The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 10, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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In. the 'Wonderland
Of North , America.'-.
fit. Paul. July 11 Our Intention at
flrat wa to take a hasty look of a day
each a these twin cities and press on
to the "ZenFtfc CKy " Duluth, at the
head of the Great American lakes, but
the attractions of these hustling towns
were eo great that four days were prof
itably and pleasantly spent amid the
two In securing memoranda concerning
them and the great northwest. These
two beautiful and enterprising cities,
which have sprung up side toy side on
the banka of the groat "Father of
Waters." are the pioneer cities of Min
nesota, and worthy of extended men
The good-natured rivalry which ex
1st between them is more notlcable to
the visitors even than that of Tacoma
and Seattle. These cities are progres
sive In every respect. St. Paul appears
more like New York In tone and style,
and Minneapolis more like a New Eng
land city, with the push and bluster
of Chicago added. These cities, to-
gether with the great Northwest, owe
their development in civilization and
property to the two great railroad
the Northern Pacific, the pioneer road
and latterly, the Great Northern, their
eastern terminus In each Instance beln
St. Paul, where their general offices are
located. To the Northern Pacific eaie-
dally doas the great west owe a debt of
gratitude, more than all other Influ
ences combined. Through the courtesy
of Charles S. Fee, general passenger
agent of the Northern Pacific, we are
able to traverse the entire line of that
road, and visit the various beautiful
resorts and interesting places, and be
sides gather much valuable data, which
the public can rely upon.
We Indebted to former Scran
ton ami Honeadale friends, now living
at St. Paul. Thomas Dickson, of the
Northern Pacific, and W. H. Howe,
assistant auditor of Chicago, Milwau
kee, St. Paul and Omaha railway, for
much valuable Information and polite
Hustling St. Paul.
St. Paul Is directly located on the
Mississippi river, nine miles below the
famous falls of St. Anthony, and ten
miles from Its sister city, Minneapolis.
It was long an Indian town, visited by
Father Hennepin In 1SS0, but previous
there was a temporary settlement of
Jesuit missionaries and a Catholic mis
sion called St. Paul, hence the
name of the city. St. Paul is eleven
years older than Its neighbor and rival,
Minneapolis. It Is one of the hand
somest and most substantially built
cities on the American continent. As
she sits enthroned upon her hills, she
can be appropriately called the Ter
race City, because the occupation of the
series of sharp bluffs which rise from
the present and -ancient bed of the
Mississippi give her the appearance,
when seen from a distance, of having
been built upon a series of terraces. It
la In very truth founded upon a rock,
as the underlying strata of limestone
amply attest.
St. Paul covers an area of 35,482 acres,
lying In the form. In rough outline, of
a semi-circular, amphitheater or succes
sion of steep rolling terraces, breaking
here and there Into bold, rocky bluffs
of sufficient Iwlght, say 200 to 300 feet,
and affords a commanding and compre
hensive view not only of the city Itself,
but of the broad river at Its feet. These
picturesque bluffs extend away to the
southeast, and farther up the river are
crowned by the frowning battlements
of historic old Fort Snelling.
The business portion of St. Paul Is
confined principally to the lower ter
racesnear, or at all events, not very
remote from the river front; while the
higher "benches" that rise above the
older part of the town are the favorite
residence districts. In no city of the
Union that we have yet visited are the
business quarters more solid and sub
stantial save, perhaps, Minneapolis
and residence architecture more attrac
tive. ""Nothing is crude, nothing tenta
tive, nothing transltorlal." The visitor
Is filled with surprise and admiration
as he views the stately piles that give
evidence of great wealth and prosper
ity. The City's Orowlng Industries.
St. Paul la a great manufaoturlng
center for furniture, carriages, boots
and shoes, clothing, foundry work,
brass goods and farm Implements. It
Is also -a great cattle market; over a
million head of cattle have been han
dled here yearly since 1890. St. Paul Is
a railroad center; some eleven roads
meet here. Some idea of the rapidity of
Its growth In wealth may be found from
the fact that In 1881 It manufactured
nearly "116,000,000 worth of goods. In
1890. it turned out 62,000.000, and this
Amount has been Increased yearly since.
It Is undoubtedly the most prosperous
city In the state, and one of the most
Important ' commercial points In the
northwest owing to Its position at the
head of navigation on the Mississippi,
and as the focus of the railway actlv
Jty of the northwest commands for It
an extensive wholesale trade, which In
1894 amounted to $150,000,000. From sta
tistics the board of trade furnish we
learn that St. Paul has 162 churches, 46
public schools, 63 select schools, semin
aries and academies, and 3 colleges, 12
ejtate banks and 6 national, 6 dally
and two weekly pacers, 10 public li
braries and 2? social clubs, and among
Its prominent buildings are 41 hand
some apartment houses. St. Paul has
forty-six miles of paved streets of
both macadam, 'asphalt and - cedar
blocks the tetter being used In the
lower terraces also 383 miles of im
proved streets, 100 miles of electric
railway and ty, miles of cable railway.
It has also over fifty bridges of various
lengths and heights, reaching from
bluff to bluff. One Is over 190 feet
above the river bed. 'Its peculiar loca
tion, crescent shaped, requires frequent
bridges.. The location of St. Paul also
Insures perfect sewerage, and Its sys
tem comprises 146 miles, much of It cut
through solid rock at great expense.
St. Paul boasts of its water supply,
which comes from a series of natural
lakes from five to ten miles distant
from the city, brought in mains five
feet in. diameter and also tunnels cut
through solid rock.. The most promi
nent lakes are Phalen and Tadnals,
which have no visible Inlets. ; , ' 1
An Kmlnently Salubrious Climate.
1 Reliable mortality statistics show St.
Paul to be among the healthiest, cities
In America, due principally to excellent
climate and. perfect sanitary conditions,
The following facts may be surprising
to some) The average temperature of
these twin .cities for the whole year is
equal to that of central New Tork,. two
degrees south. The death rates Is lower
and the .'sum of the general health
greater than la any on of the twenty
Some Interesting Facts and Figures
About the Energetic City of St. Paul.
six largest cities of the United States.
St. Paul's rate being - per cent, on
a thousand, whereas New Tork city Is
26-49 per cent., and London's, 19-11 per
St. Paul is the capital of the state of
Minnesota, with a population In 1S90
of 133.000. but now they claim for it near
190,000. A peculiar feature of this pop
ulation 'is that the German. Irish and
Jewish element compose.60 per cent, of
It. In politics St. Paul Is Democratic
by a small majority. Bu Paul - has
thirty-nine public parks and grounds.
We were shown through many of them
by our friend. W. H. Howe, who also
escorted us pretty welt over the city..
We were favorably Impressed with
Como lake and park as second to none
of Its years. that we had seen. This
park Is virtually new, having been for
mally opened In 1894. It Is three miles
from the city and conltalns 520 acres, of
which one-flftlh Is water-numerous lit
tle lakes -with natural hills and dales
exquisitely sjutded by stately trees, and
the beauty of the landscape is augment
ed by numerous flower and foliage
beds of unique designs, and well-built
gravel walks and roads, and many
fountains. A novel feature was the
luxuriant growth of grass under the
trees, especially the oak, where heavi
ly shaded, It was as velvety and rich
in color as that on the open lawn. There
was some 200 boats In use on the lake
and the brilliancy of the scene at night
with its electric lights beggars de
scription. Pidtnresque Fort Snelling.
Fort Snelling is distant from the city
some five miles and Is reached by elec
tric and steam oars 'and also by
steamer. It Is very picturesquely sit
uated on the high banks of the Missis
sippi river, near the mouth of the Min
nesota. A bridge 500 feet long and
ninety-eight feet high above the water
crosses the Mississippi at tine extreme
end of Summit avenue-a handsome
(thoroughfare extending from the city,
lined with elegant residences, lawns,
etc. Th bluff Is eighty-seven feet above
the railroad track. The reservation
contains 1,700 acres, and 400 soldiers of
the regular army are stationed here.
. J. E. Richmond.
It Takes Him a Fortnight to Hold Ills Par
liamentary Elections, and He Wouldn't,
for the World, Hasten the, Job Along.
From Barron's London Letter.
London, July 19. English election
methods seem to an American extreme
ly primitive and agonizingly slow. For
the better part of a week the country
has been In the. throes of voting a new
parliament Into existence, and at this
time only 295 members have been elect
ed. There 'Is no' attempt to minimize
the bother. Everything proceeds In a
leisurely fashion, the 'boroughs, coun
ties and districts selecting their own
polling time within the prescribed limit
of days, with no concern whatever for
the time of voting In other places. In
America all is done that may be to se
cure uniformity of action in general
elections, and the public knows with
almost detailed accuracy the verdict
of the entire country less thai! six hours
after the close of the polls on the one
and fixed voting day. .
An Englishman seems not to perceive
the benefit of this systematizing of the
suffrage function, and when you tell
him of It elevates his eyebrows while he
nods a deprecatory Intelligence of what
you say and remarks compassionately:
Ah. well, to be sure; but that Isn't
the way we do It over here." The
temptation to respond, "But you should
do it that way," sowehow never gets
beyond a thought, the uselessness of
contending against established custom
in England being one of the.. first les
sons learned by an attentive stranger.
Averso to Innovations.
At a little supper the other evening
an old Londoner, who l something In
an art' and literary way, expressed a
sort of muffled susurration of regret
that there are so few clock towers with
rellaible time about London. Encour
aged by this home criticism, I ven
tured to say that' It would be an en
ormous advantage to the visitor if the
names of streets were imore generally
and conspicuously posted at turnings
and diverging places. The gentleman
bent his head until he could get a com
manding view of me over the top of his
glasses, regarded me curiously for a
moment as if debating Just the-proper
thing to say within such extraordinary
circumstances, and then replied reflec
tively: "I dare soy. that might be a
convenience, buy one Is supposed to
know streets, you know." Under such
a stifling rebuke what could one do but
gasp and reach for a sip of wine? If
in matters of such trifling moment John
Bull is dMncllned to change hereditary
conditions and adopts Innovations with:
extreme deliberation ana reluctance
It hardly Is to be supposed he will light
ly consider any. Interference with the
has-beenness of that great bulwark of
British power and permanence, the
voter's prerogative. So, as 'It has been
from time interminable In the. matter
of polling, the public waiting with the
cheerful patience of pride In national
customs the passing of the excessive
six or ten days between the casting of
the first and the last votes at every
change of government.
British Statesmen Whose American
'ftpouses Ar4.a Great Help.'. .
Washington Letter
The late upset In British politics had
very great interest for Washlngtonlana,
as it will bring into English government
circles two American gfrls'who are es
pecially well-known here Mrs. Cham
berlain, nee lEndlcott, and Mrs. Cunon,
nee Letter. Ors. Chamberlain, who was
universally admired "during her life In
Washington, has had quite a different
experience from most American girls
who marry prominent Englishmen, for
It was she, arid not he, who had the
social position, ,
It Is a well-known fact that Mr.
Chamberlain longed for social recogni
tion, ami his enemies allege that he was
bought aver to the Tories with dinner
Invitations obtained through the pres
ent Duke of Devonshire, then Marquis,
of Hartlngton. But a Radical, and a
Birmingham manufacturer, could not
or would not 4e easily gulped down by
the English aristocracy, and Mr. Cham
berlain got "rid nearer his goal than a'
few great dlhhers.. at official houses.
But when he returned to England with
a charming and accomplished American
wife, who cbutd command social recog
nition,' things Improved wonderfully for
him. Besides her own right to the best
society. Mrs. Chamberlain was backed
up by all the social influences of the
American legation,' as It was then; and
the result Is, that Mrs. Chamberlain's
own tact and position have gained for
tier husband what his own money and
talents had been powerless to obtain
a fixed and agreeable place In London
As for Mrs. Curson. she followed the
usual plan, and finds herself, the
daughter of a dry geods merchant, on
the top round of, the social Udder,
where her husband rightly belongs. It
is an extraordinary fact that every
American woman who has married Into
the Tory raaks and almost without ex
ceptlon they have has become a red'
hot Tory, led by Lady Randolph
Churchill. A story Is told of several
American women at a dinner In-London
discussing royal prerogatives with some
English peeresses, and every one of the
Americans proclaimed her belief In the
divine rlght-of kings.
Here Is the Phenomenal Jleeord of a
Stalwart .Maine Family Whose Weight
Aggregated 3.0OO Pounds-
On the summit of a big, hill in the
eastern part of Denmark, iMe., (here
was born and raised one of the most In
terestlng families in Maine, that of
William Fessenden. the railroad build
er. a family that weighed about '3,000
pounds. The beat-known member of
the family is Rufus Gardiner Fessen
den, who has recently been promoted
to a police sergeantcy In Boston. There
is probably not a resident of Boston
who has not seen "Big Rufe," who for
eleven years has been the tallerf police
man in the city. An average-sized man
walking beside Sergeant Fessenden
looks like a child, but "Big Rufe" was
but a child by the side of his sinter
Sarah Elizabeth, who was without
doubt the biggest girl In New England.
In the omposing room of the Bridgeton
News Is a post on which. Is the meas
ure of the tall men of Bridgeton. At
the top of the list Is Rufus Gardiner
Fessenden, 6 feet 4 inches. Then
comes E. 8. March. 6 feet 3 Inches; Les
ter Hancock, 6 feet 2 inches; Charles
Walker, Ed Chaplin,' James' Coons and
Uugene Chaplin, 6 feet. A Boston
Ulobe correspondent climbed the long,
steep hill and found William Fessen
den to be quite an active man In full
possession of his faculties, save for a
slight deafness, although he has been
a hard working man for seventy-nine
years. Mr. Fessenden told this Inter
esting story:
"I was the father of eleven children.
Perhaps you may consider them large,
but they did not look very big to me,
though I don't know but what Sarah
was a good-sized girl. My first Child
was William Austin. (He was born In
1838. Austin is six feet six Inches In
height and has weighed 270 pounds.
He lives on a farm about two miles
out of Brighton Village, at Sandy
Creek. My second child was George
Alnow, born In 1841. He was the short
est of the family. He was only six feet
in height, and weighed 200 pounds.
When constructing a railroad in Ohio
George jumped from a moving car and
received injuries which caused 'his
death. iMy third child was Thomas
Plngree. born in 1842. He was six feet
two inches, and weighed considerably
more than 200 pounds. He Is dead.
Another Whopper.
"The next was Sarah Elizabeth, born
in 1844. iShe was more than 6 feet In
height, and when a little girl she
weighed 240 pounds. She was sensitive
about her weight, and would not get on
the scales when she became older. I
guess you can put down her weight as
more than 200 pounds. She died about
seven years ago. My fifth child was
William Walker, born in 1846. He died
when 15 years old. He was as large as
any of his brothers at that age. Charles
Ellsworth was the sixth child. He was
born In 1S49. His height was 6 feet 3
inches, and his weight 230 pounds. He
lives on the old Governor Cleaves home
stead in Bridgeton. The seventh child
was Edwin Palmer, born In 1850. iHe Is
6 feet 3 inches, and weighs 240 pounds.
He lives on a farm in this town.
Stephen Alexander was born In 1852,
and Parker Plngree In 1854. Stephen
and Parker both died In 1854. The
fnth child was Ru:us Gardiner, born
In 185. lie Is a police sergeant In Bos
on. My last child was Adolphus Deer
Ing, born In lsrs. Jle lives here on the
farm. He Is 6 feet 7 inches and weighs
190 pounds."
In speaking of himself Mr.' Fessenden
said: "I was born In 1816. I am 6 feet
In height, and never weighed over 190
pounds. My ancestors were medium
sized persons. I have built country
roads In different parts of Maine. I
built the Pittsburg and Ohio railroad
above Brownfleld, the Eastern at don
way, a part of the Nashua, Acton and
Boston, a railroad at Dunstable, Mass.,
and sixteen miles of the narrow gauge
at Bridgeton. I began life with noth
ing, and have held my own quite well.
In 1838 I married iMehitable F. Plngree.
She was then 24 years, old, stood over
six feet In height In her stocking feet
and weighed over 200 pounds. When I
was courting her the boys used to
plague me and eay Mailable was too
big a girl for me to wait on. She was
one of fourteen children, eight girls and
six boys, all over six feet In height and
over 200 pounds In weight. They all
lived to marry. When they assembled
In one room they made the floor bend."
Most giants are slow of movement
and often clumsy, but the Fessendens,
Palmer excepted, 'are athletic. They
were noted ball players, and' the boys
excelled In games and sports. They
were all good scholars and brilliant In
mathematics; still, their Inclinations
were to physical rather than mental
WHY 1TF.ULEP. , " '
The late Mr. Alexander, the architect of
Rochester brltlge, was under cross-examination
n a special Jury case at Maid
stone by Sergeant (3 arrow, who wished to
detract from the weight of his testimony,
and, after asking him what was his name,
proceeded thus: "You are a builder, I
believe?" No, sir, I am not a builder, I
am an architect." "Ah! woll; architect or
builder, ' builder or architect, they are
much the same, I suppose"' I beg your
pardon, sir, I cannot admit that;' I con-,
aider them to be totally different," " "Oh,
Indeed; perhaps you will state wherein
this great difference consists?" "An ar
chitect, sir, prepares the plans, conceives
the design, draws out the specification In
short, supplies the mind) the builder is
merely the bricklayer or the carpenter
the builder. In fact, la the machine; the
architect the power, that puts the machine
together and sets It going." "Oh, very
well, Mr, Architect, that will do; and now,
after your very Ingenious distinction with
out a difference, perhaps you can Inform
the court who was the architect of the
Tower of Babel T" "The Tower of Babel,
eirl" replied the witness; "there was no
architect and hence the confusion 1"-- -
Cobwigger "You seemed rather srriuaed
over the Idea of your wife's wearing
bloomers." Smith "You'd be amused
yourself if you could see. her1 when she
tried to find something Id her workbasket
and emptied it Into her Up.'Wudge.' - -
Nat Goodwin la a bicyclist.
Bernhardt has a pet Hon.
Heyae has written 10 plays, .
Joe Jefferson Is growing stout.
Bousa has composed six operas.
. Hauptman's father was a weaver.
Marie Jansen has a new company.
Mary Anderson Is writing memoirs.
D'gby Bell will revive "Tar and Tar
Qustav'us Levlck la playing in 'Frisco.
Levallo's opera, "Marie Stuart," will be
given at Rouen.
Katharine Kidder will appear next sea
son in "As You Like It."
Charlotte Behrens has recently under
gone a bronchial surgical operation. ,
Wannemarhw Is playing all the popular
airs or the day at Lincoln Park.
Otis Skinner has a new play of which
Villon, the poet. Is the principal character.
Sir Arthur Sullivan is writing the music
for a ballet to be given at the Alhambra
Music Hall.
Louise Beaudet has replaced Marie
Tempest In the "Artist's Model" at the
Lyric theater, London.
Paderewskt is having a new Scotch fan
tasy for the piano written for him by Sir
Alexander Mackenzie.
Damrosch's Philadelphia season of Wag
ner opera will be at the Academy of
Music the latter part of February.
Christine Nilsson has just revisited Swe
den, after an absence of eight years, to
attend her nephew's wedding.
Bolto has completed his opera, "Ve
rone," and has also written the libretto,!
for Verdi's cantata entitled "Purgatory,1
It is said that Fanny Davenport is to
revive her "Fedora.;1 "La Tosca, ' "CleO'
patra" and "Olsmomla" during her com'
ing engagement In Boston.
Lewis Morrlsott has purchased all the
plays belonging to the late Lawrence Bar
rett, except George Boker's "Krancesca
da Rimini." Mr. Morrison has secured
"Genlon," "Yorlck'a Love" and "Rienzl.
A great drawback to the Chinese theater
is the absence of artificial scenery, mova
bki pieces, painted canvas and other ac
cessorles to stage Illusions. Two tables.
three or four feet apart, with a board
laid across, represent a bridge.
Frans Ondrlcek, the Bohemian violinist,
who has beau engaged for a tour of the
United States during the coming season,
will make his American debut with the
New York Philharmonic society on No
vember 16.
Many people who have applauded the
dignity of Joseph Jefferson's Rip Van
Winkle will be surprised to learn that In
1881 the great actor's name occupied as
prominent a position on the burlesque bill
boards as It does now In legitimate come
Out-of-door Shakespeare Is prospering
all over the country, and in one Western
city "A Midsummer Night's Dream" ran
for two weeks. In another place "Plna
fore" was sung with the principals and
chorus on bicycles as long as they could
Btand It and act their parts.
I will never play In English," says
Bernhardt, In Footlights. "I am only a
French actress, and I know," she added
modestly, "that I should not make a suc
cess. In fact, I do not care to hear an
English actress pluy In French, with a
strong accent, nor a Frenchman in Eng
lish." Mrs. Langtry, at the opening of the new
Lyric Opera house at Hammersmith, Lon
don, read an address written by Mr. Wll
son Jones, and every line and the senti
ment was cheered to the echo by the
crowded and enthusiastic audience. The
Jersey Lily was presented with a hand
some bouquet, bound with ribbons of fawn
and turquoise (her racing colors), by Mr.
Acton Phillips, the owner and manager
of the new opera house.
The Dramatic News Is enabled to state
upon semi-official authority that Wilton
Lavkaye will not continue to play the
character of Svengall in "Trilby" after
the close of the summer run In Chicago.
It Is known that Mr, Lackaye has received
Important overtures from other quarters
for his services from that time outward
The piece With which Nell Burgess stars
next season is a comedy of ancient Roman
times, and contains chariot and boat races
by means of machinery which he has In
vented, as he did the horse race in "The
County Fair." Instead of having fore
gone conclusions, these contests will be
genuine, so that spectators may make
bet) IX they wish to.
The Rev. H. Jenkins, pastor of Alnon
English Baptist church, Merthyr Tydill,
having received a second unanimous invi
tation from the church at Honeyborough,
Pembrokeshire, has decided to remain In
bis present sphere.
The new Cymmrodorlon society of Den
ver is preparing for a great Sunday rest I
val to be conducted by Mr. Ap Madoc.
In the west perhaps the greatest proof of
the Interest felt in Welsh music and litera
ture is the newly organized Cambrian as
sociation of Utah at Salt Lake City. This
Is a direct result of the world's fair eis
teddfod victory of the Tabernacle choir,
under the leadership of Prof. Evan Ste
phens, , ex-Governor Arthur L. Thomas is
president of the society. It will hold a
grand eisteddfod in October next, with
prizes amounting to over $2,000.
A conspicuously successful eisteddfod
was held at Hcnoneiu, uian Territory,
towards the end of June, the proceedings
occupying two days. The mines were
closed down and the town presented a gay
appearance, and flags and Welsh mottoes
were everywhere displayed. The presi
dent was the Hon. Arthur L. Thomas.
The adjudicators were on music, E. Bees
ley, Tooele, and L. D. Edwards, Idaho;
and on literature, J. J. Davics, Provo,
and John James, Salt Lake. The provo
was Thomas C. Reese. An amusing fea
ture of one of the sessions was a five
minute impromptu lecture, the subject be
ing "The Dude.".
A well-writterv brochure on "Welsh
Nationality," showing what It Is and
what It Isn't, has Just been issued by the
Welsh National .Press company, . Carnar
von. It Is by C. E, Breese, who has some
thing to say, and says It breezily. For
example: "We cannot all be leaders, and
It will be of immense Importance to the
Cymro Fydd movement that care shalll
be taken In the selection of Its chief
officers. Personal fame Is but too Often
the purpose for which patriotic move
ments are started. Whenever this Is so
patrotlsm Is the mask which disguises
infatuated self-conceit."
Pedestrians who are desirous of set
ting out on a walking tour In Wales, may
do . so .advantageously by starting from
Hawarden and proceeding as far as Holy
well for the first stage, a distance of
twelve miles. From, Holywell proceed
to Abergele. Pass through Llandulas and
Llanduden, crossing the river Conway
to Aber-Conway. Aber, with Beaumaris
on the right, will make the next station.
Proceed hence to Bangor, and hence to
Carnarvon. About twelve miles farther
on Is Llanberls, from which point Snow
don can be ascended, and If the road Is
kept a guide may be dispensed with. From
this point so many routes may be chosen
that It must be left to the tourist to de
cide for himself. Good accommodation
may be obtained at all places on the
A pretty girl
With wavy curl,
An evening party somewhat late;
. A homeward walk,
A loving talk
A kissing tableau at the gate.
A moonlight night,
A hand squeesed tight,
A little reference to papa;
A little kiss,
- AMttle bHss, '
A consultation with mamma'
'A little church, . :
"For bad or worse
Tou take this maid your wife to be;
A trembling yes,
- A loving press, - .. ',''
A little wife to live with me. ..' "
.., , -WUuanuv Weekly.
Stories About; the
Man from Maine,
Tom Reed's First Law Suit How He Won
His Spurs in Congress Other Anecdotes.
In a recent letter from Portland. Me.,
to the Chicago Times-Herald Walter
Wellman corrects a number of current
misconceptions concerning Thomas B.
Reed and Incidentally narrates a few
good anecdotes. Of course, writes Mr.
Wellman, Tom Reed was a poor boy.
Every one of his friends In Portland
knows he Is an avowed candidate for
the presidency, and there would be no
need of Indulgence In an ambition like
this If he had been born with any silver
spoons In reach of his mouth. Some one
suggested the spoon simile to Mr. Reed
the other day, and the big man replied:
"Silver spoons? We used pewter ones
when I was a boy, and when they ran
short father carved othors out of
pieces of wood." Young Thomas Brack
ett attended the city schools and went
through the high school without any
one suspecting that there were in him
any elements of greatness. I looked all
aDout Portland, and was agreeably dis
appointed when I failed to discover the
ancient and toothless prophet who had
fifty years ago predicted that Tommle
Reed had a great future before him.
At 12 or 15 he was a big, overgrown boy,
with plenty of flesh, but without much
strength or activity. He has never fully
recovered from his tendency to fat
and laziness. That he is la.v h n,i.
mlts, but It is physical and not mental
Indolence, for Mr. Reed's mind Is and
always has been exceedingly busy from
early morning until late at night. He
has read everything. Btudied every
thing, and mastered three or four lan
guages. Including one that Is dead. No
lazy man takes up the atudv nt Evn,.i.
at 50, or Italian at S3, and of Spanish
at 56. as Mr. Reed has done.
Heed's First Lawsuit.
There Is a good story about Tom
Reed s first lawsuit. After leaving col
lege Mr. Reed studied law with Judge
Howard and Sewell Strnnit d.,
had an attack of the California fever
This was In 1861. and Reed WA9 22 VMM
old. He went to Stockton and San Jose.
iiu in me lacier town finally hung out
his shingle. , It was there that Mr- Reed
tried his first case In court. He wn
employed to defend Jose Garcia, n
Spaniard, charged with "assault with
Intent to kill and murder." 'The ao.
cused was out on ball, and when the
trial came on was practically unable
to present any defense, for the simple
reason that he had killed his man. and
did not know how to lie out of It. The
testimony offered by the prosecution
made this fact plain enough, "and all
could do," said Mr. Reed once upon
a time, 'was to offer some evidence con
cerning my client's previous good char
acter, and then talk. This I did to the
best of my ability. I scarcely knew
what I was going to say, but while on
my feet a haippy thought came to m.
'Admltttlng, for the sake of argument,'
said I to the jruy, In my most persua
sive way, 'that a Senor Garcia did shoot
this man, where is the evidence that
that Jose Garcia is the Jose Garcia now
on trial In this court?' I went on toi de
clare that, while the prosecution had
offered considerable testimony to the
effect that Jose Garcia had done the
shooting, it had not in the least particu
lar identified this Jos Garcia with the
crime. 'Suppose,' I aeked, a hundred
witnesses were to come Into court ani
swear they had seen John Smith shoot
Bill Brown, and then suppose a John
Smith was on trial for his life, accused
of the crime. Would it not be necessary,
gentlemen of the Jury, to offer proof
that this John Smith was the very
John Smith who had committed the
crime?' It changed to be an unusually
Intelligent Jury," said Mr. Reed, in con
clusion, "and it saw the point very
quickly and acquitted my man. This
is the way In whtcn I tnea ana won my
first case In court."
Another Interesting Case.
Probably the funniest lawsuit Tom
Reed ever had to try came into court
here in Portland shortly after he re
turned from his extremely peaceful ex
periences In the war. He defended a
newspaper in an action for libel brought
bv a citizen of Portland who had been
charged in print with being "on record
as the biggest liar in the state of
Maine." 'This was Mr. Reed's first Im
portant case at home, and he was nat
urally eager to win It. When he an
nounced his Intention of pleading tne
truth of the charge In Justification his
friends, Judge Howard, Sewell strout
and others, told him he was making
a great mistake. "You never can Jus
tify such a sweeping charge as that."
they said, "and If you attempt It you
will only make the damages so mucn
the heavier for your client to pay."
P.eed admitted it was a hard task to
prove that any particular man the big
gest liar In a state which has been
famous for Its production of liars, but
he though he woulfrchance It. He put
on' the. stand a great number of wlt
lietses whose testimony tended to es
tablish the reputation of the plaintiff
as an habitual and artistic liar.
When the evidence was all in Keen
addressed the jury. After reviewing
the testimony he paid he believed every
one of the Jurors would agree with him
they had shown the plaintiff to be as
big a liar as any self-respecting state
ovght.'to have within Its borders, and
the onus of producing a bigger nar man
this plaintiff, with the consequent dis
grace to the fair state of Maine, woum
have to rert upon the prosecution. This
captivated the. Jury, and from that on
the young lawyer had things all his
own way. It chanced that one of the
wltnemes had brought out the fact that
Colonel Jones, the plaintiffs lawyer,
had himself certified on more than one
occasion to the plaintiff's haJblt of pre
varicating, and so In the course of his
argument young Reed frequently maae
use of such expressions met
Twenty-seven witnesses, including
Cc-loncl Jones, swear so-and-so.
Eight witnesses, exclusive of Colonel
Jones,, swear to the contrary." By
these means the ambitious young law
yer managed to keep a grin on the
faces of the Jury from start to finish,
and a verdict was promptly rendered
for the defense. When this amusing
and somewhat celebrated case came to
an end young Reed developed one of
those characteristics which have
marked him from that day to this.
In view of this verdict," he had the
pleasure of writing to a number of fel
lows he knew throughout the etate of
Maine, "you ought to thank me for hav
ing relieved you of a good deal of sus
picion." -
How He Won His Stars. -
In Tom Reed's library hangs a
framed wood-cut from one of the Il
lustrated papers. 'It depicts the scene
In which' Reed as chief actor won his
first spurt as a. member of congress.
When Reed first -went to Washington
to take his seat In the houe the Hayes
Tllden presidential election contest was
the reigning sensation. A special com
mittee was to be appointed to investi
gate allege frauds. That was the Pot
ter committee. Reed was lucky to get
a place thereon, a considerable honor
for a new and unknown man. This
good fortune came to him largely be
cause Garfield, Hale and other promi
nent Republican members of the
house did not care for the Job. It fell
to Reed's lot to examine the witnesses,
and the wood-cut, which hang in his
library, shows the Potter committee at
work in the basement of the capital,
with Tom Reed examining the famous
witness, Anderson. It will be remem
bered that this witness' testimony, as
brought out by Colonel William R.
Morrison, contained an appalling ar
raignment of Republican methods In
Loulslanna. That was on Frklay. On
Saturday Governor Clatliln - went to
Washington, and,' meeting Reed, said
to him: "What Is the matter down
here? I can't find any of our Republi
can fellows. They all appear to be
ashamed of themselves and In hiding."
"Well, we will change that," remarked
Reed, coolly. "What are you going to
do?" inquit'fd the' governor. "I am
going to crofs-examine that witness,
and I'll tear him. all to pieces," said
Reed. When a number of Republicans
heard what the young congressman
was going to do they sought him out
and remonstrated. They said It would
never do to attempt a cross-examination
of Anderson, for even If a liar that
witness was much too smart to be
caught at it. "We'll see about that,"
drawled Reed. "I'll make that fellow
trot or Jump the harness."
The next Monday Anderson was put
on the stand again, and Reed cross-examined
him. Probably there never was
before or since such a fine example of
the high art of roasting a witness. Even
the Democratic papers conceded that
their witness had gone to pieces, and
the Republicans began to come out of
their hiding places. As Reed himself
says, "I never had so much fun outside
of a theater." This performance estab
lished Reed's reputation as a man of
shrewdness and nerve, and when the
committee was about to go over to New
York the Tllden people paid the young
congressman from Mains the high com
pliment of sending a dispatch to Wash
ington reading as follows: "For God's
sake get that fellow Reed pff the com
From the Philadelphia Record.
"Uriels-1, I want a pound of steak, a
bag of salt, two ounces of pepper, a loaf
of bread and a pound of butter. Do you
think you can remember them all, or shall
I write them down?"
"Sure, mam, I kin romlmbjr one by the
other. . When I hev bread I know I want
butter, and when I have a Steak, I want
ptpper and salt."
"All right. Go, and don't be long."
Bridget was not long. She was back In
a very short time, but with an empty
baskxt. . . t -v . - . ..
"Why, where Is the dinner, Bridget?"
"I couldn't remember wan of them.
,"Why, I thought you could remember
each article by the one before it."
"Faith, mam, I had nothln' to remlmber
the furst one by."
Ethel (aged 4) "Did you know Adam
named toll th? animals?"
Frances (aged 3) "Did he name the el
Kthel "Of course he did."
Frances (after a wondering pause)
"How did he name the elephant?"
Ethel (in a superior tone) "Why, I
suppose he looked at th? elephant and he
said: 'I think you look just like an ele
phant, and I guess I'll call you elephant.'
That a why he did it."
"Are you sure this, is a genuine
bens?" asked the customer.
"Sure!" cried the picture, dealer,
prove It. Rubens
"Yes, sir!" said the clerk at the back of
the store.
"Who painted this old master?"
"Me, sir," said the clerk.
But the customer-wae not satisfied and
went away without buying. Harper's
Rector You see things in a different
light - since you married, do you not
Mrs. Nuwed "1 ought to. There were Of
ten lamps among our wedding presents.
Gilmore's : Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies; If you
are suffering from weakness,
and feel exhausted and ner
vous; are getting thin and ail
run down; Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine will bring roses
to your cheeks and restore
you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your
daughters. It is the best
regulator and corrector for
ailments peculiar to woman
hood. It promotes digestion,
enriches the blood and gives
lasting strength. Sold by
Matthews Bros., Scranton.
rlsges. Business Warns Rewiring Bona
lag. Paiatiagand Upholstering. Hes alft
IsaaWSeveMsteniiacrensoa. Pa,
. orricc AND shop
. tl I Laak. A. and Stewart's art Star.
PlMti EifrtTlBf tr Ciralin, lookt, Gttt
HatMafiM tut) Uni Warn.
(Milt .' (U'i
MUNTOITS Ithmsistlsss Ctaas
fails to relieve in three hours aa4 ear
in tnrea airs.
MUXYON'S Dyspepsia Con If goat,
nteed to correct constipation gad cam
all forms of indigestion ami tlfsosi
MUNTOK'S Catarrh Cora sootaes as4
heals the afflicted parts and reelaree thesa
to health. No failure; a curs guaranteed.
MUNYON'S Kidney Cure speedily cores
pains in the back, loins er groins and all
forms of kidney disease.
MUNYON'ri Nerve Cora cares mtW
ness and builds up the system.
MVNYON'S Vitaliser imparts new Ills,
restores lost powers to weak and debilita
ted men. Pries $1.00.
No matter what the disease is or kor
many doctors bare failed to cure yon, ask
your drucelst for a its-cent vial of on of
Many en's Cures, and if yon are not I
nwa your money wiu oe reiunaea.
We are In the business to stay, and what we
advertise is so fake. We will offer to the sub
lie the following bargains la Sboee for 10 days
72 pairs Ladles' Russet Oxford .
flea, sizes 2j to 7, at 65a
24 pairs Ladles' Russet Oxfords.
very fine, sizes 2 to ft), at $1.10
i.aaies' riue trench Doogola
tsuoesat $1.55
Are wortb Stan
winner. lor i .4
Men's rine huoes. band sewed.
fna aA f
in voru .u-
swiu wtj wKiraiii intm imr wur. imm mt9T9
Wm P&sl Mil rhcisinsftr thsm nlkara. Wat hntr nur
food for cub. and our xmbih an rrv
whr im w will KUovrftDte you MtUfMtion,
140 Penn Avtm
We are receiving a few dailft
and arc prepared to furnish Vie
tore, Gcndrons, Envoys, Fleet
wings, Relay Special. Relay Road
ters, Crowns, LoMiNums; all new
in both Ladles' aqd Gentlemen'
Call and Ewmint,
are located the finest fishing and hunting
grounds in the world. Descriptive books on
application. Tickets to all points In Heine,
Cinads and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis.
8i Paul. Canadian and United States North
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Ore., San Francisco.
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to all through trains. Tourist ears
tally fitted with bedding, curtains and spec
tally adapted to wants of families nur be kd
with second-class tickets. Bates always lees
than via other lines. For full information,
time tables, etc., on application to
e. v. skinner, a. e. a.
Atlantic Refining Co
Jaaaaf setarers sad Dealers ss
. , Unseed OIL Nsothae and
tines of all grades. Axis Orease,
" Pinion Grease and Colliery Cone
pound; also a large line of Fa
atllne Wax Candles.
fat ,1m ik. ihum OBAWIS
AC1IB OIL, the only family safety '
burning ell la the market.
Office: Coal Eschagne. Wyoming Ave.
Works at Pine Brook.
iinsAioie.Hslss.Oisei Ol"-S
tnte, AeM, tSU Scree, tJleec. B Sioaih, I
nail -re"'eijape.iMrori
C IMi taeeieSsleiere
! mm
, ... 1'