The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 03, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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Zfy fkxanton $riBtme
BeOyaal Weakly. e
I SJarantoa, re, kf The TiSmvai I
1M1 uasor: mum
BuUdiaa, talk a
S. RINUBUIIV, Paaa, mm
c n. mmi, ew ih Twk
W. W. DAVIS, Iwam luuu
W. W. VOUROSJ, Am. MaM'at
Mnn At nil kwio 101 a enuro. .. as
Motet In," the necffaol Jounwl Sw atrr
Uaere, ratw Tab Scjuvton Taiaums ae the beet
KdTtrtlslDc medium In Moruveaele Feoaairlra.
ala. "ftuieri1 iaa." u
Cab Wsbzlt Tmux, lamed Itw SewrAey,
duo of Mewe. nolo, and w5V Wiled Mce
leay. For Thaee Who Ouioot T Tun Dailt
Taiavwa. Um Weekly le BtammaaUi i ee the
SMI BaismBlOataft. Only e Year, la AArmuca.
Contain Twelve HakdsMa
hi THNn la Bale Telly t the D, I An W.
The Soranton Truth, In a Quay collar,
at least looks better than In Its fake
halo of political "Independence."
Today's Primaries.
With today's primaries In the Third
LetfelAtiv district the domestic un
pleasantness of the Republican party
will draw to a close in Lackawanna
county; and the epurioua flsht of. the
local Quay ahoutera for self-aggrandizement
at the expense of the state ad
ministration will end, 09 it deserves to
end. In uninterrupted disaster.
The war was utterly unnecessary and
signally discreditable to those who pre
cipitated It. Had Judge WUiard been
accorded, by unanimous consent, the
wholly reasonable compliment of a
oowrty delegation of his own choosing,
as Colonel Watres was accorded such
a compliment under practically similar
circumstances five year ago, there
would have been no turning of Re
publican against Republican and party
harmony would have remained Intact.
Again, had Senator Quay, while nomi
nally professing friendship for Mr. Wil
lard, called off the henchmen who were
fighting the Willard candidates for
delegates and thus proved his friend
ship, there would have been no civil
dissension, and his candidacy through
out the commonwealth would have
been spared a fatal sett-back. The
senator's appearance in this county in
the attitude of a disturber, and the
sending of his lieutenants here with
funds for the corruption of our pri
maries well deserved the rebuke ad
ministered to Mm In the three districts
which have already recorded their ver
dict, and merit similar censure in the
Third, today.
A similar Issue will simultaneously
receive adjudication In our 'neighboring
county of Luzerne, where ilr. Quay
also has tried to Interfere. It will be
surprising If he shall not, there as here,
be Informed by the deliberate voice of
the Republican masses that his cam
paign of vengeance upon a dutiful gov
ernor and his audacious effort to foist
Senator Cameron a second time on the
party contrary to a nearly unanimous
protest are repugnant to every Instinct
of lair play and cannot be tolerated.
Should this be the voice of the party,
Senator Quay will have only himself to
blame for any consequences which may
The latest emissary of Senator Quay,
Imported into (Lackawanna county
from Washington, wtth his carpet-bag
full of cash, appears to have met with
a oool reception. Just set tt down that
the Third district la not to be bought
away from Judge WlUard.
Value of Kindergarten Training.
In no way have the changes that the
nineteenth century has brought about
been more (narked than in the demands
upon woman. Today, the school girl
looks upon a future of usefulness which
will Oemaml of her a knowledge of
n method of earn hi (? her UviiYg.
