TIIE RCBAlfTON .TRIBUNE MONDAY MOBNTNTJ. AUGUST 20. 1895. WiIkesBarre. rTh Prihnno has nnnd a branch of fice at No. . Lanlng building, Public Square. Wllkes-Barre. It la the purpose of the publishers to Issue a newspaper as valuable to the general public as the met ropolitan dallies, and deliver it to the peo ple throughout northeasten Pennsylvania from throe to Ave hours earlier than the Philadelphia and New York paper can reach tnemj BRIDGE AT WYOMING. A Company ' Is Formed end Stepa to Be Taken to uet a tnaner. At taut the nartles Interested In bridge over the river at AVyomlng have "got together," and step are now be ing taken to get -the worn unurr way a quickly as possible as the company ha been formed and a charter secured lor a bridge over the river at the east end of Klfc-hth street. It is strictly necessary, for heavily loaded teams cannot pull up the approaches at Sharpe's ferry, and are forced to go to Wllkes-Harre or Pittston to cross, thereby occasioning an extra amount of travel to get to tne several viii oppoalte Wyoming. The present char ter site Is the most available one for a brltlne alunsr the river for miles, being shallow water almost the entire dis tance across. The deepest point where a pier will rest la about eight feet. A bridge company of New York city had a representative In Wyoming on Aug. 23 looking up the matter and try ing to negotiate for the purchase of the new charter but what success has not mMa The stock of the "Wyoming Bridge company Is held by the following gen tlemen who are well known In the Wy omlng valley: F. J. Scouten. 8. S. Herring, attor neys at law: P. O. iMotVllttm. of AVllkes-Barre: W. K. Ch.inln and V. I. IBreese, of Wyoming. When the new bridge Is completed it will form the connecting link and make It possible to reach Harvey a Lake and a oxen rrom the east side of the river In a direct line and by the shortest route and save many miles of travel to the farmers coming from over the mountain to either WIlkesvBarre of Pittston and at the same time giving them the benefit of almost a continuous market on the east side of the river on their way to the above named cities. OFF FOR BOSTON'. Members of the Masonic Fraternity and Their Wives Join an Excursion. Pleu le Vent Commandery No. 45, Knights Templar, will leave this city this morning, to attend the triennial conclave, to be held la Boston on Aug. 27 2$ and SS. They go directly to Bos ton without change of cars, arriving at their destination about 8 o'clock this evening. They will be Joined at Pitts ton by Wyoming Valley Commandery, N. 57, Knights Templar, and at Car bondale by Palestine Commandery, No. 14. Knights Templar. Returning they will leave Boston on Thursday morn ing, the return trip taking in the White mountains. Lakes Champlain and George. Saratoga. Albany and the de lightful all-day ride down the Hud son river to New York city. The following will be In the party from this vicinity: P. E. C. Sir D. O. McCollum and wife. E. C. Sir Fred W. Tyrrell and wife. Sir Knights Charles Alarcy and wife. R. H. Scurreman and wife. Charles F. Wilson and wife, George Lewis, Isaac Vanscoy and Z. Wernet. C. A. Perrin and wife, Henry Schoo ley and wife, Benjamin Thompson and wife and iDr. Faulds and wife, of Lu zerne. Mr. Shonk and wife. Plymouth; Mrs. Spaulding, Tunkhannock:- Airs. Bur gess. Wyoming: Miss Marie Raub. Lu xerne: Miss Isabel Smith. Kingston. There will be about twenty-five sir knights from Dleu te Veut Command ery in Boston during the conclave. George H. Flanagan. John Hugh. W. A. Reichard, Frank Larned and S. J. Tonkin left on Aug. 20; Warren R. Bowman and E. W. Austin went Satur day afternoon, and John Lannlng, Ed ward B. Van Dyke, and Charles Lan dis went yesterday. A BEASTLY CRIME. A Man Commits an Assault on ills LHtla Half Sister. On Saturday night Charles Black, aged 35 years, and an employe of Courtright's stables, was arrested charged with a criminal assault upon his little step-sister, aged eleven years. The parties both live in Stetler"s alky, with their mother, and the assault was committed on Friday night. Black took his little victim out for a car nage ride, and drove across the North street bridge. They got out of the car riage and the little girl, never think ing her brother capable of such evil, went with him Into the woods, where the arlme, one of the most horrible In Lucerne's history, was committed. The girl was unconscious, and, putting her back In the buggy, lilack drove to Itr. Roe's residence, on North Wash ington street, and asked the physician to administer a hypodermic Injection