THE SCRAXTOX TRIBUNE SATTJBDAY :. MOBNINO, AUGUST 10, 1895. 6 KEVS GF THE CLIMES Moveacit Pails to Briig Scaietcra, the Evangelist, to Scraatoa. MOXE.' WAS NOT FORTHCOMING Committee Took Final Astlon la tb ter-Chitteaton. of Florenos Mission Fame. Baa a Novel PU-N C. E. Convention ! Soraaton. Ct Evangelist Schlevera la not coming; to Seranton thla season. This la the deci sion reached by the committee who were considering the matter. Mr Schlevera would have come had the committee pledged fiuanclal support and this they decided they would not do without first making a canvass or the city In order to know Just how much they could undertake and pay for. but as these arrangements could not be undertaken In the time Intervening the date when Mr. Bchievera could come, they decided In the negative. In their estimation this was a wise thing to do under the circumstances. When a cash system of doing Christian work has more generally come Into favor the workers will find the results more sat isfactory. SaMone of the committee: "There will then be no debt hanging around to fret the spirit of the workers, and when you stop to consider. It does not seem Just that the Lord and His work should be compelled to shoulder the responsi bility of repeated and Inexcusable ibad business ' management and poor Judgment. If the business houses of Seranton were conducted as the major ity of the churches are the store win dows would be tacked full of sheriffs' notices." It is not likely that the cause will suf fer because of this apparent neglect of the opportunity of having Schlevera preach to the multitudes of Seranton. a.i there Is now a splendid work being carried on by the Young Men's Chris tian association at Nay Aug falls and by the Rescue 'Mission on Franklin ave nue. Sounder naso I Needed. 1-Vf ore any new religious work Is un dertaken by the people of Seranton It is hoped that the religious promoters wilt lend their efforts toward making permanent some of the -work that Is now being done by "putting a more g.mnd. financial basis under some of it. One reason for the success of the Young Men's Christian association work is that .business methods are ap plied to It and consecrated Christian business principles are bound to be suc cessful. Some of the religious papers have been talking about clear-cut theology. By all means let us have clear-cut the ology. Many of the leaders on theology contrive somehow to mystify their re ligion in the minds of many people, and especially among the young people; In deed, it Is safe to say that a large per centage of church membersjknow very little about the foundation principle of their religion. This mystification and nppurent of .what should be thoroughly clear and easily understood Is 'he cause for a great deal of the flotsam which Is continually attaching and detaching, itself' to and from the different religious organizations. The thing for all Christian workers and speakers to, do Is. first, get . the story straight and then tell It to others, as straight as you believe. If one cannot preach straight, one had better not preach at all. . Christian Endeavor Platis. 'Arrangements have been completed for the transportation of the delegates from Northeastern Pennsylvania to the Christian Endeavor state convention at Erie. Aug. 22 to 35, Inclusive. The party will leave here on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western 12.10 train Wednesday night, Aug.' 21. says the Truth. It is a fast express and the delegates will reach Erie at 7.07 Thurs day morning. The railroad rate Is one and one-third fare for the return trip. From Seranton, (Pittston and Wllkes Barre the fare will be $12.14. Delegates will reach 'Seranton on the evening train and Join the 'Seranton party here. The Seranton City union will arrange a reception for the out-of-town dele gates and alt members of every society of the union on the evening of Aug. 21. Secretary George O. 'Mahy has given the use of the Young iMen's Christian association parlors for the reception, and It wilt be made a very pleasant event, lasting from 9 o'clock until J2. A committee will meet' delegates at train, and they will be escorted to the hall. A special meeting of the executive committee of the union .will be called I for next Monday evening at the Young 'Men's Christian association to make ar rangemonts, and a full attendance of the presidents and corresponding secre taries, constituting the committee, Is urged. There is a special interest In the Erie convention from ,the fact that it will there be determined .whether or not Seranton will have the convention next year. The city committee will go there with strong endorsements and prepared to do hard work. Information about 1he transportation of the convention may be secured from J. C. Manning, Pittston, president Trl-County union, and transportation agent, or C. E. Da niels, Scr,anton, secretary union. Is a Novel Method. Another of the novel religious agen cies for which, the past few years has been noted, is, the Charles N. Critten den rescue car, . the ' "Good iNews," which will, leave New York Aug. 19 .on a missionary tour of the United States. The trip will last, a year and a half and will include Seranton. The car has sleeping accommodations ' for fourteen persona and a kitchen and dining room. Services wilt be held from the platform at stations to which word has been sent on ahead to Christian workers. The evangelical party will be composed of men including Mr. Crittenden, OUr. Ooff, iwho was formerly a Buffalo lawyer and owned the car' and Is now a' convert: Mr. Ooff eon, J. Carpenter, of Jersey City, and several Chicago evangelists. At some places the car will lie to for several days. The party will establish new missions . and Florence Rescue circles consisting of ten workers each. Y. M. C. A. News. . The following little nuggets of Young Men's Christian association news ap pear In the current-Issue of "Young Men," which I published monthly toy the Seranton. association: ."Assitant Secretary Charles Wiley retains his po sition with the association, but has ar ranged to give part of his time to study for a secretaryship. He will probably attend the School of the Lackawanna during . the winter. J. M. Chance, of Sedalla, Mo. the new or ganist ofth Second Presbyterian church, will also be the director of In strumental, tmaslo In - the association and will during the year rorg anlte and ; conduct 'an association orchestra. Mr. Chance la a musician or rare ability, and before coming to Seranton was rec otnlMd a one'ot the leaden In hit pro fession . throughout the southwest . At ' tts iast monthly .tatetlng the board, of director created a pew office, namely tn t of meraberghiB and. educa tional secretary. This is made neces sary by the Increasing responsibility of the educational work, and the necessity of securing a man 'thoroughly fitted to superintend the - manual training' de partment of the;'John Raymond Insti tute.' For this position H. H. Bur roughs, of Washington. D. C, has been engaged. Mr. Burroughs graduated from Cornell In the class of '94. with the degree of M J3. and Is highly recom mended by the president of Cornell, as one who stood well up tn his class, both for scholarship and oharacter. His con nection with the association will begin on Sept. 1." Minor Religions Mention. D. C. Richards has been employed permanently as chorister at the Res cue Mission. Among the many visitors to this country from Wales this summer Is Rev. Stephen Jones, who Is an eminent divine in the Congregational church of Wales. .He Is very well known, being the pastor : at Tuoes and Coy church, near Bridgend, Glanorganshere. He Is now supplying the pulpit of the Elev enth 'Street Congregational church of New York city, but will be In Seranton during the coming week, and . on Tues day evening he will occupy the pulpit of the First Congregational church on the West Side, and at the Congrega tional church on Wednesday evening. Class 12 of the Sunday school of the North Main Avenue Christian church will hold an entertainment In the church parlors on next Tuesday even ing. v Theodore Vlademiroff. a Bulgarian student who Is fitting for a missionary, will preach in the Providence Presby terian church, tomorrow morning. TOMORROW'S SERVICES. Second Presbyterian Church Ser vices as usual Aug. 11, Rev. James Anderson, of Leroy. N. Y., will preach morning and evening. Howard Place Afrtcan Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. C. A. McOee, pastor. Fourth quarterly meeting. Meetings conducted by Rev. -W. H. Brawn, presiding elder. St. Paul's English Lutheran, Park Place, opposite public school. Rev. George M. Scheidy, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 2.30. Catechetical instruction at 7.30 every Monday evening. All are welcome. Free pews. First Baptist Church. Pastor Collins will preach Sabbath at 10.30 a. n and will administer the ordinance of com munion after the sermon. Rev. Owen James. D. D., of Holidaysburg, will preach for Rev. Collins at 7.30 p. m. Rev. James was to fill the Penn ave nue pulpit, but an exchange has been affected so that his former parishioners could have the pleasure of hearing him. First Presbyterian Church- Wash ington avenue. Preaching morning and evening by Rev. Wilfred W. Shaw, of Port Deposit, Md. Green Ridge United Evangelical Church. O. L. Matce, pastor. Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.; K. L. C. E 6.45 p. m.; preaching, 10.30 a. m. In the evening a gospel temperance service to be ad dressed by several prominent speakers. Everybody welcome. At Trinity United Evangelical Mis sion (Little England) there will be a gospel praise service at 10.30 a. m.; Sun day school at 2 p. m but no service on Sabbath evening, the pastor being away to camp meeting. ' Providence Methodist Episcopal Church. All the regular services will be held tomorrow. Preaching at 10.30 a. m. by Rev. G. T. Price, of Court Street Methodist Episcopal church. At 7.30 p. m. Rev. William Holmes will preach. Sunday eohool at noon; Ep worth league at 6.45 p. m. All are welcome. Washburn Street Presbyterian Church. No preaohlng service. Bible school at 12 o'olock; Christian Endeavor at 6.20 In the evening. Saint Luke's Church. Rev. Rogers Israel, rector. Ninth Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion, 7.30 a. m.; Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon, 10.30 a. m.: even ing prayer and sermon, 7.30 p. m. Saint Mark's, Dunmore. Rev. A. . Urban In charge. Sunday school, 3 p. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 4 p. m, Penn Avenue Baptist Church The pulpit will be occupied Sunday morn ing by Rev. Owen James, and Sunday evening by Rev. T. J. Collins. All Souls Church Pine street, near Adams avenue. Preaching 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. on. by Rev. Y. Roscoe. Morn ing subject, "The Gain of Godliness;" evening, "The New Birth. Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church Preaching by .the pastor, Rev. L. C. Floyd. Morning topic, "The Average Christian;" evening topic, "Temper ance." Seats free. Strangers welcome. St. Mark's Lutheran Church Four teenth and Washburn streets. Rev. A. L. Ramer, Ph. D., pastor. Divine ser vices 10.30 a. m., 7.30 p. m. George C. Loos, a student from the Theological seminary. Mount Airy, Philadelphia, will conduct the services. The pastor will administer the i.ord'i Supper, at Gouldsboro, Pa. Jackson Street Baptist church-The pastor will preach tomorrow, both morning and evening (10.30 a., m. and 7 p. m.). iMornlng theme, "Divine Dis crimination;" evening, "Striking Type of the Uplifted Christ." Communion after the evening sermon. Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Preaching by the pastor, F. P. Doty. Epworth League service at 6.30 p. m. Seats free. Strangers welcome. Grace Lutheran church (Rev Foster U. Gift, pastor.' Services on Sunday at the Young (Men's Christian association at 10.30 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m.; Sun day school at 9.30 p. m.; Christian En deavor at 7 p. m. The pastor being ab sent, Rev. 3. B. Gulney will fill the pul pit. TIME LIMIT FORBID IT. From Harper's Basar. ' ' . "Excuse- me, sdr," said the man In the row behind, "but would you mind asking your wife o remave her hat? I assure you that I cannot see a thing on the stage." ' ."I'd like to oblige you, sir, but It is Im possible," said the man addressed. "We live out of aewn and we must get heme tonight." . , . "What has that to do with ttr "What has that to do with H? Why, our train goes twenty minutes after the end of the performance, and It takes her and hour to put that hat on." ' ; LOOltEB JU9T TWENTY. ' At fifteen years ", A fair young girl , , 'i She wore her hair without t curt, ' , High on her head, ' , - . And a long gown, The folks all said She looked like twenty. She did not frown; It pleased her so, you know. To look like twenty. To look full twenty, . At twenty-five -She tied her hair low down, Below the crown, . With ribbons red; . Curls flying wHd. ' ' Then folks said '(, She looked Inst twenty. ' : She merely smiled t . It pleased her so, you know. To look Just twenty. ' ' . , ,-i s : Denver Post FRG T.X:J CFIGIC3Y aBBaasasBmeBmBBsaas) " Notes Regardiag Hasical Natters at Home aai Abroad. NEW SOXG BY PROP. DAVIES Herbert and Smith's Opera to Be Givoa Trial at Wilkea-Barre-Prof. Roberts ' at Atlsatlo Clty-Impresaarlo ' Maekey's Ventares. T. X Davles Mu. Baa, has recently composed a beautiful Sacred aong for basso, which will probably be en titled "Out of the Deep," and will be dedicated to Scranton'a well known basso, Richard Thomas. The theme is worked out in the finished and charac teristic style of the composer and is undoubtedly one of the best things he has ever produced. The Bong will no doubt be published and placed on the market In the near future and cannot fall to become popular. II II II Professor Roberts, formerly musical director at St. Peter's oaithedral In this city, now has charge of the- choir of St. Nicholas church in Atlantic City. Professor Roberta has gathered about him noma excellent voices from the coterie of operatic singers who are spending 'the summer at the seashore, and his choir Is celebrated for tts ex cellence. Several prominent vocalists of the Aborn Opera company are In Professor Roberts' choir. II II II Impresario Mackay. of the Mackay Kenny Opera company, which played an engagement at the Frothlngham last summer, is organising a new company and will go on the road on September 1. Mr. Mackay and company will visit Seranton before the season Is over. II II II Herbert A Smith's new opera, the "Wizard of the Nile," which Is to be produced by Frank Daniels under the direction of Canary & Lederer, will bo given a first presentation at Wilkes Barre In the near future. The libretto of the opera, it Is said, has been written to order by Mr. Smith, and has been prepared with thaJdea of giving Come dian Daniels opportunities for display ing his peculiar talents to the best ad vantage. - The announcement that Vic tor Herbert la composer of the music will be sufficient guarantee of Its excel lence. II II II Speaking of Canary A Lederer, It seems a matter of regret that their selection of a day representative at the beautiful Casino should have been so unfortunate. The average citizen, whether purchasing tickets or in search of information otherwise, can never fully realize his Insignificance until he stands trembling before that awful being who presides at the Casino box office. The ordinary man who can face the Icy stare from the eye glasses of the diminutive specimen of the "mar ble heart bluff" and nut feel congestive chills creeping up hi back would need to be encased in heavy weight flannels with mercury at 96 In the ahade. Any lack of enthusiasm that may be notice able In the Casino audiences may be accounted for In 'the supposition that the spectators have been paralyzed one by one, as they entered the bouse, by the little ticket seller. II II II If a man writes or composes a song In Paris and Is able to get It sung at one of the cafe concerts or oafe chantants of that city he Is sure to get financially rewarded In proportion to the taking quality his work has with the public and the number of times It is given. For a society is now In active operation, covering the provinces as well as Paris, known as the 'Musical Authors', Com posers' and Publishers' society, which deals directly with the places of amuse ment themselves and collects the royal ties from first hands. II II II A considerable hindrance to the dra matic art of this country Is the fact that players no sooner make a success than they fall vlstlms to staromania. (Every morning for the last six years Henry E. Dlxey has opened his window to scan the horizon for another "Adonis," and Lillian Russell would almost be per suaded to marry the composer who could write a second "Girofle-Glrofla." If Robert Mantell could find the suc cessor to Lorls Ipanoff he would pay up his arrears In alimony and return to town in a chariot. The play's the thing. During her last engagement in this city Rose Coghlan lost $20,000, and the man who had all the money spent by Fanny. DavenpoH before "Oris monda" began to pay dividends could go a fishing In his own yacht. New York Press. II II II Lillian Nordlca was singing a few nights ago at the opera house In the character of La Traviata. On retiring behind the scenes at the conclusion of the third act she found herself clasped in the arms of an old gentleman with tears of emotion streaming down his cheeks, who exclaimed: "Let me kiss you! You are unique; unattainable! In imitable!" Mme; Nordlca was quite overpowered with the enthusiasm of the All Her Lift Happy Releatt at Last of Mitt Alice Young, Who Re tidtt at 392 Alaxandtr Stratt, Rochttttr, N. Y. (From the Rochester Democrat and Chron icle.) Our representative was received very pleasantly at 892 Alexander street, by Miss Alice Young, who told how since childhood she had been held in the bondage of pain from her back, never remembering the time that she had not suffered pain or aohes In the region of the kidneys. Many were the means she used to find relief, but there seemed no remedy for her case and she remained a captive; then along comes these little enemies to backache, Doan's Kidney Pills, and a half box releases the bonds, aa one by one the aches and pains disappear, she finds herself a slave . to pain no more, by their continued use. She says: "I was entirely relieved of all my suffering and now I am perfectly strong, healthy and wall." - "How did you take this remedy r Miss Young was asked by) our representative. She replied that she followed directions explicitly. Miss Young then told how the malady affected her, saying her symptoms were: "Stooping, bending over, walking or standing any length of time always gave me a pain In the small of my back. I had a pain In the kidneys all the time and If I caught cold It would always settle there; the pain I suffered was of a very ex hausting nature; at night I could only lie flat on my back, any other position caus ing pain and suffering; the nerve passing up my back were affected and this brought with It severe headaches, but as I said be fore, Doan's Kidney Pills have removed all pain and suffering entirely and I never felt better and healthier In my life." Doan's Kidney Pills are for tale by all dealers, price 60 cents,' mailed by Foster Mliburn Co., Buffalo, N. T Bolt Agents (or the Unite States. " BONDAGE old gentleman.- (But aha was still more overpowered whoa It was pointed out to her that the tiara of brilliants that had sparkled 'In tier fcalr had disap peared since that touching episode. II II II . The Wllkes-Sarr Kodak has the fol lowing kindly comment upon Miss Sadie Kaiser, who ia winning to much favor as a vocalist in London: The welcome that awaits the return of that fair singer. Miss Sadie Kaiser, ought to be a rousing one. This brave tittle woman did more than many people give her credit for when aha went across the sea and accepted the hard and serious work Involved in musical study. The fa mous Emma Abbott used to say that none knew, save those who have en dured it, the fortitude and self denials that are demanded of a vocal student in Europe. It Is always and ever hard, ceaseless, unsympathetic labor, with the heart at times almost broken down with the thought of possible failure. Then the life among strangers, far from home and with no familiar voice to cheer when hop Is drooping. All these things are hidden from the friends of those studying abroad, and it Is safe to say that Miss Kaiser has had her share of them. It is sincerely hoped that when the little lady Is finally released, which will not be for a long time yet, as she expects to return after a brief home visit, she will win that applause and fame which waits on the kind of preparatory work she Is doing. II II II Miss Elsie A: C. VanDervoort. of New York, has been engaged for one year as the contralto soloist of the lElm Park church, iMiss VartDervoort sang there last Sunday, and It Is rarely that a singer receives such universal prajse as was bestowed on this young lady. Those who were fortunate to be pres ent at the morning services brought ftiends with them In the evening to hear her, nor was anyone disappointed. She possesses a voice of wonderful com pass and of the richest quality. She reads music at sight and Is a thorough good musician. The Elm Park church Is to be congratulated upon having se cured such a fine voice to complete their excellent quartette, which will now be composed of Allsi Sullivan. Miss VanDervoort, iMr. Wooller and Mr. Thomas. II II II An Interesting anecdote Is being told In Xew York about Mme. Metba. On a recent occasion she took the part of the queen In "The Huguenots" at a per formance at the Hotel Savoy. During the performance a little child was play ing near the door. In the midst of one of the exquisite thrills of the role, the child became excited and, running to its mother, who was In the audience, cried In audible manner: "Listen, mamma, birdie, birdie." The effect was magical. The audience broke forth Into a storm of applause. After the per formance the great singer said: "Noth ing has ever pleased me more in all the things that have been eald of me In all my life." II II II Tallle Morgan was In New York this week in consultation with the music committee of one of the largest churches of that city, he having been sent for the forepart of the week. It is possible that he will be engaged there this coming winter. (Mr. (Morgan has received several' offers from New York before, but the salary has not been up to his demands. II II II The chorus of the "Princess Bonnie" was tried for the first time Thursday morning by Willard Spencer, the com poser of the opera, and he was well pleased with It. "The Princess" Is In daily rehearsal and It will receive Its first metropolitan production at the Broadway theater. New York, Sept. 2. II II II Professor Haydn Evans will be the organist at the Elm Park church to morrow. II II II W. C. Weeden will assist the Young Men's Christian Association Glee club at the gospel meeting at 'Nay Aug park tomorrow afternoon. II II II Mrs. F. D. Brundage, solo soprano, and Miss Maggie Jones, solo contralto, at the Penn Avenue Baptist church, will enjoy a vacation during August 'I II II The choir of the Green Ridge Presby terian church will have a vacation dur ing the month of August. The musical service will be congregational, led by Oeorge F. Whlttemore. with Mrs. C. F. Whlttemore as organist. II II II Miss iLydla Plchel will sing at the Penn Avenue Baptist church tomorrow. Home and Abroad. It Is the duty of everyone, whether at home or traveling for pleasure or busi ness, to equip himself with the remedy which will keep up strength and prevent Illness, and cure such Ills as are liable to come upon all In everyday life. For In stance, Hood's Sarsapartlla as a general tonic, and to keep the blood pure and less liable to absorb the germs of disease, will be well nigh Invaluable. Change of drink ing water often onuses serious trouble, especially H one has been used to spring water tn the country. From a few drops to a teaspoon ul of Hood's SarsapariUa In a tumbler of water will prevent the water having any Injurious effect. Hood's Vegetable Pills, as a cathartic. cause no discomfort, no disturbance, no loss of sleep, but assist the digestive or gans, so that satisfactory results are ef fected In a natural and regular manner. THE WOODLAND MINSTREL. In the deep woods remote A sweeter minstrel dwells Than ever piped a morn or even not In all the song-swept dells. It Is no voice that soars Unwearying to the blue; Transient, elusive while the soul adores A phantom of the dew. A sense of sliver bells ' Swayed by light winds a thrill Keen as the leaf feels when the spring sap swells And sculptures It at will And ere the tips can say ' ' ' A song has been, awara Of mystery, the soul has lost Its way Doubting and dreaming there. As one In shadowed bowers Of sleep may hear a strain Which haunts his memory in his waking hours, Nor makes Ms meaning plain. Soft as a wavelet's plash Against the sandy walls O, that the mystic melody would dash' Down like the waterfalls! But all the wood Is stirred From violet to pine; And I have Aaard-and yet I have not heard A meody divine! - ' '.:. . Voice of the woodland thrush I ' T ' Phantom of song, that fears -The rushing of a leaf, a rose's blush' 1 And diet when Love appears. . I lose myself In the ' . ' As one who, billow-tost And drowning, hears strange music In the sea Lulled by the sound and lost! -Frank I Stanton, IG .CT C? DOS STOCKS AID taXES. New York. Aug. .-peeulaUoa at the Stock Exchange started off quleUy enough, and for soma time after the opening there were but two movements that attracted attention. General Elec trio disappointed its friends, declining 1 to S4 despite the renewed talk about arrangements looking to a work ing agreement with Its leading competi tors. The weakness of the atock in duced the bears to sell the Grangers, but It was found uphill work to press this group, especially as Manhattan and other specialties showed unwonted strength. Manhattan waa really the banner atock of the day, rising with scarcely a reaction of Importance from 11 to 1194. with final sales at 119 against 11SH yesterday. (No other ex planation for the rise than the covering of a large short Interest, made some time ago, was forthcoming. In the re mainder of the list there was a notice able absence of offerings of long stocks and the bears were considerably dis turbed. During the afternoon Missouri Pacific and the Grangers moved up H to IM per cent, without bringing out any large amounts of stock. Western Union was also taken in hand and ad vanced from 92 to 94. 'Lake Shore rose 2. The Industrials were also H to 14 per cent higher. The tales aggre gated 155,951 shares. The market closed strong In tone at or near the top figures of the day. Net changes In the active list were HalH per cent. (Manhattan, however, gained 3. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by G. du B. Dim mick, manager for William Linn, Allen ft Co., stock brokers, til Spruce street, Seranton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. Am. Tobacco Co 111T4 112 111 UAi Am. Cot. Oil 24 26 26 26 Am. Sugar Re'g Co.lU 11S lit 114 Atch.. To. S. Fe... 15 16 15 15 Can. South 66 66 66 66 Ches. Ohio 21 21 21 21 Chicago ttas 58 C 58 5!t Chic. & N. W 101 1W 101 101 Chic, B. Q 89 91 89 90 Chic, Mil. St. P... 70 71 70 71 Chic, R. I. P 78 79 78 79 Delaware Hud 130 1!W 130 130 Dlst. ft C. F 21 21 20 21 Gen. Electric..'. 27 37 36 37 Lake Shore 160 152 150 151 Louis. A Nash 60 60 60 60 Manhattan Ele 116 119 11 119 Mo. Pacific 37 38 87 38 Nat. Cordage 2 2 2 2 Nat. Lead 34 35 34 35 N. J. Central 103 103 103 103 N. Y. Central 102 102 102 102 N. Y. ft N. E 56 67 66 66 N. Y., L. E. ft W 8 8 8 8 N. Y.. S. ft W It 11 11 11 N. Y., 8. ft W., Pr... 29 29 29 29 Nor. Pacific 6 6 S 6 Nor. Pacific. Pr 17 18 17 18 Paolflo Mall 29 29 29 29 Phil, ft Read 17 18 17 18 Southern R. R 13 14 13 13 Tenn.. C. ft 1 36 36 35 36 Tex. Pacific 12 12 12 12 Union Pacific 12 13 12 13 Wabash. Pr 21 21 21 21 Went. Union 92 94 w V. 8. Leather 15 16 15 16 U. 8. Leather, Pr.... 82 83 82 83 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Open- High- Low- Clos WHEAT. ing. est. est. ing. SeDtember 67 68 67 6S4 December 70 70 70 70 0 T9 September 20 20 20 20 May 24 24 24 21 CORN. September 39 40 39 39 December ......... 33 33 33 83 May S3 34 33 33 LARD. September 622 (.25 (.IS (.15 January 6.30 8.30 8.15 (.17 PORK September 9.80 9.95 9.65 9.70 January 10.60 10,60 10.27 10.40 Strantoa Board of Trade Exehange Ouo-tstlons-All Quotations Btsed on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Ask. nina rtn t, nia. Rank 125 Oraen Rldse Lumber Co HO First National Bank 600 ..... Lackawanna Lumber Co 110 ..... Seranton Savings Bank 200 Seranton Lace Curtain Co 60 Third National Bank 850 ..... Thuron Coal Land Co 90 Seranton Axle Works 80 Snranton OlaiS Co C5 National Boring ft Drilling Co .... 90 Seranton Jar ft StoDDer Co 25 Lacka. ft Montrose R. R 100 Spring Brook Water Co P0 Elmhurst Boulevard Co .... 100 Anthracite Land ft Imp. Co 60 Lacka. Trust ft Safe Dep. Co ir0 Allegheny Lumber Co 105 BONDS. Seranton Traction Co .... 95 Economy Steam Heat ft Power Co 100 Seranton Glass Co 100 Rushbrook Coal Co., 6 100 Seranton Pass. Railway first mortgage 6's, due 1920 110 . People's St. Railway, first mortgage 6's, due 1918 110 . People's St. Railway, second.. 110 .. Seranton Wholesale. Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per UP TO Ettabllthtd 1168. THE (jENUINE PIANO At a time when many manu facturers and dealers are making the most astounding statements against the merits and durability of inferior Pianos, intending pur chasers should not fail to make critical examination of the above instruments. EL C. RICKER General Dealer in Northeast ' era Pennsylvania. New Telephone Exehange Building, 115 Adamt Ave., lb, (ate.:. evaporated apple. Tatc.: Cali fornia pranes, ac; English currants. ta3c; tayee rakuaa, tl.SSal.TC; muscatels, tafic. per tlaLtS per box; new Valan. daa. Sac. per lb. Beaas Marrowfats. tt-tOattt per bushel; mediums, CJ5. Peas Qraea, ILlOaLU per bushel; split. tx.30a 160; lentels. iaSc. per lb. Potatoea-New. M5ax.n per bbL Onions Per bbL. SZSOm 175. Butter lealte. per lb. Cheese (ate, per IB. Egga-Malc Meats-Hams. 10c; small hams, lie.; skloaed hams, lie; California, hams, 7c.; shoulders. 7r.: bellies. Sc.: smoked' break aat bacon. 10c. Smoked Beef-Outsides. 12c.; sets. 13c.; Insides and knuckles, ISc.; Acme sliced smoked beef. 1-lb. cans, 8140 dosen. Pork Mesa, $14.50; short cut, 115. Lard Leaf, la tierces, sc.; In tubs, c; 10-lb. palls, 8c. per lb.; S-lb. palls. tc. per lb.; 3-lb. palls, 9c. per lb.; compound lard, tierces. 6c.: tubs, (c; 10-lb. pails, 6c. per lb.; 6-lb. palls, Cc. per lb.; 3-lb. palls, 7c. per lb. Flour Minnesota patent per bbl., 84.tOa4.60; Ohio and Indiana amber, 84.10; Graham. (4; rye flour. 84.50. Feed Mixed, per cwt. 81.10. Grain Corn. 55c.; oats. 3Sa40c. per bushel. Rye Straw Per ton. 113al. Hay-115al7. New York Produce Market. Now York. Aug. 9. Flour Dull, gener ally easy. Wheat Spot market dull, firm; No. 2 red store and elevator, 7214c; afloat. 74c.; f. o. b., 73a74c.; ungraded red, G&a 75c.; No. 1 northern, 75a75c; options closed firm; May, 78c.; August, 72e.: September, 73c; October, 73c; Decem ber, 78c. Ctorn Spots scarce, nrtner, quiet; No. Z, 46c. elevator; 47c. afloat; options were dull; August, 46c; Septem ber, 45c; October, 44c; May, 39c. Oats Spots dull, firmer? options dull, steady; August, 25c.; September, 24c; October, 24c; May, 28c; spot prices, No. 2, 25a 26c; No. 2 white. 2Sa30c; No. 2 Chi cago. 27c; No. 3, 26c; No. 3 white, 2c.; mixed western, 2fia28c.; white do., 2a37c. white state, 29a37c. Provisions Dull, un changed. Lard Firm, moderate demand; western steam closed at 86.52; city, SU.20a (.25: option sales, none; September closed 86.55, nominal; refined, firm; continent, 0.' a7.25; compound, 4a5c. Butter Quiet, steady state dairy;, 12al8c; do. cream ery, 19a20c.; western dairy, 9al3c; do. creamery, 13a20c.; do. factory, 8al2c; El gins, 20c.; Imitation creamery, llalSc. Cheese Fancy firm and fairly active; state large, 6a7c; do. fancy, 7a7c; do. small, 6a8c; part skims. 2a5c.; full skims. lalc. Eggs Moderately active, steady; state and Pennsylvania, lla 15c; western fresh, 13al4c; do. per case, $1.50a4. Toledo Qraia Market. Toledo, O., Aug. 9. Wheat Receipts, 63,901 bushels; shipments, 59,500 bushels; market firmer; No. 2 red, cash, and Au gust, 72c; September, 72c; December, 74c; May. 78c: No. 3 red, cash, 6Sc. Corn Receipts, 7.5S5 bushels; shipments, 3,100 bushels; market quiet; No. 2 mixed, September, 42c; No. 3 yellow, 42c; No. 3 mixed, 41c. Oats Receipts, 1,202 bushels; market easy; No. 2 mixed, cash, 21c; No. 2 white, 24c; No. 2 white, 22c. Rye Mar ket dull; No. 2 cash, 48o.; No. 3 do., 4uc. Clover Seed Market quiet; October, 35.40; December, 35.50; prime alslke, cash, 35.15; prime timothy, cash, I2.C0; August, $2.40; September, 32.30. Chicago Live Stoek. Chicago, Aug. 9. Cattle Receipts, 4,500 head; market firm; common to extra steers, 3.70a6; stockers and feeders, S2.50a 4.10; oews snd bulls, Jl.25a3.75; calves, $3a 5.60; Texans. 82.25a3.80; western rangers. 32.75a4.90. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head maret firm and 5c. higher; heavy packing and shipping lots, 4.60a5.85; common to choice mixed, 84.40a4.95; choice assorted 85.05a5.25i light, 84.85a5.35; pigs, 13.25a5. Oil Market. Pittsburg, Aug. 9. On the Oil exchange and at Oil City today there were no sales. and the only bid was 128. NEWS OF OUR INDUSTRIES.' Happenings of Interest to the Staplo Trades and Partleularly to the Trade la Iron, Steel and Anthraelto Coal. The Iron Age says the conviction is gaining ground throughout the iron trade that the present level of prices is not alone going to hold Its own. tout that even better figures are bound to rule. Any slight reaction promptly te- suits In a burst of activity which clears up all bargains promptly. A copy of Brown, Shipley & Co.'a prospectus of the Lehigh Valley Coal company bonds has been received from London, says the Coal Trade Journal Among the facts stated It may, be noted that 11,720,000 of the bonds are still in the treasury of the company. The pros pectus estimates that the bonds control lands capable of an aggregate ultimate production of about 250,000,000 tons of coal, and says that the coal company's real estate, advanced royalties, etc were valued recently at over 328,000,000. The company received in payment for the bonds the 4 per cent, sterling promissory notes which the Lehigh Vat ley railroad some time ago negotiated In London to take care of the floating debt which troubled it so seriously. DATE. Ovtr 16,000 It Utt. Seranton, Pa. f w rr- qpf V,f s 124 anil 126 Wyoming An WILL PLACE OR SALE TODAY M All of Reit Week THE FOLLOWING GOODS: One lot fine Embroidered Hand kerchiefs, Leader's price Oo Two lots fine Laces, were 10c and 15c a yard. Leader's price 31c. and 7e One lot Outing Flannels, choice designs, Leader's price , 4jc One lot Buttermilk Soap, Lead er's price a Cakes for 10 One lot Almond Soap, Leader's price ;j Cakes for 12e One lot Castile Soap, Leader's price 2 Cakes for Se One lot all-silk Ribbons, were 85c. to 00c yd., Leader's price, 15c yd One lot all-wool Dress Goods, were 60c, Leader's price 2ie rtnnW Phil. Iron 'a Wnn T ...1 er's price 2 pair 5c One lot Men's Printed Border 811k Handkerchiefs, were 50c, Leader's price 29e Three lots new Nottingham Cur tains, Leader's price, 75c, 98c., $1.39 pair One lot Ladies' Kid Gloves, sizes 5J, 6J, 7, 7, were $1.00, Leader's price . 39c pair Ono lot Ladies' Fast Black Hose, seamless, tine guage, were 15c, Leader's price 10c pair One lot Mer,'s,Boys' and Youths' Outing Shirts, beat quality, were 50c, Leader's price . ..2'Jc pair One lot Men's Silk Suspenders, were 50c. a pair, Leader's price 25c One lot of Men's Fine Silk Neck wear, were 50c, Leader's price 25c One lot Ladies' Fine Silk Neck wear, were 29c. , Leader's Price 15c One lot Fancy Checked Silks, were 75c,, Leader's price . 39c Also a complete line of Colgate's Perfumes, Toilet Water and Soaps at lowest prices. LEBECK & CORIN Spring House U. E. CROFUT, Prop'r, Heart Lake, Pa. Altitude ntarly 2, (W0 ft. Fins btotm nl bosutiful scenery. Heuse new and well f uf Diebed; but three minutes' walk from D., I A W, station, and 100 feet from the lake. GOOD BOATS, FISHING TACKLE, Dancing Pavilion, Swings, Croquet Oroucda etc., FREE to Guests. COLD SPUING WATEll AND PLENTY OF MILK. RATES REASONABLE. Writs for oiroular. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Seranton. ROOMS 4 AND S, Qat and Water Co. Building, CORNER WIOMINQ kit AHP CENTER ST. OFFICE HOCRft from a. ra. to9 p. tn. (1 hour Intsrmieaion for dinner and sapper. ) ParticnlarAttentioB GiientGuCellQctlons Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. VOURIUSIRESS IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Telephone No. 134. THE SCR ANTON VITRIFIED BRICK TILE MANUFACTURING CO., MAsaas or SHALE PAVING BRICK AND BUILDING BRICK Oftlott 320 Washington Avenno. Works: Nay Ang. Pa E. A W, V. R. R. . M. H. DALE, General Sales Agent, Seranton, Pa JIT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the bast quality for domastla See, and of all alien, delivered ia am art of the lty at lowest prloa. Orders left at my Office) NO. IIS WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, first floor. Third National Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to tfi bine, win reoelva prompt attention. Special contrasts will be made for tae nia aad delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. . KS8F TMMKG MD SOLDERES All done away with by the Utt of HART MAN'S PATENT P " " which muni of IntTtdients wall-known to all. It oaa e w saanj i wviivs w" nvii-aiivwn 19 II UeMi smm; applied to tin, aalvanlied tin. sheet iron hW. B .Im ,A kvlMl, .4 1 kl -k. Hill prevent absolutely any orumbllatT, crack ini vr 01 nmni m me oncav H wui out ' last tlnnlnc of any kind by many yearsu and It's coat doss not exceed one-fUth that of the eost of tinning. Is sold by the )e) aSTtoniq hastmamn, m Mr fit ,