'Not that she will necessarily have to
earn her own Irvine, but the old order,
whereto a woman took It for granted
that aterpIeaeneM and alroleaenees
would fee ejecredlted to her as her blrth-
right, and that the world hU which
he sees her brothers go equipped, for
the battle of life iwould unquestionably
take Iter wHlfng tardea an Its bands
fawthtrsTof the past. Now a woman
"lands aa an individual, with power,
wisdom nd iH In her hand, and the
thought of her brain are merged with
out quAStkjTi into the mighty energies
of AtrtuaJ Hfe. And (the stands today a
Wrong and welcome factor to the new
order of things,
(But, Just aa there has always been,
ao today there la a sphere trv which a
woman moves .best 'by right of her iwo
marihood, and ht which the highest and
deepest qualities of her nature are
called upon to act The home la es
aenUally a woman's sphere. In no way
can she escape the responsibilWy of
this. It may mot (be her own home, but
very Individual home in Christendom
la Influenced toy her thought and Judg
ment. And the homes of the future
have their nucleus in the hearts of the
children of today, and the alms and
aspirations of the children of today are
feeing moulded and guided toy woman's
work. What a necessity, them, that
this be done understandUniglyl And In
how many. different ways It must be
accomplished; in the home, in society,
In the school, and above all, In the
haunt of the poor. How S ew there are
who undertake these responelbllitftee
with a proper understanding of the
glorious but tremendous tatfk put upon
them. To be a teacher, a social leader,
a wife or a mother, and to have no
knowledge of the conditions of human
life and thoughtl
(Not many years ago there ware few
opportoinlUe to make a scientific study
of the psychological development of
chUdhood. Today the doom are open
' on every side, and young women are
urged to take a training that will fit
them for thesa duties. The kindergar
ten la the open sesame and the call Is
to every woman who teas a desire for
broadening culture and wholesome, de
velopment The least worthy motive
to she desire to earn a livelihood. That
may be necessary, but every person
who undertakes the study of Froebel's
methods In the kindergarten system
wiB And that she will lose all sordid
motives and will enter body and soul
Into the humanitarian principles in
volved. In Boston alone there are said
to .be no less than 100 girls taking a
training in kindergarten methods, who
have no need and do mot intend to
teach, hut who take H aa a basis for
future usefulness. I would like to ap
peal to those who belong to what we
call the leisure class. Take the train
ing, so that you may understand what
the world Is doing to raise) all humanity
to a level of culture and reflnemerit.
Take It so that you may apply its prin
ciples to whatever you are most Inter
ested In music, art, religion, educa
tion, or fho less ostentatious duties of
home life. To all fit brlns refinement
of thought, culture of mind amd chari
tableness of heart.
Katharine II. Clark.
The morning Quay organ and Its
afternoon echo, the Truth, seem to
think that abusing David Martin will
reconcile the Republicans of Pennsyl
vania to another era of Delamaterlsm.
Bo David as he may, his faults afford
no reason why the governor of Pennsyl
vania should become almply Boss
Quay's clerk.
The Question for Susquehanna.
Today the Republicans of Susquehan
na county will have the opportunity to
decide whether they are or are not
willing that a couple of trading poli
ticians shall by bargain and sale dis
pose of the delegates of that county in
the Republican state convention. The
Republicans of Susquehanna have in
past years maintained a reputation for
manly independence and self-axsertion
not exceeded by their party brethern
in any other county In the state. We
are not prepared to believe that they
have deteriorated In this particular, but
think they are as resolute as ever In
their hostility to arbitrary boss rule
and machine methods in party manage
ment Three weeks ago a handful of Susque
hanna politicians came to Scranton to
have an Interview with Senator Quay.
At that Interview the two delegates
from that county were bargained for
and duly disposed of to Senator Quay,
the latter offering to pay whatever
sum of money might 'be required to
attain the desired end. This bargain
having been consummated, the Susque
hanna traders returned to their homes
and forthwith put the machinery Into
full operation. The Tribune, having
full, accurate and reliable knowledge of
the Wyoming house bargain and sale,
deemed it Its duty as a faithful organ
of Republicanism to warn the Repub
licans of Susquehanna county of the
schemes of the traders, and this duty It
proceeded faithfully to discharge. It
exposed the traders and laid bare their
nefarious schemes, thus giving the de
cent Republicans of our neighboring
county the opportunity to act with a
full knowledge of all the facts before
them. It remains now for them to de
termine whether or not the Wyoming
house bargain and sale shall be ratified
by them in the election of delegates to
next Tuesday's county convention.
The attempt to make it appear that
In making the exposures it has made
The Tribune was actuated by personal
feeling against Mr. Samuel S. Wright,
is, of course, all bosh. Mr. Wright has
been alluded to simply in his capacity
aa the personal representative and sub
servient tool of Senator Quay In Sus
quehanna county. If Mr. Wright la so
excessively sensitive to criticism he
should make himself less conspicuous
as a bartering and trading politician.
He n the leading representative of
Quay, Quaylsm and machine methods
in Susquehanna county. He has done
his utmost to carry out the provisions
and stipulations of the Wyoming house
bargain, and the simple question now is
whether the Republican masses or Sus
quehanna are willing to have It appear
to the remainder of the state that Mr.
Wright, Mr. Kllrow and one or two
others carry the Republican party of
that county about In tihelr trousers'
pockets to do with as they please. To
day that question Will be answered
either in the affirmative or the nega
tive, This Innrnal lava no claim to political
prestige or oracular prescience, but its
opinions and its preferences are Its own,
and it will continue to express the former
and exercise the latter as It may aeem
best.-Scranton Truths
Keep right on, neighbor. Tou are
sure to prove one of Quay'a most suc
cessful "hoodoos."
The Tribune disclaims any mercenary
motives In the present campaign. Just
the same Its owners are gathering In all
appointments from the governor they
can lay their hands upon as a quid pro
quo for the flop from Quay to the com
bina Scranton Republican.
Poor "Kurnel" Bob! He got turned
down. .
We are glad to see the "Independent"
afternoon annex of the morning Quay
hand organ came out In Its true colors.
This thing of "faking" the people with
spurious pretensions of political supe
riority no longer deceives, as it once
did. '
The fulsome compliments to General
Hastings printed by the Scranton Truth
before he signed the Fair bill would
make very amusing pabulum side by
Ida with its skulking opposition to him
4bday. But the Job of being a Quay
echo doubtless Involves a comical side.
Let The Tribune publish the slate for
the city election next February and head
It "I am Sir Oracle, when I ope' my lips
let no dog bark." Bcran ion epuouceo.
Sorry we can't oblige; but the fact Is,
your barking amuses us too much.
t In any event the charge of being a
"Christian Politician," applied by the
Scranton Republican to the proprietors
of The Tribune, la one that Is not likely
ever to be laid to the door of the editor
of the Republican.
Will Sara Wright earn hie money to-
day? We predict not.
The "Susquehanna County Cltlien"
of our morning contemporary doubt
less resides several mllos this side the
Busquehanna line, else he would have
the courage to sign bis real name.
Only skulkers or cowards hide behind
assumed names.
Ex-Boss Joe Soranton's Republican
as a champion of anti-bosslsm In poll
tics Is an oddity of Boss Quay's cam
paign calculated to make a horse laugh.
Did Senator Quay offer to pull his
Lexow committee oft It 'Martin would
desert the governor? Lot us have the
Truly, midsummer madness Is a dire
disease and for a doctor we recommend
the fool killer. Scranton Republican,
Do you speak from experience?
The Scranton Truth makes a curious
looking tail to Joe Scranton's kite. But
If It Jlkes to be a tall, that's Its privilege.
Come to think of it. the Scranton
Truth always was a success aa a left-
handed mascot.
ai Aunv1. itiMniiAlnhlA orsans re
cently charged that ex-Dlstrlct Attorney
W. J. Whltehouse, of Schuylkill county,
was In 1'hllailelphla Wednesday night and
asHiired Benator Quay of six deputes out
of the seven, with a possibility of getting
the other one. Mr. Whllohouse brands
this statement as a deliberate lie, and
states that he hns not had a conversation
with Quay for four weeKS, wnen no torn
for HuhUiiks. Mr. White-
house has telegraphed his denial to Gov
ernor HustlnRs at Hurrlsburg. He has not
been to Philadelphia for a ween anu on
nhrht In ntniltiiin WAS with a party of
friends at Pottsvllle. What He Will the
uuay sbouters spring next?
'Shortly before Quay's departure for
Heaver the senator and Frank Willing
i ih. hi..r nf tha atuiT at the Uuay
headquarters, mude a careful examlna-
.f ih.. aitimt'.nn and came to the con
clusion that the original flKurea given out
some time ago from the uay neauquar
ters. namoly, 79 nmjorlty for Quay In the
state convention for state chairman, wro
not exagseratinl. They are confident that
the Beaver statesman will be chosen ly
this majority, if not more." What a mag
nificent, bluff, for a cause mai nu
than 100 voles to its name!
II H I' . . .u
f la nnvu an mvn secret that the em
ployes of the Heading railroad who were
.1.. i. t. ih lust Tteuubllran county
convention in Schuylkill have received
orders from the management or mui cor
poration that they must vote at the
coming county convention for delegates to
the approaching Btate convention who
will favor the candidacy of Senator
Quay for the state chulrmnnship. The
number of employes of the Reading who
were chosen delegates to tno msi conven
tion numbers over 33 per cent, of the en
tire representation.
nnral Pnlmer has never
been a Quay man and probnbly never will
be. At the gamo time h!s ruther churlish
refusal to rpeuk out, i:ke a man, when
asked where he stood, will justify the
friends of Judge Bice In selecting another
man for the pluce. No candidate for a
representative position is so important
that he may, with impunity, refuse to tell
his constituents what they have a right to
know. v ,
Primaries will be held tonight In Hunt
ingdon, Snyder. CUnton, Elk, Susque
hanna and Luzerne counties. Huntingdon
sends two delegates to the state conven
tion, Susquohanna two, and Elk, Clinton
and Snyder one each. Luserne county will
elect nine delegates. It Is safe to say that
Hustings will get all but one of these.
It Is announced that ex-Senator J. J.
Incalls. of Kansas, Is making an out and
out open flKht for re-election to the senate
as the successor of Senator. Peffer. His
principal opponent Is a young man named
Ralph Burton, who Is said to be aa brill
iant an orator and as caustic a rhetorician
as the famous ex-senator himself.
Editor Theodore Hart, of the Plttston
Gazette, Is getting hard pressed these
days to And sunlcient epithets to charac
terize tho3o who don't wear his brand of
Quay collar. A dictionary or vituperation
would relieve him Immensely.
The Plttston Gazette thinks Luierne Is
going for Quay. By midnight tonight it
will not be so cay as It is now, but It will
know more.
All Will Soon Ho Mode Known.
Philadelphia Ilulletln: "It Is clear that
Senator Quay's denial of the charges that
he attemptod to open negotiations with
the leaders of tho movement against him
Is too vague and equivocal to be accepted
as a finality. Senator Quay has hitherto
publicly proclaimed that he had no
thought of compromise with his oppo
nents. He has permitted them to be stig
matized by his followers and organs in
the language of the slums. His adherents
have even gone so far as to pass them ,
selves off as reformers or as allies of re
formers. His Lexow committee has been
set up as the Instrument for humiliating
and punishing his enemies In the sacred
name of reform. Yet It Is charged that
Senator Quay In the meantime has endeav
ored to seek interviews with these men
with the purpose of negotiating terms of
peace under cover. If this charge Is true.
Senator Quay owes an explanation, at
least, to his followers. If It Is not true,
his denial Is not sulllclcntly explicit or
comprehensive to acquit him of the charge
of Insincerity. The tactics by which Mr.
Quay sought to break the combination
against him aro. likely to make some curi
ous reading for his friends."
Let Such Talk Stop.
Huston Free Press: "The Republican
party of this state Is greater than any
man In It. That a leader should havo his
friends and followers Is In the nature of
things, but that such leader or his friends,
In case of defeat for party control, should
threaten war to the knife against the
party candidates at the polls Is rank
treason, worse a thousand times than
any alleged campaign of assassination.
Tho Republican party hns some rights In
the premises which even disappointed
leaders must respeot. Woe betide that
leader who encourages or preaches re
belllonagalnsttheparty and its candidates,
The people will bury him so deep that
he will know no awakening. Let this
talk about pulling the pillars out from
under the party temple cease. Nothing
but evil can come from It,"
Want No More of Andrews,
Philadelphia Press: "Senator William
H. Andrews, former chairman of the Re
publican slate committee, who went Into
Involuntary retirement after the Dels-
mater disaster! which he did so much to
bring about, Is agnln busy In state poli
tics as Senator Quay's chltf manager.
He has a very large and ever-tctlve ca
pacity for mlschlef-maklng. If It were
possible to elect Mr. Quay chairman of the
Republican state committee It Is welt un
derstood that ths real chairman would be
Sonator Andrews, and that would mean
the restoration of the methods which were
so offensive to the party in the election
of delegates In law. Such methods ap
plied to th nomination of Cameron eandl
dates for the legislature or -the choice of
national delegates nest year would mean
a great deal to the Republican party of
Pennsylvania, lober-minded and earnest
Republicans everywhere are thinking of
these things." ,
' Abase Wall iebsked.
Taylor Herald i "In the present fight In
this district a number of the malcontents
are trying to cast reflections on the nam
of William Connell. Mr. Connell la a Re
publican and It can be said without fear or
favor that he has done more for the Re
publican party In Lackawanna county
during the last two decades than any
other Individual that can be mentioned.
Where Mr. Connell's Interests are placed
you will find a bee-hive ot industry, giving
lucrative employment to the artisan, and
thereby making a profitable market for
the farmer. When this grand old man
passes away his name will go down to pos
terity as one of the greatest benefactors
of this county."
OcU Beyond His Depth.
Wllkes-Barre Record: "Brother Hart,
of the Plttston Gazette, had better confine
himself to the stock arguments furnished
by the Quay leaders. When he strikes
out on his own hook he gets beyond his
Same I True as to Lackawanna.
Tl'lll. .. II.. n Hf Y. T
h imwuarni Jtwum. inn wu,rii
delegates to the state convention will ttnd
It about as easy to support Rice and op-
meal at the some time."
Hello! Exchange. Can I have the coun
cil rooms?
Not unless you expect to own the city.
Nuy! nay! bright creature! There are
others. Pleuse attach our stop to the
switchboard in a way that wilt allow me
to converse with Mr. Morgan Sweeney.
Is that Mr. Sweeney?
It la.
Sweeney the statesman?
Right yc arc!
Morgan, can you enlighten me as to your
motive In springing the Lcxow searchlight
on Captain Dick liilwnrda?
To purify politics, sir. I am a repre
sentative of the Twelfth ward, sir; where
no liquor In sold without license, and my
constituents Insist that this crusade
against holea-in-the-wall Inaugurated by
the county detective shall be continued
right Into tho drug store soda fountains,
If necessary
Who's calling?
This Is Major Penman. Is the advertis
ing munnger in?
I will call him to the 'phone.
Never mind. Perhaps you will do as
well. I wish to advertise for a drayman
to cart away campaign documents that
have accumulated at our place.
Lots of waste paper, eh?
Is there anyapf the "long green" In the
Well, no.
Is the fund exhausted?
Nearly. There's just about enough left
to pay one passage from Europe to this
Well, who Is this? ' :
Oh, you know.
I fall to guess your identity.
V4hy, I am one of the girls one of the
Ah! yes. Please remove the gum from
your mouth, dear, and make known your
I wanted to Inquire If any of the report
ers were going to the lawn party.
What lawn party?
Why, haven't you heard? At Laurel
Hill park.
You don't say sot Big time?
Certainly! Under new management, you
know. Mr, Mulltn will superintend the
floor nnd Mr. Benore will prompt the
dancers, and oh, some Is calling. Call
me up later and I'll tell you all about It.
Hello! I would speak with James P.
Taylor, at Montrose.
Hello! ; , ,
Is that Editor Taylor? , l
Yea. '.:(!.
How are politics? '
Very warm! very warml
The Quuy people are making consider
able noise?
Certainly. An empty barrel, you know,
always vibrates readily.
What Is that whistling sound I hear?
Why, It Is the wind blowing through Bam
Wright's whiskers.
Is there a cyclone at Montrose?
Oh, not It's 6am. He causes the agita
tion of the atmosphere while In the act of
running down campaign rumors.
No man who would shake the hand of a
millionaire brlbe-glver has a right to re
fuse the hand of a 10-cent bribe-taker.
Oddly enough, it doesn't gratify crooked
alderman to learn that there was more In
it than they expected.
Boodlera overlooked this time need not
feel slighted. There will be other grand
If decent citizens would serve more
often in primaries they would not have to
serve so often on grand Juries.
The public ran have honest servants If
It will take the trouble to examine appli
cants before hiring.
Chicago Times-Herald.
Hill &
(3) IHO 03
The Best of Them
All ! the.. ......
Porch Chairs and Rockers,
Fine Mi Chairs tr.d Rosters,
A Few Baby Carrlsgis Left it Cost
Cedar Chest tftfh Prior, In
Three Sizes.
Hill &
Cohnell. nnKil
A Little Chat
With Housekeepers That
Want to Save Some
Fall is near at hand, and you will perhaps need some
Curtains, either Lace, Chenille or Derby, to beautify
some of your windows that have hitherto been treated
with indifference. Also some small rooms may re
quire a new Carpet or a Rug. If such is the case,
buy them of us now during the dull season, because
.we are anxious to clear out all odds and ends, so as to
make room for our fall stock. Your money at inter
est brings you only 6 per cent, and by investing it on
household requirements, which you must have sooner
or later, it will bring you from 30 to 40 per cent.
&2A Word to the Wise
Gold Band
White China
At Cost. , . .
We are selling our entire stock
of Gold Band White China at
cost. Parties having Tea Seta
can now add a few pieces and
make up a Dinner Set; or those
having Dinner Sets partly fcro.
ken cun match them up at a
very small cost.
Come early and get the pieces
you need most.
1 m
Clarence M. Florey, the
sporting goods dealer of Wyo
ming avenue, has devised a
scheme to keep the boys in
terested in the matter of base
ball. With every ten cent
ball or bat he will now give a
fine cap and belt, which are
uniform. Among the hustlers
is Mr. Florey.
tn Accomplished In this cam, as both horn And
rldor ai-a equl to the tmorironcjr. All diffi
culties should be mrm minted whether thejr be
easy or otherwlee. We nuke tt rerjr wuy to
not over tho difficulty of MTlng money by onr
(rend win of
Mention this Adr. And yon can boy any
In the Store for $1.00.
Lickaianni lie.
Tsea Is faaae salt fa tea WEIER
ffilTg CAP
111 Mil
Oab and ant Imm Mew aa Mae las se
Md-hand Ftaawwe nra taaaasa sasssaie
tertkna. ,
Wye. Are.
Is Sufficient See Large Center
Special mention Given to Business
and Personal leeonnts.
laUonal Bank of Seranteaa
1 teA-A
CAPITAL 250,000 '
SURPLUS, $40,000
A. 8, WI-tlAMh, CaabAsr.
proi, tew, cun
fhis tank Invite tta petreoac ef ta
easaa am and firms toralju
i scranton mm u
H prepared to farnlth trATtleri with
Moosic Povdor Co,
. Rooms liEdiCoEaoiMltli Bid' j,
Lafflia A Rand Powder Co.1
OrangoGun Powdcf
Bleetrle Battarlsa, Vnsaa for swtst
. lac Waste, lafotyaSaM aa4
Samuel Hints, Junta JlT BrartArt, tre
lac A. rtnoh. Plorca B. Ftnlar, Jonaph f
Jarmyn. M. 1, Kemarar.Chj.rlee P. Met
ttewe, John T. Porter. W. W. Wataoa.
Window for Prices.
Blank Doohs,
Olfico Suppllas,
mos OflOS,
Bt toetn. boat sat. ; tor rold eaM
and teeth without plate, called orown and
bride work, call for prices And refer,
epcea. TONAJAJIA, for xtraeUatt tt
without pain. No ether. Ne caa,
with an oil or raa store. Ho imoke, dirt, e
am.lL It does the work ee well The prlee,
madam, la mirth-proToklng la its littleness.
Onr Hardware atandi la the front rank. A
pot or kettle, Un oaa or pan. doea its duty or
fall Aooordina aa It la rightly made of the
riant material. The right kinds are what we
MAs'for pricee, we bats made than aa alls
that they need sappead we'UhaTote raise
them to get support, bat little prieM bring
fag huatneas. . . .
; ' " . 'V- T
r t;;-.