The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 23, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Carbondal? NeWs.
HaxfettM Proved Er Mark for Mr.
Swift's Man.
The greatest third base man In the
business was at Anthracite park yeslec
day afternoon. He hae been there be
fore, but never wa hi presence more
effwtively and triumphantly manifest
ed than In Nit game. He Is no ex
perlmetrt&l young blood whose good
game waa an acoldtnt. but a thorough
paced, nervy old war-horae. who ha
Just -reached the meiillh of his ability.
1 know that jnany of my rtadera will
utter approving "hear! heaT!"a when
1 say thait the name of thla Illustrious
athlete Is Eddie Sales.
Kdwynne, or Kddie for short. bliRhit
ed tha hopes of fourteen ambitious and
ufpinn gvnttemen from the future
county sea of Quay county. Thirteen
of these he naiiled outright. nd the
fourteenth became entanRled In the
mieyh of a double play which was beau
tifully started by the busy Eddie. Every
change of Eddie's was a hard one.
lanny Shields also had a Held day at
second base. He fairly reveled In
stopping grounders and awkward
bounders. "Corch" Stalti got In his
usual p.xportlon of runs. Juek Luby
l.ltcheil a game remarkable for the
head-work displayed therein. He iwvvir
gnve the enemy a chance for their lives
after we took the had. McVey did th?
boat work for Hazleton
"Corch" ctMsed himself around the
ba.s in the IVrst on his base on balls
nnd Graham's delirium treme.ns throw
lno the bleachers when Shields hit him
a twwer.
A gorgeous bouquet of six blooming
runs came to our table In the third
"Corah" was Indebted to lira ham for a
I!fe. Danny Shlolcls helpeil along the
good uie with a single. L'atchcn sent
'Co.cli" km. by a rinijlevind landi-d
iMnuy on third by tln same operation.
Puirhr-n Mi second nnd he and Dan-ti!-ell
came home when Hill smote one
on th trade mark for a cracking Bin
gK MiHjuaJ? pushed Bill to the ec
on.l divan with the tlfih successive stn
gK and Ve.tlake sent them both to
home anl mother with Ivaiviful
it h it ,-hu ??:-! ti right venter. Eddi?
B.ilea brousht West In by sending a
long fly to Anggie Moran and then we
slipped for reCrwrunents.,
"Corch" counted airiln in the fourth
on Mr. Fuller's embroidered error, a
r.tfal ant! Patchen' two-bagger. Patch
took third on OhilJ' error, and sco'.ed
on Ma?sey's long lly to McVey.
Wt'itwl made the tenth run In ho
rlx-th Inning on his base on balls and
Rraltss's two-batfger. "Corch" made his
fourth run cf tlv. game a moment later
on CbiMs' reconl error.
Th c:vr f.'ilcvi got the!" runs
somehow anil everyhow; It really does
n;t miMiT anyhow, as long as they
fai'od to win.
Today's. game will he for gore and It
will b Mu? H:izton!'tii goiv at that.
AVe will have It In tiucketfuls. and "Yo
?f" Yerkes, who will pitch for us. will
draw It In bucktfu!?. "Little Napo
leon" Jordan will olllciate for the vic
tims. Following is a resume of he victory:
,. , . R- H. O. A. E.
Btaltx. cf 4 110 0
ShleMs, 2b 115 3 0
Patchen. c 2 2 4 1 0
Maey. lb 1 2 1J 0 1
MrQuade, f 1110 1
Westlake, rf 110 0 0
8als. 3b 0 0 3 1 0
Wetzel, ss 1 0 0 4 1
Luby, P 0 0 0 5 0
Totals 11 g 27 23 3
R. H. O. A. E.
Moran. If 3 3 2 0 0
McVey, rf 1 3 6 0 0
Sehaub, 3b 0 0 4 S 0
Hill, rf 13 110
Fuller, lb 119 0 1
Graham, ss 0 0 3 4 2
ChMils. 2b 0 2 0 1 2
Moore, c 0 0 2 0 0
Keener, p 1 1 0 2 0
Totals 7 13 27 11 5
Carbondale 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 0-11
Hazleton 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 27
Earned runs Carbomlale. 6: Huzleton. 6.
Two-ba?e hits Staltz, Patchen. Three
base hlt Westtake, McVey, Fuller.
