The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 22, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Carbondal? Neute.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
And b. Bast Part of It Waa That Car
bundale Won.
Every raroe that Oarbondete wins la
a. Rood game, but yesterday"! contest
had an Intrinsic merit apart from
tlt bestowed upon It iy me .nuiui-ui
of victory. It was. without a doubt,
tin; mont eiwatlonal pante ever played
in Carbondale. By this I mean that
more halr-llftlns. paralysing neld plays
occuried than in any other exhibition
of the str-r-reat and Bl-l-lorkms national
According to the schedule, no game
was to have been played mNwrru
easter and Carbondale. A fame had.
however, been postponed becauseuf rain
end George Fraud Train Leldy oplnod
that yesterday a Kood time to ptay
ithat game off. He wan Impelled to this
opinlnic by his thousht tlvat the Car
bondale team is weak just at present.
He had his think box repaired last
evening. It was aibout two days behind
the times. Georpe Francis and his band
of fresh'lv-taundried Lanoasterlans .had
another Incentive toward the playing
and winning of that trame. In the
event ot a victory each man was to re
ceive 5 in addition to his regular sal
ary, and every mother's son of them
kicked holes through the baggiest por
tion of their nice white pantalettes
when the game was over.
Chorch" Stalts was the three rings
In one. the menagerie, the grand con
cert and the side show all In one. He
got to first base five times, secored
two runs, reached third base twice,
made two corkmg hits and pulled down
six flies, every one of which was a
dittlcult chance. His catch In the fourth
inning was -a "loo loo," at least that is
Eddie Sales' definition of It.
Danny Shields was also very much
In the game.x Every one of his nine
chances were hard amd he negotiated
them all like a past master In the art
of legerdemain. His Jump and catch
ot a high line drive In the ninth was
a thing of beauty and a Joy for some
time to come.
Kddle. Sales also got Ini front of
several cannon drives wbth great dis
aster to the drives. Wetzel and Massey
figured In two slick double plays. Mc
Quade made three beautiful catches.
Westlake accepted his single chance
with grace and aplomb. Peter Ander
son pitched pennant winning ball. He
had terrific speed and good control.
And "Patch, old boy" do you ask?
Why bless your soul! did you ever see
or hear of a game In which Patch was
not In the good playing right up to the
neck? I should say several kinds of
not. He has played steady, honest
ball, and dots more for his team's suc
cess than any man In the league.
Today comes the Hazletons. and a
crowd of 2,000 at least should turn out
to see the game. Upon the three games
which they will play this week will, in
large measures, depend the abiding
place of the pennant of '93. Every
Carbondallon with an Item of pride for
this city In his or her composition,
should be present at these games to
cheer our boys on to victory. Follow
ing is the score:
R. H. O. A. E.
Staltz, cf 2 2 6 0 0
Shields. 2b 1 2 3 6 0
Patchen. o 0 2 5 0 0
Massey, lb 0 0 7 1 0
McQuade. If 0 0 3 0 0
Westlake, rf 0 0 10 0
Pales. 3b 12 0 11
Wetzel, 83 0 0 2 1 1
Anderson, p 2 10 5 0
Total 6 9 27 14 2
R. H. O. A. E.
Best. If 0 110 0
Scanlin. cf 0 0 4 0 0
Le:dy. 3b 1 1 0 3 1
Buttermore, rf., 33 0 112 2
Seybold, lb 12 9 11
Btoueh, 2b 0 0 6 4 0
Carxo, ss.. rf 0 2 3 3 2
Arthur, c 0 0 3 1 0
West, p 0 0 0 3 0
Roth, rf 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2 7 27 17 6
Carbondale 2 301 0000 0-6
Lancaster 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 02
Earned runs Carbondale. 2. Two-base
hU Shields. Sacrifice hit Wetzel. Stolen
bases Wetzel. Best, Le'.dy, Seybold. Left
on bases Carbondale. 11; Lancaster, 7.
Struck out By Anderson. 4; hy West. 3.
