THE SCBAKTON TBIBUNE-TUESDAY MOBN1HG. AUGUST 20, 1895. 3 TCTS ODUETIIL Rev. "Father" Lacas's new keek, "Agaestkisa and Religion," $1.2$. Dr. Tkreep's Book, "Half Century is Scranton;" illustrated by naeroM portraits of old timers, large 8 to. doth covers,' 12.5a Taylor's New Scraoton Directory, t$. Peloebet's Notes Sabbath School Lessoas for this year, 35 cents, . until balance of stock cleared out; Publisher's price of this book is $1.25, 35-ccnt cloth bound books, "Little Classics," our price 15c as cent paper covered books, about 100 different titles, roc. Holland's "Katherena," cloth, 50c, Holland s "Bitter Sweet," cloth, 50c, New edition of old favorites, , which were formerly sold at $1. 25. School Lacka., beautiful new catalogue for ensuing year. Free, on call. GOOD BREAD USE THK SnoulUhite FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALS - TO THE TRADE BY Tho Weston Mill Co. PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Godfrey are ot Blook Island. . Mr. and Mrs. John J. Shea are In New York for a few day. M'.jm Jennie Daniels, of Division street, was In Kingston yesterday. Airs. Albert Kenke and family have re turned from Lake Wrnola. Rev. J. A. O'Reilly, of the cathedral, Was '.n Honvsdale yesterday. Mrs. Rush Wright and children are at athrop. Susyuhamia coutrty. Miss Annn Butler, of Elnn'ra, N. T., Is the guert of Scranton friends. Mrs. George Sampson, of Clinton Place, is visiting relatives at Milton. Ms Alio Comerford. of this city, . is the guest of friends In Plymouth. C'.ly Solicitor Torrey returnl yester day morninir from Cazenoma, N. Y. Professor and Mrs. William Schilling have returned from a visit to New York city. Among the visitors at Lake Ar'.el are James J. Cumw ngt, of the Truth, and bis wife. , Miss Surah Jones, of Summit Hill, is vtajtlcg Miss Lizsie Price, of Kynon street. SI! Annie Hart, of Jackson street. Is v'fVlng Mr. and Mrs. Peter O'Brien, of New Yoik. Doctor Allen and family returned yester day from a weeks' drive through the west ern part of the staite. Misses Nellie and Mat tie McManama left yesterday to spend two weeks at Philadel phia and Atlantic City. William R. Call, of GOT North Ninth street, is viskting his brother, at Keys Vllle. Essex county, N. Y. ' Mrs. J. F. Rest and daughter. Anna,, of the South Side, are spending a week at Brooklyn and Coney Island. F. A. Abrams, bajnrage master on the Delaware, Lackawanna an1 Western rail road, is enjoying his vacation. William Sullivan of Capouse avenue wtn-t to Philadelphia yesterday, where he will remain for several weeks. M. J. MKJovern, of Penn avenue.- who has been In Europe for several weeks, sailed for home on Saturday. Professor Whttmore, of the Scranton Business colleife, was 'the guest of Etroudsburg friends last week. M. J.'-Healy and James H. Kelley, of Dun-more, and J. J. Lynch, of Olyphant, returned Saturday from Atlantic City. E. J. MaJoney, manager of the Tele- ihone Exchange, has returned from At ar tic CTtv, where he spent his vacation. Mas Cora Davis, of Plymouth, has re turned home after spending a few days with Miss Anna Williams, of Tenth street. Mrs. W. W. Ross and her daughter, Jennla, left last night for Philadelphia by way of the Delaware and Hudson rail , road. . Frank WheMfng, Ernest Gllmore and Others, of tho Scranton Bicycle club, took a run to Wtlkes-Barre on their wheels Sunday, -General Manager W. F. Hallsteac), of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company, spent Sunday at Richfleld Springs, v Miss Carrie Price will leave for Phlla : delph'a and .Atlantic City Wednesday morning for a three weeks' stay with relatives and friends. Miss Mary C. Powell, daughter of Divi sion Superintendent Charles Powell, of the Traction company, went to New York yesterday .to visit friends. Miss Mary McAndrews, of Dunmore, wno, acrompBnr.ea ny m. j. neaiy s Fam ily, has been visltng her parents, at Haw ley for two weeks, has returned. Chester D. Smith and Miss Ella A. Oompton were united tin marriage by Rev. A. J. Abeale on Saturday last at Syra ; cuse. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ammann at tended tbe young people. A party or Scrantorrians who spent Sunday at Lily Lake consisted of the Missea K. Gibbons, B. Ruane, K. Coughlln, B. Oerrfty, Ai Wewitt, D. Noone, N. Mc UiHtM'n. K. O'Keefe, F. Oerrtty, A. Oer Vty. M. Dempsey. M. Burk. and Meejrs. H. Kelley, B. Calendar, F. Kelley, I. longer, R. Mclean, E. West, E. Ryan, S. Llpsln, T. Ryan . ' MANY APPLICANTS HEARD. Property Holders of the Seventeenth Rower District Kick Vigorously. Edward 3. "McNally, August Schlmpff . and Robert Haas, the ftoard of viewers who made the assessment In the 8even ' teenth sewer district, were kept busy 1 1 ...... . .1 llatutiu. - 1 HI! VH..Y yfSlVI U MBICTIIIIK 111 MppCHIB from ihe nrotestlnsf ororjertv hnklAre The council chamber, where the board held Its sessions, was the scene of -many lively discussions between as- IIHAVI mnA 111. ammnmmaA ' The-Vlewpra oaim that t.hnlr a - merit was In every way fair and lm- partial,' and say that -time will prove , rhe correctneas of their view. They (lid their duty fairly, but peculiar con Hidlos. of afairs that exlate tn the ' AWai I t.1.1- ' .to compile a report that will bo satls tvoUrry to everyone. ' DID TOU BVER think that you cannot have good health without pure blood? ' aparilla, because It makes the blood purs. r HOOD VUAM have -won high praise AFootoDyspopsiaj m m a mm Tkose Kfco left Hkkory Street Coa- grcgatioa Have Orgaaiicd. KfLL BUILD ANOTHER CHURCH At Presestt Ksv. Aagast Laag H1 Followers. Are rVoraklppIs I" St. Paal's Charch Prospeet Aveaae. Iaeorporatora of Kew Chareh. An application waatnade to the court yesterday for a charter for the "Free KvangWIeal church ot Peace." of the gvvuth SMe. Hie church organised by members ot the votigregation of tuo Hickory Street Presbyterian church, who severed thwlr connection with the Utter when Rev. August Lange re signed the pastorate. The troubles and contentions which led to Wid resignation of Pastor Lange were set forth In detail In The Tribune or Aug. I. There were about 450 mem bers In the congregation of the Hick ory street ctturcti when Rev.' August Lnnge was In charge, and about fifty or these left the church at the time hs? did, and told him they wanted htm to be their poster. One or the leading spirits of the flew congregation Is Joint Lentes, a warm personal friend of Rev. Mr. 'Lange. Fur some time prior to the recent dissen sion he was church organist and su perintendent of the 'Sunday schnol. When Rev. Mr. I-ange resigned Mr. Lentes dKl likewise and sacriflced the salary of $250 a year pulj him as or ganlst. Temporary Mooting Place. Those who went with Rev. Mr. Lange seoured a temporary meeting place in St. Paul's Evangelical church on Pros pect avenue. The congregation of that church used the edifice in rhe morning and in the Evening kindly placed It at the disposal of Kev. August Lange and his followers. The latter have determined to have a churoh of their own, and as a tirst step towards securing one have asked the court to charter them that they may have the power to hold property, con tract debts and perform the several acts that are necessary to establish and maintain a church. The petition filed with Prothonotary Pryor yesterday by Attorneys O'Brien & Kelley asking for the Incorporation of the society sets forth that it is an as sociation for the worship of Almighty Hod according to the evangvllcal creed as found In the Holy Scripture. It Is to exist perpetually. uincs of thi) Subscribers. The subscribers to the articles of In corporation are John Lentes, George J. Morlang. Jacob H. Schaffer, Fred Nahen. Conrad Beckerle, Adam Neuls and William F. Forkel. Trustees for the first year are Charle9 Grar, Philip Ebarhardt. William For kel, Henry Weber and Peter Berg- hauser. . SOUTH SIDE. Mrs. Edward Flaherty, who has been the guest of Mrs. John Ruane, of Cedar avenue, returned to her home In Schuly- K ill county yesterday. John Golden, of Hawley, Is the guest of Plttston avenue friends.' Edward Knellner, permanent man of the Century Hose company, is again on duty, after a ten days' vacation. Mrs. Daniel Kelly, or Prospect ave nue. Is entertainiug Mrs. Joha Moran, or Plttston. Mrs. Stephen Spruks. of Plttston ave nue. Is In New York city. Miss Maggie Melvhi. of Remington avenue. Is spending a few days In Pitts ton. " Frank Brady, of Genet street, has returned after a visit with friends at Manistee, Mich. Miss Mamie Hastings, of Prospeet avenue, has returned from Honesdale, where she spent her vacation. Miss Hattie Jones, of Plttston ave nue, is the guest of Archbald friends. Mr. and .Mrs. P. J. Kelly, of Locust street, spent Sunday with relatives in Carbondale. The funeral of Mrs. Ellen Gibbons took place yesterday morning from the home of 'her daughter, Mrs. Patrick Moore, of Breck street. A high mass was celebrated at St. John's Catholic church and Interment was made In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Mrs. Gibbons was over 90 years of age, and had for a long time been a resident of the South Side. . NORTH EXP. Rev. Mr. Edgar returned to Ocean Grove yesterday, where he .has ben spending a few weeks. Mortimer Christmas, who has been camping out with some friends at Lake Wlnola for the last month. Is now spending a few days at his home, but expects to return to his camp soon. The Sunday school of the Puritan Congregational church enjoyed a pleas ant outing at Laurel Hill park yester day. An excellent entertainment will be given in the North 'Main Avenue Bap tist church this evening. During the evening Joel W. Abraham will illustrate with about sixty views, the political, social and religious life of the Persians. The admissionwill be a silver offering. Both the views and the description are said to be very Instructive and entertaining. Arvln Decker returned yesterday from Lake Wlnola. 'Mr. Cornell, of Oneonta, In vtaltlnghls brother, Mr. Cornell, of West Market street.- . (Mrs. Bloom, of North Main avenue, will leave today for Asbury Park. Mrs. Elizabeth Kelley, of Parsons, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McCarty, of William street. William Chappell returned from Lake Wlnola yerterday. iMlss Annie MoElroy, of Philadelphia, who has been visiting Miss Meta Os terhout, or Oak street, returned home yesterday. Charles Zolgler and daugliter, MIbb Jennie Zeigler, returned home yester day from a vacation at Montreal and Lake George, W. A. MoAHUrter and family, of Bel mont Terrace, who havs been visiting at Northumberland, returned home yesterday. Fred Crlppen and family, of Cedar avenue, have returned home after a visit in the country. . DUNMORE Miss Bessie Shepard.of Dudley street, has returned home after a week's visit with relatives at GlenbUrn. iMlss Kate McMillan returned horns yesterday after spending the past two weeks with friends at Avoca. - Dr. Elmer Carty, of 'Blakely street, spent Sunday at his home in Florence, N. J. ' Misses LIlHe anal Jennie Woods, of Avoca, are the guests of Mrs. - Dr. Brown, of iButler street. Miss Jessie Brown, of Avoca, Is the guest of Miss Kate McMillan, of Blake ly street. Miss Elsie Colgate, of fffowley, was the guest of Miss Blanche Btoes, of Fourth street, yesterday. . James Hopkins returned yesterday afternoon from few days' visit with friends In iNew York city. .-. -. ' (Meeting of the Bpworth league In the Methodist church tonight at the usual time, I The Christian Endeavor society of the Dudley Street Baptist church wJII 'hold talent social In the church to night. An Interesting programme haa been prepared and an excellent time Is anticipated. Ice cream and cake' will be served. Everybody is welcome. . Commencing next "Sunday the .ser vices of the Methodist Episcopal church Will be held tit the Christian c-hvxph building during the repairing of their own edifice. The funeral ot Johm Duffy, brother of Mrs. J. W. Costello and Mis Kate Duffy, of this place, will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Harry Luce, who has spent consider able time visiting the different colleges of the country in the tntereat of the volunteer missionary movement, will occupy the pulpit tn the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. The school board will hold a meeting In the central building tonight. Between the Scranton Traction com pany and the Scranton Gas and Water company the streets of our borough re main pretty well torn up. RAILROAD NOTES. The excursion last Saturday netted about f600 apiece for the Railroad Young Men's Christian association and Mutual Aid, under whose Joint auspices it was conducted. The Young Meu's Christian association will Invest 1100 ot the money In new books for the library and the rest will go into the building fund. The Pennsylvania railroad company has obtained authority from Secretary of War 'LamoiU to dredge a new chan nel from the Pennsylvania's new ducks at Cleveland -through the nhoals to di?ep water. The company's dredge bovt at Ashtabula will this week be removed to Cleveland. The channel will be about lit) feet In -width and will necessitate the removal ot 18,000 cubic yards of material. "Rlchlleld seems to 4e a summer headquarters for th officials of the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western sysitem, the only railroad running Into th pp., although live long 'talked of connection with the New York Central system at Font Pluln has been graded, and many believe will have a track laid before lnng."says ithe New York Her ald. "General Manager Wi F. Hall stead, of Scranton, has had Ma family here for fome weeks, and Joined them a few dciyn ago with his pacers, one of which tms a record of 2. lit, the pair go ing a mile In 2.18. General Baggage Master O. E. Zlpple. of East Orange; DSviw'ton .'Superintendent (Resetter, of lli'buken, mi Matter .Mechanic Thatcher, all of the vauu line, complete the group. wHth the local manaiger. Mr. Merrill, and it was this coincidence of their presence here Rlmultnneouvly which -suggested a practical Joke which was only frustrated at the last minute by Mr. Merrill. The scheme was to get up a banquet for the railroad men, whoye company has Just gotten out an elaborate manual or the game laws or the Mates through which It runs, and serve t 'that 'banquet game now de clared out or season by that very man ual. There are pot-hunters here who will furnish anything from woodcock to venison whenever they have monsy enough offered them, and the particu lar dainties procured for this feast were plover and snipe, which cannot now be killed or possessed, "except 'In Long Is land.' The game was all ready and waited only th arrival of General Pas senger Agent Holwill from New York, when the mine was accidentally ex ploded, and It got about that the entire party would been 'Jugged' had the Joke een played to a successful issue. Postmnster Borland, who is a great Joker, is ehrewdly suspected of hating a linger In this pie, and the horrors which 'Uncle Sam' Sloan's railroad ex ecutives so narrowly escaped may be Inferred from the Rlze and outward appearance of the Richfleld Jail, a one roomed, one story frame structure, flanked on one hand by a laundry and on the other by a 'bollerhouse. The Rlehfteld-ers sa.yi they know nothing a'bout their Jug, 'because they 'don't have to.' " LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. (Under ttifs heading short Utters ef In. tarest will ba published when accompa nied, for publication, by the writer's name. The Tribune will not be held re sponsible for opinions here expressed.) MR.II0DG3OM IH CORRECT. Editor of The Tribune; Sir: I are wlfh T. A. T. Hodgson, In his opinion In regard to Scranton oarties finding coal In Hamilton town ship, Monroe county, and that the sup- Dosed coal find is naming dut me mas sive slate formation called the Marcel- lus. The Marcellus has a continuous outcrop through Pike, Monroe, Carbon and Schuylkill counties, and also out crops In many other localities through out the state, and lies thousands of feet beneath the true coal measures, ana is overlaid In regular order by forma tions called Hamilton, Portage, Che mung, Catsklll, Pocono, Mauch Chunk, Rei Shale and Pottsvllle conglomerate, which holds all the true coal formations in the slate. Much money has been wasted In pros pecting the Marcellus in the vain hope of finding coal, al?o the Utica slate. which lies much deeper, and which In New York state in the surface rock of th Mohawk Valley. My reading In The Tribune that busi ness men of Scranton expected to find coal near Stroudsburg, and that an ex pert thought the prospects looked fav orable, surprised me very much. I was also surprised to think that comrxra- tively so few people understand the geological formations of this ft ate. Much money would often Ue saved bv parties desiring to prospect for coal by first consulting with a competent man that fully understand the manv geological formations or the state, their compositions and relations to each other. Truly, Wertbrook Marring. Maplewood, Pa. ARRANGING INSTITUTES. Meeting for That Purpose Held by Agri cultural Association. Last spring a number of the leading farmers or the county formed an or ganization known as the Lackawanna County Agricultural association, the object of which is to discuss, consider and experiment with the latest Ideas In the way of scientific farming, and to hold exhibits that will be purely agri cultural and possess an educational value to those who earn a livelihood by tilling the soil. The first meeting of the executive committee of this organization was held yesterday hi the court house and was attended by Freeman Leach, of South Ablngton, president; H. W. NorthuD. or Olenburn, secretary; Clark Seism, of La iPlume: A. Whitney, of West uVlb- tngton; John L. Stone, of Waverly, and Elmer Taylor, of Tompklnsvllle. It was decided to hold a fair 'next year at a place to be determined upon Inter and to hold local Institutes during the first week in December at Clark's Green, Benton Center, Tompklnsvllle, Newton center and (Moscow. At these Institutes papers on live topics will be read and addresses delivered by the most practical advanced thinkers among the agriculturists of the coun try. m THEY WILL INSPECT. Controllers to Visit No. 27 School Build ing Today. Nofl 27 school In Green 'Ridge will be formally turned over to the city today. It Is a very handsome building, and one of the best equipped of the many excellent school buildings In this city. At 2.30 o'clock p. m. the members of the hoard of control will proceed tn a body to the new building to Inspect It. They will be accompanied by the other officers of the district. Ladles and Gentlemen. For the latest styles and lowest pstces In Ana shoes try the Commonwealth shoe store, Washington avenue. . - SBSBSBBSSBSSBBBSl , OIEIX . , DOUOHER-Ir Scranton. Aug. 18, IMS, Katie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Don it her, of Ninth tree, aged T yean, f months and It days. Funeral wlH take ptace Tuesday afternoon at t o'clock. Interment will be made in Hyde Park . Cathoile cemetery. . COST CF THE AFFROMEES City Eagiaccr Phillips Pigsrcs That It Kill Be $22,000. TRYING TO PARC DOWN AMOUNT Tweaty-Oae Tkosuuiad Dollars Is All the Available asa There Is on Hand for tbe Approaches to the Uadea Street Bridge. The avproxtinate estimate of the cost of constructing the approaches to the Linden stieut bridge it, according to City Bivgineer Phillips, about $!,0W. while the amount available for rhe work is less than S-l.OM). The engineer's corps are going over uhe plana again In Bhe hope of paring down the approximate estimate and Councilman Nealls. who te taking the most active Interest In the completion of the approaches. Is figuring hard to raise the available -money to an amount that will tally with the estimate. Even though there Is a slight discrepancy It will not prevent the work from being carried on. as the bidders' figures will undoubtedly be mucti lower than the engineer's estimate, as the latter is al ways placed at a figure higher than the cost Is expected to be. It Is Intended to pave the new thor oughfare all the way from Mitllin ave-nu- to 4he Swetland street bridge. Asphalt will be used on the bridge and stone block on the approaches. The paving of the approaches Is, however, only a possibility, aa the property hold ers along the route have not all slgnllled their willingness to share the expense. The Kobintsons readily agreed to pay theHr chare and the Jersey Central will undoubtedly contribute, as the road will be used by lihem to a great extent. Contrary to the general Impression It Is said that street cars will not be al lowed to pass over the Linden street bridge. BONDS OF TAX COLLECTORS. Three of Them Approved by Judgo Arch bald Yostorday. Judge Archbald yesterday approved the bonkla of the following tax collec tors: J. O. Bailer, collector of Lehigh township, bond In the sum of t'JOO, with K. D. Melvln, Samuel Weckhelser and John L. Smith as sureties. K. A. Lane, collector or taxes In Jer myn. The amount or the bond Is 21, 041.08. and the sureties tire: Jacob Hit ler, George Stone, Thomas Walkey, R. Bunt. John Solomon, iM. J. Shields and C. D. Winter. I'd trick McQeever, collector In Fell. The amount Is $1,8W, and the sureties are: Eliza McQeever, T. P. M.rNuIty, John McNulty, Thomas McDonough, George A. Boss, Patrick Hart. James McOlnty andJMIehael Flannelly. Special attention and nrlvatn unini rooms ror dinner parties at Lohmann's, Spruce street. Service and cuian .. celled In this city. "How to Cure all Skin Diseases." SlmDlv amtlv "Rwivn.'i rinftM n No Internal medicine required. Cures tat ter, ecsema. Itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose etc., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne'i Ointment. Excursion to Ocean Grove for the Camp Meeting. Asbury Park and Ocean Grove, recog nised as the most famous of all the great New Jersey seashore resorts, have mani fold attractions for all persona that ap preciate a sojourn by the ocean. The world at large contribute people that are patrons or -these resorts and among them are many that are distinguished tn the various walks or Ufa. The hotel, cottages, views of ocean, the breakers, bathing and style that pervades Asbury Park each re curring summer Is somotMng startling and must be seen by personal observation In order to be appreciated fully. August Is tbe month here. The hotels and .cot. tages are tilled, the fine driveways are gay wan lasnionaoie equipages and the mu sic of manifold bands and orchestras throw Its resonant echo over the entire scfue. At might the flicker of electric lights seems to be almost tn competition with the stars, for it must be remembered that Asbury Park is a city of advancement and has all the modern Improvements born of enterprise. The private life in cot tages Is il n strange comparison with the fashionable round of hotel gayety that at tracts wide-awake people to the grand hotels. Asbury Park with all the bustle that keeps visitors on the qul-vive, has no disorder, for the stringent local laws keep all would-be offenders within bounds and nothing but a good time marks the wane of summer days. Bathing Is one of Anbury's greatest attractions, and the cos tumes seen here In the breakers are as original as they are costly and varied. The board walk, the greatest along shore promenade north of Atlantic City, has the appearance of upper Broadway. New York, on Saturday aftennoon, with Its surging crowd moving in opposite direc tions, and Ocean Grove, with Its colony or white tents, 'the abodes or campers-out. is a pretty signt to nenoiu. Tne annual camp meeting begins here Aug. 20 and will cntmtinue ten days. The Central Railroad of New Jersey will give residents along the Lehigh and Susquehanna division from Scranton to Mauch Chunk an oppor tunity to visit these places by a very low rate excursion that wHI be run Saturday next. Aug. 24. Tickets will permit holders to remain over until Monday, Aug. 26, and return hv any regular trnn. WATCH US Sell Watches. This week we holler about that $2.50 wra Stem Wind, Stem Set, Neat Gate, American Works, Warranted for Tim. Pnllltontof your pocket and correct time greets yon. REX FORD'S, 2l3.LtCXlW.NNI WE. EXCURSION TO OCEAN GROVE for tha CAMP, MEETING. Special Rates and Train via Central Rail road of new Jersey-Long Branch, Ocean Grove and Asbury Park on -Saturday, August 24, 1898. Special excursion tickets will b told, good to go ouly on ti sin leaving Scranton at 8 a. m. Auxnst 24. I8U6 Retarning on Monday, August !. trains will leave Ocetn Grore and Aubnrv Park at a02 a. m-. Ill anr) 1 10 n, m. Long Braiick a. Ill a. m.. U25, 181) p. m. FARE for tha ROUND TRIP, $3.25. The Jersey Central will ma a spMlal train from Ocean Orove to Hcranton next Monday, letvlng the Grove at 8.8U p. tn., with parlor ear ana lunch oar attached- Wall Paper Styles and colorings are ; very fine this season. 1 Let us fix you up a sample room with nice Gilt Paper, $5. 312 HOT WEATHER RECIPES CHAFIKQ DISHES, AUr-IIKUil MD NICKEL, FIVE O'CLOCK TEAS. ICE CREIM SETS I China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, Q4 WYOIIMSimUE. Walk in and look around. RUSSET SHOES You're getting them at next to nothing. Wouldn't offer them to you at such a sacrifice if we didn't really have to get rid of them to make room for our Fall Goods, now nearly due. It pair Ladies' Tan Vicl Button, ra zor toe, former price $3.50, Closing Out at $2.50 30 pairs Ladies' Tan Fox Button, needle toe, former price $3. SO, Closing Out at $2.50 28 pairs Ladies' Russet, Goat Lace Shoe, new opera toe, former price .uu. Closing Out at $2.50 30 pairs Ladies' Tan Vici, 3-Button Uxfortis, good style, lormer price $3,00, Closing Out at $2.00 24 pairs Ladies' Tan Vici Oxfords, needle toe, all sizes, lormer price $3.00, Selling at $2.00 410 Spruce Street. THI6 WITNESS THAT H. D. SWARTZ & CO., Are the Leading Wholesale Ageats tsj Smokeless Powder, GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, fishing Tackle, Target Trass, Plgeea Tr Bias Beck Targets, all kinds of W OoodSiClgsrt and Tobaene, Lumber sal Ot Plgeea Trass, wrung Aatn r. . risoau suhv et Titwau Maaaior of One ItoMTtoieat. We repair Typewriters, iew iag lfBohlaaa, Oana aad Bevolvers, Blcyelea, boosa, umnrelBU, and Keys to at say Kino ef a leek. If van west to bn a iu (tn don't wait until th season ohm. Now hi tae time to bay. Brine year old Qnn with yen and exchange It with ns for a new ene. Satis faction guaranteed or meaty refunded. Cell and get our prices Wore you buy. Telephone 2729. Open Evenings. 8TORE, 223 SPRUCE STREET, Between Pena sad Franklin Ares, Spring House U. E. CROFUT, Prop'r, Heart Lake, Pa. Altitude nearly 2,01 test. Fine groves and beautiful wtnery. Houss now anoT well fur nlshed ; hut throe minutes' walk from D., I W, etstion, and 100 foot from the lake. GOOD BOATS, FISHING TACKLE, Dancing Pavillen, Swings, Oroands, etc., FHES to Qnesta COLD SPRING WATER AND PLENTY OF MILK. RATES REASONABLE. Write for circular. TAR GUM Cans Colds, Lay Out LaGrlppe, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELM EN DORF, Elmira, M. Y., and for sale by the trade generally MEQARQE L & CONNE LL, tl5!le lrtitScrutca, ft, K MEN'S ALL-WOOL SUITS $6.00 WHITE DUCK VESTS MARTDN DR. E. GREWER, me rniiaaeipnia specialist, ana nia aaen elated staff of English and Gemma physicians, are now permanently! located at OM Peetefflee Building, Corner Avenue end Sonic street. The doctor is a graduae of the Untrer alty of Pennsylvania, formerly demos strator of physiology and surgery at the Medico-Chlrurgical college of PhUadel phla. His specialties are Chronic, rer voue. Bain, Heart, Womb end Blood dla DISEASES OF THE IERY0US STSTE1 The symptoms of which are dlsslness,Iack of confidence, sexual weakness In men and women, ball rising in threat, spots floating before the eyee, loss of memory, unable to concentrate the mind on ana euDlect, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind, watch unfits them for performing the actual du ties of life, making hapwlness Impossible, distressing the action at the heart, caus ing flush of heat, depression of plrlU.evt forebodings, cowardlc, fear, dream. mel ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling aa iireo in in, nwrnmf as wnen retiring, lack ot energy, nervousness, tremblings confusion of thoucht.depresslon, constipa tlon, weakness of the limbs, etc Those set affected should consult us Immedlatela n .1 K m.muJ . . . . l ,.w - Lost Manhood Restored. WeakneM of Young Men Cured. If you hav been aiven un hv vaur nhv. slciaa call upon the doctor and be exam ined. He cures the worst cases of Ner vous Debility, Scrofula, Old Bores. Ca tarrh. Piles. Female WeakMaa. iev- tlons of i be Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Asthma, .leafness. Tumors, Cancers and Cripples I every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confident. Office hours daily frees I a.m. to i p.ti. Sunday, t to 1 Enclose five t-cent stamps for symtpom blanks and my book called "New Life." I will pay one thousand dollars In gold to anyone whom I cannot cure of KPIa LEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. OM Post Offlce BulMlnv. nn SJIa avenue aad Spruce street. SCRANTON. PA, OF SCKANTOH. Willi e mm e e UNDIVIDED PROFITS, M Attention Giien to Buliess ud Personal Accounts, MEREST PAID 01 TIKE DEPOSITS. rMTABLISHBO Ii70.1 GILHOOL'S CARRIAGE WORKS. Carriages, Badness Wifne Renatrtne Bores Shoeing, Painting aad Upholstering, nee BA m, m, W Seventh street, Bomatoe, Pa. JAMES & KELLY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMCRS Late of Pittsburg, First-Class Livery li Connection. 305 SPRUCE ST., SCUNTOH. The Scranton Traifiieg School For Klr.-3rgart6r.KS, SCRANTON, PK II 111 11 Theseeeid year ef the Seraatee Training Soheel fer Kindergarteners will opea Septeta ear 11 1M. Diploma will be awarded Jsae 17, IML Ver dreeUrs aad other partlcuUrs address MIS3 KATHA1INB H CLAEX MAOINQ.MA89. y DELALW Iff1 f tScMf ' IN SUMMER Cooling drinks are aeeeasary. They are the univemal antidote for excessive warmth. Mothiag is so popnlar with the fair sex la Scranton as enr soda served in all the varlood flavors and with cream for only a nickel e glass, To bare their attentions well received, young men should treat their sweethearts coolly, ana by Inviting them to enjoy oar soda, which Is really the coolest and most delightful summer drink in the city, wholesome, health ful and invigorating. Soda heads the list of summer beverages, and the foaming stream) from our fountain heeds tbe list of all sodas. J.D. 3I4UCK1 AVE-, SCR1HT0", PI WELSBACII LIGHT SpatUlf Milled tiam Mi Oearamee three (S feet of ru tier hoar sod gives sn efficiency of sixty (60) candles. 8alnir st least 831 oer sent over the ordinary Tip Burners, mx ana see it. HIT li CONNELL CO., 434 uauwiMi wauE. rUssfscturers' Agents. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are located the finest fishing and hunting gronads In the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points la kUino, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, St Paul. Canadian and United States North wests, Vancouver, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland. Ore., Ban Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all through trains. Tourist care fully fitted with bedding, curtains and speo ially adapted to wants of families may be had with second-class tickets. Rates always leal than vta other lines, For full Information, time tables, etc, on appllcatioa to EC. V. SKIM N BR, O. E. A. 353 BROlDWir, REV. YORK. Sveot Potatoes Hone Gron Tomatoes And Green Con, Fancy Jenny IM Cantelonpes, Bartlett Pears, Peaches, Etc X PIERCE'S MARKET, PENN AYE POSITIVELY LAST WEEK. LONG. Everybody should avail 4hem WILLIAMS n iPnti T ftaitsL selves of the opportunity and visit Dr. Long. Consult the Great In dlan Doctor, FREE, each day at srjjFAa'otB.
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