TITE SCRA2TTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MOKNTINO. AUGUST 20, 1893. Carbondale Neu)s. WE WERE DEMOKALIZED. And Lancaster Easily Won the Victory the Diamond. A general demoralisation In the field In the first and second inning wm the direct cause of yesterday n defeat. x Mncasterlana crowd the home plate In these epochs and each one.bro,uhi"n tided burdt-n to that tired w"n which our ownest own seemed to be ar flicted. These six runs served to dis courage the homesters and all the yore time snap which we were wont to see was invisible thereafter. Big Bill Massey made his appearance after a ten days' Illness. It Is appar ent that the big fellow has not yet re covered his grip. Me seemed very weak yesterday and only kept to his work by a determined effort. It was a busy day for "Chorch" Stalls. Me reached first base four times out of five times at toat and scored both of Carbondale's runs, in addition thereto he successfully nego tiated his seven chances and handled ten ground balls without the semblance of a Juggle. His side partner. Man McQuade, also distinguished himself by making a neat return of Seybolt's long drive, putting that ambitious gentle man out at the plate. Wetiel and Patohen also earned applause by co operating in this play. Today's game will be for blood, and, of course, everyone wishes that the blood will be Lancasterian. Two straight defeats are more than we are accustomed to up In this neck of woods. Following Is the score: CAISBONDALE. R. H. O. A. E. Stalts. cf 2 1 1 Shield. 2b 0 0 2 J 3 I'litchelt, c 1 Massey, lb 0 17 10 McQuade, If 0 0 2 1 0 Vethike. rf 0 1 0 J 0 Stiles. 3b 3 1 S ? WetieJ. ss 0 0 S S J Yerkes. p 0 0 1 4 I Total 2 7 27 15 LANCASTER. R. H. O. A. E. Best. If s r 3 0 0 SeuniUl. cf 1 1 J 2 2 l.e:.1y. 3b 2 3 2 8 0 ButU'i-more, rf 1 0 0 0 0 SeyboUl, lb 1 T 9 1 Stouoh, 2b 0 2 1 6 0 Cargo, es 0 2 3 1 0 Moth, c 0 7 1 0 West 11111 Total U 17 H 1 Lancaster 2 4O000210-0 Carbondale 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0- 2 Earned runs Lancaster. 1. Three-base hits Leldy. Seybold. Cargo. Stolen bases l.eidy, Stotii'h. Left on bases Carbon dale, 8; Lancaster, 8. Struck out By Yerkes, 3; by West, 4. Douple play Stourh to Cariro to Seybold. First on er . rors Carbonilnle, 1; Lancaster, B. P'-rst on balls Off West. 5: off Yerkes. 4. Hit by pitcher West. 1. Wild pitch-Yerkes, Pased ball Patchen. Umpire XIanlove. Time 2.05. MARRIED AT WINDSOR. Carbondolo Voung People Join Hands for Lite. On Saturday Miss Emma L. Gardner and Oeo'rjre H. Gleason, of this city, were joined In holy wedlock by Rev. J. T. Cameron, pastor of the Methodist church at Windsor. N. Y. The happy young couple returned to this city and tiave gone to housekeeping at No. 1V9 Washing-ton street. The ibride Is the daughter of Mrs. S. L. Gardner, of Greenfield. The groom 4s foreman of the Job printing office of Joslin & Carpenter. Confirmation Classes. Classes to prepare for receiving the sacrament of confirmation will be formed on Tuesday afternoon and evening at St. Rose church. Only those who have received holy communion will be admitted to the classes. Rt. Rev. Bishop William O'Hara, of Scranton will confirm the persons who have been Instructed on the feast of the Nativity September 8. Anthracite Sold Out. The sale of the effects of the Anthra cite Publishing company on a land lord's warrant, .Issued by John W. Ait ken, took place at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The stock ownd by the company. Including Job presses, type, paper cutter, stock, fitc, was bid In by Attorney J. E. Burr for $104. One of the unpaid employes made an effort to stop the sale. Tho F.xcnrslon. The Odd Fellows have made all ar rangement for today's excursion to Blnehajmton vl the New York, Lake Erie and Western railroad. The train reaves the Union station at 8 a. m. A free entertainment will be one of the attractions at Ross park. Tho Dramatic Season. , The Gran1 Opera house Is being thor oughly renovated, preparatory to the opening of the season of 1895-6. which What ' Ton want of medicine is that It shall do yon good parity and enrich your blood, throw off that tlrad feeling, and five you health, strength, courage and ambition. Hood's Banaparilla la the only true blood purifier 1 prominently in the public eye today, and it meet these requirements perfectly. This is proved by the testimony ot thou sands of people. Bood'a Sarsaparilla Bnilda up the nerves by feeding then on pare blood, creates an appetite by toning , the digestive organs, overcome That Tired Feeling by giving vitality to the blood, and gives sweet refreshing sleep. Yon may realize that Hood's Sarsaparilla Does tils by giving It a lair trial. Insist Bpoa Hood's and only Hood's, f 1 ; all for $5. Hood's Pills Sf CARPETS. All th latest Fall Styles. - CURTAINS . We handle all kinds and styles. RUGS AND MATS In endless variety front 25c. to Siu.uo. ... Oil ClothB,Linolcums, Window Shades, Wall Papers, Carpet sweepers ana fancy t-nairs. J. Scott jp ?lis will occur on Friday evening, when MA tt,n.. rhisir" will hp nrpsertted. TtM IRRtc vm.i. ' r- " iiirrnt will be ouened tomorrow at Reynolds' drug store. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Watt. Miss Mary and Fred Watt will spend the coming month at Asbury FarK. Mr. and 'Mrs. C. O. Mellon, or Lin coln avenue, have left tor the sea shore. W. T. Colvllle has left for Montreal. The Anthracite Social club will hold grand social In Lowery'a new trail on Belmont street Wednesday evening. fieuiare Pendleton, of Wayne street. has returned from his visit with rela tives In Stonlngton, Conn. .He was ac companied to this city by ula sisters, Misses May and Charlotte. L. M. Brundage and wife, or Wyo ming street, have left to Join a camp ing party at Wrlghter's lake, Susque hanna county. Ex-Mayor iM. C. MeGavla and wire, or Hoboken, N. J., are guests ot Hugh Powderly, of High street. Miss Lime Harrington, of New xorK city. Is the uest of her sister, Mrs. T. A. Kirkwoqd, of River street. Miss Kate McKenna. of Honesdale, is the guest ofliliss Anna Bergan, of Pike street. Air. and Mrs. W. J. Merrick, who have been visiting friends in town for the past week, have returned to their home in Pittsburg. Miss Cora Estabrook, of Ciarneld ave nue. Is visiting friends at Jackson. 'Mhw Lena Bronson. of! Canaan street. Is upending a few weeks with friends at Sidney, X. Y. Miss Lillian Robinson, of .Koblnson avenue, has returned from a visit with friends at Clark's Green. Mrs. E. J. ManaUm. of Haines, Wayne county, is visiting friends In this city. Oliss owy Ifengelly. or Ulrgett street. has returned from a few weeks' vaca tion, spent at 'Binghamton and other places. Miss Lizzie Ammerman. wno nas Decn visiting In Susquehanna county, is seri ously 111, and 9ier mother and brother have gone to her bedside. Daniel Jones la spending a weeK at Harvey's Lake. Jesse Norrls, John Norrls, William Hill and George Honey are camping at Rider's lake, near Thompson, Pa this week. ev. J. V. Hussie, a former priest here, was In this city yesterday. Mlsa May Davis is visiting in .Nantl- coke. Miss Clara Doyle left last night for Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Miss Etta McDonald, or New YorK city, is being entertained by friends In this city. Contractor Budd has commenced the erection of a new house on Canaan street for Corron Plx. Louis Abbott, of Garfield avenue, is spending his vacation at Newton lake. Mr. and Mis. Frank Lindsay ami daughter, of Mill street, are enjoying an outing at Crystal Lake. Misses LUla and Nora and James ual- lagher, of Wllkes-Barre, are being en tertained iby Mies Nora Nealon, of South Church street. Rev. E. J. Balsley spent yesterday at Crystal Lake. Ueorge Blgelow. of Pleasant Mount, Is the guest of Mrs. Frank Wells, of Pike street. Met Wilson, of Scranton, was In this city on business yesterday. Misses Ma me liryson, Sarah Lewis and Ophle Morgan, and Albert Blrkett were visitors In Jermyn last night. C. H. Rawlins, or Oxford, Md., a wholesale oyster' dealer, called on the trade In this city yesterday. E. 'Fitzsimmons, of Scranton, was a caller In this city yesterday. H. E. Taylor, of Forest City, was a visitor In this city last night. Dallas H. Piatt, of Binghamton, N. Y., who Is visiting In this city, spent several days at Newton Lake. On Thursday takes place the excur sion and clarrabake of the George W. West Division, xo. 48, Li. ot L. E. at Poyntelle. The round fare from Car bondale will be 80 cents The Odd Fellows, of Olyphant, were at Falrvlew yesterday The Plumbers toase ball club walloped the Carpenters at Alumni park, 31 to 22. William Davis, of 'Pittsburg, was in this city yes".eT(lay Sunday, Lizzie, daughter of Mr. and Mi. Evan Davis, of Belmont street, died from cholera Infantum. The funeral wm held yesterday afternoon at 10 o'clock. Interment In Blakely. David J. Orr Krf t yesterday for Read ing to attend the Knights of Pythias grand lodge sessions. John Fanning, of Simpson, 'While en gaged In a wrestling match, had the misfortune to fracture his collar bone. John Jay cox, of Simpson. Is lying at Emsrgency hospital suffering with a fractured thigh. He fell off a high bluff. Henry Fltzslmmon, of Cleveland, O., Is visiting in this city. Mrs. Robert Haney and Miss Maybert Hunter, of Canaan street, have loft for a visit to Boston. Mias Katie Kearney has returned from Forest City. Miss Emma. Dunlavey has returned to her home in Scranton, after a visit in this city. The Are. light and water committee wHl. recommend councils to -pass a res olution providing the Cottage Hose company with 500 feet of new hose. Louis Arthur, while running on Wil liams avenue, fell and cub a deep gash In his face. Six Mitches were required to close the wound. Frank D. Hutehln, of Norwich, N. Y., hi visaing In this city. Alderman Bunnell fa back from his vacation, which he spent at Jamestown, N. Y. The Royal Welsh I adits' choir will sing in this olty Ort. 1J. Misses Stella Brownell and VevsA Lewis, of Scranton, are visiting In this clly- PRICEHURQ. Wllliflm ff n-T v.n (h II n nf aiiAtLit.la called on friends in town Friday last. John Rles and Martin Deltmlller spent Suwctay with friends at Archbald. i no nvirw 01 arry ewrims, on Car- ITWxVt t root f.a ante . Vw... A 1 1. - - - - -1 " - v.. .-v v-v. nvuui o vr l l.rv n. Sunday morning ty thieves. They auc- uwwru in gewipna; away wnn a gold watch valued al (40. and 11 M) in Mih, a ml remnvpri a itninir mtwli La ta.ml amount or clothing. The trunk and ciotnmg was round In the woods behind Jackson street. Mr a ml Mr. WaiiM ..u..(r, . 1 1 1 it. v. j an7ii. Sunday iwibh the former's parents at t jrvmins;' - Mrs. Frank Norrls, of Carmelt street, is seriously tick with typhoid fever. HONESDALE. Miss Anna Sumner, of Nantlcoke, Is visiting ner sister nere. -Fred Brown, of 1estershlre, Is spend ing a few days with his narenta hr. The funeral of iMIss Sarah Shanley took place from St. John's church yes terday morning. . Augustus Thompson returned home Saturday night from his western trip. Judge Purdy left for Wisconsin yes terday afternoon, where he will spend a few weeks looking after his Interests In an extensive cranberry patch. A bicycle race meet has been among the anticipated amusements of Hones dale for several months paat; but, as often as tt iwas talked of. Just as often was It dropped.' Several members of the Maple City wheelmen nave again taken the matter tinder consideration, and If they receive aufflclent encourage ment, will arrange for a meet nere on or about 0eoL II. The people of Honesdale re onoe more limited in their water supply. The Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.&Govt Report u jsct irvi ADSOMITBLY PURE force of -water Is hardly strong enough to reach the second story of the dwell ings. iPeople supplied at the outskiits of the town are even In greater stress. The scarcity of water again brings up the question of home control of our watreworks. The water company re cently changed hands, and It was hoped it would be controlled by our own townsmen, as It was understood mere were numerous persons liere thai ae- Blrcd stock. No doubt the fabulous price asked deterred many rrom Duy Ing, with the result that our water sup ply Is controlled by parties from out of town, only one shareholder being lo cated In Honesdule. It is Delievea oy many that If the waterworks were con trolled by the consumers of the water, means would be employed to store up sutHclent supply for the needs or Honesdale at all times. The Ajnltv Base Ball club Has issued a challenge to the Amateurs of Scran ton to play a game at 'Honesdale Thurs day afternoon, iAug. 22. Work on the Ulonesdale 'National bank building has been suspended ow ing to a deluy in the arrival or ma terial. FACTORYVILLE. After anendln several -weeks visit ing frletvds at this place and elitewhere, Mrs. C. H. Read and daughter, Annn- belle, of San Diego. Cal., will leave for their home at that place touay. Rev. H. H. Wilbur and family re turned iliume Saturday, after spending several weeks In Troy. N. Y. Keystone academy will reopen ept. s. Misa Maegie Kearney gave a lawn party Thursday evening In honor of her friend. Miss Anna wutier, oi aimira. N. Y. A large nunHber of guests were present, nearly all being from Scran ton. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Reynolds, Mrs. Daniel Lwngstaff, B. 8. Gardner and iMra. S. 8. Seamana spent Monday at Scranton. Mlsa Sarah Pike, of New York, is vlxltlng her parents at this place. Tom Martin, of pcckviiie, visiting frlfnds In town. Misa Allle ate, of Chicago, and Harold Wilson of Rahway, N. J., are visiting the family of B. F. Coleman. Misses Lvdia Clark a.nd Ida. Fea- body. of Holland Patent. N. Y., are the guests of Mrs. Crawford Mathewson, on Maple street. Rev. II. H. WJI'bur. or the Mi'tnooisi Rpiscopal church, administered the or dinance of baptism to four candidates Sunday afternoon In the stream at the rear of the Academy campus. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Fitch returned Monday afternoon from a two weeks' outing at the seavhore. Miss Minnie Reynolds has returned from a vlfit with 'Montrose friends. Miss Nellie Callendar, of Clark's Green, spent Sunday with Mrs. George Transue. Everyone wishing to go to iMonitrose Aug. 21. will rememiber train leaves this place at 9 o'clock sharp. Mrs. Freelovo Baldwin, or Le Mars, Iowa, Is) the guest of her elster, Mrs. C. A. Reynolds, on Cemetery street. PECKVILLE. Regular communication of Oriental tar lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, will be held this evening, work in third degree. Mrs. C. C. "White Is vlsltlna; with friends at Wllkes-Barre. The old folks' concert will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Whiting, or Carbondale, spent Sunday In town. Wert Page, of Plttston, spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Page. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Day, of Scran ton, were callers In town on Sunday. A. W. Jenkins, accompanied by his cousin, Miss Bessie Webster, of South Canaan, spent 'Saturday with relatives at Green Ridge. J. G. Bell. O. A. Bell and Charles Chapman spent Sunday at the latter'a home In Salem. The Citizens' Cornet band of this place attended the picnic .t iPrlceburg Saturday evening under the auspice of the Prlceburg band. Miss Maria Cheney Is visiting her sis ter at Wyoming. William Jayne, who has been indis posed for 'the past week, is better, MONTROSE. Professor B. E. Jamex was In Susque hanna Saturday on .business. Stanley Olldden returned home Fri day, after a visit with friends In, Mont rose aim! vIclTOty. IMIss Lucy Morse, a former teacher in the high school of this place. Is spend ing a few days with friends at Cleve land, where she 1s very popular. Dr. Logan, of Scranton, has been camping ait Elk Lake with Horace Hand and ililam Jessup, Jr., of