to the girl, explaining that she bad had a fit. The doctor did so, and Black drove home with her. When their mother became aware of the nature of the crime, she called In lr. Roe, who examined the girl, and learned for the first time what was the trouble. He called In Dr. Walters, and the physician together Informed the police of the situation, and Black's arrest followed. He was Jailed and will be given a hearing today. When arrested Black was packing his trunk, and preparing to leave the town. Mrs. Black Is nearly destitute, depending entirely on the wages of her son to keep her from starvation. The llttlo girl was taken to the hospital yester day by Humane Agent Walters, where the best of care will be given her. THIEVES STILL AROUND. The Hons of Charles Greenawalt on South Main Street Entered. The house of Charles Greenawalt on South Main streeet was entered and thoroughly ransacked last ftaturday. A couple of men were seen loafing around, and afterwards the same men carried away a big bundle ofclothes they had stolen. Burglars also attempted to enter the house of George Knterllne, on South Main street, on Friday afternoon, but were seen and frightened away. One of the tramps arrested In nut ter's grove on Friday Is a man named Riley. Sergeant Kline, who has been FACIAL HUMOURS Prevented by . A SHAHED TO BB MEN because of disag nrtog mefeU b amours is the condition of thousands who lira la Ignorance of toe foot that la Cuticuba Soap Is te be foaad the panst, sweetest, and most effectlre skin pari fler aad BsautHer In the world. For pimples, blackheads, red and ofly ski a, red, feagk Beads with thspelsai nsilstdrjr,thia,aa4 fall, log hair, It Is woaderfsl. . . . SSfl . aaaasU askisSBBl ta W Mai M fasBBBBvgaijyBj IBBsrasj. bTIHB VMI Wi Fw fi sTe- a, I, j HkTewe.. UMhml r w m watohlng Riley for several days, says he is the "spotter" of the gang. Yes terday he was on Union and River streets begging from door to door and asking servants for the lady of the house. If informed that there was none of the family at home, he would make Inquiries as to their whereabouts and how lung they- would be away. MISS KAISER 1IOME. She Is Met by a Pew Krload. at the Depot but Won't Be Interviewed. IMIss Sadie Kaiser arrived In New Vork on the City of Paris on Saturday, and reached this city on the 9.15 train that evening. She was met at the depot by a few of her Immediate friends and relatives and was at once driven to her home in' lana Place. She would not talk about herself, except to say that she had come home for rest and quiet, that she might study harder next fall. She does not appear to have changed much in spite of the fame she has won on the other side of the Atlantic. Miss Kaiser will give three or four concerts In Northeastern Pennsylvania within the next two months to assist her In com pleting her education abroad, as she expects to return to Knglnnd again in the fall and give her entire attention to her musical studies. CRUELTY TO CHILDREN. A Frisky Couple Arrested for Keeping a House of III Kepnte. On Saturday evening last, William Nener, a young married man. and his wife, were arrested on a churge of keeping a house of Ill-repute. The po lice reported that the pair live in two rooms at 2o South Canul street, and they have two vhilJivn, little girl of 6 and years old. 11. M. Walters, of the Humane society, heard of this case and yesterday made an Investigation which he said revealed the fact that the place was one of the vilest dens of the city, and he swore out a warrant for the arrest of Nener and his wife for cruelty to children. The hearing Is set down for 'Monday morning. Otto Loeb also had Nener a ested for keep ing a house of Ill-repute, on two war rants. These cases will also come up at the ourr.i time. WYOMING CAMP MEETING. Brief Reference to the Services of the Closing Day. Thursday afternoon. Aug. 22. Rev, W. B. Westlake. A. M., of Dallas, preached: text. John xlx. 5; subject. "Our Personal Estimate of, and Atti tude to. Christ Jesus. Evening services Rev. I C. Mur doch, of Ilkes-Barre. preached; etxt II Cor. II. 1(5; subject. "Probable Truth Should Be Investigated. The after-meeting was a service of much interest. Eight persons came to the altar; two married couples, three young women and a young man, Sev era! professed conversion. The meet ing closed with marching and singing. The twenty-fifth annual meeting was a successful one, gratifying in results to the association above the years im mediately preceding. Saturday's Storm. The storm that passed over this city on Saturday afternoon was the most severe that has visited ilkes-Barre for a year. A large number of awnings were carried away by the wind, and several chimneys fell before it. In front of tDr. L'rquhart's residence on South Frank lin street a big maple that has stood for years was torn down. A big elm on Union street went over and another fell across the electric car track on North Main street and delayed several cars. Up towards tMlner'a Mills, where the wind had freer play, the damage was greater. The wind storm lasted for about half an hour, but the rain con tinued for several hours later. Shot st Pittston. Early yesterday rr.ornlne; a shooting scrape occurred at Plttstoi. Two yount; m: named Gerrlty and McHush wei.i inf an tvley to light. Three shcn were fired, two of which struck McHugh In the leg and hip. He was taken to the hospital for treatment and his assailant, Cerrlty, was arrest ed and t'ougpt to Jail. BKIEFNOTES. George Metzear Is now In good health. Warden Boland thinks his 111 ne due more to insufficient food than anything else. a rie ciipioyes of the Axle works will hold a plonlc at Lake Ariel on Sept. IS, f..r me benefit of Paul Zumm, who was Injured In the shops sr me time ago. The .r.'holtc Mutual Benefit associa tion of V.'llkes-Barre and Plymouth will run nn excursion to Farvlcw next Wr-dr.iMday. The I.' nii-lt nlocl: on the corner of North 'Main street and Public square. will be completed about Jan. 1. John Ferry and Mixs Mary McKee- ver were married at St. Mary's church on Saturday evening last by l;tv. Fa ther Jordan. Steps are being taken to give the toll- keeper on the new turnpike the rights of a constable, that he may arrest those who resist paying the toll. John Kluker, who was married to a Wllkes-Barre girl about ton years ago, was drowned at Kmporla, Kan., a few days ago. Both he and his wife, who was Miss Mame Wler, were well known In this city. J. L. Halsey, who has been traveling In Europe this summer, has dnishod immo very Interesting letters for the lo cal papers. The funeral of John Tlennla. hn died on Friday, was held from his late residence yesterday afternoon. Inter ment was made in the Dallas cemetery. Cards have been Issued for the wed ding of Frank W. Miller, of this city, to Miss Carrie Black, of Centrnlla. it is iiKely that a Inrirn numlmr nf sports from this rltyVivlll go to flcran- ion on 'i nursdny to see the alley ball match between Thiimnn lilrVni.u ami James J. Corbett. Between ISO and 200 nrrmni will n to Harrlsburg on Tuesday In Judge Bice's Interests. Mayor Nichols Is after the limb .idl ers again. He says thev mni outside the city limits or oult the busi ness, as some or the bresent lnaiinn are a nuisance. A new entrance to thn tri.n m tlonal bank on the stvln of th sance, will be built In the near future. PITTSTON. rTtlA Hit t.tnn M, M piiV...-V . uiine or me ncranton ilHiH .h5" bT"1 l'enel W W. eraser, sxent. et Nn c w mil...... . . !,ri" S n1mn: cmp''"its of non-de-tr ,ob work of " d'scrlp. ..?!". 1"h?,,l, sddresse.1 and regular IHC" pi!on" rece,ved. Advertising and subscripts rates cheerfully submitted. A shooting affray occurred at a sa loon near the West End Saturday morning about I o'clock. Two young men named Gerrlty and Mollugh quarrelled and went Into an alley to light. Gerrlty fired at McHugh, wound ing him, twice In the leg and once In the hip. Ho was removed to the hos pital and Gerrity was arrested. 1 Miss Nellie Helm, of Philadelphia, Is spending a few days at her old home on Wyoming avenue. 'Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hughes, of Montgomery street, left town Saturday to spend a few days at Ocean Grove. About thirty persons from Pittston and vicinity will accompany the Knights Templar excursion to Boa ton today. Several members of the Toung Men's Christian association gymnasium are agitating the organisation of a foot, ball team and It Is understood that those Interested will call a meeting in a few days. It Is expected a strong team will be organised and they will begin practice at once. There la plenty of material In Pittston and we should have a good club. The city engineer gives notice to all property owners oa South Main Street, below Broad, who are not connected with the water main, that It la neces sary to do so at once, as the laying of the asphalt will begin this week. 'Mr. and Mrs. -Homer Buggies, of Broad street, and Mr. and airs. a. J, Cruaes, of Wyoming avenue, returned rrom Montrose Saturday evening. where they attended the soldiers' re union. The Misses Mary and Blanche (Emory nd Daisy Cogllier. of the West Side, were among the excursion ists who went to Ocean Grove on Sat urday. MIbs Ella Hughes, of Montgomery street, left town Saturday to spend two weeks with friends at Sayre. 