V - I 4 GREfflT BANKRUPT BY ORDER OF TRUSTEE AT- TH o) FAI 400 AND 402 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, Commencing Saturday, August 10th, 1895. 450,000 IWTHJF dry goods, Notions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Capes, Jackets, Suits, wrappers AT THAN oOc , Etc, ON TH DO LLAR ENTIRE STOCK TO BE SOLD WITHIN 30 DAYS I ! 5 n THE WORLD OF BUSINESS STOCKS AND BONDS. Nw York, 'Aug. 14. Wall street re view: Speculation at the stock ex change continues tame, neither 'the jrold exports nor the operations of the bond syndicate rn replacing the metal taken by the coffee Importers and bul lion dealers seeming to have the slight est Influence on the market. Up to date Che professional traders have been utterly unable to dislodge long stock, notwithstanding the somewhat vague talk of another bond issue ami the steady shipments of gold, accompanied by rumors that the movement will con tinue until the crops begin 'to come to market. In addition to the gold ship ments there was talk of unfavorable weather in the corn belt. In dntail, the market opened steady, after which Jersey Central, the Orangers, Sugar and Northern Paciflo perferred de clined anywhere from Vi to 2V4 per cent., Lackawanna and Jersey Central making the greatest losses. General Electric was sold down i to 36 on the announcement that It he negotiations between the company and the Westing house had been .broken off. instilling and Cattle Feeding moved up to 22 and receded to'214a 21. The market cloned weak and V to 1 per cent, lower on the day. Total ales were 147,248 shares. 1 The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mir ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by O. ilu II, Dim tnlck, manager for William Linn, Allen A Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Hcruiton. Op'n- High- Iow- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. Am. Toliaoco Co 11114 11U4 Wi 110 Am. Cot. Oil W K W W Am. Buirar Ke'g Co.1H4 1144 113 11 3 Att h., To-. It 8. Fe... 1M liV, if,' 15 Can. South MMi K'4 KVi Wt, Ches. & Ohio 2114 21 21 21 Chicago Oas..... S0'4 tiyi o Chic. A N. W 101 101 IOI14 10114 Chic, B. ft Q.... Wfl, HO',4 W 90 Chic.,- Mil. ft fit. P... 71 71 70. 70 Chic, R. I. ft P 79Vj 79 W7 79 Delaware ft Hud 1.11 I.TI'4 W1'4 1H'4 P., U ft W 1B3 13'4 12 12 rist. c. f 22 22 21 21 Oen. Electric 8fi X 3fi 36 Ioiii. ft Nash 0 Kt o 00 . Manhattan Ele. lift lift 117 117 Mo. Pacific 38 38 87 37 Nat. Lead 34 34 34 34 N. J. Central 105 10.', 104 104 -N. T. Central 1014 10l4 1014 1014 N. Y;, L. E. ft W..... 1 8- 8 K N. Y., 8. ft W 12 12 12 12 N. Y., 8. ft W., Pr... 31 31 J0 30 Nor. Pacific 4 4 4 4 Nor. Pacific, Pr 18 18 17 174 Ont. ft West 174 17 17 17 , Pacific Mall 28 , 214 28 28 . Phil, ft Read 18 18 18 18 fjpiithorn R. R 13 13 13 13 Tenn.. C. ft j..v not 3bi, sri, - Tex. Pacific 12 12 "12 12 ' T?nIon Pacific 13 13 13 IS ' Wabash, Pr 21 21 21 21 West. Union 04 4 OT K! , T7. 8. Leather 18 1R io 1fi . V.B. Leather, Pr.. 84 84 83 83 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADES PRICES. Open-High-Low-Clos- WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Ing. September A 67 65 68 December 69 (B 68 (8 OATS. September ltJtt 18. 18 18 ay 23 ' 23, 23 23 . CORN. Reptember ........ S8 88 87 87 December 82 82 31 31 May 82 33 82 32 LARD. September , ' 8.87 ' . 8.08 5.87 ft) January 8.06 ' 6.07 6.00 6.00 i PORK ) Reptember, 8.45 1.47 9.25 8.80 . January ........... 10.10 10.10 10.00 10.02 . .. j ; 1 - ,:: ., Sdrsntoa Board of Trade Exchaaa 0o- tatlons-All . Quotations Based on Pr . of 100.. ' -. ; '' ' STOCKS. Bid. Ask. ' Dim Dap, ft Dis. Bank. ! -, Green Rldr Lumber Co.. Ill First National Bank 60 . ''U .'.'':' 'v'-'V ..-V '. V, '' . ' 'Cr.'.:.W: .l W,- a Lackawanna Lumber Co 110 Scranton Savings Bank 2"0 Scranton Lace Curtain Co Third National Bank 350 Thnron Coal Land Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Glass Co National Boring A Drilling Co .... Scranton Jar Stopper Co Lacka. ft Montrose R. R Spring Brook Water Co Elmhurst Boulevard Co Anthracite Land & Imp. Co Lacka. Trust & Safe -Dep. Co Allegheny Lumber Co BONDS. Scranton Traction Co Economy Steam Heat ft Power Co Scranton Glass Co Kushbrook Coal Co., 6 Scranton Pass. Railway first mortgage 6's, due 1920 110 People's St. Railway, first mertgage 6's, due 1918 110 People's St. Railway, second.. 110 Scranton ft. PHtoton Traction Co. 6s GO m so a 90 25 100 90 100 60 1M 103 95 100 100 100 80 Scranton Wholesale. Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per lb., 6a8c.; evaporated opplen, 7a8c;. Cali fornia prunes, 6ac.; English curnawta, 2a.1e.; layer raisins, tl.G0al.70; muscatels, 4aac. per lb.; JjUU.25 per box; new Vainn ess, Ga6c. per lb. Beans Marrowfats, 82.50 per bushel: mediums. 12.25; pea beans. Pas (Jreen, tl.10al.15 per bushel; split, I2.SOJ2.60; lentels, fiaHc. pw Jb. potatoes 8l.ftOal.6O. Onlons-Per bbl., $2.25. Butter 16a2c. per Ih. Cheese ac. per lb. Eg?s 14a15c. . Meats Hams, 10'4c.; small hams, 11c; nk'n-ned hams, lie; California hams, sc.; shoulders, 7c; lelKes, 8'ic; smoked bi'eakfast bacon, 10e. Smokfd Beef Oiitslcles, 12c.; sets, i:ic.; '.nsiden and knu.cklwi, 13c.; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb. cans, 12.40 per dozen. Pork Mess, 114.50; short cut, $15. Lord Leaf, in tierces, 8c; In tubs, 8c; 10-4b. pails, 3ic. per lb.; B-lb. palls, 8c. per lb.; 3-lb. palls, c. per lb.; compound lard, tierces, Sc.; tubs, 6c; 10-lb. pails, 6c. per lb.; 5-lb. pal, 6e. per lb.; 8-lb. palls, 7c. per lb. Flour .Minnesota patent per bbl., 84.10a 4.35; Ohio and Indiana ember, $3.75; Gra ham, 13.75; rye flour, 83.75. Feed Mlxeil, per cwt., $1.05. Grain Com, 50c. ; oats, 35a 40c. per b'whel. Rye Straw Per ton, $13a 16. Hay-$17al. New York Prodnce Mnrkot. New York, Aug. 14. Flour Quiet, gener ally weak. Wheat No. 2 red store and elevator, 7o?,e.; afloat, 7214c.; f. o. b., 71a 72 c; ungraded red,' 6fia74c. ; No. 1 north ern, 73c; options closed c. lower; May, 7Gc; August, 7oc; September, 71c; fKitober, 71c; December, 73c. Corn Spots less active, steady; No. 2. 47c. ele vator; 49c. afloat; options closed weak; September. 43c; October, 42c; May, 87c. Oats Spot dull, firm; options firm, quiet; August, 24c; September, 23c; October, 2tc.; May, 27'4c; spot prices. No. 2 new. 2.V. No; 2. white, new. 28c; No. 2 Chlesgo, new, 25c; No. 2 new, 24c; No. 8 white, new, 25c.; mixed western, 25a 28c; white. do...24a35c; white state, 24a35c. Provisions Dull, steady, un changed. Lard Dull, weak; western steam closed $6.37; city, $6.05a6.10; option sales, none; September closed $6.35, nom inal; refined, quiet; continent, $6.75; South America, $7.15; compound. 4a5c. But terQuiet, less steady; state dairy, 12a 18c; do. creamery, 20c.; western dairy, 8as)c.; do. creamery, 13a20c.; do. fac tory, 8al2c.: Elglns, 20c; Imitation creamery, lla15c. Cheese Moderate de mand, fancy Arm; state large, 5a74c.; do. fancy. 7a7c; do. small, 8n8c; part skkms, 2n5c; full skims, lalc. Eggs Quiet, unchanged. . Toledo Grain Market. Toledo. O., Aug. 14. Wheat Receipts, 108,677 bushels; shipments, 51,100 bushels; market easy; No. 2 red, cash, and August, 71c.;- September," 71o.; December, 72c.j May, 76c. ; No. 8 red, cash, 68c, Corn Re ceipts, 3,073 bushels; shipments, 2,700 bush els; market, dull; No. 2 mixed, cash, 38c. Oats Receipts, 8,775 bushels; market dull; No. 2 mixed, September. 20c. Rye Mar ket quiet; No, t cash, 47o.; No. i do., 44c; September. 47c. Clover Beed Market dull; pr'me rash, $5.50; prime timothy, cash, $2,20; August, 12.10. , , " . ' Cnloago Live Mtoek. ' r " ' Chicago. Aug. 14 -Cattle-Recelpts, 18,000 head; market easy for common, fair for choice; common to extra steers, $$.75a6; Blockers and feeders, 82.80K4; cows and bulls, ll.25aX75; calves, $8 Mat.7B; Texana, t2.25a4.86; western rangers, t2.60a4.86. Hogs Receipts, 18,000 nead; market weak and 10c. lower; heavy packing and shipping lots, $4.35a4.70; common to choice mixed, 84.3oa4.80; choice assorted, 84.90a5.15; light, 84.5oao; plRS, 5.1oa5.15. Sheep Receipts, J17.UJU head; market weak; inferior to choice, $2a3.5; lambs, $3n5,40. Buffalo Live Stock. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 14,-Cattle-Recelpts. 2,002; on sale, 12; market, dull; good stock ers, $2.85a3.15; light to medium steers, $3.85a4.30; veals, steady; fair to extra, So.50a6.50. Hogs Receipts, 8,520; on sale, 2,750. Market steady for good corn hogs and very dull for grassers. Yorkers, good, light, I5.10a5.17; grassers and Michigans, $4.ii5a5.05; mixed packers, $5a6.10; choice heavy, $4.9oa5; grassy Michigans, $4.50a4.75; roughs, $:i.75a4; stags, :iu3..'i0. Sheep and Lembs Receipts, 2,860; on sale, 2,800; mur ket dull. Best heavy lambs, 84.50a4.75; light to good, $3.25a4.X: culls and common, $1.50a3; mixed sheep, fair to good, $2.25o2.75; extra, $3; culls and common, $1.25; export sheep, 83.50h3.85; two decks of Canada lambs sold late at $4.75a4.80. Oil Market. Pittsburg, Aug. 14. Oil opened, 122; high est, 125 hid; lowest, 122; closed, 124 bid. Standard's price unchanged, 125. Oil City, Aug. 14. Oil opened and lowest, 122; highest and closed, 125. NEWS OF OUR INDISTIUES. Happenings of Interest to the Staple Trades and Particularly 10 the Trade in Iron, Steel and Anthracite Coal. Evaporated potatoes la the latest pre served food product of the Pacific coast. A Washington concern entwiged In the business of preparing evaporated apples and prunes has been experiment ing with potatoes and flndH that, pre pared In this way, they will keep good for an indefinite time and retain prac tically all their food value. Among recent Inventions Is an auto matic device for steam boilers, whereby the steam and air is cut off automatic ally by the action of opening the fur nace door during such a time as the fireman Is stoking or fuel is 'being added to the fires, the object being to prevent the danger of the back action of the flames from flashing out In the stoker's face. There were 641 miles of track laid on sixty-six lines In the first half of 1895, against 625 miles of fifty-one lines in the same period fn 1894, 1,016 miles on ninety-five lines In 189.1, and 1,367 miles on ninety-two lines In 1892. The down ward movement In railway construc tion, from the top of the notch of near ly 13.000 miles in 1887 to less than 2,000 miles in 1894, has evidently ceased and a slow upward turn may be expected. From work now In sight It looks as If the new track added In 1895 would ag gregate 2.500 miles, with a possibility of something more If tlmea continue to Improve rapidly. It Is stated that tbe Erie reorganiza tion plan will call for a straight assess ment of $12 on the common stock and t8 on the preferred stock. Nothing will be given for the assessment. There Is to be a new consolidated general mort gage bond Issued to cover the entire property, subject, however, to the lien of the first consolidated mortgage now on the property. It Is stated that In exchanging present bonds for the new bonds present bondholders will have to take certain percentage of their bonds In preferred stock. The new, bonds are expected to toe worth M, and are to be underwritten. It Is said, pretty close to that figure. The underwriting Is being done mostly In Europe. A sectional marine boiler brought out In England combines the principle of water-tube arranged over an ordinary furnace, and a cylinder through which numerous fire-tubes are passed. The Invention also provides automatic clos ing valves for the ends of the several sections of water tubes, so that any water-tube ma be ruptured .without much escape of steam or loss of pres sure. The product of oombuation first circulate between the rows of water tubes, and the partly cooled gases then pnss through the smoke-tubes in the cylinder, which abstract the remaining effective heat. This plan Is expected to make the boiler one of the most economical In fuel yet brought out, and Electricity promises to work a revo lution in the oil Industry. Heretofore the great drawback in developing an oil field was the necessity of hauling boil ers to the well sites and furnishing them with fuel and water when they had been located. It Is proposed to put an electric motor at each well and fur nish power from a central electrical plant, a single circuit being sufficient to take the place of the fuel and costly water line. Heretofore the cost of a well in this field has averaged about $3,500, of which at least half was the laying of the water lines and hauling tfuel. By this plan It is thought that wens may ne put down ror $2,500 eacn. The value of the electric power will be even greater In pumping fields, where at present fuel must be hauled contin ually, and wells of small production will not more than take up the cost of pumping. With the application of elec tricity 20 wells may be strung on one circuit and all furnished with power from it. It is the Intention to get a plant In operation at Slatervllle by the first of October. Gilmore's Aromatic Wino A tonic for ladies. If yoa are suffering from weakness; and feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting thin and all run down; Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters.' It is the best regulator and corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood. It promotes digestion, enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. - Sold , by Matthews Bros., Scranton. V "' Mismm Oswissmss 0LINMLE1 KEJlDJlCHESa IimAL vM ran m. 4 luvriai bwi K " 1MB - I VWi I CeMs, Bar Tlrt, ImmilliU i Jiif AsaflMaat . nmfj, esBvtnlsnt to out 8b asMnadr to wn in taaieauoa ateois. GsiSiMt Vm . !- fr. tUraMMsUrsateeorsMnitnfasdd. Prlc. &s msxsrt I& or TmJRr?s!a(l4S'Ml!S?r BALM ejMMla by MattMw Bra, and Jen n CkMMstM laalkh Bml rEfJNYnOYAL PILLS V-S7W ..SMMISItlB AJf JiH bnttIM OWMVI MM CM. 1 rhv mti4 Bri ) SMS A 9tl4 W T , imM viiTmm ritkM. fsaeVaf M ( tkik smi iumrm inlmw I , feXHimmillMlniiiiii. AiDrn,ew44 IV Jf Is to jmUrtMi, liinisiilm u4 EVA M. HETZEL'S Superior Face Bleach, Posltlvily Removes All Facial Blemlsbts. 8 moat' No more Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Ttlaek heads. Liver Spots, Pimples and Sallow Complexions If ladles will use my Su perior Face Bleach, Not a cosmetic, but a medicine which acts directly on the skin, removing all discolorntlons, an one of the greatest purifying agents for the complex ion In existence. A perfectly clear and spotless complexion can be obtained In very instance by Its use. Price, $1.00 per bottle. For sale at G. M. Hetzd's Hair dressing and Manicure Parlors, 330 Lack awanna ave. Mall orders filled promptly. U8Diky.' "etjt REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a Well Mar ttwr-IffT of Me. THI QRIAT aoth bay. XXUB!BXOXX XIZ1M3ISY produces the above result In SO days. Itsrti ?wrtitllT and quickly. Cures whun all othm tell otmf n will iwgttu thair lost msuliood.sadolil ana will neem thsli youthful or by uslat RETIVO. II quickly and sunlr fMiom Msrtou. bim.Lm VlltlltT, ImvosiiBer. Nightly Km I Ml ont, LastPowsr.rilllii Mrmory, WHtins OlnuM.and all aiMa of BtU-sbuM or ssoaMtad Indls&ralloa, whisk salts OM for stndy, twslnMS or mtmtse. It sot) saly eafw by sUrtis at lbs sssi of dlsesM, but Ussratl tiers tattle and blood builder, brlnf lc bask lbs plak glow to Ml cheeks tnd rs tsrlB Ids Br of ysath. It wsrd off InMoity sad OtMUBPtlon. leslst a bsrlat ItKVIVO, no eifesr. II esn lis oarrtts la i cwJkI. By aitll. (3140 per ckt, or sis for S.oo, with a posl Uve writtaa gaaraniea to ear tefund theaioaey. OlraularirM. Addms 6VL MEDICINE CO.. OS River St CHICAOO, ILL ! tn atthsw stretu VtfsMlal OR. HEORA'S VIOLA CREAT.l S)EiBSasl BTHSSVlbA BBWBMBkftaua thTntwitfrssTO anrei tn sia t w mf . tjgpsnor is and Mriaoti iianiitss ai ail TTTr"-" " BeMmtaiewat, pfesaiinnii 1MtsMt,i JWrsi Sy MdMhdnfM (Haf-S TOLKMtOt nflJtAw IRON AMD STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Ri ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTHB SCRANTON, PA. E1B LUMBER, PROPS AND TIES FOR MIN ran ON WEALTH LUMBER CO 22 Commouieiltti ii Bld0l Scranton, Pa. TELEPHONE 422. RE8T0RI LOST VIGOR ..... u aa ..... turn V...MM n.uiiiv. Lots of Saiual Powar (hi atthar w.l, lmw..u.y. Alrephy, ViiitiKtla and alhat wtakneiin. w; My cauje, aa St.,n. rill.. liram. thccknl and full igoa quickly reMocad. If mglacta. aacj Itnihlaa ratult hlally. Maili-d .nT.hai. aaalad. fo$t.co ab"l foi j.a. wuh amy In wdct wa (;lv a Ircal guataniaa la cura aa laaaaa Iha manay. Adtmi rtAL MI DICINU CO., Clavalaad, Ohia. For tale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist ear. Wyoming Avenu and Spruce Street, Scranton Pa. Kesult la 4 weeks. I BU08 CO.. IOC's. Ctt1taLll,0M.6m MlKT 6)1.50 VHOK IN TBU WOBI Titstaall ' Willi ranch Haials KM 8fA tea OtUwM ins inywaor nnau 1.60. Wo auk tals ksrt earMhss, theralor wa far mntn tho it. aavla mmd laaor. and If any to fa Bo aatlaflaa W Will IWKU UIU. rtMsoouwrtw users To or Cowa Boss, wmum u, l E, a as. soai i .-i..a f.'MIIEini -v f II e.llll X a 1 to i sad luosimaa I lotas .war PiTlJ FEDERAL IT. Mantnl ton U VtuUn. K .... (E Have yes terslteo. rsUinfT Wrll CaaVhllaiMaly Omn twt V-a-alT"''jC Jiltorprootaof e tesdtls.l?liwwie4alaes'aes THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK .m0 TILE IMUFICTURING CO., hakim or SHALE PAVING BRICK AND BUILOIKQ BRICK Oflleei 329 Washingtoa Aveaae. Worksi Way-Ai. Paw B. W. V. R. B. M. H. DALE, General Sales Agent, Scranton, Pa ...aa aa asiliata' WILLIAM & ULLAn, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 8, Qa and Water Co. ullelno, COMM IIOMlRft Ml IMP CUIK1 It OFFIOB HOURS from T.88 !. av (I hear laUraUasloa for eiar aa4 sapfer.) renlultustiin GItiiU CtllUca i isil aaMlaKAaii Ilrsla1 -.TtfeahV Ne.1S4a .1- -r " re ;..lO:fe:r'V:V';':
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers