The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 03, 1895, Page 2, Image 2
9 WiIkesBarre. The Tribune has opened a branch of flcv at No. a, Laning building, Publle Square. Wllkes-Barre. It to the purpose of the publishers to Issue a newspaper as valuable to the general public aa the met ropolitan dailies, and deliver It to the peo ple throughout northeastea ennsylvanta from three to five hours earlier than the Philadelphia and Mew York papers can reach them. TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE. Woman Cnta Her Throat with a Baior. Takes to the Hospital. Yesterday afternoon, Mrs, Charles Wedchel. alias Jennie Roxelle. house keeper for old "Pop" Cloodfcllow, cut her throat with a dull kntfe In a little frame house in the rear of Morrow' hotel, on North Main street. The hor rible deed was discovered about S o'clock and the Inside of the squalid buildlner in which It was done was hor rible to see. The woman laid on- an old couch, a bandage around her head and an old apron thrown on her neck, Atevery Inspiration of breath, a hissing; sound wits heard, plainly telling that the windpipe had been severed. The gash is about two inches long and Is just below the aesophagus or Adam's apple, and looks as though the knife used was dull, and the cut made after persistent sawing. She could talk with an effort and said she was craxy when she did it and was sorry. She had not been drinking anything but the atmosphere of the room was tainted with the odor of laudanum, although the woman said she had not taken any. She Is 39 year old and was divorced from her husband some years ago and since then Ivia kept house for "Pop" Goodfetlow. Her brother. Merrttt Roielle. of Wy oming, was notified and came on the scene about 4 o'clock. He Identified the woman as hi sister. Dr. Koe was called In after much delay and found the woman in a comatose state. The windpipe had been severed and there was considerable . blood in her lungs. The wound la very dangerous, but not necessarily fatal, and she was taken to the city hospital and made aa com fortable as possible. Last night there was a fair chance for recovery. This is the second attempt he woman has made at suicide. THE STAFFORD EXCURSION. A Dig Crowd Goes to the Camp of the Stafford Institute. Testerday afternoon the Stafford Literary Institute ran an excursion to Harvey" Lake that was very well at tended. About 1 o'clock the Ninth reg iment band came to the club's rooms on South Main street and played. Then, preceded by William Rutledge. Hugh Sharpe. Charles Toole, John McCarthy and Peter Forye, members of the club, and the band marched around the square to .the (Lehigh Valley depot where the train was in waiting. Three of the eleven cars were com fortably tilled and a large crowd on the station platform saw the excursion start for the lake. The members of the camp have been at the lake the past few days arranging for yesterday's special event, which included a pre sentation of selections from the opera 'Mikado," given only recently by the Carolan Glee club. At S o'clock a num ber of Wilkes-Barreans went over to Join the party. The members wore at tractive outing suits, comprising duck pantaloons, sweaters with deep collar and letter S on the bosom, and white outing hat The band looked very well in their white trousers and blue coats, and the music was as usual, very fine. The party returned about 10 o'clock, and reported a very pleasant time. A number of the party joined the campers at the lake and will temaln there until camp breaks up. TACKLED THE OFFICER. Joha McHagh's Experleao With One of ths Blneeoats. John "McHugh, of Scott street, became too boisterous while filled with booze Thursday night about 11 o'clock and Officer Plercy kindly offered to take him home. (Both men started up the street, when without warning McHugh tripped the of&cer, forced him to the ground and hit a terrible righthander on the left eye. Of course theofneer changed his mind as to where he would take McHugh and Instead of escorting Mm home, rung up the patrol and sent him to the lockup. At the hearing yesterday morning he was fined S3 for disorderly conduct and 13 for striking an officer. In default of ball he was sent beiow. T. 8. Hale, a chiropodist by profes sion, wm before W honor charged with drunkenness yesterday morning. He warn Jailed for a few hour and then released. . THE ANNUAL REUMOX. The On Hundred and Forty-Third Reg 1 meat Will Plonlo at Shlok-hlenev. The One Hundred and Forty-hlrd Teglment. Pennsylvania volunteers, will hold thrtr tweitty-irinth annual re union In Riverside park, BhlckBhlnny, on Wednesday, Aug. 28. and the follow ing programme ha been arranged: Business meeting, 11.45 a. m.; dinner, 12.15 sharp; call to order, 1.15; music by Glenburn Drum corps; prayer by Chap lain Wise.ofoldreglment; singing, quar tette; address of welcome; response by president; poem by John S. McGroarty; annual address by Judge Alfred Darte; singing by quartette; address, General E. 8. Osborne; recitation, Miss B. Elisabeth Hughes; address, T. V, Pow derty; singing by quartette; address, A. J. Colborn; music by drum corps, to be followed by ehort addressee by com rade and friends. Diving at Nantlooke. Testerday morning the Pennsylvania Hallroad company employed diver to examine the abutment of the railroad bridge between Nantlcoke and West Nantlooke. The bridge has been In con stant use for a number of years, and In order to aee that it la still cafe enough to use the divers are under the water Investigating.: It Is feared that aome thing may have given way under the water line, from the action of the water and Ice. Highway Robbery. William Finn, a Mldvale - barber, While returning home from a visit in thi city last Thursday evening, was et upon by three tramp. He waa ter ribly hammered and then they rifled his pockets, securing 11.60.' Finn waa tin. able to recognise hi assailants, but notified the police, who are on the track of certain tough whom they suspect. Putting Down the Coneret. : , Testerday morning the Barber 'As phalt company, with a force of forty men, began laying ths stone concrete On North Washington street, previous to laying the sheet asphalt. The lab orer, with scarcely an exception, are all foreigner, either Hungarians or Polandera, and scarcely any other na-. tlonalltiea are represented. The pro cess was watched curiously all day by a big crowd of from fifty to one hundred idlers, who seemed to take a great In terest In the work. MR. PALMER'S POSITION. Ills Refusal to Go oa Reeord Thoaght to , Be an Indication of Quayisne. The decidedly peculiar position that Hon. H. W. Palmer has taken in regard to the state fight waa almost the sole topto of conversation In political circles yesterday. A telegram to Mr. Palmer, asking Mm to define his position with regard to Hastings or Quay. wa an swered by him that he was for Judge Rice, and thought all the Judge' frlonda should go to the state conven tion with no other pledges. Another telegram was then sent telling him that Mother candidate, a pronounced Hast ings man, -was In the field against him, and again asking him to define tils posi tion. This time the answer was, "If Judgo ltlce's frleiulH know more about this business than he docs, let them de feat me." Mr. Palmer abeoluterofusal to place hlmsulf on reeord la considered by Re publicans here as a declaration for Quay. He would be a good man to send to the convention, and It la known that Judge Rice w lithe Mr. Palmer to place his name before the convention. But one thing Is certain. Air. 'Palmer will pledge himself for Hastings or he will not represent WUkea-Barr in the convention. The people of this city are decided In their intention to uphold the course of the governor, and If Mr. Palmer refueea to place himself on rec ord as a Halting man, some one else will go to. the state convention from this city. Held Without Ball. Wlndisch. the Plttston wife murderer, was brought down to the district at torney's office yesterday morning and was closeted with the officials and de tectives for a long time. Nothing could 'be learned as to what took place, but Wlndtevh was held without ball for court. Death In the Mayor's Fsmilv. (Mr. and Mrs. Mayor Nichols have the sympathy of the community in the loss of their baby girl, Edith, who died at 6 o'clock Thursday evening, of cholera Infantum. She was 2V4 months old. The funeral ' will take place today at 10 o'clock. Services at the house, in terment in Hollenback cemetery. Press CI nb Charter. The charter applied for by the Press club 'through their attorney, John 8. McGroarty, was granted yesterday by the court. The organization is now completed, and from all appearances wlU have a prosperous life. BRIEF NOTES. The members of Zlon church have se cured Hanover Park for use tomorrow and will hold a big camp meeting, to which all are Invited. A number of good singers will be in attendance. James McGuire, for several years with Mahoney and company, and Ed wardi Costello, have entered Into a partnership and will carry a large line of general groceries, at 361 North Main street. The address at the open-air temper ance meeting tonight, held under the auspices of the Toung Men's Christian association, will be made by'F. W. Pearaall, of Scranton. A new division of the Ancient Order of Hlberiana has ibeen formed at Wyo ming, and John J. Stewart has been chosen president. The membership is quite large for a new lodge, and prom ises to Increase steadily. The Seventh Day Adventlsts are con ducting a successful series of meet ings in their pavilion on North Wash ington street. The member of City Steamer com pany. No. 3, will hold a meeting to night at the engine house. Work will be begun Monday at an the Lehigh and Wllkes-Barre collieries. The Independent worker of Zlon ohurch gave a well-attended entertain ment last evening. A' debate wa one of the features of the evening. On Monday afternoon the printer at E. B. Tordy' will play a game of base ball with the printers at Baur'. The game will take place on the Toung Men's Christian association field and no charge will be made. The Delaware and Hudson coal com pany denle that they discharged some of their employe because they belong to the militia. The Kingston and Wllkes-Barre Toung Men's Christian Association teams will play at the new Toung Men's Christian Association field this after noon. The game will be called at 3.45 p. m. Captain Harton and hi house boat party left town yesterday for their homes on account of the cold weather. They had Intended to remain a week In WSlkes-Barre. . The grand lodge. Sons of St. George, will convene In this city on Aug. 7 and 8. They will meeit at Royal Arcanum hall, on South Franklin street. The bicyclists of Alden and Wanamle have organized a wheelmen' club with a membership of twenty, to be known a the Newport Wheelmen. John F. Alles and Miss Fannie Hart, both of thi city, were married in King hamton on May 10. The new of their marriage was made publlo on Thurs day, and no one had even suspected them. An entertainment of tableaux and music was given last evening at 121 South Franklin street, for the benefit of the f ree kindergarten. Mark Malllol had three fingers out off by slate yesterday In No. 1 mines of the Susquehann Cos) company, at Nantlcoke. George Patterson, W. It.' Moon and John Maitey, of Carbondale, reached this city on their bicycles yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, on their way to Gettysburg. They took dinner her and then continued down the road. Ex-Jury Commissioner Finn, of Par son, yesterday received a present of two An SI I go game birds, from P. M, dllllgan, who Is now traveling In Ire land. . ; ; AVoqA, Mis Llxcle McCarthy,- of 'Packer street, - returned yesterday, after month' stay In Philadelphia. . Mrs. H. L. Snyder was a visitor, at Edwardsvllle, yesterday. The convention of the Rpworth league which wa held at the Methodist Episcopal ehuron yesterday was large ly attended by delegates from Rend- ham, Mooslc, Plttston and Duryea. Miss Annetta (Murphy Is spending a few days at Harvey' lake. Miss Lissle Savannah returned today, 1 - Mrs. P. JHannan and daughter, Nel lie, of Bern Ice, are being entertained by Mrs. Frank Utile, of Grove street. George Cave, of Wllkes-Barre, was a caller In town yesterday. PhU Gordon, of Pen ArgyU Pa., Is spending a week with friends. Miss Mae Kuschel. of Plttston. Is the guest of Miss Newt Hasklns, of Lin coln Hill after a week's visit with Scranton friend. John McLaughlin i calling at Wllkes-Barre today. Thomas Graham Is spending hi va cation at his home, on North Main street. Miss Ella Dempkey called at Scranton yesterday. Miss Elsie Gross returned to Boranton after a pleasant visit with Rev. and Mm. Wagner. MONTROSE. Mrs. Guv. accompanied ty 'Master dlen and Miss Mt Guy, ts visiting at the home of tier parents. A robbery Is reported to have been committed Thursday night. A barn near Mr. Camp's house was entered and a few things were taken. Tie circus Wednesday was a little above the average circus which comes this way. About 2.&00 people saw tt. The choir of tit. Mary's Catholic church went to Auburn hurt Sunday to help celt-brate the twenty-nrst anni versary of Father Lnfforty. Miss Bessie Perlgo, a graduate of the Montrose hlh school, will teach school at Hush. Among the new arrivals are Mr. Mar tin and family, of Wllkes-Uarre. who will be at ltoaemont cottage for a few weeks. Mrs. .11. T. Hire-hard, of Susquehanna, Is In town for a short visit. It Is underwtool that one of the Mont rose fire companies will be Invited to attend the firemen's parade at Susque hanna Sept. 6. The il'utrons of Husbandry will hold their annuul picnic on the fair ground Aug. 16. The Jackson Cornet band will furnish music. The Republicans will hold a caucus tonight for the purpose of electing delegates for the county convention, to be hetd here Aug. 6. Representatives Millard and iMoore were in town Wednesday. The Globe Publishing company bought Mr. Northrop'a Interest In the Sentinel and Farmer. 'Editor Northrop will retire from the management of the paper. C. A. Van Worrne Is looking after Hastings stork, and thinks Quay Is not in the race at all. HAWLEY. George and R. A. Teeter, iMorris Mill- ham, William Reader, of this place; John Gow and William Jacobs, of Mas slllon, O.j Charles Kucbler. of Summit Hill, Pa., and Mr. Sartor, of New York city, formed a party who went to Fur view lake on Wednesday 'morning to camp out for three weeks. Gus Frank, who has been visiting his mother, iMrs. George Awee, for several weeks, returned to New York city on Thursday. D. James Colgate has purchased two houses of Charles Daniels on the cor ner of Fourteenth and Seventeenth streets. iMIss E. Llebenow visited iHonesdale yesterday. William Bishop, of Port Jervls, waa In town yesterday. 'Miss Ella Mangan, of this place, and her guest, Miss Margaret Mangan, of Plttston, went to Scranton yesterday. Miss Gussle Collum visited Honesdale yesterday. (Master Thomas Gray, of Port Jervls, N. Y Is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Howley. As extra coal train east, engine 722, Charles Krauss, engineer,- and Thomas Malla, conductor, was approaching Stairway Rock cut yesterday morning. which Is one and one-half miles east of Rosas, Pa., on the Delaware divi sion of the Erie, the engineer saw a man ahead lying on the track, who was evidently asleep. Sounds of the whistle and bell were given, but seem ingly did not attract the main's atten tion, and the whole train, consisting of seventy-live cars passed over his body. He was killed instantly. He was ap parently dressed aa a tramp and la un known. WINTOIM. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Fraulo, of Scraniton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Stephen Cairns. (Miss Lizzie Sever called on Mrs. Robert Patten, at Peckvllle, last Thurs day, Mrs. Jones and daughters, Minnie and Nettle, of tCMyptiant, were the guests of Mr. and (Mrs. David Morgan this week. (Harry Coates, of Peckvllle, called on Harry Good this week. Miss Mary Fletcher is visiting friends at Carbondale. William V. Hughes and son, William, spent Sunday with his daughter, iMrs. Stephen Cairns. OUss (Mary Wedge, or New Tork, Is visiting her brother, John Wedge. IMrs. Petora, who has been spending the past few days with her brother, Johnson Schueur, returned to her homo at Black Creek thla week. Mra. Stephen Calms and daughter, Flora, and Mrs. Harry Heller and daughter, Maude, called on (Marsh wood friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. names, of Peck vllle, spent Thursday evening with (Mr. and Mrs. Watson. Mrs. August (Hoover and two daugh ters, of West I'ltteton, have been spending the past week with her slater, (Mrs. Hosts. Miss BHsa W'Hllama Is spending a few days with relatives at Nantlcoke. Misses Carrie and Lizzie Best are Visiting friends at Plttston. MVs. John Wedge and Mary Wedge Joined the excursion to Farvlew last Thursday, INSTANT RELIEF for all afflicted with TORTURING SKIN DISEASES In a Single , Application of V Curious. Wongs) Wotdbss, sad iM tore of tortarlsg horoeot an simply a-rtsOooa. . ' siii snwiiit j wptuk swati rsi. Sin S Mm 1. jfi.f i Ms7laM.FHiii ft s aae Cats c E, a rim , linisTv. s. a. PITTST0N. 1 i aw ruiiiDD omcf ox inv o- ,.., Tribune has been opened by H. W. Cruaer, w.t fc a Williams aire;.. HtuHiw. oi news, rgoipiiuii. v. .. livery, orders for Job work of all descrip tions, should tw addressed and regular subscriptions received. Advertising and subscription rales cheerfully submitted. Quite an old naptr Is the Plttston Gazette forty-five year yesterday the first paper was Issued. And It is claimed no other newspaper In northeastern Pennsylvania has been continually pub lished so long a time. Ed. Hltchner will go to Lake uarey today for a two weeks' vacation. George Mumkv. an Italian, 50 years old, employed by the Newton Coal company as a car oiler, met with a se rious accident yesterxday. His leg was caught between a car and a small loco motive and so badly Injured as to re quire amputation, the operation being performed at the hospital. The members of the Kntes club, num bering fifty, with their lady friends, made a trip to Plymouth last evening. A special electric car took them to the Junction. Returning they Went to Wllkes-Uarre, and from there over the new route to Plymouth to visit the Uno Anlmo club of that place. Several hours were spent In dancing, and after partaking of refreshments, they re turned home, having had a Jolly time. Miss Cora ltosell, of Haxleton. and Miss Verna Davis, of Hyde Park, are the guests of Miss Nellie Owens. iMIss Bertha Shoemaker, of Illooms- burg, who h'is been the guest of Miss Carrie Miller, on North iMnln street, Is visiting friends at Wllkes-Uurre. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver .llurke and chil dren ore taking In the fresh sea breezes at Atlantic City. Mr. Graves, of Carbondale, has moved In Mrs. Harris' house, on Phil adelphia avenue. G. K. Wilson Is at Olen Summit, bullJIng n barn at Dr. Parke's sum mer home. Alexander .Mitchell, son of William Mitchell, of Tompkins street, while playing with some boys In ETins Bros.' stable yard, fell and cut his leg so severely that Dr. Underwood hod to put three stitches in the wond. Dr. Bevan, who has suffered a sec ond amputation of the hand injured on the Fourth of July, Is much better. Ths Welsh Baptist nnd Welsh Con gregational Sunday schools went to Lake Ariel for an outing today. Miss Lena Howltz has gone to Lake Carey for a two weeks' visit. W. F. Staley, the Water Btreet Jew eler, who Is authorized watch Inspector for the Lehigh Valley railroad, designed and made a button to be worn on the coat lappel. The button is a fac simile of the fliin; that Is painted on all Le high "Valley railroad cards. Mr. Rta- ley only made one for his own use, hut the railroad men have requested him to manufacture them and he has con. sented to do so. The paving at last. Bv an order l. sued yesterday by City Engineer Harry Meyers, the Barber Asphalt company will commence operations on the main thoroughfare of this city. Alice Ollllgan and Anna Bntle.W of Chapel street, have returned from a week s visit; m Dunmore. Miss Minnie Ash will take a month's vacation from her brother's store on account of 111 health. Miss Lena Howltz left town yester day to rusticate for a time at Lake Carey. W. F. Staley Is spending his vacation at Lake Carey. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Burke and chil dren are taking In the sea breeze at Atlantic City. Miss Cora Rosselle, of Hazleton. and (Miss Verna Davis, of Hyde Park, are the guests of Miss Nellie Owens, of f Totmngham street. Captain Billy Bond, of Lake Carey, wa a visitor In town yesterday. Plttston Business Directory. FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBING CALL on wrignt & Co., 87 Bouth Main street. A new rantre for unle nr .vphnn... nl.n second-hand household goods, bought or soiu. ARCHIBALD. A special meeting of the school board was held on Wednesday evening for the purpose of selecting teachers for the ensuing term. Applications were re ceived from all those who taught last year, and they were re-employed. Wll Ham Nealon was added to the corps. and was given charge of the Edgerton school this year. His salary as well as that of the teacher at the Ridge, Miss Mary Corcoran, has been fixed at $45 per month, 'Miss O'Connor, who taught at Edgerton Inst year, will have charge of the primary department In the cen tral building this year. Mrs. Neary was appointed Janitor In the First ward building, and Mrs. John Magulr at the central building. Mrs. John B. Lack, her daughter, Mrs John J. Samson, of Duryea, nnd her grandsons, Frank Lack and Lack Sam son, are Inhaling the sea breezes at Asbury Park. The Riverside Coal company has tem porarily suspended operations owing to thecontiuued dullness of the coal trade. . Richard Klelty, of Hill street, Is spending a week In Buffalo and To' ronto. The remains of the late Mrs. Anthony Neary, who died early In the week, were laid to rest In the Catholln ceme tery on Wednesday morning. The ser vices, which were held In St. Thomas' church, were of an Impressive char acter. Rev. T. J. Comerford delivered an impressive sermon and fittingly re ferred to the good character of the de ceased. The pall-bearers were James Cawley, John Moyles, Patrick Curran. Patrick Keegan, Michael Motion and Martin Cummlnga, ' Burgess Burke has signed the con tract with T. H. Scanlon, providing for the laying of crosswalks on certain of the borough streets. This is the con tract that muddled the council a few weeek ago, aome contending that It waa not properly awarded Inasmuch as there was no ordinance providing for the fixing of the grade or the laying of the walk. It-was hinted that Bur gess Burke would not approve of the contract, but he aatisnea nimseir tnnt he had a right to approve of It, and he affixed his signature on Thursday. The flagstone to be used In the crosswalks Is on It way here, nnd the work will be- gin Immediately after Its arrival. ; CLARK'S BUM MIT. Mr. Datesman has returned from her visit toElmlra, N. T Mr. W. P. Lltts I under the doctor' care. Mr. . Frank. Cannon has - returned home. . Mrs. William Justin and family were In scranton Thursday. , 8. C. Koona went to Scranton on buainesa Thursday. . - -. , Mother Morris, of Scranton, was call ing on friend of thi place Friday. Frank Welchel, of Trenton, N. J la vliltlng hi (brother, Fred Welchel, at th summit hotel, . I OnnolDv c I AT il August 15 ve half the original reductions in the CONNOLLY & ONE CENT A WORD. WANTII OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID KOIl. IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHAKGR WILL BE LESS THAN 26 CKNTS. THIS BULB AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADH, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED. WHICH ARB INDEBTED FREE. Help Wantsd-Mals. WANTKD A JAN1TOK KOH UI.UH bourn, AddIv to Uruen Rld Wheel- man, corner Handernnn avenue aud Ureea KiUne atreut, betwoen 7 and 8 p.m. )lIOTO TICKET AGENTS AND PiCTUIlE X raeu can larn of a fino ixMition bv ad- dreiniair WILLIAM 11. fLATT, VM Elm struot, Camden, K. J. WANTED -WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to nol cit stock lulMcrin- tlons; a monopoly: bis money fur asenu: no capital required. ED W AUD C. FISH CO., uoruon uioux, (nioni0. iil CALKBMEN - RESIDENT SALESMEN wunteu, acquainted wun m loeni aim nmrby drug and grocery trade, to handle our into iiikii tcrauti uiKam, jiuurttB, aivii'V references, J. EDWARD C'UWLES m CO., 143 Chambers etrect, N. V. Helo Wanted Females. WANTED HOOD GIRL KOU GENERAL hnimowork: irood waeea. MRS. JOS. A. MEARS, 11 bouth Main avenue. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN AS cook in hutnl: euitabl aalarv. Addreaa. with references, Box HUH. Plymouth, Pa, WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER petio uleswomon to reprennt us. Guaranteed ti a dny without Inti-rforitiir with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars. Inclosing stamp. Mango Chem ical Company, No. Vi John atreot. New York. For Rent. OFFICES TO LET, DESK ROOM TO LET nnd Ani'mbly Hall to let D. B. REP- LOGLK, 4(18 Spruce atroet. tORKENT-A LARGE, 4-STORY BUILD J1 ins at llti Franklin avenue: suitable for wholoeala buiinesa. CARSON ft DAVIES, Scranton. F'OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avemiM. Aridma TTTOMAtt K. EVANS, aear 1183 Luzerne, Byde Park. F'OB RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL suitable for ludoe rnoma. JOHN JF.k- MYN, 110 Wyoming ovenuo. For Sal. VOH BALE CHEAP-LARGE HOUSE AND barn and one acre or m-ound at Uiiltnn. Pa. Address.!, L, Swartz, Dnlton, Pa,, or M. D, 8 warts. 213 Spruce street, city. FOR SALE-NEW HOUSEHOLD GOODS, amalll lot Iniinire fur Van Aulrer. Rha- mer's restaurant, Frankliu avenue, Call to day. F'OB SALE AT REASONABLE FIGURES, a lot of Roe A Co. 'a Iron nino comnomi- tlon frames, single and double: also a lot of Hooker cases, in pairs, some eitr.i depth. II only slightly used and good as new. AUilrewa Inquiry to BUSINESS MANAGER, Tho Trib une, Scranton, Pa. THKHOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS OF fer their property on th west aido of Adams avenue, between Pine and Gibson street confuting of five forty-foot lots, nuk- ing a inviiii oi uro nunnrea iccion Aaams avenue by one hundred and fifty feet In depth, improved, with a Inrn-e three story (rams bouse, lr!co, tbtrtv thousand dollars. r.KKA II. KlPl'l.K, WILLIAM T. SMITH. HENRY A. KNAPP, Advisory I'ommlttea, Sltiiatlona Wanted. SITUATION WANTED - BY A HOY 15 years: knows the ritr well and wllllns to worn, aaunn u a.. J Tiuune. SITUATION WANTED-FOR WASAING O and Ironing to do at hnme. Cull nr ad. dress L. B.. m N. Sumner ava., Hyde Park. lARUGOIHT, REGISTERED, WANTS PO. XI sltlon aa clerk or inanaimr; 1 veara' twrlonne: eity or renntrv. Addreaa DhUUH. care Boranton Tribune. A WIDOW WITH TWO CUILDREN wants a nneltinn as hausnkennor. Call nr nnurcss v. si., uiu uswaia court. SITUATION WANTED-A COMPETENT f woman, nKou xi yearn, wsnia situation as nouseaespor ur aomo goon position in re- m iiu f k 1 . ) i f A.n ... ....... . , 11 .. a.1.1 -..."..-' .. ...,.' ..i. . i . n i n i.iu lit. Auuina M i nriui'ii i,.., n. VANDLINQ. Bcrijnmln Simpson Is moving his household effects Into his new ihouse on lower Mnln street. Service will be held In the Congrega tional church tomorrow at 7.30 p. m. Sermon by the pastor, Hev. J. O. Evans. Mrs. TI. 1). Mitchell and children and Miss Walters, slater of the former, are spending a Tew weeks at Crystal Lake, that popular summer resort. (Misses llattle Muck and Louisa Mon- ahan, of New York city, are visitors at the home of Edward O'Nell. Henry Carter attended the funeral of the late. Charles Morris at Carbondale, Thursday. Thomas Madden Is moving Into the Carter building, recently vacated by O. 8. Young. Iienjawiln Lewis has removed his family to Itlchmondale. If ths "shy Is Cntttng Tseth. ' Mra. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has bn used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Palni Cure Wind Collo, and la th best remedy for Diarrhoea. Bold by Druggists In ev ery part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mra. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind, Twenty-live oents bottle.' " ' Toplo earda for the next alx months minted In rood style at low prloes. It you contemplate an eaourslon or festival thla summer, It will pay you to consult ua about 'printing posters, circulars, ucatis, etc Ths mount, . ti CAPES ! I ALL PRICES. will sell our early prices. We have also made some big prices of suits and separate skirts. WALLACE, FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, REASONABLE CHARGES TRY OS. e I THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO. Lack lie., Cor. Idami SosclaJ Notices. VTOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY I. I 1 v will make a monthlv tour of tho follow ing places itivtng free upon air advertising ex hibitions wiih the stereoptlcon: TaylorviUe. nyae cars, rroviaence, vicKson uiypuaut, Peekville, Archbald, Jerroyn. Exhibitions givon on Wednesday and Friday ot eaca wees aurlns tne raontn, tne re tea lor adver tising are 1 10 per month. Address . U. Call, Tribune office, city. 'lrT,HE fcOLDlER IN OUR CIVIL WAR. ' 1 You want this rnlio. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Pictures, show ing the forces 'n actual battle, sketched on the" spot Two volumes, 2.OU0 pictures. Mold on easy monthly payment. Delivered by ex press comiilete, all charges prepaid. Address P. U MOODY, 023 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. BLANK HOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA zines, etc., bound or rebound at Thi Tkibumb oflioe. Quick work. Reasonable prices. Stockholders' Meeting. VTOTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING OP 1 the stockholders of The Scranton Bed ding Company will be held at the office of the oompanv, HUS and 004 Lackawanna avenue, hk-ranton. Pa,, on the lUth day of Auirnst, l5, at lu o'olock a, in., for the election of directors and the transaction of such other busiuees as may proporly come before the meeting. No tice Is aim plven that an amendment to the Bv-Laws will be presented, changing the time ot holding the annual meetlne. by order ot tne eoara oi uirecrors. T. H. BE N TON, Secretary. Scranton, Pa. July 27th, 1S85. Business Opportunity. WANTED-BY RESPONSIBLE HOUSE, n matiamr with ffAl Sn S600- moneV relunded from first sales; salary (100 and coram Isafons on sales; retorenoes exchanged. Box 73, Bt. Louis. BUY STOCKS, BUY GRAIN THEY ARK cheap now and Europe is buying them, which mesne bigber prices all around. Don t h...i(nta km) InA this chance: S25 to 150 per ill, nan made aaailv bv our "hafe-Method" plan of operating. Send for our book end cir rnlar telling how it Is done, both free: New York and Chicago omces; six nauonai bm given as rcf-rences. r. Bankers and Brokers. 68 Bearer street. New York. Agents Wanted. WE DON'T WANT BOYS OB LOAFERS, If i. .. . - - -i.iU , - C'lkl eftVI a month to nusiiors; euro arm -"-. and commission. Chemical Fire Extinguisher . . . . . 1 1 aalavw o.. naciuet " CI ENERAL AGENTS WANTED SELL S' lng new artic les to dealers; exclusive ter ritory, no competition, no eapital required; 200 to iW per cent, protlt Columbia Chemical VOv, sv vearuoru at., vuuaigu, A CENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE, TO r J.u. n i n Aluminum Novelties; look exactly like silvor: weighs ono-quanor: renuerwwgui-, wwwm. V eat out; ssmplo, 10c: catalogue free: ALUM- IMIBIIUVSLII VAJ., WO oui 11. . Tgents-hinde-s paYknt UNIVER- I , , T J . . 1 L-..AM .IB ui with. l& sal xinir vunrrw mi " IT'" v., .! "Pvr Pnlntod"Rair Pine Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address r. u. bm n " TfjANTrCD - ACTIVE "Valesmen TO ITS per month and expenses paid to g entirely new. Jippiy quicaijr. - ' Boston, Masa McdlcaL LAnttcsi CMeMs i&fM J"gyU3S. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physiciuns and Surgeons. DR. O. EDGAR DRAN HAS REMOVED to 61t Bpruco street, Bcranton, l'a. (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY.20 PENN AVE.:! to P. M.j call 2082. Lis. of woman, obetretric and and all dls. of ohll. DR A. j. CONNELL, OFFICE Ml Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Kranrke's drug stroo. Kesldenee. m vine at. Office hours: to 12 a. m! and 2 to 4. and 6.30 to 7.30 p. m. Hun tin. 3 to t d. m. DR. W. B. ALLBN, tU North Washington avenue. . rm7"lT"FREY. i'RACTICH LIMITED DotseM. of the Eve. Ear. Nose and Throat; office, 12 Wyoming ave. Keel- dence. K Vine street. nj, L. M. GATES. 125 WASHINGTON v Office hour. I to a. m.. 1.30 kT.nd 7 t?l P. m. Resldeno. K Madl- on avenue. rn J C BATKSON, RELIABLE SKIN, DTumo? and I Cancer Specialist. Tuesdays MdFrlday. at 608 Linden street. Of fice hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Dentists. DR. WILtfAM"A. TAFT. TOBCE'JJs Bridge and Crown work. Office. tSS Washington avenue. cTcTiAUBACH. BUBO EON Di5NT18T. No, lie Wyoming th mTbthatton, OFFICH COAX- MJ.. change. Wire Screens. - JOS. KUETTBL, REAR 811 LACKA . wsnna avenue, Boranton, Pa, manufae turer of Wire Boreetu, Walla Via fall capes at about 209 SL0."1- Lawyers. WARREN & KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Boran- onPsL eESSUPB ft HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law. Commonwealth eulldlng, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP. HORACE E. HAND. W. H. JESSUP. JR. PATTERSON & WILCOX. ATTOR. neys and Counsellors at Law; offices I and ( Library building , Scranton, Pa. ROSWELL H. PATTERSON. . WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 2L FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room t. Coal Exchange, Scran ton. Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY. at-Law, rooms U. M and (, Common wealth building. samuelw7edgar, ATTORNEY-AT Law. Ofllce, 317 Spruce t., Scranton, Pa. L. A. WATRES, A fTORNE Y-AT-LAW. 423 Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT I -aw. Dime Bank Building, Scranton. Money to loan In large sums at S per cent. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT law. Commonwealth building. Scran ton. Pa. C. COMEOYB. ta SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 40 Spruce street. b7-fkillam. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 130 Wyoming ave.. Scranton. Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g. Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK. lit WYOMING AVB. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 24. 25 and 2 Commonwealth building, Scranton. e7"l7waLTER. ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of 606 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT. 435 8pruce t. cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN ft MORRtS. ARCHITECTS, Trice building, us Washington avenue Scranton. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better oa Investment than any other association. Call on & N. Callender, Dune Bank building. Schools. SCHOOL OF" THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton. Pa., prepares boys and girl for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at ie Quest. Opens September 10. M HEV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN ami School, 412 Adams avenue, open Bopt. 9. Kindergarten $10 per term. Seeds. O. R. CLARK ft CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green houxe, ISM) North Main ave nuo; store teleohoe 732. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOB balls, picnics, parties, receptions. Wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbeif music store. - MEQARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twin. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scraa tonjj'tu FRANK P. BROWN ft COu WHOLE ealo dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloh.0 West Lackawanna ava THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT AC countunt and auditor. Rooms 19 and , Williams Building, opposite poetuQlco. Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK lin avenue. Rate reasonable. P. ZIEGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D-, L. ft W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth SL and Irving Place, New York, Rate, 13.60 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). .'.IK. AN ABLE, 1 ' ' Proprieter. Mi Pioneer of th hotel cen ter in New York eity. Noted for It superb loca tion, superior rooms and excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for giving MORE VALUE FOR THE PRICE) tnan any nrsi-cias noiei ia the world. Facing Central Park, 88th and lth sta., Plasa Square and Fifth avenue j reached by any uptown oars, and th rosstown car at 89th at., which letter It. terseet all surface and elevated .roads terminal station th ave. L road wlthla half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plan. Drinking water and ioe used I vaporised sad fresea on the premises, and tertlBed as to purit by Prof. Qfcaadler. F. A. UAMMONS.