The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 08, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE sgiiANTOX TUlli UT Jfi 'J'il U HtiDAY MQUNINU, .. AUGUST , lhUa.
Kantian fif Hooro
120 Wyoming Ave.
Washington Avenue.
Regularly in all parts of the city. Have
We nuaaea your wrup ipwmh.
308 Penn Ave. A. a WAK.MAX.
A '
S forethear-
4 ri?al of our nei
4 fall Curtains and Dra-
peries wo will sell all odd
Iota nf ruin urn) tvn nail
A IVM VI VMV tUttf j V UA1 1
nr iar nn hahvv
Curtains - at
Iass than
city mm.
Company F received their camp pay
Tuesday night.
The 8t. Aloyslus soeltey will meet In
College hall this evening at 8 o'clock.
, It was pay-day at the Baltimore slope
end Baltimore No. 2 colliery of the Dela
ware and Hudson Coal company yester
. Contractor Schroeder, of Scranton, be
ran work on the superstructure of the
Dew National bank building last Monday.
Wayne Independent.
Dr. A. L. Push, whose office Is at 217
Lackawanna avenue, was sent to the
county Joll for twenty days yesterday for
begging money to buy drink. It was his
aecond offense.
' nr. am w nson, or me v est time, wno
' assaulted Street Car Conductor Philip
Foy. spent $9 In police, court yesterday
to propitiate the offended peace and dig'
jilty of the commonwealth. ,
Employes of the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western machine shops and Btorrs
mines were paid yesterday; the yard men
and the employes of the southern dlvi-
. Bion win receive ineir mumn i wages tu-
Accused of having stolen a stiff hat from
Jacob J. Monsky, of Dickson, Mike Lip-
shits Is confined In the county Jail to
await the action of the grand Jury. Mike
alleges that he purchased the hat and paid
for at, but the prosecutor says different.
Penn Avenno Markotmcn Must Live Vp to
the Law-
As a result of the many complaints
received lately of the blockading of
sidewalks ty marketmen. a consulta
tion was held yesterday afternoon be
tween Mayor Connell and Street Com
missioner Kinsley, and It was decided
that the full letter of ithe law would
be at once enforced.
Mr. Kinsley immediately proceeded
to the markets on Penn avenue and or
dered the marketmen to dear the side
walks, which was done, but not with
out some demurring. One of the mar
ketmen said that a protest wtll be en
tered with the mayor against the de
cree of the street commissioner.
Experience Mectlmr.
The members of Woman's Relief corps,
No. SO, will hold an experience meeting this
evening at Grand Army of the Republic
hall, beginning at 8 o'clock. It Is expected
that some very practical methods will be
promulgated. Admission only a dlma, for
which a large amount of Information will
be given; also the following programme:
Piano Solo Miss Cora Rowley
Recitation Mrs. Rachel Hall
Reading Mrs. Margaret Post
Misses Susie Fisher and Nellie Thomas
Recitation Mrs. Shelton
Reading .'Mrs. Etta L. Price
Hong Master Tommy Allgood
Samamtha's Experience.. Mrs. lone Walter
' Singing and recitations by the Misses
Edith and Mabel Oalafono.
' Gifts to Florenee Mission.
The Florence mission acknowledge with
thanks donations from the following:
Huntington's Home toekery, Mrs. W. F.
Halstead, Mrs. Arja Williams, Mrs. Zeld
ler's bakery, Mrs.'Rohrwasser's bakery,
J. E. Hess' bakery, Mrs. Mary McKlnney,
Miss Jessie Connell, cash; W. H. Pierce.
farmer's wife from Iowa from the sale of
a cow, $20; Mrs. Ella Dhlel, Mrs. Bookstav
er, People's market, Mrs. J. G. McAskcy,
Guild of St. Hilda, Mrs. Simon Rice,
'Aylesworth's market, C. N. Crlttenton,
New Tork; C. F. Whlttemorc, Armbrust's
market, Mrs. Richards, cash; Mrs. Web
ster, La Plume; Dr. A. J. Connell, Miss
A. If. Annrifarann riallw maami HaiimiI
Ullll. ..mhanu T 1 , uwiifuiiivi b uuiliyail y.
Funeral of John J. Godwin.
The funeral of John J. Godwin, who was
killed by a Delaware and Hudson train
Monday night, will take place this morn
ing an o ciock ircmi me residence of his
sister, Mrs. Lawrence Lynch, 304 Brack
court. Services will be held at the cathe
dral and Interment will be made In Dun
more Catholic cemetery.
' -
' .r" Meals and Cold Lunches.
.Meals and cold lunches served at' all
hours at Lohmann's, Spruce street. Regu
lar dinner 40 cents. Imported and domes
tic wines, clgara and liquors. ..
Low Excursion Rate to New York.
A splendid opportunity to visit i New
Tork Is offered by the Excelsior Athletic
club's excursion next week Saturday over
the picturesque Erie and Wyoming Val
loy railroad. The round trip fare will be
only 12.75, while tickets good foe ten' days
will be sold for U.K.
.,''''-. Now Goods ' ' ',
In Fall and Winter Buttings, Overcoats
and Trousers. , . D. BECK, Tailor, -
''' ' ' eT AdlW11 avenue.
('.VVTIor de Venice" V
ts the nam of the finest Key West Cigar
light colors mild tobacco.
j;. Wholesale Agent, for Pennsylvania.
p' ' r
ladastrial Coal Operators Are Col
sideriag Drastic Measures.
William Connell. President of the In
dustrial Operator's Association. Says
'- That tho Schome to Fight the
Carriers lias Been Dismissed.
A story was sent out from New Tork
yesterday to the effect that the Individ
ual coal oierators will mine and sell
a million tuns of coal at $2 per tone in
the hope that it may force the carry
ins companies to restore prices and
place limits to their outputs.
Last' night the United Press sent sev
eral denials of the story, and one dis
patch In particular stated that there
was not the least foundation for the
This Is the way the denials read:
Philadelphia. Aug. 7. Leading Indi
vidual coal operators here stated today
that there la no foundation for the re
port published this morning that 1,000,
000 tuns of anthracite coal la to be
placed on the market at $2 a ton.
Philadelphia, Aug. 7. A representa
tive of the tlrm of Coxe Bros. & Co. this
afternoon said: "We have never been
approached on the question of unload
ing coal on the market and do not be
lieve anybody elst has. Suppose we
would attempt such a move. Is It not
reasonable to believe the railroad com
panies would meet the reduction In traf
fic. With tolls $1.73 per ton, any one
can readily see what would become of
the individual operator who offered his
product at $2 a ton f.o.b."
IMspntchcs Arc ot Correct.
Notwithstanding these despatches the
report Is in the main true. Th scheme
has been discussed and that this is a
fact we have no less an authority than
William bonnell, president of the Indi
vidual Coal Operators' association.
The report, as sent out from New
Tork, contained the following:
New York, Aus. 7. As a result of
the dally increasing demoralization In
coal rates caused by the-coal carrying
railroads, the individual anthracite ope
rators have decided to take matters
Into their own hands. It is announced
that they will forthwith place 1,000.000
tons of anthracite on the market at $2
a ton, unless prompt action Is taken
by the coal can'insr lines to restore
prices anil limit the output.
Mr. Connell Is quoted 'by the Truth
as flaying' that the above In the main
Is what ought to toe done, and what
has been discussed by 'the Individual
operators. They have not decided to
take matters In their own hands as yet,
but It Is not Improbable that they will
do so. At present coal Is In many
cases belngr mined and sold at a loss,
and unless some drastto measures are
taken the Individual operators may
have to shut down. Many of the small
er optrators, Mr. Connell Is quoted as
saying, find It cheaper to remain Idle
than to mine coal at the present un
profitable prices.
E. H. Sturges characterized the re
port as an exaggerated statement, but
concurred In Mr. Connell's opinion that
a decisive movement on the part of the
Individual operators Is not altogether
Mrs. Fecney Had Flccn Reading About tho
Sow Women in tho Funny Papers-She
Soundly Thrashed Her Better-Half.
A chrnnln husband-beater. Mary Fee-
ney, of Tenth Btreet, was committed to
the county Jail for fifteen days by Al
derman Fuller yesterday morning.
Mrs. Feeney cruelly followed iner Hus
band through the streets, abusing him
In the most violent manner with her
tongue, and stoning him. After driving
him from post to pillar, she grabbed
him by the coait collar and Kicked mm
home, where two officers rescued him
as his Wife 'had him downed on the
floor beating him unmercifully.
Feeney was pretty badly used up and
presented ' a pitiable sight when his
better half got through with him. The
neighbors are highly indignant over the
Friends Bid Adieu to James F. McDonald,
of Waverly. Minnesota.
Sixteen years ago James F. McDon
ald, then a young school teadher of
Mi nook a, took Horace Greeley's advice
and went west. He settled In Waverly,
Wright county, Minn., where an uncle
was living, "nd In less than two years
was chosen superintendent of schools.
He later entered the newspaper field as
a special writer on a large St. Paul
dally and won a brilliant, reputation.
He wedded a daughter of Congress
man John Cullen, of Minnesota, a
Wholesale boot and shoe merchant, and
entered partnership with him. Since
then he has confined himself to the
management of the business. He and
his 12-year-old son, Frank, reached here
on a visit on June 28, and has been en
Joying the pleasure of meeting with
mends since.
His sister, Kate, of iMinooka, went
with him to reside In the west perma
nently. They departed on the midnight
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
train, a large convoy of friends being
present to say good-bye. -
t i
Fresh Man Whoso Occupation Woe Drink.
ing Beer,
Yesterday when Daniel R. Marks, of
Lackawanna township, end who was
arrested for drunkenness and disorder
ly conduct, was asked by Alderman
Fuller ywhat his occupation might be,
answered In a swaggering tone "drink
ing beer."
'Well, you won't work at your trade
for the next fifteen days," rejoined his
honor, and iMarks was stood up in the
row destined for the Black Maria.
tMttston Will Pattern After the Metropo
i vi iiiv i,imi riviun.
Attorney Charles F. Bohan. acting
city solicitor of .the new municipality
of Plttston, was In-the city yesterday
looking Into our system of handling
taxes. iHe had a lengthy consultation
with Deputy Treasurer V. J. Ruane,
than whom no one Is more capable of
imparting nuch Information.
Mr. Bohan expressed himself as belni
glad that their new city Is to work un
der a charter similar to Scranton.
Prominent Worker In St. Luke's Church
and Member of Royal Arcanum.
Jonathan Cordeaux, well known In
business circles on account of hla con
nection with the Weston mill, in which
he held ft position of responsibility, died
at 6.30 o'clock yesterday morning at
hie home, 619 Madison avenue. A month
ago he became afflicted with cerebral
menlngljtjs, and few days ago con
tracted typhoid fever, which was the
Immediate cause of death.
Mr. Cordeaux waa prominently Iden
tified with St Luke's church. In which
he labored 'arduously, especially In
the tnterenta of the church's summer
home.- He waa also well known In
Royal Arcanum circle. He is sur
vived by a wife and a seven-year-old
daughter. Helen. The funeral will
probably be held tomorrow, although
definite arrangements will not be made
until the arrival of Mrs. Cordeaux's
brother from Schenectady.
Chosen Yesterday at Meeting of the
Stockholders of the Lackawanna Iron
and Coal company met In the office of
the company on Lackawanna avenue
yesterday morning for the purpose of
electing nine directors. The following
were chosen: Edwin F. Hatfield, Sam
Sloan. William E. Dodge. James Blair,
Henry A. C. Taylor. De Witt C. Blair.
Moses Taylor Pyne, Stephen 8. Palfner
and Walter Scranton.
Mr. Hatfield was chosen president
and ithe other officers will be elected by
tho dlreotors.
At 3 O'clock This Morning She Jumped
Through a Fourth Story Window Was
Being Pursued by a Policeman.
Kittle Woods, an Inmate of the dis
orderly house at No. 16 Lackawanna
avenue, was probably fatally Injured by
a Jump or fall from a window on the
fourth Iloor of the building at No. 18
shortly before 3 o'clock this morning.
She was Intoxicated and dove through
the window In an effort to escape a po
liceman. ,
The Woods woman came Into the
house In search of a companion named
May Tuppen. Not finding her, she
seized a knife and charged a man
named Bishop. The police were called
and when Patrolman iMcHale responded
the Woods woman rushed up the stairs
to the fourth story and Jumped through
the window.
She landed on her face In the alley
In the rear of the building.
The Lackawanna hospital ambulance
was summoned. The surgeon Bald she
cduld not recover.
Earlier 'in the evening In frolic she
had descended on the fire-escape which
leads from the window next to that
from which she fell. It Is' supposed she
made a mistake.
W. E. Youhlc, of That City, Is Here nnd
Knows Nothing of Henry B. Carey or
Dr. I.eete's Fortune-Soys the Firm of
Wells k Lee Is Prominent and Respect
able. Among the arrivals at the Wyoming
yesterday was W. E. Touhle, a resi
dent of Los Angeles, Cal. Of course
one of the first subjects brought up by
Scrantontans was the Dr. Leete legacy
affair, a tale of two cities with Scran
ton and Los Angeles as the two cities.
Mr. Yotkhle tieard none of the particu
lars of the story until he came to Scran
ton yesterday, and evinced a deep In
terest in its recital.
He said he has been a resident of Los
Angeles for over twenty years and
knows every man of any prominence In
that locality, but he never heard of
a Henry B. Carey or of any wealthy
man whose will caused any unusual
comment during the past year. He Is
also well ecquainted with the law firm
of Wells & Lee, and knows them to be
one of the leading and most, trust
worthy firms In the state of California.
Mr. Touhle has recently come from
California and Is quite confident that
if any such thing as the Carey affair
happened there he would have heard of
it. He does not remember of ever hav
ing reail anything concerning It either.
In the estate of Temple Scott, late
of Spring Brook, letters of administra
tion were yesterday granted to Attor
ney Fred R. Stark.
The 'bond of John Bechtold, of the
Fourteenth ward, as collector of taxes,
was yesterday filed In the sum of $7,000
as Judgment against John Benore and
Frank Stetter as sureties.
Attorney H. 'M. Hannah, representing
M. Katzenberg & Sons, of Tteade street,
New Tork, brought suit In assumpsit
against Jacob R. Cohen, of the Famous,
yesterday, for $1,313.02, with Interest
from ISept. 13, 1894. The bill is for boots
and shoes.
Clerk of the Courts John H. Thomas
yesterday granted marriage licenses to
Sheridan (Harter and Hannah L. Kraus,
both of Hollenback township, Luzerne
county; Burton A. Transue and Eliza
beth Dyson, Scranton; John T. James
and Margaret E. Jones, Scranton.
iMrs. Annie Olnowsky and Mrs. iMary
Glecuzula live side by side In the bor
ough of Dunmore, and their children
holler down the same rain barrel. A
few days ago the friendly relations
ceased, when the former called the lat
ter, It Is alleged, a vile name. 'Mrs.
Olnowsky was brought to court yester
day on a capias and entered ball to ap
pear for trial. 'Her husband qualified
as bondsman.
Cheapest Excursion of the Season
will be that of the Excelsior Athletic
club to New Tork Baturday, Aug. 17. It
will be Just the season to visit Coney Isl
and and Manhattan Beach. The $2.75 ticket
will afford eighteen hours to spend at the
seaside and In and about New York; the
$4.G5 ticket gives you your annual vaca
tion for a very small amount. Tickets for
sale at Collins ft Hackett, and 218 Lacka
wanna avenue.
Mrs. Barnum Married.
New Tork, Aug. 7. Mrs. Phineas T. Bar
num, widow of the American showman,
was married In this city this afternoon to
D. Calllas Bey, a gentleman who Is said to
be a Oreek, though bearing a Turkish
title. The ceremony was private. Mrs,
Calllas declined to talk about the marriage
this evening. Calllas Bey and his bride
will sail for Europe soon.
Via Lehigh Valley Railroad.
Special excursion to Coney Island, Sat
urday. Aug. 10, via New York and Iron
Steamboat Line. Only $3.25 for the round
trip from Scranton. Tickets good for re
turn on amy, train to and including Mon
day, the 12th. .Train leaves D. A H. depot
at 7.46 a. m. .
HARTER KRAUB. In Scranton, Aug.
7, 1896, by Rev. Edwin Lunn Miller, Miss
Hannah L. Kraus, of Pqnd Hill, Luaerne
county, Pa., and tlherldan Harter, of
Hobble, Luaerne county. Pa.
CORDEAtTX Wednesday morning, at hit
- his home, OI Madison avenue, Jonathan
Cordeaux, aged M years. Funeral an
nouncement later. .-'
Which Neaas the Scrantoa Lodge
Keat to Lake Ariel.
Weather Was Fine and Their Third An
anal Excursion Was Financially and
Socially Success-Married Men
Were Superior to Bachelora.
Five train loads. In all thirty-five
cars, were required to carry the Jolly
party of Elks and their friends to Lake
Ariel yesterday. The day opened aus
piciously for their third annual excur
sion and continued unabated until the
return of the last train, about 10.30 p.
m., ending a very successful venture,
financially and socially.
Large parties from Honesdale, Haw
ley and Carbondale came over In cars
and carriages, among them many
brothers of the order. In fact, the Elks
were very numerous; great herds of
them stalked about the grounds; and
when they wanted a drink they walked
down to the lake and then went di
rectly back again to the picnic grounds,
where refreshments of all kinds were
Irish, German nnd Native Elks.
There was also a great variety of
him, the Irish Elk, the German Elk and
a large number of the American type.
The dancing pavilion was the center
of great attraction all day long. Bau
er's band furnished the music for the
dancers, and the eagerness with which
the great throng tripped the light fan
tastic was an evidence of its satisfac
tory nature. At Intervals the band
gave brief concerts about the grove
and this was a very acceptable feature.
The committee, on' games carried out
but two of the many events scheduled,
They were Interesting aind stirred up
considerable excitement. The married
men's tug of war team and the single
men's team, both of which were select
ed from members of the Scranton lodge,
contested in this very hard athletic
event for three three-minute pulls,
when the former team finally tri
Molr Wins the Sack Race.
In the sack race John Molr came In
first. The other participants were Dell
Slmrell, John Watklns, William
Weichel, John Corbett and George
At sumlown those remaining In the
park formed a procession and followed
Bauer's band-to Hotel Columbia, wihere
an excellent concert programme was
carried out.
The Watklns brothers, John and Will
lam, contributed several vocal numbers
to the concert.
"The Electric City" and "The Me
tropolis of the Coal Fields" are two
titles used for the city of scranton, but
If new churches and religious sects
continue to spring up and thrive within
the confines of the city, Scranton will
be known as the 'ISecond City of
Churches." At least that was the
sentiment expressed last night by a
non-church member who has resided
here for only two years. He said:
"When I first located here T n.-n ur.
prised to find so many church buildings
ana missions and sects. IMaybe I am
mistaken, but I believe the number is
proportionately verv lara-e. It mnrto nn
Imprest! c n upon me, which probably
accounts ror my noting In the past two
years the many newly organized con
gregations. Last week I wagered a
silk hat with a friend that In propor
tion to its number of Irish, German,
English, Welsh and naitlve born resi
dents, Scranton has more churches than
any other city which contains approxi
mately the same number of those na
tionalities. My friend has hoon Halt.
ing through books of statistics since the
wager was made but he has not won
and I don't think I will have to pay for
the hat."
"Do you know," remarked a well
known man about town, "that nftor
o'clock in the morning and until 5
o'clock the business streets of Scranton
are quieter than the streets of other
cities whose population Is nearly the
same? Fact," he continued, "and I ac
count for It by two things In particu
lar: First, Scranton has a very com
petent police force, and Its working
classes ;are law-abiding; second, the
main part of the city .after the cars
stop running, Is practically cut off
from the north, south and west sec
tions, and consequently one sees only
the vehicle and pedestrian traffic Inci
dent to a city of 40,000 population. The
North End,, West Side and South Side
each has Its own peculiar Interests, and
on account of the geographical divis
ions and railroad facilities each does
much of its business In Its own little
bailiwick. When Scranton fills up, that
Is, when It spreads to Its boundaries
things will hustle we are a hustling
city now, you knowbut Just wait a
bit." '
The resolution, offered by Mr. Rodhe
In select council, providing, that no
member of councils shall be .eligible to
membership on the new iboard of pen
sion and appeals, should be warned to
spend the time between now and the
next common council meeting; In un
ceasing and pious prayer, for upon that
dt shall die, "It Is destined to an un
timely end," said a councilman, "for
two reasons: One is that the com
moners beHeve that, they should de
cide such a matter Individually, and
not make their declination a sort of
obligatory affair, and the other, but of
course lesser reason, Is that about fif
teen out of the twenty-one members of
the lower branch are candidates or
the office." .
The Elks are ready to swear by the
prophetic powers of Dolph Abherton
and his signal flags. In the midst
of a drlzzllng-good-for-all-nlghit-and-part-of-the-day
shower he hoisted the
fair weather flag to betoken the
weather for the morrow, and although
there were many old wlseacrea wiho
knew different, the day turned out to be
all he secretary of the board of trade
promised and more. It was an Ideal
picnic day and Mr. Atherton will get
the Elk vote. ' ' . ,
Deputy Sheriff Frank E. Ryan, and
Attorney Lemuel Amerman sat yester
day afternoon In the sheriff's office at
the court house, talking over the In
dustrial situation, politics, the price of
corn In Africa, and any cognate) sub
jects that presented themselves be
tween cigar-puffs. Deputy Warden
Price Joined, them and recounted his
adventures with Dr. Kelley, of Equl
nunk. Finally Mr. Ryan aald he had a
scheme in view that he had no doubt
would earn large dividends, requiring
only a limited amount of capital to
start It ''Let ua hear It then," aald the
ex-congressman. "Run a balloon line
over to Hyde Park from the other end
of Linden street bridge- dJddlededee,
Dread Dim n Dtspi id-
Unguarded Babies Succumb to
Intestinal Disease.
Question of Infant Food
Confronts Mothers.
Under Fed Babies Fall Easy
Victims of Cholera.
No Touch of Summer Disorder
with Lactated Food.
If a mother's blind love could save
the little ones what a happy world
this would be.
There would be no more cholera In
fantum nor wasting summer disease
that every year carry off so large a
proponMon of the babies under five
years. The 'love of parents Is strong,
but unless intelligently directed can do
little to ward off 'these diseases that
threaten the tender years of babyhood.
