TIIE SCBABTOl? . TMBITNE-SATU RDAT MOBKTlTai - AtlQXTST IT, 1635. Wilkes tTh Tribune hu opened branch of fice at No. 29, Lanlng building. Public Square, Wllkei-Barre. It U the purpose of tbe publishers to lsue a newspaper at valuable to the general public as the met ropolltan dallies, and deliver It to the peo pes, throughout northeasten insylvanla from three to nve hour earlier than the Philadelphia and New York paper can reach then. FOR JUDGE RICE. A Uoaeral CltlM-a Committee Will Go to Harri.burg la 111 Interests. A well-attended meotlnp; of the Re publican league was held J Ing In the lenRue rooms. President KoWn son presiding. A resolution was otter to the effect that a committee of flw be appointed to confer wrth the Ue publicans of Lucerne county to form a large gvneral committee to Ko to the Harrlsbui- convention, soli-ly In the Interest of Judce KUe. ls commlt tee to keep free from the IlaatlnKS . , . . , . . . i r k ita inter ests solely to Judge KU' "tore. U was moved that Tatf Receiver b. It. Chase be made chairman of this com mtttee. aa he stand near JuitKe Jtlce. and has looked Into the matter to mm extent and that the chairman be Riven penter to select hla wn committee men. This was carried, and Mr. ( huse choce hto committee at once. he other four member belna- A. L. W llllams. 8. A. Bacharach, Harry IMtrlck and Hon. Jamee Ortner. These R.ntlemen will confer with other KepubUoatin or the city and county and urtre them all to attend the general mei'tin to decide this matter, which will be held next Tuesday evening- at the league rooms. Suggestion can then bo made and the whole- matter will be considered. lr. Chase, la the meantime, will look tip railroad rates ami hotel nccommod.t tlons and report them to the commit tee at the general meeting on Tues day eveuhig. BERWICK SENSATION. The Postmaster's Account" Are Too Short to Look Well. The residents of Berwick are greatly excited over the suspension vt their postmaster, Charles Itorr. toy the gov ernment 'postollloe Inspector for allleged irregularity and a shortage In his ac counts of tl.13S.6t. Charles Horr Is well kmnwn In this city and Plttston. lie is an old printer and worked for a time as foreman on the Plttston Times. He later went to Berwick and secured a place on the Berwick Independent, purchasing the plant, and la now editor and proprietor of the pajer. It is said that Borrti bondsman, learn ing that It was suspected that every thing wae not right, wrote to the gov ernment and The Inspector who was sent up found the shortage and had the postmaster dismissed. R. S. Bowman, who "wsj postmaster previous to Uorr's appointment, and wlx also was the former owner tf the Independent, was appointed to the place to conduct the affairs of the pootofflce until another regular poatmasteris appointed. POLITICAL POINTS. The Democrats of the county seem to be In somewhat of a. quandary as to whom they will elect for chairman of the county committee. - Attorney James IL. Lenahan would not accept the office, and now a determined as sault Is being made on John McUahren, esq., to lead the forlorn hope. The News-Dealer says that Mr. McOahren Is equipped to make an able nnd vigor ous chairman, but the candidates are unjust to him in Insisting that he take the place. IMr. McUahren Is a neigh bor and close associate of Mr. Bennett, the iRepubllcan .candidate for Judge, end has been so for years. Their asso ciation has been most friendly and inti mate, and to ask him to go out and make a fight against a close friend and associate la putting the bonds of party loyalty to a test thai Is too severe. If he should undertake the leadership on behalf of the candidates, and the result should not be favorable, there are any number of Democrats who would be malictotm enough to charge that owing to his friendship for Bennett he did not make as aggresesive a fight as ho could and should have done. Every one has Their enemies, and a party de feat under the leadership of John .Mc Oahren would be a sweet morsel for some Democrats hereabouts. e It Is not at all likely that Mr. Mo. Gahren would accept the office, and ft is equally certain that he will not be dragged Into H. Chairman of a oounty committee Is a thankless Job at best. If the ticket wins, the candidates think that Victory was achieved through their own personal popularity, but If defeat comes, then It Is the chairman's fault. The friends of IMr. McLean are hav ing a tough time trying to convince the pufJhVs at large that Mr. McLean's opposition to. Judge Lynch In 1892 didn't amount to anything and that all Judga Lyncb's friends should forget the slap in the face and turn in and work for Mr. McLean. It is true that Judge Lynch was elected over Mr. McLean's opposition, but that wasn't Mr. Mc Lean's fault. He tried to do Judge Lynch all the damage he could, and It Is doubtful if there are half a dozen sDemocratlo lawyers at the Luzerne bar who would sign their name to such a card as Mir. McLean did. The argu ment that Judge Lynch's friends will not dare to oppose Mr. McLean be cause he (Judge Lynch) will be a can didate for re-election some seven years hence la the rankest kind of nonsense. It is not likely that if Mr. McLean's Influence could not defeat Judge Lynch In 1892 It will grow to such proportions as to do it In 1902. So Judge Lynch's friend are safe in this year returning to Mr. (MoLean the slap which he ad ministered to Judge Lynch three years ago, and It Is altogether likely that they will do It e There Isn't a man on the Democratic, county ticket whose political skirts are clean, and the Democracy probably realizes this more strongly In Lee Stanton than In any other candidate. It Is only a few short months since Stanton came out of one of the fattest berths In the court house, namely the clerk of the court's office, and to again saddle him on the county in an office like that of sheriff Is more than the people of (Luzerne will stand. Ameri cans have a great dlollke of a perennial office holder, and this 1 what Mr. Stanton evidently aspires to be. But his path from his nomination at Musto to earing tortarlaf , disfiguring, hu nCktlng fcuiKnw of the Skin, Seals, ud Blood when aU m faUj. MveM. MBBMettF.M ssesa, I, Mas M ite, I i Mm IMOTiUI lUfl.lHSlSjO.A, pGura WORKS Barre. Hall to the sheriff's office In the court house Is anything but an easy one. He charged an Illegal fee of $1.50 to every liiiuor dealer who took out a license In 18W. and this has turned the liquor In tern of the county against him to a man. They are a very powerful fac tor In the politics of Lucerne county, and will be heard from by Mr. Stanton when th votes are counted next November. e e. e It's dollars to doughnuts that If J. K. P. Kenner. Ashley, Democratic can didate for controller, could have fore seen his candidacy, he would- never have signed the card he did. advocat ing the election of Treasurer Keed in IS!:!, when that gentleman was a candi date on the Kepubllcan ticket. Itoger MoUarry. whom Mr. Keed defeated. Is one of the most popular men In W'lfkes Karre, nnd he and his friends are not unmindful f Mr. Kenner's work for Mr. Keed. Now. Mr. Fenner comes for ward and says that lie signed the card as a member -of the lire department, and not as a Democrat. He also denies that he worked for Keed or did any thing against MeOarry. Of course, a poor excuse 4s better than tione, and no doubt Mr. Kenner, at the time, was very glad to see an Ashley man in the treasurer's oMVe. But he couldn't fore see that In 11)5 he would need all the iviuocratic ifrlends he could get, and a few on the other side too, and so, two yem ago, did not consider his ao tlou imprudent. But Mr. MMlorry has a long memory, and so have his friends, so that Vefore long Mr. Kenner will bit terly regret that he. as a Democrat, rushed luto print with an endorsement of a Republican candidate. There Is going to lie some fun at tilts election, and more titan one old score will be found to have been paid up, when the votes are counted. A Serlou Aocldeat. Miss Anna B. Phelps met with at most serious accident while returning from this city to her cottage on the moun tain yesterday. fMiss Phelps was sit ting on the rear seat of the carriage and was leading her saddle horse by a strap, one end of which was wrapped around her wrist. While going over a water break, tho led horse sud denly stopped, and before Miss Phelps could extricate the strap she was pulled from the wagon backward, breaking her right arm above the wrist. She was taken at onco to her home, where the broken arm was set. She Sails Today. Miss Padle Kalsor. the well-known soprano from this city who has been winning so much fame abroad, sails to day for home on the City of Paris. There la considerable talk of giving Miss Kaiser a reception on her return to 'this city, and this Idea will probably be carried out. Killed la tbe Mines. Isaac Thomas, aged 56 years, one of the oldest and fcest-known miners of the coal regions, was killed yesterday morning at the .Empire mines by a fall of top rock. The body was badly man gled. He leaves a wife and four chil dren. , Burned by Gas, Matthew Gallagher was fatally burned and James Goodwin slightly hunt by an explosion of gas In the Har ry E. colliery yesterday morning. BRIEF NOTES. North street, from Main to ttlver. Is now ready for the laying of the vitri fied "brick pavement. Water street will also be paved wJth the same material. Dr. D. W. CoWr Is making a num ber of alterations to his new home on the corner of Union and Franklin streets. The new filters of the Wllkes-Barre Waiter Company are now nearly ready for use. Professor Loomis, the noted chemist of New York, says when the filters become operative, Wllkes-Burre's water supply will be of the "best. Mrs. Pepina Petrnfal, of Laural Run, has begun suit for J3.000 damages against Frank Parrlsh for slanderous words which she allleges Parrlsh spoke of her. The opening reception at Wood's Business college yesterday was large ly attended and the school will be open for inspection today. A big bay team owned by Smith & Frantz ran away on Empire Hill yes terday, and the flour with which the wagon was loaded was scattered In all directions. Charles Broad Is in Delaware among the three peach orchards owned there toy htaneelf and his brother. Grewt progress is being made on the power house of the new Dallas electric road, now being built in Luzerne bor ough, and It will tie completed before long. Alderman Davison yesterday united In marriage Louis rltronlck and' Minnie Hoiick, of Luzerne borough. The merrtbers of. the Stafford Literary association are organizing a crew from among its members. They will pur chase the single, double and four-oared shells from the old Port Griffith boat club. Michael Snee and Miss NoraJi Hlg glns, both of this city, "were married last Thursday, at Jersey City. A number of Nantlcoke people had a trolley party last nlnht to Plymouth and Wllkes-Barre. They had flvs car loads of people and a brass band. Compsny F, of the Ninth regiment, will hold their plcirlo at Suburban Park next Tuesday. ! Frederick H. Robhlns, of this city, and Mh Isabella Wler, of Plymouth, were married at SWckshlnny last Thursday. A number of the residents of Hlver street who ftiw upending the summer away from home have engaged ex-High Constable O'Keilley to watch their res idences, as a precaution against bur glars. Mrs. Ellsa Preston, aged" 82 years, died yesterday morning of general de bility at hor home in Kingston. C. H. Cook yesterday began an ac tion against Harry M. Whlteman for 5,000 damages for trespass. The "Wllkes-Barre and Eastern rail road hi building a new station near Hicks' hotel at Plalnsvllle. Judge Harding yesterday received five big cans of black bass from tbe state fish commissioner, with which to fttock Bear lake. The fish were sent to the lake yesterday. AVOCA. Rev. J. U. Wagner returned home on Thursday after a two weeks' vacation at Ocean drove. The school board meets this evening to appoint Janitors and all remaining business. Misses Agnes Morahan and Nettle Draffner were caller at Scranton yes-, terday. The Mooslo band, with John Sheehan leader, paraded the street last eve ning, and gave an open-air concert, playing tame fine select tons, reflecting much credit on their leader. Kev. Walter A. Wagner returned yes terday to tola home at Chenango Bridge, after visiting his parents, Rev. and (Mrs. J.. R. Wagner. Miss 7911a O'Malley and guest, Miss Teresa M. Hannan, were visiting In Scranton yesterday. Messrs. Will Jennings and James Me Hale leave today for a week's stay In New York city. Miss Kate Morrlisv. of Wllkes-Barre. Is spending a w?ek 'with (Mis Anna iMoore, on orove street. Preparations ore toeing made for the Langcliffe picnic, to be held at Jack son's park, on Saturday, Aug. 24. Miss Nellie K. Callahan teft yesterday for a visit With Carbon dale friends. Miss NWe. Curran and guest, Miss Kate. Brennan. left: last nlffct for week's vacation at lse Ariel. Miss Annie McOulre. of Philadelphia. and Miss Fanny Tyrrell of eterantoo. are visiting Mis Hunt Hrenoay. The Anthracites, of Mwesta. crossed bats with the ftaamrorka, of Scranton. yesterday afternoon. The score waa 16-14. a victory for the Anthracite. Misses Jennie Newlln. lMa Bandera and Etta Keith were callers at Scran ton yesterday. Miss Maine Fitxsimmons leaves today for an extended trip through the New cngiana states and Canada. PlTTSTON. The Plttston olflce of the Scranton Tribune has been opened by H. W. Cruser, airent, at No. I Williams street, where eon- iriDuuon or news, complaints of non-de-livery, orders for Job work of all descrip tions, should Im ddrsuil and ranular subscriptions received. Advertising and uburiptl?a rates cheerfully submitted. It was reported ome time ago that the West Chester Paper Mill company had decided to locate In Exeter bor ough, and were refitting the oM pistol factory for their use, but It seems a difficulty narose about the drainage which made the site useless to them. end their representatives were In town yesterday looking over a site in west Plttston which Is well adapted for their purpose. They have Instructed two prominent citizens to begin negotia tions with a view to securing the place for them. If successful, they will at once weft a suitable building. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dershlemer and daughter, Laura, tuke a trip to Atlan tic City today. William iH tamper, 22 years old, car loader at iMt. Lookout colliery, met with an accident Thursday night In which he received a contusion of .the elbow. Ills home Is at Wyoming, die was 'taken to the hospital. Allen Alexander, 34 years of age, a miner who lives lit Pltreton, and works at Mt. -Lookout colllrj. suffered a lacerated wound of the scalp by a fall of cool yesterday morning, lie was removed to the hospital for treatment. W, IL Thomas, of Lambert street, and Samuel C. El wood left town yes terday afternoon on a Lehigh Valley train for Moberly. Mo., where they ex pect to reside permanently. John MCNamara returned Tnurfaay evening from a week's visit in Oothum. Miss Lena Howltz, who has been sojourning at Lake Carey for the past two weeks, returned ihome yesterday. The Misses May Powell and Belle FoiMham returned yesterday from a week's visit at Lake Carey. iM'r. and Mlrs. Fred Yates, who have been spending a couple of weeks with friends In Philadelphia, returned yes terday. There will be a game of base ball be tween the clubs of Exeter and Plttston at No. 3 grounds Sunday afternoon. Miss Fanny Price, of llarrlsburg, Is the guest of Miss Julia Emigh, on Dela ware avenue. Everybody Is invited to attend the picnic of the Sunday school connected with St. James' Episcopal church, which will be held at Everhnrf s island on Monday. No tickets necessary. On Tuesday next the veterans of Plttston and vicinity will attend the reunion at Montrose. About fifty will go. They will travel by way of Mont rose railroad. There was a special meeting of the school board last evening to consider the placing of teachers. L. P. Harter's employes enjoyed a trolley ride to Duryea Thursday even ing. Joe Kashba, of Main street, who sells soft drinks, was detected yesterday In the act of also providing patrons with whisky. As Joe has tin license he was arrested and taken totTIe lockup about 9 o'clock In the evening. When the of ficers returned to Joe's place after lock. Ing up their prisoner, they found Mrs. Kashba continuing the business of sell ing tanglefoot. They locked the wo man up also. Later they were released on ball. Plttston Business Directory. FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBINO CALL on Wright A Co., 97 South Main street. A new range for sale or exchanKe; nlso second-hand household goods, bought or old. TAYLOR. W, II. Gordon, who has been visit ing -relatives In Port Jervls for the past two weeks, returned home yesterday. The Greenwood Coal company will pay Its employes today. A number of people from this place will accompany the Railroad 'Young Men's Christian association on their ex cursion to Syracuse today. There will be no services In the Meth odist Episcopal church tomorrow, ow ing to the Wyoming camp meeting. The outing of the Price Library asso ciation to Mountain Lake was a de cided success in every particular, as was evidenced by the crowd who ac companied them. The merchants had closed their places of business and a number of them took this opportunity for a day's recreation, which they en Joyed to their great satisfaction and pleasure. The crowd left on the regu lar 8.23 car, which was filled to Its ut most, and the Journey was made over the line as far as Stone avenue. South Scranton, from where the crowd went on foot. At the lake the day was spent In different ways and all Joined In mak ing the day one of Intense enjoyment. Dancing was indulged In by many, but the principal amusument was the boats, which were continuously In use. An amuHln'g feature was a boat race be tween William Watklns, John Jones and Fred Wlnslow. After a close and ex citing race, Watklns succeeded In win ning, with about four lengths to spare. Jones and Wlnslow were tie, The re turn trip was made at different hours In the afternoon and evening, and all were profuse in their declaration of spending a most enjoyable day. The Misses Jones, who have been vis iting Mr. and 'Mrs. Gomer Jones, on Main street, have returned home. John Francis, Jr., will leave today for Hazleton. Tonight occurs .the picnic of the Union band of this place at Weber's park. The arrangements for this event have been going on for some months, and the band boys have worked 'earn estly for Its success. Judging from the popularity of. this organization, the people will undoubtedly extend their patronage to them and assist them In their earnest endeavor. If the Baby Is Catting Teeth. Mr. Wlnslow' Soothing Syrup has beta used for over Fifty Year by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with . Perfect Suoce. It Soothe the Child, Soften the Gums, Allay all Pain; Cure Wind Colic, and I the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggist In y. try part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mr. Wlnslow' Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind, Twenty-five cent bottle, MONTROSE. Captain Kllburn, an army officer, is visiting at iMra. Cromwell'. Dr. Lyman, of Great Bend, was In town yesterday. Rev. Mr. Warrlner and Mr. Stoddard were at Elk lake Thursday. Wonder If w elhall hear any fish stories. The engine on the Lackawanna and Montrose road la in the repair shop at Branton. No. 85, with her shrill whistle, 1 doing the bullae In It place. Mrs, Rorer cooking lecture are be ing attended by over thirty. They are very interesting as well as beneficial. ' Two Italians and a bear afforded amusement to the people of Montrose Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Carpenter are at Heart Lake occupying "Three Oak" cottage. They are entertaining some Blnghamton friends. The Patron of Industry of Susque hanna oounty held their third annual baskert picnic a the fair grounds to day. The Jackson Cornet band gave out the music by the yard. " Court notes: ' The Jury on the ease of Comrnomwealth vs. James Uualey, af ter being out most of yesterday and all hist night, could not come to a verdict and were dismissed by the Judge. In the case of J. R. Douglass against Abraham 'DuUols, burgess of Hallstead. Pa., (who defended the ancient right of the publlo to the possession of the bank of the Susquehanna river by fir ing off a gun In the air, the jury on the following counts), first, , assault and battery; second and third.' assault with intent to kill, find on the second and third counts not guilty, and on the first count guilty of assault only. IMr. Dubois received the congratulations of hi many friends. " How to Cure all Skin Diseases." Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment" No Internal medicine required. - Cures tet ter, ectema. Itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose eta, leaving the skin clear, white and heulihy. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for 8wayne'a Ointment T A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR. IN AD VANCE. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MAItR, NO CHAHQK WILL BE LESS THAN M CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIKS TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREC Help Wanted Male. iim!Ti?irETAE?rn J man can lesrn it a flue pua:tlou by ail drNwin WILLIAM 11. PLATT. JJU Elm Street, Camden, N. J. VV ANTED WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every towu to aolit-it stock Hulmcrlp tioiu; a nunuiioly: big money for agent; no capital required. KDW AKD C. FISH CO Bonlou Uloek, Chiango. Ill VALESil KKSillKNT SALESMEN fj wanted, acquainted with the local and nearby druir and Krocory trad", to handle nur line of high itrailo oiKsrs. Address, giving references, J. KOWAKU COWLKd Cu, lti Chamber atreut, N. Y. Helo Wanted Females. iyN'm)-lJADY OK BUSINESS AMU 'f tli and literary tante to represent a New York inaiuln In Hvruuton, Twelve dollars weekly to riulit person. Permanent; reference. T Tribune otliue. WANTED A" COM l'ETENT6TKL FOR senaral housework. Apply at U0 lot tenon avenue, city. WANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO ENBR- T itetio saleswomen to represent ns. Otiarftnteed t s day without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, iiiclosinir stamp. Mango Chem ical Company, No. 72 John street. New York. For Rent. X)R RENT 8TEVENH0N FRUIT FARM. F Clark's Ureon, for a term of year. Ap ply to OEOKOE 11. DAVIDSON, Attorney, 513 Kpruco street. lOR RENT- A LARGE, -KTORY BUILD-' I lutfatlUI Kraukliu svenne; Bui table for wholesale business. CARBON DA VIES, Hcrauton. 1?OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOURE ON WEST I-K-kswanna avomie. Addres THOMAS E, EVAN'S, soar lxl Luzorne, Hyde Park, jxjR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED HALL r suitable for ludue rooms.' JOHN JEU MYN, HU Wyoming uvenuo. For Sal. A N OHO AN FOR SALEOR WILL TRADE for a pood mare U'A East Market street I .'OR HALE CHEAP-LARGE HOUSE AND barn and one acre of ground at Dalton, Pa.- Address J. L. Hwarts, Dalton, Pa, or H. D, HwarU. tS3 Spruce stroet, city. F'OR HALE AT REASONABLE FIGURES, slot of Hon & Co. 'a iron pipe composi tion Irames, single and donhlo: also a lot of Hooker casus, in pairs, some extra depth. All only slightly uk"1 and good as now. Address Inquiry to ItUSINKSS MANAGER, The Trib une, Scranton, Pa, q'HK HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS OF 1 fer their property on the west side of Adams avenue, between Pin and Gibson streets, consisting of five forty-foot lots, mak ing a frontaife of two buudred feet on Adams avenue by one hundred aud fifty feet in depth, improved, with a large three story frame bouse. Price, thirty thousand dollars. FSCHA H. RIPFI.KA WILLIAM T. SMITH. HENRY A. KNAPP, Advisory Committee. Business Opportunity. WILL EXCHANGE FOR AN YTHI VO WW acres uuoncumliered coal and timber land, Eastern Kentucky; elegantlv located; otllclal abstract hubmil offer; sou'd for par ticulars; bauk references. 8) Morse Building, New York. WANTED-BY RESPONSIBLE HOUSE, oftico inaujirar with smnUcspitul: money refunded from first sides. Halary (100 per month and commissions on stiles; refcrenoea exchanged. Box 77 St. Irfiuls, Mo. WAV TED BY RESPONSIBLE HOUSE, office inatmKcr with iuUil to StKXV money re'unded from first sales; salary $100 and commissions on sales; reforonces exchanged. Box 775. St. I.ouls. Soeelal Notices. NOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1, I will make a monthly tour of the follow ing places glviug free opjn air advertising ex hibition with the stereoplicjin: Taylorville, Hyde Park, Providence, Dickson olyidiant, PeekviUe, Archbald, Jenny n. Exhibitions given on Wednesday and Friday of each week during tho month, the rates for adver tising are 110 per month. Address E. H, t an, i n ibnne office, city. '"PHE HOLD! KM IN OUR CIVIL WAR." 1 Yon want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie' famous old War Plcturea.ahow tng the forces in actual battle, sketched on the spot Two volunvs, 2,0uu pictures. Sold on easy monthly payments. Delivered by ex press complete, nil charges prepaid. Address P.O. MOODY. s2 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. 11LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA I) Elms, etc., bound or rebound at Til 1'Rlsuss oMc. suiok work. Reasonable prices. lost. t rOST BETWEEN -CORNER OF DIME J Hank building and Linden street and Adams avenue, an Elks' tooth watch charm. Finder will please return to cftlcs of Union News Company, O , U & W, dopot, aud re ceive reward. , Situation Wsnted. SITUATION WANTED BY A BOY, 10 yesrs old: Understands the oar of horses; has had ep. rlenee In grveory store. Address v t mr u ....... . . u,, ivir nauifuu rwt hUTUATlOAl WANTED BY A BoY OF IS to do anything. C U., 217 Grant avenue, city. CJlTUATION WANTED BY A YOUNO girl, III years, to do light housework In mall family, or will take care of one child. Address MBS. Till EL, IQjs West Lacks, ave. AN EXPERIENCED DRAUGHTSMAN would like position: can come well rec ommended. Address DRAUGHTSMAN, care Tribune office. ' CTENOQRAPIIER AND TYPEWR1TER P Vouug lady, well qualified beginner, de- ire position. Auqress inDousemco. A WIDOW WITH ONB CHILD WOULD Ilk a place a housekeeper. Call er ad dree Utt, Krssslcr court. NTEIV-A SITUATION BY A YOUNO sis aa ianltae? or ntebt watchman! last of city references Addiess u. Scran ton, p. POSITION WANTED -BY EXPERIENCED" alesmaa in dry goods: best refer aoer. Address A. M. B Tribune office. D RUOaiST, RKOiSTEkKD, WANTS Po sition ss elarkwr msnaesri 11 vesr1 ex. perienne) city fer ooantry. Address DMTJQti eeje scrtos t pjsnsje. WIDOW' WITH TWO' V CHILDREN wast a nealUos sa huasshMser, Call er . M ul OswaM eeara . , ONE CM itiCr ilv SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! We have been fortunate in securing about 20 pieces of FINE CRBPON SILKS Which we consider are worthy of a special announcement The weave is of the Plisse effect, with Satin Stripe, and the gronndwork is one color, of which there are about a dozen shades. The Satin Stripes are in some instances the same shade, . in others a beautiful contrasting tint. The price of these Silks has been up to the present time $1.7? per yard. OUR PRICE IS ftSThisls without made in Scranton. CONNOLLY & Agent Wanted. WE DON'T WANT BOY 8 OR LOAFERS, but men of ability; km to 1Mm month to hustlers; state and genera! ag-nnta; salary and commission. Guemieal Fir Extingulaher Co., Racine, v la ( 1 EN ERAL AOENTh" WANTED SELL ' T ing new articles to dealxra; exclusive ter ritory, no cmietitiiin, no capital required ; AU to .mi per cent, pmflt. Columbia Chemical Co., VI Dearborn St., Cbiico, 111. AGENTS WANTKD EVERYWHERE, TO miike $7 daily selling our Aluminum Novelties; look exactly like silver; waiitbs one-quarter: featherweight; wouderful; new est out: sample, IUu.: calnlogue froe; ALUM INUM NOVELTY CO., S5 Broadway, N. Y. A" T ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new lightning selling table clotb.mne quito and house ny liquid at la cents and :'S couta bottlo. Sample free. BOLG1ANO M'f'll Co., Baltimore, lid. AO ENT8-1IINDE'S PATENT uSYvEK. sal Hair Curlers and Wavers (used with out heat), 'and "i'yr Pointed" Hair Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 45a. New York. WANTKD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle our line, ns peddling. Halarr, 17.1 per month and expenses paid to all. Uooda entirely now. , Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 6JUB, Btwtou, Mass ' Rctnoved. MAC'S BOOK STORK HAS REMOVED TO 1H1 penn arenue, directly opposite the St Charles Hotel. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physiclnns and Surgeons. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 616 Spruce street, Bcranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAT, 208 PENN AVE.: 1 to t P. M.J call 2CKI2. DIs. of women, obstretrlue and and ull die. of chll. DR. A." J. CONNELLi OFFICE- Ml Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Frnncke's drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vine st. Office hours: 10.3U to 12 a. m. and J to 4. and t.'W to 7.1V p. m. Sun day, 2 to S p. m. DR. W. B. ALLSN, EU Nertk Wssialagtea avenue. DR. C. L. FREY, PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: office, 122 Wyoming- ave. Resi dence, 629 Vina street. DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Otllce hours, I to a. m., 1.30 to t and 7 to p. m. Residence 30 Madi son nvenue. DR. J. C. BATESON, RELIABLE SKIN. Tumor and Cancer Specialist. Tuesdays and Fridays, at COS Linden street. Of fice hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT, PORCELAIN. Bridge and Crown work. Office, 2S Washington avenue. CTC." LAUBACH, SURGEON DBNT1ST7 No. IIS Wyoming avenue. K. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL BX chunjEu. Lawyers. WARREN KNAPP. ATTORNEYB and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scran ton, j'a. JESSUFS HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at lnw. Commonwealth oulldlng, Washington avenue. W. II. JESSUP, HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP, JR. PATTERSON WH.COX. ATTOR; neys and Counsellors at Law; offices and I Library building , Scranton, Pa. ROHWULL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys nnd Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORN EY-AT-Law. Room 6, Coal Exchange, goraa ton, l'a. JAMES W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY-at-Lnw, rooms M, 64 and 66, Common weaiin ouiiaing. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNET-AT. Iw. Ojljco, 817 Bpruce St.. Scranton. Pa. L. A. WATRBS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ia L4icKawaiia ave., Bcranion, s-sw URIB TOWNSEND, ATTORNET AT Law, Dimo Bank Building, Scranton. Money to loan In large sums at I per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNET-AT law. Commonwealth building, Scran ton, Pa. C. COMEGYS, X21 SPRUCE STREET. D. B.REPLtXILE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 406 Spruce street. ST F. KI LLA mTaTTORNE V- AT-LAW. lw Wyoming sva., purauimi, a. JAii J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 46 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. j" M. C. RANCK. 1M WYOMINO AVB, Architects. EDWARD H. "DAVIB. ARCHITECT Rooms 14, ana se, v.oiiiiuunweaun building, Bcranton E. L. WALTEH, ARCHITECT. OFFICB rear or uue tvaMmngioii svvuiua. LEWIS HANCOCk7 JR., ARCHITECT, 435 Sprucejit., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN MORRIS. ARCHITECTS, Price building, Utf Washington avenue. Bcranton. . I Ixmn. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND - Loan Association will loan you money on easier torms and pay you better on Investment than any .other association. Call on 8. S. Callender. Dime Bank building. Wiro Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR Ell LACKA- wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa,, tnanufae : tufer of Wire Soreeus. Seeds. i O. R. CLARK sV CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave- nua; green house, 150 North Mala ave nuei store telepboe 78SL Teas. QRAND UNION TEA, CO., JONUBBOl. 'IM a 59c. A YARD. doubt the most important Silk announcement ever WALLACE, 2a9,ae! FURHITMOE UPHOLSTEREB. J EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, UU REASONABLE CHARGES. TRY US. THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa, prepares boys and girls (or collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. 11 II ELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School. 411 Adams avenue, opens Sept. 9. Kindergarten 110 per term. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address H. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Uulbsrt's music store. MEQARQEB BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton, Pa, FRANK P. BROWN CO.. WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 1 and lit, Williams Building, opposite postofOca Agent (or the Res Fire Eatlnguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 126 and 127 FRANK- lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor. BCRANTON HOUSE," NEAR D., L. W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEU Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, New York. Rates, 63.60 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLB. Proprietor. Pioneer ef the hotel cen ter in New York eitv. Noted for Its superb Iocs- lion, superior rooms and excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel (or Riving MORE VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any first-class hotel In the world. Facing Central Park, 68th and 69th st., Plasa Square and Fifth avenue; reached by any uptown ears, and the crosstown cars at 69th St., which latter In tersect all surface and elevated roads; terminal station 6th ave. L road within half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European pinna. Drlnklns water and Ice used Is vaporised and frozen on the premises, and .tertlfled as to purity by Prof. Chandler. V. A. HAMMOND. Medical. LAOIRRI ChtchenVt Em foayreyal PJBi ipi.moj i), ere the Beat. . '""j - n"iUJiCa.rusei,rTr RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New Jersey. (LMhiirn aud Musqueoaaua Diruuonj Anthraclto coal used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness and cannier u '111 hi TAMLhJ IN KVKliC!' JUNE X I'M. Trains leave Seraatea for Plttates. WUkea-Barre, etc.. at 6.KX 606, U.69 am.. l.iU, XUU. .U6, 6.00, 7.1w p. m, Sunday, . a. m., 1.00, S.16, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantle City. 6.M am. . . For New York, Newark and Bllsasetn. 1.20 (express! a. Ml., I SJ (express with iiut (et parlor car), .6 (express) p.m. Sun day, 2.16 p. m. Train leaving Lll P. m. arrive at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 6.11 p. m. and New Vork 6.46 p. m. Per ifauch Chunk. Allentown. Bethle hem, Baaton and Philadelphia, Is) am. l.U. 6.06, 00 (eioept Philadelphia) p. in. Sunday, 116 p.m. r or iong uranon, uwas invest em. as 6.-JU a. in. (through coach) oaeh), lip. m. saen and HarYuiburg. a. m., 1.23, 6.06 p. tu. For Heading, penaaoa via Aiieniown, .m Sunday, I. lb p. K,,r fnltavilla. t 90 a. m.. 1.26 n. ir. A.IUT KB,. W Vf.i lf,w. v au- erty street. North river, at 1.10 (express) e.nf., 1.10. 1.1. Ik (express with BuSet Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib. anor car; p.m. suowr, .m a. Iave Philadelphia, Reading 1.06 am., 160 and 4.60 p.m. 8 m. TermlnaL unday in . R. OLHAUSEN. Oen. Sunt Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June Z4 1M6. Train leave Scranton a follows: Ex- rress for New York and all points East. 40, 160, 6.15, 1.W and I U am.; II 66 and 6.34 sTxpresa for Esston, Trenton, Philadel phia and the south, 6.11. IN and 166 am M M and 6.64 p.m. Washington and way stations. 1 66 p.m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 110 p.m. ' Express for Blnghamton. Oswego. El- Slra. Corning, Bath, DanavUle, Mount orris and Buffalo, 1110. IX am., and 1 31 t.m., making close connection at But slo to all points In the West , Nerlkwest and Southwest. Bath aocommodatlon, a.m. iin aecommoaation, s a.sn. pir Nlc ingnamton ana way stations, ixsi p.m. Icnelson acoommodatlon, at 4 p. m. ana ta m Blnghamton 'and Xumlra Express, 0.01 P'Expr for Cortland. Syracuse, Oswetf Vtlca and Rlehield prtne, II am. aai .p.m. . ,l . . , , m lisaea, ajiu obhii . sv.ssj, enw t",r-" sviniew- Ti-HiM.nM w..llaliui ana IK. Bauth tsnnNiait mm- rMllmaa parler aad sleep lag o ket tisM X imltn, eity UOMI ome. 1 1 u i Lackawanna aveaue. Through ticket te all point at lowest rates may be had oa application In ad vance to the Ueket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN, ties. Pasa Asent. Nertnumeeriana esq in tlens, 6.00, .66 am. and J.so aa -.er p.m. jSanUeok and Intermediate jlo"S. 17 sad 11.10 am.ymeuth and late, mediate station. . and 1 61 p.m. . asae an tepet tawset 6o2 &m 662 ii Lull lie., Cor. Adams. May 12, 189S. Train leave Bcranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. H. R. R. at 7 46 a. m., 12.06, 1 20, t.38 and 11.31 p. m.. via D.. U & W. R. ., 6.00, . 08, 11.20 a. m., and Lti p. m. Leave Scranton (or Plttston and Wllkes Barre, via V.. L W. R. B,, 6.U0, IM, 1LM a. m 1(0. 6.07, 6.C6 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha gleton, Pottsville and all point oa the Beaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E. W. V. R. R 6.40 a.m., via D. a H. B, R. at 7.46 a m.. 12 .06, 1 20, 2.38, 4.00 p. m-, via D., L. c W. K. R, 100. 108, 11.20 a. m 1.30. 3.60 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Beading, Harrlsburg and all Intermediate rolnts via D. A H. R. R., 7.46 am., 12.06, 20, 2.38. 4.00, 11.38 p. m., via D.. L. W. R, R., 00, 8 0s, 11.20 a. m., 1.80 p. m. Leave Scranton (or Tunkbannock, To Wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Oeneva and all Intermediate points via D. A H. R. R-, 8.46 a.m., 12.05 and 11.36 p.m., via D L. 4s W. R. R., 8.09. 9.66 a.m., 1.30 p.m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all Joint west via D. A H. R. R , 145 am.. 2.06, 9.15. 11.38 p.m., via P., L. W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, It), 956 a.m., 1.30. 150 p.m., via E. A W. V. R. R , 8.41 p.m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, via D. A H. R. R.. 8.45 a m., 12.06, 106 p.m.. Via D L. A W. R. R., 106. 156 a.m.. 1.20, and 6.07 p.m. ' . Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. A B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York. Philadelphia. Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLTN H. WILBUR. Gen. Supt. CHA8.S. LEE. Oen. Pass. Agt. Phlla. Pa. A. W. MJNEMM-ni-n, ani. Pass. Alt.. South Bethlebem, Pa. DELAW-ATta AND HUDSON RAI1 ROAD. Commencing Monday, day, July , all train will arrive at new Lack awanna avenue station aa follow: Trains will leave Bcras ttr Cartaondale aad In- . i-,. . m aas 7 on S3 ana iaio rmTilOTT iS im. . o,Urarv2w, Waymart and .Hooeedale at IM. IX and Kit a. m-, 11 SO. 120 and lit For Albany, Baratoca, the Art I rone a , u . Ti - a At am. .nil 9 an la an. For Wllkes-Barre and lntrsnedla , ,.lnt at 7.45. 141 136 and 10.46 am., aot Li), 166. tOoTast, 106, It aad U.I .. Trains will arrive at rVwanton stattoej from Carbondal and Interwdlste polntd at 1.40, 14. 1.64 and 10.4 am., 11 00, IM.VM iM. 116, 6.66. (.46. 1U and 11.36 p.m. From HossMdaX Waymart and FaM view at 16 a.BL. 1160. L17, 140, IB an4 f,46 p.m. Prom Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, eta at 4.64 aad U.tt p.m. From Wllkes-Barre and IntermsdlaM ants at 116. 104, 10 0 and 11.(6 am.. LlJ , 111 110, 106, 7 JO, 101 aad 1L1 p .m. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Train leave Scranton for New Torsi and Intermediate points on the Erie rail, road at 7.00 a. m. and I 24 p. m. Also (or Honendals, Hawlcy and local point at (.00, 8.40 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. . All the above are through trains te and (rem llonesdale. Train (or Lake Ariel 6.10 p. m. Train leave (or Wllkes-Barre at IS) m. and Itt p. m. CRANTON nlfiSIOW. Is BfAwt, May ISth, ISftS. y Nertk aewsMl. taUona (Train Bally, K cept wnnsay.) Arrive Leav 4 ST (40 T6 (10 N. Y. Franklin s; West 4imd s tree i Arrive LeaveiA stl ir m Hancock JuncUoni TcS 8 11 Itt Hancock SUrllfht Prestos park cnsio PorsUlle (64 .. 018 .. 661 .. 681 .. 64 .. 6 46 .. 665 .. J 181 141 6 1 08 80 8 It Beiaoni snt til sloadale rtssk. Forset City Tinir cwDoiiaaie White Bridge Ktyfleld Jermyn Arcblbald Wlnton Peckvllls OUpkaal Iiiekaoa Throop FroTldenoa Park Piao Senvntoa 1 14 1811 686 TrnatrinM M7 M.ntMtln T84II84 14 T40lf6l 661 T 431164 166 7jl8M 8B TfrMIIO 41 Ml 14 414 5rfll4f4tT 861 11 480 Leave Ante aWJfWH ''All wains ran daily except Sunday. . JTrtniOm that trslss step ee. slgsal l fecare rate via Ontario WtMtrs s8at i purchasing ticket aad save saeaey. nay las Nlaft Bipreas UtUaWs. Im aati ttMS03iOI r mr - 10 55 7 85 l4tt7l .... losdroo r DSN iin .... 6W 109 .... 61019M .... 6 04141 .... 4 5H1140 .... 4 Mi :: 4 4TI6I4 .... 4ft,JlllfiS .... (4 81IM169 .... A II 4 4 061181 115 . .. fiita i f8M ..rbw 8 5SllsSj 908 . 8 61 II IM 657 14CrilllH 8 54 84411 111 860 IIOTl 14 86 II Oft (41 B 88 II 08 8 Ml 8 80 II H 68 f7fl(H 888 1 as 10 Ml u S r m'a i 1 i