The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 03, 1895, Image 1

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Are not conductive to the Ml of
light, flimsy wash fabric, conse
quently the cold snap or the past
' week has made he clearance of
tall end lots slower than we an-
' tlclpated.
Tell of rising temperature, and
s the half of summer Is yet to
come, there is still plenty of time
to wear these pretty, fairy-like crea
tions. Mel Far
On everything that comes under
the heading; of summer wash goods,
and white early buyers may feel a
little sore at having paid the full
tariff for those same good, they
. must console themselves with the
fact that they had the whole season
to wear them in, while the late buy
er has but half the season left.
So. taken till In all. the ' thing
Seems to even up pretty well.
' Among the lots left are fair as
sortments of
Imported and Domestic
Dimities, Organdies, Crepe
de Japons, Lawns, Swiss
Tissues,5ilk Warp Piques,
Plain and Figured Ducks;
French Mulls, Batistes,
Nainsooks, India Linons,
Victoria Lawns, Spotted
Swisses, etc.
From quoting figures. The fact la
we are not so particular on that
score as we are to get rid of the
Many of the lots are small, ss
sortments broken, etc., and figures
here would only serve to mislead.
I Wnc
mer races
f ley Ge t r
IB Clear
if Sale .
? V Of wash goods brings with It the
. last price cut of the season, and
'( means bargains , of the richest
v. . order o all late comers.
Remarkable Time Made Across the
The America a Warship llrsaks All Ko
ord la Rapid Trip from the
late of Wight to Sandy
New York) Aug. 3. The United States
commerce destroyer Columbia, next to
Minneapolis, the fastest war vessel of
her clues afloat, arrived here todity
from her race against time across the
Atlantic. No Yankee warship ever
chused bersi'lf away from British soil
with such celerity, and no warship ever
built crossed the ocean In the same
time. Tliene are the principal figures:
Time from the Needles. Isle of Wight,
to Sandy Hook Lightship, six days,
twenty-three hours, forty-nine minutes.
Course, J.1U knots. Average hourly
speed. 13.53. Best hourly run, 20.60. four-hour run. 80.50. The dally
runs were from S p. m. of July -i at the
Needles to noon of the following day.
40a knots, and to noon of each succeed
ing day iL 470. 4i7. 4;5. 413 and 405 to
Sandy Hook Lightship at 8.49 a. m. to
day. On July 30. at S a. m.. It was squally,
and a storm threatened. The wind was
southwest by west, heavy seas came
over the bows, and for four hours the
speed was reduced to eight knots an
hour. In the evening of the same day
la lat. 46.05. long. 4S.20, the Columbia
ran near an Iceberg, which was about
no yards long, 100 yards wide and 45
feet high. The Columbia took In a
pilot four hundred miles east of Sandy
Hook, only slowing up sufficiently for
the purpose. She passed quarantine
shortly before noon, reporting all well
on board and dropped anchor In the
North river less than an hour l.tter.
She looked as though she had been do
ing something with the elements. Her
four great funnels were covered with
salt crystals where they were not black
with smoke. Soot covered the upper
structure, and her sides were smeared
and streaked with rust; her decks were
covered with coal dust and cinders, and
altogether she looked as though an
early scouring at the navy yard would
be the best thing for her.
The Csptaln lntortlnwcd.
A representative of the United Prew
found Captain George W. Sumner In
his cabin.
I consider her rur across very suc
cessful," said he. "We came under na
tural draught. It was a smooth run.
though we had a little rough weather.
We rlowed down only once before head
seas. We met some fog. but went
through it at full speed with our eight
boilers and three screw. Tha coal
consumption, the captain said, varied
from 200 to 230 tons a day. about one
half that used by the Cunarder Lucanla
In her trip from Liverpool over a
course of about 3,032 knots, whose best
average speed on a record trip was
21.W. The Columbia had the best coal
obtainable af Southampton. Her fire
room force was twelve short and that
number were taken from volunteers
of the deck crew, making up the full
complement of 19. In addition, forty
live men from the deck force and three
petty officers were transferred to the
engineer's department to assist In car
rying coal. They worked night and
day, and though fatigued, none gave
"The experience shows," said Cap
tain Sumner, "the ability of the Colum
bia to make such an extraordinary run
and satisfactorily demonstrates what
It was Intended It should."
The Hamburg-American line steamer
Augusta Victoria, from Hamburg and
Southampton via Cherbourge followed
the Columbia In arriving off the Hook
at 10.50 a. m. The distance covered by
the Augusta Victoria from Cherbourg
was ZMA knots end her time of pass
age six days, twenty hours and twenty
minutes. The average speed of the
Hamburg steamer on this trip was 18.G4
knots per hour.
St. I.oiils Follows.
The St. Louis of the American line
left Southampton the day after the Co
lumbia, passing the Needles at 1.40 p.
m., or twenty-thre hours and forty
minutes later. She Is expected to ar
rive early In the morning.
The express steamers of the trans
Atlantic passage lines una forced
draught and burn 300 to 500 tons or coal
a day. Some of the records of Interest
In connection with the record of the Co
lubla's trip are the following, between
New York and Southampton: Paris,
6 days, 16 hours, 43 minutes; New Tork,
t days, 7 hours, 14 mlnues; Furst Bis
marck, ( days, 10 hours, 32 minutes;
Normanla, ( days, 12 hours, 27 min
Betsy Flsf ler Shoots and Rills a Colored
Boy Who W Mealing Fruit.