Stolen bases Staltx. Patchen. Left on
bases Carbondale, 2; Hazleton, 6. Struck
out By Luby. 4: by Keener, 1. Double
plays Sales to Sh!e:ds to Massey. First
on errors Carbon-lale, 5; Haileton, 2.
First on balls Off Keener. 2. Wild pitch
Luby. Passed balls Moore, 2. Umpire
Corcoran. Time Two hours.
s Mm m .11 i in. i in.
Miss Mary Doylo .Married to John Flynn
at St. Rose Church.
Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock
John Doyle, of Farvlew street, and iMary Flynn, of Scranton, were
united In holy matrimony at St. Rose
church by the Rev.' John Lough ran.
MIA Mary IfaOurl, of Farvlew street,
was bridesmaid and Michael Rogan,
Et is Known
By Its Cures
It Is not what we say, but what
Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells tha
story of Its merit.
The thousands of people whom It bat
raised from disease and despair to happl
bom and health, ars the strongest and
best advertisements Hood's Sarsaparilla
has. No other preparation in existence)
has such a record of wonderful cures.
This I why Hood's Sarsaparilla has tbs
largest sale, and requires for Its produc
tion the largest laboratory in the world.
Mow if yon need food medicine, why
not try that which has dons others so
much good. Remember
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Dlood Purifier
Prominently in the public eye. fl ; tlxloffS
' Ul' D1I1U set hsnnonlouilr with
tlOOQ 8 fills Hood's Sarsaparilla. Be.
All the latest Fall Styles.
. We handle all kinds and styles.
-s In endless variety from 25c. to
T ; Oil Ctoths.Linoleums, Window
. .' Shades, Wall Papers,- Carpet
; : Sweepers and Fancy Chairs; '
J. sCULL ln&iis
. ... . v ucxm::A ivirjL
f, t Low Prices our motto.
of the same street, acted as grooms
man. Immediately after the ceremony was
performed the bridal party were driven
to the newly furnished house of 4 he
Kipom at 10s Farvlew street, where a
reception was held. The young couple
will Immediately go to housekeeping.,
Sewer Nuisaaoe I abcarable to Brooklyn
Street People.
Reldents of Brooklyn street are about
to commence. Jointly, against this city
for maintaining the sewer nuisance.
Attorney Ira U. Burns, of Surajitun.
was In Carbondale recently looking
over the ground ami ha bus taken hold
of the case for them.
Aftur thoroughly surveying the sit
uation Attorney Burns Informed Ilia
clietKs that they have a ood opening
for da mo-gee. The residents claim hat
tha stent ts not only menacing health,
but Is becoming unbearable, and their
patience has glven out.
Lotus Club's Social.
Last night the Lotus Ltterary and So
cial club gave an informal social In
their parlors In the Opera House block
In .honor of the out-of-town guests of
members of the club. The event was a
moft enjoyable one. Dancing was the
principal amusement of 'the evening. It
was participated In by a large number
of young people.
I R. Tracey, of New York, is In this
S. W. Williams, of Scranton, was in
this city yesterday.
II T. IVagdon. general business man
ager of the Lomair Vista Aid associa
tion, chartered under the laws rf
sylvairia. and L. n. Smith, of Scranton,
were In this city yesterday for the
purpose cf forming e local branch of
that company.
Moore Orago. of Scranton, was a vis
itor In this city yesterday.
Oonnor Son are greatly improving
the grounds around the parochial resi
dence. A. S. Haker has purchased a lot at
Crystal Lake.
A reception wa given by Miss Aignes
Pht pherd to about twenty of hr friends
Wednesday evening at the home of he.?
fb?:er, iMrs. Sanderson Lrvtng. on Ninth
T. B. Uvan. an Erie flagmnn, while
coupling cars, had a portion of his
hand smashed.
Kmma Burke, daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Lawrence Hurke, of Pike street,
died yesterday morning of choleira in
fantum. Interment will be made in St.
Hoe cemetery today at 3 p. m.
Frank Hollenback has purchased a
'rg lumber ract near Herrlck Cen
ter. .
Mrs. Tlprthi Frank, of Sc-anton. who
Is vl!tin.3r at th home of her daugh
ter. Mr Sol. Kline, had the mlsfor
tun? to hive aftx-ne stick In her throat
Wedv.-.wdsy nluht. After some trou
ble th brne was removed.
L. U. Steele, of 'he Electric City, was
In r' c'-v vfsterday.
