The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 10, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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MrulWiiU;. Be Suaaay Ninoa.
M Ssrantoa, Fa, by The Tribune Pua-
Tack ObVk IWBiim KoUdlat. Frank
K. P. RINOSBUnv. Pwa. m Onl Ma.
I. M. SjISwIC. St' m Taeae.
Sr. W. DAVIS. Buaiaaaa Mauaaa.
W. W. VOUItOS. Aa. Maaa'
Wtibii) at tb ronomca at scrartds. fa. as
"Prlntara1 Ink," tka taotHcalud Journal fcr ade
Ibwra, ratoi Taa ftcaaMYoM Taiui)Mai the beet
advertising medium la KorUieaatera Peuuaylva.
nu. -I'nnierr ina- um
Tsr Whklt TaiauKa. lanied Kverr Saturday.
ontalaa Taralvc Ilundaonie l'acaa, with an Abun
dance of Km Fiction, and Well-Bdlted MIkvI
laiir. For Tbnaa Who Qannot Tab Thb Daily
Tiubumb, Uia Weekly la Racomoiandad aa tba
BW lUrgaln Uotag. Ooiy 1 a Year, ui AdTaaca.
taa Taiaova la fcr Sala Mir at the D, U i
Station at Hoboken.
The Tribune acknowledges the receipt
of same more letters from the anony
mous writer at Montrose, to whom ref
erence waa made some time ago. We
may conclude to produce a fae shnlle
of one of these mysterious epistles, to
show the manly portion of the people
of Montrose what a cowardly Little
specimen of humanity they have In
their midst. Posshbly some one may
iUentify him by his chlrography, dls
Kulsed as it manifestly Is.
Governor Hoyt's Warning.
The Philadelphia Press yesterday re
produced the famous letter of Governor
Henry M. Hoyt to Wharton Barker,
dated Nov. 3, 1882, In which he threw
off the heavy yoke that had been placed
upon his neck by Quay and Cameron
when he became Governor, and which
he wore during nearly his entire term
of office. Governor Hoyt -was one of
the bralnest men that ever filled the
ollioe of governor of Pennsylvania, and
had he declared his Independence of
dictatorial Influence at the commence'
ment of his administration he would
not have prone out of office covered
with humiliation and sorrow, as he did,
His declaration of Independence when
near the close of his administration.
constitutes peculiarly Interesting read
ing at this time. What could be more
pathetic than this:
"When 1 reflect upon the humiliation at
tempted to 'lie put upon myself as chief
magistrate for resisting some of the pur
poses of an Irksome domination which
puts politics above administrative pro
priety, and when I recur to the force of
the Insulting methods applied to myself
by means of threats. Intrigue and bad
faith, I realize the regrets of Cardinal
Wolaey that he "hart not served his God
with halt the zeal he served his king."
"In the name of decency and in behalf
of my successor I wish to cmphaslzo the
curse of the whole business and sound a
note of warning to the whole people.
Self-respect compels me to this avowal.
Nor will peace and reform ever come un
til the moral forces In politics which you
have organized prevail."
Had Governor Hoyt assumed this po
sition at the beginning of his adminis
tration he would have been compelled
to pass through a great battle, but he
would have triumphed, and the people
would gladly have welcomed him as a
leader whom ' it would have been no
humiliation to follow. In closing this,
rthq most remarkable letter ever -written
by a chief magistrate of Pennsylvania,
Governor Hoyt ihumbly admitted his
own part In the system which he so
Vigorously denounced. 'He saldr
"Iri making this declaration I have no
disposition to disavow any share I In
dividually may have had In the partisan
method against which the Independent
movement Is not only a revolt, but a revo
lution; I am simply conscious that I utter
thoughts and feelings which stir to their
depths the minds and hearts of thou
sands In this great commonwealth."
When Gsneral 'Hastings became gov
ernor the attempt was made, to -place
upon his neck the same yoke which
Hoyt wore if or nearly lour years. Hast
ings revolted at tha beginning of his
term Instead of -waiting as Hoyt did un
til the time was almost at hand to retire
from Ws office. (Perhaps he remembered
Hoyt's experience and resolved to profit
by his warning. In any eventhe revolt
ed a'galnst tyrannical domination and
refused to become the obedient servant
and docile creature of a combination
of selfish and greedy politicians. Then,
it was that Quay declared war against.
(Hastings and entered upon a 'crusade
to break down his administration. The
.result is the present factional contest.
Mad Governor Hoyt refused to tooiw
the neck at the beginning pf his term
of office he would have been compelled
to pass through a similar ordeal. (For
tunately Hastings Is a man of courage
and ability. Jle accepted the challenge
to battle, and -whatever the result the
people will in the end hold up his hands
and make htm a victor. - He -will not go
out of office in humiliation and sorrow,
as poor Hoyt did.
Ex-Collector Thomas V. Cooper says
he supports Quay for Cameron's sake.
Congressman Stone says he supports
Quay because he Is opposed to Cameron.
Cooper and Stone should meet In cau
cus to discuss their differences.
Chauncey Black's Confidence.
Ex-Lieutenant Governor Chauncey T.
Black Is not red-headed, but he Is al
ways hopeful. He unbosoms himself
annually about this time of the year
and always predicts that the Democrats
wJH -surely carry Pennsylvania! at the
ensuing state election.. He Is as confi
dent as evejr at this time. In Wash
ington the other day he told a coterie
of admiring friends that the Democrats
of Pennsylvania would nominate afull
. . ticket for judges of the Superior court
bench, and that in consequence of the
. factional fight of the Republicans he
felt confident the Democracy V6uld
carry the state. " ; ' . ' v
-Once upon a tlmA when there Was a
faction fight among; the .Republican's
' Mr. Black was nominated for lleuten-
- ant governor and waa elected. Four
years later tie was nominated for gov
ernor and defeated. Another four years
elapsed and he was again nominated
for lieutenant governor and sustained
a second defeat, although Pattrson. the
head or the ticket, was elected. Since
that time iMr. Slack has not been on
good terms with Harrlty and the other
leaders of the Democracy in the state,
but he nevertheless goes right on pre
dicting success for his party from year
to year.
On one point Mr. Black Is correct; the
Democrats will nominate six candidates
for Superior court judges and there are
other Democrats besides the ex-lleu-tenant
governor who cherish the hope
that more than one of them will be
elected. They count largely on realiz
ing, party advantage from the. war of
the Quay and Hastings factions. What
they hope for is that Senator Quay will
capture the convention. and defeat three
or four of the judges appointed by Gov
ernor Hastings. ThM they think would
precipitate a -rupture which would re
sult In a slashing of their own ticket by
the Republicans and opening the way
for the election of at least half of the
judges by the Democrats. Another dis
appointment awaits the York county
The solitary Quay delegate, from Lu
xerne can Join the Susquehanna breth
ren If he wants company. Third term
Sam doubtless has another collar on
hand nnd would rather take three than
two delegates to Harrlsburg.
Death of Justice Jackson.
President Cleveland will have the ap
pointing of another justice of the
United States Supreme court, to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of
justice Jackson of Tennessee, who has
been In falling health for some time
and unable to attend to the duties of
his office. Justice Jackson -was np
pointed to the Supreme court bench by
President Harrison, and caused prob
aibly more adverse criticism than any
other appointment made by him during
his term In the presidency. Justice
Jackson was an ex-Confederate and a
Democrat of the most pronounced
southern stamp, nnd -It was on that
account his appointment Wy a Repub
lican-president was criticized. It was
argued that there -were many as able
and even abler men Irr the south who
had been loyal during the war nnd that
one of-that class should have been
The dead Justice was, however, a
man of fair attainments and his record
while on the bench was unassailable,
He-was In Tobust health at the time
of his appointment, but within a few
years his health failed and it became
apparent that he would never again bfr
able to perform the duties of his high
office. ITe left his bed at Memphis and
repaired to Washington In order that
a" full bench might pass upon the In
come tax bill. Shortly after the de
cision In that case -was rendered Justice
Jackson returned to his home, and from
that time his strength has rapidly van
President Cleveland will doubtless
appoint a southern man to the vacancy
and there will be a lively competition
among the friends of many aspirants
from that section.
The Republicans of Lehigh county
are having a very lively light for the
delegates to the state convention.- The
Hastings supporters are Compelled U
battle against the Quay Republicans
and the Democratic combined, but they
hope to win In spite br this unholy alli
ance of the opposition.
Morrison Distrusts Hill.
Hon. William It. (Morrison, of Illi
nois, recently announced as a candidate
for the presidential nomination, thinks
he sees a shrewd trick In the endorse
ment Senator Hill has glvehTilm.'- Mor
rison can see through the methods of
the New Tork senator and is not In the
least degree deceived by the wily Da
vid's pretended -preference for "a west
ern candidate" for the presidency next
yeatr." (Morrison Is a bluntly outspoken
man at all tlmesand when asked what
he thought of the unexpected endorse
ment' of his candidacy by Senator Hill
he laughingly remarked that the New
Tork senator "hopes to keep the people
guessing until he can combine his own
fortes and march out' with a strong
front." JMr. Morrison evidently has a
prettjr correct knowledge of Senator
Hill's purposes. When the latter In
dorses any 'other man for the nomina-.
Hon for president it Is always safe to
assume that he Is insincere. Hill wants
the nomination himself and has all his
machinery at work to strengthen him-!
self. IHe is flirting with Morrison; and
others whom he hopes lo use when the
time comes to open the battle-In earn
est. Hill has the organization of the
Democracy 1n his own state 'well In
hand and will have no difficulty In se
curing the delegation to the national
convention,- but he must also secure
southern and western delegations In or
der to win.
Vlce-Ppesldent Stevenson Is regarded
wjtih great favor In some of the southern
and western states. He Is an Illinois
man, and mill's endorsement of Morri
son, who Is from the same state, Is a
transparent - stab at Stevenson. . The
latter ts really a hopoful aspirant for
the presidential nomination, while (Mor
rison l Aot. If the truth were known
It would probably appear that Hill him
self inspired the Morrison bo'orrl 'with a
view to precipitating a conflict In the
state of Illinois between Stevenson and
iMbrrison. As may be seen by the In
terview In yesterday's Tribune, Mr.
(Morrison 1s not deceived by Hill's tac
tics, and he bluntly blurts out what he
thinks of tihe wily New Yorker's meth
ods. ... ' " '.-
Presently the administration forces
will be heard. If IMr. Cleveland shall
really decline to be a candidate again
he -will have a favorite of his own, and
it Is safe to say It will not be either
David B.' Hill nor Adlal Stevenson. If
he decides on an eastern man his choice
will probably be ex-Secretary Whitney,
but he may select a southern or west
ern man and throw the whole Influence
of the administration for him Mr,
Cleveland has, not yet developed his
plans.' ' ' ' ..'.-'.
It Is not pleasant to see Republican
papers like the Pirtston- Gazette- giv
ing, the cold shoulder 'to 4h 'party's
ticket 'lt Lttsarn. ' The "contest for'
supremacy In state leadership 'should
not be permitted to affect local politi
cal Interests. The Gasette made a
hard fight for Quay, as Jit had a right
to do, but It will make a mistake If K
carries its warfare Into the local cam
palgn,- The, defeat of Mr. Ferris for
the Judgeship nomination was a great
disappointment to all PKtston Repub
licans, but they eannot Justify them
selves for opposing so good a candi
date as Lyman H. Bennett.
Tha Irrepressible and unquenchable
Congressman "Jack" Robinson, oi vet
aware county, one of Quay's most ar
dent adherents, vociferously demands
that every one of the six Superior court
Judges be defeated for renomlnation
Congressman "Jack" feels that confi
dent his friend Senator Quay will have
everything his own way In the state
convention. The Senator would hardly
go that far, however. He would not
defeat his friend, Judge Wtckham, but
there is not much doubt that If he had
the power he wouM knock out three or
four of the Judges. Happily ne -win
not have the power. Robinson would
pull the Republican temple down any
day from motives of revenge.
Editor James P. Taylor, of the Mon
trose Republican, has taken as a part
ner District Attorney Alney and It Is
rumored that third-term Wright will
have an interest In the new paper that
will be issued by the Globe Publishing
company. It is a little early to predict
what effect these deals will have in the
way of enlivening Susquehanna jour
nalism. If our contemporaries, how
ever, desire a few pointers on the man
ner In which their prospective contem
poraries may be made right spicy and
Interesting they should consult Brother
Barrett, of the Truth, and Brother Bell,
of the Times of this city.