Douple 'plays Wetzel to Shields to Mas
sey; Massey to Wetzel. F.rst on errors
Carbotnlale, 4; Lancaster. 2. First on
balls Off Anderson. 4; oft West. 4. Passed
ball Arthur. Umpire Manlove. Time 1.5.
Ths llailcton and Carbondale Teams to
Occupy Boxes ot tho Grand.
The members of the Hazleton and
Carbondale base ball teams have re
ceived Invitations from the manage
ment of the Grand Opera house to be
present at 'he opening of that house on
Friday evening wtth their popular klt
"A liaggnge Check." The Carbondale
Scrofula in the Eyes
IU well ai In every other form, is perma
nently cured by Hood's Saraaparilla.
" I bad scrofula
Id my eyes and
tried several phy
sicians but found
no cure. My wife
persuaded me to
try Hood's Sana
psrilla. I had
choking sensa
tion, was troubled
with night sweats,
and had dyspep
sia in very severe
form. After tak
ing Hood's Sana-
parilla two weeks the choking spells and
dyspepsia troubled me lets. I have now
taken several bottles of Hood's fiamapa
rllla and find that I am entirely cured."
William L. Patse, BorryviUe, Virginia.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
b the only True Blood purifier Promi
nently in the public eye. fl; six for fS.
Prepared only by 0. I. Hood ft Co.,
Lowell, Mass., U. 8. A.
.Hood's Pills SSSELr
All the latest Fall Styles.
We handle all kinds and styles.
In endless variety from 28c. to
$10.00. ,
OH Ctoths,Linoleums, Window
; Shades,. Wall Papers, Carpet
; 4. Sweepers and .Faney Chairs.
J. Scott Inglis
team will occupy box A and the Haale-
tonlans, box B.
Blue and white, the club colors, will
decorate the Carbondale'a box. It is
to be hoped that even will so shape
themaelvea that the box occupied by
the visitors may be tastefully festooned
In black.
Common Council Meeting.
Common council met In regular ses
sion Tuesday night. The Belmont
street track trouble was brought up,
but no definite action taken. It was
decided to notify the company to run
no cars over the Eighth avenue bridge.
A number of bills were ordered paid.
The ordinance providing for the erec
tion and maintenance of the proposed
city library passed third reading. A
number of resolutions of minor Im
portance were also passed.
DcVorc-Kcese Nuptials.
A quiet wedding took place Tuesday
night at 11 o'clock at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Abram Jacob, of 144 South
Church street. The contracting par
ties were John Owen dteese, of this
city, and Mixs 'Mary L. DeVore, of
Frosrburg, Md. The ceremony was
performed by Kev. Abram Jones, pas
tor of the Congregational church. The
couple will Immediately go to house
keeping in a home on South Main
- Death of Michael kruper.
Tuesday afternoon at S o'clock the
death of Michael Kruper, of Pell town
ship, occurred. Death was due to an
attack of apoplexy. (Mr. Kruper was
born in Austria about forty-two years
ago and has been a resident ot Fell
township for about Ave years. The
funeral will be held today at 11.80
o'clock. Interment will take place In
St. Ruse cemetery.
Ball Players to Attend.
The diagram for "A Baggage Check."
which will open the season at the
opera house Friday night, opens today
at Reynold's drug store. This comedy
Is an excellent one and should be greet
ed with a crowded house. It Is expect
ed that the Hazleton and Carbondale
ball clubs, which will play here Friday,
will occupy the boxes tn the evening.
An Opening Social.
ILast night Lowry's new hall on Bel
mont street was the scene of much
merriment. It was the occasion of the
Anthracite Social club's opening dance
of the series to be given this fall and
winter. Wagner's orchestra furnished
music for the large crowd of merry
young people.
Its Annnal Supper.
Last night the Ladles' Aid society of
the Methodist Episcopal church held
Its annual supper and social. From 5
until i o'clock a bountiful supper was
served. A most , pleasant social time
was enjoyed. '
Las night John Altken gave a trol
ley part to a number of his young
friends, who thoroughly enjoyed them
selves. Mr. and Mrs. IxroU Walter, of Bron
son place, left yesterday for Promp
ton. 'Miss Maggie Maloney, of Dundaff
street. Is visiting relatives at Buffalo,
x. y.
Miss Cora Bell amd W. O. Scurry are
visiting friends In Hawley.
Mrs. W. Q. Giles Is confined to her
home by Illness. '
The Rev. A. Jones has received an
Invitation to serve the pulpit of the
First Welsh Congregational church of
Chicago for one month. He will prob
ably accept. ,
On Thursday evening t Informal so
cial will be given fcy theLoitus Literary
club In their parlors on North Main
Saturday night there w 111 be a dance
at Fern hall. Crystal Lake.
Henry Torrance. Jr., Is home again
after his recent victory In the famous
tennis tournament given at Southamp
ton, L. I., by the Meadow Brook club.
Mr. Torrance was the winner of the
consolation singles.
oil Xjp smi JO adodd SunoX
dm StifUiEijaiua ajB jsaq pauiBj)
B pub ofStnq v Hit. .)WilJfd OM
Henry Wilcox, of the metropolis, was
a business visitor here yesterday.
Thomas KIMeen Is fixing up a picnic
ground cm the South Side.
George Dubois will run the Masonic
excursion on 'MowJay and has received
orders to made the trip from Wllkes
Barre to .Nineveh In two hours and
twenty minutes.
Today will take place the funeral of
Frank RudJsck, a Canaan street child,
who died Tuesday of cholera tn-fantum.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Dennis and daugh
ter, Oer'trud, lft yesterday for a. visit
of several days 'to New York city and
p(;int along the Hudson river.
Yesterday morning P. J. Brown, of
Sand street, 'had his hand badly Injured
by the fall of a heavy piece of coal
upon It.
The Iron trusses which will support
the silk mill roof have arrived.
Oorge Grady and T. Farrey have
purchased of K. 'Burns th blacksmlth
ing (utablishment on Fallbrook street.
Tcd.iy will be hrld the excursion and
clam bake of 'the George W. West divi
sion. No. 46l. Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Trainmen, at Poyntelle. The ex
cursion leaves .Mils city via the Krlo
and Wyoming at 8 a. m. and will be
accompanied by the Oermanln (band.
Yen'.erd'ay .Mrs. Charles (i. Kvans. of
Terrace rtrcrit, entrrtKlmsd n.t a dinner
patty Mrs. Chart? Wentxlrr. of Blng
nam ton. and imips Bertha and Grace
Hath2rff.1v andOlina Herring.
.Mr. and Mrs. p. F. Coogan and child
ren are at Atlantic City.
M?rdime Cathivino Brennon and
M!iry Curran. of Pottsvlll?, are guest
of Mrs. P. F. iMotan, of South Main
The Misses Mary and Ida Joslln. of
Wllkcs-flarre. are visiting; at the home
of their grandparents, Mr. and 'Mrs. P.
S. Joslln.
iMrs. George Cooper, of Green Ridge,
Is vlsMIng relatives In town.
C. C. Wllmath. of Thompson, waa hi
this city yestfrd'ay.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. 'Reynolds have re
turned from Ocean Grove.
The residents of Thorn street have
petitioned councHs to have' that thor
oughfare lowered.
Therwlll be a special meeting of the
Columbia Hose company tonight.
Yesterday' at 12:30 a trip of oars
Jumped tiho tPK-k at No. 8 gravity plane.
'Bom, to Mr. and 'Mrs. James Mc
Allister, of Pike street, a boy. To Mr.
and 'Mrs. James Walsh, of Powderly
aireei, a a'.Mignier. (
Harry Skeels ha returned from
Among those confined to their homes)
toy lcktv?B arelMlM May Campbell, L.
L. Loveland and iMra. Carden.
Mr. Reete Richards and three
children, of Olyphant, are spending a
few day with, the former's mother. Mrs.
(Margaret Kirk, of Btrkett street.
