close for the season with tonight's perform ance. , PlTTSTON. The Plttston otnee of the Scrantoa Tribune has been opened by H. W. Crusor, agent, at No. S Williams street, where con tribution of news, complaints of non-delivery, orders for Job work of all descrip tions, should be addressed and regular subscriptions received. Advertising and subsorlptljn rates cheerfully submitted. Before many weeks more roll by the electric oars will be running through Broad street. The road is completed as far as Scotch Hill, and It will only take a few weeks to bring It down to Main street, and Plttston people will have the chance to go to Scranton by trolley. This will no doubt bring more business to Plttston, beside being a great convenience. At a late meeting of the directors the contract between Sten V Silverman, of Philadelphia, and the company was cancelled owing to a disagreement as to the kind of rail to be used. The company has concluded to build the road for Itself, and Just as soon as the girder rails arrive a large force of men will be set to work to fin ish the track. Where 'the road crosses the railroad tracks at Smith vllle a fine new bridge 1.200 feet long and 21 feet high will be erected. Several materials were considered,. and it was finally de cided to construct the bridge of nteel and the Lehigh Valley Construction company, of Easton, were awarded the contract. Last Sunday vthe work of driving the piles at the railroad cross ing was begun. The trains running through the week days made this neces sary. The crossing in Mooslc will prob ably be in place In about two weeks, and the road completed and In running order by Oct. 17, as the difficulties with property holders on Broad street are In a fair way for amicable settlement. The select and common councils held a Joint session Thursday evening. President Reap was In the chair. Mr. Buss reported that It was necessary to look after the fire plugs, as there was not one ready for use between Market and Broad streets. The fire commit tee was instructed to repair the old and put In new ones where needed. Coun cilman George Nellaon said the water supply was wholly Inadequate In case of fire and he thought the proper par ties ought to be notified and see If the supply could not be Increased. Mr. Buss moved that the Traction company be notified that the three culverts on Oak street were In a dangerous condi tion, and the tracks on Parsonage street were in bad order and these mat ters must be attended to at once. The collieries of the Lehigh Valley system will toe shut down today and Monday. The Young Men's Christian, associa tion will organize a boys' brigade for military and naval instruction, and place 'Herbert Sanders In charge. The old officers of the (Plttston Build ing and Loan association were re-elected at a meeting held at 'Squire Gib bons' office Friday evening. A. Gom pertz was re-elected director for three years and two new ones were added, each for three years. It Is a flourish ing association. Rev. S. W. Swan ond family are at home again. They have been spending several weeks at New Wilmington, Pa. J. N. Terwllllger has gone to Gibson, Susquehanna county, to spend a few days fishing. Miss Kate Mooney, stenographer for the Butler Mine company, has gone to Berwick, her old home, for a short visit. Plttston Business Director. FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBING CALL on Wright & Co., 17 South Main street. A new range for sale or exchange; also second-hand household goods, bought or sold. TAYLOR. One of the largest trolley parties of the season left this place last evening for ipeckvllle. Three cars were re- n , 1 1 riwl , nnnlrnu . V. a . . n . 1 n,f nil -,. i . v . . . t j nit ii,u, mi of them were densely packed. The party. went to Peckville, where a hall was rented and a general good time Indulged In. The Union band accom panied the party and discoursed in spiring music along the route. The start was from Rendham and when the cars passed through the town they were greeted with a cheer from by standers. Miss Gertrude Freeman, of Hyde Park, was a visitor here yesterday. Mrs. 'M. P. 'Daniels and daughter, iMIss Jennie, of (Hyde Park, accom panied by .Mr. and Mrs. Morris, of Kingston, were visitors at the home of J. M. Daniels yesterday. Mlss Lizzie Daniels was a visitor In Pltttson yesterday. The Pyne mines were Idle on Thurs day on account of the breaking of machinery. V Gomer Davis, of Union street, will leave for a six weeks' vlslt wlth friends In Ohio. Miss Ella Burke, of Houth Scranton, was the guest of Miss Bridget Scanlon the past few days. , Professor Lewis Watcyn..lMus. Baa, of. Hyrts Park, has been selected as the adjudicator of singing contests as Lake Ariel Sept. 3. - Miss Edith Van Busklrk visited Oly phant friends yesterday. CLARK'S OREKN. Mrs. J. J. Van Nort and family are spending a few days with J. Northup's. J. Wells spent two days with friends !n Wilkes-Barre, returning on Wednes day night. . i Mrs. L. J. Northup has been visiting hir niece, 'Miss Fie Clark. ' - Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Hlgglns are on their usual vacation and will visit friends at Tunkhannocq, Lynn and Nicholson. Mrs. Wendair McClay is now stop ping with Miss Fie Clark. (Mrs. James Posten, of Stroudaburg, Is visiting her tlstetr-ln-law, Mrs. J. B. Austin. . . - The reunion of Company K, of the Eleventh Pennsylvania Volunteer cav alry, met In tho Nlohols grove in pur uane to oall. About twonty-nva an swered at roll call. Major A. I. Acker ley presiding. After the transaction of the usual routine business, the follow ing officers were elected: Myron J. HaU. president; J. B. Lesh. secretary; H. H. White, treasurer, and F. M. Halstead, chairman Of executive com mittee, with power to appoint four to fill out the required number. The reg imental reunion was announced to take place at Chambersburg. Pa. on June 1 196. Mu?s Clara Smith will entertain her Si.nday school class today at her home. Mrs. O. Chapman is quite III. Mrs. W. V. Good and daughter. Lor raine, are visiting friends In Philadel phia. HALUSTEAD, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips, who reside on .Alarvy Barnes' farm, south of this borough, were arrested Wednes day evening for bigamy on a warrant sworn out by Martin Welsh, of timoky Hollow. Their hearing will take place Saturday morning at o'clock. Maitland Hays will leave Monday to attend school at Bloomsburg. E. It. w. Searle. of Susquehanna, was In town Thursday. O. C. Pettenger. ..f Urbana. III., a former resilient of this place. Is stop pins: at the Major House. The tannery at Great Uend has shut down for two weeks. Charles Decker, of Montrose, was In town on Wednesday. TH ROOP. Rev. and Mrs. G. Roberts have re turned to the home of their daughter, Mrs. M. J. Morgan, after spending a week at Ocean Grove. The Rev. W. J. Wntklns. of Provi dence, will preach In the First Bap tist church on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 1, at 2 o'clock. After the preaching communion service will be held. A cordial Invitation is extended to all. The borough of Throop Is having quite a building boom. Several houses are under way. The funeral of George Abbott's child took place on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. CLARK'S SUMMIT. Miss Nettle Datesman and Miss iMollie Slants, of iScranton, were visit ing Mrs. Datesman Tuesday and Wednesday. 8. C. Koons has moved In his new store, opposite the drug store. M. M. Hufford has a very large stock of lumber and plaster of all kinds at the lowest prices. The Ladles' Aid held a corn social In the church parlors Wednesday night. E. F. Smith has returned to Ashley. If tho Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrup has bam used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for thetr Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In ev ery part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothlns Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents bottle. LAUREL HILL PARK Commencing MONDAY, SEPT. 2 Every evening, weather permitting, ' .Pain's Gorgeous Production, LAST DAYS OF POMPEII The Most Dazzling, Realistic and Magnificent Scene Kvcr Shown to the Public. Marvelous Eruption of Vesuvius, Grand lialleta. Brilliant Pageants. Msgnlflcent Set Pieces and Elaborate Designs In Colored Fires. Grand Stand Seats 8,000 People. $1,030 FIREWORKS DISPLAY NIGHTLY $1,000 Completely Chanced st Every Performance. 300 Performers on tbe open air stage 300 Monday Special, LABOR NIGHT Portrait In Fire of Mr. A. J. Atkinson nd Other Firework Devises Kmblematlo of the bay. Admission 25c. Reserved Seat on Palatial Grand Stand 25c. and 50c extra. Single Fare for Hound Trip on all Roads Entering Scranton. fsTIn esse of rain tickets good for noxt elcar day. Uf-Don't miss this opportunity to see the greatest speetsele of the sge. ONE CENT A WORD. WANTS OF A Lli KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADH, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN CENTS. THIS BULB AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED. WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Mala. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN . every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; bis money for stents: no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH si CO, Borden Block, C'hloago. IU. SALESMEN RBBIDeWt SALESMEN wasted, acqnslnted with the locul ind nearby drns nd srocorjr trade, to handle our line of high grid cigars. Address, givine reforencrs, J. EDWARD COWLfis CO., 143 Chambers street, N. Y, Hela Wanted Females. w ANTED HOOD OIRL FOR LIGHT housework. Apply at OOT Olive st ANTKD IM MEDIATELY TWO F.NER vatta ulMtonm to renrMnnt ua. anaranteed U a dsy without Interfering with other dutlos.l Healthful occupation. Write for particular. Inclosing stamp. Mango Chem ical Company, No. 73 Jobu street. New York. ' Personal. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR AND FACIAL blemishes destroyed by eltolrio needle j no pain, soar nr Injury; book and consultation free; sittings II. N, Y. ELECT ROLY0IB CO., 51fc.iMdst.7N. Y. - STRAYED TO MY PREMISES. LAROB bay horse. Owner can have same by pay lag damages Sad for (his advertisement, AN- THONYLOMCI, WW Capenseave., Scr.ntou, Lent. eVrVVVVrVVVrrVeVVViVV,VVVVVVVVVwVk LOST - BETWEEN SIMPSON M. R. . ohorohMda. MydePara aye. sear Di vision aus JMiMtf tS'irwtola ,n rlBbat SMSsTie JOHN r R AJiIlTa tX .brae Para are, Mid-Summer I II Villa VI W II I IN , wiiiiis wi ALL GO AT A SWEEPING REDUCTION. Three Very Special Numbers in downs ' AT65c., 75c. AND 90c, Actually Worth Double. Our line of liigli-priced Gowns, worth from $3.00 to $4.50, all go at about half price. SKIRTS FROM 50c. TO $2.25. CORSET COVERS FROM 20c. TO $1.25. DRAWERS FROM 25c, TO $1.00. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: ' We have received another large shipment of Crepon Silks at 59c. in new designs and colors. The enormous sale and the compliments we have had on this Silk - Sale is substantial evidence that this is a bargain worth looking after. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 2fl,u for Rant 1?OR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. WITH or without board, suitable for two per sons. 132 Adams are. IOK KENT A LARGE, 4-8TORY BUILD I ing at 131 Franklin avenue; suitable for wholesale business. CARSON DaVIES, Hrrantun. FOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E.VAN8, aear 1138 Luserne, Hyde Psrk. T.'OR RENT NICELY VURNISHEIJHALL T suitable for ludir. rooms, JOHN JElt MYM, lll Wyoming ovonua. For Sala. F?oh saTec1ieXp33Ckg barn and one acre of ground at Dultoa, Pa. Address J. L. Hwarts. D.ltun, Pa., or H. D, 8warts. 283 Bprnce stawtjelty. F" 'OR 8ALE AT REASONABLE FIGURES, slot of Hob A Co. 'a Iron pipe composi tion frames, single and doublo; also a lot of liooisr cams, in vairs. some extra depth. All only allghtlr used and good as new. Address inquiry to BUSINESS UANAOEB, The Trlb una, Scranton, Pa. Situation Wanted. SITUATION WANTED BY A BOY 16 years of age In office or store. Address H. J. P.. Tribuue office. SITUATION WANTED BY A COMPE teut snd experienced women as house keeper. Address or call at 1709 Price st., West Side. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUfcO man who la not afraid of work, 20 years of age; can com well recommended. T. J. P.. Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPBRI enced bookkmper, as sura, or as shipping clerk ; references given if required. Address R., Tribune office. 2ituationwanted-by a woman, O to do washing or cleaning offices or any kind of work by the day. Call or address M R8. C. A.. SOT 8. Main aye. MARRIED si AN WHO HAH HAD MANY years' experience with horses wishes a position; well rocoinmonded. Address J. J. Gh, Tribune office. SITUATION wanted-to k out by O the day washing and Ironing; washing taken horn. also. Call or addrsss L. R , 331 M. Sumuer ave. CTENOURAPHER AND TYPEWKITER kJ Yeunc lady, well qualified beginner, de sires position. Address L. , Tribune office. A WIDOW WITH ONE CHILD WOULD llko a placo as housekeeper. Call or ad dress 336, Kresslcr court. ANTED-A SITUATION BY A YOUJJO man ss Janitor or nleht watchman: heat of city references Address L, Scranton. Pa. P- OSITION WANTED -BY EXPRlEifcED salesman in dry goods: best referenoer. Address A. M. H, Tribune office. DRUGGIST, REGISTERED, WANTS PU sltlon as clerk or manager: 13 years' sx perience; city or country. Address DKUG8, care Scranton Tribune A WIDOW WITH TWO CHILDREN wanta a position as housekeeper. Call or address V. M., 81( Oswald court Agenta Wanted. AORNTS TO SELL CIOARS TO DEALERS; $& weekly and exponaes; experlense un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG. CO., 48 Van Buren st, Chloago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE: 23 par cent, commission; sample book mailed fres. Address L. N. CO., Station L, New York. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new lightning selllug table clotb.mos qulto and honso Hy liquid at 10 cents and 24 conts a bottle. Sample Ires. BOLGIANO M'F'G Co, Baltimore, Md. AQENTS-HINDE'S PATENT UNIVER sal Hair Curlers and Wavers (used with out heat), and "Pyr Potnted' Halr Pine. Lib eral commissions. Free sample, and fun par tlculara. Address P. U. Box &, New York. WANTED - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle our line, no peddling. Falarr, pr month and expense paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P.O.Box,6JUS, Boston, Mass. Wanted Second. Hand Buggy. AT RIGHT PRICE, WILL BUY SECOND bsnd bnegy suitable for a pony. B. H. SHURTLBFF. 12H Wyoming are Soeclal Notices. WE DON'T WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS but men of ability; a)toto00a month tohnstlers: state asd general ag.nts; salary and commlasioo. Cbemioal Fire Extinguisher Co., Racine, w is. C1ENERAL AGENTS WANTED-8ELL-I ing new ai tides to dealers: .xcluslv. ter ritory, nu coinjietition. no capital required: 2110 to iMi per cent, profit. "Columbia Chemical Co., 00 Oearhorn at., Chicago, 111. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. TO make $7 dally selling our Aluminum Noreltlits: look exactly liko silver; weighs one-quarter: featliorwolght; wonderful; new est out; sample. 10c.: catalogue free; ALUM INUM NOVslLTY CO., 8.15 Broadway, N. Y. NOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY I. I will make a monthly tour of tbe follow ing places giving free up.n air advertising ex hibitions with the stereoptloon: Tsylorville, Hyde Park, Providence, Dickson Olynbant, Peekvlllit, Archbald, Jermyn. Exblbltlous given on Wednesday and Friday of each week during tbe month, the rates for adver tising are 111) per month. Address B. H. Call, Tribune office, eity. rpHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." 1 Yon want this rello. Contains all of Prank Leslie's famous old War Pictures,show ing the foroes In actual battle, aketohed on the spot Two volumes, 2,010 pictures. Hold on easy monthly payment. Delivered by ex- Fress complete, all charges prepaid. Address . a MOODY, W Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAftA sines, eta, bound or rebound at Tna Thibunb office. Mulch work. Reasonable prices, Bualntsa Opportunltlaa. $100 INVESTED UPON OUR AD VIC B Isst March amounted to several thousand dollars last week; very little risk. This can oe dona now. This fall will be better than ever tor large proftta, Henk for our book and proofs of this, showing how to do It tree. Bank references P. J..WAKXM a Oft, M Beaver st, New, York. . WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE HOUSE, affloe manager witBamallcanltal: money refunded from irat sales; salary 1100 per month and commissions on salts; rsfareaos exebanswd. Box TTA St Leila, Mo 9 North Carolina Froaorty. IjHJB ALE-M)i A VALUABL1 LOT, U &J II AXtJ, beats. : An; i- .'r;i Sale of Lodios' Muslin Undorvoar. 111 FWIHITUBE UPHOLSTERED. U EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, 4H REASONABLE CHARGES. 4 TRY PS. ' THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO,, utiTlnX60 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT, PORCELAIN. Bridge and Crown work. Office, s2S Washington avenue. C. C. LAUBACH. SURGEON DlSNTIST. No. US Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL BX change. Physicians and Surgeons. OR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 616 Spruce street, Scranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, 208 PENN AVE!.; 1 to S P. M.: call 2062. Uls. of women, obatretrlce ana andjilldls. of chll. DR.A. J. CONNELL, OFFICE !01 Washington avenue, cor. 8pruce street, over Francke's drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vine st. Office hours: 10.Uo to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4. and (.90 to T.tO p. m. Sun. day, 2 to t p. m. DR. W. IV ALLEN, U Norta Wasbiagtaa aTOBuav DR. C. L. FRET, PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: office, 122 Wyoming ave. Real dance, 629 Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES, 1 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, I to t . ra., 1.30 to 2 and 7 to i p. m. Residence M Madi on avenue. DR. J. C. BATESON, RELIABLE 8KIN. Tumor and Cancer Specialist. Tuesdays and Fridays, at 606 Linden street. Of fice hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN ft KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scran ton, Pa. JE88UPS A HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealth oulldlng-, Washington avenue. W. H. JE8SUP. HORACE E. HAND. W. H. JE8SUP, JR. PATTERSON WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; offices t and I Library building , Scranton, Pa. ROSWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors. Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 2L FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room 6. Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law. rooms 63, (t and 66, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office, 317 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 422 Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWN8END, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building. Scranton. Money to loan In large sums at 6 per cent. C. R. PITCHER, law, Commonwealth ton, Pa. ATTORNEY-AT building. Scran- C. COMEQY8. 821 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLB, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 401 Spruce street. B. F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton. Pa. JAB. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g, Bora n ton. J. M. C. RANCK. IM WTOMINO AVE. Clairvoyant. HffolffAN'fRRtVAL'OF'fHEdlWY (Jueen; reveals hidden secrets of Ihe present and future, will give slttlnirs for a few days at 103 Spruce street. All who have been unlucky in love, business or kindred subjects, call on the Madam and consult her. Misses treatments. This Is the best week to consult the Oljisy Queen on all subjects. Seeds. O. R. CLARK CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen: store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, ISM) North Main ave nue; store telephoe 782. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms M, 26 and 26, Commonwealth building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of 606 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT. 425 Sprues at., cor. Wash, ave.. eoranten. BROWN MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Price building, 128 Washington avenue, Scranton. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better en Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. Callander, Dime Bank building. V' Schools.' SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for oollge or business: thoroughly ' trains young ohlldren. Catalogue at re quest Opens September 6. wt A H. biSSllt MIS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, u Adams avenue, opaaa . aVapt 1 aaergartea Ut or torn, mm GUI n Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR 611 LACKA. wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. - BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Iiauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'S music store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS'" supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton. Pa, FRANK P. BROWN & COL. WHOLE sale dealers in Wood ware, Cordage and OilCIoth,720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT AC countant and auditor. Rooms It and 20, Williams Building, opposite postofflca. Agent for the Reg Fire Extinguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 126 and 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. W. Eassenger depot. Conducted on the !uropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, ' New York. Rates, $3.60 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). H. N. ANABLE, Proprietor. Pioneer of the hotel cen ter in New York city. Noted for Its superb loca tion, superior rooms and excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for giving MORE VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any first-class hotel In the world. Facing Central Park, 66th and Mth sts., Plasa Square and Fifth avenue: reached by any uptown cars, and the croastown cars at 69th St., which latter In tersect all surface and elevated roads; terminal station 6th ave. L road within half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plans. Drinking water and Ice used Is vaporised and frosen on the premises, and certified as to purity; by Prof. Chandler. F. A. HAMMOND. . Tilt. VLM)S01t HOTEL NEW YORK. (Occupying an entire Mock ea fifth Atoms between 4tth and 47th Sta) HAWK 1 WETHERBEE, PROPKETORsV The American and Enropeaa Plana. Rooms with Beard. $4.00 and upwards par day. Rooms without Board, $1.50 and upwarda par day. The enlslne and service nasnrsaassa. Tas Latest and Meat Approved Sa niter Plumbing. Kewly dsorrated aad returalshsd. Five Minutes' Walk front Uraad Centra! station. Medical f A DIRS I Chichostet'a En iglith PsanvreyaJ W Ij MaoM Vraad), are) tftO O TOi, m Uwr. M sc., mai Chichester Cheat 8 OF SCRANTON. - nu Spsclal Attention Glien to Butaess tnd Personal Accounts. , MEREST PAID OX THE DEP6SITS. Stocks, Bonds, ond Groin, Tt-.. W4 .-J -f J Hff.M eMSS ATuunu. auu au un aivw Eiohanga and Chloago Board - of Trado, cither for eaah or 00 aTlalgUt, . d.duD. DIMniCK, ; 41s Jpracdj Strati. ' ea nun e---lTT ii in i Mb I WW., m vn at TalWwIMlCCl Y 'l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers