The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 13, 1895, Image 1
. ' -.- , . v.-. . :- v .-' - . ;,-;.-' .. .- - , -V r- . . - - : - - - .- - . ;-. . :- :'. . . ... ', : ' - ' -.- v. - .--.'-. . ' . i EIGHT TAGES 56 COLUMNS. SCRANTON, PA., TUESDAY HORNING, AUGUST 13, 1895. TWO CENTS A COPY. J ' I',.- Iky May AsWcl Co Toe And so make the cleaning up of our Silk and Black dress (foods Bturks complete. It's a little oft the urdln- I ary, however, to cut prices so deeply on goods that may be regarded as staple styles, weaves and colorings, but there's no such thing m half measures In our business code, so we've decided to complete the work of clearance. So we'll begin In this dept. earlier in the season. no 25 Cheney Bros. Printed China, pres ent season's patterns in an excellent assortment of colorings cheap at 50c. Closing Price 31c 15 PIECES Light Ground Armure Silks, neat plain and broken stripes and match less for Stylish hirt Waists. Helght-of-the-season's price 50c. Closing Price 28c 30 PIECES Cheney Bros.' best 24-lnch China Silks In the pick of this year's de signs, light, medium and dark (rounds. These are full value for 75 cents. Closing Price 35c 15 PIECES 27-lnch fancy Check Silks, light grounds and small styles in black and white, brown and white, etc. This silk has been a leading value at tOc. and a great seller. Closing Price 35c Black 25 PIECES All wool Black Henrietta (blue or jet shades) 46 Inches wide, and as honest a cloth as ever came from a loom. Finish and color are both perfect, and our regular price is 65 cents. Closing Price 45c 20 PIECES 60-Inch all-wool Black Serge (Blue or Jet). A tine make, perfect In ev ery respect and guaranteed, worth (6 cents. Closing Price 45c opens Tuesday, Aug. 13th. As the lots are limited and toe goods un . usually desirable, we cannot guar- antes that supplies will hold out af ter the first day or two. Sills at a Sac MM, Ciis TisS HASTINGS IN SANGUINE They Are Unaffected by the Bluff of Quay Pullovers. OPINIONS OP CHIUS. L NAGEC Ths Rseent R. tarns 1M Not Aff.ot ths First Eatlnatss Mad Unas pcotad Gains Will 0sr balance Losses. Philadelphia, Aug. 12. C. L. Magee came to the city today and iad Inter views with a number of tine Philadel phia Republican leaders. Mr. Magee did not appear to be in the least affect ed by the result of the primaries held on Saturday. "Has the result affeoted the light for Hanking and U Ilk won?" "No. We are Just where we started when we made up our estimates. We gained one in iLackawanna, two in Lu zerne and two in Adams. That offsets '.Montgomery, whloh we expected. So Ohat we are Just where wo started." "You expert to carry York?" "We do. York Is Just about as cer tain as Center." "Then the situation Is still encour aging for Hastings and Ollkeson?" "We have no doubt of suepes That which we have gained which we did not expect when we made ip our es timates makes up for that which we lost which we expected." .Martin Is Sanguine David Martin was In a sanguine a frame of mind. He said he saw noth ing to occasion any alarm. He feels sure of the success of Hastings and Ullkeson and declared that tihe esti mates made at the 'beginning of the contest will not be affected In the gen eral total. At the Hastings headquarters the managers were cheerful In their con versation and confident In their declara tions as to the result of the contest for the state chairmanship. They gave It out that Senator Quay will not be able to win, and that the tight at the con clusion of the contests in the several counties will not In the total vary much from the estimate made at the begin ning of 'the fight. 'New Bloomefleld, ' Pa., Aug. 12. The Perry county Republicans held their convention today and two administra tion delegates were elected to the state convention. Juniata Convention. Mimintown, Pa.. Aug. 12. The Juni ata county Republicans held 'their con vention today, and the county's one delegate to the state convention was Instructed to vote for Hastings for chairman of the convention and Quay for state chairman. Ex-Congressman Atkinson was endorsed for SuDerior court Judge and MoKinley for presi dent. Xorrlstown. Pa.. Aug. 12 The latest Information concerning the Republi can delegate elections in Montgomery county on Saturday night, show that i Quay will have at least twenty-seven majority in tomorrow's county conven tion. Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. 12. The Ad ams county Republican convention to day elected Hastings-Gllkeson delegates to tne state convention by 33 votes to 28. otk, Pa., Aug. 12. York county is still claimed by both sides. It is claimed by knowing ones, however, that the delegation will be sent to the state convention uninstructed. ESCAPED LIGHTNING. Mrs. Bradley Moved Her Children Just In Time. New Haven. Conn.. Aug. 12. Newton Bradley's house on First avenue, West Haven, was wrecked by a stroke of lightning during the storm which passed over .fhis violnity early this morning. iMrs. Bradley's husband was away and she was alone with her chil dren when the storm broke. Impelled by some premonition of coming evil she took her children from the bed and laid them on the floor, and as she did so the lightning struck the chimney, passed Into the room, striking the bed and setting It on fire. Both Mrs. Brad ley and her children were somewhat shocked, but no serious result will fol low. Several other houses In this vicinity are reported to have been struck by lightning but no great damage resulted. The storm was the severest of its kind recorded 'here since 1878. DEADLY ICE CREAM. Two Families at Slismokln Are Poisoned by Kating It. Shamokin. Pa Aug. 12. Mrs. Peter Koch, iMrs. Morris Zimmerman and two children, of Shtpman'a 'Mills, near shumokin, are dying from the effects of being poisoned by eating Ice cream. The Koch and Zimmerman families held a social gathering on Saturday night, and a freezer of cream was pre pared. All persons present ate freely of the cream, and shortly afterward be came dangerously 111. 1 A physician was called and emetics saved the lives of all the party except Mrs. Koch and Mrs. Zimmerman and a child of each, who have been lying In a precarious condition ever since. An examination proved that tihe poison had been put in the extract which flavored the cream. EDWARD CAMERON'S DEATH. Jury Bays lie Did Not Know It Was Loaded. New York, Aug. 12. The coroner's In quest this morning Into the cause of the death of Edward Miller Cameron, a mil lionaire, who was found dead in his house at West Isllp, L. I., last night, developed the fact that Mr. Cameron's death was caused by a pistol shot wound, accidentally Inflicted by him self. He was cleaning a pistol In his room yesterday afternoon, according to the verdict of the coroner's Jury, when the weapon was accidentally discharged, and the bullet passed through his 'heart (He died Instantly. LITTLE BOY'S SUICIDE. Could Hot Stand the Taunts of Uls Play mates Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 12. A special from Warsaw, Ind., says Leroy Cardiff, aged years, committed suicide last night by taking a heavy doae of "rough on rats." His mother recently obtained a di vorce from her husband upon very sen sational grounds, and the little boy left a note saying that he could no longer stand the taunts of hie playmates about It. Ex-Mayor Maxwell O. Cardiff, the boy's father, la a very prominent at torney of this city, and has served three v;ars In the elate legislature. : , 1- i r 1 1 s 1 J f i J Drowned In the Murf A ' ' ". . 1 Atlantic. City. N. t.. Aug. 11 -Dr. P. T Halsien, who resided In Philadelphia, I wnlla bathing In ths surf today was Mlaed i with apoplexy Mid drowned before ae "'stance asms. The doctor and a paety , nf frtrnrts been oarnolng at Chelaea KILLED BY LIGHTNING. Suddea Ileath of Jennie and William Fowler. Columbia. S. C, Aug. 12.-A special from ttpartansburg. 3. C, says: Yester day at Falnmount, four miles from here, Mtas Jennie Fowler and her brother, William, were struck by light ning and Instantly killed. Two other members of the Fowler family were also struck and their recovery is hard ly possible. The Fowler house. In whluh were at least a dozen people, was shat tered completely and those who were not killed were knocked prostrate on the floor. An old negro woman living near Glenn Springs was struck and killed outright.. The residence of Captain C. C. Chase, In this city, was badly dam aged by a bolt nf lightning and the Inmates were severely shocked. Sev eral trees were struck and torn to splinters. . BIG P1IILADELP1IIA FIRE. Haifa .Million Dollars laid in Ashea -Hundreds Are Made Homeless In Few Hours. Philadelphia. Aug. 12. The Philadel phia fire department was called on to day to light the fiercest, most destruc tive and most dangerous tire that has vl"lted this city In nearly a score of years. Property valued at half a mil lion dollars was laid In ruins, 100 people were rendered homeless and a dozen firemen and policemen succumbed to the awful heat and smoke. The property destroyed includes Hie paper box fuctory operated by Brown & llalley, In which the Are originated, occupying a big plot fronting on Wil low street and extending northward be tween Klghth and Franklin streets; W. J. Buck Sons' & Co., chandaller fac tor) ait the northeast corner of Eighth and Willow streets; fifteen dwellings on the south side of Willow street, east of Kighth street, and ten dwellings on I'l-anklln street, north of W'lllow, while at Kant twenty-five orher dwellings on Klghth, Franklin and Callowhlll streets were more or less severely damaged. Once started the tire soon assumed the proportions of a conflagration, and the locality in which it occurred made the chances of disastrous destruction more than probable. Mothers were separated from their children In the mad rush to escape, and when the little ones could not be found at once, were restrained with difficulty from rushing 'back Into the burning nomes in a wild attempt to rescue them. Soon firemen and policemen began to succumb and the houses on the limit of (the fire were thrown open to receive them. Hospital ambulances were early on me grauna, and the men were gen erally quickly resuscitated. It was two hours before the fire was gotten under control and fully two more before the nremen could safely relax any effort. Even then the smoking ruins blazed in places and at times made feeble at tempts to renew their destructlveness FOUGHT WITH KNIVES. Brmtnus as -IrtMrtwrg twHtlftf In t Pes perato Conflict. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 12. Late Satur day night Patrick and Dennis Morgan brothers, employed in the Laurel Hill mines, of w. P. Rend and company, became involved In a quarrel. Dennis stabbed hls brother in the heart, caus lng instant death. Dennis 4s in a criti cal condition from stabs inflicted by Patrick, and may die of his injuries. A crowd of miners were engaged In drink ing 'beer when the brothers disagreed over some trivial matter. Their com panlona, wishing some excitement, made no error to separate the combat ants, and for fully twenty minutes the brothers slashed each other with their knives. , Blood flowed freely and bo tin fell to the ground. Patrick was dead and Dennis exhausted. Patrick was 26 years of age and Dennis la about 23. An effort 'was made to keep the affair quiet. It was reported at the coroner's office this afternoon and a number of arrests will be ordered GENEROUS MAYOR SUTRO. A Gift Worth Nearly $2,000,000 to Cali fornia University. San Francisco, Aug. 12. Adolph Sutro, mayor of San Francisco, has of fered the State University Regents thirteen acres of land within the city limits, on which to erect buildings for the affiliated colleges of the university. In addition to this, he will deed to the trustee of the city thirteen acres ad joining, as a site for the Sutro library of over 200,000 volumes. The library and property are to be held In trust for the city and the library will be free to all, Irrespective of race or color. The gift, wtnich has not yet been ac cepted, Is valued at tl. 500,000 and will be worth 12,000,000 when the completed Im provements are made. 'Mayor Sutro Is said to own one-tenth of the total real estate In San Francisco city and coun ty. Most of It, however, is unimproved. DON'T WANT"il !M CUT UP. Chicago Chinamen Protest Against the Dissection of Gee Seng. Chicago, Aug. 12. AU Chinatown Is worked up over the death of Gee Seng at the county hospital and the an nouncement that it would be necessary for the coroner to hold a post mortem examination before the 'body can be 'buried. Prominent Chinamen say that If the post mortem is held It will for ever debar the dead 'man from associat ing with his fellow-men in the next world, and they propose to Invoke the aid of the Chinese consul at San Fran cisco to prevent the operation. Before Seng's kinsmen will se the dis secting knife used on the body they de clare they will call for government pro tection. JAPAN'S NEW NAVY. An American Going to Bid on Contrasts for Warships. Ban Francisco, Aug. 12. Irving S. Scott, president of the Union works, which turned out the Olpmpla and sev eral other oracfc American cruisers, will soon go to Japan to -bid on the con tracts for building men-of-war for the Japanese: navy. The recent achievement of American warships rs said to have Impressed the Japanese etrongly, 'and now that for eign Arms are able to underbid Amer ican companies only 10 per cent.. In stead of 50 per cent., as formerly, Mr. Scott believes he will be able to secure a number of contracts. STATE NEWS NOTES. Additional land has been purchased ad joining the Norrlstown hospital tract, and It Will OS uaea lor sewage purpose!. . The Reading Firemen's union has In vited Governor Hastings and staff to at tend the flremens tournament In Octo ber.. -r Reading councils have settled a dispute between rlvail trolley companies by grant ing them both the right of way to lay tracai en tne streets iney rougni over. An Investigation of the free dispensary connected with the Reading hoeoltal discloses the fact that many people who were able to pay hive beta among the cam re. ., , , , , , DRAIN ON GOLD RESERVE The Supply in the Treasury Is Rapidly Diminishing. HOW TO MAINTAIN SUKI'LUS The Bond Jugglery Will Probably Again Be Brought In Play-High Kate Kxehange-txeese of Expenditures. Washington. Aug. 12. The drain upon the gold reserve of the treasury of the United States foreshadowed In these dispatches for some time past, seemed to have begun in earnest today, when the otflulals were advised of the withdrawal of $1,650,000 from the sub Ueasury ait New York for export. This condition of affairs has occusloned much Bpeoulatlon of the means that the administration will employ to main tain the gold reserve or replenish It rhould the probable withdrawals re duce It below tho amount which It Is deemed necessary for the government to hold. It may be slated almost au thoritatively that as between another Issue of bonds and the calling of an extra session of congress, that the for mer will be nesorted to. Today's withdrawals were the larg est on any one day since the contract with the Belmont-Morgan syndicate went Into efft last February. They reduce the gold In the United States treasury to $101,02,263, or a loss of more than $0,000,000 from the highest point reached after the syndicate had made Its final payments last month. On July 9. the gold reserve reached $107,541. 37.1, being higher than on any day, accord ing to the treasury's official "ten days' statement, since February 20, 1893. Be tween the two dates named $162,400,000 United States bonds were sold for gold at prices aggregating $182,000,000, and the gold reserve, which was something over $65,000,000 in January. 1893, re plenished as It has been by these bond sales, amounts today to a little more than $101,000,000, or a net loss of $146, 000,000. Its Effect Is Dreaded. Department officials are loth to dis cuss the effect on the treasury of re newed gold shipments or to express an opinion as to their probable extent, or when the shipments will cease, or whether the bond syndicate will feel Itself bound to replace the gold, as It did the first large withdrawals after its purchase of bonds. With exchange at $4.90ii an exceedingly high figure the opinion is generally expressed that gold exports to the extent of $20,000,000 or $30,000,000 are likely to occur before Oct. 1. The only thing that Is likely to reduce the rate of exchange is heavy shipments of American cereals. Aside from the decline in the gold reserve, the treasury situation is regarded as en couraging, as the receipts are gradually approximating to the expenditures. The excess ofc-expendltaree over1 re ceipts for the past two' years amounted to $107,000,000 and for the month and a third whlc has elapsed of the current fiscal year $15,000,000. But the receipts are increasing, and officials express the hope that by Jan. 1 next they will equal the expenditures or nearly so. SILVER MEN MEET. Conference of Free Coinage Democrats Is Called. Washington, Aug. 12. The conference of free coinage Democrats called by Senators Harris, of Tennessee; Jones, of Arkansas, and Turple, of Indiana, will be held in Washington Wednesday, and may extend over that and the next day. senator .Harris will probably be chair man of the conference, and Casey Young, of Memphis, will be Its sec re tary. Several of those who will be pres ent are in Washington, and are hopeful that thirty staites will be represented. Senator Harris, who reached Washlnr ton Saturday, said today that a large attendance was not desirable. On the contrary it had been expressly request ed that a few prominent men from each state should come. These men, said the senator, would be Democrats of weight and Influence and acceptable to members of the party as tne possioie composition of an executive committee. The senator said he ex pected important results from the con ference, which would be more in the nature of a business meeting than of a convention. He could not tell at this time, however, what scope the meeting would take beyond the objects outlined In the call signed by Messrs. Jones, i urpie ana 'nimseix. BLOODTHIRSTY HAAS. He Attempted to Kill Ills Wife and Shoots a Neighbor. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 12. Mrs. William Haas lef t her husband a week ago be cause of his abuse of her, and went back to her parents' home to live. This morning Haas walked Into the kftchen where his wife and children and her father, Michael Krelg, were sitting. "Are you going to live with 'me?" he asked his wife. She replied "No, and Haas drew a revolver. IMrs. Haas picked up her baby and ran Into an other room, ahuttlng ithe door behind her. Haas attempted to follow her when Krelg Interfered and Haas fired two shuts at ihim, one taking effect In the left breast Just above the heart, and the other passing clear through the left shoulder. Krelg win probably die, Haas was arrested. HE STOLE JEWELS. Work of a fllcek Confidence Man nt Kansas City. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 12. Mrs. George H. Zeigler. of Philadelphia who, with her husband and dhlld Is stopping at the Washington hotel here, was robbed of diamonds valued at $10.- 000 today. The family waa absent from their rooms when a man to whom they had been Introduced called, and, going to their rooms, quietly walked away with the Jewels, which had been left on the table. I tUU.. ....... I u vvimi.ii., w ...w K., . I Jt . I . . .i.. riimenon agency, vuiu urm une wi me merit astute confidence men In America waa reported to be In this vicinity, and this dodge waa about appropriate to his calibre. MARTY HOGAN MOBBED. Defeat of Terra Haate by Indianapolis . Fremled the Bleachers. . Terre Haute. Ind., Aug. 12The In dianapolis base ball players were mobbed here yes re rosy an ne conclu sion of the game. During the game there were many close points of piay and several decisions of umpire Sheri dan were taken exception to by the bleachers. After ttie game had been flmehed and Indianapolis had won, the eromrd became frenaied. , A rush waa made and ae a reeult ihrse of the IndimnaDOlls men were In jured tfrtoti. Hogan and Fisher.- The latter ankle waa sprained, and. Mota and Hogan received bruises a dour tne fcwe end body, though. tMlr Injuries' are not ftnowe, JUSTICE JACKSON BURIED. The Ceremonies at the Grave Were Very Simple Prominent Men Present. "Nashville. Tenn., Aug. li. The re mains of Justice Howell K. Jackson were laid to rest In a private family cemetery at Ilellemcade stuck farm, six miles west of this cUy, this morning at 10.30 o'clock. The funeral cortege moved from West -Meade, the home of the justice, shortly after s o'clock, and was less than an hour In reaching Its destination. The otllciating clergymen were Keva. J. II. McNellly and H. Lin Cave, both of this city. The ceremonies at the grave were simple. : Chief Justice Fuller and Jus tice lirewer were the only members of the supreme court present. A large number of prominent men from this city and other states were among the attendant!). CHEROKEE BILL'S FATE. The Celebrated Outlaw Is Sentenced to He' Hanged. Fort Smith. Ark.. Aug. 12. "Cherokee Bill" -was sentenced ithls morning by Judge Parker to be hanged Sept. 10. He is now under two sentences of death. The supreme court has stayed the former sentence for Investigation. Three weeks later, from the name scaffold, at a single drop, Mrs. Nitten ring, GeorgeW aldington, Richard Cal houn, John Allison, Ell Lucas and Frank Craver are to be 'hanged, all for murder. CANADA AND AUSTRALIA. An Expected Subsidy from England to Be Hefused-Freo Trade llotwoon New Zoaland and the Dominion. Vancouver, B. C, Aug. 12. Popt mas ter Uenerai Ward, of New Zealand, has instructed his government that the ex pected additional subsidy from Ureat Hrltain -to ithe Cana-dtan-Autttrallan line would not be forthcoming. Sir Arnold Morley, the British poatmaster general, told h-lm that thedjolloy of the Hrwian government was lowiiaimain, in the titmoet possible efficiency, the ser vice vita Suez, on account of Britten In terests lu the east and India being paramount to all others. The postmas ter general was fighting against any at tempt to subsidize or aid "the Canadian- Australian line between Vancouver and Austral-la, for one reason, because the Canadians had gone to other members of the cabinet instead of first consult ing him. iNew Zealand and Canada were pledged to give certain aid to a Pacific ca-ble provided the British government gave the aid expected, but financial aid from the British government Is by no means certain. It Is feared by those favoring the Canadian cable that Aud ley Coutes, the head of the big French syndicate, will lay a cable between San Francisco and Australia via Honolulu. A free trade treaty Is about consum mated between Canada and New Zeal and. The tariff Is mainly free trade In respect to many classes of natural pro ducts and manufactures, but on a few lines there are ad valorem duties of from 10 to 25 per cent. On of the chief Items is wool, of which Canada import ed from New Zealand last year upward of 3,000,000 pounds. Duty on this was 3 cents per pound, so that the remission of this Import means a very consider able gain. Among the other lines dealt with are lumber, flour, fish, flax, ma chlnery, tools and Implements, furni ture, etc. CUBANS THRICE DEFEATED. From Havana Coma Reports of Spanish Vlotories. Havana, Aug. 12. The Insurgent band commanded by Rego recently besieged the town of Ingavllanlto, In the pro vince of Santa Clara, and sent a re quest -to surrender to the detachment of Spanish troops detailed to defend that place. The garrison, however, re fused to surrender and the Insurgents burned a house In the Immediate, vicin ity of the barracks. The soldiers made a gallant defense and eventually com pelled the insurgents to retire with a loss of five killed, among the latter be ing a captain. Who was Rego's aide-de camp, and leaving ten wounded behind them. "Sergeant Oatala, with a detachment of sixteen soldiers, has had a skirmish near Seboruenuito In the .Mayari dis- triot, province of Santiago de Cuba. with a band of insurgents. The latter left two killed and five wounded on the field and the troops captured a Quan tity of arms. One corporal and two soldiers were wounded on the govern ment side. Major Gonzales Mora at the head of 260 troops, while passing the River Buaba, near Baracoa, Province of San tiago de Cuba, on Aug. 5, was engaged with the insurgent bands commanded by Ruen and Carreras. The troops caused the rebers to fly, leaving six killed on the field. On the following day, while on the way from Buabo to Baracoa, Major Mora overtook the In surgent band, numbering 600 men, and attacked the positions which ithey had laxen up. Tne troops captured the nori- tlons occupied by the Insurgents, the hftter losing seven men killed and twelve iwounded. One soldier waa killed and three wounded. LIGHTNING'S FREAKS. Residence of Charles M. Booth Is Badly Damaged By a Bolt. West Chester Village, N.T., Aug. 11 During tine neavy storm early today lightning struck ithe residence nf Charles M. Booth, at Unlonport, badly damaging the house. The bolt dtruck the roof, and passed down through two floors into the cellar. No one wae in jured. Living next door to Mr. Booth s the family of James Meehan, a section boss on the railroad. Mr. and Mrs. Meetian were asleep when the bolt struck Booth's house. Mrs. Meehan was awakened by the shock and became so badly frightened thait she fell over and expired from fright. The lightning also struck the Wood bine hotel, at Unlonport, doing Utile damage but scaring the Inmates almost to" death. Just as the 1 a. m. car was leaving West Chester for West Farms a bolt of lightning struck the car, throwing It off the track. The motorman, conduc tor and six passengers were more or less stunned. Justice Strong Im proving. Wsshlnslon.- Aug. 12. A slight rally Which the attending physician pronounces a miracle, la the Information about Justice Strong, which came from Lake Mlnne waska tonight. Hope ! row entertained by Justice Btrong'e friends here that he may rally sufficiently to be brought home to Washington, and even that he may re cover entirely, now that the tide teems to have turned. ' Parliament Opened. London. Aug. It. Parliament opened to day. Speaker -Gaily, of the - houea of commona, was formally re-elected without oooaeitloni In the house of lords the roval commission read the royal proclamation opening toe sees ion or pen lament. ! - Artist ttothenael Dying. Pottstown. Pa,. Aug. It-Artist P. F. Sothermet, who Is lying crtUoeJIy III at hie home at Llnfleid, In very low this evening. He le slowly weakening and i Beau m nayeoievi nwwmiBj . ... TO BIDEJK CHAGRIN Conclusive Proof That the Legacy Was a Myth. DK. LB ETC WAS HUMBUGGED The Tribune Investigation at an E ad Letters Written by Dr. Leeta Ac knowledging the Deception Seen by a Reporter. The Investigation stt afoot by The Tribune , to discover whether or not there remained any hope that the Dr. Leete Ingucy might no-t be a myth haa brought forth the evidence below, and which no doubt wllfatlfy any disin terested person 'that Dr. Leete withheld some of his discoveries In order to cover his chagrin and out of charity for the feelings of his family. On or about July 24 The Tribune learned from George H. Trauger. of Providence, that he had seen an Item in the Lais Angles Times concerning the Dr. Leete legacy, end thought it possibly might have -been a paragraph of a will, but could not say for sure, as he did not take much of an Interest in the matter at the time he read It. A telegram wae sent. to the Los Angeles Time asking it to look up the matter in their files and send it together with any other Information they could get. Nothing was heard from the telegram until yesterday when the following let ter was received; Anseles. Cal.. Aug. i. 1895. Editor Tribune, elcranton, Pa.: Dear Sir lour telegrams regarding tne Leele matter were duly received and a member of theTlmes' U(T waa set to work to d.g up the matter desired, supposed to have been publianed tit January, but could not find it. The matter was left to him and I tlnd was wholly neglected. The enclosed waa printed in the Los Angeles Evening Record ot this date. lours truly, Win. Reginald Ream, vity tttiuor. Accompanying the letter was a clip- pling from the Lua Angeles Evening Record of Aug. 6, three-fourths of a column in length, from which excerpts are printed: INTO THIN AIR Vanished the Fortune of Dr. A. N. Leele. HE DIED THROUGH HUMILIATION The Cruel Home Played Upon a Scran ton, Pa., Physician ho Cam to California for an Air Cautle. On March 18 he returned home and told his family that everything was all right. and Ohm he would get one-fourth In July, ua Avni v ne received w- leuer injm wt-iie at Le elating that his two letters to tne firm hail beeu opened by Mr. Lee and that a Mr. Forrester, who formerly lived In acrantoiK had called and seemed very par ticular to know aH about the doctor's be hest, and wished alvo to know why Mr, Lee was so uncommunicative in the mat ter. The Arm of Wells & Lee, composed of Q. Wiley Wells and Bradner Lee. entoyi a good reputation and the accusations of young Leete. that they are now trying to swindle his father's estate out ot its share of the alleged Carey's estate is not likely to be sustained by any proof. A Record reporter called this morning upon W. B. Lee at his office In the Baker block. Mr. Lee told substantially the rame story as his letter to Attorney Fltzaim tnona states. He then showed the re porter several of A. N. Leete's letters which left no uouot or tneir autnemicity. They were written on paper bearing the letter nead or me ecnmion news. In these letters Iete stated time and time again that he could not let the public know how he had been victimised by eome unknown swindler and begged Mr. Lee to say nothing about the case, as he could not stand the derMon of his neigh bors. He thanked both Messrs. Wells and Lee for their great kindness in helping him when he was here. In one letter he re lated in detail how he was keeping the truth from the family and enclosed a newspaper cilunlng noting the publicity of the case and commenting upon the awful situation. Colonel Wells is now In the northern part of the Mate, but se soon am he gets toacK one ot rneee loiters writ De iorwara ed to the son and the family. Thev are stil after the perpetrator or the cowardly fraud. There can be no doubt that It was this great socret tnat killed Dr. A. N. Leete. Assistant Postmaster Lewis and Inonec tor Fllnk made an Investigation and have not riven the matter up yet. There can be no doubt that the doctor practiced a deception eo rlever that it has resulted In a deluded son, suspicious of fraud. The asterisks supplant portions of the story which are already well known to the reading public of scranton. oeing the letters already published that passed between Colonel Fltzslmmons and the Los Angeles attorneys and the .litigation from K. H. Leete, the late doctors eon. GUARD ORDERS. List of New Staff Appointments An nounced. Harrktburg, Pa., Aug. 12. The follow ing order was issued through the adju tant general's office tonight: Division Headquarters, National Guard of rennsyivanca. Philadelphia. July 28. 1895. In compliance with general orders No, 29. A. U. O.. C, B.. the undersigned as sumes command of the division. National Guard of Pennsylvania, and announces the following stall appointments: Lieu tenant Colonel George H. North, assist ant general; Lleunter.ant Colonel Charles S. Greene, judge advocate; Lieutenant Colonel William j. Elliott, division inspec tor: Lieutenant Colonel Ralph K. Cul llnan, division quartermaster; Lieuten ant Colonel Austin Curt-ln, commissary of subsistence; Lieutenant Colonel Sam uel Hartranft, Inspector of rifle practice; Lieutenant Colonel A. Lawrenco Wether- HI, ordnance otllcer; Lieutenant Colonel Alnxiindor A. K. McCatiidlpas. surgeon in chief; Major barton D. Evans, aide-de-camp: Major A. G. Campbell, aide-de camp; Major uavKi lawis, aiue-ae-camp. They will oe ooeyea a-nu respeciea ic ftnt-Hlfifflv. (Signed) George R. Snowden, Major General Commanding. Killed at Target Practice. Corniellsvin Pa-. Aug. 12,-Corporal F-dward Miller, Company u, waa acci dentally shot and kUled by Corporal Sam uel Clark this afternoon during target practice. MUller, who was watching the -target, in a moment of forget fulness, stepped . In front of the mark Just as Clark ' fired. The shot hit him In tho breast, killing mm instantly. Charters Granted. , Harrlsbura. Aug. 11. The w Oer mania Building and Loan association, of Bcranton, with a capital of 11,000,000: the Polish Lithuanian Brewing oompany, of Vffjftkea-Barre, capital ia,uw; ana tne JOnneonourg uwee ana nowe cumyenjr, of Johneonourg, kik county, capital lie, QUO, were chartered today. . WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Peasiyrvanta. falrt oon Mnued high temperature tiU Tkwnmg, Finley s Mis!!- ier Side At prices reduced to close out balance of stock LADIES' MUSLIN URBERWEAR One lot Empire Gowns 93 cents, former price $1.25. Four lots Cor set Covers 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c, former prices 38c. to $1.25. Skirts, Drawers, Chemise, etc 69c, 98c, reduced from 85c. and $1.19; Boys' Kilt Suits. LAMES SEK WAISTS $3.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, reduced from $4.50, $6.50, $8.00 and $9.00. Ladle' White Lawn Waists at exactly half price. FINLEY'S H. L I1GSBDRY, Agent for Charles A. Schieren & Co.'s Leather Beltim The Very Best. 313 Spruce St., Scranton. One of the Larieei sad tasteet Shoe Boaeaj fa the United Btates. LBWI8, KKTLLT 4 DAVIBS, 114 and 1U WyonUag Arcane. . LATEST NOVELTY STERLINQ SILVER Markers. ! Call and get one Cor yout Bicycle.. Only. 75c. with your name engraved on It. ; . W.J.Weichel 4? Bicycle -!'; 1 (?' , ' -';. ';v:.V-'