Only when children are kept fully
nourished and unexposed to contam
ination In ithelr food, do they run no
risk from the hot August days and
nights. Diarrhoeal diseases, the great
scourge of Infants, are wholly due to
Improper food, encouraged by high
temperature. But for this Ignorance
-and carelessness In baiby's summer diet
the hot months might 'be as healthful
as any.
One has only in contrast the healthy
full-fed happy condition of babies fed
on lactated food with that of the many
badly nourished drooping ones whose
mothers persist In.keeplng them on the
old diet upon which they are plainly
nt thriving.
Babies that aire not gaining In weight,
as their mothers -wish, and who show
too little animation and Interest In
things about them, soon gain a liveli
ness and zest .for living when fed with
this splendid nutriment. They grad
ually cry em and less; ithelr sleep be
comes sound by night, and by day they
are; bright and noisy and happy.
Such is the great difference between
bibles that are nourished by lactated
food and those that are poorly, be Improperly fed.
In Its composition lactated food Is
well nigh Identical with baby's earliest
and beat food healthy breast milk.
As a food, therefore, for mothers who
nurse ithelr little ones with difficulty,
esneclally through the summer months,
lactated food Is ordered by physicians
with the most gratifying results.
For Invalids who require an easily
digested, absolutely pure, rich aliment,
there Is nothing equal to lactated food.
dlildlededee." answered the man with
the scheme. Mr. Amerman got off
something original without being
aware of It until the little apeecn was
pointed out to him. They were talking
about Grover Cleveland, and mind you
Mr. Amerman Is a Democrat. "I think,"
he said, "If Grove Cleveland would only
declare that he doesn't believe the peo
ple want him another term, that would
make the feeling on that point unani
mous throughout the entire lana.
"it Is rather peculiar," said a DemO'
cratlc city official yesterday, "that all
the city's servants who have lately
been made to feel uncomfortable by ac
Hons of the councllwere men who
were friendly to Governor Hastings In
the recent fight, and the men who were
instrumental In causing them uncalled
for and unnecessary trouble were coun
cilmen who were Quay adherents. There
may have been no particular signifi
cance In this peculiar status or affairs,
but if I were interested in Republican
politics I would be tempted to look Into
the affair to see whether or not there
was anything like petty spite work
connected with It." It is a singulnr
fact that It Is not customary to stop an
inspector's pay because councils neg.
lect to formally confirm his appoint
ment, although Intending to do so. It
hi also a singular fact that a police off!
cer's action in a primary election has
never before been questioned, and It Is
also an unusual thing for councils to
Euddenly open their eyes In bewildered
amazement at a little, slighting of the
laws which they permitted to exist in
order that a servant of the city might
get an appropriation which through the
mistake of councils ihe was not tech
nically authorized to collect.
He waa a delegate to the Third dls
trlct convention and drove In from one
of the rural polling places, so the story
goes. When he reached lower Lacka
wanna avenue and found the railroad
gates down for an approaching train,
he Inquired which one of the houses the
"durn toll taker'1 lived In, at the same
time letting the bystanders understand
In no unmistakable terms that he was
able and willing to pay his way.
A letter addressed. "Musical Editor,
Scranton Republlcan.'S' was Inadvert
ently mixed with Secretary D. B. Ath
erton's mall yesterday. It contained a
subscription of 15 to start a fund for the
proper burial of the band stand pro
Demands for Higher Grades of Or Are
Philadelphia, Aug. 7. The boom In
the iron trade has caused such a de
mand for the hl'gher grades of Iron ore
that a contract has Just been closed for
the shipment of 60,000 tons of ore from
the mines of the Spanish-American Iron
company, at Dailquarl, Cuba, to this
city. The ore will be brought to piers
here especially constructed for this
business and thence distributed to the
furnaces along the lines of the railroads
centering In Philadelphia.
This contract follows one announced
recently, by which 35,000 tons of Iron
ore were to be brought here from the
same mines in Cuba. This has only
been partially completed, as the war. in
Cuba has Interfered very largely wtth
(he mining of the ore, owing to the de
sertion of the miners, who have left
their work to Join the ranks of the In
surgents. .,',.-..'. ' ,
. -'
' Beek, the Tailor, .
has a full line of French and English
Worsted Vicuna, Clay and Fancy. Vest
Inge. U7 dams avenue, .
You can buy the above
Cabinet Photograph Fraine at
Woolworth's for
It measures 7x10 inches,
and is a beauty.
Graen and Geld Ster Front
The bent place for your Chin, Glassware, Ar
tistic Pottery, Lamps, etc. There is a chance
for you. Hm what we offer the coming week :
The medium priced are sold, the best are
1KICE if purchasoil within ten dars.
Just arrived, the latest pattern and de
sign; 103 pieces; a barsain at K&UO; our
price, $17.95, but ouly for next 10 days.
While taking stock we foond a lot of Odd
Dishes, Plates. Bowls, Fruit 8Und, etc.;
all parts of Seta that have been broken up.
Perhaps you have broken a few pieces out
of your Set Call iu and look around.
Scranton, Pa.
Superior Face Bleach,
Positively Removes 111 Fecial filemisbss.
No more Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Black
heads, Liver Spots, Pimples nnd Sallow
Complexions If ladies will use my Su
perior Face Bleach. Not a cosmetic, but a
medicine which acts directly on the skin,
removing all decolorations, an one of the
greatest purifying agents for the complex
Ion In existence. A perfectly clear and
spotless complexion can be obtained in
every Instance by its use. Price, 11.00 per
bottle. For sale at E. M. Hetiel s Hair
dressing and Manicure Parlors, 330 Lack
awanna ave. Mall orders filled promptly.
Laurel Hill Park,
8.30 P. M.
Dancing in the Pavilion till 12 m.
Given from J a. m. to 6 p. m. at the
Green Ridge Sanitarium.
720 Marlon St., Green Ridge.
For Ladies Buffering from Nervoni Diseases,
Catarrhal and Rheumatio Complaint! speoial
attention la given.
(Graduate of the Boston Hospital Training
School for Noract), Superintendent
TNI wuiiimi
tie at PrmmI tfct Mt Foantet aa rnhml 1
, Uadtai naaa
WarmeaMt CdumaeBBTeoument,
!oi Wnnhlncrton Av. Sornntnn.Pa.
Iaolndlnf tb pftioleM xtraetfaf f
una vj mu ou virtu 7 umw
S. C SNYDER, D. D. S.,
Mackintoshes at half price.
Fine Checked Mackin- (
Formerly $4.50.
Blue-Black Mackin- $P
toshes, finest made, Q(
Formerly $12.00.
A few more Ladies'
Spring Capes left, $1 QQ
will close them out at , jQ
Formerly Sold at $4.00.
I lot of Ladies' and
Children's Trim- QQr
med Hats at VOC
138 Wyoming Ave. .
HJCNow is the best time
to have your furs repaired by
the only practical furrier in
the city.
Blue Serge
Coats and Vests
Duck Pants
Shirt Maker
II. 1). SWAltTZ & CO.,
f Wholeealo Agenta
Smokeless Powder,
Fishing Tackle, Target Trap,, Pigeon Trape,
Blue Rock Targets, all kinds of Sporting
Oooda, Cigars ana Tobacco, Lumber and Oraia.
F. A. TlhUHL, Manager of Onn and Reuair
Departments. We ropair Typewriters, Aw
ing Machine, Onna and ReTolvers, Bicyolea,
Locks, Umbrella, and make Keys to fli any
kind of a lock. If yon want to buy a new One
don't wait until th. eeaaon opens. Mew is tM
time to bay. Bring your old Onn with you
and exchange it with ns fer a n,w one. Setts
taction guaranteed or money refunded. Call
and get oor prices before yen bay.
Telephone 2723. Open Evenings.
Between Penn and Franklin Ayes. .