t 8 THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAT MOBNIN.O, AUGUST 0, 1893. Carboodal? NeWs. Highest of aU in Ltarcninf Fowcr.-r-Latest U.S. Gov't Report MAGNETISM I I . CriaalUriV VV 1 . 1 1 XMicanaWVi 1 . ITALIAN DISTURBERS. nq rM leerel Skots e4 Aseaelted Watehsaaa Will. About twenty men from "Sunny Italy" caused a great disturbance on Dundaft street Sunday evening. They congregated In the elaware and Hud son yard and proceeded to enjoy them selves in a very noisy manner. Officer wtiia. while making Ms rounds through the yard, came upon the party and found them singing, dancing and generally enjoying themselves. He re quested them to stoo. out iney wmj made more noise. He attempted to ar rest the ringleaders of the party, but was met with volley or stones. One of the party drew a revolver and fired several shots. IMr. wills also nrea sev ers.1 shots, but no one was hurt. Seeing that he could not do anything gainst such odds, he went to the mu iticioal building and secured the assist ance of Special Officers Blair and Mearey. When they arrived on the scene the disturbers fled. The officers gave chase and captured the rlngleaU era, 'Florena Oenachero and Salvatora Farrella. and brought them to the city prison, where they were locked up. Warrants were sworn out for Jerome Scalzo, Peter Astorlna and George Flore. . BALL AT ANTHRACITE PARK, A Game Between Maes from This City . sad Sorantoa. This afternoon at 2 o'clock there will be a game of base ball at Anthracite park between teams captained by John i. Simpson, of this city, and Edward Jermyn, of Scranton. The captains of the teams have bad considerable talk over the merits of base ball players from this city and Bcremton, and they have decided to set tle the dispute by having a game. . ' Mr. Simpson's team is composed of some of our 'best-known business men and he Is confident that they will win, air. Jermyn Is of the same opinion In re gard to his team. The game will be called promptly at 2 o'clock and no one will be admitted after S o'clock. La dies will be admitted to the pairk free and gentlemen will be charged 25 cents, Beats In the grandstand will be free. DEATH OF TWO CHILDREN. A Son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Rhell and a Child en Belmont Street Dead. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Rhell, of Grove street, are called upon to mourn the death of their flfteen-monttis-old son, who died on Saturday afternoon. Death was due to cholera infantum. The fu neral was held yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and was largely attended. Interment was made in Maplewood cemetery. Yesterday morning at 10.30 o'clock the death of Percival Lane-Starks, a Ithree-months-old child of Belmont street, occurred. Death was due to general debility. The funeral will be held this afternoon. Interment will be made la Maplewood cemetery. Club Good .Sold. The goods of the Carbondale Press club were sold at public vendue yester day afternoon by Constable Hartman, Only two articles were offered for sale, a handsome upright piano and a small stand. Both were purchased by John w. Shannon ifor $57. A stltfht Wreck. A south bound Delaware and Hudson train. In charge of Conductor Kellow, t.t fhia rtHv struck a cow a little south of the Dickson station this morning and three cars were derailed, ana Diocsea the track for some time. BRIEF MENTION. EiHrard Kelly, James J. Gorman, An drew Hotn and John J. Powderly were visitors at Crystal Lake Sunday. Miss Florence Murray, of Pike street, Is vlsVtlng friends In Scranton. . Patrick Malone is ill at his home, on Eighth avenue. Miss Julia Delaney, of Waymart, Is visiting friends In this city. . Miss Mary McCann, of Sand street, B visiting iirienua in ocramun. . Maurice Geary, of Patterson, N. J., Is the guest of Joseph MoGarry, ' of Terrace street. Joseph Qirhool and M. F. Horan spent yesterday at Elk Hill. (Misses Celia and Sadie Gilmartin, of Know Hood's Cured Because It Made Pure Blood. "I was all ran down and could not ileep at night on account of the continuous and sever pains through my body. I had also atom ach troubles and eetsrra. After taking Hood's Sarisparllla a abort time I mm. t & prove, and attar using three bot tles In aU, my 'complaint en- tlrely left ma. I now hive an appetite, leap well and am free from aU stomach trouble. I know Hood's Barsaparilla has cured me, and I cheerfully recommend it as by aU woman who are ran down and need a building op medicine." Miss Auca WSaT, W. Brldg ewater, Pa. Hood's Saroaparllla Is the only True Blood Purifier proml ently In the public eye today. Hood's Pills rjssir; GREAT CLEARING SALE OF Carpets, Oil Ms, linoleums, !s m C4 1 Si. Late Mains, Cbenille Curtains, Tapestry Curtains, Window Shades' ant 2 a 2 H Bemeniber, tkle a bonafids Clearing Cu) ... . Prloe Sale le make room for fall goose, j. gcottHnglis 43UCUWIS5HVE .'.. - J", ' - '"' - r " ' . . '' -, V ' "V Scranton. are the guests of Miss Lydia Morrison, of Railroad street. A son was 'born tq Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coogan. of Cottage street, yes- terday. , 31r. and Mrs. John G. Reese, of Sev enth avenue, returned home yesterday after a ten days' visit at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. F. iM. Fox. of Hotel An thracite, are guests of iMr. Fox's par ents, at the International hotel, Niag ara Palls. iMlss Jeanette Wlckey, of Rendham, Is the guest of friends In town. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hlller. of Sixth avenue, Sunday. Thomas GUhool Is 111 at his home, on Brooklyn street William KInback, of the firm of Kin back Bros., contractors and builders. Is spending a vacation at Atlantic City, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Moon left today on a ten days' visit, which will Include Philadelphia, Atlantic City and Cape (May. Miss Jennie Thompson, of this city, Is the guest of friends In Dunmore. Miss Isabella Stanton, of Park street, Is visiting friends In Green Ridge. About twenty persons from this city attended the temperance reunion at Mountain Park yesterday. Henry Frank Is able to be out again after a three months' Illness. William Atkinson, who has held the position of foreman of the Delaware and Hudson lumber yard for the past thirty yArs, has resigned Ms position. He will be succeeded by William Bates, formerly In the employ of T. C. Rob Inson. Mr. Atkinson was one of the oldest and most (trustworthy employes of the company, and was obliged to re sign on account of Infirmities. John Hyland, of Brooklyn, N..T.. Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mullady. of South 'Main street. William Plel. of Honesdale, has ac- cepted a position at Morris A Spaeth's pharmacy, and began hra new duties there yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kahl are vlsttlng friends In New York clty.and Brooklyn The Crescent base ball club will go to Susquehanna on Thursday to play a return tame with the Athletics, or max place. They will be accompanied by about twenty members or tne ciuo. in the evening they will be tendered a so nta.1 hv the AUhletlc club, of that place. They expect to have a most enjoyable time. Jnsenh O'Rourke. John Earley and Thomas McDonough were fishing at Newton Lake yesterday. They made a big catch. . . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiioranu. i Scranton. are guests of Mr. ana Mrs, Minhnlaa Peters. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McGulre, of Pitts- ton, are visiting at the home oi j O'Hearn, of Main tttreet. FACTORYVIUE Mr and Mrs. Walter Hen wood are visiting relatives at Honesdale. wiiKam Tnwnsend. of Scranton, visit ed his uncle, ,M. V. Townsena, on nig ior,,i afreet over Sunday. Th. t -blips' Air society of the First Baptist church met at the residence of Mrs. Charles Knapp, on Main nirroi, The meeting was largely attended, nver erlxtv being present. The regular monthly meeting or me ladles of the Grand Army of the Re public Sarah Rice circle. No. 104, was held at the post rooms Saturday even In. Aug. S. At that meeting Mrs. N. B. Rice, Mrs. S. E. Rice and Mrs. J. N. Rice, of Scranton, were admitted to full membership, and Comrades John B. Miller, R. P. Llndley and Walter Reynolds were obligated. Among other visitors were Mrs. M. D. Roach, of Scranton. who organized Mrs. Sarah Rice circle; also Mrs. R. H. Holgate, president of Sargent George Fell circle of Waverly. At the close of the meet' Ing the ladles served Ice cream, water melon and cake. The room was very tastefully decorated with cut flowers. The Woman's Christian Temperance union will give a peach social at their rooms, on Main street, tomorrow even ing (Wednesday). The first peaches of the season will be served In different styles. Every. one Is invited to come and enjoy the peaches. Miss Frances Lewis has returned from a vlst at Montrose and Ha.rtford Mrs. It. D. Kemmer has returned from two weeks' visit with relatives at Philadelphia. Quite a number from this place at tended the temperance rally at Moun tain Park, Monday. The people of the First Baptist church have granted their pastor, Rev. M. J. Watklns, a vacation of three weeks. Miss iMabel Reynolds returned home Saturday after spending two weeks with IMlss Rose Johnson, of Lathrop. The family of Charles Clark will move to Swanton .Thursday, where they will reside In the future. - HONESDALE. On Thursdav afrnrnnnn at I n'xiAnk me Amuy rase oaii ciud or Honesdale will meet the Actives of Sonant nn in the Silk Mill grounds In a contest for BUDPemacn. -ftii lovers nr h... Kn may expect a very close and exciting game, in the evening a ball will 'be held at Central theater. Tickets, 60 cents. H. J. iMenner and slater vto.r ner, left for Easton yesterday to at- .cu uic iwierai oi an aunt. William L. O'.Connall lomtfiB Vta XT York today. He will be absent about a week. Otto L. Schnellpr at,t ... .t v uui un i tic road for the Honesdale Shoe company yesterday. , ' Thomas E. Deen vhn I... i , ... Ing relative, T "B.e".v""1- at Danville. yestordaV. me' HALL STEAD. V. BotlffUlI. nf t)lnnik... opened a branch fruit and confectlon T atore next o the Water company's office, on Main street. Master Claude B. Simmons, the bright aon of T. n ai . i.i m , 7 ""iiiwn, IB vis iting friends at Franklin. Pa. At the RMuhNwn - - - r nng in the lock-up on Saturday evening, Rtch- iu Drow mo uugene vviimot were elected delegates to the county con vention, to ha hold a t Un.Ml. , , - MUIIIIIHQ VII Tuesday. -. . , v Relief In Six Honrs. TMatraaalna' Vlilnaw mnA t)i - ... n uiwHier flia aaaaa vallavad In'alv hmiM k, .1.. Great South ' American . Kidney Curt." Thla Haw ramadv la a a-raat iiiMMtu ccount of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain in in Diauaer, kidneys, hark and tVlllr na.!t of tha nrin.M, tni. In mala or famala. ft miu,.u u. tentlon of water and pain la passing It aimoai iininouiaiaiy, 11 70a want quick relief and eure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, IS Penn ave nue, Scranton, Pa. e , ar TUN KM AM NOCK. The Montrose Republican, which has possibly had tips, predicts a game of ball between the home nine and the Tunkhannock club about the middle of this month The borough ordinance against un musxled dogs was evidently created more for ornament than - use. should either be enforced or else sponged off the slate. -, Professor W. M. Wod. who has been spending several weeks at his old home up In the New York lake region, has returned. A couple of footpads who tackled a Meshoppen business man two or three days since found that they had caught a Tartar. He was driving along a country road when they stopped him climbed Into the buggy, and at the point of a pistol demanded that he takt them In a certain direction. He knew the roads better than they, and prompt ly carted them Into town, where they were taken care of. The Garden Village quartette of West Plttstpn, has been engaged to render vocal music at Triton entertain ment Friday night. A special train to Lake Carey after the close of .the en tertainment will carry passengers home who attend from that point. The Susquehanna county Odd Fel lows will picnic at Blakslee's grove, Springvllle, tomorrow. Speeches by lo cal talent will be a feature of the day, The social advertised to be given on G. C. Miller's lawn Wednesday even Ing has been postponed Indefinitely on account of conflicting entertainments. Though there are a large number of graceful lady cyclists of Tunkhannock, the bloomer girl Is not In evidence. The blfurlcated costume appeared last sea son, but Its reign was exceedingly brief, for some reason. A party of young people, comprising Misses iMame Shook, Rena van Meter, Sarah Hoadley and Robert Little. Mar tin Keifer and J. D. Clark, are occupy Ing the Lewis cottage at Lake Carey, Mrs. Van Meter Is chaperoning the party. C. W. Hoffa, who la stopping with his father-in-law, John Barth, is still suf fering severely with his head, the re sult of an Injury Inflicted some time ago. His skull Is cracked and the operation of trephining will doubtless have to be resorted to. About fifteen young ladles drove to Lake Wlnola yesterday afternoon for a Jolly outing time. All talk of another Republican con ventlon in this county to elect a dele gate to the state convention to super sede Mr. Northrop Is sheerest nonsense, Hastings will have charge of the con verrtion and appoint the committee on credentials. As IMr. Northrop has his credentials properly signed by the coun ty chairman, and his name Is already down on the Gllkeson list, no other delegate could go In and unseat him It would be well for those who are agl tatlng the matter to digest this fact. Jr. C. H. Dana and Rev. W. M. Hlller went to Mountain park yesterday to hear John G. Wooley, the temperance apostle. Horton Wood, 8'Northmoreland town ship farmer, was recently kicked on the chin by a vicious horse and his Jaw completely unhinged. He Is now get ting along as well as could be expected, but ran an exceedingly narrow chance of crossing the divide. iMr. and Mrs. L. G. Shafer, of Chi cago, arevisltlng at Dr. J.W. Denison's. Mrs. Shafer visited here early In the season as Miss Janey Sharpe, and now returns as a bride, the transformation taking place about Ave weeks ago. HAW LEY. William Dorfllnger, of New York city, and C. Dorfllnger, of White Mills, were In town Saturday. Joseph Bruner, of Sidney, N. Y., was in town last week to see his sister. Mrs. Henry Hittlnger, who is quite e- rlously '111. (Miss Orpha Osborn, of Arlington, Pa., Is spending a few days here, the guest of Miss Tillie Rolllson. Otto Pope, of Port Jervls, N. Y., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. Hensel, Sunday.' Floyd Bishop was quite badly kicked In the head by one of Schlager Bros.' horses last Saturday evening. Miss Orra Rolllson, of Notch, Pike county. Is spending a week's vacation here, with her father. Gus Hensel spent a few days of last week at Port Jervls. N. Y. Sheriff Murphy, of Honesdale, was in town yesterday. Frank Debow, of Scranton, was In town last week. ' . (Mrs. A. E. Speeirs, Miss Gertrude Speers, Miss Thompson and Master Erne Carter, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are the guests of 'Mir. and - Mrs. 8. S. Speers. An electric belt company are giving free concerts evenings on the "Cole' lot, near the Wayne County hotel, this week. The Erie Railroad company have laid a stone sidewalk near Degnan's cross ing, which Is a great Improvement. Mr. and Airs. Thomas Ruddy and Miss Sarah Ruddy, of Scranton, who were visiting friends here on the Hill, returned home on Monday. Miss Annie Nallln Is spending two weeks In Scranton, visiting relatives. The funeral of Ha.rry Lynn will take place today (Tuesday) at 2 o'clock p. m. PECKVILLE. Harry Conners and DavidiMorgan, Jr., of Wlnton, left last Friday on their bi cycles for a ten day's visit to Asbury Park. Mrs. (Mark Sherwood, of Jermyn, vis ited at the home of her brother, Joseph Slckler, last Sunday. Henry Chapman preached In the Methodist churdi br tast Sunday morning. The pastor. Rev. S. C. Simp- kins, officiated at the Simpson Method ist Episcopal church at Scranton. The funeral of the late George Hoe- gart was held from his residence at Wlnton last Sunday - afternoon. The deceased had been sick atout a year with consumption o the bowels. He had been a resident of .Wlnton about four months, having previously resided in Alabama and was only ii years of age. He leaves a wire and four chil dren. He was a member of Mary Lee lodge, 124, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of .Lewlsburg, . Ala. Harper lodge, 707, of this place, took charge of the remains. The funeral services were conducted by the Episcopal minister, hot.. Mr. Howell, of Jermyn, Inter i ment was made In Prospect cemetery. The pail-bearers were Charles Ken nedy. J. p. Holllster. Alex Frailer, Matthew Harlow. Thomas Pope and David Hughes; flower bearers, Arthur Deramlng and John Day. The employes of Grassy Island Dela ware and Hudson breaker will be paid this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wltteridge, of Nantlcoke, will retu-n to their home today after visiting for a few days with Air. and Mrs.-John Warne, Mrs. Jay Tuthlll Is on the sick list, CLARK'S QREEN, Fred Barnun and wife, of Bingham ton, are stopping at his uncle's, J. C, Clark. To Misses Luella Frace, Elisabeth Ftace and Imogene Akerley were ad ministered baptismal rites by inuner slon at the Gravel Lake on Saturday arternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Wendall McClay was the guest of Miss Fie Clark during the latter part of last week. Mrs. May Bennett, of Bound Brook, N. J., has Just returned from a visit among her husband's relatives m and near Elmlra, -N. Y., to the home of her parents here, Mr. andiMrs. H. N. iMott. Miss Emma Coon returned on Satur day from a visit among friends and rel atlves at Carbondale. Charles Wilson returned on Friday from an extended visit with relatives in Elmlra. Quite an exciting election contest at the primaries of the Third district on Saturday afternoon. About 126 votes ' were polled, with the following result: 87 for Wlllard dele gates, and 38 for the Quayltee, yet some seem to entertain the Idea that the delegates-elect, being unpledged as to the two leaders, are Quayltee still. Mrs. Rawson, of Duryea, visited her daughter. Llsxle, at Frank Phillips' on Friday and Saturday last. Miss Cora Decker, of Scranton, was a guest at the home of W. S. Frace and family over Sunday. A lara-e delegation of Lodge No. 801. Free and Accepted Masons, of our vicinity, attended the funeral obsequies of the late M. W. Bliss, sr.. ai w aveny, on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. G. D. Couch and family are be-ino- .ntArtalned with her sister and fam ily. Mrs. La Mont, at Mrs. L. Dates- mMrs.' Martin Dymond Is visiting friends at Mooslc. AVOCA. James J. Connolly was a visitor at cr..c....v... , John Troy returnea iasi his home, at WllKesiarre, uii -pleasant visit with Thomas A. Dunn. The school board and borough coun cil meet this evening. (Misses Nettle Druffner ana nine Unottn ninnm na niod bv a oarty of iUBI esiw.aaa. w - Plttston ftrlends. enjoyed a pleasant trip up Campbell's Ledge, yesterday. p.i' n V. iMakely. of Kingston, called oh Rev. Wesley, on Monday. Revs. J. J. McCejbe. of St. Mary'a church, this place, and M. J. Kelley, of St. John's church, Plttston, left last evening for a visit with former class mates In Erie, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lawler and sons, Roy and Frank, of Shenandoah, and Miss Magdalen McLaughlin, of Shamo-v-in made ft brief visit at the O'Malley House yesterday, en route from May field to thekr respective homes. iMlss Mame .Murphy, of Archoald, is the guest of MIhs Sara Fadden. Mian Kate Mullen, of Plttston. Is spending a week with Miss Nellie Boy Ian. tMlaa Nellie iRurns Is entertaining her cousin, Miss Mary Burns, of Jermyn, for two weeks. Thomas O'Brien, of West Avoca, Is removing his family today to Mayfleld, where he has accepted the position of mine foreman. ' . J. J. .Monrlssy returned to Wllkcs- Barre . last evening,' after visiting friends in North Avoca. Rev. J. R. Wagner, accompanied by his son, of Chenango Bridge, leaves to day for a two weeks' vacation at Ocean Grove. fra X R Warner la vlsltlnc )ia. daughter, at Lehman, her former home. A meetlnir of the hoard nf trnateea was held at the Methodist Episcopal cnurva iasi evening. MONTROSE. IMr. and Mrs. Knoll, of Buffalo, N. Y., are visiting at the home of parents, here. W. D. Alrrey, formerly captain of Company G, lias purchased an Interest In the Republican. It Is now Taylor & Alney. Selden Munger, one of Scranton's not ed scribes, spent Sunday with his fa ther, on Lake avenue. Lewis Riley and family, of Philadel phia, are spending a few weeks at Rose mont cottage. ' Dr. Kilmer, of Blnghamton. drove through town Saturday. He had a tan dem team and surry which attracted a great deal of attention. EMPIRE DRY 516 LACKAWANNA AVE. The stock ws oarcbund it th Uliariff'a aia at Haxltton, pa. Oar Bale, tinea openlnc proTad more satisfactory than we thought. Th. crowd on Monday wat enormously lars. and carried away the Bargains, and the stack which la Uft well dispow of at your owa prices. Sale all waak at the following prices: vaav vnwa uiu.uu rtimb pnea, i oailia, Our Price, 3W Centa ease of Unbleached Brown Cotton, 1 4, heayy, for abestlnf only, grot price, t cent, : . .- Our Price, 4H Cants ease Checked Crash, all linen, stom price. 10 cents, . , Our Prloe, 8 Cants ease Bteaooed Towels,- by the pair, filoged, (row prioa, lOotnts, : Our Price, 10 Cents rose I i Bleached Mohawk Muslin, eras .pMoa, sscnta. Our Price, 12 Cents A treat sole for the oh of every household, esst of Turkey Bed Coyer, aises lit and -10x4, gross price, 11.08 and l.60, . V 5? ? nd Fast Turkey Bed. . i E16'ltrroi itira as a Coratiie in Chronic Diseases. It la no longer a doubt, but a demon atrated fact, that the power of magnetUin and electricity as used In the cure of chronic diseases Is the greatest aux lltary to medicine that Is known to scienti st the present day, and some of the mo?t wonderful cures have been performed ty tne proper uae of the above mentioned powers. Dr. F. B. Smith and stall have employed those powers In the cure of chronic diseases for many years with the most remarkable good results, as the fol lowing case will show: Mrs. Qroate. lady about GO years old, came to Dr. Smith and staff. She was suffering with strict ure of the throat for about eight years. For over six years she had not swallowed a mouthful of solid food. She had been compelled to live on tea, coffee, milk and the thlnest kind of soups. She had been doctoring for years, but found no relief. She was told by several doctlrs that there was no cure, that all she could hope for was death, which would come by degress, or, in other words, that the passage to he stomach would close and she would starve to death. Living In utter despair a friend called her attention to an advertisement in the paper of the cures made by Dr Smith and staff, and contrary to the ad vice of the family physician she com menced taking magnetic treatments. She was told that she had simply thrown her money away, that no doctor could cure