M. E. M-Dcnald. of Scranton. shook
hands with frf-nds In this city yester-
The Ancler.t Order Foresters of
America lodge of Plymouth is at Far
view tortav.
Miss Edith Cou-trlpht has returned
from a visit with Scranton friends.
Miss Annie 'McTlge. of Soranton,
spent several days this week with Car
bondale friends.
Owen Timmons is convalescent.
Yesterday afternoon the 'hind truck
cf a gravity car left the track and
dropped into the pit at the 'head of
plane No. 28. 1N0 serious damage re
sulted. J. V. Abraham will talk Sunday
evening at the Baptist tabernacle on
"Persia. ie political, social and relig
ious life of the people." He will Illus
trate his talk by producing sixty stere
O7;con views.
The delivery team of Armour & Co.
became frightened at the Delaware and
Hudson freight house yesterday and
ran away down Dundaff street. It was
caught 'before any serious damage wai
Yerterdiy nf'rrnnon th remains of
th Infant of Frank P.udjack. of Ca
naan ytreet. were Interred in St. Rose
R. F. Mason and Charles Orchard
have returned 'from Canada.
John O'Connell and P. C. O'Connor
have left for a ten days' vlalt at Atlan
tic City.
Patrick McDonhld Is on the sick list.
iMIss Ella and Ro?e M'Urphy, of this
city, and Miss Nettle O.Hara, of Scran
ton. left for a few weeks' visit with
friends In Hor.'psdale yesterday.
Mrs. Patrick Powderly. of Washing
ton street, nnd Mrs. James Farrell. of
Wyoming street, were In Scranton yes
terday. Yerterday the remains of John C.
Swindlehurst ws-e burled In Maple
wood cem?terv. The child, which wns
tree and a ha'f months' old, died of
cholera Infantum.
Members of the Coogm family who
were camping 'at Elk Lake have re
turned home.
'Mr. and Mrs. Oeo-re Pnrrf-U and Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Mills 'have returned
from Asbury Park.
Mrs. Clafx W'lcox. of Elmlra. who
has been visiting her grand parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hall, has left for
Scranton. .
In honor of their guest. Miss Leon a
Kimball, of Hnwley, Mr. and Mrs. T.
R. Crane, of Terrace street, entertain
ed a number of i'heir friends In a Klens-
ant manner Wednesday night.
Miss Bmma Ellison, of Corning. N.
Y.. ts -the guest of Mrs. ,T. J. Relgeluth.
The farrfily of J. W. Dlmock is en
Jovlng a Wayne county trip.
Thj funeral of Michael Kruper, who
died on Tuesday afternoon was held
this afternoon at 12.30 o'clock. Inter
ment Wis made In St. Rose cemetery.
Lieutenant Edgar Jadwln, of the
United fitates Army, was In this city
veiterday. He accompanied his father,
H:m. C. V. Jadwln. of Honesdnle.
Abe Sahm it much improved.
A meeting; of the managers of the
race meet of the Maple City wheelmen
was held last evening, and It was de
cided to hold a meet here Sept. 19. The
events and prizes will be published
later. Any wheelman desiring Informa
tion or entry blanks rhould BToly to a
member of the-committee. They are:
John Samuel Brown, John T. Brady,
Bmmnnuel Freeman, Paul W. Gardner,
Fred Dtttrlcb and Samuel J. Kat,
Miss Emma Kennedy, of Clinton, N.
Y., who "has been the guest of Miss
Vlnnle Rose, return home today.
" Paymaster 'H. B. Snyder, of Rond
out. paid the employes of the canal
department of the Delaware and Hud
son Canal company yesterday.
The members of 'the Amity Social cltro
enjoyed themuelves Very imur.n last
evening, the occasion feeing a concert
for mtfrfbem only. The programme
was as follows: Banjo trio, Hartung.
Doetsch and Dorin: piano solo, A. M.
Leine: instrumental duett, Kati and
Freeman; xyophone solo, R. M. Dorln;
Instrumental . quartette, I.eVne, Free
man. Kats and Dorln; song, Henry
Tlrtgley; duett, banjo and guitar, Kats
ami Freeman piano solo, John Was
man: instrumental quartette,.. Leine,
Freeman, Kats and Dorln.
