THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, 1895. V a m m xrrnan a Liooro FIRE INSURANCE, 20 Wyoming Avo. 316 BARGAINS IN SHOES . RUSSET SHOES IT COST ATTHK .".WEALTH. SHOE STORE Washington Avenue. )U3 WAGONS CALL tmlulr la all .parts of tha city. Har w. mtaHd yonf urop a postal. ACKA WANNA THE LAUNDRY, SOS Penn Av. A. B. WARMATt. iPECIAt V forethear- rival of our new fall Curtains tod Dra- nic w sill call til aiM . ots of one and two pairs of Lace and Heavy Curtains at less than cost 137 WYOMING AVENUE. CITY MOTES. (Mam Bhulby, for refuting to assist (fleer Marker in making an arrest, was ned 2 by Alderman Fuller yesterday. The Delaware and Hudson Canal Coal company's employes at the Eddy Creek nd Olyphant colMertea were paid yester ay. At the Bellevue. Dodsre and Oxford col' 'l.rlei the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western employes will greet the pay car oday. The Woman's Christian . Temperance nton will hold a meeting this afternoon 1.30 o'clock In their rooms, 303 Spruce eet. orty-flve deaths were reported to the of health last week. There were o ten cases of contagious diseases, but ne were of a fatal nature. race Lutheran church lawn fete to ht at home of James Mattes, corner (ferson and Delaware. Music and re- shments. Given by the Ladles' Aid. he Green Ridge Woman's Christian mperance union will hold a mothers' Btlna th'.s afternoon at 8 o'clock In the angelical church on Capouse avenue. ames Alexander and John Thomas, two rth End youths, were caught bathing W. H. Richmond's private pond on Bun- y last by Detective Agll and yesterday re fined $2 apiece by Alderman Fuller. The bond of Patrick O'Rourke, treasurer the Archbald school district, was yea rday filed in the office of Prothonotary ryor In the sum ot, 118,000. James I'Rourke, Justice Bishop and Michael tus are his bondsmen. Ground was broken yesterday In Rich mont park by the Green Ridge Lumber ompany for a stone residence for Jotin H. Jordan. The building, when finished, twill cost about $20,000. Brown Morris, the architects, say It Is to be one of the handsomest as well as the most complete Codern home In the city. Marriage licenses were yesterday grant by the olerk of the courts to Jerome A, Bykes, of Throop, and Margaret Older Kellett, of this city; Fedora Michael and lnn!e Hutia, Scran ton; John N. Lamb, of Hew Tork, and Cella L. Hart, of Carbon- ale; Nicola Masl and Antlonette Maul, fecond cousins. Scran ton; Wilson K. Eld Idge, of Waterbury, Conn., and Myrtle JtoWitt, of Bcranton. I The musicals to be given at the Young Women's Christian association tonight sill be In charge of Miss Florence Rich nond. Among those who will take part will be Miss Bessie Phelps, Miss Rich mond, Mr. Welsenflue, Mr. Hamlin and others. These Tuesday evening entertain ments and socials are free to all young women and the ladies will be pleased to many at the musical. NEW MANAGER HERE. tetesm's Sueoessor Arrives from Brook- ton. lint Will I aava Todav. Frank SUlltnan, who has been ap- yesterday from Brooklyn on the 1.24 Delaware, Lackawanna and Western train. He was met at the station by Mr. Beetem and both took dinner at Hotel Terrace. They apent the afternoon at the gen eral omce ana maae a casual inspec tion of the nan Anil tha tinnitllmy passenger In the central city. Today an extended tour will be made In a spe cial car over tha mmt nrnmln.nt lln.. of the system, Peckvllle, Mooslc, Laurel mi ana layior. Tne new manager Js young man, but has had a large leasure of exDerlenc in u mtiur.. neni or irouey lines, in Brooklyn his joalUon Is such wKh the Atlantic ave nue line that he will not toe able to set tle matters and come here for almost a nonth. ' Mr. Beetem Is similarly placed In this :lty; he wW not be able to sever his connection absolutely with the Tro. ion company uniu vie end of the lonth. wlien he will m.w ... wi. -. - wm urn I IT- ort Mr. Sllllman will assume control lot. Drobablv. before Bent. I in.. .. irlp over the lines today and the trans ition oi any ouier matters relating to i annirs pi ne company, Mr. SIM Ian will return to Brooklyn. pecla! attention and private dining mm for dinner nartlaa a TkM iproee street Service and cuisine untx- i in mis city. , fan Fall and Winter Suitings, Overcoats ami iruuaera, u. BECK. Tailor. . . m . ' "fit dm Vaaf' I tha nam nf tka Ha-, stm. tzru rt- Jlght colors mild toftacco. 1 1 - " ' 4 a. o. coorben, l Wholesale Agent for Pennsylvania. ' (The ball for the beneflTof Mrs. Mary Phtlllpp. which was to be held July 11, has leo postponed until Monday evening, lug. U. at William McHale's hall, Dun- rr ILLIlSailULTY DAY AT imm PARI Two Tint-said Persons Llstei , to Joai G. Woolley's Spceck. ADDRESSED A GREAT AUDIENCE Kv. J. c Bogaa Was There aad Woaldat Be Interrnpted-Ho Handled Everybody Without Cloves-Meet' lag of Remarkable Power. The seventh annual temperance re union at Mountain Park yesterday was a grand success, upwards of two thou sand people being on the grounds. The day was all that could be desired. The excursionists had a most enjoyable time. The regular morning trains on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western brought In quite a large number, and about one hundred and fifty came In on the Ontario and Western. At S.30 a special train of twelvecoaches, which were well filled, left this city on the Central Railroad of New Jersey, and fully a thousand people left from Wllkes-Barre. During the forenoon the picnickers enjoyed themselves around the beauti ful arounds. and at I o'clock E. D. Nichols, esq., of Wllkes-Barre, called the meeting to order. Pavilion Was Crowded. The great pavilion was crowded and the audience Joined heartily In singing "America." under the direction of Tallle Morgan, W. H. Stanton playing the cornet.' The Bcranton Young Men's Christian association Glee club sang a number of selections, which were en thusiastically applauded. W. C. Weed en, of New York, sang a number of se lections,! and his fine baritone voice never showed up to a better advantage, Ml.oa Elsie Vandervoort, of New York, sang a number of songs In a rich con tralto voice. She Is by far one of the finest singers that has ever appearea in these reunions. Hon. John O. Woolley, of Chicago. h anpaker of the day. was expected on the noon train, but his non-arrival caused the manager no end or anxiety. A train was due from New York at 1.50, on, i it was confidently expected he would appear on that train. While waiting for this train, Charles L. Haw ley, of Bcranton, was called upon, and he delivered a ringing address on the need and power of the news paper press In Prohibition work. His practical remarks were frequently ap plauded. Mr. llnsaa Had the Floor. t, i Kft tmln arrived and Woolley was not on board. Tallle .Morgan, the manager, said he would telegraph to different points In the hope of locating him. Rev. J. C. Hogan was caiieu uiiu.i and the well-known Prohibition flre aaiiPd into the old party preach ers and church members without gloves. Several persons arose In the audience with the purpose of contra dicting some of the statements made by Mr. Hogan. but it was or no uue. Mr. Hogan had the floor and he was permitted to proceed until Mr. Morgan entered and announced that he had suc ceeded in locating Mr. Woolley in Wllkes-Barre and that he had made ar rangements to have him brought to the park on a special engine. Tne run rrom Wllkes-Barre to Mountain park was made In less than fifteen minutes, and the appearance of Mr. Woolley was the signal for tremendous cheering. Mr. Woolley Is a man of medium height, dark hair and eyes, with a face that expresses Intense feeling and un flinching determination. He speaks without a single scrap of paper before him, and for one and a half hours he swayed this great audience like a reed before the wind. His theme was "Pow ers," and the manner he showed the position of the individual Christians of the land on the liquor question was such as carried the deepest conviction Into every heart. He said that truth was truth under all circumstances and In every place. There was no such a thing as township truth, Presbyterian truth or Methodist truth. Spoke of tho Business Man. Among the many practical illustra tions used by the speaker was one com paring the demands made on the Chris tian' man in the business world. "In the commercial world," said Mr. Woolley, "the man who does not or can not pay his financial obligation, Is an Insolvent, no matter how good his Intentions may be. For instance, I hold a note for $100 and demand my own. The business man tells me that It Is Inconvenient to pay that note to day, that a bad Democrat across the way would not pay his $100, and it Is not fair to ask me to take out of my business in these poor times $100, which wJlt only give an advantage to the bad man across the street No, no; he must pay If he has any regard for his own credit. "The Christian church is just like that. Every church has signed a note to the Lord Jesus Christ on this ac cursed rum traffic and It Is due on elec tion day. It Is none of your concern If the bad man across the street is going to vote the 'Democratic ticket; It is your business as a Christian to make good your pledge. The great curse of the Christian church today Is Christian in solvency. The pledges made in gen eral conferences and general assem blies must be paid, or the church must stand, before the world a bankrupt." ; HI speech throughout was intensely ear tnl and such logic, such oratory, sr Impressloned entreaties was never heard at any of these former meetings. Mr. Woolley will speak In this city in December next. DOG'S BITE COMES HIGH. Causes a Salt for $2,000 Damages Against Taylor Batcher. Joseph Doyle, of Taylor, alleges that he went Into the meat market of Robert Llewellyn, In that borough, on Satur day, July 27, to purchase chops for his family's breakfast, and the butcher's dog attacked him, selecting a large and juicy morsel from the calf of bis leg. If ft had not been for the prompt arrival of Llewellyn,' he declares, the canine might have chewed htm up. Doyle, through his attorneys, Richard A. Bourke and John F. Bonner, yes terday, brought suit In the sum of $2,000 damages. ', He complains that the dog by law ought to wear a muscle and was about that evening minus that article, some person In tne employ of Llewellyn hav ing taken It off, thus making it criminal negligence on ttoe part of the dog's fwar,,. f .,-..c,. RELEASED FROM THE PEN.' William U. Kent Is Free After Five Years of Penal Ssrvltsae. Clerk at the Courts John H. Tbomas received from Warde Caasldy, of the Eastern penitentiary, yesterday the certificate of release of William H. Kent, convicted In May. 18L In the courts of this county of burglary. He was caught after breaking Into the real' dence of William Edgar. On May t, 1891. he was sentenced by Judge R. W. Archbald to a fine of $1 and a term of Ave years at solitary con finement. . A month each year, was taKt-n off his sentence - for good be havior. IT SAVED A LIFE. Mr. Mears' Foresight Was Rewarded a Thousand Fold. Daniel Sullivan, an iron worker on the new Mears building, fell from the ninth floor yesterday morning, but thanks to the foresight of Mr. Mears In Insisting that the flooring be laid as the building was carried up, SulHvan fell only twelve feet and escaped with comparatively slight Injuries. He was carried in the Lackawanna hospital ambulance to his boarding house on Lackawanna avenue, where doctors attended him. His Injuries con slsted of a severe shaking up and a few cuts on his head. ELKS 1 EVIDENCE, Entire Citv and Suburbs Covered In a Novel Way Last Night. Providing the weather Is fair the Elks' excursion to Lake Ariel Wednes day cannot help but be a big success. The members one and all have worked hard to make the arrangements as com' plete as is possible, and no stone has been left unturned to attract a large attendance. Among the many advertising schemes, one Introduced by them last night is the most novel of any yet chronicled In the history of excursion advertising, Bauer's band attracted hundreds to the street in front of the Elks' club room. where announcements of the excursion met their eyes on every side, and while this was going on In the central city the two Illuminated "trolllosis" cars, with the second section of Bauer's band and a crowd of Elks aboard, sped through the suburbs, bearing transparencies an nounclng the big event of tomorrow. Unless all calculations fall tomorrow will be a red-letter day In the annals of Lake Artel. The following are the committee having the excursion in hand: General Committee Charles H. Bchadt, chairman; Henry T. Koehler, secretary; John 3. Drawn, treasurer. Committee on Transportation Charles H. Bchadt, Hon. John E. Roche. Frank Martin. Refreshments F. W. Martin, E. Moses, Joseph Levy. Advertising Fred F. Schoen, J. O. Reextv J. J. Cummlnes. Amusement V. A. Bimrell, Alex. Dunn, jr., Walter Haslam. Music and Dancing Wlllism McBrlde, John T. Walking. Charles J. Welchel. Wheel George Qunster, W. A. Raub Frank Rowing, jr. Clam Bake Isaac Brown, W. 8. Oould, William McBrlde. Park Managers Hon. M. F. Sando, Thomas Ruddy, Charles Westpfahl, John Benore, H. J. Schubert. HE CANNOT LIVE. Man Supposed to Be J. J. Godwin Is Ron Down by the Csrs Near the South Mill l ate tsst Night-Taken to the II ospitnl. John J. Godwin, of 304 Breck court, a well built young man, apparently 27 years old, and a stone mason by trade, was struck by the express from Wllkes Barre on the Delaware and Hudson railroad near the South Steel mill at 11.10 last night and fatally Injured. The train stopped and the uncon scious man was taken aboard. The Lackawanna hospital ambulance was In waiting upon the arrival of the train, and conveyed him to that Insti tution. His identity was made known only through the name, "J. 3. Godwin," stamped on a white satin hat lining having iM. P. McCann's trade mark. In his coat pocket was found a blue print diagram of the fifth floor of the Mears building. He had scraps of pa per with drawings rudely sketched, and from other papers It would appear that he Is a foreman in the employ of Contractors Muldoon & Bowie. In his vest pocket he carried an Agnus Del and a Sacred Heart badge. SCHIEVERA'S COMING. Committee Will Hold an Adjourned Meet ing This Afternoon. Colonel F. L. Hitchcock, Dr. O. Edgar Dean and Albert C Meyers, of the South Side, were the only members of the committee having the preparation for the coming of Evangelist Shlevera In charge, who met yesterday afternoon at Young Men's Christian association room. The main point Is to accomplish the raising of sufficient finances to pay the expenses of a period of evangelistic services. The general committee will meet this afternoon at S o'clock. It Is practically decided, however, that Schlevera will be here, and will come next week. His campaign will be con ducted In a large tent on the South Side. BLOCK SYSTEM A SUCCESS. So Far the New Street Cleaning Plan works well. The new system of street cleaning which la belns: exnerlmented with bv Street Commissioner Kinsley has so far proven a success. Two men. for a iweek past, have taken care of seven blocks of asphalt on Adams avenue, and no complaints nave been heard from the property holders or the workmen. Upper Washington avenue Is also being experimented upon, two men taking care of the upper six blocks. . if this ratio will hold good through out the city, the street commissioner Is confident of being able to reduce the cost of street cleaning one-Oiair. A FIERCE MUSICIAN. Swore He Would Kill a Fallow Boarder and Was1 Arrested. in tho ume hoarding house on Washi Ington avenue Henry T. Bragdon and Henry Patterson reside. The former is a book agent and the latter a slther player. They got Into an argument nn tha tariff and tree trade. The Slther player is an Englishman and had very decided opinions on the tariff. He ex pressed his views so forcibly that they finally got him into trouble. , Rraa-dnn went . before Alderman Wright yesterday and swore out a war rant for Patterson on the charge of threatening to kill. The defendant ap peared and entered bail to appear at nnurt. Vlnr Miller, the Armenian tai lor, became bis bondsman. HEARING BEFORE VIEWERS. Proceedings Against the Jsrmya and Knshbrook water company. In court room No. I yesterday tha five viewers appointed by court to In quire Into the action of P. J. Lee, of Jer- myi, against the Jermyn and (Rush brook Water company for damages. met and heard the testimony of several witnesses. : Attorney s. u. price op- DOareit fn the ntalntlff. and Attorney Charles H. HvaJls for tha oompany. . Tha water company took possession of the Rushbrook creek by virtue of too right of eminent domain and prop erty of the plaintiff borders on It THERE ARE TV0 OF TBECI Roaring Brook Bridge Is Also Up ia the Clouds. IT HAS A BALLOON LANDING Central City Approach Is as Vapraetleable as the Swetland Street Approach to v Linden Street Bridge-Ten Per Cent. Grade on the Hill. City Engineer Phillips' plans for the approaches to Roaring Brook bridge. which have been turned over to Peter Stlpp, the contractor, show that the bridge has a balloon landing, not quite as bad as Its mate at Linden street, but a balloon landing, nevertheless. Figure as they would the engineer's corps could not get anything better than a 10 per cent, grade over the Spruce street approach, a grade only 1 per cent, less than the steepest part of West Lackawanna avenue hill and one that Is likely never to be used by teamsters In preference to the Adams avenue route to Cedar avenue. What One Contractor Said. "There have been many mistakes in the building of that bridge," asald a well-known contractor who was view lng the work yesterday, "but the great' est mistake was in anchoring the cen tral city end of It up among the clouds. The Spruce street approach is too steep for ordinary trafflce, and will make the bridge Impracticable. About the only use I can see for It Is that it will make an excellent roosting place for the goats of Shanty Mill." The bridge itself will be what bridge builders call a "camel back." There will be a hump In the center which Is climbed by a 2 per cent, grade on one side and a 4Vi per cent, grade on the other. This will not cause any serious inconvenience to traffic that will all be done by the approach but In order to contribute something to the general unsatisfactory nature of the bridge, It had to take upon Itself this unsightly hump for fear It might be a thing of ueauiy noi a joy forever. READY FOR A CHARTER. Directors of New Board of Trodo Build lng n in .Meet Today. This afternoon at 2 o'clock the board of directors of the proposed board of trade building will meet for general business. It consists of the following stocknoiders: c. Parker Davidson, president; D. B. Atherton, secretary; A. D. Dean, treasurer; Major Everett Warren, E. B. Sturgcs, Dr. D. B. Hand, Dr. L. M. Gates, W. A. May, J. W. Oakford, T. H. Watklns. Secretary Atherton Is not a director elected by the stockholders, but was elected for that position by the nine directors. The treasurer has collected 10 per cent, of the capital stock and tomorrow the notice of the Intention to apply for a charter will be published In the dally papers. That will be chiefly the object of the meeting, though building plans will be looked over with a view to select the best. It Is the Intention of the com pany to pass on no plans but those of 9cranton architects. The secretary has so notified the hundred or more foreign architects who wrote on for particulars. In about a week a force of men will be eet to work excavating for the foun dation. The oompany was organized on Thursday, July 25, and the building, It Is expected, will be finished and ready for occupancy on April 1, 189S. MUST COME BEFORE THEM. Only the Full Board Can Hereafter Grant Miners' Certlfloates-And It Must Be Bone at the Monthly Meeting. William P. Griffiths, William D. Mor ris and MUes Gibbons, the miners' ex amining board for this district, met In the court house yesterday for the pur pose of granting certificates to those who Intend to follow, the occupation of mining and have passed a satisfac tory examination. Fourteen applica tions were granted. According to law the board meets at the court house on the first Monday of every month. In the six years since the board has been created, it has been customary for the board to grant cer tificates between meetings. If a man who moved here from another district happened to be anxious to get work In this dlstrlot he could go to the homes of the three examiners and present the necessary proof; upon doing this the secretary of the board would grant him a certificate. But court has Instructed the board that certificates are not valid unless given out at the regular meeting on the flnst Monday of each month. Those who hereafter desire certificates must govern themselves according to the new departure. SWEENEY'S FRIGHTFIL FALL Night Impostor Takes a 60-Foot Plunge . and Lives. James Sweeney, a night Inspector for the Bcranton Gas and Water company fell from a pole near the Base Ball park last night at 11.30 o'clock and sus tained serious and possibly fatal in juries. Sweeney was in the act of trimming the lamp when he lost his hold and plunged headlong to the ground. A young man who happened to be watch ing Sweeney at work and who saw the accident rushed to his assistance. . An ambulance call was telephoned to the Lackawanna hospital, where it was found that Sweeney's right leg was broken at the thigh, but whether or not he was Injured Internally could not be ascertained. One theory Is that he may have re ceived a shock which caused him to loose his hold for a moment. Line men usually wear a belt with which they can strap themselves to a pole, but Sweeney did not use one. CAN'T PREVENT IT, Merchants Can Use the Sidewalks With- ont Let or Hindrance, Street Commlslsoner Kinsley, when asked yesterday If he was in receipt of many complaints about the blockading of sidewalks by wholesale and produce merchants on Lackawanna and Penn avenues, said that he Is almost daily In receipt of complaints, but not a sin gle remedy has been suggested. The merchants, he says, have a right to load and unload goods In front of their stores. They have no right to al- EEST SETS OF ?E1H. J8.G0 Including the palnlasi extosotug g ' iMth by an esUreiy wtm preens . S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., low these goods to remain on the side walk. . But If they were to follow the .strict letter of the law they would cause a greater nuisance than they do. now, as the sidewalk would be contin ually blocked by goods being carried in and out of the stores. By making a concession to the merchants and allow ing them to use the outer edge of the sidewalk much Inconvenience to pedes trians Is done away with and much trouble Is saved the merchants. "A market place," concluded Mr. Kinsley, "is the only way out of the difficulty. The merchants have rights which have got to be respected and the pedestrians also have rights, but as the rights conflict the only thing to do until we get a market Is to keep an even temper and go by the golden rule." DANGEROUS METHOD. The Malloys' Novel Way of Wiping Ont a Mortgage. John Malloy, the young man accused of setting Are to his father's house on Capouse avenue, was held In $1,000 bail to appear for a hearing this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Chief Fertoer having asked a continuance In order that he might have time to make a thorough investi gation. William Jennings qualified as bondsman. The evidence which Chief Ferber claims to have leaves little doubt but that the case Is one of arson. The build ing was set afire in three different places and the odor of kerosene was everywhere In evidence. Young Mal loy was arrested 'because he was the only male member of the family at home, his father being absent on a visit with relatives In another city. When he was being taken away by the police his mother, who had set up an hysteri cal walling, exclaimed several times "I'm In it, too." When asked to ex plain what she meant she held her peace. The only cause ifhat no far appears for the Malloys desiring to destroy their house Is that there Is a heavy mort gage on It and through spite they want ed to swindle the holder. There was a very small Insurance on the house. RAILROAD NOTES. H. A. Mace Lodge, No. 157 Brother hood of Railroad Trainmen, will picnic Aug. 16 and 17 at Riverside Park. This park Is a newly fitted up resort, near the Providence station, and Is a very pretty picnic grounds. The trainmen will furnish all kinds of amusements, one of the leading ones arranged being a base ball match between two teams of trainmen. Billboard cars, for advertising pur poses solely, are being run on Cleve land, O., street railways. Delaware and Hudson engine No. 30 was run out of the locomotive shops yesterday after being completely over hauled. The Erie will put on a new line of postal cars, to run between New York and Chicago, which will equal the not ed postal trains over the New York Central. New York, Susquehanna and West ern's gross earnings for June were $180,307, an Increase of $14,251 and net $65,06$, an Increase of $10,121. From January 1 gross earnings amounted to $1,075,592, an Increase of $185,873 and net $363,625, an Increase of $40,232. The fishing In the upper waters of the Delaware is said to be remarkably good this year and It Is a favorite place for the fishermen of this section. On Saturday Conductor Bedell, of the On tario and Western railroad, caught a wall-eyed pike weighing four and one half pounds In the river at Hancock. Yepteirday the Pennsylvania Railroad company employed divers to examine the abutments of the railroad bridge between Nantlcoke and West Nantl coke The bridge has been erected a number of years, and In order to see that it Is perfectly safe the divers were sent beneath the water to Investi gate. Grand Chief Conductor E. E. Clarke, of the Order of Railroad Conductors, was present at Sunday's union meeting at Elmlra, vhere he Instructed those present In the new "lectures' and other secret work of the order. Another meeting will be held In New York dur ing tho present week for the same pur pose. Many conductors from this city attended Sunday's meeting In Elmlra and many others will attend the com ing tueellng In New York. The announcement Is made that the Chicago and Eastern Illinois railroad will make a raise in the wages of about 1,000 men who were cut In 1893. The raise of wages will be the same as the cut, which will average about 10 per cent. None of the trainmen are affect ed, as their pay was not cut In 1893. It is also reported that the Big Four rail road has the question of the restoration of former rates of pay of trainmen un der advisement and has promised an early decision. Other roads are also said to be considering the question. Freight cars are still In great de mand, large orders having recently been placed by many of the larger roads. This is made necessary by the fact that many of the small roads hav ing a meagre equipment fall td return to the big companies the cars which came on their lines, preferring to pay mileage on their neighbors' cars rather than build cars of their own. As a consequence the big companies are al ways In need of cars. The Pennsylva nia, which has just placed an order for $1,000 new box cars, estimates that It would never feel the want of a car If Its cars were returned to It In due season. Beck, tho Tailor, has a full line of French and English Worsted Vfcunas, Clay and Fancy Vest tags. 337 Adams avenue. ADMISSION FREE. GRAND RE-OPENING OF Laurel Hill Park, TUESDAY, AUG. 6. OPEN IR FREE CONCERT BY BAUER'S FULL BAND 8.30 P. M. Dancing in the Pavilion till 12 m. THE PRIVATE SALE OF C. 17. FREEMAN'S Brlo-a-Erasi Etc., Will Immonso Bargains j f -Vla. aaii p n-ai f n1 1 You can buy the above Cabinet Photograph Frame at Woolworth's for 10c. It measures 7x10 inches, and is a beauty. G.S.W00LW0RTII 819 LICXKWIRRI AVENUE. Green and Gold Store Front EVA M. HETZEL'S Superior Face Bleach, PosltI?elj Removes ill Facial Blimlthn. No more Freckles, Tan, 8unburn, Black heads, Liver 8pots, Pimples and Sallow Complexions if ladles will use my Su perior Face Bleach. Not a cosmetic, but a medicine which acts directly on the skin, removing all discoloration, an one of the greatest purifying agehts for the complex Ion In existence. A perfectly clear and Dotless complexion can be ebtalned In every Instance by Its use. Prtco, 1.(0 per bottle. For sale at E. M. Hetxel's Hair dressing and Manicure Parlors, 330 Lack awanna ave. Mall orders tinea promptly, H. U. SWABTZ & CO., Wholesale Agents Smokeless Powder, GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, Fishing Tackle, Target Traps, Pigeon Traps, Blue Rock Targets, all kiuds of sporting Goods, Cigars and lobacoo, Lumber and Grain. F. A. TlhDBL, Manager of Gun and Repair Department. We repair TypenrritvrvBow ing Machine Gnns and Revolvers, Bicycle, Locks, Umbrellas, and mike Kyl to fit any kind of a lock. If von want ta hnv a nam Qnn don't wait until the seawn onons. Now fs the time to boy. Brinit your old Gun with you and exchange it with us for a new one. Satis faction guaranteed or money refunded. Call ana go. oar prices oeiore you nay. Telephone 2723. Open Evenings, STORE, 223 SPRUCE STREET, Between Penn and Franklin Ave. KLEBERG'! LOUIS RUPPRECIIT SUCCESSOR The best place for your China, Glassware, Ar tistic Pottery, Lamps, etc. There i a chance lor you. Sea what we offer tha coming week: BABY CARRIAGES Tha medium priced sr sold, the beat are loft 25 PER CENT. OFF REGULAR 1 RICE if purchased within ten days. CARLSBAD CHINA DINNER SET Just arrived, the latest pattern and de tilfu; 102 pieces; a bargain at $21.00; our price, 3317.99, but only for next 10 day. ODDS AND ENDS While taking atook we found a lot of Odd Dishes, Plat, Bowls, Fruit Stands, etc.; all parts of Bet that navo bean broken up. Perhaps you have broken a fow pleoa out or your Bet. call in and look around. WE WILL SELL THEM AT HALF FACTORY PRICES. LOUIS KUPPRECHT, 231 PENN WE., OPP. BAPTIST CHURCH, Scranton, Rb. TNI OtLIBIIATB PlAHOfJ Irs at rrssrat ta M oat fffo rnfcnai ky Wartretms i OppiUta Ceteoska Mnmnent, 3Q8 Washington Av.8oranton.Pa, STOCK OF JEWELRY ISP mum Ccntinua for Anothsr Week. Can Bo Soourod. enni WE WILL CFFERcr , Mackintoshes at half price. Fine Checked Mackin $ 2.49 toshes Formerly $4.SO, Blue-Black Mackin- $P toshes, finest made, Q, Formerly $12.00. CAPES. A few more Ladies' Spring Capes left, $1 QQ Mill close them out at J 0 Formerly Sold at $4.00. MILLINERY. I lot of Ladies' and Children's Trim- QQs med Hats at VCH I BOLZ, 138 Wyoming Ave. ESiSNow is the best time to have your furs repaired by the only practical furrier in the city. Blue Serge Coats and Vests for $5.00. White Duck Pants for $1.00. (Mm HiteraSJumisfiEra Hatter, Shirt Maker AND Men's Outfitter. 4Q SPRUCE STREET, jsCHUTULM, 2SSL1XUWUM IVL NOW HOW ABOUT THE EI.', fill TO- Lake Ariel. ARE YOU GOING Bl HATS AT unn'o FRANK P. CHRISTIAN lilESDnl Jin s