THE FCHANTON . TmBUNB THUIISDAT MORNTNCK. AUGUST 29, 1893. Wilkes rrh Tribune ha opened a branch of fice, at No. a Lanta bulldog. Pubo Square Wtlkea-Barr.. It is the purpose of the publishers to taaue a newspaper as valuable to th. general publle aa the met ropolitan dalllee. and deliver It to the peo ple throughout northeaaten f nn,V'lv,n1li from three to Ave houra earlier than the Philadelphia and New York paper can reach them.) A FEARFUL ERROR. C Fraak Seeliag Shoota ead Kill Freak, pettebon. by Aocldent. Yesterday morning between the houra of 7 and 8 o'clock the little town of Maltby. Just above Kington, wag the scene if i horrible accident, which coat the life of Frank Pettebone. a young man 2S year of a.-e. e mployed aa a cWk at the Maltby colliery of the Le high VaHey Coal company. He was a son of Walter Pettebone. of Wyoming annue, Ikirranceton. Pettebone was at his desk yesterday morning with John Young, the other clerk, when a party of the company's engineers from the main office In Wllkee-dtarre entered the colliery office before going Insula the mine to do some surveying. The engineers stood around in the otlioe be fore Koing. and chatted for a few mo menta with the clerks. One of the en gineers. C. Frank Seeling, of 1S1 East Market street. Wllkes-Harre. took down a Spencer magazine carbine from the wall and began to examine It. It Is a heavy weapon, that shoots a 50-calibre ball, and is the same as is kept ut near ly all the otfli-ea of the Lchleh Valley collieries. Seeling peeped through the barrel, and saw that there was no cart ridge Inside. He was unfamiliar with the workings of the magaxlne. and probably did not know that when he had pulled the lever he had pushed a loaded cartridge Into the barrel. No ope paid any particular attention to Seeling and all were startled by a loud report, which came when he pressed the trigger of the weapon. Pettobone fell forward on the desk at which he was working, without a word, and then dropped heavily to the floor. The desk was overed with blood, which poured from a wound in his head, and tt.tth.ered in a large red pool on the lloor near the foot of th? desk. All who were In the otlioe were startled at l!i j sight, but quickly realized what had happened. They ran to Pettebone's as sistance and found that the huge ball had torn through his head and entered stdewise and partly from behind. The bullet had gone right through the brain, and Pettebone probably never knew what had happened. Dr. Hayes, the nearest physician, was called in at once, and saw there was no hope. The wounded man neither moved nor spoke from the time of the infliction of the wound at S o'clock, and his death about two hours later. When Seeling realized what he had done, he was In an agony of despair. Dr. Hughes' face told him that he had unintentionally given a death wound to a friend, and he grew pale, seized the gun which had been the agent of Pet tebone's death, and tried to shoot him self wllh It. The other engineers of the corps seized him. and endeavored to quiet him, but he would not hear them, and continued to strucgle until his fellow workmen tied his hands and feet, and laid him on the floor. In the meantime word had been sent to Assistant Superintendent Fred ftl. Chase, of the Lehigh Valley Coal com pany. Superintendent Lathrope being; out of town. Mr. Chase went to the colliery at once, and had the body of Pettebone removed to the house of Vllllam McDonald, on Owen street, Maltby, where Pettebone had been boarding during the absence of his parents at .Harvey's Lake. Drs. Sing er and Thompson, of Forty Fort, were sent for at once, but could do nothing for the unfortunate young man, wh,i died In the ambulance before he reached his father's house in Dorrance ton. Superintendent Chase had tele graphed to Mr. and Mrs. Pettebone at Harvey's Lake, and they came on nt once, but did not arrive until nf'ur meir son a ueam. feueoone was an Industrious and popular young man, well liked by his employers and friends, and his death Is a great shock to all of them. He had been employ5 by the Lehigh Valley Coal company about a year and a half. Mr. Chase also arranged to have a closed carriage at Malty, and Seeling was taken from there to the county jail, as he was In no condition for a hearing. Yesterday afternoon, when Seeling had calmed himself somewhat, he was brought down from the Jali by Warden Boland before Judge Jfennctt for a habeus corpus hearing. The de fendant was represented by Attorneys Woodward and Davis and District At torney Fell represented the prosecu tion. Heeling sat pale and nervous next his friend Robert Mercur. The poor fellow was keeping up with dif ficulty, and his eyes looked red and swollen. Mr. Mercur silently comfort ed lilm by the grasp of his hand and the scene was pitiful. J. A. (Brown. Frank Gardner. Llew lyn Owens, 'Reese ThomaH. members of the engineer corps testified that the affair was purely accldentlal that Seeling did not point the gun at all and had looked through the barrel to see that It was empty. Judge Bennett considered the testimony sufficient, and Seeling was released on ball, which was furnished at once, THE REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Appointments Made for the Coming Campaign. At the meeting of tho candidates yesterday, the following county com mittee waa appointed to serve during the coming campaign: Cnairman. W. S. Tomklns, of West Plttston; first assistant chairman, R. P. Hotunson, of Wilkes-Barre; second an nuitant chairman, H. P. KunU, of Lati mer; third assistant chairman, John M. Jones, of Plttston; secretary, W. H. Koons. of Wilkes-Barre; treasurer, Fred Thles, of Wilkes-Ilarre. The com mittee are: First district John Leyellyn. W. J. P. Williams. J. J. Thomas, Isaac V. Rob ins, W. Slnnerlnras, Nathaniel Rutter, R. W. Williams. J. A. Patterson, An dred Addeson, S. R. Morgan, Moses Solomon, George A. St. John, Charles Gardner, Ben Davey, Jr.. E. A. Mor gan, Daniel E. Thomas, Hot Racharach, Mom Wolfe. John Wasley, Fred Reu te'.huber, H. fl. Carkhuff. Sterling R. Caflin, Ralph H. Wadhams, George Wallace, James M. Norris, T. C. Parker. Wllkes-lJarre. Second district J. P. Westover, For ty Fort; Lee P. Holcomb. West Pltts ton; Frank J. Post, fibickahlnny; Miner , the treat SKIN 'CUBE ItuUntr Rellere TORTURING Skin Dteases blood , Bumeun,aad point to a speedy ear CUM UllF ud oastphysi. with CimcPBA Soar, gn tie application of SiCTOOaA (olocneat), and aUd doses of Co-1 nccaa SaaoLym (the sow Mood parlasr i - Barre. Benscoter, Muhlenburg; A. D. Hay, Iehman; J. C Harvey. Marveyviue; J. D. Wood worth. Uhlckshinny; Ed. 8. Stackhouse. Shlckshlnny; Dr. M. B. Hughes. Shlckshlnny; George L. Llew ellyn. West Plttston; George h Wesley, Sweet Valley; K. VV. Uarrlsun. Shlck shlnny; George Dewer, West FtttBton; William I'arry, Lucerne; J. J. Kyman, Dallas; George Ruth, Carverton; Harry Hadsall. Forty Fort: Ed. G. Mercur, West Plttston; George Thomas, West Plttston; Charles 8. Shepherd, West Plttston: R. C. Motiska. Duryea; I. Hollowter. Shlckshlnny; I. G. Eckert, Forty Fort. Third District James Waddell, David R. Jones. Glen iLyon: D. W. Reese. William Mead, Plymouth: William Morgan, Glen Lyon; William James, jr., Clem Yohe, Wanumle; William Nork, A. a. Vlillds, Allien: J. r. wit rick. Renlamln E. 'Davis. Dr. lan Ev ans. C. E. Jones, William oldlield, Jo seph eimlth. Polish, George Loewer, A. Sypniewski, Stookey West. Nantieoke; Andrew uMedley. t'nauncey Miner, non. D. J. Reese, Howard ArniHtrong, Jo seph Paukstls, 'Samuel 'Davenport. Plymouth; George IM. Thomas. Harry Hughes. Plymouth township; 1 O. Darte, Dr. .U. J. Coulelgh, Isaac Jones. Kingston; Dr. Lewis Edwards. Thomas Davis, Edwardsvllle; Dr. P. A. Meek, Nantlcoke; Sylvester Paukstls, Ed wardsvllle; John Zukoskl, Plymouth; James !H. 'Evans, Edwardsvllle; Joseph Kudnlckl, Glen Lyon. Fourth Dlstrlct-'Steve Charles, lattl med; H. C. Koons, Gilbert tfinllh, Free land; Ziba Falichlld, Zehner; Jure Woodrlng. Sandy iKun; Thomas Blrk beck, Mike Zummy, Freeland; Archie Nesbitt. Kbervale; W. iS. Leib, Rar leigh; William F. Gabro, Latimer; I. D. Morgan, Harwood; 'Daniel Coxe, Diif ton; Peter Magagna, Freeland; W. P. James, Hazleton; 'Hon. W. 11. Jeffries. Upper Lehigh; Hon. O. VV. Kline. Hazleton; Joseph Russell, Audenrled; li. F. iDavis. Fiveland; Frank Solomon. Zchner; John E. Hoo ver. Sandy Hun; Matthlus Sohwabe, Anthony Rudewlek. Freeland; William Sxvartz. R. L. Gnvltt, I. E. Roderick, Dr. H. B. Casselberry, C. W. Wilde, Hazleton; A. Vnnauer. Eckley; R. A. IXmaugliey. Hazleton; dlurry E. Swee ny, lulfton; William Powell, Hazle ton; Thomns A. Harris, Lultlmer; D. J. Roderick, Stockton; George B. O'Con nor. Jeansvllle; B. W. Wilde, Mllties vtlle; A. P. Goldeck. Jeddo; Abrum Thrash, West Hazleton; William F. Adams, Audcnrled. Fifth district Llewellyn Price, Plains; John Joppa, Plttston: Howell Williams, Plttston; John McKenzle, Avooa; John M. Derr, Hudson; P. T. Norton. Miner's Mills; C. B. Smith, Plttston; J. Sherman Macknlght, Plains: Dr. P. J. Barrett, Plttston; John D. Colvln, Parsons: Edward Uffa lussl, Plttston; TV. II. Young, Plttston; Theodore Hart, Plttston; Colonel Camp bell, Plttston; C. E. Clark, Dupont: Ed. Edgerton, Hudson; Reynolds, Hughes town; Joseph Moore. Miner's Mills; George Falrclough, Yntesvllle; Duvid O. Davis, Avoca; Thomas Watrass, Lain. Sixth illstrlot-C. E. Keck, Ashley; S. D. Yost. Sugarloaf; W. J. Scott; Wilkes-Barre; Harry Adams, 'Mocanau oua; William Straws, Drums; Henry Martin. Sugar Notch: A. E. Detro, Ash ley; John B. Graham, Ashley; C. E. Adams, White Haven; William Reed, Ashley; L. L. Newhart, Ashley; E. L. Riley. Ashley, Benjamin R. Jones, Warrior Run. IN THE SON'S FAVOR. John Duekley Brings a Suit to Recover Wages. John Buckley, once a justice of the peace and a man once respected In the community, yesterday morning brought suit against his son to recover wages. The case was tried before Alderman Donahue. Mr. Buckley a few years ago be came heir to a large slice of an estate wbjuh had been partitioned. His share was ll,6u0. He could not stand pros perity and fell to drink. Ills wife had him declared an habitual drunkard and for eleven months has not lived with him. The boy, who is IS years old, worked for M. B. Houpt & Son. P. A. O'Boyie was counsel for the de fendant. When asked If he did any thing for the support or care of his son Mr. Buckley said he had not for the past eleven months. Mr. O'iBoylo asked for a dismissal of the case on the strength of tho father's testimony, and this was done. It developed that Mr. Buckley has only 1700 remaining of the amount he had. Boston Store Alhlctlo Day. Aa this Friday will be the last on which the employes of the Boston store will enjoy a half holiday they have de cided to make a field day of It and will have athletic sports of all kinds at West Side. park, to which place ail friends are cordially Invited. No ad mission fee will be charged. The pro gramme will consist of a 100-yard dush, standing long Jump. hop. steo and jump, mile bicycle race, three-legged race, nair-mue root race and base bull match between two rival Boston store clubs. Prizes will be given to the winner or each event, and ' a medal will also be awarded lo the best all-around athlete in the store. In nd dltlon to the regular programme an ex- nimuon in tumbling will be given by Wllllum Bowman and John Brandt, of local fame. Those who attend wllr be able to see what a benefit the half holi day has been In a physical way to clerks who have enjoyed its privilege. opori uegin ai z p. m. Sited for Slander. Mary Puseh yesterday began suit against Stephen Lublnskl for $1,000 damages for slander. The statement Is to the effect that Lubinskl said that Marie had killed two of her own rhll- dren by choking them to death. Mar tin J. Muihall represents the plaintiff. The Tramps Koleasod. Yesterday mnrntnir tha trnmna a,hn were arrested In Butter's grove were discharged for want of evidence. They were told to leave town at once and started for Scranton.. Tho rv.uu 4-1.-1 to get some evidence againflt them, but laiR'Ui BRIEF NOTES. headquarters on outh Main street are acknowledged to be aa flnn am onv In the state. The Wllkpa-Ttnrro knitnn.1n. a feated the Scranton hartumiura day in an exciting game of bane ball. Aim ntipuni JuuriK.jreople'H associa tion tit T.IIKCirtig. onrl T .nLf...,n v. .. 4MnawuuiiB counties held a well attended plcnto at Mountain Park yesterday. It Is said that a new cab line Is soon to be started In this city with bag- held a well attended military plcnlo and clam bake at Suburban Park yes- leraay CTnuntv )TfimniUalAna.t Tktillf.! a.m leave for Scranton this morning to ref eree the Corbeit-Hlckaby alley ball ThA triiraTfara thnt at a nabl-iM i..Mk a haul in this city entered Morgan's i-jutw in wium cranKiin street last Monday and ransacked it thoroughly, but did not get anything of any value. Hoc hard James, a driver boy at the Emnlre. full from a nun v,aaHn broke his right arm, Dr. c. B. seek, of this city. 'captured the largest haaa vf niiolii t t -u. Carey. It weighed six pounds and two ounces. . - , 1 The Delaware and Hudson depot t Paraona waa rnhhoil nn Mnnrfav niaKt for the ninth time In two years. The Rloa delegation arrived home from Harrlsburg at 10 o'clock last night. Headed by the Ninth regiment band they marched around, the Square and down to the league rooms, where they disbanded. They report having a good time and seeing lots of excite ment. On their parade In town they all carried small brooms, trimmed with the national colors, . and they were heartily cheered as they passed. Work will be begun la a few days at asphalting Butler alley. Cadwalader Biddle. of Philadelphia, Is making a tour through this section. Inspecting the charitable Institutions. An Ice cream and fruit festival was held last evening In Zlon African Methodist Episcopal church under tho direction of Mrs. II. B. Brown, and a good sum was raised for the church. Professor Edmund Bevan, of Miner's 'Mill, was married last evening to Miss Jennie Albert, of Plttston, by Rev. W. D. Thomas. Tho Knights of tho Mystlo Chain will have a big convention und parade in this city 011 Thursday. Sept. 10. It will be the twenty-ltfth annuul session of the select council of Pennsylvania. Dr. Charles Beck, son of Dr. Charles S. Beck, of this city, Is seriously ill at his home at West 'Superior, PITTSTOIM. The nttston ottlce of tho Scranton Tribune has been opened by H. W. Cruser. agent, at No. 6 Williams street, where con tribution of news, complaints of non-delivery, ordurs for Job Work of all descrip tions, should be addressed and regular aubscrlptiona received. Advertising and subsuriptljn ratea cheerfully submitted. Water street property holders are not going to be in the rear guard In the march for Improvements that is so popular in the new city of Plttston. They have a petition In circulation ask ing council to pave that busy thorough fare. John Howell, John Anderson, K. J.Ross, D. Lamb and the 'Lehigh Valley railroad are among the signers. John Howell has the matter In hand, and is quite confident of success. Miss Lizzie Clifford, who has been the guest of Miss tiara Flanley, on South Main street, hus returned to her home in Dunmore. Miss Llllle Mathews, of Dunmore, and Miss iMame Lunny, of Hyde Park, are spending a few days with friends on South Main street. Miss Jennie Fagan, of Carbondale, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Mame Fagan, on South Main street. bfac La Barre is attending the sol diers' reunion at 'Meshoppen. A Joint session of the councils will be held this evening to consider the elec tion of a Janitor for the city building, and also to attend to several matters of Importance. Gehrad Snyder, of the Eagle, left yes terday for a few days' stay at Atlantic City. Tim Sullivan and James Murray, of Wilkes-Barre, were callers In this city Tuesday evening. While riding on South Main street yesterday Isaac Wellington, a small boy from Oregon, was thrown from the saddle and the horse stepped on him. ale was taken into the Anthracite drug store, where it was found he was not seriously Injured, die waa removed to his home in a cab. Mrs. Margaret Jenkins, of Delaware avenue, is entertaining Mr. and Mrs. IH. E. Jenkins, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 'Patrick icoyne, who resides In Oregon Heights, and is employed in the Coxton yard, suffered a paralytic stroke at 2 o'cloek yesterday morning, and Is In a critical condition. Some time ago he met with an accident which resulted In the loss of an arm. He has a large family. IH. E. Coward and family have re turned from 'Lake Wlnola. where they have been spending several weeks. Plttston Business Directory. FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBINO CALL on Wright & Co., 97 South Main street. A new range for sale or exchange; also eecond-handhoushold goods, bought or sold. FLOGGED THE 'SQUIRE. America Combs Resented an Agod Lover's Rather Frayed Affection. Huntington. W. Va.. Aug. 28. 'Robert Workman, aged 80 years, a Justice of the peace in uoone county, possesses two marriage licenses which he will dispose of for less than cast. About a year ago he woed America Combs, a damsel of sixteen summers, and after obtaining a license to wed he was In formed by his prospective bride that she had meant it all In a Joke. She moved to Lincoln county shortly arter ward. and the aged lover began to look elsewhere for a bride. He "popped" to Katie EskinB. aged 15 years, and ob tained another license, with the same result. Recently Miss Combs moved back to her old home. The 'squire ascertained that the old license would do If he ob tained the consent of the fair Ameri ca, and he renewed his wooing. Tired of his attentions, she prepared a hick ory withe and awaited his coming. The 'squire proceeded to lay his heart and fortune at her feet and she pro duced the whip from the folds of he dress and applied It so vigorously that he cried for mercy. Now he threat ened to prosecute her neighbors, alleg ing that, by false representations, they alienated the affections of America. FOUND HIS DAUGHTER. Reunion in Cincinnati Between Morgan Gilbert und Sadie. Cincinnati, Aug. 28. Eighteen years ago Morgan Gilbert, then a carriage painter In Pittsburg, lost hia wife and found himself with three small children on his hands, with scarcely enough bread in the house for one. In this dilemma a former lady friend of his dead wife took charge of one of the chil dren, a girl named Sadie, subsequently removing with her from Pittsburg to a small town In Illinois. In the interim Gilbert, with the two other children, emigrated to a farm near Toledo and became prosperous. Then came the desire to And Sadie. and after a lnliorlous search he discov ered where she was. Correspondence followed and the meeting was arranged to take place here. Yesterday at tho Grand Central depot the long-separated father and child embraced and were the center of a sympathetic throng, who witnessed the scone with Interest. Gil bert left with his daughter for his home, and for the future she will be one of the happy household on the farm. OUTRAGE BY WHITECAPS. Old Woman and Her Daughter Tlod to Trees snd Brutally Beaten. Sergent, Ky Aug. 28. Great excite ment prevails on the Virginia side of the Cumberland mountains, six miles east of this place, over a whltcapplng outrage. 'Last night about 11 o'clock an unknown number of men went to the home of Martha White, a well known old woman, aged 85 years. Pulled both her and her 20-year-old daughter from their beds, and, taking them to a patch of woods npar their home, tied them to trees and beat them most bru tally. They were Anally rescued by a neighbor. . Today they are both alive, but are not expected to survive their Injuries. A posse of twenty men, headed by Sheriff Holbrook, of Wise county, are scouring the Cumberland mountains for the per petrators, and If caught the whole par ty will likely be lynched. BLOWN TO PIECES. ) Shocking Aoeldsst at an Allentown Stone Quarry. Allentown, Pa., Aug. 2S. Frederick Brown and William Rathllne were killed and Harvejr Polk probably fatal ly injured this morning while preparing a dynamite blast at the Thomas Iron company's stone quarry near Ironton, operated by Joseph Seneyer.-' Brown and Rathllne were blown to pieces. Folk' skull was crushed. He was still living at noon. All were sin lie you am. . ,. :;., ; ' , ON TUB ROAD to recovery, the jvjuna wuni. who is taking Doctor Pierce's Favorite . Pre acrivtian. In maiueubood, wo manhood, wife- t. .1 1 u m' M m ' wln"' ftiiu mum supporting totiie and nervine that's peculiarly J VC4L ndupted to her f Tiim needs, regulating, ' " Vi strengthening uud enr- , ing tne uerangemems 1 of the sex. Whv is it so many women owe tlicir beauty to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription? Because beauty of form and face radiate from the common center health. The best bodily condition results from Rood food, fresh air and exercise coupled with the judicious use of the "Prescription." . If there be headache, pain in the back, beui ing-down sensations, or general de bility, or if there be nervous disturbance, nervous prostration, und sleeplessness, the " Prescription 11 reaches the. origin of the trouble und corrects it. It dispels aches and imins, corrects displacements and enrea caturrliul inflammation of the lining mem branes, falling of the womb, ulceration, ir regularities and kindred maladies, FALLING OF WOMB. Mas. Khans Cam Fiki.u. aUiasI Dit kiH ton, Ftanklin Co., N. Y., writes : " I deem it my duty to express my deep, heurt-felt grati tude to you for having been the means, under Providence, of restor ing me to health, for I have been by spells un able to walk. My troubles were of the womb inrlamiuatory , and besriii down sen sations uud tlie doctors all said, tuey could uot cure me. t Twelve bottles of Dr. Mrs. Cam field. Pierce's wonderful Favorite Prescription hus cured me." HE FOUND OUT, From the Detroit Free Press. "If you don't object I'd like to ask you sunthln'." said nn old man with a cane and satchel as he stopped a police man on Monroe avenue. "Ask your question," was the reply. "1 live up in .Macomb county, and I have a son EMI who comes down here purty ofti n.. The last time he was here he came home with his coat ripped up tli buck and dead broke, and said & policeman had given him the collar." "Well?" "Wall, what did he git?" "He got the cullur, probably, Just as he said." "But what Is the collar? That's what I want to ask." "Why, he was probably half tight and whomtintr jiinn olflcer took him by tho collar this way aim nave mm a snake that way and rattled his heels together Just so and " Say. hold on!" houted the old man. as he picked up his satchel and cane and hat and worked himself down Into his coat. "What's the matter?" "I've found out nil I want to know! If Bill got that kind of a collar and was locked up and lined 5 to boot, I'll go home and raise his wages $4 a month and give him every Saturday for a holiday." I1E PAHDOM D THE DECEPTION. Prom the Detroit Tribune. "Then you have deceived me?" "Yes, Alfred." "And you married me knowing that you were rich?" "Yes, Alfred." '61ie nOW OfinCA.lWl nn'ttlm ,n.t.lM . , - ,11,1, Hue, v. the terrible fiction whereby she had led iiiii iu (relieve ne-r poor. "Can you forgive me, Alfred?" ' Yith pleading, contrite eyes he watched in hiS fm'M til. CVlilAlloa nf l,a ,I.....U that wsired in. his bosom. es, he answered, at Inst. "We will live It down." And they Hid. He even quit his Job. and devoted him self exclusively to living it down. If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has bein used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens tho Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and la tho best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In ev ery part of tho world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. e T A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDB COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE, NO CHAUGB WILL BE LESS THAN ! CENTS. THIS RULE AP I'l.I KB TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITnATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. TALI. MKN AND W BOYS FOR i)JJ Pain's "Last Baya of Pompeii." Ap ply at stare door of the Frnthinghaui thoatre thla (Thursday) evening at 7 o'clock. 1JHOTO TICKET AGKNTS AND I'lOfUKH men enn learn of a Ana position by ad dressing WILLIAM 11. PLAIT, TM Elm troxt, . smiiiin, jn. .1. WANTED-WELL-KNOWN MAN IN evrry town to aolielt stock subscrip tions; a monopoly: hie money for aaonts; no rnpitsl required. EDWARD C. FIHU CO., liordon Block, t'hloniio. 11L yALrSMENTTR8Tnl5NT RALE8HEN D wanted, acquainted with the local and nearby drug and roenry trade to hnudle our lino of high cm ib' cb-ars. Address, giving references, J. I5UWAKD COWLES A CO., I Chambers street, N, Y, Helo Wanted Females. WAmAalR houmwork in imall family. Call 12U1 Capoiiio avo. jnTWUNO LADIES FOR PAIN'8 "LAS OM Bays of Pompeii.' Apply at stain door of the Frothlnffham theatre thla (Thursday1) evoulng at 7 o'clock. WANTED IM MEDIATELY TWO F.NKB getlq Mleawomon to represent na. Guaranteed ft) a day without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation, write for particulars, Inclining stamp. Mango Chem ical Company. No. 71 John street, New York. Boarding. I BURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD-LOW rates fur gentlemon rooming together. M Washington av legal. IM RE TRANSFER OF HOTEL L1CEN8R J of Joseph E. Hughes, in the Fifth ward of Scran Ion, to George K. Fairehlld. Notice ta hereby given that tbo oourt baa fixed Sept V. 1805, at v a ut., aa the time for hearing In the atmvecaae. - , TAYLOH LKWlti, v - Attorneys for Petitioner. IM RK TltANHFKR OF HOTKL LICENSE of Alex Philllpa, la the Fourth ward of Albert C. Henne. Kotiee la hereby given that tho coart ha fixed Sept , l0 at a. m., as tne time ror neanng ra tne above it -fl V I.'. I WIS, . - '-- f Attornera fos Patltlonp. &tt tfc I We, all a. nt, as the tine for bearis i0veeae. .JTAtLoa" LKWi 7 Attoraey reutkMer. .as 1 llli a CV I mm r 0 CEP Connolly Mid-Summer 1 Mi ALL GO AT A SWEEPING REDUCTION. Three Very Special Numbers in Gowns AT 65c, 75c.AND90c.- Actually Worth Double. Our line of high-priced Gowns, worth from $3.00 to $4.50, all go at about half price. SKIRTS FROM 50c. TO $2.25. CORSET COVERS FROM 20c. TO $1.25. DRAWERS FROM 25c. TO $1.00. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: We have received another large shipment of Crepon Silks at 50c. In new designs and colors. The enormous sale and the compliments we have had on this Silk Sale is substantial evidence that this is a bargain worth looking after. CONNOLLY For Rent. 1-HiR RKNT HTEVENSON KKL'IT FAUU. Clark'. Oram, for a turm of yuara. Ap ply tu GliOKUK & DAVIDSON, Attorney, 012 Hpruoe atreet 1'OR RENT UtOOM HOUSE; ALL IM I proveuientx; eloae to atreet car. Inquire tig N. Irvlug are. eiJ FOR ROOM HOUHE; LARGE AT wli) tic and oelUr, bath, hot andould water, range, tin., on MorritlolJ court. HUBKKT MERRltiELU, 31V 8prue atreet. l.HJtt RENT-FCRM8HED KOOmTwTtH J or without board, auitable tor two per ion. 182 Adama ave, V6RKENTrALAhoE. HTOBYBUILb J lug at 1H3 Franklin avenue; auitable for wholpHHle buaineaa. CARBON DA VIES, Bcrantou. ITOH RENT BIX ROOM HOUHE ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Addrem THOMAH EEVANB. aoar 1138 Luaerue, Hyde Park. lOR RENT NK'KLV FURNISHED HALL r miltnbki for lude room JOHN JEit MYN, 111 Wyoming ovenue. For Sal. TilTfoTtsCToRAlfD i Ity. Imuene margin of profit. Finn culm pile and laud in heart of the city, directly onMveral of the irreat railroads, auit able fur mamifnctiirititf niti-a, ilopots, ware duiiso or atoraice altea requiring Hwitch room and railroad facilities; also auitable for build. Itiit lota: convenient to the lnrgeat indiMtrles of the city; frreat opportunity for party with enterprise and push; ran be marto to pay lm nicnauiv. For turticului-a call upou W. U1B BON JONE8. U Hpruce at FOR BALE CHEAP LAHOE HOUSE AND barn and on. acre of ground at Daltoo, Pa. Adcin-Hi J, I.. Hwarts, Dalton, Pa., or 1L D. Bwartz. 213 Spruee street, city. IOR BALE AT REASONABLE FIGURES. 1 a lot of Hoe & Co. 'a iron plpa composi tion frame., .ingle aud double; also a lot of Hooker caaea, in pairs, some extra depth. All only slightly usnd and good aa now. Address inquiry to UUSINKSa ilANAUEB, The Trip nue, Scranton, Pa. Situations Wanted.' SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPIKI enead bookkeeper, aa such, or as snipping rlerk; references given if required. Address It., Trlbuno ottire, Situation wa n ted by a woman, O to do washing or cinanlug onlce. or suy kind of work by the day. Call or address MRS. U- A., 207 S. Main are. A'MAURIED MAN WHO HA8 HAD MANY iV years' experience with horses wishes position; well recommended. Addreas i. i. O., Tribune oflice. SITUATION WANTED TO QO OUT BY O the day washing and ironing; waahtng tnken home alao. Call or addreaa L H.IS4 K. Humoer avo. STENOGRAPHER AND TYPEWRITER O Young lady, well qualified beginner, de sires position. Address L., Tribune office. A WIDOW WITH ONE CHILD WOULD like a place aa bonsekeepor. Call or ad dress Kresalcr court. WANTED A SITUATION BY X YOUNG man as janitor or night watchman; test of city references Address L. Scranton, Pa. 1' iOHlf iON WANTED -BY EXPERIENCED salesman in drv goods: boat referencar. Addreas A. M. B., Tribuno ofiice. DRUUUI8T, KKGIHTERKD, WANTS Po sition as rlerk or manager: 12 years' ex. periencB; city or country, Addreas DnUGS, care Hcranton Tribune, A WIDOW WITH TWO CHILDREN wants a position as housekeeper. Call or address V. M , Hlrt Oswald court Stockholdsra' Meeting. ri)UE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 1 stockholders of Th. Bcranton Forging Company for the election of directors and tbe transaction of other buaineaa will be held at tho otlioe of the company, in the city of Hcran ton, on W.dnendav, Augnat iMth, KR. at I o'clock p.m. E. F. OH AMUEKl.IN, Kee'y. Agcnta Wanted. SALF.8MAN TO CARRY HIDE LINE; 25 pr cent. cimmissin; samplo book mailed froe. Address L, N. CO. Station L, Ntw York. A"T ONCR AOENT8 APPOINTED TO sell now lightning soiling tabl. cloth.mos qnito and bnns. fly liquid at ID cents and '.'5 conts a boitlo. Sampln free. BOLG1ANO M'F'U Co., Baltimore, Md. AGENTS HINDE'8 PATENT UNIVER aal Hair Curlers and Wavers Oisod with ontheat), and "Pyr Poiuted"Hatr Plna. Ub aral commissions. Free simple and full par ticulars, Address P. O. Box Md, New York. ANT IIA7TTVEliE8KTO handle onr line, tin peddling. Balarr, 175 nor month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P.O. Box, WiH, Boston, Mass, Scaled Proposal a. alWp-rohw O of the space between the rouuty Jail and tho southwesterly foneo line of New York at. In the Thirteenth ward, city of Hcranton. Pa., alao for laying flagstone, gutters and sotting curbstone, will lie received at the county com misilonors' olHce nntil ID o'clock a in, Mou dav, the 3d day of Heptember next. Plana and sporifleations for said work can be seen at county commissioners' office. The county commissioners rosorre the right to reject auy or all bids. G1LF.8 ROBERTS, JOHN KKMUTII, . b. w. non Kit is, County Commissioaars. Special Notice. N OTICR-ON AND AFTER MAY I. I will mak. a monthly tour of the follow ing place. (Ivlog free upjn air advertising ex hibitions with the stereoptlcon: Taylorviilo, Hyilo Park, Providence, Dickson Olypnant, Peekvllle, Arrhbald, Jermyn. Exhibitions given on Weflnraday and Friday of Mch week during the month, th. ratea for adver tising are 10 per monta. Address K. U. Call, Tribune office, eity. '"lHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." I Yon want thla rolic. Contains all of Frank Lealie'. famous old War Pictnrea,ahow ing the forees In actual battle, eketchsd on the spot Two volumes, 2,1101) pictures. Sold en sasy monthly payments Delivered by ax press complete, all ebarga prepaid. Address P. a MOODY, tea Adams Ave., Merantoa, Pa. LANK HOOKM, PAMPHLETS, MAOA ainM. a til. boo ad or mooned aA Tsia TitttitiMi omoa. Quick work. . Maaaenaola Wanted T lachange. 11TOULD LIKl TO EXcHANUS FIRST vv eiaas niatfo in perrsvt on fair of rottorMS, Ad dm IStfo la psrfaut ordsr for a good atauuai. itammt Salo of Ladies' Muslin Undoruoar. 11 a viuiiiv) viiiiii MIVl & WALLACE, FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. saaa.aBBBBaBiBBBBBaia.a.aa..aBaaaMaaBaMBwM . ' t THE SCRANTON PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT, PORCELAIN. Bridge and Crown work. Office, US Washington avenue. C. C. LAUBACH. SURGEON DfiNTIST. No. 11G Wyoming avenue. IL M. 8TKATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 618 Hpruce atreet. Scranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, t06 PENN AVE.: 1 to t P. H.; call 2K2. Dis. of women, ebstretrlc and and all dls. of chil. DP.. A. J. CONNELL, OFFICE 501 Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Krancke's drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vine at. Office houra: 10 3D to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4. and I W to 7.W p. m. Bun day, S to t p. m. DR. W. H ALLEN. IU Nortk Waaaingtoa avaaoa. DR. C. L. FRET. PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: office, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, 62 Vine atreet. DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, t to a. n.. 1.30 to I and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 20 Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. BATESON. RELIABLE SKIN. Tumor and Cancer Specialist. Tuesdays and Fridays, at Su5 Linden street. Of fice hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN ft KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scran ton, Pa, JESSUPS at HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law. Commonwealth oulldlug, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP. HORACE E. HAND, VV. H. JESSUP, JR. PATTEK80N aV WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; office I and I Library building , Scranton, Pa. ROSWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorney and Counsellors. Common wealth building. Rooms It. 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELU ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room a, Coal Exchange, Scran- ion, J 'a. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms U, M and to. Common weallh building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office, 117 Spruce at., Scranton, Pa. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawana av... Scranton, Pa. URIB TOWN8END. ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building, Scranton. Money to loan in large sum at I per cent. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT law, Commonwealth building. Scran ton. Pa. C. COMEGYS, 221 SPRUCE STREET. DBREPIXKILE. ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 4UI Bpruc. atreet. BT F KILL AM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IM Wyoming avo.. Bcranton, Pa. JAa J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 46 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. J. It. C. RANCK. IM WTOMINO AVB. Clairvoyant. ilf PORfANTRRIVAf;6F f IIEGYPflY Queen; reveals hidden secrets of the present and future, will give slttlm: for a few days at 1(13 Spruce street. All who have been unlucky In love, business or kindred subjects, call on the Madam and consult her. Misses treatments. This is the best week to.oontult the Gipsy gueen on all subjects. . Seeds. O. R. CLARK CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen: store IM Washington ave nue; green house, 13M) North Main ave nue ; stoiwtelepho7M Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Room 24, 25 and 28. Commonwealth building, Bcranton. E. U WALTER. ARCHITECT. OFFICB rear of (04 Washington av.nua. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT, a? Bprucest., cor. Wash, ave,. Scranton. BROWN MORRIS. ARCHITECTS, Price building, us waaningion av.nua, Hcranton. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you mon.y on castor term and pay you better oa Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. Callander, Dim Bank building. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton. Pa., prepare boy and gtrl for collge or business; thoroughly train young children. Catalogue at re ouaat Open September tv u REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BUELL. HIM WORCESTER'S KAjDERQARTEN aM Bchool, 411 Aaams avsnu. op, a, KlaSM-taxtea tit per teraa, Wallace (in 209 Washington Avenue,' Opp. Court House. ' 11 EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, REASONABLE CHARGES TRY OS. DCUUIHIl LUu lacks. He., Cor. IdUBi Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR til LACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufao turer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms addreas R. J. liauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'S muslo store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, Uu Washington ave.. Scran ton. Fa. FRANK P. BROWN & CO., WHOLE sale dealers in Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Room. Is and 20. Williams Building, opposite postomca. Agent for the Rex Fir. Extinguish.-. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK Un avenue, Kates reasonable. P. ZIEGLEK. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, New York. Rates, 23.50 per day and upwards. (Amen can plan). E. N. ANABLE. Proprietor. f7 ty j-f i. Pioneer of the hotel cen ClJVTZl ,OT "n N'" York city. J II I Til Noted for Its superb Iocs. wvrwajaM tion, superior rooms and excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for giving MORE VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any flrst-clasa hotel in the world. Facing Central Park, GStb and 59th sts., Plaxa Square and Fifth avenue; reached by any uptown cars, and the crosatown cars at 59th at., which latter in tersect all surface and elevated roads; terminal station 6th ave. L road within half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plan. Drinking water and Ice used is vaporised and froxea on the premises, and certified as to purity, by Prof. Chandler. F. A. HAMMOND. Spring House U. E. CROFUT, Prop'r, Heart Lake, Pa. Altitude nearly 2,(W0 feet. Fin groves and nantlful scenery. House new and well fur nished; but three minute' walk from IX, I W, station, and loo feat from th lake, GOOD BOATS, FISHING TACKLE, Dancing Pavilion, Swings, Croqoet Oroonda, tcFHKE to Quest COLD SPRING WATER AND PLENTY OF MILK, RATES REASONABLE. Write for circular. OF SCRIM MI, SLOW 270.000 C0.Q HIIED PROFITS. Speclil IttentiM film to BuIkss ulFenoMl leceuSt MEREST PUD 1 TICS DEPOSITS. Stocks. Bonds, and Grain, Bought aod fold on Haw York Kxcharjf and Chicago Board of Trad, althax for oath W ) . aPavgla. , . ; a duBDIMillCK, Ill 1 '. ..V" ; '- '
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