The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 09, 1895, Image 1

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    ... N
Prices fta
Look t the old tags on our Parasol
took, and at the new ones put on
thbs morning, and you'll And the
closing out bargain story revealed
at a glance. Such heavy figure cut
- ting was not done thoughtlessly, or
with a recklessness that we so often
read about In advertisements. We
1 don't do business that way. Wo
figured the whole thing out careful
ly and found out that the bulk of
the stock had been sold at fair pay-
ling prices. The balance left is Just
aa good In styles and everything
klse, as those already disposed of,
lut the quantity is limited, so we've
included we can afford to lose a
fctle money on what we've left. In
Jer that a thorough and complete
trance may be effected.
oality md
Distinguish the two following num
bers, which, for convenience sake,
we have placed together. No. 1 Is
covered with rich Dresden Silk,
Ivorlaed stick, Dresden knob handle,
etc., etc., and up till today has
cold for $6.50. No. 2 I of extra
rich Shot silk, with heavy and deep
tangle fringe to match, natural
Welxe! sticks, and all the other etc.
that correct fashion demands. It,
too, sold for $6.50 up to this morning.
Clearing price for
Your Choice $4.00
Our $3.50 China Silk Parasol, with
extra deep ruffle, top ruffle, etc.,
etc., and fancy cane "sticks has been
one of our most popular sellers. It
has quality at every pomt -to re
commend It, and the shadings are
just right.
Closing Price $2.00
China Silks, styles pretty, much like
the foregoing number, but with two
ruffles instead of one. An all sea
sons leader at (2. 76.
New Price $1.75
No. 1. China Silks in various shades,
with double ruffles, the best frames
and pretty sticks. They were $1.25
till this morning.
Closing Price 75c
No. 2. Stylish China Silk Parasols
in all the popular tints, deep ruffle
and two rows pretty lace Insertion.
Always brought 12.25.
New Price $1.25
No. J. Very handsome China Silk
Parasols, In bright colors, with) deep
chiffon lace ruffle, sticks and gen
eral finish as good as mama's very
best. Never sold under $2.50.
Closing Price $1.50
That W
. And Its half prices Is drawing
crowds dally. If you are thinking
of sharing In Hs bargains get In
early, as stocks are rapidly disap
pearing. 1
Good Ok
Two Girls Stabbed by aa Italiaa
He Flanges a Knife into the Bodies of
His Helpless Victims Over and
Over Agala-Sad ' of
t'nlawfnl Love.
New York. Aug. 8. A double tragedy
was enacted on the sidewalk In front of
325 East Eighty-eighth street at 1155
o'clock today, when an Italian stabbed
two women repeatedly with a stiletto,
inflicting wounds rrom which both will
In all probability tile. The cowardly
assassin is Plllppe Ulampata, 47 years
old, a shoemaker. His victims are Kate
Well. IS years old. and her sister Rosa.
27 years old. The sisters were walking
down East Eighty-eighth street on the
way to their home, while all unknown
to them Olampata, who stood In hlillns
In the vestibule of S23, awaited them
with murder in his heart. In his hand
he held a stiletto, eight Inohes in length,
made from a piece of quarter inch steel,
sharpened to a needle point.. As the
two women reached the steps of the
house Glampata sprang frpm his hiding
place with a shout and curse, and
seizing Kate by the throat, plunged the
stiletto Into her left breast near the
heart. The wounded woman screamed
In agony and her sister shrieked for
help. Withdrawing the stiletto the as
sassin plunged it again and again Into
his helpless victim, accompanying each
deadly stroke with a curse.
Olampata having wreaked his de
moniac wrath on Kate, turned to Rosa,
who stood paralyied with fear, and.
seizing her by the throat drove the
keen weapon Into her body over and
over again. He was plying the weapon
on the woman when George Hohensteln
seized his arm. Then he turned upon
Hohensteln and struck him with his
knife, ibut fortunately without wound
ing him. Hohensteln then loosened his
hold and Glampata started away on a
Before he reached the corner, how
ever, he was taken Into custody by
Policeman Lldel. Lldel called two
other policeman and sent them back to
look for the girls. They found them
where the stabbing had been done.
Katie was still lying on the sidewalk
and Ro3i was bending over her. An
ambulance was called, and both girls
were taken to the Presbyterian hospi
tal. There it was stated that Kate,
who had seven stab wounds, one near
the heart, and the others in the arms,
back and breast, could not possibly sur
vive her Injury. Rosa, who had re
ceived no less than nine wounds, the
most serious being one in the back,
near the spine, might recover.
Cano of the Murder.
The cause which led to the tragedy
goes back two years, when Kate Wells,
then about 16 years of age, met Glam
pata and fell In love with him, although
he had a wife living. Glampata made
her presents and spent much of his
time with her and the usual result fol
lowed. He betrayed her, and the Inti
macy was maintained until some time
last May, when they quarrelled and
separated. Glampata kept the baby,
which was the result of their Intimacy,
and would not give It to her, hoping
by that means to force her to return
to him, but she would have nothing
more to do with him.
He still loved her, and pursued her
with his attentions, following her on
the street and loitering about her home,
until on July 2 last she pro
curred a warrant 'for tils arrest. He was
taken Into custody but Magistrate
Crane discharged him on his promise
not to annoy the young woman any
He still persisted In annoying her and
yesterday she again caused his arrest.
When arraigned before Magistrate
Mott this morning, Kate complained
that he annoyed her when he met her
on the street, and that he persisted In
asking her to return to him. The mag
istrate held him in $500 ball to keep the
peace, and paroled him In the custody
of Lawyer Quitman until this after
noon to produce ball. Nothing In Glam
pata' s manner showed that he med
itated revenge, and he said no word
that would lead to the belief that he
mediated the fearful deed which he
committed less than an .hour later.
Refuses to Yield a Jot on the Liquor
iNew York, Aug. 8. (Mayor Strong
held a conference with President Roose
velt regarding the enforcement of the
excise laws, when he sent for Mr.
Roosevelt the mayor. It Is said, dis
tinctly requested the president of the
police board to order a general halt,
and, to the mayor's surprise, Mr. Roose
velt declined to do so. In a word, he
refused point blank to change his views
on the enforcement of the excise law.
The politicians behind Mayor Strong
will now try Alderman Goodman's plan
and shift the responsibility for closing
or not closing on the voters themselves.
Alderman Goodman offered an excise
resolution at the board meeting yester
day, which was adopted, directing the
aldermanic committee on excise to give
public hearings on the Sunday closing
question and then draft an excise or
local option bill for presentation to the
legislature at the opening of the next
session. The committee has not yet
fixed a date for a public hearing on he
question. 1
Workman Find Strange Skeleton Burled
on the Ranks of Lake Erie.
Lorain, O., Aug. $. The skeleton of a
sea animal was dug out on the banks
of Lake Erie In this city today by a
gang of men . excavating for a city
water main. .
The remains, which are well preserved.
were round eignt reel beneath the sur
face of the earth. The animal was about
twenty feet In length, and waa of a
kind not mentioned In natural history,
Its upper Jaws measure eleven Inches,
The skeleton Is now In , the hands of
scientists. 7 ;
Battalion Eneaniptnent.
Harrlsburg, Aug. I. An order has been
Issued from National Guard headquarters
state, that the Mate naval militia will en
camp aa a battalion under command of
Lieutenant Commander George Breed,
Kirnt battalion, from Aug. 17 to 25. in
clusive. The camp will be located at
Augustine Park. Camp equipage and sub
sistence will be furnished by the quarter
master general and commissary general
Committee of Inspection Pronounoe the
Harrlsburg Iasaae Hospital All Right.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Aug. 8. Charges
were recently made against the man-
aement of the state hospital for the In
sane In this city. It was alleged that
the food and clothing were bad; that
the general condition were the reverse
of what they should be, and that, upon
the whole, nothing was night. The
board of trustees made a thorough in
vestigation, hearing several witnesses
produced by the complainants, and
reached the unanimous conclusion that
the charges were groundless.
The building committee of the trus
tees. General D. M. Gregg and Colonel
Charles H. Mullln, made an unexpected
visit to the hospital today and after a
thorough Inspeutlon expressed them
selves as much pleased with the condi
tion of everything. They do not believe
there Is a better managed Institution
The Eminent Jurist Passes Away at Nash
ville. Tcnn.-History of Ills Judicial Ca
reer. Nashville. Tenn., Aug. 8. Howell Ed
munds Jackson, associate Justice of the
supreme court of the United States,
died at 2 p. m. today at his residence at
West Mead, six miles from this city,
aged 61 Judge Jackson had been in
failing health for several years, but It
had been only In the last nine months
that the progress of the disease began
to cause his family and friends un
easiness. Nevertheless Judge Jackson did not
take to his bed until eight days ago.
Judge Jackson was twice married and
his wife and seven children survive him.
Howell E. Jackson was the son of an
eminent physician of Jackson, Tenn.
He was born In Paris, Tenn., April 8,
1832. He was graduated from the Uni
versity of Virginia with the highest
Judge Jackson served one term on the
supreme bench of Tennessee in 1881.
He was elected senator from this state
at a time when the fight concerning the
state's debt was on.
Elected senator in 1881, his term did
not expire until March 4. 1887, but he
was appointed to the United States dis
trict court bench by President Cleve
land April 12. 1886.
He was appointed to the supreme
bench in January, 1893, by President
Harrison, and the nomination was con
firmed by a Republican senate, not
withstanding he was a staunch Dem
Judge Jackson was domestic In Ms
habits and desires. On one occasion,
while district Judge, he was hearing an
argument of a noted Louisville lawyer
on a quesMon Involving a matter of In
terest. Judge Jackson, In his ruling,
decided against the gentleman, who
brought forward an authority which he
said he hoped would have weight with
the court. It was a report of the sen
atorial Judicial committee on a case
bearing upon the same question. Judge
Jackson recognized the report as one
which had been made by the Judiciary
committee while he was a member of
that committee. He asked the attor
ney if he expected to hold a man as
Judge responsible for an opinion he held
as senator. .
Kxpects to Sweep Pennsylvania at Com
ing Flections.
PhllndelDhla. Aug. 8. A special to
the Evening Telegraph from Washing
ton says:
Hon. Cbauncey F. Black, of York,
president of the National League of
Democratic clubs, who is here to con
fer with Senator Faulkner and Law
Gardner, concerning the cam
paign work of the organization, ex
pressed the opinion today that tne
Democrats would be successful In
Pennsylvania In the election of Judges
to the new Superior court.
"We Intend," said Mr. Black, "to
nominate candidates for the new Judge
shins, and I am confident that we will
elect them. The fight that the Repub
licans have got tnemseives into nas so
split them up ad caused so many antag
onisms that I believe we are warranted
In the confidence we feel."
The Cattorthnn Strikes Rocks and Goes
Itown In Twontv Minutes.
London, Aug. 8. Cable dispatches
from Melbourne state that the Catter-
thun struck at 2.45 o'clock In the morn
Ing and sunk twenty minutes later. The
names of those who are supposed to
have been lost are Nell Shannon, the
captain; Mr. Phlnney, the first officer;
Third Officer Leffler, Chief Engineer
Harper, Second Engineer Adams, Third
Engineer Wilson, Fourth Engineer
Wolstenholme, Chief Steward Manning,
and Surgeon Anderson Phipps, thirty
Chinese and eighteen Lascars. The
passengers who are supposed to be lost
are Mesdames Mathlas, Lorlng and
Smith, Miss Lorlng, Robert Fraser and
fifteen Chinese steerage passengers.
At the time the vessel struck a heavy
southwest gale waa prevailing.
Robert Ryder's Death
Wilkes-Barre, Aug. 8, Robert Ryder,
aged 17 years, employed as a runner boy
at the Florence mine at Avoca, fell down
the shaft today and was Instantly killed.
Burglar John Heckmam was captured at
Reading. .
Ten-year-old John Day was fatally In
jured by runaway horses at Bethlehem.
All the Lehigh collieries In the vicinity
of Pottsvllle closed down for the balance
of the week.
The Schuylkill Electric railroad will be
extended from Pottsvllle to Schuylkill
Haven, a distance of four miles.
In a saloon fight at Lancaster Frank
Walter fataMy injured Christian Bird by
striking him with a beer glass.
' The Dubsites, or United Evangelicals,
have purchased the church at Barry,
Schuylkill county, from the Evangelical
association. '
Tho rain at Pottsvllle on Tuesday even
ing damaged a large number of the sewers
of that borough and (he trafflo on the
electric railway waa delayed,
Shanghai Dispatch Gives Account of
Further Outbreaks.
The Prejudice Against Foreigners Is Very
Great Among the Native Population.
"Vegetarian" Society Unknown to
the Legation at Washington.
London, Aug. 8. A dispatch to the
Pall Mall Gazette from Shanghai says
It Is stated In that city that further fan
atllcal outbreaks against Christians
occurred at Chlng Chow, Talplng, Hu
pah and Anhul. It is stated that all
the foreigners escaped without Injury.
No confirmation of this report has been
Washington, Aug. 8. The Chinese le
gation In this city Is still without offi
cial information regarding the late out
rages by the members of the "Vege
tarian" society In China upon the mis
sionaries and of the foreign element re
siding near Kuchung. The members of
the legation claim never to have heard
of the "Vegetarians" before. They are
believed to be a fanatical sect whose
purposes are political and who have In
cited the recent troubles In order to em
broil the Peking government with for
eign powers. This being accomplished,
they will then Inaugurate a rebellion
against the constituted authorities and
under cover of this commit such atroci
ties as would be most gratifying to
their savage nature."
Prejudice Against Missionaries.
The prejudice against the foreign
missionaries among the native popula
tion Is very great. While the Chinese
government Is bound by its treaty obli
gations to protect the missionaries and
permit them to carry their faith Into
the remotest provinces of the empire. It
finds Itself powerless at times to over
come the feelings of hostility which
the majority of the people entertain for
foreigners. The social, religious and
political life of the Chinese is so Inter
twined that when a Chinaman aban
dons the teachings of Buddha or Con
fucius, he is believed also to have be
come an enemy of his country. While
fhe absurdity of this is apparent to all
persons oiitside of China, the opinion is
believed to be well founded there that
the missionaries are sowing the seeds
of discontent against the government,
and this accounts to same extent for
much of the opposition to them.
The place where the atrocities oc
curred is not Indicated on the map and
It la unknown to the officials of the le
gation. It is believed to be a summer
resort near Kuchung. where some of the
missionaries and their families are
spending the heated term. Its remote
ness from the large industrial centers
made It more easy, it Is said, for the
Chinese fanatics to assault the helpless
Brazil Kcclves a Peremptory Demand.
Hupture of Relations Possible
Buenos Ayres, Argentina, Aug. 8.
Rio Janeiro, Brazil, telegraphs that
Signor Noblll, Italy's charge d'affairs In
(Rio Janeiro, has presented to the Bra
zilian foreign office the final request of
his government 'for a settlement of the
claims of Italy against Brazil. These
claims arise out of outrages perpetrat
ed, as alleged, during the revolution, to
the Injury of Italian subjects. Signor
Noblll Intimates that the orders of
Baron Blanc, Italian minister of foreign
affairs, are peremptory, and that If -delay
intervenes or equivocation Is prac
tlced diplomatic relations between the
two countries will be severed at once.
It Is probable that an Italian naval
squadron will at once sail for Brazil, if
the answer of that country Is not satis,
A sensation has been caused here and
In all parts of Argentina by the action
of the police today. A drill of the na.
tlonal guard had been ordered, and was
sllmly, attended, the roll calls showing
many-absent. Later the police arrest
ed more than 1.500 young men, accused
of failure in military duty.
George Tar ver, of Chicago, Murdered in
Mexico hy Servant.
San Antonio, Texas, Aug. 8. An
American dentist named George Tarver
arrived here ten days ago and left on
an overland -trip to the City of Mexico
by way of Gaudalajara. He was ac
companied by a Mexican guide and ser
vant. A courier arrived here today
stating that the dtad body of Tarver
had been found sixty miles southwest
of here In a mountain ravine;
He had been murdered and robbed.
The servant Is missing. Tarver lived
In Chicago and expected to locate In the
City of Mexico.
Jumped from a Roof Just as Her Father
Was Grasping Her.
