The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 17, 1895, Page 12, Image 12

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    . It
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Highest of ill in Leweniag Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The Angel of Doath F.niors Flvo Homos la
our City.
Yesterday morning at o'clock oc
curred the Ofatn ot Minnie
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kln
fcaok. of Washington street. The child
had been sli k but a shout time, and Its
sudden death was a hoc-k to the par
ents. The funeral services will be held
on Sunday afternoon at the residence.
Kev. Charles Lee wHI conduct the ser-
'm? and 'Mrs. Michael Toolem. of
Woodlawn avenue, mourn the loss or
their little Infant son, Patrick The
disease from which the child died
vaa cholera Infantum. The many
friends of the family aympaithl.e wlta
Cholera Infantum also caused the
death of another child yesterday. Mar
guerite, the Httle child of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Collins, of Brooklyn street, ar
ter an illness of a few days, suc
cumbed to the dread disease. The fu
neral will take place this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas iPurry. of Dante
avenue, mourn the loss of their little
daUKhter, Hannah, wtuwe death oc
curred yesterday. The child had been
sick for a few days and yesterday was
seised with convulsions, which caused
her death. The services will be held
today. Rev. K. J. Balsley oftlclatlnK.
Michael, the 1-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Lapakifshy, of Fell town
ship, died Thursday evening of cholera
infantum. The funeral will be held
this afternoon. Interment in St. Rose
Much Business Ikmo -Several Claims of
Damages Presented.
The common council met on Thurs
day night, Messrs. Ulennon. Baker,
Colwell, McUtnough, Smith and Lot
tus being present.
Tiw Hfu-er nuestkin was first taken
up and a communication from Mayor
Hendricks upon the subject was read.
In It he recommended that the matter
be given their attention at once ana
nmethinir be done to abate the nui
sance. A motion that an ordinance be
made and presented at the next meet
ing was passed.
At last meeting Mr. "McDonough pre
sented a claim of $7.75 to the council,
which amount of damage was done to
his ice house by surface water. A
committee consisting of If. a. Baker,
Milo Gardner and Frank Colwell was
appointed to view .the place and esti
mate the amount of damage. They
did not agree with Mr. McDonough and
said his bill was too much.
Several ordinances, among which
wore the library, Salem avenue Im
provements and Traction company
Belmont street ordinances, passed sec
ond reading. The white bridge was re
ported unsafe and the matter placed
In the hands of the proper committee.
The Councils Meet to Consider the Fire
Alarm System.
A lively meeting of the councils was
held Thursday evening. The meeting
was called to open the bids for a Are
alarm system and for the construction
of the Park street sewer. Two bids
were received for this, that of Bryce R.
Blair's being the lower. They were re
ferred to the committees.
A lengthy debate upon the fire alarm
system was next In order. Four bids
were received and opened. They com
prised the Stevens system. New Gay
nor Electric company, Standard Elec
tric Signal company and the Univer
sal Fire Alarm company.
Several of these bids were not ac
companied by the certified check re
quired in the agreement and much talk
wag had as to whether they should be
taken with the others or not. It was
Anally decided that all be referred to
the proper committee.
The ordinances ot the Belmont street
track passed finally In this meeting,
The Services Took Plaeo Yesterday After
noon at His l.ato Home.
The funeral of Harold McMinn, who
was drowned In South Canaan, took
place yesterday afternoon from the
home of his parents on Lincoln ave
' Hue. The large number present showed
that, although he was yet so young, he
had already won a way to their hearts.
.Rev. Charles Lee, of the Presbyter
Ian church. .conducted. iHe preached a
short sermon which was full of love
and sympathy for the stricken par
ents. Messrs. ffUaymond Hockenberry,
Arthur Lewsley, Emmons L. Feck,
John Bryden, Charles Perkins and
Myrftn Hockenberry were the pall
bearers. A Successful Operation.
Thomas Gilhool, who was operated
Mpon Thursday for appendicitis, spent
Worn Out Women
Bhonld read this letter. It shows the
wonderful bnUdlng-np powers of Hood's
BartaparlUa, the
(rest blood purifier,
"I wish I conld
stand In soma pub
lic place and cry to
Hailing humanity,
'Hear this, ye peo
ple, what wonder
ful things Hood's
Sarsaparilla has
dons for me and my
Wf a nmuy.' i cannot
'if express what I suf
fered. Only one of my sex knows what
woman can suffer in mj condition. I was
prottrste with nervousness and weakness.
The least noise wonld drive me frantic.
I decided to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. I
am overjoyed to say that I am now well,
hearty, rosy and plump.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best medicine for those suffering at
I haresnffered." Mis. 0. C. Kibjcpatiicx,
Pine Grove, Penn. fl ; six for fS.
easy to buy, easy to take,
easy la enact, ate.
. All the latest Fall Styles.
' We handle all kinds and styles.
In endless varlety'from 25c. to
Oil Cloths.Linoleums, Window
Shades, Wall Papers, Carpet
Sweepers and Fancy Chairs.
'J. Scott Inglis
P. S. Low prices our motto, '
a very comfortable day yesterday, and
the physicians in charge have consid
erable hope for his complete recovery.
The operation was performed by Drs.
Burnett, of Scranton, assisted by A.
and J. .Niles, of this city. i
A Young Lad Breaks Ills Shoulder
Wilfred, the little son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Dunham, of Park street,
yesterday went over to a neighbor's
to play, and while ithere was doing some
gymnastic tricks. In some way or oth
er he lost his balance and fell to the
ground. He was at once picked up
an.i n.rrii into the house and a doc
tor sent for. Upon examination it was
found that the shoulder Drone irau own
broken. Dr. J. S. Niles. the physician
In attendance, set the fractured bone
and made the boy as comfortable as
possible. , .
tha fraftnr he u9talned a
number of bruises and It will be some
time before he indulges in any more
acrobatic performances.
Oir and Mrs. Frederick Mitchell, who
were married this week at Windsor,
N. Y., have returned home and have
taken up their residence at their new
home on John street.
LMrs. Daniel Scurry, of Washington
street, spent yeaterday with friends In
The Are committee of councils will
nfeet this evening for the consideration
of fire alarm ibids.
Miss Fannie Snover and Miss Ada
Bone are the Kuests of Mr. Anson
Bailey, on Salem avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan, of Olean.
N. Y.. who have been visiting Miss
Cora Bell at iher home on Church street,
left yesterday for Hawley, where they
will visit friends.
Mlsa Harbara Held, Of Main street,
Is the guest of friends In Wonesdale.
II. W. Dlngman and Dr. John Slt
terly, of Hotel American, have returned
home after jndlng their vacation
with Operator MoColburn, of the Postal
Telegraph company, at Keen's Pond.
Miss Agnes Nlcol. of Green Ridge, Is
the guest of alias Mary Watertleld, of
Eighth avenue.
Mr. and IMrs. John Tonkin, of Darte
nvenno. have irone to London, Ontario,
Canada, where they will spend their
Ir. J. Burnett, of Scranton, was in
this city yesterday In consultation with
Dr. J. S. Niles.
Miss Mary White, of Brooklyn street,
is entertaining her mother, Mrs. White,
of Jersey City.
Messrs. Robert W. Crane, of Philadel
phia, and C. B. Johnson, of Wilkes
Barre, state councilor wd vice state
councilor respectively of Junior Order
United American (Mechanics, attended
a meeting of the councils of this city
and vicinity last evening.
Miss Sadie Spelcher, of New Jersey,
atid Miss Annie Gavin, of Jermyn, have
returned to their homes after spending
a few days with .Miss Mamie Ruddy.
George Love, a prominent merchant
of Brooklyn, N. T., Is visiting his sister,
Miss Elsie Love. Mr. Love was at one
time a resident of Carbondale, and
during his frequent visits here he has
noticed, with pleasure, the many im
provements that have taken place.
Fred IMiller. of Moss Side, Is quite 111
with the grip.
Miss Mamie Ruddy, of the South Side,
Is visiting her uncle, A. T. Gavin, of
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Williams, of Lin
coln avenue, have returned home from
a visit with relatives at Unadilla, N.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Frederick Warren, of
Green Ridge, have been the guests of
Mrs. Horace Daley.
Miss Llbble Carpenter, of Unlondale,
Is visiting friends in town.
Miss Mary Hullah has returned home
after a 'few days' visit with her parents
in Forest City.
Mrs. H. Strickland, of Lincoln ave
nue, left today for a two weeks' visit
with her daughter,. Mrs. William T.
Blair, at Mount Upton. N. Y.
Mrs. F. Buckland and daughter. Miss
Edith, of Cemetery street, left yester
day for Rochester, N. Y., where they
wHI spend two weeks with Mrs. Buck
land's daughter, Mrs. S.T. Jones.
Miss May L'lmer and 'brother, Arthur,
of Wyoming street, left yesterday for
Waymart, where they will visit friends
for the next door weeks.
Miss B. Norton has i returned to her
home In .Scranton. after spending two
weeks -with Mrs. J. B. Coltor, of South
Main street.
Mrs. John D. Nealon has returned
from Unlondale, where she has been
spending the past few weeks.
Mrs. C. L. Pettis, of Hospital street. Is
entertaining her sister, Mrs. C. H.
Thompsoni, of Susquehanna.
Miss Bridget GHmartln. of South
Main street, has gone to Clifford, where
she will spend her vacation.
Max Lathrop Is entertaining his
brother George, of Scranton.
Mrss Kittle Merrick, of Plains, who
has been visiting Mrs. Kllnko, of South
Main street, left yesterday for Scran
ton, where she will remain for a short
time with friends.
W. F. Suydam and C. H. Dorfllnger
were tendered an elaborate dinner at
the country home of iMr. and Mrs. W.
F. Taylor, at Prompton, Thursday
evening. The elaborate menu prepared
by Mrs. Taylor was served by Scranton
waiters. Those who sat down at the
table were: T. B. Clark. W. A. Wood,
G. W. Lane, A. T. earle, J. W. Lam
bort, O. 'L. Rowland, F. G. Farnham,
Alex. Dunlop, F. M. Spencer, H. T.
Dolmetsch. Dr. C. E. Foster. J. Kirk
Rose, C. W. Weston, D. C. Osborne, F.
B. Whitney, T. M. Fuller, T. F. Ham,
Honesdale; L. A. Patterson, Carbon
dale, and W. F. Suydam and C. II.
Dorfllnger. A very enjoyable even
ing was passed, with A. T. Searle acting
as toastmaster. Mandolin and guitar
muslo was furnished by Messrs. Free
man and Katz.
Herbert Clark, of Deposit, is visiting
his parents here.
The engagement of Miss Josephln B.
Durland, daughter of Colonel Coe Dur
land, to F. B.' Whitney, teller of the
Honesdale National bank, is an
nounced. 'Mrs. Walter A. Waird entertained a
large number of ladles at a thimble tea
Thursday afternoon.
Miss Sarah Shanley died at her home
on Eleventh street Thursday afternoon,
aged Z8 years. Bhe Is survived by her
mother, two sisters and two brothers,
Her brother,' Rev. James Shanley, of
Dickson City, will assist in the funeral
services at St. John's church Monday
at 10.30 o'clock.
The Amity goys were fairly beaten
at Scranton, but not discouraged. Their
failure lay in tne simple fact that they
met their superiors, which they aire not
slow In acknowledging.
At the regular August meetlna- of
the borough council, which was held in
the borough hall on Wednesday night,
all members being present, the reDort
of the street commissioner was read
and accepted, and the following bills
were ordered paid: D. Corcoran, thir
teen days, $26; O. Abbott, twelve and
one-rourtn days,; R. Abbott,
seven and one-fourth days, 111.60; pat
iMoDermott, eleven and one-fourth
days, $22.40; N. Atherton, one day, $1.60;
M. Walker, three days, $4 60; D. Lynn,
three and three-fourth days, $6; J.
Flynn. two days. $3.20; B. Farrell. nine
and one-fourth days, $14.40; H. Hard-
wick, ten and one-hair days, $16.80; F.
Pilger. six and three-fourth days.
)10.0; R. Walker; flve tnd one-fourth
days, $8.40; T. Martin, five and three
fourth days, $9.20; P. Gumbar, six and
three-fourth days, $10.80; K. Lynn. Ave
and three-fourth days, . HUici,
two and three-fourth days, for team,
$11: J. Eairan. one-half day, for team,
$2; Kit IX Kin, one day, for one horse,
$2; Jeff Blackmore, one day. $1.60; J.
Brown, one day. $1.60; T. McDonnell,
one day, $1.60; P. Guffney, one and one-
half days, $2.46; B. K.igen. three ana
one-half days, $S.60; W. Cnaver, one
and one-half days, $2.40; J. Chobey, one
The Pancoast Coal company will pay
Services tomorrow at the Baptist
church; morning, at 10.30 a. m., after
noon. 2 p. m.. evening, 7.30.
The Starlights of Smoketown defeat
ed the Stars, of Olyphant, by a score of
14 to 13 with two men out. The Star
lights made four runs and took the
game out of the hands of the Stars.
Charley Pilger, one of the finest on
the police force, has been discharged
from tne rorce.
Thomas Thomas, a former resident
of this place, but now of Jessup, was
quite seriously Injured In the Marsh
wood mines last Friday. His Injuries,
It is thought, will prove ratal.
Miss Annie Kane, .who has been
spending the summer at Mill Creek, re
turned home this week.
Harry Conner and David Morgans,
Jr., who left on their bicycles for a trip
to Asbury Park about a week ago, re
turned home this week.
Mrs. Oscar Blltter, of Marshwood,
wno a visitor In town this week.
(Mr. and Mrs. David Morgans and
family are spending a few weeks at
Asbury Park.
Misses Jessie and Emma Fletcher, of
Brooklyn, N. Y., are visiting their par
enta in this place.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brush, who have
been spending the past ten days with
friends at Blnghamton, returned home
Miss Lizzie Bests has returned home
after spending the past three weeks
with relatives at PIttmon.
Miss Mary Fletcher came home sick
from Carbondale with typhoid fever
thl week.
iMiss Emma Barnes, of Peckvllle, was
the guest of Miss Minnie Da r row last
. Miss Annie .Hunter and two sisters
are visiting friends at Moscow.
The employes of the Mt. Jessup col
liery will be paid today (Saturday.)
William Sutton has been spending
the past few days with his parents at
Mill Creek.
Will Cairns spent the forepart of the
week with friends at Carbondale.
Mr. Mitchell, of Peckvllle, called on
Harry Heller this week.
The Young Women's Christian Tem
perance union held a meeting on
Wednesday evening at the residence of
Mr. and .Mrs. J. r . Mor'arland, ana
there was an election of officers for the
ensuing year.
'Miss Audry Richardson, of Cherry
Ridge, who has been the guest, several
days, or Miss Matilda Kollison, re.
turned Thursday.
Misses Dora and Helen Bldwell, of
Arlington, Pa., were in town Friday.
Miss Lou Hardenbergh, of Hones.
dale, and Miss IMarle Atkinson, of this
place, are spending a few days at Fair
view Lake.
H. P. Plum, of Dun more, and D.
James Colgate, of this place, left this
morning for Liberty, N. Y.
Anthony Stilger, of New York city,
Is a sojourner at Fairview Lake.
George Welsh, of Scranton, visited his
parents here this week.
Miss Annie Shelp, of Scranton, is vis
iting her motho.-, here.
Miss Winnie Rolison, o Miner's Mills.
Is visiting here, the guest of Miss Delia
Mrs. Mame .Nugent, of Sidney, N. Y.
Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles
Howe, on the East Side.
L. H. Brunbaugh, of New York, was
In this place yesterday.
William Craig. P. H. Coyne and F.
Welchel, all of Scranton, were callers
here yesterday.
Archie Hunneiwell, conductor on the
Traction company's lines, left for his
home, at Wyoming, Pa,, yesterday
afternoon, .with a sprained ankle, re
ceived by being caught between the
draw-bars of two electric cars, caused
by motorman's backing the car when
signaled forward.
The King Bicycle company, of Ohio,
received the contract for the Chestnut
street bridge.
Miss Cora Layman, wfho has been vis
iting at Allegheny City the past few
weeks, has returned to her home at this
Vigil Gunnel, of Philadelphia, Is vis
iting his sister, iMrs. Guy MacConnell,
on Lackawanna avenue.
Mrs. M. F. Fadden and Mrs. Twist, of
Dkkjon. visited Mrs. W. J. Bergan
Mrs. J. R. Hanklns has hppn inoiultn.
a tew uays in town.
S. J. Wells and family spent yester
day at Crystal Lake.
I.Mrs. Francis Rlvenburg, of Green
Held, Is visiting in town.
iMiss Lizzie MnLmiffhlln han ntiu.i.J
home from Scranton.
LalTette Decker, of Dunmore, is call
ing on friends In town.
Yentprdav wan hlv ,Ui, .i.u u.
The Father Mathews are holding- a
picnic today.
The beautiful residence on Delaware
street owned hv Mvmn waaJm....
caught fire last night from an explo
sion of a lamp In one of the upper
win., i in- anuiuni 01 aamage nas not
been learned. We hav. it,.
company. They had water on the burn
Ing building before the alarm for Are
w sen.
George Bennetts Is on tht sick list.
The Methnillat VrA
Clark's Summit tield a picnic at Gravel
Pond Wednesday.
.miss may rnuo, or Sterling, Is spend
ing a short time with her parents.
Mrs. Cora Lenord, of Scott, Is vlslt
hijr her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa
The body of th iinlnuiB. .t
- - ... w n .( WIIU
was killed IMnndav
Tuesday night, was taken up Wednes-
"u i ine unaenaKer's. A
i0-00'. unde"M Will embalm the
uuu j tuuuy, , ,
.Mm. (imrim T.iiYI iu .
Coon were In Scranton yesterday..
o1teflnfllx Hour
" , , r nil-
cases relieved In six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
fwtwla Mrn1v la a ai I ..
account of Its exoeedlng promptness In
la i V- J ...
relieving v"" umnuer, Kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pa..
Im Mala Ml faanala T u 1 1 .
rwiiaw re
tention of water and pain In passing It
. iti.i.i i . . .
umum mmm.w. mwr, fv. wen. quiCK
..ll. nif itHM ttila la mh. - J . .
raw. " " -avuinur. VOIO
by O. M. Harris, Druggist. US Pens ave
nue, oriaten, Pk. . ... ee
From the tone of the Avoca corres
pondent in Thursday's Republican he
would have its readers believe that the
Avoca 'base ball team did n6t receive
Justice from the diclsion given by the
umpire in a game of ball played at
that place on Monday last. The umpire
was from Avoca, and was selected by
the home team, and any person who
witnessed the game would say that the
umpire favored the Avoca team. But
It was only natural he should. The
Olyphant team won the game by better
all around playing. The knowledge of
the Avoca team about National league
rules Is limited but we .would) not argue
them about being thoroughly ac
quainted with "Tannery" rules which
they displayed so much on the day of
the game, and if they think they did
not "get Justice from their own umpire
the Olyphant club and $25 awaits them
at Olyphant at any time.
The Stars defeated the Starlights, of
Smoketown, yesterday by a score of 13
to 4.
At 2 p. m. Sunday, Aug. 1$, the Sec
ond Lutheran service at Peckvllle will
be held at the Grand Army hall by Rev.
F. Holter. of Scranton. Everybody Is
cordially Invited. Free seats.
Mrs. John Buritt and daughter, Eu
nice, of West Plttston. visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Z. P. Finklepaugh last Thurs-.
IMrs. L. A. Patterson and Miss Ada
Chumard, o f Carbondale, were the
gue:s of Mrs. W. S. Bloes last Fri
day. Mrs. M. S. Shaffer, of WIlkes-Barre,
visited her slater, Miss Bertha Klzer,
last Thursday.
Mrs. Nelly Mapes. of Dundaff, Is vis
iting Mrs. Thomas Pope.
Charles Finch, ot Green Ridge, visited
his sister, Mrs. P. G. Harding, yester
day. The many friends of E. T. Harding
will 'be sorry to learn that he is -very
Clara Smith Is again on the sick list.
J. W. Churchill's new residence Is
progressing finely.
Harry Staples, of Scranton, visited
T. W. Pentecost this week.
Grace A. Davis visited friends In
Waverly this week, and returned Fri
day. Frank Phillips and family have re
turned from Dover,' N. J.
H. E. Northup, of Stroudsburg. sur
prised his parents here on Tuesday
evening by a (lying visit.
Mrs. Benjamin Mead is visiting
friends In Nicholson.
.Merit Mead left today for Laporte
to visit his brother Salathlel Mead.
A large delegation of Patriotic Order
Sons of America gentlemen from Scran
ton organized a trolley pai: ty and visit
ed 'MoosIc camp, No. 174. on Thursday
evening. They enlivened the town with
their songs and horns as they ar
rived. Refreshments were served and
some prominent speakers addressed ths
members, among the number being A
B. Congtr, of Scranton, and H K
Hopewell, of Providence, of Camp 177
Camps 430, 342, 242 and 430 furnished
music with their excellent drum corps.
f Piles! Piles! Itching Piles.
Symptoms Moisture; Intense itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tumors
form, which often bleed and ulcerate, be
coming very sore. Bwanye's Ointment
stops the Itching and bleeding, heals ul
ceration, and In most cases removes the
tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for 6u
cents. Dr. Swayne Son, Philadelphia.
1-w a ,.- . .
ur. Diiuin hiiu stanr stui continue to
make the most wonderful cures by the use
of magnetism. People from all parts of
the country have come to those doctors
with all sorts of chronic diseases and have
been cured after being given up by other
physicians. If your complaint is curs bit,
they can cure you; If not they will tell
you so. Many a poor sufferer who had
been living In despair and hopelessness for
months, have been restored to good health
and happiness by receiving magnetic
treatments from Dr. Smith and staff If
you are suffering with any kind of com
plaint go and consult with these doctors
It costs you nothing and may be your sal
vation. If you are a sufferer from some
old, rhronlc complaint that you have been
doctoring for months or years without re
lief, now Is your chance to get cured
Ovarian and fibroid tumors, epilepsy, hys
teria, female weakness, " constipation
piles, dyspepsia, stricture, unpoteney. melancholy,-
fistula, and hundreds of other
complaints have been cured by magnet
ism. Do not be skeptical and hang back
but go at once to E05 Linden street, oppo
site the court house. Consultation free
from to R daily except Sundays. Tues
days and Fridays from a. m. to p. m.
The Finest Id the Cltj.
The latest Improved furnish'
logs and apparatus for keeping
neat, butter and eggs,
223 Wyoming Ava.
.1 if 1 . we puer.D saio
at Hacletun, Pa. Oar 8len, since unenlug:
l?.,,i-S0 "ti1f'T than we thought
in. crowd on Monday was enormously large,
.TJi!i! t,r,t11W8 UldiP0?6 Tour own
ww at mjv following pnoea:
esse Drees ainghsms. gross price, T cuts. .
-ft... 9JU'A.A.
lease of Unbleached Brown Cotton, 1 4.
noary, lor sheeting only, gross price.
Cent. On. Palna, aVU O.-..
1 case Checked Crash, all linen, gross price,
v onus. our rric, 5 ConU
I oasw bleached Towels, by too pair,
iriugoo, gross price, su cents,
1 rata M Bleached Mohawk Muslin, in.
prioe, 26 cents, , , Our Pries, 12W Canto
A groat sale for the naa of tl AMaawa tenia!
case of Turkey Bed elsee 1x4 and
v, im pnee, .i.iaj aaa f,
v Fast Turkey Had.
m nr os co., om sro ocas cm m m
516 Ldrza Jtnn i
230 Is&rasa Ara, Scnnta
The Times Hay Not Be AU
It Should Be, but Our
Will go a great way toward
erenlng np things
for our customers
ten's Suits, regular prlct $9, $4.65
Man's Suits, regnlai pries 12, 7,75
Yin's Pints as low is
Sen's Casslmere Puts
Men's Fine Dress Fonts
I Serviceable Snit for $ ,85
A Good Wool Snit for
A Hobby Dress Snit for
2 Pair Knee Pants for
230 Lackawanna Ara,
? m ski
STtmwir i son
Alao a Urg stock of firBtclau
. th bant quality for domltl
kw, nd of all altM, lnllvrad In ans
rt of the eltjr at lowest priv.
Order. ft at my Ofllco
Rr room, flm floor. Third Nation!
Bonk, r.oont by mall or talephono to Um
'. will recolvo prompt attention.
Bpoolal contraot. lll ba tnndo for the
tats aaa dollvery of Buckwheat CoaL
Huoaa P. a 8. of A., O. A. B., ot ..
a V. A. M . In fact aU lodge, and .set.ttoa
intending to run excursion, can bar the
beet printing In tbe city at lowest prices
by calling at Tan TBIBVU Job D.part 3 cases of Summer Balbriggan Men 'a tin-
derwoar. In all qualities, gross prlco. Sic.,
&mx and (Oc, our
Prica to Cloa Out Entlra Lot 20e
Vdosen Men'a White Unlauudrled Bhlrta
pure linen bosom, double front and back,
roes pries, 60 03nta,
Our Prlco, 29 Canto
tOOdoaea of Outing Shirts, in all qualities,
gross prlco, U0..8U0., 60e., ftio. and 75c
We will make a sweep on the entire lot
and 1st bar go at 25 Canto Your Cholco
HOSIERY-These prices will hold good
for all this week. 6W pair Men's Socks
at 8e gross pries, 10s.; M nalra Ladle.'
Fast B'ack Boas, gross prtta, 10 cents,
Our PriOa, So.l 10 doxea ot French
. Balbriggan Half Hose, and Fast Black ,
Base, gross prioe, 25 cents.
Our Prlco. 12 Canto
Ladles' Vesta at one-half loss than cieewhen.
Bo careful and calL
TO our patrons:
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many rmU
roam thut they will this year hold to their usual custom
of milling STRICTLY OlD WHEAT until the new enS
Is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are
of the opinion that it fe already cured, and In proper
condition for milling. Washburn-Croeby Co. will take
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three)
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling has
S laced WHshburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other
Wholesale Agents.
Carpets, Mattings. Linoleums,
Oil Cloths, Window Shades,
and Lace Curtains, Draperies
and Upholstery Goods.
Pertaining to tbe Carpet and Curtain Trade.
406-408 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Will be found at our branch store in tbe Watt Build
ing, Church street, Carbondale, Pa.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Doilors,
For business with any baits that will deeeive your' j
confidence. But with honest value Business methods, '
straightforward advertising we are easily making a
popular store more popular. We like to have folks
trade here feeling that they can trust us sure that
they are going to get their money's worth.
Your promise to pay will entitle you to any amount
of credit with us furnish your house flat or room
pay a little every week or month before you are
aware of it you'll own as cosy a home as one can
desire trv it I
CouchesCorduroy. A
few of them left--your'e
welcome to
them at the price un
til they're gone.
Nuff sed."
i hi n
OaawraJ Offlca: SCRANTON, PA.
OODS delivered
free everywhere.
MENT to be open
ed soon. .; '
v 325 atid 227
Wyomittj Avenue. '
'(. , , ; ' ' - ;