THE SCltANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY . MORNING. AUGUST 10, 1893, 9 Ton wmi Ret. "Father" Lucas's new book, '. "Agnosticism and Religion," J125. Dr. Throop's Book, "Half Centnry . in Scranton;" illustrated by annerous portraits of old timers, large 8 to. cloth covers, Ji.50. Taylor's New Scranton Directory, $5. Peloubet'a Notes Sabbath School Lessons for this year, 25 cents, . until balance of stock cleared out; Publisher's price or this book is fi.25. 35-ccnt cloth bound books, "Little Classics," our price 15c. 25 cent paper covered books, about 100 different titles, 10c Holland's "Kathercna," cloth, 50c, Holland's "Bitter Sweet," cloth, 50c, New edition of old favorites, which were formerly sold at ft. 25. School Lacks., beautiful new catalogue for ensuing year. Free, . on call. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USK THE SnouWhife FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go. PEHS03AL. W. T. Smith is In Woodstock, Vt. J. C. Manning, of Pittston, was here yes terday. Mis Magglo Young, of FInley's store, is at Lake Ariel. Mrs. C. D. Pettit, of Adams avenue, is at Asbury Park. Miss Katie MeManama, of Mulberry street, !s in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schlager have left Elmhurst for Block Island. President Gtorire Carson, of the board of control, Is at Atlantic City. J. R. Holmes and son, of Elgin, 111., are the guests of W. J. Weichel. Miss Mame Hennlgan. of Honesdale, is the guest of friends in this city. Dr. and Mrs. A. Bl Stevens, of South Canaan, are visiting Scranton friends. J. P. Jones, of Savannah, Oa., is visiting his nephew, I. P. Jones, of Washburn street. Hon. John Kipp. a Pike county repre sentative in the legislature, was here yes terday. D. 1. Phillips, of North Park. Is on a week's visit in Square Top, Wyoming county. . William P. Brewster, of the fltroudsburg Dally Times, was a visitor to the city yes terday. Mrs. John Williams and daugher, Anna, of Tenth street, have returned from Atlan tic City. Otto Schwalb, of New Tork, Is the guest of his cousin, Victor Koch, of the Scran ton House. Professor James Hughes and Richard Prothtroe, of the West Side, are in At lantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Barbour, of Lackawanna avenue, leave today for a-trip to the Thou sand Islands. Mrs. H. F. DeWitt, of Wllkes-Barre. has returned home after a visit among Scran ton relatives. Miss L'zzle Miles has returned to her home In this city after a visit with Ply mouth friends. Miss Viiiaver, of New Tork, has returned home after a visit with her brother, Nathan, of Gibson street. - Mrs. E. Goodman and Miss Florence Goodman, bf Bradford, yesterday visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Marks, at the Wyoming. Misa Anna Clarke, of Pittston, who has been visiting Misses Nan and Nell Eagan, of Ninth street, has returned borne. Misses Eliza Coleman and Jennie Scan- lln returned home today after a two weeks'. visit with Scranton friends. Carbondale Leader. ' Mrs. Charles I Auer and son, George, and Mrs. Thomas H. Roberts, of North Garfield avenue, left Wednesday morning to spend a week at Lake Ariel, Mrs. W. O. Fassold left yesterday for TJt'.ca. where she joined her husband, and f'om whre they left on a trip to upper New Tork and the Thousand Islands. SOUTH SIDE. Fred Sullivan, son of John Sullivan, cf Oenet street, who underwent a criti cal operation last week, la on the road to recovery. The marriage of Daniel Shea and iMIss Bridget Jordan took place Wednesday morning at (t. Peter's ca thedral. Rev. J. S. O'Reilly officiating. The young couple are spending their honeymoon In Hartford, Conn. On Friday evening, Aug. 23, the Key Atone club, of the North End, will pro duce the celebrated Irish drama, "Shamrock and Rose,"' at St. John's tialL this side.. A social will follow the production. ' ' , Cornelius J. Ruddy has returned home after a month's sojourn - In Orange, N. J. . Miss "Maggie Cawley, of Prospect venue. Is spending a few weeks In New York city. .Mrs. John Kilbride and daughter. Miss Tda, of New Tork, are guesta of Mrs. Moran, of Pig street. . ' The - Republicans of the Eleventh ward met last night to take steps to ward the formation of a political club. . Michael A. Donahoe and Professor John E. O'Malley tare expected home Snturdsv from thlr European trip. Mrs. Festus (Mulhern Is seriously lit. The tent for ie Sdhlvera meetings will be raised at Cedar avenue and . Brook street today. On Sunday morn ing the first meeting will toe held under v : - ' ' Emersion to Niagara Falls via. D., I.. 4 W. Railroad. : BpeCal tickets will be sold good going Ang. 17. good returning until Aug. 19, In clusive; regular trains only 10.00 for the round trip. . .... , -r- .. .-I 'A GOOD APPETITE and refreshing . sleep at this season Indicate a condition of b0y Bealih.. These are given by HoeTa Bsmapeilaa. It make pure Mood (f44 ood health follows. ; -HOOD! PILL are purely, vegetable, Stef essay yet promptly and affectively. V. By the Webar- , ' v skat Crttt test. AtQueraaey Bra. . ARE CflARGEDVITH LIBEL Proprietors Bell and Wathlns of Times Placed Under Arrest. DID NOT HAVE A HEARING They Entered Ball at Once for Their Ap , pearanoe at Coon -What Frank Carluoci Ha to Sy-Af f idavlts That lie Produces, Proprietors Bell ft Watklns. of the Times, were arrested yesterday after noon on warrants issued at the instance of Vito Ulrardo and Hinaldo Lulli. hotelke-peiii of Dunmore, by Alderniun O. B. Wright. In the Information on which the warrants were Issued It is set forth that tin complainants were libelled and held up to public contempt 'by articles whivh appeared In the Times on Aug. 7 and 8. It is contended that these articles gave the public the im prettilon that ulie Matin, a certain oath bound orgairttatlon of unsavory repu tation, held tueetlnss In the hotels of the prosecutors on Willow street, Dun more. It Is set forth that this charge or Insinuation Is whblly untrue, and that no such organization as the Malla ever met In the hotels of Mr. Glrardo or Mr. , Lalli. (Messrs. iKell and Watklns. after Bhe warrants wvre served, went before Alderman Wright, waived a hearing, and entered 'ball for their ap pearance at court. Chiiho of tlic Arret. The arrest of the proprietors of the Times is the result of articles that have appeared In the Times chaining: that there Is an organization known as the Ma Ilia among the Italians of tihls city and vicinity. In discussing the matter Frank Caiiuccl, one of the most prominent Itutllans of the city, said last night: "We feel aggrieved at the attacks that the Times has made on our people. They are very unjust and have a ten dency to injure us in the eyes of the people of tills community, whose fav orable opinion .every, good Italian Is striving for. Ten of us waited on Edi tor Bell Monday and asked him to give us the name of hhe person who Inspired the articles ncainst us, or else retract the damaging assertions made. He treated us with scant courtesy and we have therefore appealed to the law which Mr. Bell says we have such little respect for. We have not finished yet, and propose to begin other suits against himself and partner besides those in which Mr. Lalli and Mr. OirarJo are prosecutors. "The statement published in the Times alleging to be an interview with Frank Agll was untrue, as the follow ing affidavit sworn to today before Mayor W. L. Connell proves:" The Ai;H Lackawanna County, ss.: City of Scran ton. iiufore me, the subscriber, mayor of said city, In said county, personally came Frank Agil. of Scranton, who, upon sol emn oath according to law, said that the statement made in the Scranton Times, a newspaper published In the city of Scran ton, on Aug. 13, 18!6, to wit: "I don't care whether you say It In the paper or not, but if you want to you can do so, all the lower class of Italians want to do Is to steal and kill and then say nothing about," etc., etc., is untrue in every respect and is in tended to Injure me before the Italian peo ple. .' Frank Agll. Sworn and subscribed this 16th day of August, ISM. W. L. Connell, Mayor. The following affidavit, which Mr. Carlucci also produced, he said, was conclusive evidence that there was no truth in the story in the Times con cerning the existence of a tMafia here: State of Pennsylvania, County of Lacka wanna, ss: Before me, a notary public duly com missioned and residing in Scranton, Pa., personally appeared Emiddio Criacuolo, who, belnj? duly sworn according to law, deposes and says: "I never told the re porter of the Scrahton Times or anybody else in regard to the statements made In the Times under date of August 7th and 8th, A. U. 18D5, or any other time, con cerning the existence of a "Mafia" society tn this city; and further that I never re ported that I had been threatened by any of the Italian societies or by any person in any form whatever; and further that I am the person called and named In the Times as "Leferve;" and futher that this affidavit Is made voluntarily by me and not through threats or fear of any person or society of persons. I am a friend of the Times reporter, but never spoke to him about the Mafia and I do not know of the existence ot any such society. Emillo Crlscuolo. Sworn and subscribed before me the 14th day of August, A. D. 1S9!. Walaon Browning, Notary Public. Witnesses prerent: Frank Williams, V. Cassese, Nicalo Lettieri. NORTH END. The Patriotic Order Sons of America of Providence enjoyed a ride to Mooslc and back last evening In a decorated and extensively Slilumlnated trolley car. Richard O. Uoy6. of Oak street, and Edward Lewis, of Legget street, have returned home, from Manhattan Beach and other eastern water resorts, where they have been spending their vaca tion. Miss'Iteta Gardner, of Cayuga street, has returned home from Asbury Park. Mrs. J. K. Smith and daughter, Jen nie, of North Main avenue, left yester day morning for Washington, N. J., to visit relatives. Miss Lizzie and Miss Millie Von Ber gon have returned home from Lake Un derwood, where they have been spend ing about two weeks. Miss Rose and Miss Annie Levy, of Capouse avenue, are visiting friends at Wllkes-dJarre. 'William Jellick, of 'Bloom avenue, who was Injured In the IVfarvine break er on 'North 'Main avenue Wednesday, died at the Lackawanna hospital late In the afternoon.- Mrs. Beehe and child, of Wilkes Barre, who have been visiting 'Mrs. Roderick, of North 'Main avenue, have returned home. A large delegation of the (Providence Heptasophs visited the conclave of Heptasophs at Peckvllle last evening. Mrs. Fisher and son, of Haverstraw, N. Y., who have been visiting Mrs. C. H. Scharar, of 'North Main avenue, are now visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scharar, of East 'Market street. dunmorF . James Hopkins, of West Drinker street, the genial and accommodating night operator at the Dunmore station of the Erie and Wyoming Valley, has gone to New York, where he will spend a few days' vacation enjoying the sights of the metropolis. Mrs. Wardell and daughter, Llllle, have returned from 'Elmhurst, where they enjoyed a week's outing. Mrs. William Packard and children, who have been spending the past few weeks with her parents at Lake Wl nola, have returned home, Mrs. Thomas Protheroe and children, of West Drinker street, have returned from a two week's visit at Lake Wl nola. The' Methodist Sunday school will hold a picnic at 'Laurel Hill park today. Miss Louise Masters, of Mill street, left yesterday for an extended' visit with friends In Jersey City and other points of interest In the east'. John "Lynch, one of the most popular conductors on the Laurel IHII1 Park line, has gone to Atlantio City, where he will spend his vacation. iMf. and Mrs. avid Frost, who have been visiting at the home of Mr., and Mrs. G. W.-Frost, of Drinker street, and other relatives In' Uastern - Penn sylvania, left for their home In Oil City yesterday. Mrs. Percy Cole and Kiss Mabel Heft, of Honesdale, at the guests of 'Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Cole, of Brook street. Frank Van (Horn, of Brook street, I yesterday picked a tomato from one of his Ponderosa vines weighing three and three-fourth pounds. - This is a record breaker. The Scranton Traction company has Anally acceded to the demand made by council and moved their switch on West Drinker street In front of Mrs. Gngle's property. . The Young IMen'a Institute took a good sized crowd to Lake Ariel on their excursion yesterday. The organ which was chanced off was won by John Oil martin, of Urove street. Patrick Sweeney, motorman on the Laurel Hill ipark line. Is at Atlantio City enjoying a two weeks' vacation. TRAVELING TOWARD ALASKA. John F.. 'Richmond, The Tribune' Special Correspondent, Reaches Seattle - The -Seattle iPost-Intelligencer says: J. K. Richmond, traveling correspond ent for the ticranton, -Pa., Tribune, ar rived in the city last evening on his way to Aluska. He has a kodak, and will take views for publication of all of the points of Interest and scenery of special note on his route. 'He visited Se attle in 1S- and published three articles on the resources of the city. He will give special attention this time to the coal lields in this vicinity. After re turning from Alaska he will go east by the Canadian 'Pacific, writing up the route. "I travel differently from most peo ple," said he, last evening, "having taken thirty-one days on this trip so far. Times are better in the east. I have heard that they are dull here, but think the city appears quite prosper ous." MI NOOK A. Liveryman Thomas 'F. Mc-Dunough and Miss Annie iMcAndrew, of Main street, were united in marriage at 'St. Joseph's Catholic church yesterday morning at l'l o'clock. Rev. Father 'Loughran officiating. The bride was attended by 'Miss iMary J. Loughney. and the groom by James L. Timlin, of Taylor. The bride and bridesmnld were attired In white silk, while the groom and best man wore the conven tional black. After the ceremony the couple repaired to the home of the groom, where dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Mc;Donouch left in the after noon for Atlantio City and other points of Interest. P. J. Diskln has returned from a few weeks' sojourn at Hastings, 'N. Y. Miss Annie Judge, of 'New York, is visiting Mlnooka friends. The Rustlers and the South Side club will cross bats on iMinooka grounds Aug. 18. The employes of the Greenwood Nos. 1 and collieries will receive their monthly pay 'Saturday. A fan social will be held at Fass hold's hall this evening. The schools of Lackawanna township will re-ooen on 45ept. 2. - John T. Brown, of Main street, Is In New York. Michael -Noonan appeared before ''Squire O'llara last evening and had a warrant sworn out for 'Martin Cannon, of Carr's Patch, who he charged with relieving him of a pair of shoes. At the hearing Cannon was held In ball for his appearance at court. Mrs. John Kelly, Mrs. Charles Moore and Ella MoTighe visited iPittston yesterday. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. (Under this heading short letters or In terest will be published when accompa nied, for publication, by the writer's name. The Tribune will not be held re sponsible for opinions here expressed.) IT WAS MRS. J. I, BENTON. To Whom It May Concern: To the vital question, "What's in a name?" Scranton people will answer "Everything!" In view of this fact we would beg to announce that the Mrs. Kenton who was present at the seance last Momlay evening was Mrs. J. L. Ben ton, of 228 Adams avenue. If further In formation te desired, apply at the above address. Mrs. J, L.Benton. A QI KSTION. Editor of The Tribune. Sir: Can the learned people of Scranton inform me if there is a new gender lately added to the human race? I think there Is something riding around on bicycles that looks like a gentleman, yet is not; neither is it a lady, for no true, modest lady would ever go around in that style. I hope some one will kindly answer this bewildering question and relieve the mind of .Miss Maud Taylor. MISSIONARY WOKK IN CHINA. Editor of The Tribune. Sir: I notice that your remarks on "Mis sionary Work in China" excited some com ment from Mr. Richard Hiorns. Whether we can all see the future of the heathen alike or not, the "freedom of the press" manifested by The Tribune will certainly tend to a broader and clearer understand ing of the subject which we believe to he very little understood. And yet how many clearly understand the plan of Jehovah In dealing with the heathen, as given to us In the Scriptures? Surely we think that If the B.ble view was clearly seen it would be the means of saving many valuable lives and millions of money. All Chris tians should seo from past leadings of the church that God has a "due time" for exerythlng, and that now during this Gos pel ae is His "due time" for the selection of "the church." "The Bride," -"The Lamb's Wife," which, when fully tried and dlrcipllned, and proved to be "overcomers" are united with her Ird and Head, thus forming "the seed" Genesis, xll, S that Is to "bless all the families of earth," Includ ing "John Chinaman," both living and dead, as well as all that are In their graves of every nation, "all shall hear His voice." "Light more lights Is the catchword." Submitted in the interest of truth. F. M. Dolph. Dress Goods IN ORDER TO 'CLOSE THEM OUT WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS: DRESS PATTERNS AT HALF PRICE Cheviots, Crepons, Bejg?s, Mohairs, Id Hippos, Stripes and Checks at Greatly Rediitfd Prices. School Dresses for Children at half price Black and White Stripe Taffeta Silks for 33 cents. They are good vald? at 75 cents. . Fancy Stripe Taffetas for 39 cents, ; Worth 75 cents. M EARS & HAGEN, ; 415 U!XOT3 AVLr1 : N ELECTRICAL SYSTEfl Connects Clark Ik Ssover's Msssfsc tory aid Viae Street Wartkoase. IT IS SIMPLE AXD EFFICIENT Flfty-liors.ower Dynamo and Thirty Horse-Power Motor Does Away with Maeh Expense, IHrt and Annoy ance It Is Almost Human. Many manufacturers have been Inter ested In and are talking of an electrical plant just purchased by the Clark A Snover company, tobacconists. No.especlul Importance it attached to the fact that the Arm has an electrical plant, but It has Interested many to note that the Clark ft Snover company has adopted an electrical system which not only runs the machinery in Its manufactory on Adams avenue, but also does 3',-horse power work In the firm's warehouse at the foot of Vine street, jointly occupied with C. P. Matthews Hons ft Co., dealers in grain. This transmission of power for manu facturing purposes for so long a dis tance as one mile (following the wires) is something new in Scranton, and many manufacturers have hesitated to adopt an electrical system on this ac count. It having been claimed that the expense of large copper wire and con struction and trouble of building a line would offset any advantage to be gained by reduced expenditure of power. The tobacco Arm contracted with the Onondugo Dynamo company, of Syra cuse, for Its present modern plant. A bO-horse power generator has been placed in a -well-lighted brick addition adjoining the old 'boiler house and en gine room, and Is run at a mere nomi nal expense by the old engine. Nuns All the Machinery. The generator runs all the machinery In the manufactory and transmits over the mile of -lnch copper wire the power that runs the 35-horse power motor In the Vine street warehouse. A peculiar feature ot the system is that the generator on Adams avenue regulates Itself to the work It has to do. For Instance: In the warehouse is an elevator of three tons capacity, a mill with a capacity of grinding three tons per hour, and a machine which will clean a carload of tobacco In thirty minutes, liach of these Is run by the motor, and when anyone or all three of the contrivances (elevator, mill and cleaner) are set at work, the generator on Adams avenue automatically gives Itself power which corresponds to the work It has to do. Manufacturers and others aside from mechanics and electricians will readily appreciate the reduced expenditure, cleanliness and reduced time and trou ble brought about by the plant. One man, the engineer at the Adams ave nue building, controls the whole sys tem, any person at the warehouse be ing able to start or stop the motor. The plant also furnishes Incandescent light for each building and is equipped with lightning arrestors aud fuses which burn out If the wires are crossed by those of another plant or if a violent or overstrain is put I'pon the machin ery. An iron screen in the Adams ave nue generator room contains indicators and dials and switches which enables the engineer to know exactly what this almost human machinery Is doing and to control it as he deems