The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 06, 1895, Page 7, Image 7
T Detailed . Account of the Various Outdoor Sporting Events Held Yesterday Throughout the Entire Athletic World. EASTERN LEAflUB. Teaterday's Results. Scranton .. V Roobester S Serantoa IT Hoehestar.. 4 gyraense 15 Wilkes-Barro 3 Baffslo 8 Providoaee Toronto at Springfield, no game. . uffalo profited by the luck of an evenly played game and won by a cant margin from Providence. The victory was very timely, as the Indica tions are that Scranton has struck a winning; streak and will make the Bisons' hold on fifth place very uncer tain, scranton gained nine points on Buffalo by taking the two games from Rochester, both of which were easll won. Delaney, for Syracuse, was in against Betts. "the won man," at Wilkes-Barre. and the latter was pounded at will. Standing of Eastern I.caftie Clubs. P. W. L. P.C, Rlinngneia 79 64 25 .64 jrruviuence 79 49 SO .620 S"01"?. - 85 .55 l vyiKtn-oarre 76 41 35 .539 Muuaiu 88 43 45 iriion 77 35 42 ,455 99 35 55 luronto 83 24 68 .293 Today's Eastorn Leaguo Game. Buffalo at Providence. Tomorrow'a Eastern League Camas. Toronto at Scranton. Buffalo at Wllkes-Barre. 8yracuse at Springfield. Rochester at Providence. MADE IT F01B STRAIQHT, Serantoa Easily Takes tha ' Rochester came baric s. . terday and gave two more exhibitions W nI. t0 plajr the 'T National rame. The visitors threw anvay the chance to win the first contest, bu t were ""r conspicuous in the second chapter, in which the Scrantons gamboled at will ,uun ' rases, and hit as they nuoenson, tne recent Import lon from Canada. e announcement that Catcher "J1 been releaed and that "Big BUI .Scftrlever. an" oldtlme Scranton player, had been signed, drew 1.600 per sons, the largest audience in a long 4inc, iu me games. But Just be fore the first game Schrlever wired that he would not be here until today, and It la probable, that the dlsaDDolntment caused the crowd- to show its lack of loyalty oy groans and cat-calls for every Scranton mistake, and by ap plause 10 r every point favorable to the visitors. The non-appearance of scnrlever and Sweeney, the newly signed shortstop, accounts for the pres ence in me game of all Scranton's pitchers. President Powers got mixed In mak ing assignments for his umpires, and in consequence "both . Oaffney. and Doescher appeared on the grounds. After adjudicating the first game. Oaffney left for W.ilkes-Barfe, to where Powers nad wired him to do duty today. Doescher umpired the second game and will probably be here for .the remaining noma games. How the Games Were Worn , In the first game Johnson was pitted against Donoghue, who pitched the bet ter game, but he was supported by listless playing, and four of Rochester's five errors contributed toward the run getting. The result, however, Is not alone due to Rochester's poor fielding, but may be accounted for In part by Scranton's hitting, when hits meant runs. In only one Inning, the fourth, did Scranton make a hit and fall to score. Huston' and Ward, by their ac ceptance of sixteen chances without error, furnished the spirit of the play H8. From the beginning. of the second game Robertson was bombarded, and the hitting was continued In every In ning, except the third. He was wild as a rabbit, and nearly all of his nine gifts of first counted toward the runs. For three innings only one hit was made off Meaney, and then he let down during the fourth and fifth In nings, during which six hits for nine bases and Huston's blind throw over first netted four runs. Jn the last four innings, however, onlj? two singles were made off himl ., A detailed story of the two games Is unnecessary; the following scores suf ficiently, explain the causes and results: ' First game- SCRANTON. A.B. R. 6 1 O. X 3 0 0 1 6 10 4 0 A. Smith, c Ward, 3b Eagan, If Bannon, as... Meaney, cf.... Huston, 3b.... Stearns, lb.... 4 ...... 6 4 4 4 4 Lucy. rf.. 8 jonhneon, p Total 36 9 11 26 17 t ROCHESTER, A.B. R. H. O. A. a Daly, cf 6 1 2,1.00 White, If 6 1.10 0 0 O'Brien, 3b t 0 12,01 Hamburg, rf 4 0 0 6 0 0 Tlche. 2b 4 0 1 2 2 1 Breckinridge, lb... 3 0 2 6 0 0 Berger, o 4:0 2 1 2 0 Keenan, ss 4 1 2 1 0 2 lonoghue, p 4 1 2 0 2.0 Totals 36 6 13 23 .Whlle out for interference, Smith ran out of line. Scranton , 3 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 Rochester 0 030200006 Earned runs Scranton, 6; Rochester, 2. HERUFOUNDIT-SdCMVOU. ' tl test plat la the elty to gar fishing J"fc .setT srtataea's supplies. Thai BXa.UJiiO WH&aiL of hie Is a beauty. r?ft "a iti ufiZil"' aUMra n 11 1 Two-base hits Bannon. Ward. Eaaan. White. Sacrifice hit Lubv. Stolen bases 43mlth, Ward, Bannon. Left on bases Scranton, ; Rochester, C Double plays Meaney to ward to Smith to Huston; Bannon to Ward to Stearns. Struck out By Donoghue, 8mlth. Stearns. First on errors Scranton. 4. First base on called Dans oir Donoghue, 2; off Johnson, 2. vtna pitches Donoghue. Time 1.50. Vra pire uanney. Second game SCRANTON. A.B. R. H. O. A. E. Smith, c 6 113 11 Ward, 2b 4 3 2 2 4 Kauai), if 6 2 10 1 Bannon, ss 6 6 4 1 6 Meaney, p 5 13 0 2 Huston. 3b 5 2 2 8 6 Stearns, lb 3 .2 0, ltf , 0 0 L.uoy, cr 4 113 0 Johnson, rf 4 0 10 0 Totals 4V 17 15 27 19 , ROCHESTER. A.B. R. II. O. A. E. Daly, If 4 0 2 3 0 Henter, rf 4 1 3 ,1 0 O'Brien, Sb 4 1 0 1 4 Hamburg, cf 4 110 0 Tights 2b 4 0 1 ( 0 Breckinridge, lb... 4 0 0 7 0 White, c 4 0 1 B .1 Keenan, ss 3 0 0 0 1 1 Robertson, p 2 110 0 1 Totals S3 4 9 24 8 5 flora ton 4 1 0 0 3 2 6 1 -17 Rochester 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 04 P Jl r Tl (111 ritn, Snuantnn Q . Dnnk.... A Two-base hits Eagan, Johnson. Meaney, L.uuy, . na-mourg. Three-base hits Biin- uui. aucrinre mi itooertson. Stolen bases Ward, Bannon 2, Meanev 2, Smith. Huston. Iff 10;. Rochester. 3. Double plays Ward 10 ni weaney 10 ward to Stearns; Bannon to Stearns. 8truck out By Meaney. O'Brien; by Robertson, Huston, Stearns 2, Ward, Eagan. First on errors Spranfnn 9 ffivhAaia ri . called balls Off Robertson, 9; off Meaney, v. nu oy pucner nuston. Time 1.50. u inpirv ioescner. , DELANEY AGAIN. Pitched Winning Ball for Syracuse Against Wllkea-Barre.' "Wllkes-Barre, Pa., Aug. 6. Betts was hit very hard In the game between Wllkes-Barre and Syracuse this after noon, while .Delaney pitched a master ful game for Syracuse, allowing but six hits. Oaffney was to have umpired today, but failed to receive notice to catch the train, and Shannon and Kilroy did ccceptable work In his place. Bonner played second In place of Shannon, and Irt the first Inning, with two out, muffed an easy fly, after which two runs were batted In. This work on his part seemed to unnerve Betts and the whole team, and thereafter It was a sleepy ex hibition of ball playing. Weather, fine. Attendant, (00. Score: , . WILKES-BARRE. - A.B. R. H. O. A. E. Lytle, If 3 0 1 3 0 1 Bonner, 2b 4,214 t 1 Iexotte. rf 4 v v z i Orlffln, rf 4 0 2 2 0 ( Earl, lb 4 0 0 6 0 ( Digg:ns, c 4 10 3 o t McMahon, ss 8 0 0 1 2 1 Smith. 3b 4 0 1 8 3 ( Betts. D 4 ' 0 1 0 0 1 . Totals 34 3 ( 24 8 E SYRACt'SE. A.B. R. H. O. A. E Welch cf 6 2 1 2 0 0 Power, lb 6 2 2 9 0 0 Simon, If 6 2 2 0 0 2 Minahan, 3b 6 3 4 2 3 0 Sweeney, rf 6 1 ' 2 4 0 0 uasan. 2b 4 I z a i i Moss, ss 4 118 3 0 Hess, c 6 3 2 4 0 0 Delaney, p 5 13 0 1 Totals 46 15 18 27 9 8 Wllkes-Barre 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0-8 Syracuse 2 6 2 o 1 3 l 0 l: Earned runs Wilkes-Barre, 1; Syracuse. 8. First base on errors Wllkes-Barre, 2 Syracuse, 5. Left on bases Wllkes- Barre, 6; Syracuse, 10. First base on balls Off Betts, 3; off Delaney, 1. Struck out By Betti, l; by Delsney. 4. Home runs- Sweeney, Hess. Three-base hits Orif. fin, Minahan 3, Power. Two-base hits Botts. Bonner. Mlnahsn. Delaney. Stolen bases Power. Double play Eagan to Moss to rower, passed balls Hess. 1. Umpires Shannon and Kilroy. Time 1.15. Hedson Loses This Time. Providence, R. I., Aug. 5. Buffalo earned another victory from the Provi dence team today. Hod son, who fooled them steadily on Friday, was batted hard by the Bisons. Fields started the fireworks In the second Inning with a home run over the center field fence. In the seventh Inning the home team braced and on a streak of heavy bat ting and dashing base running, aided by Drauby's error, tied the score. But the visitors went right In and pounded the delivery of Hod son for three more runs. The game had an exciting finish. Score: Providence 0 0001040 16 Buffalo 0 1201120 -8 Hits Providence. 12: Buffalo. 13. Errors Providence. 1: Buffalo. 2. Batteries Hod son and MoAuley; Fournler and Ur quhart. Earned runs Providence, 3; Buf falo, 6. First base on balls Strieker, Wise, Drauby 2. Shearon. Struck out Drauhv. Shearon, Clymer, Wise. Home run field. Three-base h'.ts Bassett. Field. Clymer. Two-base htts Lyons, Rogers, Strieker, McAuley, Clymer, Fournler. Stolen bases Bassett, Wise. Double plays Wise to Field; Lewee to Wise o Field. Hit by pitcher Murray. Passed balls McAuley. Time 1.50. Umpire Bwartwood. S NATIONAL LEAGUE. BoStOD. New Tork and 'Wnshlntrtnn of the eastern clubs won In the Na tional league yesterday, while Cleve land and St. Louis carried off th hnn. ors for the western division. Staadlng of National LeagM Clubs. Cleveland 90 54 9H .Win Pittsburg 86 60 35 .688 ftalMfnors- 9a aa w cei Chicago 90 61 39 !&7 Boston 80 46 35 (63 Cincinnati 83 46 38 .643 Brooklyn . 82 44 38 .637 Philadelphia tl 48 38 .631 Nir York fit it ta : kia ----- r -...j. .......... . .11. Washington 77 28 49 .364 Bt. LOUIS 88 28 60 .318 Louisville 81 21 SO ' .259 At Ch lease R. H P! Ptttaburr ....00101 001 04 a 4 Bt, Louis 101000202 7 11 2 Battaries-Oardner and Merrltt: Ehrsi and -Miller. Ump!reM'Day. .-. ' At Cleveland fL .tr ni Cleveland 1 4299209 8 Louisville 1 0001 9000-1 ' 2 - BatterietMroung and Zlmmers .'Jtnks, Zahner and Warner. Umpire J evae. . At New Tork n-ni New Tork ...1 0 1 1 1 0 1 9 11 15 a Brooklyn .0 80000040-6 11 6 Baitteiies-Ruala, Farrell and Wilson: Oumbert and Daily. Umpires Burn ham and Bunt At Boston R. H.E. Boston ..20201 110-! 12 3 Philadelphia 0 91003000-3 8 8 - Battvrles Nichols and Oansell; Carsey and Clements. Umpire Eraalle. At Washington R. H E. Washington 0 1 10 8 4 0 4-13 15 1 Baltimore 0000 20 3 0-6 10 1 Batteries Boyd and McQulre; Hotter and Clark. Umpire Keefe. Called on ac count of darkness. , At ClnclnnaM-C.nclnnati-Chlcago game postponed on account of firemen's benefit at Oakley. STATE LEAGUE. At Hasleton R. H.E. Carbondale 0 004000000-4 10 3 Hasleton 2 0000100126 9 3 Batteries Jordan, Quarlee and Moore; Anderson and Patchen. At Lancaster R. H.E. Lancaster 0 0005140 0-10 14 0 Allentown 0 40100000-6 8 3 Batteries West and Roth; Moyer and uiiugan. DIAMOND DUST. Tommy Bannon Is a bicycle crank. Sweeney, the new shortstop, reached here last night. Toronto will be here for three days be ginning tomorrow. Rochester plays an exhibition game at Bridgeport, Conn., today. Dan Stearns has lost bis batting clothes, but he WIN find them agarn. Bchriever will reach here on this after noon's 1 o'clock Lackawanna train. Meaney is doing some wonderful bat. ting for Scranton. Philadelphia Record. Scranton has won four straight from Rochester, and ten out of fourteen played with that club. "Pop" 8mtth has been signed by Man ager Chapman to play third base and captain on the Toronto team. Springfield and Providence are drawing away from the bunch. There are nearly six whole laps between second and third places now. Keenan. the promising young pitcher who held the Providence team down to one hit at Hornellsville the other day, pitched for Scranton yesterday. No club goes to'WIlkea-Barre an hour earlier or remains an hour later than is necessary, but all managers take ad vantage of Scranton's good hotels and congenial atmosphere and with their clubs "lay over" here whenever it is possible. Poor Wllkes-Barre. Luby's one-hand catch In the last game was wonderful only because Luby didn't know he had caught the ball until he saw It resting In the hollow of his big glove. It created no end of amusement among the players, who afterward without mercy guyed the big pitcher about it. "Did you see that?" asked Power of Oaffney In the last Syracuse game as Johnson swung out of the box and feinted to first. "I did," replied the only umpire. "Well, how was It?" asked the Syracuse captain. "It was all right; play ball," curtly said the only umpire. The conver sation ceased. The score card vote for the most popu lar player on the Philadelphia ball club stands as follows: Cross, 2,749; Hallman, 2,727; Clements, 2.70!; Rellly, 2.688; Dela hanty, 2,474; Hamilton, 2,323; Thompson, 2,006; Boyle, 1.796; Turner, 1,585; Taylor, 1,278; Carsey, 989; Orady, 806; McQUI, C59. It takes only one manager to manage a club and the Scranton manager's name is Barn la. There are some sulking cranks who would appear to better advantage outside the manger and alongside the management, instead of following the course quickest to Mil Interest In the na tional game. It's Just as easy to be happy and root for Scranton, No Sunday base ball games wilt be played next year by the National league teams. President Hart, of the Chicago club, has always been In favor of a discontinuance of Sunday games and is pleased at the re cently developed unanimity of the Eastern club officials against Sunday playing. The oP'cers of the Pittsburg club ' are against It, and with Chicago and Pitts burg a unit, the remaining clubs will fall Into line. Mynheer Kuntzsch, the Ta Ra Ra Von Der Ahe of Syracuse, is kicking because the Providence Orays refused to play off two postponed games with the Stars Mon day. Perhaps Murray took this method of getting back at George for his refusal to extend courtesies to the governor cf Rhode Island during a recent game at Providence. Kunttsch's kick went and the governor had a choice of forking over his little old quarter or viewing the game through a knothole In the fence. Roches ter Democrat and Chronicle Amateur Ball Notes. The Toung Men'a Obrlstia'n association base ball team will play a practice game this afternoon. The Shamrocks, of the South Side, de feated the Blue Stars, of Providence, by a score of 16 to 11. The Violets challenge the smaller Sandy Bank club for Aug. 11 or Aug. 18 at 2 p. m. sure. C. Kraff, captain. Answer through The Tribune. The Anthracites, of Mooslc, accept the challenge of the Olyphant Browns to a game of ball on Thursday of this week. John Deans, manager. The Kluk-Klux, of Mooslc, defeated the Oak Hill club yesterday by the score of 14 to 13. Batteries for Mooslc, Ives and Dougherty; for Oak Hill, Altkens and Davis. The Anthracites, of Mooslc challenge the Toung Men's Christian association, of Scramton, to a game on their grounds any day this week except Thursday. John Deans, manager. The Murray Hills, of Park place, chal lenge the Actives, of the North End, to a game for Friday on Actives' grounds. Answer through The Tribune. A. Over vaugji, manager; E. Gannon, captain. The Sunsets challenge the Harmonies for a game of base ball on the Hollow grounds for Aug. 11 or Aug. 18 at 3 p. m. sharp. J. Housrad, manager; T. Hettler, captain. Answer through The Tribune. The West Bide Stars challenge the Bailor Boys of the West Side; the Rosebuds, of Linden street; the Hustlers, of Dunmore, or the Mullen Street Stars to a game on the Little Woods grounds Aug. 10 at 2.30 o'clock. Louts Davles, manager; Will Hughes, captain. Women Cyclists oa ths Track. From the New Tork Herald. Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 8. Fifteen hun dred people turned out to see the female bicyclists race at Kirk park today. Seven shapely women, some-young and pretty, but two of doubtful age,- and 'the moth ers of children, rode around the track In two long and tiresome events, a ten-mile and a fifteen-mile race. The contestants were Mrs. J. O. Brown Mrs. P. J. Dukerow, Miss Amanda Baker, Miss Qrace Fisher and Miss Amelia Lind ner, of Rochester, and Miss Catherine Flaimlgan and Miss Ollle Olrlch, of Syra cuse. Miss Baker won the ten-mile race In 36m. ' Mrs. Brown won the fifteen-mile race in 49m. 80s. ODDS AND ENDS OF SPORT. H. D. Schwerts, of Boranton, Is shooting a pigeon match with some nearly every week, and wins about all of them. He has won six matches In succession, and Is after more scalps. Sporting Life. Frank Craig, the "Harlem Coffee Cooler," and Dan Creedon have been matched at London for 'a twenty-round fight It Is' understood that tha National Sporting clUb win put Op a purs of nob, The' revolver shootlss? championship of England has again bear! won by. Walter Wlnans, of Baltimore,' Md. , At BUle? ' re cently Mr. Wlnana won the military re volver aggregate, the target revolver ac- gregate and the revolver grand aggregate, oaidea seven first prises, for revolver shooting, making two highest possible scores, and breaking four records, , Luce Bras. How Open At Th!. Old Stand, CORNER MAIN AYE. AND PRICE ST., WITH AN ENTIRE NEW Stock of Groceries. ON OTHER SIDE OF CHANNEL Some Events of the Day on the West Side of the City Noted. KILLING 0PP THE CANINES Some Person Uses Poison with Dlssstrous Results-Miss Jsmss and John Rogers Quietly Marrled-Fsklrs Are Reaping a Harvest. tThe West Side Interests of The Tribune have been placed In the hands of Emer son Owen, to whom all news announce ments and complaints may be addressed. Some wretch Is at work on this side killing valuable dogs by the use of strychnine. Last week Photographer Starner's canine iwas poisoned upon eat ing a quantity of meat which had been dosed with the deadly material. The animal was saved by constant atten tion during the whole of one night by the owner. Undertaker W'ymbs lost a valuable dng, death resulting from poison. Mr. Trostel, the Jackson street meat man, owned a dog, which was made the vic tim of the soulless poisoners, and Lou Bunnell's dog. for which the owner refused an offer of $35 a few days ago, died Sunday, after eating a (piece of refuse meat. By the coincidence that each animal had the some kind of symptoms, and, also, that the ravages are being committed In rapid succes sion, Indicates that the same person or persons are doing the nefarious work. The owners of the unfortunate canines are Justly vehement, and an effort Is being made to root up the depredators. The police are also on the" watch. Shot at Pigeons. Will James and Steve Soloskl shot a match at pigeons yesterday on the commons, near the old Ibrick yard, and at Its conclusion each man had shot seven birds, thus making a tie.' Eleven pigeons were shot at by each contest ant. James killed his first three and Soloskl missed the same number. This created odds In favor of James, but by good headwork the other killed enough of the remaining seven to make the tie. Betting was fast and free, partly owing to the recent pay days at the mines and also because of the excitement and un certainty of the match. Birds were bet on singly, one man going two to one on an Imported pigeon. James killed it easily. Twenty-five dollars was the stake. A crowd of 600 , persons wit nessed the match. Finally Lost Ills Eyesight. An account of Edward Crane, of Casey Bros., striking a young son of William Powell, of North Garfield ave nue in the eye with a piece of hard ened clay about three months ago, was given In this department. Crane was then arrested and placed under ball to await the result of the Injury. The boy's eyesight was totally destroyed and, as Crane's ball had run out, he was re-arrested. At the second hearing. Crane consented to pay the doctor's bill and other costs. Crane Is a driver for Casey Bros, and was passing near Gammon's hill when a crowd of boys Insulted Mm. He moved to scare them and picked up the clay, throwing It at the boy with the result stated. Married at tho Parlor City. 'At Blnghamton, the birthplace of all unheralded marriages, on July 17, John Bogers, of South Hyde Park avenue, and Miss Annie James, of South Re becca avenue, were quietly married by Rev. Mr. Jennings, if that city. The an nouncement Is a source of surprise to the couple's friends, but, after the first confusion which naturally resulted, congratulations came pouring In upon the young people. Mr. Rogers is an em ploye of M. J. Kelley's manufactury, and the bride Is the friend of all that know her. They will reside on South Rebecca avenue. Will It Ever End? A brand ' new fakir, the fourth In almost as many days, struck us last night. He attracted crowds by the tinkling of a bell. Many were swindled, as usual. Whether or net the supposi tion that West Side brains are more ob tuse than others, and attracts them hither, the fakirs only are capable of answering. , News Notes and Personals. Yesterday the two front porches of Falrchlld's hotel were torn down, pre paratory to the erection of a handsome Iron front with plate glass windows. John D. Davis, of South -Main avenue, Is 111, necessitating absence from work. Will Reynolds Is on a vacation. Joseph Jeremiah, a well-known and popular West Side young man, has sev ered connections w'th the Farmer's Dairy company, after five years' em ployment. He will take a short vaca tion, preparatory to his entering Buck nell college In September. The young man alms at higher things and will surely be successful. Harry and iHoward Davis, David Olbbs, Frederick Evans and Will Hughes have returned from a pleasant camping visit on Hiawatha island. Elbrldge Dougherty la Visiting In Tork state. Miss Bessie Davis, of Parsons, Is be ing entertained by Mrs. W. O. Daniels, of South Main avenue. ' 'The family of John Lewis left yester day for a Stay at Lake Idylwild. Miss Owladys Joseph has returned af ter a visit with friends at FleetvlUe. Mrs. Thomas Jones, wife of Police Officer Jones, la slowly Improving af ter an extended Illness. ' Ht Misses Harriet Luney and Cella Connors, of Jackson street, have re turned home after a short visit with friends at Carbondale. , Mary Tobln. the 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Tobln, died yes terday at the family home, on Grant avenue. The funeral of Lewis E. Jones will oc cur today at 11 o'clock. The body will be taken to Forty Fort for Interment. Haydn Jenkins, of North Hyde Park avenue, while riding a bike Saturday evening, was knocked down by one of Clarke Bros.' delivery wagons, and slightly injured. Mrs. Muir and son, of this side, will spend a week's vacation at Montrose and Heart lake. Mrs. ' Reese T. Reese, of Washburn street, is entertaining Mrs. Philip Francis, of Gelllco, Tenn., and Mrs. W. Trevora Lewis, of Proctor, N. T. Miss Ella Godshall, of South Sumner avenue. Is visiting at Shannon, Pa. Miss Myrrtle (DeWltt and William Eldrldge will be married at the home of the bride's uncle, on North Sumner avenue. Mr. Eldrldge Is a resident of Waterbury, Conn. iMIss Nellie Brown, of Laceyvllle, la visiting Miss Alda Atkinson, at her home, on Meridian street. West Side Bnslnesa Directory. BICYCLES repaired, scissors ground, tools sharpened, saws filed, keys fitted, machines repaired by W. I.. Steenback, dealer in Guns, Fishing Tackle, under West Side Bank. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, 81.49 per doien. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at Starner's Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main avenue. BARBER. Hair cutting and shaving done In a first-class manner at John H. Rey nold's Barber Shop, at Falrchlld's Hotel. GROCERIES Revere Standard Java Coffee Is unexcelled. The leading coffee of the day. For sale only at F. W. Ma son & Co. Fine Groceries, 116 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE CASH for anything you have to sell. Furni ture, Stoves, Tools, eto. Call and seo the stock of J. C. King, 1024 and 1036 Jackson street. WALL PAPER Go to Fred Reynolds, 306 North Main avenue, and see his complete line of Wall Paper. Paints and Window Shades. Just opened with new stock. PLUMBING-Wllllam D. Griffiths, 113 North Main avenue, does first-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed. MAY HAVE TO REFUND. Food Inspector Thomas Receiving Money Without Duo Warrant. Food Inspector Richard Thomas may be called upon to refund any money that may have been paid Mm out of the city treasury for the maintenance of his horse, as the auditing committee of councils last night concluded that he was not warranted In receiving this money. , , When the bill for the care and feed ing of the food and milk inspector's