Mrs.' J, P. James and Mrs. Benjamin
flardrter are the truest of D. H. Menner
ait Elk Lake. Club house. --
Six car toads of Farvlew exourrtonlsts
came to Honesdale yesterday afternoon.
Gibbons, the trick bicycle rider of
Scranton, , give an exhibition of bis
skill before a large audience near the
park yesterday afternoon. To show the
stability of his bicycle toe rode down
the court house steps, some eight or
ten In number.
When J. Sam Brown- hustles him
self In the Interest of any enterprise
it is bound to be a go. He is working
clay and night in- the interest of the
Maple City wheelmen's race meet,
which is sufficient assurance that It
will be a great success.
Conrad Schroeder -has the contract
for repairing the eastern vestibule of
Grace church.
The "Old Folks' "concert,' held In
the Methodist Episcopal church last
Tuesday evening, was a grand success
and was well rendered. Too much
praise cannot be spoken of Professor J.
Hayden Cousins as a leader, who so
gratutiously trained the fifty voices
for the occasion. W. W. Watklns and
Mrs. Jennie Frear each rer lered a
beautiful solo, while Miss Mattle Pick
ering presided at the piano. The con
testants for a prize were Mrs. S. F.
White. Mrs. H. K. Barnes. Mrs. W. J.
McCormic. Mrs. J. U. Slckler and Mrs.
J. C. Crarig. The prise was unani
mously awarded to .Mrs. J. B. Slckler,
with honorable mention to Mrs. W. J.
Mrs. Tucker, of Ashley, and Miss
Sadie Matthews, of Olyphant. visited
with Mrs. 'Henry Chapman last Tues
day. Mrs. James Dlkeman and son, Bert,
are visiting with friends in New Jer
sey. Mr. Barber, of Lenoxville, is visiting
his son, Edgar.
Mrs. Albert Frlsbee spent Tuesday
with her parents at Providence.
Albert Chapman will leave this
morning to spend a week with friends
at 'Nantlcoke.
Mrs. William Weam, of Bell Place,
who has been critically 111 for the past
week. Is Improving.
Mrs. Hugh Coppln and son, James, of
Nantlcoke, spent Sunday with her
daughter, Mrs. Stephen Jayne.
S. Shaffer, of Wllkes-Barre. was a
caller In town last Tuesday evening.
William H. Lewis, of Newport, Her
kimer county, iNew York, and .Mrs.
Delia Sprague, of Lenox, Susquehan
na county, Pa., were married by Jus
tice of the Peace S. W. Arnold last
Tuesday afternoon.
.Mrs. J. W. Beck and son, Oeorge, are
visiting with friends at Susquehanna.
George Cool, of Susquehanna, called
on Dr. J. W. Beck last Tuesday.
Miss Anna Coates was a caller at
Jermyn last evening.
Miss didith Moon, of Carbondale,
called on .Mrs. John Guesdale yester
day. MOOSIC.
Washington camp. No. 174, Patriotic
Order Sons of America, will hold an
entertainment in live camp room on Sat
urday evening. The programmo will
consist of recitations and instrumental
and vocal music, with a lecture by A. B.
Conger, one of the order's most pnomt
nerrt speakers. The price of -tickets will
be 25 cents. Th entertainment will
commence at 8 o'clock.
The Anthracites of Moosic will play
the Scranton Young iMen's Christian
as-socia'tlon . game of ball on Moo&ic
grounds Saturday Aug. 24 at 3 p. m.
Martin Lofitus 'is confined to the bouse
by a serious attack of sickness.
Misses Lllu. and Carrie Hutohlngs re
turned home yestenday after a brief
visit at Jermyn, where 'they have been
vir'ting among friends.
William M'ciM'Han, of Avoca, was a
ca'k-r In town yesterday.
T he la wn social held at W. F. Water
man's, under the auspices of the Wo
man's Christian Temperance union,
was a general success In every way.
Ira Drake, of Newton Center, was a
visitor In town yesterday.
Samuel Boann, Charles Robertson and
Walter Hindu witnessed the ball game
yesterday In Jermym.
Frank Lane, of Powder Mill Lane,
was In Jermyn yesterday visiting
among friends.
Miss Olive Pearl, of Main street,
was In Scranton yesterday.
Rev. O. N. MakeJy, of Brooklyn. N.
Y., was visiting among friends in town
yesterday. '-.
iMIss Le-ttie Schneur, who has been
spending the past two months with hei;
brother, Johnson Schneur, has returned
to her home at Berwick.