New York, Aug. 8. While temporarily
Insane, Sarah Barton, 20 years old, who
lived on the top floor of a four-story
flat house, on Third avenue, leaped
from the roof Into the yard this morn
ing, and sustained Injuries of which she
died two hours later, her neck having
been broken by the fall.
The young woman lived with her fa
ther, Joseph Barton, who Is Janitor of
the premises. The latterwas pursuing
her In her mad rush, and had nearly
caught her when she leaped off. .
kansas Man Sues a Political Combine
' for Pees Advanced.
Topeka, Kan., Aug. 8. J. H. Choate,
a prominent democrat Of Washington,
Kan., has Li ought suit In the district
court of Cloud county to recover $100
paid to W. H. L. Pepperlll and Ave
others, (umpilslng tne Democratic com
niltLo for '.he Fifth Congresslon dis
trict, for the postmastershlp at Wash
ington, and .which he did not get. Other
claims have been put In lawyers' hands
at Conrcrdla and suits ordered brought.
It la alleged that In 1892, following the
national Democratic victory, the state
committee met here and proceeded to
farm out offices, except In the Fifth
district." V '
. The state committee agreed to accept
the recommendations of the Fifth dis
trict' committee, which, It Is alleged,
formed a combine and levied assess
ments from office seekers to maintain
expenses at Washington during the
early weeks of the administration. It
Is stated that before the Investigation
proceeds far a big political scheme will
be unearthed. A governmental inves
tigation may follow.
An Angry Father Marches Ills daughter
Eight Miles Hack Home.
Bushklll, Pa., Aug. 8. Twe weeks ago
Miss Lydla Counterman, the 14-year-old
daughter of Moses Counterman, a farm
er residing at Reslca, a short distance
from here on Marshall creek, disap
peared from home. It was afterwards
learned that the girl had eloped with
Moses La Bar.
After a search of several days Con
stable Smith found the girl was living
with Eliza.Setzer. a sister of La Bar, on
Broadhead's creek, in iMonroe county.
Monday afternoon the constable, two
deputies and the father drove through
a desolate piece of woods, and In a rude
habitation which had been used as a
stable for horses. Counterman found
his daughter at midnight.
LaBar was forced from his bed, taken
to Stroudsburg and lodged In Jail. The
angry fa'ther took his daughter and
marched her, barefoot and firnntllv
clothed, through the darkness, eight
nines 10 nis Home, The girl vows If. it
takes her twenty years she will be re
united to LaBar.
An Eight-story Edifice In New York in
Connie of Construction Falls and Ten
Men Are Iitirlcd In tho Ruins.
New York. Aug. 8. The middle sec
tion of an eleht-storv HinMino. in ......
of construction at the corner of West
Broadway and Third street collapsed
this morning and carried down with It
a large number or men who were at
work. Just how many men were killed
will not be known until (tomorrow.
Large gang of men were put to work
almost immediately after tho .llar,o
clearing away the debris, but It will
ue 'impossible to remove most of the
wreckage before noon tomorrow. Three
dead bodies have ibeen taken from the
ruins and seven workmen sriously In
jured have been found.
Ten men, who were at work in the
building at the time, are missing. The
building was nearly completed. There
are different theories' regarding the
cause of the disaster. One Is that the
floors were overwelghed with material.
Another is that an nnnlht iHrrW in
the center of the building was defective.
John H. Parker, builder, and Tellford
silblcK, his foreman, were arrested.
George Fergnson and Bride Arrested on
a Charge of Larceny.
Bluffton, Ind., Aug. 8. A honeymoon'
behind the bars of the Adams county
Jail Is the fate of George Ferguson and
wife, who were recently married at
Chicago, and are here on their wed
ding tour. They stopped a few days
with Jacob Yarger and family at De
catur, Ind., and last night left with
out bidding their friends good-by.
Shortly after their departure Mrs. Yar
ger had occasion to open her pocket
book. She discovered the contents
gone, also that the small safe had been
tampered with.
Suspicion centered upon the bride, as
she was startled upon being caught
alone In the room the day before. Sher
iff Ashbacher captured the couple near
this city and returned them to Decatur,
where they were bound over to the cir
cuit court.
More Active Policy Promised in the
Cuban Campaign.
London, Aug. 8. A dispatch to the
Times from Havana says that the
Spanish generals In Cuba have been
shifted to different posts. It Is be
lieved this was done in Anticipation of
a more active policy.
Yellow fever Is causing ravages
among the troops. Mr. Ramsden, the
British consul at Santiago de Cuba,
has received a letter from Jose Ma ceo
demanding a supply of arms and am
munition, or $1,000, with a threat to
destroy Ramsdon's coffee plantation If
it is refused. It Is rumored that mar
tial law will be proclaimed there.
President Diaz Is Not In l.ovo with Cor
belt and Fltzslramons.
St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 8. A special
from San Antonio, Texas, says that
the report that the Florida Athletic
club was considering the proposition of
pulling off the 'Corbett-FltzBlmmons
fUrtt In Mexico In the event of official
Interference in Texas, was brought to
the attention of President Diaz.
The latter Immediately Issued an of
ficial announcement that under no cir
cumstances would the light be allowed
to take place In Mexico.
Driven to Suieldo by Hearing Old Love
Letters Read.
Wichita, Kan., Aug. 8.8 Mrs. William
Campbell, driven Insanely Jealous by
her husband, who read over to her a
batch of old love letters from another
woman, attempted eulcide today by
taking morphine.
When found by friends life was near
ly extinct, but efforts are being made
to save her, with some hope of success.
Death of Dr. Ilargis.
Philadelphia, Aug. 8. Rev. Dr. James
Hepburn Hargls, a prominent Methodist
olerbynian and the presiding eWer of the
west district of the Philadelphia confer
ence, died early this morning. Rev. Dr.
Hargls was born In Maryland In May
1847, was admitted ItUo the Philadelphia
conference In 1872. From 1883 to 1886 he
was in charge of the Methodist Episcopal
mission in Home, Italy.
Order 'has ' been . restored In Tabrees,
Persia,, where .the bread r'.ots have been In
The harbor of Havre will be enlarged
at a cost of tfi.400,000, and an $800,000 loan
has already been authorised.
The post of British ambassador to Ger
many may be offered. to Sir Phillip Cur-
rle, the ambassador to Turkey,
The Prussian minister of commerce has
been asked to) take steps to prevent the
creation of a monopoly of the petroleum
trade of Germany by the German-Ameri
can' Fetrolouml company. (Standard Oil
The Cannon Ball Crashes Into a
freight Train.
Vcstthulod Train on the Boston and Maiae
Railroad Meets a Freight-Three
Men Are Killed and Several
' More Are Wounded.
Plymouth, N. H., AU3. 8.-One of the
worst collisions which ever occurred In
the White iMountain division of the Bos
ton and Maine railroad took place one
mile south of here this morning. Three
men met with instant d'ath, several re
ceiving injuries and the ten or fifteen
passengers received a fearful shak
ing up.
The Cannon Ball express, due in Bos
ton at 9.40, left Plymouth at 5.35.
It Is the only vestlbuled train run-
ulng over the road and consisted of
an engine, baggage car and two pas
senger coaches. About one mile south
of here, when rounding a curve at the
Kcniston Interval, the train ran Into
an extra freight north-bound.
The two trains met with a fearful
crash. The bodies of the dead were
fearfully mangled and so scalded as to
be hardly recognizable. The killed are:
Frank Stevens, of Lakeport, engineer
of the Cannon Ball; George Merrill,
fireman of the same; Henry G. Lines,
firemen of the freight. .
Among the passengers Injured are:
W. J. Randolph, Boston Globe corre
spondent. Injury to leg and hand; Whi
ter M. Rogers, Boston, slight Injury to
leg; Conductor Eugene Bennett, gash
on the right side of head. Free
man Downing, baggagemaster, in
jured In the shoulder. Arthur Austin,
of Haverhill, abrakeman on the freight.
received a fracture of the skull, and Is
In a precarious condition.
Tho Morning Was Foggy.
When the collision occurred the
Cannon Ball was running about thirty-
five miles an hour, and as the morning
was extremely foggy It was impossible
to see but a few yards ahead of the
train. There Is only a single track, and
as the accident occurred on a curve,
telegraph and telephone poles were de
stroyed for several hundred feet and
all communication by wire was cut off
for the time being.
Wreckers were quickly on the scene,
and the work of clearing the track was
begun at once, passengers and express
matter being carried around the wreck.
The orders for the movement of the
two trains were given by the dispatcher
at Woodsvllle, and It Is not known who
Adjutant-Ucneral Orendorf Announces
That There Is Nothing in the Reports
from That Section Call for Troops.
'Spring Valley, Ills., Aug. 8. Repre
sentative John C. Buckner, of the Fifth
district, Chicoga, who has been In con
sultation with the expelled negroes at
Seatonville, Bent a telegram to the gov
ernor this morning calling for troops.
The mayor swore in 100 special police
men at 7 o'clock this morning, and is
sued a proclamation calling on all per
sons to abstain from violence and pre
serve law and order. The negroes will
nut venture outside the lines unless
thfj- are provided with protection In
the shape of Winchesters. The Bheriff
was telegraphed to at Princeton to
come on and take charge of the deputies
sworn In 'by Mayor Delmargo. The
Spring Valley Coal company Joins Rep
resentative .Buckner in the call for
1 1 oops.
Camp Lincoln, Springfield, 111., Aug.
8. Adjutant General Orendorf received
the following dispatch today from the
assistant adjutant general, who was
sent to Spring Valley:
"Nothing in reports from Spring Val
ley. Have Investigated matters thor
oughly. (Signed) Hugh E. Baile."
Boy Follows a Dog Into a Barn and Is
Fired Upon.
Indianapolis, Aug. 8. Barney CHne Is
a wealthy farmer of Washington town
chip, this county. A strange dog was
noticed yesterday lurking about the
barn, and Ernest Cline, a grandson,
undertook to Investigate. He followed
the dog into the barn and as he opened
the door he was fired upon from the In
side, a load of buckshot carrying away
his hat, while his face wa badly burned
by the flash of powder. The would-be
assassin escaped.
The neighborhood was aroused and a
mob of men and boys, tieavlly armed
and re-enforced by dogs, followed In
chase, which lasted the entire night.
This afternoon the assassin was cap
tured near Broad Ripple. He proved
to be James Stockton, colored, who re
cently came from Kentucky. The old
er citizens had difficulty In preventing
a lynching. The Cline family are un
able to account for the assault, and the
negro offers no explanation.
Itl-heulth led Theodore Karles, a Chi
ciiro architect, to shoot himself In his of
Jealous of Louis Kuntz. who loved the
same girl, George Moriloff, a New York
sneak thief, shot him fatally.
George Appo, the green goods man and
Lexow witness, was arrcoted at Buffalo
for jumping ball bonds at New York.
In fright over a broken trolley wire,
Mrs. Barbara Creglo, of. Indianapolis,
leaped from a car, receiving fatal injuries.
A bolt of llRhtnlng struck the Fall River
line steamship Priecllla as she was enter
ing her New York dock and splintered 1
While trying to save h's daughter from
drowning at Virginia Beach, Va., Thomas
Moberly was lost himself, but Miss Mo
berly was rescued.
After two years hiding since killing
Frank Bender, James Burns was uur-
rounded by deputy sheriffs near Sylvanla,
Ga., and shot dead.
Call for the Faithful.
Allentown, Pa., Aug. 8. Democratic
State Chairman Robert E. Wright sent
out the call for the Democratic state con
For eastern Pennsylvania fair con.
tinned high temperature ,-
er Sie
At prices reduced to
close out balance of
One lot Empire Gowns
98 cents, former price
$1.25. Four lots Cor
set Covers 25c, 39c.
50c, 75c, former
prices 38c. to $1.25.
Skirts, Drawers,
Chemise, etc
69c, 98c, reduced
from 85c. and $1.19
Boys' Kilt Suits.
$3.50, $5.00, $6.00,
$7.50, reduced from
$4.50, $6.50, $8.00
and $9.00. Ladie
White Lawn Waists
at exactly half price.
Agent for Charles A.
Schieren & Co.'s
The Very Best.
313 Spruce St., Scranton
One of tho Largest and hottest Shoe Honest
fn the United States. LEWIS, BEILLY e)
DAV1ES, 114 and 1U Wyoming Avenue.
Call and get one for
your Bicycle. Only 75c.
with your name engraved
on It.