TltE, SCBANTON TRIBirNE FRIDAT MORNING. AUGUST 9, 1893. : CarboDdale RECEPTION LAST EVENING. Brtlltaat Eatcrtalameat at the IIobm of Mrs. H. N. Ilillsr. '. Mra. H. N. Hlller, of Lincoln ave nue, gave reception lasrt evening In honor of her sister. Mtea Derfla' How. of Utlea, N. T. The house was ninu sumely trimmed with cut flowers a Twit f ml nlnnta thf nre valltne colors and of h Mmntlnn mum being yellow and of the dining room pirns anu tour ra. Hlller was assisted In receiving by Mes- dames J. S. Nlles. H. w.tiarrisuii. A. Bassett. the Misses Butler and Mrs. TlTUUm Pnlamnil ilf Ti ttTSOn. N. J. Among the guests present were: The Mesdames R. Manvllle. W. A. David Zelley. of Brooklyn: M. A. Harri son. Q. D. Baker. A. S. Baker. C. O. Mellon. C. W. Mellon. P. K. Burr. T. 1 McMillan. A. W. Refolds. Hoyt. Giles. R. H. Reynolds. W. P. E. Moras. W. R. Morss. Dennis. Whiting.' urlt- a xiiio. iRaialpv. McMullen and ..i ihi Misses Grace Smith. Bell. Abbott. Strickland. Mary -Watt and Miss Smith, of New York RETREAT AT ST. ROSE. Conducted by rather Brleh-About Two llnadrad Sisters In Attendance Ou Tuesday evening the annual re treat of the Sister of the lmmacuuu Heart of the Scranton diocese openeu .. raigi nhh h Is held each year Is for prayer and meditation and will last uine days, closing on us. Tiio riwai this vear is In charge of Rev. Father Brlch. of the Order of the Redemptlonlsts of Annapolis, neariy 200 are In attendance and Carbondale Is finnqpn ns the olace of holding the re treats on account of the excellent ac commodations and ample room. tm vr rinses the term of the mother superior, and at the end of the retreat a new one to serve for six years will be elected by the sisters. Right Rev. Bishop O'Hara. of Seran in. will nrobablv be present at the closing ceremonies and wilf announce the rtsult of the election of the motner superior. BRIDGE UNSAFE. The Eighth Avenue Structure Is Closed by Order of Engineer Frick. By order of Engineer Frick the Eighth avenue bridge was closed yes terday afternoon. The bridge has been condemned for some time, but no atten tion has been paid to It until lately. It was visited by Engineer Frick and several of the councllmen, and when they saw Its unstable condition all traf fic over It was ordered stopped. The electric track crosses the river at this point, and the people have to be trans ferred, as no cars are allowed to pass over It. Contractor Robinson was called to give his opinion on the subject, and said he thought It stlll-esafe, al though much weakened by the con tinual passing of the cars. One of the Iron upans put in by the Traction com pany to strengthen the structure has broken off, and on one side it has sunk nearly six Inches. THE CITY TREASURY. Big Balanea on Hand Bonds to the Amount of S4.000 Are Redeemed. The month of July was a pretty busy month and considerable work was done by Treasurer Gramer. Bonds to the amount of $4,000 were redeemed. Four South River street bonds for $100 each were among them. Four Dundaff street bonds amounting to $2,000. and three second sewer dis trict bonds of $1,500 were also redeemed. The month of August will be by far the busiest month of the year. This Is duo to the fart that the delinquent pen alty Is added to all taxes on Sept. 1. Sewer and paving assessments are also due at this time, and probably $20,000 will be collected In August. PERSONAL MENTION. Mlses Millie Brown and Emma Pat terson, of Honesdale, are the guests of Mrs. Arthur Howell, of Seventh ave nue. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wheeler, of Church street, have returned from a trip to Atlantic City. Mrs. A. Corbin, of Nlnevah, N. T and Miss Josephine Corvln, of Baln brldge. N. T., are visiting their brother, A. Corbin, In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tarrlngton have returned to their home In Jersey City after a few weeks' visit with the form er's parents. They were accompanied toy a sister of Mrs. Tarrlngton. Mr. and Mrs. James Herbert, of Jer sey City, are the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Allen. Isaac Burros, the proprietor of the night lunch wagon, was united In mar riage last evening to Miss Bertie Stern, of the Electric City. Scott W. Beach and family, of Ter race street, have returned home from Equlnunk, Wayne county, where they have been visiting relatives. ' Miss Lena' Reynolds, of Forest City, Is the guest of her uncle. Attorney J. F. Reynolds, of this city. Howard Tripp, of Scranton, spent yesterday In Carbondale, as the guest of Mrs. H. D. Herring, of Salem ave nue. Mrs. Vaughan anil daughter, Delsey Vaughan, of Providence, have returned home after a short visit With Mrs. Henry Snyder, of Lincoln avenue. Mrs. J. P. A. Tingley left yesterday for a visit with friends In the New England states. She will probably lx gone a month. Mr. and 'Mrs. George Keen, of Lincoln avenue, have returned from a visit with relatives In Lordville, N. Y. (Mrs. W. W. Lott ts quite 111 at her home on Belmont street. P. M. Campbell has returned from GREAT CLEARING SALE OF Carpets, Oil Ms, Linoleums, Lace' Curtains, Chenille Curtains, Tapestry Curtains; Window Shades and Wall Papers. ? Mutator, this m a boaaMe Clearing f . rise Sal to tasks room for fan gooes. J. GCOfflNGLK Rutland, N. Y where he has been vis iting. (Misses Katie Flttslmmons and Mame Conway, of Scranton, are the guests of Mrs. P. A. Walker. Miss Teresa O'Neill, of Susquehanna, la vlsitslng Miss Nora O'Hearn, of South iMaln street. iMlss Eugenie Smith, of Ninth avenue, has accepted a position with the Hen- drlck Manufacturing company. Miss Sarah McComb la visiting in Central Valley. N. Y. Mrs. James O'Brien, of Oneonta, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Edward Burke. IMrs. F. C. Walter, of iPrompton, Is vis Itlng her sister, IMrs. L J. Walter, of C Bronson avenue. IMrs. Hessling, of Wayne street, has returned from Honesdale. where Bhe was called by the serious Illness of her father. G. A. Wlldenberger, of South Canaan, spent yesterday In this city. IMlss Jennie Langan, of Long Island Is visiting her sister, IMrs. John Qllroy, of Farvlew street. IMrs. Mary MoLean is visiting friends In Scranton. IMlss Anna iMcqDnald. of Pittston, Is the guest of Miss Wary Boylun, of Pike street. Announcement ts made of the com ing marriage of IMlss Frances E. Davis, of Jermyn, to Albert N. Kerr, of Scran ton. The ceremony will take place In the Olethodlst Episcopal church in Jer myn on Wednesday evening, Aug. 21, at 8.30 o'clock. iBoth parties are well and favorably known In this city. Miss Da vis having been a student at the high school for several terms. Mr. Kerr Is a members of the firm of Kerr, Sle becker & Co. FACTOR WILE The lecture given by Rev. L. R. Jan ney at the, Methodist Episcopal church Monday evening was largely attended and was very Interesting. The subject was "Jungle Life In India." Ml93 Elsie ShmUlth. who has been visiting friends here for a few weeks, returned to her home, at New York, Tuesday. Attorney 'M. J. Wilson and wife, of Scranton, spent a few days In town visiting friends. The Salvation Army will hold a camp meeting at Starkville, near Iron Bridge, commencing Aug. S, closing Sunday evening, Aug. 16. Every one ts Invited to attend. Miss Maud Capwell left Thursday for a visit with Philadelphia friends. Keystone band of this place will give a concert at Waverly this (Friday) evt ning. A very fine programme is promised. The Mrs. Sarah Rice circle and Cap tain E. J. Rice post of this place have accepted an invitation to attend the se en-county reunion at Montrose, Aug. 21, 1293. They will be accompanied by Factoryvllle Cornet band. Time for train and rates will be given later. The Methodist parsonage promises to be one of the finest residences in town. A very pleasant dinner party was given at the residence of B. S. Gard ner, Wednesday. The following were present: Mrs. C. H. Read and daugh ter. Annabella. of California; William Seamans and daughter, Mrs. June Sea mans, of Fleetville; Mrs. Ocena Cap well, and Sabra Seamans, and Misses Amy Capwell, Maud Capwell, and Ma :el Seamans, of this place, Mrs. Abba Gn'dner and Mrs. M. P. Gardner. The residence of Mrs. Ocena Capwell was left entirely alone and locked up for the first time in thirty years. Clarence Bonn and family will move their household goods to Tunkhannock today, where they will reside In the future. Wilson Sweet and wife, of Fleetville, visited Mrs. Sarah Slmrell, Wednes day. HONESOALE. Two Carbondale bloods arrived In Honesdale Wednesday afternoon. Their pockets were well filled with cash, so they proceeded forthwith to paint tha town In a swell but fast fashion. Towards evening things became more hillarous, until finally one of the twain was politely invited to leave an up town restaurant. Returning soon, however, he walked up to the door, and, with a remark that he was able to pay fiir It, planted his "Trilby" through the Tlass panel of .the door. The anger of the restaurant proprietor arose, a po liceman was quietly summoned and our gentlemen of Carbondale was marched n the direction often taken iby ordinary criminals. Before Incarceration In the nunty domicile was made, however, 'he matter was amicably settled,, and the gentlemen awoke to the sense of Honesdale Justice promptly adminis tered. Mrs. Percy L. Cole and sister, Miss Mabel Heft, are visiting friends at Ounmore. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dunsmnre have 'eturned to their home at Wellsboro tfter visiting relatives here. A hotly contested ball game was played In the Silk Mill flats yesterday ifternoon between the Active, of Scranton, and Amatles, of Honesdale. Pedestrians ought to be thrown Into i state of extreme agony when they ook upon the contortions and evolu tions through which cyclists have to go when riding on Main street. In order to scape being run down l5y horses and n endeavoring to kefp off from the iharp edge stones in the middle of the "oad. A bed of stones now extends varly from one end of Main street to the other, and takes up the middle of the road. .The old road remains un touched on either side, and Is Just wide nough to permit the passage of a vagon. Bicyclists are also partial to .his part of the road, which occasions -nany close shaves between wagon and Mcycle. Id time this rtoneway will nake a passable roadway, but why not now. : -.!! Relief In Sis Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladder rils oases relieved In six hours by the "New Great ' South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great sucprlse on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of tha urinary pas sages, in male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and euro this Is your remedy., Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 126 Penn ave nue, Scranton, Pa NEW MILFORD. E. T. PMnney and wife, of Pittston, ire guests at the Eagle hotel. Dr: Hawkes participated In a lively unaway accident Wednesday, getting t bad tumble and several bruises. It was rumored on the avenue yes erday that the Heart Lake camp meet ng was coming to this place for a sea or . The "Joflah .WhltoombM Theatrical ccinpany has written ua regarding play ing a weekta engagement at this place, and asking our opinion. That depends. If you have a good free show and a lot oft bum patent corn cure or rosy cheeks tonic (10 cents a box) to dispose of. why, you can't get here too quick. But If your production Is a first-class drama, why stay away, unless you have a tie-pass In your pocket. Charlie Dean and Miss Jennie Dean arc home again. The Job of' engineering our city illu mination plant was awarded to Mr. Brewer. Dtnnls Fancher and Miss Gertie RIs- ley were married at Kirkwood, N. Y., on Tuesday. They have the well wishes of a large circle of friends. HALUSTEAD. M. F. O'Connor's tailor shop on Franklin street was broken Into on Tuesday evening and several pairs of pants were taken. There is no clue to the robbers. Paul Barrlger'a father is seriously ill In Baltimore, where he Is visiting, and but slight hopes are entertained for his recover , Oscar Bell, formerly of this place. Is lslting his friend, Scott Ward, on Church street. ' Dr. Handrick Is In Owego. Miss Lillian Thomas, of Conklln called on Mrs. F. D. Lamb, on Front street, on Thursday. Mrs. F. D. Lamb will leave on Satur- duy for a visit with her parents, at Clifford. Pa. Miss Myra B. Watson, of Bingham- ton. is the guest of Mra. L. G. Simmons. The Hallstead Fire company have ac cepted the Invitation of the Franklin company of Scranton to be their guests on firemen's day In that city. The Hallstead Cornet band will fur nish music for the Hartford fair this year. The Lawrence family held a reunion at Conklln on Wednesday and they there decided to purchase a memorial window to cost $75 for the new Baptist church of this place. The base ball club of the Railroad Young Men's' Christian association at Scranton will play the club of this place on the home grounds Saturday after noon at 3.30 o'clock. Three carloads of stone have been received from Nicholson for the new Presbyterian church. The Ladles' auxiliary to the Railroad Young Men's Christian association will hold a supper next Thursday afternoon on the lawn. Mrs. William Ayers, of Buffalo, Is vis Itlng friends In town. TAYLOR. George Timlin has returned from a visit to New York city. On Thursday next, the date of the Price Library association's outing, the merchants of the town will close their respective business places, and enjoy the refreshing breeze of Mountain Lake with the members of the association. Tonight the Price Library association will hold an Important business meet ing, at which all the members are re quested to be present. A farewell party will be tendered Miss Lllla Howells by her numerous friends this evening. - Miss Howells will soon leave for Chicago, where she will permanently reside. Extensive preparations are being put forward by the Union band of this place to make their picnic on the 17th, at Weber's park, a most enjoyable affair, and they sihould receive the hearty support of the people. Since the brief organization of this band they have favored the townspeople with their inspiring and delightful music on many occasions. They have also lent their aid to worthy societies by at tending socials, etc., and discoursing music and attracting the people with out compensation. Mrs. M. M. Williams and daughter, Miss Blanche, were visiting In Duryea yesterday. The Batsmashers and the Reds, both teams from this place, played a clofrf and exciting game of ball on the school house grounds yesterday afternoon, which resulted In a victory for the former team. The Reds will play the Mooslc Populars on the same grounds this afternoon. Dr. Reynolds, of New York city, Is visiting at the homeiof Isaac FelU. Alexander Dunn and Dr. Ferguson, of Scranton, were visitors In this place last evening. MONTROSE. .Master Spencer Tiffany Is visiting his brother at Hallstead. Glen Guy spent Wednesday at Heart lake. Miss Bessie Post and Miss Lucretla DeSchwelntx are visiting Miss Keene, at Heart lake. The new sidewalk at the crossing of High and Locust streets Is a great Im provement as well as a convenience. D. V. Gardiner will sell cigars and candy at the seven-county reunion. Miss Grace Scott is visiting her cou sin. Miss Lines, at Hallstead. Mrs. Watkins, of Towanda, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Searle, for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Newton are the guests of their son. Dr. Newton, on Church street. ' The engine on the Lackawanna and Montrose ran partly off the track Wednesday. Miss Lou Whitham Is visiting at Mrs. Guy's. Myron Kasson, of Scranton, was In town Tuesday. He came up from Sprlngvllle to attend the convention. Dr. Nevlns, of New York elty, waB called home on business yesterday. Dr. Nevlns and family made the trip from Jersey City to Montrose by coach and expected to stay here three or four weeks. The Nicholson Base Ball team played the return game with Montrose and with the aid of the umpire defeated our team by the score of 16 to 20. A largo crowd of New Mllford's elite were In town. NICHOLSON- (Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Titus have re turned home after a two month's so journ with their daughter, Mrs. J. M. Osterhout, of Punxatawney. IMlss iRuth Grimn. of Scranton, war the guest of Miss Grace Warner Sun day last. The lawn social held at A. 8. Titus Wednesday last was a success, both financially and socially. The lawn was beautifully decorated . with 'Japanese lanterns. Mrs. C. E. Cunningham, a former resi dent of this place, but now of Punxa tawney, Is the guest of -Miss Emma Harding. . ' Mr. and (Mrs. 8. L. Tiffany have re turned from Lake Nicholson on account of the son Jesse's Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Judge and son Wade, of Mansfield, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Williams. " Johnnie Nlven, The Tribune carrier. Is on the sick list. TheNicholson Bate Ball team orosssc bats at Montrose yesterday with tha Montrose team. - - WHI Decker. Clarence McConnell. Dr. Harry Wllklns and Joe Harding start today for Lake Nicholson for a week' outing. . Miss Clara Wilcox has returned to 'New York after a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Wilcox. LAKE WJNOLA. Albert Schulti, of Scranton. Is spend ing the month of August with Bert Sherman, at Point Breexe. Miss May Perkins, of North Park, re turned home on Wednesday, after spending two weeks with Mrs. Brown, on the Point. K. M. Crawford, of Philadelphia, with his family, are at the lake. Mr. Craw ford expresses himself as highly de lighted with the lake and Its environs. This Is his third season spent here. Miss Antonette Ball, of Honesdale, Is the guest of Miss Agnes MacMlllan, at Langcllffe cottage. Howard Benjamin, of Scranton. has forsaken his companions at Camp Bird and returned home after spending a month here. Reports of large catches of fish are heard on all sides. iMr. Bowman, of Wllkes-Barre, enticed twenty-four bass from the lake on Saturday, and Mr. Mott twenty-six. while B. S. Robinson, It is claimed, has a voodoo In his fish ing boat, as he Is able to entice good sized catfish away from his companions In the same boat. . ' The Elslnore club returned to Scran ton on Monday, having spent ten days at Hiawatha cottage. Their absence Is not Iceable. Mr. and 'Mrs. Bert Sherman drove to Scranton on Wednesday afternoon to spend a few days. A large party of Tunkhannock young people drove to the lake on Monday evening. Mrs. Thomas Hughes, of Green Ridge, and Miss Helene Barnes, of Scranton, are here for two weeks. MOOSIC. Bert Hessler was visiting at the home or '.Mrs. Hessler on 'Monday. Rev. G. N. Makely,f Brooklyn. N. Y., was In town yesterday, visiting among friends A large number of the residents of this place attended the excursion to Lake Ariel given by the Order of Elks from Scranton. W. R. Manners was In Scranton yes terday on business. ' The Bonta Plate Glass company are making rapid preparations to start the works this month. A number of men have been hired. THROOP. Rev. Griffith Roberts and wife, of Big Rock, 111., are spending their vacation at the home of their daughter, Mrs. M. J. Morgan, on the Boulevard. The school board met at the council rooms and business of Importance was transacted. Those present were: Q. D. Sanderson, J. B. Walker, J. Sykes, J. Brown, T. Hanam and H. W. Bell man. C. D. Sanderson was In the chair. The old teachers were reappointed for No. 1 school; and for No. Miss Nettle Blrtley was appointed In addition to the regular corps. ACCOUNTS FOR IT. An Arkansas City woman used concen trated lye instead of baking powder In her biscuits. Her husband ate of them, and none of his. friends have been able to put any dependence in what he said since. Topeka Journal. Indigestion Yields readily to Hood's Banaparilla because it tones and strengthens the stomach and aids digestion by sup plying pure blood. "I had indiges tion so badly that I was all run down and could hardly walk. Had no appetite and could not sleep. I began taking Hood's Banapa rilla. and hefara I ad taken a fourth of a bottl. I much better. I also used Hood's Pills and found them splendid, very mild, yet effec tive. I cannot say enough in praise for wbtt they have done for me. Since nslng two bottles of Hood's Banaparilla and Hood's Pills occasionally I (eel almost like a new penon. I have a splendid appetite, sleep well and work with ease." ANNIK C. Laktz, Belleville, Pennsylvania. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only True Blood Purifier proml nently In the public eye. 1; six for 5. Hood's Pills SSaSiTtt: "4M4 AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest Improved farolh lags and apparatus for keeplnf neat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Av. ei leevvvvvvvv EMPIRE DRY GOODS CO.. 516 LACKAWANNA AVE. The Ktork we pnrchued t tbe Fber if ' 8le at Hack-ton, P. Our Bale, since opening, iirored more mtltfictory than we thought. N11 crowd on Monday wai large, md carried away the Bargain!, and the (tock which hi left we'll dispone of at yonr own tirlcea, Bale all wek at the following price: I cam Dtoh Qlnghami, grwM price, 7 cent, . Our Prloe, 3Vf Cent I eaae of Unbleached Brown Cottoa, 4 4. heavy, for ahixtlng only, iroaa price. oentr, Our Prloo, 4H Cent I caae Checked Crath, all linen, groet price, io cen t. Our Price), 6 Centa I caae Blaacned Tuwela, sy the pair, - f i Ingetl, groat prloe, 10 cents. k Our Prica, 10 Centa I rase 9 4 Bleached Mohawk Muslin, gross price, 16 cents. Our Prlea, 12HCnta A great sale for the use of every household. 1 casi of Turkey Bed Covers, sites 8x4, and luxt, gross plies, i.w ana ll ou, Our Prl, BOo. and 69o. . Fast Turkey Red. ... M MO8C0, OLO'STO BjOOH (III PRICE , 516 Lt: Magnetism as a Coraliie in Chronic Diseases. It Is no longer a doubt, but a demon strated fact, that the power of magnetU;u and electricity as used In the cure ot chronic diseases la the greatest aux iliary to medicine that Is known to science at the present day, and some of the most wonderful cuiws have been performed ty the proper use of the above mention-. I powers. Dr. F. It. Smith and staff have employed those powers in tho cure of chronic diseases for muny years with Up most remarkable good results, as the fol lowing case will show: Mrs. Uroate, a lady ubout 60 years old, came to Dr. Smith and staff. Bhe was suffering with strict ure of the throat for about eight year.i. For over six years she had not swallowed a mouthful of solid food. She had be.-n compelled to live on tea. coffee, milk and the thlnest kind of roiiiis. Bhe had been doctoring for years, but found no relief. She was told by several dovtlrs that there was no cure, that all she could hope for was death, which would come by degress, or, in other words, that the passage to her stomach would close and she would slarxe to death. Living in utter despair a friend called her attention to an advertisement In the paper of the cures made by Dr. Smith and staff, and contrary to the ad vice of the family physician she com menced taking magnetic treatments. She was told that she had simply thrown her money away, that no doctor could cu-e her, but despite of all those protestations she is today a living testimonial to the healing virtues of magnetism, for she was absolutely and permanently cured of her affliction by Dr. Smith and staff. If you are suffering with any complaint call on those docUrs at 5U3 Linden street, opposite the court house, and be cured. Consulta tion free from to 6 dully except Sund.iy. Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 a, m. to t p. m. THE BELL 230 Lackawanna Ava, Sorantoa. Tbe Times May Not Be All It Should Be, but Our Will go a great way toward evening up things Tor our customers WE SHE YOU MONEY MIS Ml SUITS. Vei's Suits, regnlir price $9, $4,65 Hen's Salts, regular price 12, 7,75 PANTS. Men's Pants is lei as Men's Casslnere Puts Men's Fine Dress Pants $.65 1.45 2.25 BOYS' CLOTHING A Serviceable Snlt for $ ,85 1 Good Wool Suit for A Hobby Dress Snlt for 2 Pair Knee Pants for 1.48 2.75 .25 THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ava, 8IQN OF THE BELL 2 cases of Snmmer Balbrlggan Men's Un derwear, In all qualities, ajroM price, 25c, ' S'ta and Uo.. our Prlca to Close Out Entire Let 20c Wdofen Men's White ITnlaunJHed Bhlrta pure linen bosom, double front and back, gross price, 60 csnts. Our Prlea, 29 Centa HOdocen of Outing Bhlrts, In all qualities, gross price, 'Sc., 30c., 50c., 8 to. and "So. We will make a sweep on the entire lot and lt her go at 29 Cents Your Choice H OSIER Y-These prices will hold good for all this week. 600 pair Men's Socks ' at SOm frees price, 10c. : 64 pairs Ladles' Fast Back Hose, gross price, 10 cents, Our Price, Set 18 dosen of French Balbrlggan Half Hose, and Fsst Black Hose, gross price, 25 cent, Our Price, 12 Cents . Ladles' Testa at one-half less than elsewhere. Be careful and call. BARGMN8! - :a Arm (Action to our Washburn-Crwihy Co. wish to assure their many mf rons that they will thla year hold to their uaual custom of inllliuK S fRICTLY )Id WHEAT until thewcrop la fully cured. New wheat ia now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are) of the opinion that It fa already cured, and in proper condition for milling. VVashbtirnrosby Co. will tako no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling ha placed Wnshburn-Crosby Co.'h flour far above other brands. MEGABGEL Wholesale Agents. MTTI0GS UNDER VALUE the present cut will 1.. tc J rt- quite dmerent Irom what you will see elsewhere. Samples sent by mail. State quality wanted. TT' 1 . if rugnest graae inserted ngurea ana lancy styio Cotton Warp Mattings, former price $12.00, now 50. e Fine Seamless Fancy, was $11.25, Superior Seamless Fancy, was $io.5o, Extra Heavy, was $10.00, A Good Stout Matting;, was $7.00, A Medium Grade, was $5.00, All Mattings measure 40 yards to a roll. Cut quan tities 2 ic and 5c. per yard above the roll price. Any of these Mattings are cheap enough to buy for future use. An early visit of inspection is earnestly solicited. 406 and 408 BRANCH AT CARBONDALE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Menufacturera of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Qeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. YOURS FOR COMFORT A well-made Couch, fringed all around, covered in latest design corduroywhich means durability 28 inches wide, 76 inches long, double roll pillow head something new. Some stores have valued not as good at $15.00 ; others at $12.00. 'ECONOMY'S' price is $9.90. Only two dozen of them won't last long at the price. Fall Carpetings Are now ready for means lower prices. OURS-A Credit : . ( Gash patrons : com give our customers the ; 'c 1 i . 1 n i r . now $8.25 now 7.5o now 7.00 now 5.00 now 4.5o Lackawanna Avo. YOURS FOR $9.00 your inspection. Early choice House Soiling at f . . . Prices. FURNITURE - COst"? 225 and 327, f Wyoming Avenue, EBEOKEB 1 OIL i": V
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