necessary. Plant Is Now Running. The generator, which also does the work of a motor, and the motor In the warehouse jointly furnish :ir-horse power, which Is from thirty to forty more horse-power than the machinery Is called upon to perform. For several days the Onondaga Dynamo company has had Its experts and workmen put ting the plant in working order, and before noon yesterday their work was completed. What the saving will be, figuring on a basis of one plant instead of two, and WATCH US . Sell Watches. This week we holier about tbat $2.50 watm Stem Wind, Stem Set, Neat Case, American Works, Warranted for Time. Pull It out of your pot kot and correct time greets you. REX FORD'S, 213 1VE. Wall Paper Styles and colorings are very fine this season. Let us fix you up a sample room with "nice Gilt Paper, $5. HITS t - Lichwuina taint. considering the absence of dirt and re duction of steam power. Is Information, that can best be given by an expert, or which many a manufacturer can best appreciate. The Onondaga company gives special attention to equipping mills, factories and hotels and Is represented In this region by A. K. IHarroun. IIAVILAND FRENCH CHINA Known the world over as the richest, choicest of ceramic pro ductions; thin, light, white, abso lutely free from cracking. It compliments the good things on the table, pays its silent tribute to the good taste of the hostess. We keep a full line of it in WHITE AND IN EIGHT DIFFERENT DECORATIONS The newest and prettiest from the Limoges factory. You can have a Dinner Set made up to suit your requirements can buy a little at a time until you have all you want China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 04 WYOIIHS tVESUE. Walk in and look urounJ. RUSSET SHOES You're getting them at next tu nothing. Wouldn't offer them to you at stieh a sacrifice if we didn't really have to get rid of them to make room for our Full Goods, now nearly due. 14 pair Ladies' Tan Vici Button, ru zor toe, former price $:t.M). Closing Out at $2.50 30 pairs Ladies' Tan Fox Button, needle toe, former price $:l..V, Closing Pot at $2.50 28 pairs Ladies' Russet, Goat Lace Shoe, new opera toe, former price $3.00. Closing Out at $2.50 30 pairs Ladies' Tan Vici, 3-Button Oxfords, good style, former price $3.00, Closing Out at $2.00 24 pairs Ladies' Tan Vici Oxfords, needle toe, all sizes, former price $3.00, Selling at $2.00 2JI1 410 Spruce Street. THIS WITNESS THAT n. I. SWAltTZ & CO., Are tbe Leading Wholesale Agents la Smokeless Powder, GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, pithing Tackle, Target Trspt, Pigeon Trine, Bias Bock Tarmt all kind of Snorting OooaajCiasra mil Inbanoo, Lumber lid Urain. t.A. TISDIL, Maanfor of Qua sod Repair DepertuenU. w repair Typewriter few Is HarhlOM, dan sad KTolvri, Bicyelre, Locks, Umbrella and make Kays to fit any kind ef a leek. If yon waat to boy a new Ona don't wait nntlltho season open. Now 1 tin time to bay. Brlnr yoar old Oan with you am exchange It with ns tor a naw eae. 8atie ractiea guaranteed or mony refanded. Call and gat our prtrea before yon buy. Telephone 8723. Opea Eveaiags. STORE, 223 SPRUCE STREET, Betweea Peas sad Prank 11a Area, DR. LONG. . Everybody ah'ould avail them selves of the opportunity and visit Dr. Long. Consult the Great In dlan Doctor, FREE, each day at - MEN'S - j ALL-WOOL SUITS :$6.00 WHITE DUCK VESTS MARTIN & DELAIW DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Specialist, and his asso ciated staff of KngllHh and German physicians, are now permanently lorated at OM Postoffiea Building, Comer Perm Avenue and Spruce Street. The doctor is a graduae ot the Unlvei alty of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator of physiology and surgery at the Medico-Chlrurgtcal college of PhlladeU phia. Ilia specialties are Chronic, Ner vous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood dis eases. DISEASES OF THE HERYOUS STSTEI The symptoms of which are dlssiness.lack of confidence, sexual weakness In men and women, ball rising in throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, anil dull distressed mlnd.whloh unfits them for performing tho actual du ties of life, making hapnlness impossible, distressing the action ot the heart, caus ing Hush of heat, depression of spirlts.evU forebodings, cowardlc, fear, dreams, mel ancholy, tire easy of rompany, feeling as tired In the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, tremhllnc confusion of thought.depreaslon, constipa tion, weaanena or ine umos, etc. rnose HO affected should consult us Immediately ard be restored to perfect health. Lost Majihood Restored. Weakne? of Young Men Cured. If you hav been given up by your phy sician call ipon the doctor and be exam d. He cures the worst cases of Ner virus Debility, Scrofula, Old Sores, Ca tarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Affec tions of i he Eye, Knr, Nose and Throat, Asthma, tenfnesa, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and conlidenlC. Ofliee hours daily freta a.m. to p.r.p. Sunday, 9 to t. Enclose five 2-cent stumps for symtpora blanks and my book called "New Life." I will pay one thousand dollars in gold to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI LEPTIC CONVUL8IONS or PITS. DR. 13. OREWBR, Old Post Office Building, corner Pana avenue and Spruce street. SCRANTON. PA. 1 OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Personal Accounts. INTEREST PAID OR THE DEPOSITS. fFTABLISHED 1870.1 GILHOOL'S CARRIAGE WORKS Carriages, Business Wagr Reoalrlng. Horse Shoeing, Painting and Upholstering. Mas. CI, tat (16 Heventb street, Boreuton. Pa. JAMES & KELLY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. Late'of Pittsburg. . First-Class Livery in Connection. 205 SPRUCE ST., SCRMTOt Tbe Scranton Training School For Klr.tfsrsarter.srs, : SCRANTON, PA. The second year of the Berantem Training School fur KJadergarteaerr Till opsa Septem ber It, 1M5. Diplomas wkr be awarded Jane 17, IM. Var drmlars aad other parttonlara address . KIS3 KATHAEINE H. CUtX, i I REAOIN0L MASS, IN SUMMER Cooling drink, are necessary. They are the universal antidote for exoeeslTa warmth. Mottling is so popular with the fair hi in Scranton as our soda served in all the various flavors and with cream for only a nickel a glass. To have their attentions well received, young men kliould treat their sweethearts coolly, ana by Inviting them to enjoy our suds, which Is really the coolest and most delightful summer drink In the city, wholesome, health ful and invigorating. Boda heads the list of summer beveragea, and the foaming stream from our fountain head the list of all soda. J.D. 3I4UCKI. AVE-, SCRANTON, PA. WELSBACII LIGHT Specltllj Adapted for Readlag tad Sells. Hi Li cnflVen IQI. Coniumes three (S) feet of gu per hour aud Rives an efficiency of sixty (60) randies. Saving at least 83 per cent over tbe ordinary Tip Burners. Call and See It. HUNT $ CONNELl CO., 434 UCKIWINNI AVENUE. rUnufacturers' Agents. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC B'Y sre located the finiwt fishing aad hnntlng grouads in the world. Drecrliitive booka on application. Tirkets to ail points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, Bt Paul. Canadisn and United States North wests, Vancouver. Seattle, Taoonia, Portland, Oro., San Kraui-uco. , First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all through trains. Tourist c.irs fully tilted with bedding, curtains and spec tally adapted to wants of familim may be hd with second clss tickets. Kates always less than via other lines. For full Information, time tables, etc., on application to Ev. V. SKINNER, G. EC. A. 353 BROADWAY, NEW Y0RX. Sweet Potatoes Home Grown Tomatoes And Green Corn, Fancy Jenny Lind Cantelonpes, Bartlett Pears, Peaches, Etc. PIERCE'S MARKET, PEN N AYE TAR GUM Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippe, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELMEN DORF, Elmlra, N. Y., and for sale by tbe trade generally. MEGARQEL & CONNELL WholRsaJe Agents, Scrtntoa, Pi. EXCURSION TO NEW YORK VIA ERIE MD , Under the A ns pices of tbe' . ,i ... Excelsior : Athletic (M, : isATuiw Fare. Reunai Trie...... ........... ...tSL7S WILLIAMS Qestf fer Tea Oaye................. . u ' : .('. '.',v V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers