THE SCBANTON TMBTJNE TITUItSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 15, 1893, io:rs iLEiii Rct. "Father" Lucas aew book, "Afnostitism and Religion," $12$. Dr. Tkroop's Book, "Half Century in Scrantou;" illustrated by nmerou portraits of old timers, large 8 to. cloth covers, 54.50. Taylor's New Scrantou Directory, S$. Peloobet'a Notes Sabbath School . Lessons for this year, 25 cents, . until balance of stock cleared out; Publisher's price of this book is 11.35. 35-cent cloth bound books, "Little Classics," our price 15c 35-cent paper covered books, about 100 different titles, 10c Holland's "Katherena," cloth, 50c, Holland's "Bitter Sweet," cloth, 50c, New edition of old favorites, which were formerly sold at Jl 25. School Lacka., beautiful new catalogue for ensuing year. Free, on call. ' . A Foo to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USB THE Snoullite FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE ;. TO THE TRADE BY Ttia Weston Mill Co. PERSONAL. John T. Richards Is spending the wk in Hazleton. Mrs. William Hall, of Scranton street, Is Visiting In Pltlston. Thorns Flnnegan. of vIlks-Barre, Is visiting Scranton frnidf. T. J. Jernlnps an J Joseph 'E. Donnelly were In Wilkea-Barre yesterday. - Miss Elizabeth D. Klotx. of Newark. N. J.. Is the guest of Mrs. U. E. Dean. Mrs. J. C. Moyer. of Kingston. Is visiting Airs. J. w. K el low, or the West Hide. Misses Loretto Cannon and May Taylor, Of Jackson street, are at Crystal I.ake. James W. O'Brien, of OhDhant. will leave next week for a visit in Satf Lake City.. - Floyd Decker, of Newton. N. J.. Is the guest of Mrs. C. J. La Carre, of Ninth street. '" Mrs. J. Thompson and Mrs. John Shanti. of New. York city, are visiting Scranton relatives. - ,. Miss Lillian Jacobs, of Bromley avenue, Is home from a visit among friends In Hazleton. Miss Bessie Booth, of Southbrldge, Mass., Is visiting Miss Bessie Rice, of Jef ferson avenue. Attorney George W. Peck, who has been pending a fortnight at Lake Wlnola, re turned home yesterday. Misses Mary and Hattie Branin, of Mount Holly, N. J., are guests of Mrs. T. A. Patten, of the West Side. Miss Rose McQuad. of Wilkes-Barre. has returned home after u two weekV visit with Scranton friend. D. J. Camobell Is In Philadelphia on busi ness connected with the opening of a fire Insurance agency In this city. George W. Rice, night, operator for the Postal Telegraph company. Is spending a few weeks In Wayne county. Mrs. Robert Wmrell and children, , of Breaker street, have gone to Bradford county for a two weeks' outing. ' Mrs. Sol Goldsmith and family, of this city, and Miss Flo.-ence Brooks, of New 'York, are summering at Elmhurxt. Mrs. James Hosie, of Fifth avenue. Is entertaining Mrs. Dennis Mahoney and Mrs. Slepen Hoste, of liubnitcn. N. J. Miss Helen Mott, assistant secretary of the board of control, was at her desk yes terday after a two weeks' sojourn at Lake Winola. Miss Mame Duffy, of Jackson street, and M'.ss Mary Duffy, of Price street, leave this morning for a visit at JEeopus-on-the-Hudson. Bishop O'Hara, Rev. Fathers Feeley, Stopper and Christ attended the reception at Malinkrodt convent yesterday, as did also B. E. Leonard and daughter. Miss Mae Leonard. Alexander Simpson, clerk at Frank Thompson Co.'s, who was married Mon day, In Philadelphia, to Mrs. Wedner, has returned with his bride to this city, where lie will make his home. Sheriff and Mrs. demons and two chil dren, and Mrs. David demons, Mrs. Aaron Griffiths, Misses Nettle and Clara Smith, Florence and Tillle Drinker are at the Normandle, Ashury Park. DUNMORE ' The Ladles' Home and Foreign Mis sionary society will hold Its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. George iRaught, on North Blakely street, this afternoon at 2.30. Rev. Richard Hlorns, of Scranton, had charge of the services In the Pres byterian church last evening. Mrs. William 'Beckendorf, of Pitts ton, has been the'euest of her sister. Mrs. George Schank, of Collins street, for the past few days. The Toung Men's 'Institute will take a Urge crowd with them to Lake Ariel today on their excursion. An extra train will be run at 1.30. Every holder Of a ticket has a chance on an organ. iMrs. Louise Bassett, who has been spending the last few months with Mr. and Mrs. D. JjiSmlth, of Cherry street, leaves today for iMIddletown, 'N. Y., ivh.PA aha ivlll anonI mnm tlmA I -1 . Ing relatives. Mr. and Mrs A. D. Blacklnton, Miss Cornelia and John Galpln,, of Elm street, who his tecn at Unadllla, N. Y., for the past few weeks, returned home last evening. ' The Ladles' Aid society held a very - enjoyable and profitable lawn social at the home of U. D. Jones, on Madison avenue, last evening. A large number Were In attendance and a very pleasant time was had by all. The 'social held at the residence of Rev. A L. Urban last evening under tho auspice of the St. Agnes Ouild of St. Mark's mission proved one of the pieasantest or the many events given by that society. A goodly number were present and enjoyed the fine musical . programme . rendered. Refreshments 'were served. : The Pastime Athletic club, of, Duti tnore, wave a very enjoyable social to tr many friends t their rooms Tues. slay night. Dancing was indulged In Until a lata how. . . a . . v. - ' f It ladsscs Sleep. '.J... , lloreford's Aeld Phosphate 1 Dr. 0. T.' Lineaweaver, Lebanon, Pa,, ays: ' "It Isduces a quick sloep, and pro tnstes dlgssUos."-, CCZ:i FLEAS TML LIST X. i . Cases Tlat Kill Be Tried at Septem ber Term of CUil Cosrt NATURE OP THE PROCEEDINGS Large Kassfcsr of Them Are Actions la Trcapass-Masy Salt Growlag " of Mepatss for Wages-Days Set Apart for Differeat Cases. The trial Mat for the three weeks term of common pk-as court, which be gins on Monday, Sept. 1. aa com pleted yesterday and is as follows: Hit ST Wtirlk. Moaday. September 16. John Dyne vs. Mooslo Mountain Coal Company; wagvs. Daniel Haggerty vs. M. T. Keller; wages. Ally Miller vs. W. S. Reed; Inter pleader. A. F. Duffy vs. W"al M. Finn, trus ts of John 3. Myer Co.; interpleader. Anna Muuiey vs. City of Scranton; trespass.. Max Bersteln va William Stausser; appeal. Giltrallon & McAndrew vs. Patrick and Ellen Hennegan; appeal. Oeorge M. Hock, va John Rosar; ap peal. Lvsey Lltta va Hun A Connell; ap peal. Jacob Harris v George C. Wilson; tresitass. Union Coal Company. Limited, vs. D. and H. Canal Company; trespass. Union Coal Comiany. limited, vs. D. and H. Caial Company; trespass. Oeorge Millar va. tU. Joseph's Benefit Society; apteil. Alva Lewis vs. William Eatell; tres pass. . Thomas Conroy vs. Adelta Wagner and Jansen Code; sol fa. - Tneadny, September 1 7. A. J. Colborn, Jr., v -Gomer Reese; appeal. David Y. Jones vs. D. and H. Canal Company; trespass. J. H. Uunster. ussltrnee, vs. George A. Jewup. et al.; assumpsit. Charles Wagnor vs. T. H. Bray; eject ment. Anna O'Orady vs. Prudential Insur ance Company of America; assumpsit. Albert Henne va People's Street Rail way Company of Luserne; trespass. Thomas Monohan vs. 'Borough of Blakely; trespass. II. A. Depuy vs. J. A. Brady; assump sit. Scranton Stove Work9 vs. Lacka wanna Lubricating Company; appeal. Morris and tissex Mutual Coal Com pany vs. D., L. and V. Co.; trespass. Wednesday, September 18. W. J. Burke vs. John Seism and I MoKarlan; assumpsit. Morton Carpenter vs. Thomas Green; replevin. Katz Bros. vs. John Stout; appeal. Peter Conroy vs. N. Y. Smith and I. T. Keene; sol fa. Ann M. Glnn vs. Jonas Brandt, Mar tin McHale; appeal. Patrick McOuIre vs. Jonas Brandt and Martin McHale; appeal. City of Scranton vs. Anthony Mc Nulty;selfa. City of Scranton vs. Bridget Mc Nicholas; scl. fa. Nelson Steinbaoh vs. City of Scran ton; trespass. , R. A. Zimmerman vs. Pardon T. Bar ber; ejectment. SECOXD WEEK. Monday, September 33. Will ft Von Storch vs. Corrlngton Von Storcti; ejectment. Edwin Ferris & Co. vs. A. J. Merrill; scl fa. F. R. Walker ft Son vs. W. H. With ers -Paper company Limited; assump sit. ; Mary .Roberta vs. Delaware and Hud son Canal company; trespass. Margaret snedden vs. Carbondale Traction Company; trespass. Thomas Morrison vs. Canbondale Traction Company; trespass. frank Wills vs. Carbondale Traction Company; trespass. William O. Davles vs. William P. Bolatnd; replevin. Patrick OlltraJlon vs. Thomas Foy: appeal. Live right, Greenwald ft Co. vs. T. F. McDermott, E. A. Barber; assumpsit. Clnclnattl safe and Lock Comoany vs. M. M. Dwltt; assumpsit. w imam staples vs. Archbald bor ough; trespass. Griffiths & Jones vs. Francis Seeley; trespass. W. John vs. Lawler ft Conway: ap peal. Lazarus Moyer vs. Henry R. Richard son; assumpsit. Tncsduy, September 24. Megarge-I & Con mill vs. (Miarv A. Lewis; assumpsit. Max Kemmer and Elisabeth Wilhelm vs. City of -Scranton; trespass. A. weioner and M. u. Lee vs. CMtv oT Scranton; trespass. Patrick Collins vs. Olvnhant school d 1st riot; appeal. Emery J. Ehrgood vs. Moscow Water Company; trespass. Jacob Surovits vs. John Jermyn; trespass. Frank Wills vs. City of Carbondale; trespass. W. C. Townsendl vo, Frank CarluccI & Bro.; assumpsit. W. P. Connell. t ., vs. Mary Zeld ler, VV. i. SMffec and Frank Shifter; sci f a. F. A. Beamish vs. D., L. and W. R. R. Company; ejectment . Wednesday. September 28. J. S. Bach man vs. John Spregel; ap peal. A. O. Pace vs. Sarah D. Lee; appeal. Frank iMoran vs. John Griffin; ap peal. N. C. Collie vs. City of Scranton; treKpaes, - Elizatbeth Schneider vs. Patrick Gol den; appeal. B. A. Welch vs. . W. Hull; assump sit. Arrttks King Refrigerator Company vs. Ruddy ft Co.; assumpsit Harrison Bros. vs. J. D. Williams ft Bro.; appeal. Patrick McGoukMck vs. PeonleV Mu tual Live Stock Insurance Company; appeal. Pennsylvania General Electric Com pany vs. CarbondaJe Traction Com pany; assumpsit. , THIRD WEEK. Monday, September 30. George W. Potter vs. Scranton Trac tion Company; trespass. Universal Fashion Company vs. John H. Ladwlg; assumpsit. 'Harper .Bros. vs. Nelson 1 Walker; trespass. Thomas R. Edwards vs. City of Dcranion; trespass.. School district of Old Forge vs. John and Joseph Jermyn; trespass. Lafayette Decker, Jr., vs. Charles 8. Lowry and II. S. Hartman; trespass. Pulslfer Chemical company vs. W; R. Edwards; anneal. Edward Mullhotland vs. Rush Brook water company; trespass. Ulltcabeth Williams vs. Thomas Spen cer and Isablla Spencer: assumDslt. NeHtie E. WaHer vs. Charles K. Welles and Lackawanan Trust and Safe Deposit tympany: electment. , Jacob Shloss vs. Frank M. ,Cobb; trespass. 1 Ssmuel Shloss by his next friend. Jacob hloss, vs. Frank !M. Cobb; tres pass. . Nelson W. Jagger vs. People's Street Railway Company of Luserne arid Boranton Traction Company:- tresoasa. Central Egg Company vs. Ackerman Bros.; assumpsit. . , . Marwood Jordan vs. E.; D. CoUins; aesujinpsii. ' - Tnesday.Osidber I. Ingeraoll Sergant Drfll Company vs. oregersviiie tMit sum Mining Com mjiv! sssiimnaSt.. ' John 'McJoney vs. Nicholas Kline; ejectment. : . . Jotin McOlnty vs. Patrick Jordan and William -Davies; replevin. Jasper esnoemaker and Anna U. osoe- cnaker vs. Depuy ft Atoll; assumpsits Jasies N. Gardner va James 8. Molr and Nettie G. Molr; Judgment opened. William BeU ft Son va Sarah C. iRviblnson and A. E. Bennett, adminis trators; sol. fa. Martin Joyco vs. William Morgan, et a).; trespass. Bridget F. Oswald vs. Katie McNifli- ols; scl fa. Peter F. May va John W. Millet t; assumpstt. Ira T. Barber vs. Scranton Glass Co.; assumpsit. Weiineaday, October 3. Ambrose Mullcy vs. George H. Shoe maker; ejectment. Julia Walsh vs. CHy or Scranton; trespass. C. S. Lowery vs. Scranton Traction Company; trespass. Dennis uuigiey va wrought iron Bridge Company of Canton, O.; tres pass. Ueorge- w. Cramer ana jonn w. cuse vs. William G. Miller; trespass. J. M. C. Ranck vs. George M. Wat son; Judgment opened. V i E. O'Donnell vs. John Tlgue; PA ., James r iynn vs. vtiiiiam iiopams; trespass. Enos Flynn va. Annie uarrett ana Martin Barrett; replevin. Patrick Bltxwitt vs. Central Railroad of Naw Jersey; trespass. City of Scranton va Hubert McHale; scl. fa. City of Scranton vs. John MoIIugh; eel fa. City of Scrantun vs. Catherine Mc- Howh: scl fa. City of Scranton vs. Anthony Mo IIugh; scl fa. t'my of scranton vs. John tunenun; scl fa. NORTH END. Miss Bessie Henwood. of North Main venue, spent yesterday with Miss Knapp, of Olyihant. Lester Losey, of Breaker street, is at Lake Wlno&a. Mrs. James Flsk. of North Main ave nue, left yexierduy for a few days In New York city. Mrs. E. A. Reynolds and Mr tfunuay stiiiool class of the Providence Presby terian church will spend today at Lau rel Hill park. iMiss -Bessie Henwood and Miss uer trude Guild will leave today for a week's visit with friends at Glenwood. Miss Nettle Ross, Miss Mary Davis. Miss Clark and 'Miss Besle Henwood visited the poor farm on Tuesday afternoon. The many friends of William Bright will be .pleased to know that he is once more uible to be about. Mr. Bright was thrown from his wagon In a run away some time ago jtnd severely In jured. Miss Daly Powell, of ipialnsvllle. Is visiting with IMrs. S. Davis, of North Main avenue. Professors Thornton and Gerrlty held a very Interesting and entertaining so cial at O'Donnell's haN last evening, wMch was enjoyed 'by a large crowd. William Steeler, of North 'Main ave nue, who was arrested 'by Officer Mar ker and Lewis on last Monday for beat ing his mother, was arraigned before the alderman Tuesday and fined til.&O. "Mr. Morgan led the prayor meeting In the Providence Presbyterian church last evening. Miss Margaret Vlpond, of Throop street, will leave today fer a two weeks' visit at Elnvira, N. Y. CJ.arence K. Blgelow, of iMulley's store, left yesterday to spend his vaca tion with his parents, at Mount Pleas ant. Gorden Wrlghter, bookkeeper for the Providence Gas and Water company, left yesterday for Thompson, to visit his parents. Leigh Moses, of Weston place, Is vis iting relatives In Carbondale. The eighth annual reunion of the Stanton family was held at the resi dence of Eugene Stanton, corner of Parker street and North Main avenue, yesterday afternoon and evening. SOLTlTsiDE. A large party of young people from the West Side had a trolley party to this side laut evening. John AMen, of Birney avenue, Is vis iting in Paterson, N. J. The Honesdale Liederkrang picnics at Central Park garden today, Adam Fasold, of Greenwood, is In At lantic City. Mrs. James A. iManley and Mrs. Ella C. Connell are at Lake Ariel. The South Scranton Steel mill will not resume operations until Monday, Aug. 26. The rolls which were being repaired for several days past were about ready for use when it was discov ered that one of the passes or grooves did not work satisfactorily, hence the delay. James V. Clifford, of Prospect ave nue, has left for an extended trip of several weeks at Portland, Me., and other New England points. He will in spect the stores cf Woolworth while en joying his vacation. Miss Maggie Laihey leaves for New York city today, to spend a two weeks' vacation. The building associations of this city are nowhere morp progressive than on the South Side. Three have been pros pering tor many years, and now a new Germanla, during the present month, has begun business very auspiciously, while the South Scranton association, In existence but seven months, Is una ble to furnish money rapidly enough for borrowers. A game of base ball will be played at Arhwenk'a park today between the Amltys of Honesdale and the Scran ton Amateurs. The Llederkrans of -Honesdale will picnic at Central Park garden today. Mrs. John Kilbride and daughter, Ida, of Brooklyn, are visiting Mrs. Moran, of Fig street EVERYWHERE we go we find some one who has been cured by Hood's Sarsapa rllla. It la the greatest curative agent. It Is the one great blood purifier and nerve tonic. HOOD'S PILLS for the liver and bowels, harmless, effective, do not pain or gripe. WATCH US Sell Watches. This weak we boiler about that , $2.50 Stem Wind, Stem Set Neat Case. American Works, Warranted for Time. Pull It out of your psrket and correct time greets you. REX FORD'S, 213 LICKIWMIM Ml Wall Paper Styles and colorings are very fine this season. 1 ' Let us nx you up a saniple room with nice Gilt Paper, $5. FuMTS, 312 RAILROAD NOTES. Lehigh Valley trainmen whose runs begin at Easton must Mve there here after or pay fare going to and from their homes. - Express Messenger Williams and En gineer Lewis Whltmore, of train No. 142, Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern railroad, are stopping at the Ital ian cottage at Cape Hove, near Al ford. Pa. Conductors Skeelsland iHehUed. of the Delaware and Hudson, have returned to their trains after enjoying a two weeks' vacation. During their absence Horace Dailey and Wally Copewell handled -their punches. The base ball team of the Railroad Youmj (Men's Christian association will cross bats with the club from tftie car accountants' office today for the Dela ware. Lackawanna and Western cham pionship. The game will take place at S o'clock on the James Boys' grounds. Great Interest is being manifested in the contest and it Is likely that a large crowd of railroad men will be in attend ance. The Pennsylvania Railroad company has Introduced a new method of "firing up" locomotives at She 'Mount Carbon station. A thin covering of soft coal is thrown on the grate tbars and satur ated with oil, after which a current of air, furnished by the stationary engine, Is turned on and a lighted torch set the oil a burning. The cost of "firing up" In the old style Is M rents per engine, while the cost of the now Is estimated at 8 cents. Tim Carney's aggregation of Indians boarded a special "Jim-mle" yesterday and went to Kingston to play the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western em ployes of that place. The Carnoyltes were victorious by a score of 17 to 4. The scorer credited Carney with two runs every time he readhed home, and t'hls materially added to thf victory, as he scored six times. Weir, of the Kings tons, used a brake stick for a bat and made a home run and in the field made many good plays. "What's thv meaning of this?" said a Tribune reporter yesterday lo Ticket Agent M. L. Smith as he was tacking up a huge placard which read "To New York and Return, $2.75." "It means." said Mr. Smith, "that people will tilde on the Delaware, Lackawanna and estern as aheap as any other road." Judging from this there is llkvly to be a season of cheap excursions. The Le high Valley, Jersey Central and Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western ran excursJona to New York last Sitnrday for $3. The Erie and Wyoming Valley are to run one to New York for $2.75, and upon hearing this the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western decided to do likewise, and as a consequence1 a per son can go to N"W York next Saturday over his choice of roads for 12.75 or pos sibly less if any road should take It Into Its head to make a further cut, which indeed would not be astonishing. A BIRTHDAY PARTY. Was Held at Uosne of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hufford. tA verv nleassnt hlrthrinv anmiaA party was held 'Monday evening at the home of i.Mr. and 'Mrs. S. W. HufVord, on Jadwin street. iDurlng the evening the friends presented Mr. HurTurd with a handsome rocker. After a very en joyable evening was spent In playing games, refreshments were served, and at midnight the friends departed, wish ing nunroru many more such birth days. ' Those Dresent were Mr nn,l at George 1'earce, Mr. and 'Mrs. Klstllne, Mr. and IMrs. Abe iDepew, 'Mr. and IMrs. Williams, iMr. and Mrs. Brokln shire. Mr. u nil IMr ii..r,.., m.. -.. . 'J.'. .1 , .1, i a, LMary Brokenshlre. " How to Curs all Skin Diseases." Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tet ter, ectema, Itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose etc., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne's Ointment. Buy the Weber and get the best. At Guernsey Bros. Medical Wonder, DR. W.H.LONG, Is creating great excitement in Scranton with his wonderful and quick cures of all diseases. 1 He tells your disease by looking at your eyes. Has re moved Monster Tape Worms from our citizens in the space of forty minutes, head and all, without diet or pain. Catarrh in its worst forms cured; Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Rheumatism, Stomach, Liver, Kidney or Nervous Diseases permanently cured ; Blood Troubles of long standing cleared away. Dr. W. H. Long carries with him 40 ladies and gentlemen and his FAMOUS DIAMOND JACK BAND AND ORCHESTRA, Led by Prof. Harry Ackerman, and a grand concert and enter tainment is given each night, FREE, at the BIG INDIAN CAMP GROUNDS, The wild and picturesque band of In dians, including the pretty little Indian baby, ROSE BUD, are on exhibition each day. . . ; You can visit the Indian Doctor's Wigwam each day from 9 a. m. till 11 p. m and consult with them FREE OP CHARQE. They are now located at Schwenk's Park. People of the suburban towns can take the Bellevue Street Car, which passes the rounds. IIAVILAND FRENCH CHINA Koova the world aver as the richest, choicest of ceramic pro ductions; thin, light, white, abso lutely free from cracking. It compliments the good things on the table, pays its silent tribute to the good taste of the hostess. We keep a full line of it in WHITE AND IN EIGHT DIFFERENT DECORATIONS The newest and prettiest from the Limoges factory. You can have a Dinner Set made up to suit your requirements can buy a little at a time until you have all you want China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 04 WYMIlfi liEHUL Walk in and look around. RUSSET SHOES You're getting them at next to nothing. Wouldn't offer them to you at such a Mucrlfice if we didn't really have to get rid of them to make room for our Fall Goods, now nearly due. 14 pair Ladles' Tan Vici Button, ra zor toe, former price $3.!H. Closing Out at $2.50 30 pairs Ladies' Tan Fox Button, needle toe, former price $.'1.5.0. Closing Out at $2.50 28 pairs Ladies' Russet. Goat Lace Shoe, new opera toe, former price $3.00. Closing Out at $2.50 30 pairs Ladies' Tan Vici, 3-Button Oxfords, good style, former price $3,00, Closing Out at $2.00 24 pairs Ladies' Tan Vici Oxfords, needle toe, all sizes, former price $3.00, Selling at $2.00 i 410 Spruce Street. SCHANK KOEHLER THE INDIAN 18 MliM i mil mmm m. i.Jjnswjs. I'M D I AT 1 6 GROUNDS DAILY, TO CONSULT HIM, FREE MEN'S , ALL-WOOL SUITS WHITE DUCK VESTS MARTIN & DR. E. GREWER, Tha Philadelphia Specialist, and his aso elated stall of English anU German physicians, are now permanently located at OM Postoffles Building, Corner Pann Avenue and Spruce Street. Ths doctor Is a araduae of the Unlyer. Slty of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator of physiology and surgery at ths Medlco-Chlrurglcal college of Phllariel. phia. His specialties are Chronic. Ner vous. Bain, Jieart, Womb and Blood die eases. DISEASES OF THE HERYOUS STSTE1 Ths symptoms of whlcH are dltxlness.laclc of confidence, sexual weakness In men and women, ball rising; In throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind, which untlts them for performing tho actual du ties of life, making hapvlness Impossible, distressing the action o,1 the heart, caus ing flush of heat, depression of spirlts.evll forebodings, coward lev. fear, dreams. mel ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired In the morning as when retiring, lack of enenry, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought.depresslon, constipa tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those se affected should consult us immediate! ard be restored to-perfect health. Lost Majihood Restored. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you havi been given up by your phy sician call upon the doctor and be exam ed. He cures the worst cases of Ner t.nis L-eblllty, Scrofula, Old Bores, Ca tarrh, Piles, Female Weakness. Affec tions of i be Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Asthma, .Icafness, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples 1 1 every description. Consultations free and strictly SSOTsd and confidents. Office hours dally frsm I a.m. to p.r. Sunday, to 1. Enclose five 2-cent stamps for symtpora blanks and my book called "New Life " I will pay one thousand dollars In gold to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI LEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS ... . C'R. E. OREWRR. Old Post Office Building, corner Pans) avenue and Spruce street. 8CRANTON. PA. D OF CHARGE. II DELALW lSfarE IN SUMMER Cooling- drinks are neaesury. Th.y are ths universal antidote for excessive waimin. Nntblba- la so DoDular with tbe fair hi la Scranton as our soda served la all the various Savors and wits cream for only s nick.l a f lass. To have their attentions well received, young men should trrat their sweethearts coolly, ana by Inviting them ta enjoy our rods, which Is really the coolest and most delightful summor drink in the city, wholesome, health ful and invigorating. Huda heads tbe list of summer beverages, and the teaming stream from our fountain heads the llat of all sodas. J.D. 3I4LICRI. AVE., SCRMTOH. PI. WELSBACII LIGHT BpteUIl) Idutri (or litfiij ui Beitfe Consumes three (3) feat of gas per hour and (rives an efficiency of sixty (60) candles. Bavins at least 83 ner cant orw tb ordinary Tip Burner. taii ana see it. HUNT S CONNELL CO,, 434 LICMWMM IVEMJL rUnufacturers' A tents. ON THE LINE OF THE IAN PACIFIC R'Y are located ths finest fishing and hunttsK gronadi in the world. Descriptive books oa application. Tickets to alt points la Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minnas polls, Bt Paul, Canadian and United 8aUs Mertb' wmU, Vanconver, 8eattla, Taoenu, Portland, Ore., San Franolico. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cart attached to all through trains. Tourist ears hilly fitted with twdding. enrmtas ana sped tally adapted to wanta of families may be had with second class tickets Bates always las than via other Hnes, For faU.faforraaUon, tliue tables, stc, on application to C V, SKINNER, G. E. A. 353 BROIDWIY, HEW TOM. Sweet Potatoes Hone Groin Tomatoes And Green Cora, Fancy Jenny Ltnd Cantelonpes, Bartlett Pears, Peaches, Etc. rM PIERCE'S MARKET, PENN AYE TAR GUM Curvs Colds, Lays Out LaGiipps, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by O. ELM EH. DORF, Elmlrm, M. Y., and for sate by the trade generally. MEGARQEL & CONNELL, fnolesile .gents, Soitxtsi, Pi EXCURSION TO NEW YORK VII ERIE MO WTOaiXS V1LLEY H It, Coder the Auspices of ths Excelsior -: Athletic :- CM, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17. Fare. Round Trig. ....M.....4S.7S iMie V Siesm li If tMOIift Qeoa for Ten Days J . I