Mrs. IKonre 'Wflite and children, of
Paierson. N. J., formerly of this city.
are here for a visit with f Heads and
The Odd Fellows' 'excursion tnin. on
the return trip, struck a oow at Forest
Among th people of Binghamton who
made it ptemaant for the Carbondale ex
curslonlets was Tom Rowley, f the
Baker-Severson band. Formerly cornet
soloist of t'he Mosart band.
On hundred and forty-three Demon
from this crty amd about slxjty from
Hone scale and wymart left her wHh
the veteran for iMontroae yesterday
Prof. J. H. Hockenberry. principal of
the Oarbondale dilgh school, waa a
visitor In town Tueaday evening.
The graded school ot thla borough
will open on Monday next. Prof. C.-T.
Thorpe, of Susquehanna, one of the
foremost educators In the county, will
be the principal. He will be assisted
by the following excellent corps of
teaches: iMias Onetta. M. Dunning, of
Lanesbore; Miss Lizzie Davis, or Sus
quehanna; iMlss Mary 'McDonald, of
Susquehanna; Atlas Clara Davles. of
this place: Miss (Mary Reynolds, of
Sout'h Gibson; Miss Minnie Riley, of
Pleasant iMount; Miss Cora Lay mo n. of
LMayfleld. and Mlsa Nettle Chamberlain,
of I loyal, this county. We should have
a good school the coming season.
George .M'axey, 'Edith Brown, Myrtle
Alexander, Bertha Dunn, and Stella
Allen will start for Mansfield early next
week, where they will attend the State
Normal school.
Mrs. Rlcfhard Lee. of Carbondale. is
the guest of her relatives In this bor
ough at the present time.
Anthony Peterson, proprietor of the
Forest City House, was a visitor at the
county seat the first of the week.
Peter Pohren and family, of Port
Jervls. N. Y are visiting his mother,
Mrs. Gorhardt Pohren. Mr. Pohren
was formerly a conductor on the Jef
ferson division, and now occupies a like
position on the main line of the Erie.
The Union Sunday school picnic from
hh place to Poyntelle. was held Tues
day, and was largely attended. One
of the features of the day was the game
of base 'ball between a team ohosen
from the Epwort'h League, of the
Methodist church, and one chosen from
the Christian Endeavor societies of the
town. The leaguers evidently do not
take kindly to base ball, for they were
beaten by a score of 22 to 5.
Albert Kenyon and family, of Clifford,
visited Mts. Kenyon's sister. Mrs. John
McLoughlln, on Sunday and Monday.
The adjuster of the Insurance com
pany In which the house of M. W.
Woodmansec was Insured was In town
the first of the week arranging to
rttle the claims arising from the re
cent fire.
When you see a man stumble and stand
on his head.
Then pick himself up and limp off
nearly dead; '
While he uses Intense and unorthodox
You'll know he'a a victim of borough
sidewalk. ,
When the council enforces that fine
Pertaining to sidewalks, we'll all He,
Under Fix feet of earth, but the clods
we would burst,
TO proclaim that of all walks, our walks
an the worst.
'B. F. Maxey, of this place, has been
chosen teaeher In room No. 2 of the
Jermyn high school.
George Maxey, Jr., la visiting rela
tives at South Gibson.
The Democratic primaries will be held
on August 31 for the purpose of choos
ing four delegates (two from each ward),
to attend the county convention, which
will be held In Montrose on Sept.
3. Now for fun on the other side of the
The new Clifford trestle Is completed
and cars are 'being run over It once
More than eighty people from Union
dale went on the Forest City Sunday
school excursion to Poyntelle Tuesday.
Although the weather was somewhat
cool, a very enjoyable day was passed.
Lake Poyntelle is a beautiful sheet of
water, and when dotted with boats
containing gaily dressed, merry young
young people, the view from the pa
vilion Is a charming one. The grounds,
though nicely located, are In rather a
rude state as yet. as It must be re
membered the resort Is only about two
years old. The entertainment In the
afternoon by the choir from Forest
City, under the direction of Professor
J. L. Morgan, was a fine one. The base
ball contest between teams from the
Christian Endeavor and Epworth
league societies was enjoyed by many.
'Mr. and 'Mrs. Henry Braynor and two
children, of Carbondale, are visitors at
the home of Trevennon Mills.
Smith Coleman, who has been very
HI during the past week, is recovering.
Dr. Wilbur Peck has left for Way
mart after being entertained for a
week at Warren Crandall's.
Dimmlck and Arthur Williams went
to Binghamton on the Odd Fellows'
excursion Tuesday.
'Dr. A. Griffin, of Binghamton,
preached In the Methodist church Sun
day. Several people from here went to
Farview Wednesday to Join the Ep
worth league from the valley.
.Mr. and Mrs. William Tinker have
been to Scranton to consult with Dr.
Mr. .Merlthww. of Scranton, has pur
chased the blacksmith shop of Henry
Spencer and Is doing a good business.
His family live In apartments over the
shop, formerly used as a public hall.
Miss Kittle Altken, who has been
spending some time with her aunt.
'Mrs. Edwin Cong, has returned to her
home In 'Montrose.
An Ice cream festival will be held at
the home of Lafayette Stevens for the
benefit of the Ladles' Aid society. (
Miss Gertrude Thomas, of Providence,
Is the guest of the (Misses Schoonover
on upper East street.
J. Kirk Rose and sister, Mls Vlnnle
Ros, kiave today for a trip to the
Adirondack, Including a ride over Lake
St. George and Lake Champlaln, and
an outing at Loin Lake.
' Work op the Honesdale National bank
buildilng was resumed yesterday under
the supervision of Conrad Schroeder. ,.
O. A. Long, of Scranton, was among
Horvwrtale's viriltors yesterday,
W. M. Gardner has returned from a
visit to Danville.
MIm Barbara Jelts left yesterday for
a v It 'it with friends at Scranton and
The Good Roads committee has tiot
as yet begun work In Honesdale. but
when It does it will And plenty of Im
provements to make.
Druggist J. T. Brady, one of Hones-
dlale's prominent cyclists. Is taking deep
wiieresi n ine proposed race meet to be
hfld in September. "
IMra M. W. Simons, of Dunmore, waa
In town yesterday. '
William Ferber and Charles Gucken-
berger, of Honesdale, were In town yes
iMIases Llxzle and Langla Gelbert. of
Scranton, called on frlenda hare yes
terday. v
T. V. Taft visited Soranton yester
day. ...
William Curran. of Port Jervls. N.
T., waa a visitor here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jtarshall, of
Dunmore, are visiting here.- - '
Mrs. E. 'L. Stephen and Mrs. James
ettvenson are . attending the camp
meeting at Salem thla -week.
IMrs. John Welnss snd Mrs. William
C Ames visited Honesdala yesterday.
Mlsa Ella Sharpsteen. of Honesdale.
Is the guest of ber sister, (Mrs. G. T.
David Harris and William P. Nelger
arrived home yesterday from a visit to
New York.
A number of the people from this
place attended the Scliiverea camp
meetings In South Scranton this week.
Rev. San tee was a vhtrtior here yes
terday. 'Miss Lilla Howells left Monday eve
ning for Chicago, where she will per
manently reside.
Tonight will occur the social of the
Price Library association, arrange
ments for which have been going on
for the past week or so. Ice cream,
cake, watormellon, peaches and other
delicacies of the season! will be served.
This social should receive the hearty
patronage of the people of this place,
as the Institution Is one of the most
deserving in the iborough. Its finances
are In txd condition and money Is
needed to replemlah 'th treasury. The
Union band haa kindly consented to
furnish a musical programme.
Willie Stone Is spending a few days
In Forest City.
Mrs. James E. Watklns and Polly
Davis are Fpendlng a few days in the
The Taylor and Pin mines will work
the balance of the week.
Washington Camp, No. 492, Patriotic
OriWr Sons of America, will hold an
entertainment on Friday evening at the
Methodist Episcopal church.
Of late a man, apparently of about
middle age, has been annoying the
young ludles who promenade on the
level piece of land near the Atherton
homestead on Main srtreet, and has
caused much fear to prevail among
the female sex. He takes particular
delight lin scaring "amd chasing the
smaller girls who take In this pleasant
walk. As yet he has not succeeded In
capturing any of them, but whether his
Indentions are of a criminal nature or
otherwise is not known. He Is at least
extremely troublesome to the young
'Misa Ethel Hancock, of Mauch
Chunk, Is visiting Miss Sarah Price at
her home on Pond Jtretit.
A meeting will be held Alonday even
ing, September 2, at the home of iHon.
S. B. Chase for tho purpose of organiz
ing an historical) society.
The men and boys of the Presbyterian
church willl serve a supper at G. W.
WaTd's lawn on Friday.
Miss Grace Shaw, of this place, end
O. IFramk OasMll. of Owego, wore
united In marriage Tuesday evening at
the home of the 'bride's mother on
Spring farm, by Rev. L. W. Church.
They received many useful presents.
They left Wednesday morning on tarln
No. 13 for Owego, where they will re
eld. Henry D. Barnes died at his home on
IMaln street Wednesday morning of
dropsy. The funeral services will be
conducted at his late home on Friday
afternoon at 3.30 o'clock.
Master Albert Wakeman. of Great
Bend, son of the late Kenneth Wake
man, whUe getting on an Erie freight
train yesterday afternoon In company
with a boy by the name of Wllmot, had
the misfortune to have both legs
crushed. He was taken to the Moses
Taylor hospital at Scranton where the
injured members were cared for. The
boy with him had a leg crushed about
two years ago In the came manner.
Th? Tlngley family will hold a re
union at Harford Thursday.
A party of about fifteen of our young
people held a picnic up the river on
Monday. The MaKlnney Sunday school
held a picnic on McKlnney'a flats on
Burgee Du Bols Is at Montrose.
The gospel meeting in the Railroad
Young Mens Christian association hall
on Sunday afternoon will be addressed
by George C. wMahy, of Scranton.
Subscribe for The Tribune, only 45
cents per month.
Relief In Sis Honrs.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved In six hours by ths "New
Great South American Kidney Cure "
This new remedy Is a great surprise on
account ot Its exceeding promptness In
relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
sages, In male or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain In passing It
almost Immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
by C. M. Harris. Druggist. 126 Penn ave
nue, Scranton, Pa, e e
Dr. Smith and utafT still continue to
make the most wonderful cures by the use
of magnetism. People from all parts of
the country hove come to those doctors
with all sorts of chronic dlseasus and have
been cured after twins; Riven up by other
physicians, if your complaint la curable
thi-y can cure you; If not they will tell
voii' m. Msny a poor siifTenr who had
been living In despair and hopelesanets or
months, have been restored to good health
uml hiipp.ness hy receiving magnetic
treatments from Dr. Smith and stnff. if
you are suffering with any kind of com
plaint go and consult with three doctor.
It costs you nothing and may be your sl
vnt'on. If you are a sufferer from some
old. chronic coronlalnt that you have been
doctoring for months or years without re
lief, now Is your chance to get cured.
Ovarian and fibroid tumors, epilepsy, hy,.
terla, female weakness, constipation,
pllen, dyspepsia, stricture. Impotency, mel
ancholy, fistula, nnd hundreds of other
complaints have been cured by magnet
iRin. Do not be skeptical and hang back
but go at once to GOS L.!nden .treet, oppo
site the court house. Consultation freo
from to 5 dally except Sundays. Tnea
days and Fridays from a. m. to 9 p. m.
Dr. F. B. smim. me KonneiicPftrsfcion PITY HIKId CTflDF
Tbe stork we parchaeed at the hberiff jtale
at Hasletou, Pa. oar Halo, nine mietiltiK
proved more, satisfactory than we thought.
The crowd en Monday was normooely large.
rmu m wu w . iu iwi ana we nova
which Is left we'll d is poke of at yonr own
iiricea, a'e H wek at the following prises:
1 ease Drue, aiag-ham. gross price, 1 cents,
Our Pries, 3W Cants
1 ease of Unbleached Brown Cotton, i 1
heavy, for alwetlna only, groat price. I
cent., .. Our Pries, 4 Cants
I ease Checked Crash, all linen, gross price,
10 cents. Our Pries, S Cents
1 ease Bleached Towels, by the pair, ,
(tinged, groat pcioe, so eenta,
v Our Priee, 10 Cents
lrassM Blrarhod Mohawk lloslln, groat
pries, ss eenta, Our Price, 12 Cente
A great aale for the use ef every hoeaehold.
leeetof Turkey Red Covers, .iu. Ix and
Mat, SToat price M and SI GO,
Fast Turkey Bad. .
Seftors to Dr. Reew, mt hit old aUtt 1
K& 412 Sprues St., Scranton, Pa.,
Continue to treat Dr. Hasvee' old p
tienta and all etliers who may cal L Call
Md see them. They treat you reason
ably and with great success. Blood
Poison, Rhsumatlsmandall forms
of acute chronic aud nervous diseases
of men, women and children, and se
cret disaaeea, Tumors, Cancers
snd Goitres removed without the
use of knife or pain.
iis ton 9 II lo 9 PI
Sundays from 10 A, M. tj 4 P. M.
230 Lackawanna Ava, Scrantoa.
Tbe Times May Not Be All
It Should Be, but Oar
Will go a great waj toward
erenlns up things
for our customers
Men's Silts, regular price $9, $4.65
Men's Suits, regular price 12, 7,75
Men's Pants as lot as
Men's Casslmere Pants
Men's Fine Dress Pants
1 Serilceable Salt for , $ ,85
1 Good Wool Salt for 1,48
k lobby Dress Snlt for 2.75
2 Pair Knee Pants for ,25
230 Lackawanna Ava
Also a large stock of firstclasa
it eases of Summer Balbrlggsn Hene Un
derwear, tn all qualities, gross prion, .,
IKc, and Uc. our
Price to Close Out Entire Lei 20c
Wdosen Men's White Unlauadrled Shirts,
pure linen boaon, double front and back,
rots price, to ocata,
Our Prioe, 29 Cents
US doses of Ontlng Bhlrta, la all qualities,
grots prion, iSc aoo., 60e.( 80c. and TSo.
' We will make a sweep on the entire lot
and let bar go at 28 Cents Your Choice
HOSIERY These prises will hold good
for all this week. MO pair Men. Socks
- at Sew grots prioe, lOe, ; M pair. Ladies'
.Faat tdack Hone, gross' price, 10 rente,
Our - Prioe, Be.) ! doaea of Preach
Balbriggaa Halt Hose, snd Fast Black
Hoee, great prioe, IB oeute,
Our Prioe, 12H Cents
' Ladles' Vests at ona-half lata than elsewhere.
Be oaraf aland call.
TO our patrons:
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pats
rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom
of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop
Is fully cured. New wheat la now upon the market, and
owinit to the excessively dry weather many millers are
of the opinion that It is already cured, and in proper
condition for milling. WashburnCrosby Co. will take
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling haa
S laced WashburnCrosby Co.'s flour far above other
Wholesale Agents.
Carpets, Mattings, Linoleums,
Oil Cloths, Window Shades,
and Lace Curtains, Draperies
and Upholstery Goods.
six mi in n mi
Pertaining to tbe Carpet and Curtain Trade.
406-408 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Will be found at our branch store in the Watt Build
ing, Church street, Carbondale, Pa.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Qeaeral Office: SCRANTON, PA-
In what we print it's simply what happens in the
store. Read it as you would the fashion column or
the market report. Be curious doubt us. Come
and look for yourself.
The next few days
V BUB. W - TS BTr f 1.1
4. .
uemir ioo iaic iu iuc
time, however, for use
you find out what we
' n
Will be opened
Building within
It . t . a
scasuu iui us iu sen yicui
NOW we near give them to
in the Y. M. C.
three weeks.
' ' ' 223 end 227 l
r 1 OHam will admbt
x "nt ft
,'. d. Fium, 01 uraaiora, ra., is hart
WycKlnij Avenu3. ( f
i r '