Mrs. John Wedge Is visiting her par
ents at Walton, N. Y. -
Miss Mitchell, of Scranton, Is spend
ing a few days with tier sister, Mrs.
Ell Conners.
Mr. and Mrs. Jotinson Schneur and
family are spending a few) weeks with
the former's parents, at Berwick.
Mrs. Taylor and two daughters, Maud
and Blanche, were callers In town this
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hoodmocker and
two children spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Stephen Calms. y
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook attended
the wedding of Mr. Cook's slBter, at
Nantlcoke, this week.
Miss Fannie Conners, of Green Ridge,
spent the passt few duyg with friends
In town.
George Taylor has returned home
from a successful Ashing trip at Long
Edward Callaway, of Arehbald, was
a visitor in town Tuesday evening
Harry 'Briggs 'has been spending a
few days with his parents In this pluc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaufman, of
Stroudsburg, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Eley, of Lincoln street.
'Henry Dierka anil Mica trnt.nii.
- - I.II..UVUI
Buckrodh were united in marriage at
me uuiiie m oriue s parents, at
Dickson, Wednesday evening, by the
Rev. Mr. Welscopf. After the cere
mony a repast was served, which was
partaken of by hosts of friends of the
young couple.
William Crahr. nt Snpnntnn o. n
caller In town Wednesday.
Fred Bailey, 12-year-old son of Mr."
and Mrs. Frank 'Bailey, of Albert
street. Is slowly recovering from his
ictriH iiinens.
Albert Cleave, of .Main fmot mml.
a business trip to Mudtown yesterday.
iMIss Sue Pyle Is spending a few
weeks with her sister at 4lnArifiton, Pa.
(Next Thursday, Aug. 29, the Method
ist EDlsconal Sundav schoril will nlinln
In 'Russian park.
Miss Etta Bortree left on Monday for
Denver, Colo.
Misses Jennie and Fl
and Augusta Miller are at the Salem
camp ground.
Misses Koslar Duntstone, Walter
and Edward Van ttnm. . .i..
Promised Land pond, Ashing, thla
J. 'M. Noack last week.
J. F. Sayre and wife were In attend
ance at the Seven-County reunion on
'Mr. and Mrs. Maynard, of Scranton,
were the guests of .Mr. and Mrs. I. C.
Depew, sr., on Tuesday.
Mrs. Mary CorreB and Mrs. Grace
Jones, at Dun more, are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. IM. V. Townsend and Mrs. M.
I. Sfamans, for a few days. , .
About 250 from this place attended
the seven county reunion at Montrose
Wednesday. Mrs, Sarah Rice circle, of
this place, was largely represented, the
largest of any circle present
Quite a frost visited thla place
Wednesday evening. It was reported by
people Who rose early enough that
a white frost was plainly viaabie.
. A barn on the farm, owned by Mrs.
Harrington, of Duonore, and ranted
by Jot Decker, about one and a bait
miles northeast of this place, was
burned With all its contents Thurs
day morning. Mr. Decker had been
thrashing on Wednesday in the barn
with a steam thrasher, and it I not
known how the Are originated, al
though tt might have been from the
thrasher. He had finished his harvest
ing and had bay, grain and the thrash
ing machine all . destroyed. It is re
ported there it no Insurance. - . 1
Wellington Taylor, of Peckvllle. vis
ited friends in town a few days this
A party of young ladles from this
place who have been camping at Lake
Wlirola for the past ten days, have re
turned 'home. They report a very en
joyable time.
There will be a lawn social on the
lawns of E. ti. Hinds and S. 8. Sea
mans Friday evening. Aug. 23. by the
Woman's Christian Temperance union.
The friends of temperance are earnestly
Invited to attend. .
A letter from Ashley A Shaw an
nounces the fact that they are now
ready to commence work on the new
silk mill. The bonds are ready, and
plans for the mill are drawn up and
are only waiting a summons from the
people to come on at once. It is to be
hoped that they will be encouraged to
begin operations Immediately.
Miss Lizzie Graham returned home
last evening after spending a month
with friends In Allentown and Lehlgh
ton. Charles McMillan and family are at
the seashore.
Misses Carrie McKay and Mame Bra
der, of Plains, returned home yester
day after spending a few days with
Mrs. Newlin, of 'Main sitreet.
MlssM. H. Connolly leaves today for
a visit to friends In Jersey City.
The employes of the Langellffe col
liery will be paid today.
Tiie Misses Greener, of Scranton, are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hos
kins. A. Swartz, of Scranton, was a visitor
at the home of Robert Campbell last
Misses Edith Birch, of Wllkes-Barre,
and Anna Birch, of Scranton, are
guests of Miss Kate Campbell.
'Mrs. Edward Laird and Miss Minnie
Leonard will spend a few weeks at
Lake Poyntelle.
Miss Kate Mcltugh, of Dunmore, Is
the guest of Miss Josephine Dempsey.
iRev. J. R. Wagner and wife returned
home yesterday from the Wyoming
camp ground.
iM. J. Mackln, of Taylor, won the
gold piece at St. Mary's church festival
last evening.
A Urge number of people from our
town attended the combined excursion
of Methodist Episcopal churches to
Lake Carey yesterday.
Ml'.s Louise Warner, after a visit of
several weeks at Ocean Beach, has
relumed home.
Harry Hancock, of Lestershlre, Is In
town seeing old Mends.
The ball game botweon .Montrose and
Tunkhannock resulted In a victory for
the Mon.tro.e tam. Score, 19 to 17.
W ho will be the next?
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Sweet, of Scran
ton. are visiting at the home of W. S.
Mulford's for a few days.
.Mayor Green, of Blngbamton, was in
town Wednesday and Thursday and ex
pressed himself as being very much
surprised as to the lze and neatness of
the place.
Miss Nellie Conklln Is home after a
few week's at Lake Ariel.
Hon. and Mrs. George Post, of New
York, are renewing old acquaintances
rTrLV01'6- Thelr vlslt8 ar hort and
far between but are always welcome at
whatever time they arrive "e'"""eftl
Mrs Arthur Raynsford and eon, Jack
IZrTZl Mr-
ttewZwlnt acC0Unt
From Puck.
ing'f' Townly-So vou have given up farm
Mr. Gentleman Acres-Yen; you
lived I so far from the marke we couldn't
Ket.uV eif.KS or huHer or vegetables, or
anything of that sort frenh. or
Relief In Six Honrs.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved In six hours by the "New
Great Bouth American Kidney Cure"
This new remedy Is a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys
back and every part of the urinary pas
ages. In male or female. It relieves re.
tentlon of water and pain In passing It
almost Immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this ts your remedy. Bold
by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 125 Penn avo.
nue, Scranton, Pa,
Dr. F. B. Smilli. (tie MapeticPhysician
Dr. Smith and staff still continue to
make the most wonderful cures by the use
of magnetism. People from all parts of
the country have come to those doctors
with all sorts of chronic diseases and have
been cured after being given up by other
physicians. If your complaint Is curable
they can cure you; if not they will tell
you so. Many a poor sufferer who had
been living In despair and hopelessness for
months, have been restored to good health
anu liuppiiiesH by receiving magnetic
treatments from Dr. Smith and staff. If
you are suffering with any kind of com
plaint go and consult with these doctors.
It costs you nothing and may be your sal
vation. If you are a sufferer from some
old, chronic complaint that you have been
doctoring for months or years without re
lief, now is your chance to get cured.
Ovarian and fibroid tumors, epilepoy, hys
teria, female weakness, constipation,
plies, dyspepsia, stricture, (mpotency, mel
aniholy, fistula, and hundreds of other
complaints have been cured by magnet
ism. Do not be skeptical and hang back,
but go at once to 505 Linden street, oppo
site the court house. Consultation free
from to r dally except Sundays. Tues
days and Fridays from ( a. m. to p. m.
Hasoas, P. tt 8. of A., Q. A. R ef V..
O. V. A. M.. In fact all lodges and societies
Intending to run xenrtleo can have the
best printing In the city at lowest prices
by calling at Tax Tsisnaa Job Dpu
Th stock mr purchased at the PlieriS s Snl.
at Haileton, Pa. Our Hales, since oiwtiliiit
proved mure mt!tfsctorjr than we thought.
The crowd on Monday was enormously largo,
and carried away th. Bargain., and tb stock
which I. left we'll dispone of at your own
prices. Hale all week at the following prices:
1 case Dress Olnghams, Rruss price, 1 cents,
Our Prloe, 3M Cento
t case of Unbleached Urosra Cotton, 1 1,
haayy, for sheitlng only, gross) price, t
cent, Our Prioe, 4W Cente
1 esse Checked Crash, all linen, groat price,
to cents. Our Prlee, S Cents
I case Bleached Towela, by th pair, '
htngod, gross price, gO cents.
Our Price, 10 Cento
lease 9 4 Bleached Mohawk Muslin, grots
prios, u eents, Our Priee. 12onto
A treat sal. for th nte of srery household.
I css of Turkey Bod OoTsrs. slse 8z and .
Ufa 4, gross price, f U and SI.M.
., OurPrtee, SOcand69o.
. , . Fast Turkey Ked. , . .
Suee snort to Dr. Beeves, at his old ttsa 1
No. 412 Spnsca St., Scranton, Pa.,
Continue to treat Dr. Reeves' old pa
tients and all others who mar eslL Call
and see them. Thsy treat yon reason
ably and with great enccsss. Blood
Poison. Rheumatism and all forma
ef acuta chronic and nervous diseases
of men, women and ohildren, and se
cret diseases, Tumors, Cancers
and Goitres removed without the
use ef knlfa or pain.
IIS Willi) 9 PI
Sundays from 10 A. M. to 4 P. U.
230 Lsckavanna Ars., Scranton.
Tbe Times May Not Be All
It Should Be, bat Oar
Will go a great way toward
evening na things
Tor our customers
n SHE ra Ml IS u
lei's Salts, regular price $9, $4.65
Hen's Suits, regular price 12, 7,75
Ben's Pants as lot as
Men's Cassloere Pasts
Hen's Fine Dress Pants
i Sertlceable Snit for $ ,85
A Good Wool Salt for
1 Hobby Dress Salt for
2 Pair Knee Pants for
230 Lackawanna Aval
I Sill
STEimr i son
Abo a large etock of HratclaM
2 eases of Hummer Balbriggan Men's Un
derwear, tn all qualities, grass price. 30c.,
Kc. and tuc.. oar
Prloe to Cleee Out Entire Lot 20o
Wdotea Men'a White Unlaundried Shirta,
pure linen bosom, double trout and back,
gross prloe, 00 cants,
Our Price, 29 Cento
fen dozen of Outing Shirta, in all qualities
. gross price, !c., 30c, 60o., (no. and Tie
We will make a sweep on the entire lot
and let hr go at 28 Canto Your Choice
HOSIERY-Theee prices will hold good
for all this week. 6JU pair Men's Socks
t BO;, groas price, 10a,; M pairs ladles'
Past B ack Hose, gross price, 10 coots,
Our Price, Se.t dosea of Kronen
Balbrtggan Half Hose, and Fart Black
Hose, grass price, St cents, - .
Our Price, 12tt Cento
' Ladies' Vast, at ona-half less than elsewhere.
Be careful and oalL
TO our
ro?' wi8h assure their many pats
rona that they will this year hold to their usual custoa
?-.n!?ng SJWCTLY OtD WHEAT until thewcrop
JU1iycu.,?d- New. whea! ta now uPn market. anS
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are
?JLt-&iop,.nlon I,11.? tt ".alrady cured, arid in proper
condition for milling. Waahburn-Crosby Co. will tike
SIUik8; and. ll .,low ihe. new wheat fully three
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling has
placed Wauhburn-Crosby Co.' flour tax " above other
Wholesale Agents.
Carpets, Mattings, Linoleums,
Oil Cloths, Window Shades,
and Lace Curtains, Draperies
and Upholstery Goods.
Pertaining to tbe Carpet and Curtain Trade.
406408 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Will be found at our branch store in the Watt Build
ing, Church street, Carbondale, Pa.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Ocaeral Office: SCRANTON, PA.
So while there is life enjoy it let us help you
begin by giving your family a comfortable home
don't buy carpet one time and furniture another buy
them together at one time at one place this place
pay when you can no need to wait for the accumu
lation which conies so slow our Carpet Department
will be the attraction for the aspiring ones this week.
F0R 75 CENTSayard
We make, lay and line, free of charge, a heavy
Tapestry Brussels Carpet carpet store prices, same
grade, at 90 cents,
our price 7S
Another lot of those corduroi do'e head on qa
Couches, worth $12.50. Our Price - - OtJiuU
II llfl
and 227 Vycialnj Ave.