Scran ton, and William Mulford, of Montrose. Bruce 'Munger, of Chicago, Is spend ing his vacation with his parents on Lake avenue. The "Comet" iwlth aeveral railroad Kn from Scranton ran over the Lack awanna and Montrose railroad yester day afternoon. It is raid that E.OOO tickets have been sold over the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western for Wednesday. MAYFIELD. The Jenrnyn clerks and the Star base ball club, of Jermyn, will cross bats on the E.rst iSlde grounds this afternoon. P. F. Kilker Was In Wllkea-Barre yesterday. I William Craig, of Scranton, was a business visitor here Monday. Delaware and Hudson train No. 14 struck and killed a cow near Lee's crossing yesterday. The young men who nlaced tack. broken glass, etc., on that part of the roaa most usea ny wheelmen In pass n through this place, will be prosecuted ty the League of American Wheelmen. About 250 persona from this place ac companied the congregation of tho Church of the Sacred Heart on their excursion; to Lanesboro last Saturday. HAWLEY- (Rush Lake, of Honesdale, preached a very interesting sermon on Sunday evening In the iMethodlst Episcopal church at this place. A very large con gregation listened to him. Stanley Gaines, of Dunmore, was in town Sunday. IMIss Oertrude M. Dawklns, of Scran ton, Is the guest of Miss i,ucy Lynn. On account of the Salem camp meet ing there will be no services at' the Methodist Episcopal church next Sun day Shed Earle, a former resident of this place, Is spending a few days here.. John W Brink, of Dunmore, has pur chased a lot jU Falrvlew lake, " Relief is Sis Hours. - - - .Distressing Kidney and filaddar "dls eases relieved in sis hours by ths "New Great South American Kidney . Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain n the bladder, kidneys, hack and every part of the urinary nan. ages. In male or female. If relieves re. Wntlon ot water ana pais in passing It almost Immediately. If you want aalek relief end euro this l your remedy. Sou by C, M. Hams, uragfun, w rssa eve sua, tcrsnton, Pa. j, . . .. ' " ': .A r.4 . ... 1 , .. . ARCH BALD. On Friday Borough Attorney Batten bury certified to court that a vacancy exists on the board of borough audi tor, and anketl that an appointment be made. Contrary to the custom in vogu here he did not ask for the ap pointment of a speclllc pei-son, and the court will properly be allowed to name whoever It sees fit. The vacancy on the board has been caused by the res ignation of .Mr. O'Horo, who la now a school director. It Is said that there are several aspirants for the position. A special meeting of the board of trade will -be held this evening. It is hoped that all the members will be present as It M expected that Important business will come 'before the meeting. Misses Alice and Sarah O'Connor, of Wayne street, leave today to visit rela tives in New York city. The marriage of Miss Norah Butler, formerly of this borough, but now of Scranton, to Anthony Mullen, of the latter place. Is announced to take place on the 28th Inst. The ceremony will b? performed in St. Thomas' church. Miss Sarah Doherty and Marcus Mc Donald, of the East Side, will also be married soon. 'Mrs. 'Martin Latigan and son. John, of Wayne street, will visit friends In Phil adelphia during ithe week. Miss iMaCarthy, of Fermoy, Wayne county, is being entertained by the Mioses Annie and Elite Lane, of the Eat 81Ui. Mlsa Jennie Kearney has returned from a pleasant vacation spent at Lake Ariel. The Father Mathew society rs meet In? with great success selling tickets for their grand excursion on the 26th ,nst' ' TAYLOR. Arthur Stone has arrived home from a few days' stay at Niagara Falls. Charles E. Daniels, of the Scranton Truth, was a visitor In town last even ing. The Blues of this place and the Dodg ers of Mudtown will play a game ot ball on the Riverside grounds this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. Miss Powell, of Hyde Park, .was a visitor here last evening. Patrick Ludgate will attend the ex cursion of the Avoca St. Mary's Catho lic re) urch today to Lake Ariel. The Independent Social club will con duct a social tonight at Taylor hall. Miss Jennie Nichols, who has been visiting friends in Fleetvllle for the past few weeks, returned home last evening. The Datsmashers and 'Reds will play a game of ball on the school house grounds this afternoon. The picnic of the Union band on Sat urday evening was attended by a large number, and the band .boys were fully compensated for the efforts they put forth to make It a success. Ira Atherton was suddenly stricken wlUi a paralytic stroke yesterday, and Is now lying dangerously ill at his home. An Important meeting of the recep tion committee of the Price Library association was held last evening. Complete arrangements were made for the Ice cream and cake social to be held on Thursday evening, which promises to be a grand affair. A big time was had by the Italians in this vicinity on Sunday at Old Forge. The affair was a sort of religious cele bration in which beer flowed profusely, and a rich harvest was reaped by the saloonkeepers In that place. In the evening a grand display of fireworks lighted up the heavens and concluded the day's festivities. About 3,000 people were In attendance throughout the day. ' JERMYN. Martin GUI la recuperating In Buf falo. James O. Shepherd spent Sunday at Wyoming Camn Ground. Charles Maynard returned 'esterdev from his outing in Mount Pleasant. ' Don t fail to accompany the union ex cursion of the Baptist and EDlscoDal chuiches. The objective point Is one of tne most beautiful In this section. The painting and repairing done on tne .Mathodist church in June, together with amount due for putting in the water moter, amounting to J2S5, was pieagea Sunday after ithe services. C. D. Winter. In behalf of the made a statement of the amount of the inaeoteane3. subscriptions amount ing to $325 were pledged, and the bill win 'De paid ait once. Dr. Smith and staff still continue to make the most wonderful cures by the use of magnetism. People from all parts of the country have come to those doctors with all sorts of chronic diseases and have been cured after being given up by other physicians. If your complaint la curabla they can cure you; If iot they will tell von r,i. Mnny a. poor sufferer who had been living In despair and hopelessness for months, have been restored to good health iiiiu napp.ncss by receiving magnetic treatments from Dr. Smith and staff. If you are suffering with any kind of com plaint go and ronsult with these doctors It costs you nothing and may be your sal vation. If you are a sufferer from some old, chronic complaint that you have been doctoring for months or years without re lief, now Is your chance to get cured Ovarian and fibroid tumors, epilepsy, hys teria, female weakness, constipation piles, dyspepsia, stricture, impotency, mel ancholy, fistula, and hundreds of other complaints have been cured by magnetism.- Do not be skeDtlcal and hang back but go at onc to S03 Linden street, oppo site the court house.' Consultation free from to B daily except Sundays. Tues days and Fridays from 9 a, m. to ( p. m. D.f.B.ai.iMiiptott CITY HUM 5 EMPIRE DRY GOODS CO.. 516 LACKAWANNA AVE. ' Tbs stork we purchased at the Plier.fi a Sal t Hasletua, Pa. Our 8ale, sine opening, proved more satisfactory than we thought. Ih crowd on Monday was enormously large, and carried away the Bargains, and tbs stuck which is left we'll dispose of at your own r rices, Hal all wek at the following prices: eaas Dress Oingkams, gross price, 7 ceuts, Our Price, 8W Cents 1 cose of Unbttaehsd Brown Cotton, 1 1 fcaavy, for abetting only, gross price, I cants, - . . Our Price, 4H Cents 1 esss Cheeked Crash, all limn, grow pries, - 10 cents, .-. . , Our Price, S Cents 1 cos Bleached' Towels, by thm pair, fringed, groat price, cents, - Our Price, 10 Cents 1 roost 4 Bleached' Mouowk Jlualin, gross pries, Ucants, Our Price, 12M Cente great sal for tha wot tvery honsshold. 1 cas of Turkey Red Covers, sties, 8x4 and vlOii, gross price, I1.W and ll f , - . ' - Our Price, SOe. and 6B0. ' , Vast Turkey Bed. . rat cbs ao nicACO n EDICAL AND Socemori to Dr. Beevw, at his old ataa 1. No. 412 Spn.cs St, Scranton, Pa., Coatlaue to treat Dr. Iteavoa' eld pa tient! and all etbera who mar clL Coll and ooe them. Thy trtat yon reawa ably and with great ancews. Bleed Poison, Rhsumatlsmandall forma of acata chrome wmI narrow diaaasea of nan, women and children, and se cret disease. Tumors, Cancers and Goitres removed without the use ef knife er pain. t II ft I LI II PI Snndara from 10 A. at. to 4 P. XI. THEBELL 230 Laskavansa An, Scranta The Times May Not Be AU II Should Be, bnt Our Will c a great waj toward evening ni things" for onr customers WE S1VE YOU MOKEY THIS WEEK. SUITS. lea's Silts, regular price $9, $4.65 Men's Salts, regular price 1!, 7.75 PANTS. leu's Pants as lot as lea's Cusioere Pants Men's Fine Dress Pants $.65 1.45 2.25 BOYS' CLOTHING 1 Serviceable Snlt for 1 Good Wool Suit for 1 Hobby Dress Snlt for 2 Pair Knee Pants for $.85 1.48 2.75 .25 THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ave. SION OF THE BELL lU.IIULBERrS 1 WYOMING AVE, SCRANTON. steirwit t son BECKER BROTHERS IR1NICH I BACK STULTZ t BAUER end Others PIANOS Alao large stock of firstelass ORGANS BUSICAL MERCHANDISE MUSIC, ETC 1 oases of Summer Balbriggan Hen's Un derwear, in all qualities, gross price, 2jo Ittc. and Wc.. onr Price to Cloee Out Entire Lot 20c ft) doien Men's White Unlaondried Bhlrta, pure linen bosom, doable front end back, gross price, 60 onto, Our Prloe, 29 Cents MOdoaen of Outing Shirts, iu all qualities . gross price, iSc., 30c, 60s., 00c. .and 75c, We will moke a sweep on the entire lot and let her go at 29 Cents Your Choice HOSIERY-Tbese prices will bold good fur all this week. M pair Men's Socks . at Sc., f root price, 10c,; 01 pairs Ladles' Foot B ack Bose, gross price, 10 rents, -Our Price. Bcj IV doxen of French - Balbriggan Half Hose, and Fast Black Hose, gross price, 25 cents, , ; . .. .. Our Price, 12M Cents Ladies' Vasts at one-half less than elsewhere. Be careful and call. 5iD coos m price SURGICAL BMGIK Ulll IHUUIU u MB) J Wm ) GkraoN TO our Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to aRsurc their many pals rons that they will this yenr hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat Is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it Is already cured, and In proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no rlkn, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. laaaJ IEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. KERR, SIEBECKEH & CO. Carpets, Mattings, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, and Lace Curtains, Draperies and Upholstery Goods. 1 (I! II Pertaining to the Carpet and Curtain Trade, 406-408 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE Will be found at our branch store in tne Watt Build ing, Church street, Carbondale, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA Manufacturer or Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Doilors, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Oeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. . THERE IS NO ADVERTISING hi what we print it's simply what happens in tho store. Read it as you would the fashion column or the market report. Be curious doubt us. Come and look for yourself. YOU'LL HAVE THE CHANGE The next few da, about ONE DOZEN CAR RIAGES are left ou the floor good styles but being too late iu the season for us to sell plenty time, however, for usa NOW we near give them to you find out what we mean. 01 NEW I 111 1111 Will be opened Building within 111 I uuu patrons: CONNELL in the Y. M. C. A. three weeks. 4 R RVi f FURNITURE CO.. If u '- W.i W w- ww J sTWw aaiaelB -, :.:iE::;;":::stefe: v.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers