The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 14, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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Belly aaa Weekly. Ko Baaday Saitloa,
tsauakli at amnion. Pa., by Th4 Tribune Fuk-
uahlng Oeoapany.
STew Ttrk Offer: Triton. Building. Freak a
any, Mnf.
t. . RINOaiURV, Pun. Qn'i
t. H. NI'PLK, Tee.
W. W. DAVIS. Ihikh Mnt.
W. W. VOUMOS, A.. Mwa'i
UrtnteW Ink. the noofnlnd Journal lbi id
tlwra, rates Tun SraAWTo TnmuNnae Hi biwl
edv.rtMiig medium la Norttieauera Vwuiaylva
In, "Fruiters' luk" knows.
Tal Weikt.t TernrNr, IieuM Every Saturday,
Contalue Twelve Maadaona fiune. wtth an Abun.
ance of News. Ftcllou, aud WelMHIted Miscel
lany. For Tbnee Who Cannot Take Tun Daily
TaiauHB, tne Weekly I Itiwniinended e In
Beat Bargala (Mag. Only t A Year, ui Advance.
In Tltinn la lor Sate Pally at Um O., L. and W.
Button at lleboken.
The whole amount of It appears to be
that In old Montgomery. Cameron boo
dle outweighed argument.
Unnecessary Agitation.
Considering the elevated state of the
thermometer during the past few- days
the unnecessary agitation of our es
teemed contemporary, the Truth, over
the Quay-Hastings situation seems
somewhat hazardous as vll as un
called for. While those conver
sant with the workings of the present
campaign could not be mislead' by the
statements and Insinuations In an
article which appeared In the Truth of
yesterday afternoon bearing upon the
subject, a word f explanation may bo
wvll at this time to correct false im
pressions that have gone forth as an
intended result of the Truth's mislead
ing assertions.
The statement that a panic seized
upon the Hastings advocates In this
city upon the news of victories claimed
by Quay's followers in. the lower part
of the state Is mere 'bosh. The meeting
of delegates referred to was called for
Saturday last, before news of the lower
county primaries or conventions could
reach this city, and the resolutions
which have evidently thrown tho Truth
and Quay people into a high fever of
excitement would have been passed
at that time had it not been necessary
to postpone the meeting on account of
the absence of some of the delegates
from the city. The fact that Mr. Cil
keson's name was omitted from the
re?uIutIon passed at the meeting has
no significance. The support of Mr.
Gllkeson Is implied in the declara
tion that the Lackawanna delegates
will support Governor DanM II. Hast
ings and Ms administration In the state
There has never been any doubt as
to the position of the Lackawanna
delegates In this matter. They will
honestly and fearlessly represent the
voters of the county in supporting the
administration. The meeting was not
called for the purpose of allaying panic
or bracing; wavering men into line,
but Dhe resolution was adopted In order
that Irs publication might set at rest
the minds of people who have been de
ceived by falsa rumors regarding the
position of Lackawanna that have
been circulated from. one end of the
Ftate to the other by lying minions of
the Quay combine who evidently ex
pect to sink beneath the waves at the
coming; convention grasping the straw
of "bluff."
. The gireat hflat of the past few day
may have caused great discomfort to
the human race, but It was worth mil
lions of dollars to the nation In ad
vancing and increasing the later crops.
The Folly of Bluster.
On Monday- all the Quay organs
claimed that the junior senator had
awppt everything at the primaries held
In half a dozen counties. The adminis
tration papers claimed that Hastings
had won In York, Adams and Perry,
and possibly in Juniata. They conceded
Schuylkill and Montgomery to Quay.
The returns are now all In and once
more prove the folly of Quay bluster.
The administration lost nothing that
It expected to carry, except. Montgom
ery, and won Adams and Perry, which
they did not expect to get. "It was a
great Quay day," exclaimed such ma
chine organs as the Scranton Republi
can. What Quay gained in ono direc
tion he itt In another. That's the Jong
and short of last Saturday's elections.
We are near enough the end to admit
of intelligent summing up. If Quay can
capture from twenty to twenty-flva del
egates in Philadelphia In excess of
the number conceded to him h mnv
win; if he falls in that he is a beaten
man. The administration skies are ex
ceedingly bright, brighter than they
ave been at any time in the battle.
Quay bluster and boasting has accom
plished nothing. If the estimates in
Philadelphia hold out Hastings will
hold the state convention by a ma
jority of abouf7orty. and by not less
than thirty if every county still to elect
and counted as doubtful be carried
by Quay. That is the situation, and
time will verify Its correctness.
' If the people of this state' want Cam
eron re-elected senator, ' they will not
fall to maka Ms colleague state chair
man. ' ' '
Use the Navy.
The United States have a fairly for
midable navy at this time, thanks to
the energy of former administrations.
It does not appear to have occurred to
President Cleveland (While . be Is ad-
busily engaged trolling for blue flBh at
Buasard'a Bay,' that a portion of our
now splendid and formidable navy
might be profitably and) Usefully em
ployed In Chinese waters, backing up
with shotted guns the demand for the
protection tf ' American missionaries
and American - clttaena generally In
CMna, We have a treaty wtth that em
pire under the provisions of whloa pro
tection is guaranteed to Americans.
The provisions of that treaty have not
been observed, and It would seem that
our government has not manifested
sufficient energy in dealing . with, the
subject. Our minister to China explains
that he warned the missionaries of
their peril In time for them to have
escaped, but that they would not heed
his warning. That Is all right enough
as far as It goes, but it is not what
Americans have a right to expect. Our
government has a duty to perform to Its
citizens In China, ami if that duty can
not be adequately performed without
the aid of men-of-war and gunboats,
then these forces should be called Into
active service. That la precisely what
our great and powerful war-ships were
built for, although the Cleveland ad
ministration does not appear to realize
the fact. It Is all well enough for our
splendid naval equipment to Indulge In
elaborate evolutions off Newport occa
sionally when there is nothing else to
do, for the amusement of society swells
and retired millionaires, but, after all,
our navy was not constructed for any
sueh purpose. Somebody ought to wake
up President Cleveland and his cabinet,
and let them know that war-ships are
needed in Chinese waters for the pro
tection of Americans who are threat
ened with brutal death at the hands of
the heathen.
Our partl-colored evening contem
porary 1s respectfully Informed that a
brand is not necessary for a delegate
or candidate not supported by the
Truth. An aspirant for political hon
ors receiving the sanction of that hoo
doo journal, however, would need to be
the veritable tatooed man In order to
determine where he was at.
The Policy of Revenge.
The Philadelphia Times, leading Quay
organ throughout the campaign, Is
authority for th statement that if
Quay secures control of the tat con
vention, he will defeat the nomination
of nil the superior court Judges except
ing Judge Ulce and Beaver, to whom,
the Times alleges. Quay has pledged
himself In advance. It was very gener
ally supposed that If Quay should con
trol the convention he would spare
Keeder and Wiekham. the latter being
his neighbor as well as his personal and
political friend. Col. McClure, how
ever, stands so very close to Quay that
whatever the Times states concerning
the purpose of the senator will pass as
authorized. This Information volun
teered by Col. MeClure's paper would be
much more Important as well as more
Interesting If thure were greater proba
bility than there Is that Senator Quay
will have the power to turn down any
body In the state convention.
One or two of the Judges appointed
by the governor may indeed be defated
In the convention, but If they are it
will not be done to gratify Senator
Quay, but will be accomplished by a
combination of the delegates from sec
tions of the state that have no represen
tation on the bench. The three coun
ties having the largest delegation in
the convention Philadelphia, Alle
gheny and Lancaster are not Tepre
senteM on tho superior court bench (ex
cept that Philadelphia has the Demo
cratic member) and It Is possible that
the unrepresented western, northwest
ern and southern sections of the state
may seek and receive support from the
delegations of the three great counties
named. This may occur even If the
Hastings men are In a majority. The
power of sectional Interests may prove
as great as factional feeling in the mat
ter of the judgeship nominations.
If the administration supporters shall
control the convention, however, there
will very naturally be a strong Inclina
tion and Incentive to sustain Ooveronr
Hastings by nominating all the judges
appointed by him. The fact that all
six of these Judges are well qualified
honorable and clean men Is the strong
est possible argument 1n favor of such
action. If the convention were to place
In nomination six new .men It is not at
all probable that they would rank as
high In their average fitness for the
superior court as do the judges ap
pointed by Governor Hastings.
That Senator Quay would greatly en
Joy revenging himself on Governor
Hastings, as well as on some of the ap
pointed Judges, Is not doubted. He Is a
revengeful Titan by nature, as many
Pennsylvania Kepirbllcans know by ex
perience. If he should secure control
of the state convention there Is no tell
ing to what lengths he would permit
his bitterness to go. iNow and then he
has given out Intimations of what he
would do. Some of the Quay organs
are urging him on to wholesale slaugh
ter In the event of success In capturing
the state convention. Prominent among
these Is the Philadelphia Times.
A candidate for state treasurer will
be nominated by the ensuing state con
vention. Thia fact has been almost lost
sight of in the contest for the chair
manship of the state committee.
Census-Making. .
The country will rejoice to learn that
the publishing of the census of 1890 will
be completed before the close of the
present year. Thus half of the new
decado will have passed away before
the people will have access to the full
details of tho Information leathered
five years ago, and, as a matter of
course, the work will be to a great ex
tent valueless. The-truth is that the
government undertakes entirely too
much whenever congress provides for
the taking of a census. A large por
tion of the money expended Is literally
wasted. The really valuable informa
tion collected by the census could be
contained In not more than half a dozen
volumes, and they ought to be all pub
lished within the first year of the de
cade. Any one who will take the
trouble to examine the vast number of
volumes of the 1390 census already pub
lished will at once see that two-thirds
or more of the matter contained In
them might be dispensed with to great
advantage. The work would be all the
more valuable and might then be placed
within the reach of more of the people.
A full set Of the volumes, comprising
the census of 1890 Is so cumbersome
and any particular Information desired
so dlffloult to find, that probably less
than a thousand people In the United
States who have the full census reports
have ever examined half th volumes.
Tho fact that the complete reports can
not be'publlshed hi Use than Ave years
Is all the argument needed to demon
strate the necessity for reform In this
When congress makes provision for
taking the census of 1900 it should leave
little or nothing to the discretion of the
officials in charge of the census bureau.
The work should be absolutely limited
to Information that Is of value to the
people generally. If this is done the
next census will be compressed Into
five or six volumes, and be published
complete not later than January, 1901.
Ky taking the census of 1S90 It will be
easy to see how much ought to be elim
inated. The government would save a
large amount of money and the people
would have census reports that they
could make practical use of.
Secretary Carlisle says there will be
no deficit for August, ttut the treas
ury is running behind at the rate of
$300,000 a day. just the same, and that
looks remarkably like a deficit.
The Next Senate.
Some newspapers are constantly re
ferring to the Fifty-fourth congress, (to
assemble In Its first regular session next
aeoember) SB though It were so com
pletely under control of the KopuMI
cans that the responsibility of any fail
ure to pass reformatory legislation
would have to rest upon' President
Cleveland. The house of representa
tives. It Is true, will contain a large Re
publican majority, but It Is not by any
mean certain that the Republicans
will be able even to control the organi
zation of the senate. If a few of the
lVpull.-U senators xhould act with ithe
Republicans they might control the sen
ate, but standing alone they will not
be able to muster a majority In that
body. The Democrats are even more
helpl.-ss. Counting as Populists only
Allen of Nebraska, Peffer of Kansas,
and Jones and Stewart of iNevada, and
giving the Democrats the benefit of
the two senators from South Carolina,
tho strength of the respective parties
will be about ns follows: (Republicans,
tl;.TXmocrats, 39; Populists, 4. If Fu
pont, of Delaware, should be admitted,
the Republicans would be able to mus
ter 45, a majority, but among the num
ber aro a few from, the west who can
not be confidently counted upon to
stand by .the party. On the silver and
tariff questions they are as likely to
vote with the Democrats as with the
The uncertainty that environs the
annate at once shows that the country
must not place Its expectations concern
ing the next congress too high. The
house will be all right and may be de
pended upon to pass measures for the
relief of the country, but when suoh
bills reach the senate their fate Is very
uncertain. If the senate were as safely
under Republican control as the house,
then the failure to enact wise financial
and tariff legislation might be thrown
upon President Cleveland, but under
existing conditions it Is not probable
that bills of that character will reach
the president at the next session of
congress; they will be halted in the
Next year the complete redemption
of the government from Democratic
dominance and Democratic Incompe
tency will be possible. A number of
Democratic senators can then be ousted
as well as the present Democratic presl
dent. The country has suffered so
much from the unpatriotic and blun
dering policy of the Democracy during
the past two years that the national
election, of 1S96 Is looked forward to
with the greatest impatience by all
thoughtful and patriotic people. The
Republican victories of 1S94, great as
they were, could not redeem everything
that was lost in 1S92. The senate was
not wholly redeemed and the Dem
ocratlo administration rould tint ha
ousted. The work so well begun in 1894
cannot be completed until 1896. After
that relief and prosperity.
When James Buchanan was noml
nated for the presidency In 185S his sue
cess was due to the claim that he was
"a northern man with southern princi
ples." Now some of the Democratic
leaders are demanding as their party's
candidate for president next yeair "a
western man with the Interests of the
south at heart." The Republicans will,
next year, be content, as usual, with a
candidate who is a thorough-going
American with the Interests of the en
tire republic at heart. That is the dif
ference between the two partles--the
Democratic party is sectional In its
principles and policy; the Republican
party is national In everything.
The always conservative and non
partisan Public Ledger of Philadelphia
concludes that Senator Quay cannot
get enough delegates to win.
Kate Field, in the Times-Herald.
There are chords in the human heart
that only a yacht can touch. When yachts
enter the charming harbor of Newport
mortals may be forgiven for having water
on the brain. Looking like a flock of sea
gulls with widespread wings, the almost
living things transport usually placid
waters into a Venetian scene. Ballboats,
row boat a, steamboats, steam yachts, glide
about like water snakes, and at night the
harbor seems alive with huge fireflies.
There are no gondolas, it Is true. No San
Marco gleams in the distance, nor do
winged lions keep a lookout from land.
There are no Italian bands and no cantl
popolarl, but there 1s a something that
recalls the Bride of the Adriatic.
It goes without saying that without for
tunes there can be no yachts. People who
do not own yachts, but would if they could,
frequently pour wrath on offenders who
do, especially when these gentleman sail
ors lay up treasures in the way of viands
add neotar. They say a fellow' feeling
makes one wondrous kind. Regarding
cooking aa a One art, I believe It more
moral to eat good food than bad, and I
am willing that yachtsmen shall live well,
If they live too well tha consequences re
mind them of the French saying, "Chacun
a son gout." Felix Holt Is the hero of a
novel. He despises money, frowns upon
his good angels whan they put fortune In
hlo way and Insists upon remaining poor.
We of this republic know that money
buys everything pleasure, comfort, lux
ury, art, knowledge, culture, freedom from
care hence health and happiness. Detest
as we may. shoddy and vulgarity, par
venus and Insolence, that to which they
owe their elevation holds the balance of
power. .
' ... i it "
Starting with ha; s In capacious pockets
lined with golden fleece, you go over the
side of your yacht and set sail for any
where or nowhere, as you please. You are
monarch of all ysu survey. A dosen or
more men do yosr bidding! nobody eon
trad lets anything. , Ton eaa even keep a
dog ea deck without danger of having bin
thrown overboard Think of that, lovers
of man's mart tolerant companion! "Ay,
ay. air," Is the nattering refrain that ever
greets your ear. As center of the system
you can Indulge your Idiosyncrasies to
tho utmost. If suffering from moral or
mental cramps, due to overcontaet with
society, yachting effects a speedy cure.
There Is no fear of Intruders. You are at
aea and ring your own bells.
In neglige attire, seated in a comfort
able rhulr or extended on a sleep-provok
ing lounge, you leave the world and Its
cares behind. With chosen friends, a snug
cabin, a well-filled larder, a good cook.
with blue skye above uud blue water be
low, you float aa If I'.fe were one long sum
mer ouy. You have a dim Idea that the.-e
is a tide in the affairs of man as well as
of oi l ocean, and that you must be on
shore to take It the Hood. Meanwhlla,
what unspeakable animal content, and
how It truces for the Inevitable fight with
Right Kind of Men for Governor.
WMkeg-Barro News-lealeT: "Larka-
Vianmi vouivty, this 1n . seventy-olxhth
A-jri-eo metM tenintoi. ow a lara-e ilelit
of favor to V;lu:.uii IViimell, utul we are
pleust'd to note their Internet anil activ
ity in his behalf for tho iruliernutorial
nomination some few y-cum hence. No
mtui ha ixmlrjlurul mo in noli and no
ku jii ly to make Hc-runtoii wlmt It Is, uml
no iKward I hat the cjllzens of that county
Ivavo In their xwer to Union' is too uooj
ror vt lll.uni I'onm ll to nave, lie is a
imun of vltturou m.nd u.n.l sterling rhar-
anter, who has curved iis way to that
point smlHy 4)iroui?!i willing humls and ac
tive intellect, ami hU nomination ami
election to the Kuljermitorlul eliu'r would
lie a tribute 'to honest mei'.t and worth.
If our lair c'.'.f iwhsc.1 u few men nf
h'm liulumlioMo epUil an l cneriry, we
would count no:ih!i:c too mod for them,
no matter what he!r ollt:eg might lie.
Aa an honest liwiti 4g satd 1 he the nobleot
work of Uixl, so alHO tnltiiht be added that
a self-niudo iiuin W Jits nearest kin. and
both of thusa Wllllum Connell Is In the
Uidt degree.
Tho People Will no Aroused.
T.anea"tcr KxamVcT: Tho same forces
whii-h huiinncl llo-yt nre row hackinir
at the Iioih of Hust'iiuM. The latter has
turn".l early und eouruKwouy. llo has
not wnl.tttd Mil the end of his twrm to eon
f defcut, but ho intikeH the stand In
the yolitih of bis control. The nnwinuly of
our iminics is shown by the met that the
noiul Instincts of tha people aro inrtl
xo rouse, rreiwuee. oeir-iiitcrewt. Tae
tlor.&il loyalty und even "thoinjlulemness
il.vk pmw.c sentiment, rxlueution Is a
clow process, but h l a.lwy goinK on.
BNowiy, nut surely, eliaiwes uru i-omins
and It w well now. In oi is:s, to ruiK out
tho eloquent words of a ftatcsnuin of Wirh
order to ncHig the people to a Juat cstl
moto of sound polHIrti."
It's a War on tho Party.
Pittsburg Times: "This In not a flBht
upon Senator Quay. It is a flxht that he
began, not alone upon Governor H:iHtlnys
and Colonel Oilkeson, but upon tho lte
publlean party. Ho bexran. It when he
meddled with the Republican nomination
for mayor or Philadelphia. Hecaupe Kc
ator Quay, a rexldent of Beaver, 400 miles
from t'hilailelphln, wns not allowed to
name 'the candidate he bitterly assailed
the HeuiiMlean lenders of that city. And
yet the Republicans of Philadelphia were
so well satisfied with the candidate select
ed aitaiiist Senator Quay's wishes that
they elected lilm by 63.ijo majority."
Editor Schiinmchl's Suggestion.
Olyphant Gazette: "As a sort of re'
minder, we sui?sest that If there are any
more Faddons or Jermyns who wish to en
ter libel cases against the Cnzette, they
better get In line for fear our "pile" should
not hold out. Should either be awarded
one'tenth their claim, we will be obliged
to take up a collection, to which many Of
the newspaper boys In the city agree to
Leader in Stato Politics.
8cran4on Times: "Whatever the out
come of the Kepubllpsn elate eonventlon
may be Mr. Wlllann Conru-ll will hereafter
IlKiire as a leader In state politics. He has
won everythi ng he went after In tho pres
enit flruirslo for factional supremacy
Even Uuay rccovnlzes It in as a lender not
to b ovcrlooki-d when It comes down to
Bhrewuness in a hot campaign. Keep
your eye on William Cornell and always
count ih'im In wherr you are figuring on po
lit leal results In this section of the state."
From the Detroit Free Press.
He entered an office on Congress street
with a queer light In his eyes and a snillo
playing around his mouth, but he had
scareoly closed the door behind him when
he caught sight of a placard on the wall
which knocked him out. He had walked
a mile to ask certain questions, and right
before his eyes he rend:
"Yes, I shall take a vacation this sum
"I shall take along my fishing-tackle:"
"I shall fish for fish."
"I shall not only weigh the largest, but
have a photograph tnKen.
"I Shall guln tan pounds."
"I shall be glad I went."
"For further Information apply to the
office boy in the olllce. who Is welt posted
and will take the greatest trouble to fully
exulain matters.
"Is there anything I can do for you.
sir?" queried the boy after the caller had
read the sign twice over.
The man neither sa w nor heard him. He
backed nut. slammed the door after him
and on the street tried to hit a newsboy
with his cano lor rubbing against mm.
Hill &
ConnelPs. nM
131 MD 133
The Beat of Them
All Is the
Parch Chairs and Rockers, .
Fina Rfisil Chain and Rockers.
A Few Baby Carriages lift at Cost
Cedar Chests Moth Proof, In
Three Sizes.
Hill &
Bet teeth, K.H; best set, U: for fold eaM
and teeth without plates, called erown and
bridge work, rail tor prtoeo and refer
noes. TOK4XOIA. for extract! a teeth
wiuww paw. ne outer. gaav
ovxm rxxsr matiokai. basx
Need any Upholstering done? Parlor Suites, Couches, Chairs,
Cushions, in fact anything in the line done with neatness and
dispatch by experienced workmen at reasonable prices.
The most varied assortment of Furniture Covering in both For
eign and Domestic Fabrics to select from of any house in the city.
Made over and recovered at short notice.
know we can please
Gold Band
White China
At Cost. , . .
We are selling our entire stock
of Gold Band White China at
cost. Parties having Tea Sets
ean now add a few pieces and
make upa Dinner Set; or those
liavinK Dinner Sets partly bro
ken can match them up at a
very small cost.
Come early and get the pieces
you need most.
, O'UlEf CO.,
Clarence M. Florey, the
sporting goods dealer of Wyo
ming avenue, has devised a
scheme to keep the boys in
terested in the matter of base
ball. With every ten cent
ball or bat he will now give a
fine cap and belt, which are
uniform. Among the hustler's
is Mr. Florey.
lithe genuine article, and It'a flrtt cIam fan to
hare it. You'll never bay. anything viae if
jrun make ronr porchaae. of Bliirta from onr
took. W give our customer a gonaina, first
clata value.
Conrad, Hatter
Tom la. feud aaa? to the WEBER
OaM aaa e. than Plaaoa, eat aaaM tae m
ond-aaad Plaaoa we ha v. takaa hi asaaaafe
Is meeting with merited Success.
cheerfully submitted
VU uiim.tiiimuuu.iMUMniiiiiiuillitutuuim
Eltablljhid 1866. Ovaf 16,000 ta iUm. "
the Genuine
At a time when many manu
facturers and dealers are making
the most astounding statements
against the merits and durability
of inferior Pianos, intending pur
chasers should not fail to make
critical examination of the above
General Dealer In Northeast'
ern Pennsylvania.
New Telephone Exchange Building, US
Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa.
with an oil or KM stove. No amoke. dirt or
sinelL It does tha work to w.lL Th. prloe.
manam. la mirtli provoklnuln its IIHleneta,
Our Hardware at and In tue front rank. A
pot or kettle, tin can or pan. doea ita duty or
tails according as it Is rightly made of the
right material. The right kinds aro what we
are selling.
Aa for prints, wo have made them so slim
that thuy ncod support, and we'll have to raise
them to get support, but little price, bring
big basinets.
Washington Ave
Moosic Powder Go,
Rooms 1 md I CommowetlLh Bid' I,
' ; Lafflla A !Ua4 Powder CV , ,
Orango Gun Powder
. Blwtrta BatteriM, JSmm for emfeasV
, lav blasts, kaaty rue. and .
- mi
on application. We
Blank Books,
Office Supplies.
And BUppUea,
; State. vA Engarcs,
AO aea away wtth by tha use of HAJrT
BAN'S PATENT PAINT, whle oonalatal
of Ingredient, well-known to all. It eaa bO)
applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet ire
roofs, also to brick dw.Unga. wbleh will
orerent absolutely any orutnNU
ftwin out
and It's coat does not exoeed ene-kfta t I
nf tha aoat of tinnliur. In aold a La ia