10 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MOENINO, AUGUST 01 1895, is ---- ------- '";? iTr-,;'j- -- ---- ---------- . I MNKROPt SAhE OF TRUSTEE AT- THE eg FAI 400 AND 402 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, Commencing Saturday, Amgtast 10th, 189 WOO WORTH OF DRY GOODS, Notions, Ladies' and Gents' Famishing Goods, Capes, Jackets, Suits, Wrannflrs 11 1 U 11 VI u illinery, Etc, M AT THAN 50c. ON THE DOLLAR ENTIRE STOCK TO BE SOLD WITHIN 30 DAYS. fflss w am The 4.54 Expre By JOHN T. PARTINGTON.. (Copyright, 1W, by Irving Bacheller. ft la to me always an Interesting oc cupation to look through my old note foooks, for there I And memoranda of a number of very remarkable occurrence! and mysterious Incidents, in the clear ing up of which my duties as a district Inspector In the traffic department of the London and Northwestern railway have caused me to take a not unim portant part. And my experience has not been by any means peculiar or ex ceptional, tor many of my colleagues Jn varkms departments of the - service could tell of equally extraordinary events with which, at one time or anoth er, they have been called upon to deal while performing the duties assigned to them by the 'company. I have often thought how much surprised some of our passengers would be if they only knew of the romances and strange life stories of which they have, as It were; unoonaoiously touched the fringe now and again as they have perambulated our stations or traveled by our trains. A case of much Interest to me at the time of Its occurrence, and of which I still 'have In my house a highly prized memento, was that of the disappear ance of Mr a Falrholme's tittle boy, few years ago, as he was traveling from Rhyl to Connah's Quay by the :54 express one evening in midwinter. The case,began, so far, as I was -concerned, with a summons on the tele phone. I was sitting In my office at Chester station one morning, writing a repott upon the previous day's work ing, when the telephone communicating with the superintendent's clerk's office gave the call for attention. I responded, amd then received the message: "Mr. Waters wants to see Inspector Barnes at once." Dir. Waters was the superintendent of the North Wales district, and a sum mons from him, always called for im mediate attention. I hurried along the platform, ascend- "Coming." I replied. , d the stair leading to the district , of fices, and after the usual preliminary knock at the door of the superintend ent's private room, opened it and en tered. . . ' : A lady, apparently young, and with a graceful figure and strikingly handsome face, was sitting by Mr. Water's desk; and a glance was sufficient to show me that she was In great distress of mind.' ''Barnes," said ' Mr. t Waters, "this lady's name Is Mrs. Falrholme.'' She sent her little boy from Rhyl to Con nah's Quay last night by tfie 4 ex-press,-tout He has not arrived at -his destination, arid she can get no tidings of him. . You had better leave any other work Jwtt have In1 hand, and And the boy. Sirs. Falrholme will give you par ticulars. I have explained to her that Z am due at a meeting now, and cannot stay to go Into the case further myself. Let me know the result of your Inquir ies as soon as possible." .Mr. Waters shook hands with Mrs. Falrholme, at the same time uttering a few reassuring words, and left the office; and I then turned to the lady and said: "Will you be good enough to tell me, madam, all the circumstances In connection with the disappearance of your son?? "They are briefly these," she began. "I live at Walsall, but have been stay ing for a few, days with my sister at Rhyl, and have had with me my two children -a boy off nearly 6 years of age, and a girl of 3. iFor a day or two my little girl has been somewhat unwell, and yesterday I thought I detected symptoms of scarlet fever. "The doctor was uncertain about It, but said he would be able to tell what the ailment was during the day. I was terribly upset, and was anxious to get my boy away from the risk of infection. I have no friends at Rhyl except my sister, and at first did not know what to do. I then remembered that a faith ful old nurse of my mother's, who mar ried a Welshman named Edwards some years ago, lived at Connah's Quay, and I telegraphed to her.asklng If she would take charge of my boy for a few days. She replied at once, readily agreeing to do so, and I had then to decide how to get him there. I went down to the sta tion about 8 o'clock, and at looking at tfhe time bills, found that there Was a train to Connah's cjliay at 4!t5 p. m., stopping at all stations, and another at 6:54 p. m., which did not stop till It got to Connah's Quay. I did not like to leave my Httle girl while she was so un well, and for several reasons my sister could not go; and I therefore decided to send Frank (that Is ray boy's name) iby himself by the 6:54 express. I thought that by choosing that train he would be quite safe, as I would see him away from Rhyl. There would.be no stop pages on the wy, and therefore . no chance of Ms mistaking the station he was to get out at, or of his being mo lested by passengers entering the com partment at other stations; and Mrs. Edwards would meet him on arrival of the train at Connah's Quay station. ...... "To make quite sure that all was right I saw the station master, and he con firmed my reading of the bills, and said that my boy was sure to be all right If I sent him by. that train.. I telegraphed Mm Edwards again, telling her the train Frank would come by, and asking her to meet hlra; and she was kind enough to wire back saying she would do SO. -;.w; , .. ... ... . "I took ..Frank down In good time for the train, which arrived punctually; and having taken 4v second-class ticket lor him, looked for a compartment of that class, .but I could only And two. One was full of passengers, and the other was labeled 'Smoking,' and some noisy men were In It. I noticed a third-class compartment with two women In It, seated opposite each other close to the door; and as I was afraid the train would be going If I took up any more time by looking elsewhere, I thought I would place Frank In that compart ment, and at once opened the door and lifted him in. I then noticed for the first time that there was a disreputable looking man at the farther end of the compartment, and I was sorry that I had put Frank there; but it was too late to make any change, for the train was just' starting. The porter closed the door, and I walked along by the side of the compartment as far as I could, throwing kisses to my boy, which he smilingly returned; and that Is the It Was Necessary to Ask Some Questions. last I have seen or heard of him. I should have said that as I lifted Frank Into the compartment I asked one of the women to see that he got out at the next -stopping-station, and she prom ised to do so. "After" the train had gone I went home and awaited for the telegram which I had asked Mrs. Edwards safe which ' I had asked Mrs. 'Edwards -.to. send 'me, announcing Frank's safe ar ravllah hrarth mahtm hamth.maht rival; and soon after 8 o'clock a tele gram was brought to me, but ohl-I-can-not tell you what, my feelings were when I read It; for, as you 'Will see, It stated that Frank had hot arrived, and I felt sure at once that' some tnU fortune had happened to him." As Mrs, Falrholme spoke, she "minded me the telegram, which read as follows: " "Mrs. Falrholme, ."- "Z, Colwyn Villas, ' , ..'-Rhyl. '.. "Met train, but Frank not arrived by W; wiH meet next. Mary Edwards." "I 'don't . remember anything very clearly for some time after reading the telegram," Mrs. Falrholme continued. "My sister tells me- that I- fainted and remained unconscious for a while, and when I came to myself the last train, for -Connah's Quay had gone. I could not rest, however, without making per sonal Inquiries about my boy, and I therefor arranged with my eistef that she should nurse my little girl; and I came to Chester by the 10 o'clock mall, and took a conveyance back from Ches ter to Connah's Quay, arriving at Mrs. Edwards' house about midnight, and finding our old nurse almost as much distressed as I was myself. ' "Before leaving Rhyl I uad communi cated with the local police, and I did the same at Connah's 'Quay in the early hours of this morning, and no doubt they are doing all they can; but It was suggested to one that as my boy disappeared while traiveling by train, I had better come to Chester and see Mr. Waters as soon as his of fice opened this morning, and ask his assistance In the (matter, and that Is what I have lust done." It was necessary for me to ask Mrs. Falrholme several questions before I could feel that I wraa In possession of all. the necessary particulars. From her replies to my queries I gleaned the following further information: (Mrs. Edwards had seen the boy once or twice before, and would have no difficulty In recognizing htm, although the boy might not so readily know her. The station master at Connah's Quay had confirmed Mrs. Edwards' state ment that the boy did not alight there. He had delayed the train a minute or so to look for the boy In some of the compartments, but could not say wheth er Inquiry had been made In the 'par ticular compartment In which the boy had been placed. . The carriage In which the boy traveled was In the front part of the train, about the second or third from the engine. She was sure rihe could Identify the man who was at the farther end of the compartment. His face bore a coarse, brutal look, and was disfigured by an ugly scar which ex tended right across bis left cheek. He was very dark, and had a bushy beard, but no mustache. One of the women In the compartment was stout and had a ruddy face and red hands, and tho other was quite young, and wore a shade over one eye. Frank was con sidered a pretty child. He had golden hair, and was dressed In a little Lord Pauntlenjy suit, covered by an overcoat of rough black cloth , with brass but tons, and he wore a sailor cap.' She had sent his luggage by the previous train, and It had been received by Mrs. Edwards In due course. She had given him a shilling to spend, and he also carried a small gold watch and a silver chain, whloh had been given to him a short time previously. The watch was old and not of great value, but Frank liked to wear It whenever he could, and she had, perhaps rather foolishly, con sented to his taking it to Connah's Quay. .Frank was rather proud of the watch, and might. In his childish way, have taken It out of his pocket to look at while In the train. . It was the eder woman whom she spoke to about seeing that the boy got out at the next stop ping station. She did not think she gave the name of the station. She had told the boy that he was to get out at the first station at which the train stopped, and look out for (Mrs. Ed wards, whom he was to call "nurse." She could not say whether the man and the woman were friends traveling to gether, or strangers to one another. I had little doubt' that I should find that the' train had stopped out of course at some station between Rhyl and Con nah's Quay, 'and that the boy had alighted there In the belief that he had arrived at his destination. I got a time-book and made notes of the timing of the train by which the boy had traveled. The train stated from Bangor at 6:30 p. m.. called at nearly all stations to Rhyl, and was timed from Rhyl to Chester as under: Rhyl Prestatyn' Mostyn HoUywell Baglllt Flint .v......,,, Connah's Quay Queensferry Sandyoroft .... ..'.!.! V P depart ,. ,pasa pass ,. pass ,. pass , . - pass dtpart dopart depart arrive i. m. I:M t: T: 7:M Going to the trains office, I asked to see the guard's Journal of the train for the previous day, and on examining It my conjectures as to a special stop were at once confirmed for, clearly enough, there was a note on the jour nal stating that the train had "stopped "I'll Relieve You of Your Charge." at Mcityn, by special -Instructions, to set down Sir Philip Sandford and pat ty. The rest of the working had been ex actly In accordance with the time-table. There was no passenger train to Mos tyn 1 til 11.45 a. m., . but a fast goods train left at 10.20 a. m., and I decided to travel by that, and arranged for It to slacken at Mostyn to set me down. "Now, Hughes," I (aid to the sta tion master, as soon as I arrived at Mostyn, "I shall be glad to relieve you of your little charge. I hope you haven't found him over-troublesome." The statlon-manter looked at me with some surprise. "I'm afraid you are trying to have a Joke at my expanse, Mr. Barnes," he said. "Not at all," I replied. "I refer to the boy who got out of the 6.30 p. m. from Bangor here laul night by mis take. He ought to have gone on to Connah's Quay." The statlon-marier shook his head. "There's a blunder somswhere," he said, "there was no boy got out here by mistake." (To be Continued.) RELICS OP THE NAPOLEON CRAZE. A stout little boy having b:en presented to the Emperor, Napoleon took him on his knee. "Well, children." said he. "what are your names?" "Paul," satd the boy. "And the other?" "I have no other." said the boy. "What? Only one name for both of you? asked Napoleon. "I'm only one boy," returned the lad. "Why, you surprlso me," said the Emparor, with a laugh; "you are so heavy I thought you were twins." "I never really loved but one woman,' said Bonaparte. "What?" cried Bour rlsnne, with a doubtful smile. 'At one time," returned the Emperor. "What Is the matter, Bourrienno? asked Napoleon of his secretary one mum ins; "you look blue." "I am blue, sire," returned Bourrlenne; "I've written you up, and, as far as you've gone, you won't make more than one volunw." We'll (Ix that," said the Emperor, quickly; "I'll In vade Russia. That will prov!d you with two more chapters, anyhow." And he did.-Basar. , , ' PllL HIS TOXCIE. Dr. Lsborde, a Parissn Savant, Claims That That Is the Best Way to Re suscitate a Dying Man. From the Times-Herald. The Hellman horror, through which six human lives were lost, is too fresh In the public mind to need a recount ing.. An entire family, father, mother and four children, was killed by as phyxiation. Not one was saved! This is the particularly sad feature of the terrible tragedy, which would make any thoughtful man exclaim, "What ws done to resuscitate these unfortu nates?" The answer Is, "Nothing!" In tho excitement attendant unon the discovery of the lifeless bodies, nobody thought of resorting to means to recall the apparently extinct spark of life. The report of the calamity, after de scribing In what positions the victims were found, "looking, except the father, as If they were enjoying a peaceful slumber, from which they could be awakened," ended by simply stating that "it was evident that lite had been evtinnt for some hours, and any effort of resuscitation would have been frult- le." The subject of resuscitating persons fram asphyxiation, whether it be through drowning or otherwise, is just now receiving considerable attention from the faculty of the Paris Medical academy. A number of doctors ex pressed their opinions that a large per centage of people who have apparently suffered d;ath from suffocation might have been, recalled to life by patient and scientific treatment. Advocates Tongue Pulling. It remained for Dr. Laborde to startle the learned body by his decidedly novel way of treating cases of suffocation. His blzane method seemed both to amuse and frighten the assembled doc tors Dr. Laborde Insists that the most effective and, as far as he has found, successful way of resuscitation is ob tained by the rythmical pulling of the tongue of the person suffocated. The modus operandi, he explains, Is simple. The victim Is laid on the ground, table, floor or any sufficiently large flat sur face IMost people dead, or apparently so, have their Jaws firmly set. The mouth Is forced open as wide as possi ble and kept In that position. The doc tor or other operator seizes the tongue with a firm grip. Then while pressing down the base of the tongue with a spoon or similar object he commences to pull It out to Its full length toward himself with a steady but strong mo tuio iniiRt be VeDt ud at the rate of fifteen or twenty pulls an hour. The tongue is very liable to slip tnrougn me ..... .ml this must be carefully pre vented. Or. Laborde advises the per son performing this operation to wrap a handkerchief around his hand, by hinK mum he will secure a very firm hold on the tongue. "There need be no pulling too vigorously," he says, 'so inns- na it la done with the regularity of clock work, this being Imperative to In sure success. Care must also be taken that the operator always pulls the tnnima toward himself, thus Retting all the muscles In play which would be prevented If the pulling was done siae tf nosnlble It Is beneficial for the petson who Is being resuscitated to have someoouy vigorously run coin the chest and the lower extremities. How the Idea Came to lllm. nr T.ohnrde savt that the Idea of this process suggested Itself to him while iMttnir mnmtx lah-vjfnrv ecnerlmenfs. He had noticed that animals asphyxi ated by means of chloroform, for tha purpose of vivisection, were strangely sensitive when their tongue was pulled out. They became restive and showed other signs of returning consciousness. This set Dr. Laborde to experimenting. He pulled the tongue a number of time and invariably caused the animals to break Into a loud hiccough, first rather passive, but soon becoming sponta neous. The doctor claims that he has made almost Innumerable experiments with dogs, which he has suffocated and which to all appearances were dead. He feels confident through the success he has had that this method of pulling the tongue is Invaluable. In one case he mentions a man who had been given up by everybody as dead through the Inhalations of charcoal fumes. Dr. La borde happened to pass the house, was called In. and succeeded, after working net less than two hours. In bringing the man back to life. This method has met with the strong approval of loading medical men. an! may be used not only In cases where suffocation from drowning or the .in halation of noxious fumes has en sured, but Dr. Laborde says It Is as effective in cases of strangulation, lock jaw and similar afflictions. - One man who had, by accident, swallowed the contents of a bottle of bromide, and ceased, was brought back to life and completely cured by having his tongue pulled in this fashion. THE BUSINESS MAN'S LUNCH. Hard Work and Indigestion go Hand in Hand. Concentrated thought, continued in, rows the stomach of necessary blood, and this is also true of hard physical labor. r Wl.fl. n f.vm l.,ru-twia.r llrifl fa made to do ten horse-power work something is going to break. Very often the hard- , worked mini cotniiiff fiom the field or the office will "bolt" hi food in a few min utes which will taice Hours to tngest. i oca too, many foods are about as useful In the stomach as a keg of nails would be in a fire under a hnilrr. The ill-used stoiunch, refuses to do its work without the proper stimulus which it gets from the blood and nerves. The nerves nre weak and "ready to break," because they do not get the nourishment they require from the blood, finally the ill-used brain is morbidly wide tempts to find rest ill bed. . The application of common sense In the treatment of the stomach ami the whole ' system brings to the busy man the full en joyment of life and healthy digestion when he takes Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets to relieve a bilious stomach or after a too henrtv meal, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to purify, enrich and vitalize the blood. The " Pellets " are tiny , sugar-coated pills made of highly concen trated vegetable ingredients which relieve the stomach of oil olleiidiiig matters easily mid thoroughly. They need only be taken for a short time to enre the biliousness, constipation and sloth fulness, or torpor, of ' the liver; then the "Medical Discovery should be taken In tcaspoonful doses to in crease the blood and enrich it It has a peculiar effect upon the lluing membrane of the stomach and bowels, toning up and strengthening them for all time. The whole system feels the effect of the pure blood coursing through the body and the ' nerves arc vitalized and strengthened, not . deadened, or nut to sleep, as the so-called . celery compounds and nerve uiUturcs do but refreshed and fed on the food they need for health. If you suffer front Indi gestion, dyspepsia, nervousness, and any of the ills which come from Impure blood and disordcrea' stomach, you can run vonrself with Dr. Pieicr'a Golden Medical. Discovery which can be obtained, at aa drug store iu the couutry.