The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 15, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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DaBy Weakly. XlNnmUltte
MM at Smiilm. 1, Mr Tbe Mum 1
r Yerk Otto: TtUnae SuUalag,
Onj, sUaaiw,
C P. KINSSBURV. Pmm. eae . SJ
C M. MlSwlg. mm TH
W. W. DAVIS. BimMM Mai
anus a ti roaroiriai at scftAsros. fa as
uooso-cLaes mail sansa.
Frmtef' Ink," the wrocntwd Journal tfTT
linn. ralM Turn Semi to Tibi'm a the brt
advertklnc BMdtum la NottheeMera Feaaaylva,
ale. -ntntenr Iaa." kaowe.
Tas Wimr Tamr, Iwutd Krery Saturday,
Contalna Tw1t HabJwok Fucw, lth ad Abua
aanca of Nw. rictloe. and f AlKJlud Mawat
lany. For Thaee Wka laonot T rwe Iuiuv
Tatatma, to Weakly U Kecommendxl e the
BaMBArfalaUataf. Ouly 1 A Yenr, la Adraaco.
fu Tinnil la w Sal Helly at the 0, U an W.
ttaMlea al lloeokaa.
Major Penman's method of flfrurlng
out thf stattf for Quay must partake
of Christian ac'tence vrliiclitlea. J ""t
lmatrlne it so, and stick to it. and you
are all risrht until votea are counted.
- -
Cannot Comprehend Honesty.
The Soranton 'Kepubllcan la unable to
understand honesty and good faith In
politic. This is one of the distinguish
ing characterises of our morning con
temporary. Politics without trickery,
bad faith and dishonesty, Is a mystery
to that paper. This fact accounts for
Its attempt to ridicule the action of the
Lackawanna delegates In pledging
themselves to support Oovernor Hast
ings and his administration In the Con
vention. Such a declaration was not
necessary to convince honest Republi
cans that the delegates would be true
to themselves and to the majority of
the party they represent, but it was
necessary to take such action to uut a
quietus to the reports constantly set
on foot by Quay's tricksters and schem
ers that Beveral of the Lackawanna
delegates would support Quay. These
reports were industriously circulated
for effect In other parts of the st.ite to
make It appear that Quay, had a ma
jority. The same dishonest trick Is re
sorted to In Luzerne and other counties.
The Republican's attack on Judge
Wlllard yesterday la only a continua
tion of the contemptible policy It has
pursued throughout the campaign.
Judge Wlllard Is a frank and an
honest ' man who faithfully stands
by the friends who have stood by
him. He was not trained In the
Joe Scra-nton school of politics,
and therefore does not receive a
favor with one hand and stab the
man who confers it with the other.
Colonel Ripple stated the situation
frankly and plainly In his Interview
with a representative of the Truth.
The battle for state delegates In this
county was fought on a square and dis
tinct Issue. That Issue was the chair
manship of the state committee. The
Hastings administration stood on the
one side and Senator Quay on the other.
Quay and his supporters made the at
tempt to defeat each of the seven Hast
ings delegates and failed. They an
tagonized Colonel Ripple and his six
colleagues because they represented
the anti-Quay sentiment. Having
failed In this attempt they Immediately
set up the claim that some of the suc
cessful delegates were Quay men and
would betray the administration In the
State convention.
Judge Wlllard and the seven delegates
elected In his interest and In the Inter
est of the Hastings administration are
honest men. Incapable of treachery ot
bad faith. The Republican would loud
ly applaud anyone of the number who
should betray the trust reposed In him.
That is the Republican's Idea of politi
cal methods. It is Incapable of absorb
ing honesty, good faith and decent meth
ods in the achievement of political ends.
That paper and its chief have wallowed
for so many years in the dirty puddle
of political trickery, treachery and bad
faith that it can neither appreciate nor
comprehend straightforward manliness
and honesty In political action. This
fact accounts for Its surprise, as ex
pressed in yesterday's issue, that the
Lackawanna delegates should openly
declare their purpose to carry out In
'the state convention the purpose for
which thejr were elected.
The people of Philadelphia and Pitts
burg .will never select Matthew Stanley
Quay, of Beaver county, to head a
movement for reform in those cities.
There is no reason why they should;
each of them contains citizens capable
of beading reform movements. More
over, tha people of Philadelphia, are
not unacquainted with the fact that the
very evils that have cursed their city
were conceived by Quay and Inaugurat
ed under his dlreotlon. Quay in the
role of reformer la ridiculous.
The Syndicate.
, The Belmont-Morgan syndicate, who
were paid so liberally by the Cleveland
administration In the last bond sale
transaction, are manifesting an Inclina
tion to carry out their portion of the
contract, and to that extent deserve
credit Previous to that Bond sale, by
which the syndicate made about 16.
000,004, Secretary Carlisle was unable to
maintain the gold reserve,- The treas
vry'department 'literally' paid the "Belmont-Morgan
syndicate millions of dol
lars as an Inducement to prevent fu
ture raiding of ttie treasury of Its gold.
On Tuesday the syndicate for the sec
ond or third time came to the rescue of
the treasury by depositing $l,M6,00O in
gold and talcing notes In exchange.
A telegram from Washington states
that Secretary Carlisle Js very -much
gratified at the action of the syndicate
s"nd accept It as conclusive that here
after Che 'cold reserve wQt be main
tained at 1100,000,000. The syndicate can
;' well afford to-do this In View of the
enormous gains. Obey made' by tha spe-
: tlsj Xftror . shown them b .Cleveland
and Carlisle. - During Kepubllcan ad
ministration there was no necessity for
such shady transactions. The gold re
serve was then maintained by the pur
suance of a sensible and business-like
policy. '
The Philadelphia Times wants "the
factional organs to teH he truth with
reference to the delegate elections. The
Times should set the example of truth
telling. Up to date ft has falsified more
than any other newspaper in the state.
A Reasoa at Last.
Some days since The Tribune asked
why do the Democratic leaders and
press so vigorously and even violently
support Quay In his fight for suprema
cy In the party leadership? The Phil
adelphia Record volunteers to answer
this frequently asked but not heretofore
answered question. The reason It gives
Is remarkable for Its frankness. Here
Is the gist of it:
"There are, however, specific as well ns
general reasons why Democrats should
!uo with Senator Quay rather than with
his enemies. Democrats will never forget
that when a Republican president and con
gress soiiKht to substitute the rule of the
bayonet for that of the ballot box Sena
tor Quay's vote was cast against and
helped to defeat the infamous force bill.
A weak man. or a cowardly man afraid of
the party lash, would not have dared to
take that manly and magnanimous
The reason here given is at least
a substantial one, and It may be ad
mitted that Democrats have good cause
for an expression of gratitude to Sena
tor Quay. It a true, as the Record
says, that a Republican president and
a Republican congress made the at
tempt to pass a federal elections bill
(the Democrats call It the force bill),
a measure which contemplated nothing
more than to secure to the white and
Mack Republicans in the southern
states the right to vote and to have
their votes counted as they were cast.
The Democratic leaders, north and
south, realized that the passage of that
bill would assure free, fair and compar
atively honest elections In the south,
and result In tlhe loss of half a dozen
southern states to the Democrats In the
prtsldentlul election of 1S92. Senators
Quay and Cameron joined the ranks of
the southern brigadiers in the senate
and the defeat of the federal elections
bill may taltly b attr.buted to their
efforts. The first result was the loss
of the presidency for four years, for
there Is no reasonable doubt that hud
fair and honest elections been possible
General Harrison would have carried
half a dozen southern states and been
re-elected three years ago.
If tlui Democrats, as the Record to nil
Interests and purposes claims, owe their
restoration to power In the national
government to the treachery of Senators
Quay and Cameron In voting with the
Democratic senators against the fed
eral elections bill, then It must be ad
mitted that the Pennsylvania Demo
crats would be ungrateful Indeed If
they dhl not rally around the Junior
senator In his present flv-ht, but the
giving of such a reason, as the Record
does, at the same time supplies a very
substantial argument why Republicans
should not feel it to be a duty to spe
cially honor him.
No Democratic senator had the power
to render his party such efficient ser
vice as Senatur Quay did, according to
the Record. The Tribune most heart
ily congratulates Itself on having been
the means of Bolvlng the problem:
"Why do the Democratic leaders and
press so earnestly and so unanimously
rally around Quay?" The answer of
the Record Hs emphatic and apparently
conclusive. Senator Quay deserted his
party associates In the senate, defeated
the federal elections; bill, made the elec
tion of Cleveland possible, and gave
the Democratic party four years of
power In the national government. How
do stralght-from-the-shoulder Republi
cans relish that kind of an admission
by the paper owned and controlled by
the lust Democratic candidate for gov
ernor, Hon William M. Singerly, the
man repudiated by the voters of Penn
sylvania by a majority of 210,000? We
thank Commodore Klngerly for his
frankness in answering The Tribune's
It U only recently thalt Senator Quay
Is opposed to the use of money in poli
tics. When he was at the Wyoming
house In this city he told the Susque
hanna delegation that they should
name the sum It would coot to capture
the Susquehanna delegates, and "make
the figures) high enough." If any one
doubts it put Third Term Sam and
Tommy on the witness stand and swear
Oovernor Hastings' Attitude.
There has been so much misrepresen
tation, so much (falsification iwith ref
erence to the attitude of Governor
Hastings In the present faction, fight
that many people have doubtless come
to regard him as the aggressor. On
tlhls point the Philadelphia Press, In an
admirable article, says:
"Governor Hastings knows his position
and his duty. Me accepts his obligations
and 'his responsibility. He opened no con
test with any leader and he makes no war
upon any Kepubllcan. He wants all Re
publicans to exercise their legitimate In
fluence within their legitimate sphere,
and through all the winter and spring he
was liberal up to the limit of reason In de
ferring to the wishes of Senator Quay. Ho
wanted no issue h.nd sought in every way
to avoid a conflict. He has not stepped
aside from his straight pathway to make
any contest. He was for. apportionment
at the beginning, and stood by It to the
end. He was for Mr. Gllkeson for chair
man of the state committee through all
the winter and he is for him now. It was
his duty to adhere to his publlo promise,
and It was his right and his obligation to
stand by his own cabinet associate. The
war comes from those who undertake to
trample upon the party pledges and to
overthrow the existing party organisa
tion." This 1s a fair and entirely truthful
statement .of the case. The war was
forced upon Oovernor Hastings by men
who failed In their attempt to make
of htm a mere subservient tool to fur
ther their own selfish ambitions and
Interests. When he became governor,
he recognized no faction and no partic
ular Individual interests. He regarded
himself as the chosen governor of the
entire Republican party, and gave to all
classes fair recognition In every way.
Moreover, he had due regard for his
oath of office and sought by every
means to see that the constitution was
respected. When Senator Quay found
be could not bend the governor to his
own arbitrary will he resolved to break
down his administration. . Oovernor
Hastings was not the aggressor, (but he
knows how to defend the honor and
Integrity of tils administration, and
that is what he Is doing.
The case of Editor Travers, of
Wilkes-Barre, should furnish a warning
to Journalists .who have An otrtbltion to
please the reading publlo with editions
of the red-hot newspaper. The enter
prise ot Editor Travers in publishing
"all the news" has resulted in making
him the defendant In a serious slander
suit. Travers. who is now in Jail, and
can get no one to become his bonds
man, weeps over his fate and states
that several prominent citizens ot
WUkes-Barre promised to stand by
him. The experience of Travers tias
many parallels everywhere in a mild
way. There are lots of persons who
are willing to stand by the editor If he
.will publish an article-that pleases their
fancy and will even ossUM in furnishing
details, but when t'here Is any clubblng
,to be received the men. who stand by the
editor are liable to become very bash-
Independent" meanness.
In the present campaign the so-called
"Independent" papers, of which the
Truth of this city Is an average speci
men, have manifested a spirit of par
tlsanism and, narrow meanness exceed
ing even the most reckless of the ultra
Quay machine organs that call them
selves Republican. Yesterday's Issue
of the Truth more than Justifies this
criticism. Its columns editorial, news
and local teemed with the character
istic misrepresentations, falsehoods and
rank partlsantsm ot Quaylsm, utterly
giving the lie to Its pretentious inde
pendence. It did not even hesitate to
admit to Its telegraphic news columns a
bogus Interview, manufactured at the
Quay literary bureau, attacking Judge
Wlllard'a honor and Integrity as a
member of the Superior court. Com
mon neighborly decency, to say nothing
of the courtesy that obtains among
gentlemen occupying reputable posi
tions In the same community, It might
have been supposed would restrain the
Truth from admitting such rot to Its
The labored and voluminous editorial
In yesterday's Truth 'lauding to the
skies the pretentious reform programme
of Senator Quay, Is another evidence of
the arrant hypocrisy and slavish sub
servience of tho editor of the Truth to
the blandishments of Quay. No man
In this community knows better than
does Hon. John E. Barrett that
Matthew Stanley Quay is himself the
father of nearly all the legislation un
der which the rottenness that curses
Philadelphia's municipal government
was made possible. He knows that of
aid political corruptlonlsts this state has
produced Colonel Quay stands foremost
and pre-eminent. No one knows better
than does Editor Barrett that Quay's
present pretentions to purity In politics
and honesty in government is a hypo
critical pretense, sham and fraud.
When a newspaper like the Truth,
pretending to be Independent, honest
and reliable, champions such fraud,
and distances even the most mercen
ary partisan organs In its laudation of
such hypocrisy and shams, It is time
to expose It to public contempt and dis
dain. The Trutfh's attacks upon Judge Wll
lard, and Its reflections upon the Integ
rity and sincerity of the Lackawanna
delegates to the state convention, are
on a par with Its general conduct In the
present campaign. The Truth can only
be characterized as mendacious when
It assumes that any one of the Lacka
wanna delegates has at any time con
templated supporting Quay, or in any
way proving faithless to the adminis
tration. As to holding Judge Wlllard
responsible for the action of the dele
gates, that also Is an unwarranted out
rage. Throughout the campaign Judge
Wlllard has conducted himself with
the dignity and propriety becoming his
judicial position. He would scorn to
profit try treachery to the adminlstra
tlon. It would seem to be almost as
difficulty for the Truth as it Is for the
Ropubllcan to recognize the fact that
honor and good faith are not yet ex
tinct among men wtoo take an active
part In politics.
The Quay boomers ore keeping up
itlhe game of brag and bluster, and will
keep it up to the end. It Is their prin
cipal stock In trade, and they will find
It mighty poor stock when the time
comes to count delegates at Ha.rrls
Aeknowlodges His Fitness.
WUkes-Barre News-Dealer: "The Scran
ton Free Press' suggestion of William
Connell as the next candidate of the Re
publican )arty for Oovernor of Pennsyl
vania has been quite generally commented
upon by newspapers throughout the state
during the week. Nearly all the Republi
can papers speak kindly of the proposed
candidacy, and the Democratic press ac
knowledge the fitness of the candidate and
his claims upon the party. ,
. "
Quay Uas Foreclosed.
Pottsv'.lle Chronicle: "Quay foreclosed
hi mortgugo on Schuylkill county Re
publicanism, and there were few to resist
By Matthew Stanley Deunls Q-
Once, upon a midnight dreary, as I pon
dered, weak and weary.
O'er the luck that followed Hastings In
the full of ninety-four;
O'er the luck that caught me napping,
suddenly there came a tapping,
Like some senator flip-flapping, 1 had
heard such sounds before;
"Andrews must have come," I muttered;
"evil tiding erst he bore;
I presume he brings some more,"
Ah I distinctly. I remember, seemed as
though 't were In December;
Never twenty-eighth of August promised
frost like this before.
Eagerly I wished the morrow, so that
haply 1 might borrow -
Some one's second-hand "Inquirer" clam
oring for Murtln's gore;
Whilst an angel of Frank Willing, with
his martyr's wings galore,
It would make forevermore.
And the cruet, sad, but certain, news
from counties I got hurt In
Filled me with a fear for me and Don I
never felt before;
Fear that Cameron might be trollled,
and I nevermore be solid
With the rank and file of voting men a
In the days of yore;
Never boss the ranch again as In the
happy days of yore -
Nevermore, ah I nevermore, :
Presently, my , soul grew stronger), hesi
tating then no longer, -
"Bill," said I, "what message bring you
from the Susquehanna's shore?
WC11 Lusernt'e unjust seetsers, following
Lackawanna's leaders, '
Thus Ignore the magnetism that my pret
ence to them boreT '
Louder, Bill! I scarce can hear, you"
here I opened wide the door;
Sulphur fumes there nothing more.
Deep Into the darkness peering, long I
stood there, trembling, fearing
Lest the Cameronlun barrel should give
out as oft before;
Lest a sub yet colder-blooded and more
fiendish and mora studied
Than the one which Newell's letter dia
bolically bore
(Ohl that stab, ungrateful Davtes, you
will rue forevermore),
I might get outside the door.
Back Into my chamber turning, deep re
venge within me burning.
Soon again I -heard a tupping, somewhat
louder than, before.
"Is that you, Magee?" I muttered. "Did
you find your bread was buttered
On the aide 1 oft have told you In our
counseling of yore?
Will you be my henchman, Chris, again,
as In the days of yore?"
But the wind sobbed, "Nevermore!"
Open then I flung the shutter, and, before
I scarce could mutter
Maledictions on. the presence that kept
tapping at my door.
In there came, with plt-a-pstter, the pale
ghost of Delamater, ,
Ferried o'er the Htyx by Andrews In the
fateful rays of yore.
Had It. then, returned to plague me, from
the night's Plutonian shore?
Be my ban forevermore?
Then the spirit, meek and lowly, crossed
the room and climbed up slowly
On a silver bust of I'umeron standing on
my chamber floor.
Not a syllable It uttered, till I scarcely
more than muttered:
"Other friends I loved have left me, gone
to join the HusIIiik corps;
On the morrow wilt thou leave me for the
Kraceless IIostitiKS corps?"
And the ghost nlgiied; "Nevermore!"
"Thniiks!" I said, "from thy old mastor,
threatened now with dire dlsustrr:
Thanks! and keep me Cameron hidden
till this cruel war Is o'er;
You are In It, but not ot it. Bay! you
must be quite a prophet,
HaviniT dwell so long In silence on the
night's Plutonian, shore;
Tell me, Khali 1 win the luittle? turn up
trumps as heretofore?"
And the ghont moaned: "Nevermore!"
"Prophet!" snld I, "thing of evil! Prophet,
still; now what the d 1
Do you mean by Intimating that my foes
shall wipe the floor
With my senutorlul garment? Dare you
tell me that thut varment
Oilkeson, the bold liucks braggart, shall
"be thQ chairman- o'er and o'er?
Is my goose forever cooked since Hastings
won In ninety-four?"
"Yes, Mutt, yes, forevermore."
"Ohost or fiend!" I cried, mwtarttng; "do
you mean to sny that Martin
Or that i.'harley Worwlck never my for-
glvcnuss Khali implore?
Why, the pull I gave them made theml
rrom obscurity Ulil all them
To positions no such pettifoggers ever
reached before!
Will they still join hands against me?
hands already stepped In gore?"
"Yea! they will, Matt, evermore."
"Be that word our slun of parting, grisly
gliost! 1 shrieked, uinlat'tlug;
"Get thee down from Cameron's statue,
get tnee back to t'luto s shore! '
But the spirit, slyly winking, answered:
".Matthew. I urn l anruiKing
From publicity this summer us I did the
year before;
And I'll cross the .Styx again-, Matt, when
1 in ready not uerorc;
Maybe never anymore."
And, confound me! If that spirit, without
sift or erace or merit.
Isn't sitting on Don Cameron still as Don'
. sits on the floor:
Prophesying every evil, Just as If the very
Wagged its ghostly, ghastly tongue the
Willie It c-rouks Its "Nevermore!
Just as if my nuine were Dennis, and
would be torevermore
Dennis Quay forevermore.
Philadelphia Press
131 AND 03
The Best of Them
All lathe...
Porch Chairs and Rockers,
Fins Reed Chairs and Rockers,
A Few Baby Carriages Lett at Cost
Cedar Chests, Mith Proof, In
Three Sizes.
131 AND
Tho best 3.00 Men's Shoes on tha
Hade from tannery calfskin, dongola
tops, all leather trimmed, solid leather
soles with Lewis' Cork Filled Boles.
Unequaled for beauty, fine workman
ship, and wearing qualities. Tonrcholcs
of all the popular toes, lasts and fasten
Every pair contains ft paid-up AcoU
dent Insurance Policy for 100, good for
00 days.
Wear Lewis' Accident Iosunnct
Shoes, and go insured free.
Globe Shoe Store
EY1N3 A POWELL, Prop'n
ftst tssth, K.W bstt sat, tt: for veld esps
and teath without platas, eaflad arown and
sridf work, call tor prices and rafsr
enoas. TONALQIA. for sstraettsc tsstk
without pslsj. Ms etnor, , Ms ess.
Need any Upholstering done? Parlor Suites, Couches, Chairs,
Cushions, in fact anything in the line done with neatness and
dispatch by experienced workmen at reasonable prices.
The most varied assortment of Furniture Covering in both For
eign and Domestic Fabrics to select from of any house in the city.
Made over and recovered at short notice.
know we can please
Gold Band
White China
At Cost. , . .
We arc selling our entire stock
ot Gold Bund White China at
cost. Purtles having Tea Sets
can now add a few pieces and
make up a Dinner Set; or those
having Dinner Sets partly bro
ken cun match them up at a
very small cost.
Come early and get the pieces
you need most.
, rn, on
Clarence M. Florey, the
sporting goods dealer of Wyo
ming avenue, has devised a
scheme to keep the boys in
terested in the matter of base
ball. With every ten cent
ball or bat he will now give a
fine cap and belt, which are
uniform. Among the hustlers
is Mr. Florey.
Is the genuine srtlola, snd It's first class fan to
hsT it. You'll nsver bT snythlns slss If
you mko jroar pnrcuatas of Bhlrts from oar
took. W glvs oar easterners s gsnaina, first
class alas. '
Conrad, Hatter
Toss Is fssss sols ts tss WKBM
Osll ssd sm ttaass Pisses and sons 6na tee
cm dV ban 4 Plssasw bars takes la ssssssfS
iiro Bw0 1 craw
Is meeting with merited Success.
cheerfully submitted
Ettabllsksi 1168.
At a time when many manu-1
facturers and dealers are making
the most astounding statements
against the merits and durability,
of inferior Pianos, intending pur
chasers should not fail to make
critical examination of the above
General Dealer In Northeast
ern Pennsylvania.
a-fcsah Naw Tslsphons Exchangs Building, 113f,5a--s"
t Adams Ave., Sersnton, Pa.
jiiUiiimiiiiimiiimmimiuiiuuuuuimiiii rcaf
with as oil or km stove. Ho smoke, dirt or
smell. It doe tbe work so well The price,
madam, la mirth-provoking in Ita llttlenoM,
Oar Hardware standa In the front rank. A
Kt or bottle, tin can or pan. does Its dntr pr
ila according as It Is rfirbtly made of tbe
right material. The right kinds are what we
are selling. . ...
A for prices, we bare made them so slim
that they need support, and we'll have to raise
them to get support, bat little prices bring
Washington Ays
f.loosic Povdor Co,
Rooss 1 ud t CoBiinoieilti Bld'fc
. . LslBIa A lUaa Powder Csa
Orango Gun Powder
Bectrte Batteries. ISsea for sscsssV
lag blasts, ssiats; Pass M
t:;:uoCls!cd Co.i LUgEs;!
on application. We
Ovtr 16,000 in Uts.
Blank Books,
' Offico Supplios.
Asd aappUea, -
ci Ecznrss,
aft SVpAT ft?? JSifT? hiob nsasssW
sT Ingredients well-known to sU. It esa b
applied to Us. galvanised tin, sheet b
roofs, also to brlok dwelt)
sk srul
does i
st the ssst ft tlnsing. Is sold bg ta a
ST pound.. Contracts takes br. .
IS, wax
Stveni sDsoiuieir anr erumDuas, bibhss
: or bresklnf A the brlok. It vol out.