Congressman Stone, of Allegheny, has
made himself a laughing stock by his
declaration that he supports Quay In
the present faction fight because he is
opposed to Cameron. Colonel Stone
stands "solitary and alone" In this re
markable- position. All the other anti-
Cameron men are against Quay because
he Is the direct representative of Cam
eron and Is fighting his battles for him.
Stone might better have followed Con
gresmnn Scranton to Europe and es
caped making such a pitiful Spectacle
of himself.
Primary elections will be held today
In a number of counties, of which Mont
gomery and York are the more impor
tant. The former has seven and the
latter five delegates In the state conven
tion. Both of thess counties are suffer
ers by the defeat of the reapportion
ment bills at the Instance of Senator
Quay, and nil the Indications are that
Hastings will secure all of their twelve
The Standard gives additional evi
dence of prosperity today by the Issue
of a greatly Improved edition. The
paper Is now Illustrated almost en
tirely with half-tone plates, giving por
traits of well known -Scrantonlans, and
scenes of local Interest, nnd Its contents
are spicy and entertaining. ' Messrs.
Nlland and Hangl are to be congratu-
lated upon the success at their venture.
Lake Wlnola 1s scarcely large enough
to accommodate a veritable sea ser
pent, but an Indian cave has been dis
covered Iri the vicinity containing more
wonders than the rooms of the Lacka
wanna Institute of Science and History.
The enterprising 'landlords at the'
Lake are to be congratulated upon their
up-to-date attractions for the summer
Both the Republican and the Demo
cratic candidates for Judge in Luzerne
county have gone through a campaign
for the same office and been defeated.
McLean was defeated by Judge Rice
when the latter was elected the first
time, and Bennett was beaten by Judge
Lynch three years ago. A second de
feat therefore awaits one or the other.
Human nature usually finds no bet
ter Illustration In characteristics than
on the base ball ground. It is invaria
bly the individual who knows least
about the game that is most conspicu
ous as a critic. .
The Real Chief of the Machine.
threatens to be a Reformer with a big R.
Speaking Of his bla- haltlB In Pnnnml,,..!.
ho says: 'I expect to win this fight, and, If
possmie, io exterminate the rotten ma
chines In Philadelphia and Pittsburg. It
Is time the people had a chance.' It has
long Deen Known that Philadelphia and
r-iusuunr nave -rotten machines,' but
who PVnP Ihmitrht nf Uallhaw an i
Quay as ,a machine exterminator? His
rjfiwer nnrl nnlnrlnlv hav. inm in t.iM A-
a machine aeneralnr. Hla nntl,.A nt tnian.
tlon to change his role must make the ad
versary smue tne smile or the Incredu-
luua. - ...
Sustained by tha Elements.
Wllkes-Barre Record: Professor Coles
takes exception to Weather Prophet
Dunn's anticipated "hot wave" from now
on until the middle of September, as
printed In the Record, and wishes to
sandwich that hot wave with a few cool
ing breezes for the sake of the poor,
sweltering numanvty on or about the fol
lowing dates: 17, 22 and 28 of this month,
and on or about the Id or 6th, 7th or 14th
of September. This Is the fifth time that
Professor Coles has corrected Dunn, and
the elements have sustained his correc
tions each time.
Lost a Great Opportunity.
Philadelphia Press: "This Is pretty hot
weather; and to think that If David Mar
tin had not rejected Senator Quay's oro-
poials the Penrose-Andrews-Lexow com
mittee would now be in Europe having a
nice time on the fund it was proposed to
raise to pay the expenses! How exasper
ating It must be to the members that Mar
tin could not be made to faH Into Senator
Quay's scheme. When that failed the real
object for which the committee was cre
ated failed."
Why Should There Be a Change?
Norrlitown Herald: "Why should there
be a change In the management of the Re
publican party In Pennsylvania at this
time? A few months ago all was har
mony and the majority was 210,000. No
one objected to the present administra
tion until Quay 'put In his oar' for per
sonal motives only. To speak by the card,
doe the senator believe that he can
'raise' the 240,000 Republican majority and
go It a few thousand better? Do any of
bis friends believe It?' .
-. : ' - -
Joseph's Slight Mistake.
Bcran ton Times: "Congressman Scran
ton will scarcely know his wing of the
Republican party when he returns. It has
has been ripped up, sat upon aqd ustd as
a door-mat ever shste he left for Eurooe.
Joseph made a slight m intake by going
abroad so early la the aeaaoo. He.ehould
have waited until all the harvesting was
Tommy IMda'i Co.
Montrose Democrat: Tommy Kllrsw
wanted to be delegate to the state con
ventlon. aa "vindication" from the Trib
une's attacks. He said Monday night ha
wouiu go to tne. state convention, and
they tried to aide track him they would
hear from it., dltfcrt go.
I say! Hello! Is that the chiefs office?
It is.
Is that Billy T?
Yes! What do you want?
What's new In politics?
Will you be a candidate to succeed
Think not. I did Intend to, but I have
about made up my mind to resign and ac
cept the foremaushlp of Crystal Hose
Exchange, please connect mo with the
Bicycle club house.
Hello! , n
Is that the lit club?
I understand you contemplate an excur
sion by rail in thC'near future,
Yes, we expect to form a jolly party
ana paca our wheels In a trunk.
What route will you take?
Why, the D. & II., of course.
Hello! Is that the council room?
I hear the Linden street bridge Is nearly
completed, is that so?
It Is.
What are you going to do with It when
It Is ttnlxhed?
55 ! i ;;i
Hello! hello! hi! hello!
What's the matter?
This is the food Inspector.
Ah! yes. How's the milk today, Rich-
It's all rlfrht.
No ice Water used to cool It?
No. Hut say! I want to get some seed
oats. If you have any left to distribute
to new subscribers.
This Is not the seed organ; but why oats?
My horso is getting hungry and as it
looks as though I would have to raise
them for the steed myself, I think it best
to begin planting at once.
Who calls?
This is Lavelle', at the city hall.
What is It, Martin?
Can you do me a favor?
Well, I wish you would ask Mr. Talne,
of the weather bureau, to let us take his
Anemometer! What Is that?
Why, It ts an Instrument used to de
termine the velocity of wind. There Is to
be a meeting of the councils tonight and
we would like to scientifically determine
where we are at.
From Barron's London Letter. '
The Radicals are consoling themselves
in the prospect of their being a minority,
with the cheerful reflection that "should a
Unionist majority be returned to the next
parliament Mr. Chamberlain will not long
remain a member of the cabinet." And
Labouchere, regarding Chamberlain us
the betrayer of Gladstone, institutes a
caustic comparison In these words: "What
would have been thought In the councils of
the Pharisees had Judas been made a col
league of the high priest, Calaphas?"
Could American politics" say more?
Written for The Tribune.
You have kissed the gills In plenty,
From one year old to twenty t
Kisses better far than honey you can
taste their sweetness yet;
But far dearer than tlm kisses '
Given by these kindly Misses,
Is the ever-verdant mem'ry of the one
you did not get.
For one tall and winsome fairy,
With grace so light and airy,
Kept you ever fondly saying, "I'll
achieve my purpose yet."
But at length she shyly vanished
With the gift for which you famished.
And she left you sadly sighing for the
kiss you did not get.-
Reader, pardon this digression-.
Does pursuit or docs possession
The greatest pleasure give? I really
cannot say. Yet
You have forgotten MIeses,
Wnho bestowed on you their kisses,
But you'll always recollect the girl
whose kiss you did not get.
i " ... ,
Now, of course, there Is a moral .
In this simple story for atl
Those Indiscreet young ladles, who will
sometimes much, regret
That they gave sweet kisses freely,.
Fpr they find a lover really
Will remember moro than all the rest
the kiss he did not get, Olive,
Moosic, Aug. 9; lfi!C.
in m m
The Best of Them "7CTD
All Is thet . ...... C. n VJ
Porch Chairs and Rockers, -Fine
Reed Chairs and Rockers,
A Few Baby Carriages Left at Cost
Cedar Chests, Kf 9th Proof, In
Hill &
' : '
Great Waist and Wrapper Sale
The balance of our stock, representing the productions of sevi
eral leading manufacturers, !
At About One-Half the Cost of the Material
All garments offered are perfect in finish and shape, as
they can be. We simply ask an inspection to verify the above
assertions. The prices put upon these goods will insure their
positive sale within a short time.
Ladies' Cambric Wrap,
pers with double
ruffle, worth
$1.00. at
Wrappers In
French Lawn
with double ruffles
and scalloped shoulders ;
worth $2.25, your choice at
Gold Band
White China
At Cost. , .
We arc selling our entire stock
of Gold Band White China at
cost, parties having Tea Sets
can not' add it few pieces and
mulce up a Dinner Set; or those
having Dinner Sets partly hro
ken can match them up at a
very small cost.
Come early and get the pieces
you need most.
1 1 VI I IsllVbllf
ill BALL
Clarence M. Florey, the
sporting goods dealer ofWyo-
ming avenue, lias devisea a
scheme to keep the boys in
terested in the matter of base
ball. With every ten cent
ball or bat he will now give a
fine cap and belt, which are
uniform. Among the hustlers
is Mr. Florey.
la tba genuine article, and it' flrat clan fan to
have It. You'll never have anything alee If
you make your pnrcbaaai of Bhirta from oar
itoc'c. We sire oar caatomera a genuine, flrat
clasa value.
Conrad, Hatter
GBll and aaa the Piano and eoae taa aea
mrn of
Tons to foaaa only is e WEBER
on d-hand Planoa we hav takaa la axoaaao
for them. , -
AT 19c.
150 dozen Ladies' Waists, laundried and
unlaundried, com prising Lawns, Dimities, Per
cales and Chambray in.stripes and checks; also
plain and striped linen effects, immense large
sleeves with yoke back and full fronts.
AT 73c,
Special Attention Given to Business
ud Personal iccouts.
Eational Bank of Scrutu
CAPITAL 250,000
SURPLUS, $(0,000
AMTTEti' HTNKS. Prealdent
W. W. WATBON. Vlce-Prealdtat
A. a WILLIAMS, Caahlar.
Samuel Hlnea, Jamie if. Ever art, I
tea; A. riaeh. Florae B. FlnWy, Joseph .
Jarmyn. M. ft. Kamerer, Charles P. a(at
taawa. John T. Porter, W. W. Watsoa.
W. DHC, UI11
sank Invites the patrooaca at lms
1 sasa aad Atom coaeraly.
ft prapftred to farnbb travel! with
Moosic Poudor Oo,
Boosi 1 ud I CosseieAltk BM't
tAffltn at Raad Powder Co.
Orango Gun Powdcf
Xleotrlo Battariea,' rasas for ankst
la blasts, Safety Vu aad
11 fine
BepusoCUzld Co.'i EiiEx;!:a
rr n ri n n r
Ladies' Wrappers in best
Percales, stylishly made,
worth $1.80 to $1.75.
your choice
AT 49c,
S3 fl . .
b-vuhi as a, a. wmim
anil S ,
IaAimtil Wi
1 A.W m
Blank Books,
Office Supplies.
And SappUee,
Stationers kJ ERpiYsrs,
Sweet Potatoes
Home Grown Tomatoes
And Green Corn,
Jenny Ltnd Cantelonpes,
Bartlett Pears,
Peacbes, Etc.
Ret teeth, $5.(0; best set, f: for said caps
and teeth without plate, called orown and
brldae work, call for prlcea and refer
ncaa. TONALOIA. for extractlnf test
without pain. No other. No ta.
with an oil or aa rtove. Ho mokL dirt or
mall. It doaelhe work o well The price,
tm MlM,l..nvnnkln0ln 4ta littlanMM.
Our Hardware itand In th front rank. A
Kt or kettle, tin can or pan, doe tu duty or
II accordins ,1a rifhtly made of the
th notarial. The rlsht kind are what we
areaelllng. - .
A lor price, w have made them o sum
that thai need aupporb and well hare to rata
them to gat mpport, bat llttl prloat bring
blf bualcee.
. . ' -
.:. a.