2 THE BCIIAKTOW TRIBUE WlSDTJESDAY' MOKKnfQ. . AUttUST 28, 1895. Wilkes (The Tribune hat opened a branch of fice at No. 29. Lanlug building. Public 8uare. Wllkea-Barre. It la the purpoee of the publisher to Iseue a newspaper as valuable to the general puouc in " roiuilltan ilalllea ami deliver It to the p0- ple throughout northeaaten Pennsylvania Xros three to nve hours a-arner i '' Philadelphia and New York papers can reach them. OFF FOR IIARR1SBURG. The Klc Boomer Have a Ulf Tnraon't with Badges and Mnle. Th pim rffWatlon to the Harris- burs convention went to the capital on a. MMM-ial train at S.43 o'clock yesterday morning. The league rooms were oiened at an early hour, ami hw going to the train the Republican v.nt there and all were given neat w hite cups anil badge. The cap were of white duck. yacnunK name "Rice" printed ai-ros the top, and the badtte were white with an ex cellent portrait of Judite Kliv printed thereon, and the words "For Judge of the 8uierlor Court, lion. . nunc Rice, of Wllkos-lSuriv, Harrlsburg, Th Klnth neelment bantr accompa nied the excursion and before the train arrived, played a number of selections, which amused great enthusiasm. A.t a it rh. nriioeaslon formed oil South (Slain street and marched around the square and out East Mantel street .. ihi ,l..,i.,l f.uinr-ilmnn It. W. ill- lama And Ilurrv IHetrlck. with small flags of - the national A'olor In their hands. Headed tn priwessmn. At the ilemtt evervthinit was In remit nes. The train, consisting of four oouchea and a baggage car, eioou in a siding and engine 40. ono or the rastesi owned by the company, was coupled on roa.lv tn start when the time arrived. The depot platform was crowded with citizens who could not aivompany the boomers, but heartily wished them sue. cess In their efforts. They talked Rice continually, and seemed to forget ev erybody else on the ticket, a fact which Illustrated the anxleiy they felt for our honorable townsman. The train was splendidly equipped ami Sol Uacharach presided over the cafe car In front. 'Hlg white streamers extended the entire length of the cars, announcing what the delegation was. and for whom they were going to the convention. Among those who accompanied the excursion were: Henry Wiseman, Harry IVltrick Charles Jeffries, Sol Hucharach, Hon. James R. drlner. R. W. Williams, Alex Patterson. Frank Neimeyer, Mose Sol omon, Thomas Cnrter, Plymouth: Jacob Eddlesteln, Israel Kppsteln. K. V. Rob inson, Philip Richards. J. S. 'McKnight, J. R. William. J. R. Westover. Oscar Smith. Lewis A. Arnold, John I.. Ev an. David 3. Williams. H. C. Wallace, J. E. Williams, John J. Renshaw. A. U, Reed, "Squire Walters, lr. K. McKee, Joseph R. Lloyd. Samuel Sutton, John Sutton. L. U. Rice, Oeorge w. Hall, Fred Flannaghan. David H. Thomas, C. Bach. W. O. Grltllth. Walter May, H. A. Fuller. I. J. Baxter. Philips Wels. M. E. Walker, . Shtckshinny; George at. John. Adam Uotthold, May Kaiser, George Thomas, Plymouth: X. Rosen- feld. George Ryder, Otis Lincoln. J. P, Noll, David Thomas. Plymouth ; James James, Jam J. Thomas, Thomas II. r,nnsun, 1'iymouin; ruiocn r.vans, Pltttson; L. C. Slncavlti. Juke Fritz. (Arthur E. Detro, Merrlt Sx, Wyo ming; Paul Sterling. A. D. Tav. Hen Pavey, Harry Karkuff. W. D. Watklns. Evan L. Jones. John Zukoskl. David V. Reese. Paul Drlppe. Conrad Jacob. iMor. rls Dougherty, David Valentine. Rob ert Tlmberman. A. M. Palmer. Profes sor Kline. W. F. Belsel. The following went via the Dela ware Lackawanna and Western, vis: Howard Armstrong. Hon. George W. Shonk. Hon. Daniel W. Reese. At 10.17 the Wayne county delegation arrived ocer the Delaware and Hudson and proceeded toiHarrisburg over the Penn Bjivanl. Quite a number of people from this region accompanied them, among them belnp Colonel Campbell, Dr. McDongall. of Plttston: D. W. Mor gan. David Watklns. D. W. Thomas, Plymouth, John Kunkle, XV. T. Rice, Martin Landon. William Harris. Dal las; W. E. Bennett, Harry Wilbur, J. J. Thomas. Wlikes-Barre. A large number left yesterday after noon and last evening, and It Is proba ble that Judge Rice1 boomers will number 200 at Harrlsburg today. DULLARD WILL REFEREE. II Consent to Act at thj nig Alley Ball Game I Scrnntnn. Yesterday morning County Commis sioner Thomas Dullard received a let ter from John Rlckaby, of Ofld Forge, champion alley ball player of the state, asking him to serve as reree In the big alley ball game on Thursday at Scran ton. between Kirka.'by and Dove on one side, and Champion James J. Corbett and his brother, Joe, on the other. The Scranton men are the best open alley ball players In the state, and Corbett and his broth-r have defeated the best teams In Nw York city, so that a good game Is locked for. The game was arranged during Corbett' recent visit to Scrntiton, ami will he played for $1,000. Jiuth sides are con fident of winning, r.nrl the game Is to be played on Th'jrnday at 2 o'clock at the Scranton Driving park. Mr. Dul lard Is one of tlie best alley ball play ers In the state, amd hi reputation for fine and Impartial refereelng s known. Both parties accepted him w thout hesitating, and on receipt of Rickaby's leVter. (Mr. Dullard at once wrote the fo flowing reply: , Wlfk-narrre, Pa., Aug. 27; 1SW,. Mr. John RK-kaby: , Dear H!r-tYoura of the 2T,th received. w,l accept, the posit Jon of referoo In the Contest of alley ball tetween yourself and Dove on the one !de anil Jam" J. and Joseph C'rbett on the other, on Thursday, Aug. . fet the Driving Jark, Bcranton. I will rofire the contitst In a fair and Im partial manner. Your very rospent fully, T. M. Du lard, Wllkes-Barre. With Masoalo Honors. The funeral of a. D. iSUgh was field yesterday afternoon from hi late home, 79 North Main street. He was burled with full Masonic tumors, being a mem ber of Lodge 376, Free and Accepted Masons, of Kingston, the past forty five years and the oldest mason1 In the valley. He was atso a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows feir about forty years and many members attended. ' i '- Lodge 376, Free and Accepted Masons, sent a handsome pillow with the Initials of the lodge worked in- immortelle. The Odft Fellow sent another beautl- THE SECRET BEAUTIFUL SKIN ' U FOUND IN CUTICIIRA - Barre. ful pillow with the letters I. O. O. F, worked thereon. Rev. J. Richards Boyle conducted the services at the house. At the grave the 'Masonic ritual was read and about the grave was scat- tered roses. Interment was made at Forty Fort cemetery. The pall-bearer were Henry Van Scoy. w. T. Church. Peter Wolcott and Forbes Van Ann, William Bryden and James jranK. The flower bearers were George Pei per and 1. li. Reynolds. MeciJcnls Yesterday. The little son of Mrs. Moyler, a widow residing near the ilvlnware, Lackawanna and Western station at Kingston, was run over by a heavy lumber wagon last evening. The wagon passed over the little fellow' chest, and Injured Mm so badly Internally that he is not expected to live. Robert Carruthers. of Kdwardsvlllc. wa hurt very seriously by a fall of rock yester day In the Haddock mine at Luzerne borough. One of hi legs was broken and the other one crushed so badly that when he was taken to the hospital yesterday amputation was found to be necessary. He Is very weak from the operation and may die. l ining the Cave-In. The railroad track Is now com pleted from the Haddock! breaker to the recent cave-In on Bennett street. In Luxerne borough, and work has be gun at tilling up the cave with culm from the breaker. The operation will take about a month. HRIEINOTES. Some private detective are how at work on the track of the burglars who have, been entering so many houses In town, and expect to bring matters tn a head this week. The annual convention of the State Tnlon Catholic Total Abstinence asso ciation will be held tn Plttston for three days, beglnlng Sept. 11. The Wllkes-Barre firemen will send a big delegation to the state conven tion In Bethlehem next month, and will make a vigorous effort to have the next state convention held tn this city. A stable In Grand alley was burned to the ground yesterday morning about 2 o'clock. The loss will not bo over Miss Catherine Davis, of Edwnrds vllle. died last night after an Illness of eight months with a complication of diseases. The funeral of Miss Sarah Le firand was held from her residence yester day afternoon, and Interment made In Hollejihack cemetery. The Patriotic Order Sons of America will run an excursion to Allentown to morrow mornlns to the state conven tion of the order at that place. Will S. Wilcox, of Plains, and Guy Greenman. of this city, have organized a new orchestra, which It Is believed will be one of tho best In this section. RlTTSTOtM. fThe Plttston office of the Scranton Tribune has been opened by H. W. Cruser, agent, at No. 5 William street, where con tribution or news, complaints or non-uc-llverv. orders for lob work of all descrip tions, should b Hdilroased nnd regular subscriptions received. Advertising ana subscription rates cheerfully submitted. Pride and satisfaction were ex pressed upon the faces of Meyer Schlos ser. chairman of the transportation committee, and Secretary F. H. Banker, of the board of trade, yesterday after noon as they met The Tribune reporter and Jubilantly declared to him the ef fect that the petition which was circu lated among our business men for a new station had on the omciais oi tne Lehigh Valley Railroad company. The petition was presented to our business men bv Mr. Schlosser. 160 of whom ad ded their signature. As a reriult Rob ert H. Sayre, vice-president; Colonel Rollln H. Wilbur, general superintend ent; Chief Engineer C. E. Webster, of South Bethlehem, anil superintendent Alex Mitchell, of Wllkes-Barre, arrived here on a ecial train at 1.30 yesterday afternoon to confer with the transpor tation committee of the board. They were met at the station by Agent V. W. Carpenter and the committee, ns fol lows: President Benjamin Harding, Secretary F. H. Banker, Meyer Schlos ser, Thomas IMangnn. William Drury, O. B. Thompson, W. O. Thomas nnd J. R. ShlfTer. Secretary Banker escorted the party to the board of trade rooms, where the ofllclals submitted to the members the plans and specifications of the new station to take the plnce of the old landmark, which has for years bpen used as a depot on Water street. The new station will be placed on the pros pective site along the canal or lower tracks, where the house now occupied by W. H. Young stands, and will be built of brick and stone, it Is to be ninety feet long and fifty feet wldp, with a covered platform 200 feet long on the grade of the road bed. It will be a two-story structure with commo dious waiting rooms on the second floor. which will be on a Crade with water street The lower floor Is tn be used as a baggage room. A large double stairway will connect the upper floor and the platform below. Driveway will be graded to the platform. The work of building the retaining walls will be commenced Bhohrtly, and a new and modern station will soon aid In beautifying our already much-Improved city. The diagram showing the design of the proposed station will he on, ex hibition In A. R Brown's windows In a few days. Mrs. u 8. Richard, of Scranton. Is Visiting at her mother's In this city. Oscar Mterlch and James O bbons. Jr., as alternate, were elected last evening by the Hook and Ladder com pany to go a delegates tn the state convention, to be hold at Reading In October. Tnov were requested to vote for Scranton for the next convention. Miss Alice Gllllgnn. at the Junction. I being visited bySMIss .Harriet Lnnny, of Scranton. and Miss Lynnv Matthews, of Dnnmore. Miss Carrie Helme. of West Ride. Is receiving visit from Mis Liszt Olbney, of Scranton, and Miss McKen- na, of Honesdale. Plttston llnslnes Directory. FOR FIRBT-CLA8S PLtTMBINQ CALL on Wright Co., 97 South Main street. A new range for sale or exchange; also second-hand household goods, bought or sold. . L MONTROSE. Mr. and Mrs. demons are the guests of his father,, who lives near Jones' Lake. Frank Lusk. of Phlladelnhla. Is visit ing his parents an Lake avenue. Dana Watrous Is spending a week at Heart Lake, the guest of Miss Halsey. The following persons are at Harrls burg attending the state convention: R. B. Little. Linus Moore. 8. S. Wrleht and Ned Warner. Mr. Walker, of .Mavflold. I attend ing court this week. He Is here as a witness on the damage suit against the Water company. The picture of Father Laffertv. which Is on display at F. D. Morris, Is cer tainly a work of art and Is a good speclment of the work of Harry Tit man. . J.. W ilts Deans. of Passalo. N. J.. returned home after visiting at the home of his parents, on Lincoln ave nue. ''. i. ' .... v Miss Jennie Blchard. of -Elm Ira. 1 Visiting her friend, IMls Minnie Backus. , ' Mrs. Faurot Is at Lake Carey for a Week.' Bruce Munrer return awl tn rhino Tn Monday, Judge lArchbald. of flnranton. la nit the bench In place of Judge Bearle. The Ce Is .Water oomnanv va JnM TUN KM AN NOCK. The Dimock camp meeting closes to morow night The attendance through out has been large and the bplrltual Interest good. It la safe to say that a wide Influence is exerted by these an nual gatherings In the woods at Dim ock. ' Colonel N. A. McKown received a kick In the breast from a vicious horse a few days ago. but gave the matter little attention until continued soreness compelled him tq consult a physician, when he found that a rib was broken. Mrs. II. C. Luts and child, of Wllkes Barre, was a guest of her brother, By ron Keiley, the forepart of the week. Miss Llule Klttrldre. who has had experience In such matters, is making efforts to establish a kindergarten here. It is to be hoped that her efforts will prove successful. Mrs. J. B. Atkinson anil family, of Lenoir, N. C, are visiting relative in this section. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Derehclmer have returned from Colorado, where they have been spending the summer. The borough school will open on Mon day next. The school have been re graded and students will start out on a new, and It Is hoped more satisfactory, basis than heretofore. Professor tfteb blns, the principal. Is not only a compe tent teacher, but a progressive, wide awake man. and with a corps of excel lent assistants about him, the school can hardly full of being a success. A marriage license has been granted to Frank W. Sorber. of Hiinlock Creek, and 'Rosa Lord. Shnfertown. The personal property of O. C. IVre mer, of Monroe township. Is advertised to be sold at sheriff's sale on Tuesday, Sept. 3, and that of A. T. Carlln, of Urnintrlm township, on the day fol lowing. The new Mowry mill at iMeshoppen will be ready for grinding In about two weeks, and la said to be one of the finest mills In this section of the state. Tracks are laid so that cars of grain may be run light Into the mill, and, on being shoveled Into a trough, Is au tomatically weighed and carried Into bins, or fel to the stones without fur ther handling. 'Mr. Mowry will also run his coal business In conjunction with the mill. Will Donlln, a brakeman on the Le high Valley, met with an accident near Mehoopnny yesterduy which proved fatal shortly afterward. He was sent out to flag a train, and by some mis step fell directly In front of the pickup engine, which was approaching at such a rapid rate that It could not be stopped In time to prevent hitting him. He waH run over diagonally, near the hips, and one leg cut off and the other cruelly mangled. He wns placed on board the train and brought to this station, but died Just as his rough, but sympathetic, comrades were trans ferring him to the' platform. He was n som of James Donlln, deceased, late of Meshoppen borough, was about 2(1 years of age and unmarried. Vie wns also a brother of Patrick Donlln, form erly of this place, but now of Sayre. who was telegraphed to. and will make dispoHltlon of tho remains. Judge Dunham was here yesterday and listened to the testimony and argu ments concerning the Injunction re straining the Nicholson borough school directors from Incurring any further Indebtedness for the purpose of com pleting the school building already be gun and well under way. The prelimi nary Injunction was ubt'alned upon the representation that the directors were about to exceed the legal limitations In the amount if Indebtedness they were likely to Incur for the borough. If they went on and completed the building as proposed. Therefore It was desired to have the injunction made permanent. The directors replied by saying they had no Intent to exceed the constitu tional limit of Indebtedness, and the question finally narrowed Itself down to " whether an ordinary assessment upon which, taxes were to be collected should be construed as Indebtedness. The Judge reserves his decision In the matter until Saturday next. S. W. Dickinson has purchased the S. H. Slckler property on Harrison street and will occupy It as soon as the present tenant vacates. A narrow guage rnllway, to connect with the tLehlgh Valley at Mehoopany and run back to 'Hlcketts, or perhaps connect with the State Line and Sulli van road. Is among the new projects up In that section. The right of way Is now being solicited through Forkston township, and the parties who are work ing It up are the one who have been prospecting for minerals there of late. LAKE ARIEL. On Monday evening, proprietor Simons, of the "Columbia." gave a grand bouffe supper In honor of his guests and their friends. The affair surpassed In point of magnificence ev ery other event of the season. Tho dec orations were Oriental In design and consisted of Japanese lanterns en twined among beautiful clusters of evergreens and palms. Many talented people from throughout the neighbor ing counties were present and displayed their skill In vocal and Instrumental selections. Among those who contributed to the entertainment were Misses May Keat ing, of Plttston; Claire and Margaret Horan, of Dunmore, and Messrs. Smith and Hamm, of Scranton. An elaborate supper was served and dancing was Indulged in up to a late hour. About seventy-five guests were present. DURYEA. The Misses (Rosa and Lottie Benedict. of Bloomsburg, formerly of this place, are visiting friends here. Arthur Wilson enjoyed the cooling breestej at the beach on Sunday last. miss Carrie Hheboit. who ha been vis iting her Bister, Mrs. Dr. Tier, has re turned to her home In Elmhurst. William Mnlnwarrlng left yesterday for Boston. Mis Edna Hughes has returned from Philadelphia, where she has been visit ing friends.- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marcv re so journing at Ocean Grove. Miss Viola Velt. of West Pltston. spent yesterday with the family of her uncle, J. P. 'Richards, of this place. j. it. varr, or Hcranton. was call no- on friends here yesterday. THE USE OF ALUMINUM. The New Mineral Is Now Mined and L'tltlxod In Vast Quantities. From the Brooklyn Ragle. During last year 650,000 pounds of aluminum was mined In the United States. The metallic millennium ought in on at nana, -mat number or pounds represents an enormous bulk of metal. It Is common. Every clay bed has it. Every brick house contains a lot. It abounds In corundum;- The new min eral, bauxite, is rich In It. The exoehsa of Its extraction, that threatened to keep, it out of the market altogether, has become relatively slight. Bo, why not ships and tools and houses and guns and bicycles and All sorts of other things Instead of burdensome ami rusty Iron? To be sure, aluminum and nlea not tn burden the language with a needle letter by calling it aluminium has not lived entirely up to the expectations that were aroused about It; It dents and bends and is not as ductile as they said It was going to be; but It ts bright and clean and light, and perhaps with some steadying alloy of other metals It will find Its way Into a thousand forms for human service. JV NOT TUB SAME AUCE..V-. ' U Oh, don't you remember Sweet Alice, Ben JOII, . . . flweet Alice whose Tialr was an lirown Who wept). wUh delight, when you gays nor amiie, . And trembled la-foai at your frown f A few year have changed Sweet Alice, ' . .Den ouii, ; , . She now has a wheel of liar owl And arrayed, in blue hteomer last lit hr too aoon, ... i . Bwet Allc goat soorohlna' atana. : . . . Thit Insist upon WW flVic 118 Jill's Ml DeM In the bouse f Why. (he wise mother. Because, when taken internally K cures In a few minutes, Cramps, Spasms, S6ur Stomach, Heartburn, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Sick Hea&tchr, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Summer ' Complaint, Colic, Flatulency and all internal pains. DOSE Half a tewpoonful In half a tumbler of water. Used externally, it will cure Rheumatism, Nouralela, Mosquito Rites, Stings of Insects, Sunburns, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Coughs, Colds and all throat troubles. Railway's Ready Relief, aided by Rail way's Fills, will cure Fever and Ague; Ma larious, Bilious and other Fevers. Fifty Cest Bottle. 814 by Brarcurta. HABWAY CO., Mew York.; RAD WAY'S PILLS. pert'ct digestion, roinpUta aMlnillatlon anil healthful regularity. Cura coaailpatlen anri i iuni iia of anpioaamiit aTiupiiim ana raja vxasU th syiUin. it cnta box. All drug gisis. MONEY IN GAUUAGL. From the Syracuse Post. It aeeiiis fairly wuh demonstrate.! that the only aunitury sclentltlc meuns of dis posing of Kaibuge Is by the uo of heat. There uie jnuny different plan of ac complishing tho object, tut tho roduction of KarbiiKi' to tho form or ashes is at the bottom of them all. As in some other thiiiHS, Kntiluiid is alitud of us III this mutter. Kxperiments are now being niuile and are tu be made on a still larger scale for the burning of tho rvfuay of Lundon In such a way that tho hiut given off by combustion may be traiiHfornied intoeleu trio cncrKV, ami thus made a wealth pro ducer. London produces, so statistics say, 1. Usj,uuu tons of rofuse per annum. Vari ous expudlunts have been tested for the disposition uf this immense amount of wuste. It hus been carted to sea for a good many years, but this Involved great expi;e and crematories became more and more lurgely adopted both In London and In other Kugllsh cities,, until now the cro million system Is In common use. A French engineer succeeded not long KO In contriving a furnace with a power ful natural draft by the aid of which re fuse anil rubbish is consumed without smoke or smell. One of these furnaces I now In operation lit Halifax tn Yorkshire, and is said to produce enough heut by tho burning of thn irorbuRe to opftrato several 2, iO-randle power arc lights and a search light of 25,iW0-cnndle power. From experi ments made with these furnaces, results have been secured to prove that In 'each ton of garbage there Is an equivalent of from one-third to one-fifth of a ton of coal. These results are encouraging in the extreme, for they show that the time Is coming when cities will not only be re lieved from ths necessity of puylnig to have their garbngo removed, but that be fore long garbage will be an actual source of revenue. If the llaby I Cutting Tocth. Mrs. Winslow' Soothing Syrup has htm ued for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mother for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Soften the Oums, Allay all Fain; Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remody for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in ev ery part of the world. Be lure and ask for "Mm. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents bottle. SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE real estate on Friday, the 13th day of (September, 1M5. Hy virtue of a writ of levari facias Issued out of the Orphans' Court of Lackawanna county, to me directed, I will expose to public sale by vendue or outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the Court House In the city of Scranton, Lackawanna county, on Friday, the 13th day of September, A. 1). 1S9&, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, all that cer tain lot, piece or parcel of land situato in, the city of Scranton, county of Lacka wanna, and state of Pennsylvania, known and distinguished on J. Herman's mop of South Hyde Park as lot number seventeen (17) In block number fifty-three (M), being 50 feet in front on Twelfth street, the name width in rear and one hundred and fifty feet In depth, bo the same more or less, being the same lot of land conveyed t John I). Davis, now deceased, by W. H. Jessup, trustee, by deed, dated tho seventh day of August, A. l-. 1SS3, and rcorded in Luckawnnna county tat Deed Hook No. 12, page 6t-l coal and mineral reeerved. All improved with a single frame dwelling house two stories high and outbuildings. Aelxed nnd taken In execution s,t the suit of Mary lloyd vs. Kslate of John D. Da vis, deceased. Debt, 1309. No 651, Series A, Orphans' Court of Lackawanna county, lev. fa. to Oeifobw Term, 18ti. W. OAYLOKD THOMAS, Attorney. All of which will bo sold for cash only. FRANK H. CLKMON8, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Scranton. Pa.. Auuust 22, 18U5. A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHAKQB WILL BE LESS THAN 26 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIEfl TO BMALL WANT ADS. EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FHSU. Hlp Wantad-Mal. UUU Pain' "l-ait Day of Pompoll." Ap ply at tii door of the Frothlnitham theatre tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 7 o'clock. IJIIOTO TICKET A0KNT8 AND PICTURE mau can kisrn of a film position by ad dressing WILLIAM U. PL ATT, Elm truot, Camden, N. J, w ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN Ti-rv town to solicit stock aulavn-ln. tions; a monopoly; big money for agent: no capital required. EDWARD tt FIBH A CO, Borneo moua, buioago. iil iALKSMKN - RESIDENT BALEBMEN wanted, acquaint! with the local and nearby drug and grocery trauo, to haodl our line or mgn grans cicar. Aaarow, giviri reference. J. EDWARD COWLKd A Oil. li Chambers itreet, N. Y, . . Halo Wanted Famalaa. WANTED IM MEDIATELY TWO ENKR-" imtlo saleswomen to ranraasne Guaranteed ft) a day wlthont Interferiag with other d ii tin. Healthful omraputlon. write for particulars, Inclosing sump, Mango Chem ical Company, No. 71 John street. New York, IML AVVVWfVNAVVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV OHT-un UUAY EVENINO. DE I twesa trainer avenue ami Pirat lnk. terlan conrob, lady' gold rimmed ye-la. f,B5!f.,l!i!!,5rTl!r"eabT..f.e,nrln H. Want) To IxeHani. Wuuuu VIBJ". " ju.ha FIRST cUet nlam la par feci order for a moot nalrac ro4 horn, Adirw MERCHANT, . A WtftA) VIMVft 0 E C EOT RrrYOUNOLADIM Olt Day of Pompeii." Apply at itage door of th Frothlnghem th-tre tomorrow (Thur. day ) evening at 7 o'olook. 0iniim!lll7 Mid-Summor WANT m imo oiinTO nniiii in -i a IIIMIIl UUIIIIWI ALL GO AT A SWEEPING REDUCTION. Three Very Special Numbers In Gowns AT 65c, 750.900. Actually Worth Double, Our line of high-priced Gowns, worth from $3.00 to $4.50, all go at about half price. SKIRTS FROM 50c. TO $2.25. CORSET COVERS FROM 20c. TO $1.25. DRAWERS FROM 25c. TO $1.00. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: We have received another large shipment of Crepon Silks at 50c. in new designs and colors. The enormous sale and the compliments we have had on this Silk Sale is substantial evidence that this is a bargain worth looking after. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, gsil.,'ue' For Rant HOU RENT s-ItOOM HOt'SE; ALL IM V prnvonients; close to street car. Inquire 418 N. lrvlug are. l' FOB A-ROOH HOL'HE; LARGE AT B I eJ tie and cellar, bath, hot and eold watnr, range, etc. on Murritinld court ROBERT MERHIKIELD, ail) (Spruce stroet. 1XB RENT FURNISHED ROOM. WITH r or without board, auitablo for two per son. liM Adam ave. 1011 KENT A LA ROE, 4-HTORY BUILD Ing at ltti Franklin avenue; suitable for wboleeale biulaoas. CARSON A DAVIEd, Hirautuc L"OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOURE ON WEST 1. Lackawanna avu. Addrosa THOMAS K EVANS, sear llMJ Lusorna, Hyde Park. J'fOB RENT NICELY "FURNIMHED UALL ..,Jn!",bJ" ,or ,odf room. JOHN JEK MYN, 110 WyomlUK uvenue. For Sal. rpo INVKSTOKH-OHAND OPPORTUN- -a iiy. immense mark-in of profit. Finn culm pile and land in hoart of the city, directly on several of the (treat railroad., auit able fur manufacturing Kite, depot, ware House or etorauo ite requiring switch room nd railroad facilitic; also miltablo for build ing lot.; convenient to the largoet induatrie Of tbenitr: irreat ounnrtnnitv for nitrtv with enterprise nnd push; ran be inaile to pay iin- m-imriT. ror particular call upon w. UIB SON JONES, 311 Spruce t VOn 8ALECHEAP-LARHE HOUSE AND r birn and one mm of ground at Ualton, Pa. Address J. L. Hwarts, Daltou, Pa., or H. D. Swart. 223 Spruce trot, city. UOR SALE AT REASONABLE FIGURES, r a lot of Hoe & Co.' iron pipe composi tion frames, single and double; alaa a lot of Kooker case, lu Dnlra. soma extra denth. All only sligbtlv usod and good as now. Add rex inquiry to BUSINESS MANAGER, The Trio una, Scranton. l'a. Situations WanUd. AMAUR1ED MAN WHO HAS HAD MANY rears' cincrience with horae. wiahue a pixitinn; well recommended. Addrosa J. j. U., V -J ...... nwi.. SITUATION WANTED TO GO OUT BY the dav waahin and irnntnir; waahlnir taken homo also. Call or address L U, 3St N. Sumner ave. STENOGRAPHER AND TYPEWRITER Younelndv. well oiiulidud berinnnr. de sires position. Address L., Tribune office. A WIDOW WITH ONE CHILD WOULD like a place as honsekeeoer. Call or ad dress 'Mb, Kroaslcr court. WANTED-A SITUATION BY A YOUNG man as Janitor or nlo-ht watchman! nana of city references Address U. Scranton, Pa. 1 lOHITION WANTED-BY EXPERIENCED I salesman In drv voods: best refHrenoar. Address A, M. H., Trlbuno ofllco. DRUGGIST, REGISTERED, WANTS PO sition as clerk or manager: 1! veara' ex. perlonco; city or country. Address DuUGS, car Scranton Tribune. A WIDOW WITH TWO CHILDREN want a Doe.lt Ion as honseksener. Call or address V. M 8)6 Onwsld court. Stockholders' Meeting. rpilE ANNUAL MEETING OF THR JL stockholders of The Scranton Vorsiinr Compnny for the election of director, and the transaction of other business will bo held at tho oltlee of the company, in th citv of Hamil ton, on Weduasdsv, Angnat ftth. 1SD3, at 8 o clock p.m. K. r. CHAMUEKLIN.Soc'y. Agent Wanted. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE: 23 tier cant, commission: asiartle book mailed free. Addreta L. N. CU, BUtlon L, new ior. AT ON CE AGENTS APPOINTED TO ell now liitlitninc seUiiis table cloth. mos quito and house fly liquid at ill rents and M cents a bottle. 'Sample free. BOLGIANO U F O Co., Baltimore, lid. A GENTH-HINDE'ri "PATENT UNIVER snl Hair Curlers and Waver fnsod with out host), end "Pyr Pointejd"Hlr Pins. Lib oral commission. Free "ample and fnll par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 16. New York. WANTED ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle our lino, no peddllnc. Sslarv. f75 per month and expense paid to all. Goods entirely new. ' Apply quickly. V.O. Box, WUo, Boston, Ma. Business Opportunity. INCREASE YOUR INCOM E. DEAL WITH responsible homo, f IDOto tUW per month made easily by our safe method plan of specu lating In stocks and grain. We Inane the only book telling how It can be done; sent free to any one. Batik reference given. P. J. WA- K KM A CO., 08 Beaver kb, Mew Yark. Special Notices. NOTICEON AND AFTER MAY 1, I will make a monthly tour of the follow ing places giving free open air advertising ex- niomons wim ine siereupiionn: 'tayiorviue, Hyde Park, Providence, Dickson Olvphant, P.ekvlUe, Archbatd, J or my n. Exhibition given on Wednesday and Friday of each week daring the month, the rates for adver tialnir are 110 nor month. Address K. H. Call, Tribune office, city. rpHB SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." J. You want this rello. Contain all of Prank Leslie famous old War Ilcturcshow taia the foroes In aotual liattle. sketched on the pot. Two volumes, 2,0uu pictures. Mold on sy monthly payment. Delivered by ex press complete, all charge prepaid. Address P. a MOODY, K3 Adams Ave., Ssranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA tlncs. etc.. bound or rebound at Th. TniBUNa ofllce. Vulck work. Reasonable price. Retail liquor Dealers' Mooting. AN IMPORTANT MEETING OP THE RE tall Honor dealers of this eltv and vicinity will be held on Wednesday. August 24, at . p. m., at Mnsio Hall, Scranton, Pa. (strayed. STRAYED TO THE PREMISES OP CARL TON LETCH WORTH. Chestnut street. Dnnmore, s large whit and brows fit Ber nard dog. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAPT, PORCELAIN, unage ana irown wore., unus, , ra TTaaaiii.iuii Kveime, 0. C, LAUBACH. BURGBON DCNTMT. R, M. BTRATTON, oWlCJfl COAL SX- snK at &. Salo of Ladios' Muslin Undorcoar. rrno 1 FURUITURE UIHO THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO. . Lack! lis., Cor. Idami Physicians and SurKcons. bRTarEDOART DEAN HAS REMOVED to 611 Spruce street, Scranton, Pa. (Just oppolte Court Housa Square.) DR. KAY, mNNVB.Ti i to l "pTlnTj call 2(s3. Dis. or women, obstretrlc and and all dis. of chll. DR. A.' 3. CONNELLi OFFICE Ml Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Krancke's drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vine at. Ofllce hour: 10.10 to 12 a. m. and S to 4. and 6.30 to 7.30 p. m. Buu day, 2 to S p. m. DR. W. B. ALLBM, OS North WsskuujUo avenue. DR. C. L. FREY. PRACTICE LIMITED disease of tho Eye. Enr, Nose and Throat: office, 122 Wyoming ave, Resi dence, 520 Vina street. DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Ofllce hours, t to a. ra., 1.30 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 30 Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. BATESON. RELIABLE SKIN, Tumor and Cancer Specialist. Tuesday and Fridays, at 606 Linden street, of llce hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN ft KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellor at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue. Scran ton, Pa. JESSUPS & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law. Commonwealth oulldlng, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP. HORACE E. HAND. W. H. JESSUP. JR. PATTERSON A WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; offices ( and I Library building , Boranton. Pa, ROSWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorney and Counsellors, Common, wealth building. Rooms U. 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room &, Coal Exchange, Scran, ton. Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms 63, 64 and 6a, Common wealth building. SAMUEL w7 EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Ofllce, 317 Spruce at., Scranton, Pa. L, A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 421 Lackawana ave., 8cranton, Pa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Ijlw, Dime Bank Building, Scranton. Money to loan In large sum at i per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT law, Commonwealth building. Scran- ton. Pa. C. COMEQY8. 321 SPRUCE STREET. dTb. r.EPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 401 Spruce street. v. fTkillam, attornyat-law. 120 Wyomlnir ave., Scranton, l'a. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 45 commonweaitn bia g. acranion. J. iL C. RANCK. IM WYOMINO AVaV Seeds. O. R. CLARK ft CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nursery mon; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North ftlaln ave nue; store telephoe 718. Architects. EDWARD H. UAVI8. ARCHITECT. Rooms 24, 25 and 26, Commonwealth building. Scranton. B. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of 606 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT, 435 Spruce U, cor.JJVashave., Boranton. BROWN ft MORRIS, ARCHITECTS. Price building, I2t Washington avenue, Scranton. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association win lean jva money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. Callender. Dime Bank building. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR ill LACK A wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screen. Teas, GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Schools.' SCHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa., prepares boy and girl for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re auest. Open September 9. H REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and Bcnooi, Hi! Auamn avenue, open Sept. t. Kindergarten $10 per term. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wta dings and concert work furnished. For term address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'a music (tor. MEOARQEB BROTHERS. PRINTERS' UPPIte, envelope, ynmr vws", twiua. Warehouse, IM Washington ave.. Scran, ton, Pa.- " - FRANK P. BROWN A CO, WHOLE sal dealer In Woodware, Cordage and Oil CJothjJealJkawannaj THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant ana auuiior nwm. aa William BuUdlng, opposite postoffloe. Agent for Ue Haa Ftrs totingulaaeft l.-i IWI i ii UPHOLSTERED. I EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. REASONABLE CHARGES TRY US. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 12S and 127 FRANK llu avenue. Kates reasonable. p. Z1EOLER. Propri.tor. BCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D. L. A W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York, Rates, 13.50 per day and upwards.' (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLB. Proprietor. Pioneer of the hotel cen ter in New York city. Noted for Its superb Iocs tlon. superior room and excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for giving MORE VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any first-class hotel la tho world. Facing Central Park, Uth and ISth eta., Plaxa Square and Fifth avenue; reached by any uptown cars, and the ! erosatown car at 59th St., which latter ln ; tersect all surface and elevated roada; ' terminal station 6th ave. L road within ! half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plan. Drinking water and ice used I vaporised and froxea on the premises, and eertlfled a to purity, by Prof. Chandler. F. A. HAMMOND. Tllfc) WIADSOR HOTEL m a, SI MS L (Occupying aa entire block ea Fifth Areas between 46th sod 47th St.) " H1WK 1 UIPTHFRRFF PRnPWJTOBi The American and Esropeaa Plana. Room with Board, $4.00 and upwards per day. Room without Board. $1.80 and upwards per day. The cuisine and service nsenrpaetse. The Latest and Most Approved Saaitar Plumbing. Newly deocrated sad lerarsisasd. Five Minutes' Walk from urand Central Station. Medical. LADIES! ChlcKetter'i Cntjiih Pennyreval Pit Spring House ' U. E. CROFUT, Prop'r. Heart Lake Pa. Altltsde nearly 2,009 feel Pine groves and beautiful scenery. Boose new and well tar nished; but three minutes' walk from D, L, A W, station, and lui feet from the lake, GOOD BOATS, FISHING TACKLE, Daadng F rillon, 8 wing. Croquet Orenads. et&, PRKI to Quest COLD SPRING WATER AND PLENTY OP MILK. RATES REASONABLE, trrit for circular. OF SCRAMTOH. L 2YO.OOO 4. 0I1IEO PRoms, mji Special Attentloa GlTen to Baissi ui Pinoatl lecesSta. ' IITEREST PUB 01 TIKE DEPOSITS. Stooks, Bonds, and Grain. Bought and sold on Nsw TorH KzoDADgs and Chicago Board . ofTntdwaiUmAxfaju tnaigiav . O. duB. DIMTIICtC ' ' ; - 4U 5praK Hntt. : , ITOC3at?fl. Tiluassirr?! li " .1
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