horse came up for consideration atten tion was drawn to the fact that the or dinance creating the office particularly specified that the officer in question should pay for the care of his horse out of his salary. It appears, however, that last year's estimate committee appro priated something like 8260 for the care and keeping of the Inspector's horse, and out of this fund councils have been monthly allowing him the cost of maintaining tils horse. The auditing committee last night re fused to honor the bill and instructed City Clerk Lavelle to examine previ ous reports to ascertain how much has been paid to the Inspector. The committee also refused to pass the bill for the services of Timothy La velle, Inspector of Roaring Brook bridge, as his appointment has not been confirmed by councils. MEXICAN EDITOR MURDERED. Ills Body Found Literally Hacked to Pieces Is a Deep Mystery. City of Mexico, Aug. 6. The assassi nation of Editor Olmos in the City of Puebla has excited Intense Interest. It Is now said that Olmos was suspected of being the publisher, as well as edi tor, of a mysterious weekly paper called Voice of 'Puebla, which appeared July 14, and In which the administra tion of Governor Martinez was violent ly attacked and his re-election hotly opposed. The police made a search for the publication office, but could find no trace of it. Genevieve Olmos, sister of the mur dered editor, published a remarkable letter today, In which she says she found her brother almost literally hacked to pieces, with many wounds made by knives and daggers of vari ous sizes. The blade of one dagger re mained In the body with the handle gone. Her brother's front teeth were knocked out. She adds: "Up to this moment I have not endeavored to In quire into the murder, neither could I do so with such immense grief weigh ing on me. A rumor Is circulating that the assassins of my unfortunate brother belong to the secret police of this city." Newspapers here are call ing on the state government of Puebla to enter at once on a minute Investiga tion of this horrible crime. COLONY PROVES A FAILURE. Swedes Anxious to Return from Mis sissippi to Rockford. Rockford, 111., Aug. 6. Word was re ceived today from the colony of 100 Rockford Swedes who removed to Haga, iMiss., a year or so ago that they are In a condition of starvation and many almost naked and appealing for assistance to get 'back to Rockford. They report that cotton was the only crop for which they found a cash mar ket, and prices are so low on that as to make It far from profitable. ' They hope to get enough out of this year's crop to return here. AMONG THE PUGS. Owen Zlegler, the Philadelphia tight weight, who Jumped into fame by giving Jack McAuiiffe the toughest battle of his life, has taken to cycle riding, and Is re ported to be a clever rider. Al Smith, who has a (5.000 cash Interest m Jim Corbett's stake, took 6 to 1 to the extent of flOO recently that the big fight would not take place in Texas. Joe Von dlg laJd the odds. Last night Smith of fered to bet 3S00 to 8250 that Dan Stewart and his partners would not succeed in pull ing off the fight In the Lone Star state. Plica! Pilea! Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture; intense Itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, be coming very sore. Bwsnye's Ointment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ul ceration, and In. most cases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for M cents, ur. awayae Bon, r&lladelphla. a wies Baby was sick, weitTehwOastoraV " w1easUwMaCblld,sbaciMforCato1a, When she beeajhe atlse, she clang to Caatoria. Waaa she sad ChUdren, sat gave then Castorl DUPED : IN CHARITY'S -NAM- Western People Listen to a False Appeal to Halp Starving Kueslaaa. Topeka. Kan., Aug. 6. During 4Aie past month appetils. have been . mada to Governor Morrill, of Kansas, and governors of other states by people of Ellis county for aid for the G00 starving Russians of that county. These appeals have described a condition of abject poverty among the Russians, and they were so touching that many charitable people of the east contributed food and clothing freely. The state officials sent coal and provisions to Hayes City, which they supposed had ministered to the wants of the destitute. To fully satisfy himself Governor Morrill s?nt Railroad ' Commissioner Howe to Ellis county to Investigate fully. He returned tonight and reports that the Russians are the most thrifty people In Ellis county, and that 'the ap peals for aid were sent out by men who have profited from the sale of the pro visions sent them by charitable people. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS NOT. We are in tha business to stay, and wbat wa advertlas is no fake. We will offor to the pub lic the following bargains in Bhoes for 10 days only: 72 pairs Ladles' Russet Oxford Ties, 2 to 7, at 6Sc 24 pairs Ladies' Russet Oxfords, very fine, sizes 2 to 6), at $1.10 Ladles' Fine French Dongola SUoesat Sl.SS Are worth 12 ISO Ladies' Fine Shoes for..... $1.00 Are worth 11.60 Men s satin uair unoea, an leather, for .. $1.25 Men's Fine Shoes, hand sewed, for $2.2 Are worth 83-60 Railroad men's working Shots only 81.26, and ws warrant them for wear. The above are only a few of our bargains. Why, of course we ran aell ehaapsr than others. We buy onr goods for cash, and our expenses are very small. H it not the fancy stores and large ex. psnses have to charge mora for the goods to make money? Give us a call before going else where and wa will suaraatee yea satisfaction. DAVIDOW'S S. 140 Penn Avenua. VICTOR LEAOS ALL We are receiving a few daily, and are prepared to furnish Vie tors, Gendrons, Envoys, Fleet wings. Relay Special, Relay Road ters. Crowns, LuMiNums; all new In both Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wheels. WE HAVE STILL SORE BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND WHEELS Call and Examine. J. D. WILLIAMS 5 BRO. 314 LACK! AVE., SCRANTON, PI DU FONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER anatactared at the Wapwallopra HOla, L same county. Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming pistriet. 118 WYOMING AVE, 8oranton, Pa, . Third VattoDil Bank Building. aaaactast Til OH. POBD, MUaton. Pa. JOHN B. SMITH SOK. Plymooth, Pa B. W. UtrtUUAN, WilksaBarra, Pa. Agents tor the Itepanne Chemical Una tear Blgh Baptostvea. WHY SUFFER When you can have your eyes scientifically Tested Free by the now method. tafTbere are hundreds of people if they knaw thia, would go miles to have inelr examined. DONT WAIT. tVWhen you get lenses, or glasses, as many people call th.m, Get the Best, as they won't coat von any more taan poorer ones. Do not trust your valuable alohtto pad dlere.TheACRO-CRYSTAL LENSES will correct tha vision and atop all pain In tha head. - - Placed Id tba Finest Solid Gold Frtinei for $3 Thtsa Lenses are sold only by DeWITT, CYC SPECIALIST ANO JEWELER Opposite Hcranton Bouse, -303 Laokawanna Ave., SCRANTON, PA. Hottas Ditty: ' to 11 a. nu, 1 to 8 and 7 to t p, m. JOHN L HANGI, ENGRAVER, . OFFICE ANO SHOP 3)1 it Leak. Ay. and Stewart a Art Wore. Photo EigniiDi for Ctrcaltrt, Boki,Citi , loflo, Kswsptpen. Malf-Tanea an Una Work. lie IB RAILROAD TIME-TABLE 8 Central Railroad ol New Jersey. i (I aJtisk 4 asunaaaaaa PivaSoeJ jAatlu-aatte oeai aadajicluatveiy. lasur 3UTAUu5 lEracr JUNK 3. MS. Train leave BeraatM for Pitta tan. 'Wilkaat-Barre. etc- at 8Jt 8JL 1L a.av, LA jLCO. lift. p. a. Ifcadajra, Mi awjav. LOS. 8.18. T.fc p. en. , For Atlaatlo City. LM a-m. ' ..For Mew Tork. Kevark aa SUaabeth. I Kpraee a m.j LSI espreee wita Hu fat parlor ear). S.K (eureaa) P-m. Baa day. 8.18 p. m. Train leaving L88 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, in p. m. and New Tork tit p. m. -, Per Mauch Chunk. Alleatowa. Bethle hem, Bastoa and Philadelphia. tM 1.88. 80S. 6. 00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 118 p.m. For Long Branch. Ocean drove, ate al 8.10 a. m. (throurh coach), l.iS p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlaburav via Allentown, &.2U a. m., 1.23, 8.00 p. m. Sunday, a.18 p.m. For PottsvOle. 8.80 a. m., 1.28 p. Returning, leave New Tork. foot of Lib. arty atraeC North river, at 1.10 (axprmsk a.m.. L10. 1-SO, 4.30 (expraaa with BuOat parlor car) p.m. Sunday, . am. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal. 8.(0 a.m, tot and 4.80 p.m. Sunday IXf a.m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the station, H. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agent. 1. H. OLHAUSEN. Gen. SupL Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 84. ltM. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Es press for New York and all points East. 1.40. 1W, 8.15. 8.00 and .(A am.; 1113 and lit p.m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadet Phla and ths south, (.18, 100 and 8.6S a.ra 12.55 and 8.S4 p.m. Washington and way stations, 1G8 p.m. Tobyhanna accommodation, (.10 p.m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El mh a. Corning, Bath, Dansvllle. Mount Morris and Buffalo, 18.10, 135 am., and 1.21 p.m., making close connections at BuN falo to all points In the Wast , Northwas8 and Southwest. Bath accommodation, t am. Blnahamton and way stations, UST p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 4 p. m. ano) 114 p. m.. Binghamtoa and Elmlra Express, 10B p.m. Express fer Cortland. Syracuse, Osweva Vtlca and Richfield Springs, 138 a.m. and L24 p.m. Ithaca, 135 and Bath I am. and 1.81 p-uu Fer Northumberland, Pittaton. 'Wllkes Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan villa, making cloae connections at North umberland for Wtlllamsport, Harriaburg. Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and intermediate eta tlons, 8.00. 0.&5 a.m. and 1.80 and 8.07 p.m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations. 108 and 11.80 a.m. Plymouth and Inter mediate atatlons, 8.40 and 8.58 p.m. Pullman parlor and aleeplng coaches Of) all express trains For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, ffif Lackawanna avenue, aa depot ticket office. DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAU . ROAD. Ceramenoina Monday. -al day, July ao, ail trains IP will arrive atnew Lack awanna avenue stauoa as follows: Trains will leave Bcraa ton station for Carbondale and la termediate points at 180, 6.46. T OO, 125 and 10.10 am., if), ISO, 155. 5.18. llfi. MB, lit) and 11.80 p.m. Fer Farvlew, Wejrmart and Hoaeodala at tea, IS and 18.10 a. m., 12. 00, 120 and i.11 Far Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack, and Montreal at 148 am. and 180 pjn. For Wilkes-Barre and Intermediate) : lnta at 7.45. 8.48. 8.38 and 1148 a.m., 1108. iJ, 188, afioTlla, 108, 118 and 11.88 p.m. Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carbondale and intermediate points at 7.40, 14, 8.84 and 10.40 am.. 12.00, 1.17,2.34. 140, 4.84, 5.85. 7.46. Ill and 11.88 p.m. From Hoaesdale, Way mart and Fart view at UO am., 1100. L17, 140. 6.58 ant) 7.48 p.m. Prom Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, ctv at i n aula u-a. p.m. From Wllkee-Berre and Intermedlattl points at 8.16, 6.04, 10.06 and ll.W a.m., l.MI VU, 188. 110. 106. 7.20. 108 and U.18 p.m. . Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New Tork and intermediate points on the Erie rail road at 7.00 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. Also for Honasdale, Hawloy and local points al 7.00, 8.40 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. All the above are through trains to and from Henesdala. Tram for Lake Ariel 5.10 p. m. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at IS) a m. and 8.46 p. m. May IS, 1898. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. & H. R. R. at 7.46 a. m., 12.06. 1.20, 8.38 and 11.31 p. m., via D., 1 A W. R. R,, 6.00, 108, 11.20 a. m and 1.38 p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttstou and Wllkes Barre, via D., L. A W. R. R., 100, 6.01 11.2 a. m., 3.50, 8.07, 8.63 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha sleton, Pottsvllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via E. A W. V. R. R.. 8.40 a.m., via D. At H. R. R. at 7.46 a m., 12.05, 1.20, 2.38, 4.00 p. m, via D., L. A W. R. R. 100, 108, 11.20 a, m, 1.80, 150 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton. Reading. Harrl.burg and all Intermediate points via V. A H. R. R., 7.46 am., 1205, 1.20, 2.38, 4.00, 11.38 p. m., via D., L. W. R. R 8.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To Wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. A H. R. R.. 8.4S a.m., 12.05 and 11.35 p.m., via D., L. Ac W. R. R, 8.08, 9.56 am.. 1.80 p.m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and nil points west via D. At H. R. R.. 1. 45 a.m., 13.05, 9.15, 11.38 p.m., via D., U4W.B.R. and Pittaton Junction. 108, 8.56 a.m., LJ0, 160 p.m., via E. A W. V. R. R., 8.41 p.m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, via D. A H. R. R., 8.45 am., 12.05, 8.05 p.m.. Via P.. L. A W. R. R., 8.08. 8.56 am., 1.30. and 6.07 p.m. ... ... Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. A B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and Nsw York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension BfldeROLLIN H. WILBUR, Oen. Supt. CHAS.8.LEE,Oen.Pass. Agt., Phlla., Pa, A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. Oen. Pass, Act. South Bethlehem. Fa. orantiin nrriaiON. la Effect, -lay 89th, 189S. Netttfe HeaaaV. aaata Baajad. .08 804ioa Stations (Trains Dally, K rppi. Kunoay.F P M P Ml I Arrive Leavn . N. Y. Franklin 8t. . .West 4nd street!. A 10 Ml 7SM 740 758 10 1140! 101 io M 7ool weehawken ........ Urrlve Leavela al P H P HI r K FSBi 1 15! iliaucock 'junction. torn....! 51 low Hancock Starlight Preston Park Como Poyntelle Belmont Pleasant Ml Vniondale Forset City Carbondale White Bridge MaylUld Jermya Archibald Wlnton ' Peckvule , Olyphant Dickson Turoop , Pmvidenee Park Place aiMRtA. !3 in 86 881 841 16 6 808 808 I 684 HM8 now 6 01 4 Ml w .... 1.401 1.4(3 ... 68sJ... 8 4(3... 4 Bill. UN 4 47 18 14) . 4 wi .... S51 IBM .... 14 8-lj MIMfl 188 ....! 4 83 II 4, 710F 4 06(11 7 Nil 81 flltd 787 (19171 am ft 8SU84a a 848 361 864 86 44 tor 41 480 11881 lllgl 7SIII8 45 4 3 61 8 4ftrlll5i 3 41 II T4813)) 7 6a 104 7 Ml 107 76W110 80M 114 sat 1107 I 8 8.1 II W (8M 8 80 11 on) g 8 inn iwi 80 t tul 8 8 109ft) B r m 'a a' Ilekve Arrive' 'a a:p ni r a AM OTNII. MU UM1J V,WT BUUUB Tl t slimlfles that trains atoa oa alnal tne fiaa. ttngert. pecure ntes via Ontario a Weeter before purchasing tickets and tare asoaey, pay sad NlDgt Iipreas to the West. n -w. B05j03lf0t I 1 a 3a