'Michael Jordan Is home from Phlla delphla, visiting his parents, on North Alain street. The Congregational church, of West Pittston, will run an excursion to Ijike Ariel Thursday. Aug. S. Train leaves foot of old No. S plane, Broad street, at 8.10 a. m. The Bamuin and No. 10 shafts of the Pennsylvania Coal company will l cloned down today. All the otners win work. Alvln Touhlll. of Pittsburg, Is the gucxt of the family of John Touhlll on South Main street. Pittston Business Mrectorv. FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMIUNQ CAM on Wriuht A Co.. 7 South Main street A new raiiKe for sale or exehunge; also second-hand household goods, bought or old. AVOCA. On Saturday William Watson, of Pittston, visited Avoea at the request of the directors of the school district for the purpose of selecting a site for a new school building, to be erected, to replace the old No. S building, which is believed to be In a very poor condi tion and inadequate for school pur poses at the present time. Mr. W up turn represented the New Tork and Pittston Coal company, and generously titfiTfd live lotn for a school alt a una play grounds, free of charge. In a very desirable and convenient locality. Such a generous offer should merit the ap preciation and gratitude of the citlsens and people In general, who are interest. cd lu the wellfare of the public schools. It is to bo earnestly hoped that voters will on Tuesduy, Sept. 3, show their ap preciation of such kindness by coming out and voting for an Increase of the bonded Indebtedness of the district. In order that the present board of dlree tors may be enabled to start a new building which will stand as a lasting monument to the people of Avoea, showing their Interest in the progress of education. Patrick Qulnn, a laborer, employed at Law shaft, was seriously injured by a fall of rock on Saturday. He was conveyed to the home of his uncle, John Moore, of Spring street, where he la now resting quite comfrotably. L. J. Baxter and John McKenzle will leave tomorrow for Harrlsburg to be present at the Republican state con ventlon which will convene In that city on Thursday. Misses Ella Curran, Katie Brennan Agnes Gillespie, Vina Gibbons and Kate Cannon returned home on Satur day after spending a few weeks at Lake Ariel. .Mise Jennie Newlln and May San ders are visiting friends In Plains. In the case of Seamens & Hollister vs, Hendler, the former obtained judg ment for the total amount of their claim. Paul J. Sherwood looked after their Interests. Excavations for the foundations of the silk mill will probably be com' menced this week. The members of the Primitive Meth od ist Sunday school will picnic at Lincoln park today. John Burns Is seriously 111 at his nome in worth Avoea. Me mid Mr. David Brown, of Peck' vlllo, at: Js'trlK friends in town. ' PECKVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Hartman spent yesterday at Shlckshinny. Joseph English will leave today to take a course of studies at Manslleld State Normal school. A large number from here attended camp meeting at Salem last Sunday. Rev. Charles Thomas, Who has been visiting his brother, George Thomas, returned to his home at Philadelphia last Saturday. Master Joseph Page, the energetic Tribune carrier, spent Sunday at Shlckshinny. Dr. and Mrs. I. S. Graves, of Jermyn, was In town on Sunday. (Mrs. Homer English has returned "nome from a two weeks' visit at Mos cow and vicinity. Miss Anna MaylMead, who has been visiting her aunt, 'Mrs. Corey Jenkins, for the past week, will return this morning to her home at Pittston. All members of Lieutenant James G. Stevens post, 304, are requested to meet at their hall at 7.30 to make arrange ments for the funeral of their lute coin rude, B. T. llanllng. Having passed the seventy-fifth mile stone of life, Ellas T. Illardlng died yes terday afternoon at 4.40. The deceased was born at Hnrford, Susquidianna county, July 29, 1820, nnd has been a re spected resident of this place for the last twenty-five years, lie was a vet eran of the late war. He enlisted as a sergeant on Aug. 30. 1861, In Company M, Fourth regiment of Pennsylvania cavalry, ami served three years. He was wounded at Malvern Hill. He mustered as a comrade of Lieutenant James G. Stevens post, No. SOI, Grand Army of the Republic, at Peckvllle on Jan. 25, ViHX Mr. Harding leaves a wife snd three children, one sun end two daughters, P. O. Harding, (Mrs. Thomas 'Pope and iMabel Harding. The funeral services will be held at the Baptist churoh next Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock and will be conducted by the Jtev. W. J. Guest, assisted by Kev. fl. ;. Klmpklns, of the iMethodlst Episcopal church. Interment will he made In Prospect cemetery. The fu neral will be under the direction of James G. Stevens post. Susquehanna papers please copy. MONTROSE. Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Riley, MIbs Holmes. Miss Kittle and Emma Riley, who have been staying at Montrose for a few weeks. 'left for Sliver lake Saturday. Glennl Page was In town Thursday. 8. J. Sparkes will leave for Rochester this week, where he has accepted a po sition as sales agent, for. a .Rochester nrm. Montrose can now boast of another paper which Is Issued twice' a week, the Sentinel. 'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur iRaynsford are visiting at the home of his parents on Maple street. Wrlghter 'Smith, of Owego, spent the week with relatives and returned home Friday, Lou and Fred Jlerrlck were the guests of their father on Lake avenue. Hon. Galusha Grow Is slated to speak at the Harford fair next month. Rev. Dr. Murphy, of Germantown, Pa., occupied the pulpit of the Episco pal church Sunday. Clarence Tltsworth Is able to leave aside the crutches after using them for nearly a week. The camp meeting- at Dlmock was attended by a large crowd from Mont rose. The Methodist ohuroh held no services so that the members of the ehurch may attend. The statement mad In the Sentinel to the effect that Governor Hastings was greeted with cheers for Quay upon hi arrival In this town on Wednesday last la erroneous. The governor was not accorded a reception In keeping with the dignity of his office, or a re ception that should have been given IS That insists upon fVV keeping i stock of i J I'll H Ms Beai Mel in the house) Why, tne vise mother. Beause. when taken iirteroilly it .cures in a few minutes, Crimps, Spasms, Sour Stomach. Heartburn Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Sick Head.ichf Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Colic, Flatulency and all internal pains. DOSE Half a tcaspoonf ill in half a tgtnblc; of water. Used externally, tt Will cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Mosquito Diles, Stings of Insects, Sunburns, Bruises, Burns, Scutds, Coueh5, Colds and all throat troubles. ItaAwny's Read; Relief, aided by Hail way's Fills, will cure Fever and Ague; Ma larious, Pilious ami other Fevers. . fifty Centi s fettle. Seld bj Dracfht KADWAY tt CO., New Vork., RAD WAY'S PILLS. Purely vegetable, mild and reliable, fausc perfect dlfMilon, foinilte aulmilatlnn N1 healthful regularity. Cure cimwlptlon nutl In loug liM of unpUuaaut symptom dJ rja rrnate the system. 13 cente buz. All drug fleU. any guest who had travelled many miles to accept an Invitation of this nature, but there were no cheers for Uuuy or any one else when he alluhted from the train at the station. HONESDALE. Mrs. Jeff O'Connell gave a birthday party to her daughter, Uoru, in honor of her ntxth birthday, on Saturday. Fifty-five children enjoyed, the pleas ures of the afternoon. Mrs. Elizabeth -Smith, (Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Hurlburt. who have been spending the punt six months at the. homo of W. A. (laylord and Mrs. H. O. Hurlburt, who bus been vlsltnlg at the Uaylord house the past few days, re turn to Philadelphia today. Emmanuel Freeman, the boss sign painter of Honesdnle, Will paint the banners of the .Maple City Wheelmen, advertising their bicycle races, Sept. 19. OLD FORQE, The excursion by the Brick church. Old Forge, and Mooslc Sunday schools to Lake Cawy on Thursday was well attended and enjoyed by all. Mr. and .Mrs. K. W. Howard are vis iting In New York. Theodore R. Harvey, D. D. S., and Misses Mame Harvey and L,lda Clllpln, of Qouldsboro, called on our new ticket agent, C. E. Eilenberger, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. K. Drake and Samuel Brodhead, sr., attended the veterans' reunion In Montrose this week. Miss J. May Brodhead, assisted by the PreBbyterian choir, will give an entertainment in Drake's hall on Fri day evening, Aug. 30. If fbo Bnby Is Cnttlng Teeth. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has bm used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child. Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in ev ery part of the world. He suro and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents bottle. A WORD. WANT8 OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID KOIt, IN AD-VAMI-TS U'HKN A ROOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGR WILL flW LKKS THAN it t'KMTd. THIS lilLU Jr Pl.lir.H TO HMAI.T, WANT ADS. EX- CKPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FRGb Lost IOHT-I.ADY'B SMALL SILVER WATCH. J gold lion 1b, nliont 4 p. ill. yeatonUy. lie. twron Leckiiwanns nwnno hridirn end Venn avcniio. Kinder pleaao loave st thi oflleo and rwoive rwri. Help Wanted Male. I )HOTO TICKET AGENTS AND PICTURK mon Cfin leurit i.f a flue ixm.tlon liv nd- droning WILLIAM U. I'LATT, VM Elm strmit, Camden, N. J. WANTED - KEMAIILH i'BKSON TO trsvnl: sal il v 87311 ami nxooninii: Incloiui rforcnr and wtf adlremad utimpoil onvul ope. I'KE.-tlliENT, Drawer P, Oilc-Hifo. ANTED WELL-KNOWN MAN IN evrrr town to aolielt atonk aultarriu. tlona; n monopoly; Ms money for nitonta: no capital reqiilrvd. KDWAltD C. r'lHII CO., Borden uiock, iuicako. hi. ' AI.K.HMEN - HKHIDENT HALESMEN wiiniefi, annuainieu wiwi me inrni ami nearuy nrnir ami urocnry train, v nanaie our Una nf hlttll aratle plirara. Addraav. irlvlnif rernreuccs, .1. EDWAUD COWL&4 Co., IU Helo Wanted Females. w ANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO ENEK entio mleroiiin to renrpant na. Onaranteml pJ a day without InUrftiriug with other dutlm. Healthful neRiiuatlnn. wrlto fur iiertlrulnra. luclrminir atamu. Mnmo Churn. iral Company, No. i John street, New York. for Rent IXlti KENT-KUK . IHKiEDIioTlMVAvTni or without hoard, suitable fur two i.r. son. I ill! Adama arc, jVH KKNT- A LARGE. -8TORY BUILD- 11 i. -. tin L' . i . i i . mik .- rmiiMtii, Rtrnuwi Buitaoin lur wholoaale business. C'AIIHON ft DAV1EH, Hcrati ton. L'OR RENT SIX ROOM HOUSR ON WEST 1. Lankawanria avennn. Adilpam TtfriM A.4 E. KVANH, aoar 1182 Lusorno, Hyde Park. L'OR RENT-NICELY FUKN IM H El) 11 ALL F anltAbln for luAtm mnma. Jf ill M Jh-li- UYN, 110 Wyoming ovmine. Situations Wanted. FBITIOM WANTEDBY A BALKSUAN well uiBerloncaa In drv nnil eerles, Address A Trlbaso otnee. 4JTKNOURAPHKR AND TYPBWR1TEH- sires poaltlon. Address L., Tribune offlce. A WIDOW WITH ONE CHIL WOULD like a place as bonaekaetiar. rwn dress 335, Kmslcr court. WANTED-A SITUATION BY ABOUND man aa lanitor or nlaht aiiaki..., . of city references Addieee l. Dcranton, Pa pOSlTIOM WANTED-BY EXPERIENCED II Si as la aleaee altuulai a. 7 , . Bu, mereBoer, Address A. M. B., Tribune offloa. DBUOOI8T, RKQISTEBED, WANTS PO. ution u elark nr muiftrt 11 tMiittiiM: eitv or nonntrva IddNsH nutnim WIDOW WiTH WO CHILDREN J .'l?.8 Hboaae keener. Ceil or .iddress V...M-. 316 Oswald court. Stoekheldera .Meetlrlg. 'BB -AlfNUAI, MKETINO Of THE SMbhalbkeSiM . ft!. a the omee of the eompeiy, la the city of Serae tea. on Wedaeadar, Aa-t ,0, , e'eleck p. a. ftf, ebAmZUM, bM'y. 01 Cdnhblly Mid-Summer who oiinTO nnnn HIIO. dillilld. Ulllll - ALL GO AT A SWEEPING REDUCTION. Three Very Special Numbers in Gown . . AT 65c, 75c. MD 90c Actually Worth Double. Our line of high-priced Gowns, worth from $3.00 to $4.50, all go at about half price. SKIRTS FROM 50c. TO $2.25. CORSET COVERS FROM 20c. TO $1.25. . DRAWERS FROM 25c. TO $1.00. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: We have received another large shipment of Crcpon Silks at 59c. in new designs and colors. The enormous sale and the compliments we have had on this Silk Sale is substantial evidence that this is a bargain worth looking after. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, gflS&tilSr Special Notices. NOTICE-ON AND ArTF.lt MAY I, I will make a monthly tuur of thn follow ing places Klvlnir free up.-u air advertising ex Inmiiuu. with tlie Bterotlcun: Taylorviiln, Hyde I'ark, Providence, Dickson Olynhaut, IVekTille, ArclibaM, Jermyn. Exhibitions mvim on WiHlm.'Iny and Friday of each weak daring tlia month, the ratus for sdver tin lift sr. flu per mouth. Address E. 11. Cull, Tribune onice, elty. "'FHE BOMiIEK IN OUR CIVuTwAR." I You want tula relic. Ontaina allot Frank Lculle's fnmouaold War Hcturca tliow ing the forces In actual buttle, sketched on tba aKt. Two volumes, '4UUU plnturoa, Cold on ay monthly pHVineuta. Delivered by ex jiroMi coiniiletn, oil charges prepaid. Addr.-wt I'. MOODY, Adams Ave., Hcranton. I'a. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, tinea, etc., bound or rebound MAHA at Tn a Thibunm office, prices. Vuick work. IteasonabU Agent Wanted. CALEBMAK TO CARKY BIDE LINE: V u per ceat. eommisalon; sainplo book mailed free. Addreas U N. CO., bUtlon L, ntw nors. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell now litflitulnit selliuK table cloth. mos quito and house tiy liquid ut 10 cents nnd U cents a Iwtle. Kauiiln free. BOLOIANO ai r u Co., Baltimore, Md. A GENTS HINDE'S IATKNT ITNIVEK. IX aal Hair Curlers and Wnvors fused with ent heat), and "I'yr Pointed"Hair Pins. Lib eral eonimUslons. Free sample and full par ticulars. Anuress f. u. uox too, mew lorx. WANTr D - ACTIVE 8ALKHMEN TO v V handle our line, no rwKldlliiif. Balarv, f 75 per month and expenses paid to all. Uoodi entirely new. Apply quickly, f.O. Box, W. uoston, aiasa For Sale. A Hv. Immense marcln of nrotlt. Pine culm pile and land in Jieart of the citv. uirucur on asverni or me Kreai rauroaas. suit able for mauufactiirinir sites, aopots, ware hnuans nr storage sites requiring switch room and railroaii facilities: also suitable for build ing lota; convenient to the Inreest industries oi me city; groat opportunity lor party with enierprue anu pusu; can Iw inane to pay im mensely. Fur i-artiaulars call upou W. OIU- sun jujm, an bprucost. T,OK H A LK CHE A P L A HUE HOUSE AND birn and one acre of ground at Daltoa, Pa. Address ,T. L. Hwarlz, Dnltoa, Pa or U. D. Swartz. 213 Spruce Btreet, city. FOR 8ALK-AT REASONABLE FIOURE8. a lot of Hoe & Co. 'a. iron dIdo eomnnai- tion tramc-a, single and doublo; also a lot nf Hooker cshos, In pairs, some extra depth. All only slightly used und good as new. Address inquiry to HUM1NKSB 1IANAUEH, The Trio tine. Bcranton, Pa. Notice, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN-WHERE-An mv srlfti R.lith has ltt mv hnA anil hoard without just cause or provocation, this is to give notice that 1 wdl not nay any debts nnntrat,,,! 1, hi riCnuHB 11 WUITP ItM Mrite, ra. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and burgeons. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVKD to 610 Spruce street, Hcrunton, I'a. (Just opposite Court House Square.) T i TJ ITAV 9nA UPVV AVE 1 t U t call 20t'i2.' Ills, of women, ebstrotrlue and anu an uis. oi cnn. Dr7 A. J." "CONNELU OFFICE SOI Waxhlngton avenue, cor. Bpruce street, over Kruncke's drug ntroe. Residence, Tii Vine Rt. Otnco hours: 10.30 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4. and 8.30 to 7.30 p. m. Bun day, 2 to 3 p. m. DR. W. B. ALLBN, ni North Waahlsgtoa avenue. DR. C. L. FREY, lMtACTICK I.1MITKD dlneascs nf the l.vo, Kur, Nose and Throat: olllce, 122 Wyoming ave, Rosi dnnce, 62) Vino stroet. DR. L. M. OATK8. 125 WASHINGTON avenue. OlDce hours. S to a. m., 1.30 to 1 and 7 to 8 p. ni. Residence 3m AluUI on avanuo. DR. J. C. BATKSON. RELIABLR 8KIN. Tumor nnd Cancer SpeclHllHt. Tuesdays and Frliluys, at KOTi Linden street. Of llco hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Dentists. DrTWILTTiAM ArTAFTTPORCELAIN? Ilrldgo nnd Crown work. Office, V21 Wnshlnglon avenue. C7 C"L A I T il A C 1 1 . 8 1 1 R OEO N Dfi NT I ST. No. lie Wyoming; avenue fiTlOTUAf'fON, OFF1CK COAL EX clinngu. Lawyers. WATIRKN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS nnd Counnellms at Law, Republican biilldlng, Washington avenue, ' Bcran ton, I'a. iEBSIirS HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Inw, Commonwealth oulldliig. Washington avenue. W. H. JESfllJP. JlORACE E. IIAND, W. H. JK88UP, JR. PATTERSON WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Lnw; oftlces I and I Library building , flrrnnton, Pa. R08WELL H. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED IIAND. WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building.' Rooms 19. 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room b. Coal Exchange, Scran, ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms i3, lit and SS, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNBY-AT. Law. Office, 817 Bpruce at., Bcranton, Pa. L. A. WATRES, Af TORNEY-AT-LAW. 423 Lackawana ave., Bcranton, Pa, URIH TOWN8END. ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building, Bcranton. Money to loan la Urge sums at per cent. C. B. PITCHER, ATTORNBY-AT Iw, Commonwealth building, Scran ton, Pa. C. COMgqYB, m BPRUCE BTRBBT. D. B. P.RPLOOLB, ATTORNEY LOAN8 negotlatea on real estate sacurlty. 401 : Bp rue. street . ; .. 4 JKIljW ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, " "iim . croranton, x-a. 4AB. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORtf'SY A jwwi w vwiubimbwwwib wq y, WOT' ""0 wan. J. M.0,BAC2,ti4K1 Salo of Ladies' Muslin Undonvoar. rrno FURNITURE t to THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO, Seeds. O. R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 14s Washington ave nue; green houko. 1350 Nortb Main ave nue; store tulepboe 702. Architects. EDWARD II. DA VI 8, ARCHITECT. Rooms 24, 25 and 26, Commonwealth building, Bcranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFF1C& rear of 4U8 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT, 435 Bpruce St.. cor. Wash, avo.. Bcranton. BROWN ft MORRIS. ARCHITECTS. Price building, 12e Washington avenue, Bcranton. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on investment mm any ouier association. Call on B. N. Callender, Dime Bank ouiiuing. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR 511 LACK A - wanna avenue, Bcranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Bcranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for co Hue or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue, opens Sept. 9. Kindergarten flO per term. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address It. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store. MEGARUEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave.. Bcran ton, Pa. FRANK P. BROWN ft CO WHOLE sale dealers in Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms It and 2 Williams Building, opposite postoUlce. Agent for tho Ho Fire Extinguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELM CAKE, 125 and 127 FRANK- lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EOLER, Proprietor. BCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. ft" W. passenger dopot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, Now York. Rates, 13.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLE, Proprietor. Pioneer of the hotel cen ter in New York eltv. Noted for Its superb loca tion, superior rooms and excollont cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for giving HOUR VALUE) FOR THE PRICE than ar.y first-class hotel In the world. Feeing Central Park, 6Sth end 59th st., Plaza Square and Fifth avenue; reached by any uptown cars, and the crosbtown cars at 59th st., which lattor In- torsect all surrare and elevated roads; terminal station tin ave. L rond within half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plans. Drlnkln, water nnd tee used Is vaporised and froxeit on the premises, and terttlled as te purity by 1'roi. inanaivr. . mamaiu.mj. THE WINDSOR HOTEL NEW YORK. (Occupying an entire block on Fifth Aveons between 4nth and 47th Sta) HAWK & WETHER3EE, PROPRIETORS. The American and European Plees. Rooms with Board, $4.00 and upwards par day. Rooms without Board, $1.50 and upwarda par day. The cuitine and service unsurpassed. The Latest and Most Approved Hani tar Plumbing. Newly ded' rated and refurnished. Five Minutes' Wnlk from UrsndCeatral station. Medical ami IDI Bat CMcheihy's fourth Penyryl Liixasmai !), ara the .'';;''": Cktnkesisr ( WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton. ROOMS 4 AND a, Qaa and Water Co. Building, CCKU1 WTOXIXa AYR, IID CUIU It omoa botju if.a a wl tola, avi laaar oa4 aappe.) (X hoar latermlasioa for ltelic.ti&r Attest!:! Giratt Cclltctlcu Pretapt aettleaseat Oaaraateeel . ' TaiaanaM Na. 04. ; Mama m UPHOLSTERED. EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, REASONABLE CHARGES. TRY US. 6o2nd 663 lackL lie., Gor. Adams. NEW 5 East Stroudsbg, Pa. The FALL TERM of tbia popular Institution opens Monday. September 2,1695. Out location is one of the moat beau tiful and Picturesque summer resort regions o. the etAts, Bulldines are new end comfortably fumiibed. Good Boakdivo a recog tized feature of tba School D jpartmen'jE In addition to all other departments In the Normal Schools tve bae included in our Man ual Training Department, the Art of Plaid and Ornamental Sewing, Drese uiabing, Cutting and "itD'ng, free to all lady pupils. Send for our new il Ij.tratcd catalogue. Address GEO. P. BIBLErA. M., Ml" East Stnmdstag, Fa. Spring House , U. E. CROFUT, Prop'r, Heart Lake, Pa. Alt! rode nearly S,Ono feet Pine groras aa& beautiful senary. Honae new and wall for nlsbed: but three minutes' walk from D, L W, station, aad HO feet from the lake. GOOD BOATS, FISHING TACKLE, Dancing Pavilion, 8 win m, Croquet Grenada, etc, FUXB to aesste- COLD SPUING WATER AKD PLENTY OF MILK. RATES REASONABLE. Write far circular. 1 IM M OF SCRANTON. Hill $200,000 270.000 60.000 III Special Attention Gites to Business end Personal Accounts. INTEREST PAID 01 THE DEPOSITS. Stocks, Bonds, and Grain. Bouirht and sold on New Tork Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, either for oath or oa margin. O. duB. DIMillCK, 4U Sprue Street. LCCIL STOCKS S SPECtfiLTI, TaloeneaoSOOa. call up eax OILS. VINEGAR AND CIDER. crnoE ANO WARIMOUSX - MlTOUlJaUSIOUN i Hi iw tA. W. OOUUINO, M'cfrw T I .''.I"