her, but despite of all those protestations she Is today a living testimonial to the healing virtues of magnetism, for she wan absolutely and permanently cured of her affliction by Dr. 8mith and staff. If you are suffering with any complaint call on those doctirs at 606 Linden street, opposite the court bouse, and be cured. Consults tlon free from V to 6 dally except Sunday, Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 a m. to p. m. THE BELL 230 Lsskaxasoa An, Senatoo, The Times May Not Be All It Should Be, bat Oar Will go great waj toward evening np things for onr customers WE SilfE TOO IHY THIS WEEK. SUITS. Vei's Suits, regular price $9, $4,65 Ken's Salts, regular price 12, 7,75 PANTS. Sen's Pants as low as Men's Ctsslmere Pants len's Fine Dress Pants $.65 1.45 2.25 BOYS' CLOTHING A Senlceable Salt for $ ,85 1 Good Wool Snlt for 1 Hobby Dress Salt for 2 Pair Knee Pants for - 1.48 2.75 .25 THE BELL ' CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ava, SIGN OP THE BELL. GOODS CO.. 2 eases of gammer Btlbrlfgan Mon's Un derwear, la all qualities, gross prloe, 25o., 83a snd SOo,. oor .. Pries to Close Out Entire Lot 20c Wdoesa Men's White Colanndried Shirts, ' pure lines bosom, doable front and back, grass price, SO oents, Our Pries, 29 Cents KOdosen of Ontlng Bbirts, in all qualities, gross price, iSo., 80s., 60o., fl'Jo. and 75a. We will make a sweep on tbe entire lot and let her. go at 25 Cents Your Choice HOSIERY-These prices will hold good . for all this week. 6W pair Men's Socks at Sc., (roes price, 10a, : 64 pairs Ladles' . Vast Back Base, grow price, 10 cents. Our' Prloe, Sc.l dosen of French BaJbrlecu Hell Hose, and Fast Block Heje, gross prloe, SS oenta, Our Prloe, 12W Cents Ladlee' Vests at one-half lees than elsewhere. Be careful and call. MKI11S ""MMBBMMaeBWaaSSsaBSBBB TO our WashbuiTi -Crosby Co. wish to assure their many na rons thut they will this year hold to their usual custom ?- tfnSrf JRI TLY WHEAT until toew23) If JSI7!.? d' New. wheai ta now uPn tho market, mnt owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that It h already cured, and in proner condition for milling. WashburabyTake, no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. 7 This careful attention to every detail of milling haa placed Wshburn-Cro8by Co.'s flour far above other brands. MARGEL Wholesale Agents. MATTINGS UNDER VALUE Quality considered our prices for Mattings through out the season have been below the market; hence the present cut will give our. customers the best value ever offered. The quality is uniformly kept up', to the notch and the patterns, in many instances, aro quite different from what you will see elsewhere. Samples sent by mail. State quality wanted. . Highest grade inserted figured and fancy stylo Cotton Warp Mattings, former price $12.00, now $0. Fine Seamless Fancy, was $11.25, now $8.25 Superior Seamless Fancy, was $io.5o, now 7.50 Extra Heavy, was $10.00, - now 7. 00 A Good Stout Matting, was A Medium Grade, was $5.00, - - now 4.5o All Mattings measure 40 yards to a roll. Cut quan tities 1 'yC. And CP. npr vnrrl nTvwp thi roll Tirirv Antr nf these Mattings are cheap enough to buy for future use. An early visit of inspection is earnestly solicited. lEIInl 1 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. BRANCH AT CARBONDALE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. HAS BEEN Too cold for Baby Carriages and Mattings to sell with a rush now we've too many of each on hand it is more profitable for us to clear 'em cut NOW think you would profit by it more than we Prices we are quoting are bound to make 'em go The recognition you gave our Odd and End Sale was very satisfactory to us we know it was to yott, (11 patrons : CORNELL $7.00, - now 5.00 Qeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. n. FURNITURE CO.," "'aas and 227 Wyoming Avenue. EIEHER k N. III 9 la sr