Washington, Aug. 2. '-Miss tietsy
Flagler, daughter of General D. W.
yard of the Flagler residence, 2144 Call
States of America, shot and Instantly
killed a colored boy named Krnest
Oron. who was stealing fruit In the
yard of the Flager residence, 2144 Cali
fornia avenue, Northwest, . about 11
o'clock this mcrning. Boys had been
In the habit of stealing fruit In the
yard for some time And efforts were
made to prevent It, but without suc
cess. This morning Oron, with a com
panion, approached the yard Intent
upen currying oft the rult. Miss Flag
ler saw 'hem and called from the win
dow warning tlicm not to enter the
yard, but the vt-rrlng was unheeded.
Bho disappeared from the window for
a few seconds and reappeared with an
army revolver; and taking aim, fired
at Oron, the ball entering his head,
causing Instant death.
i-rrat excitement was aroused among
the colored people who . congregated
about the scene, but the patrol wagon,
with- policemen,, who were summoned
to trie scene, had a quieting effect upon
them rod the body was removed to the
morgue, and the young lady taken Into
custody. Oeneral Flagler Is at Toron
to, Canada.' --'
. Miss Flagler, who shot and killed the
colored boy, Ernest Green, this morn
ing, has been released from custody,
the coroner's Jury deciding It to be a
case of Unintentional shooting. IMss
Flagler's testimony was the only In
criminating evidence offered. "Miss
Flagler strenuously denied having llred
the shots to Injure any one, her sole
Idea being to frighten the youthful
depredators from the place.
The Jury reached a verdict within a
short time after bearing the evidence.
Hut one ballot was taken, and with an
unanimous expression that the shots
were not fired with murderous or
harmful Intent and that Miss Flagler
could not be hind responsible for the
unfortunate death of the little colored
The scene In front of the police sta
tion during the Inquest was somewhat
unusual The crowd was large, and
composed principally of colored people,
though there were many well dressed
white people, some of whom came In
vehicles and lingered about the neigh
borhood waiting for the verdict. Dis
satisfaction In looks and manner,
rather than speech, was expromted by
the colored people In watting when the
result of the Inquest was made known.
There Is some talk of bringing the mat
ter before the grand Jury despite the
verdict. '
.1 Simple S.tvIco 1. HclJ at St. Michael's
Fpistiopal Church at llristol, tthodc
Providence, n. I.. Aug. 2 The lust
rites over the remains of Klglit Rev.
Mark Antony IVWolfe Howe. 1 t..
LL. D., bishop of central Pennsylvania,
were held at 2 o'clock today at llristol.
the services being simple. The re
mains of the venerable bishop werJ
conveyed from his late summer tesl
dence on Metucoin avenue, to St.
Michael's Episcopal church, at 1 p. m.,
where the funeral services were held,
the church being crowded to the doors
with the relatives and friends of the
Klght Itev. Nelson S. Rullson. D. D.,
assistant bishop of the diocese of cen
tral Pennsylvania, conducted the ser
vices. II j was assisted by Right Rev.
Court land Whitehead. D. l bishop of
Pittsburg, Pa.; Right Rev. William
Stevtins Perry, D. D., bishop of Iowa,
and Rev. George U Locke, D. !., rec
tor of St. Michael's church. Rrlstol.
The pall-bearers were the standing
committee of the diocese of central
Pennsylvania. Right Rev. H. L. Jones,
LU D., Right Rev. J. E. Pratt. Right
Hev. J. F. Powers. Rev. William P. Or
rlck. D. D., Guy B. Farquhar. Robert
H. Sayre. A. N. Cleaver, and Hon.
Husrh North. LL. D.
The chief mourners were Mrs. Howe,
widow of the bishop, the children of the
bishop, consisting of Dr. H. M. Howe
and family, of Philadelphia; Rev. Regi
nald H. Howe and family, of Philadel
phia; Rev. Q. Pomeroy Allen and Mrs.
Allen, of Bethlehem. Pa., and Mesars.
Howe, of Bristol. The regular choir
of the church, under the direction o(
P-ofesor E. J. Valentine, organist,
sang the anthem "From All Thy
Silnts Who From Their Warfare Rest"
andw the recessional "O Paradise."
As the casket, which was covered
with flowers and wreaths, was borne
Into the church and up the aisle to the
altar, a dirge was played on the organ.
Bishop Rullson read the opening prayer
and gave the concluding prayer and
blessing. Then the casket was boms
out of the church, while a dirge wan
played on the organ. The remains
were then conveyed to Juniper Hill
cemetery, Bristol, where they were In
Failing to Get a Fat Appointment, Patton
Icert the Hastings and Joins the
Jiisy Contingent.
Philadelphia, Aug. 2. Councilman
Edward W. Patton. the Republican
leader In the Twenty-seventh ward, has
written to Senator Quay as follows:
"I have given of late a good deal of
consideration to the present political
situation In so far as It relates to your
contest f'ir chairman of the Republi
can state committee, and have made It
my business to ascertain the sentiment
of the Republicans of my ward concern
ing the matter. I am satisfied, after a
careful canvass, that fully seven-tenths
of them are In favor of your election to
the office named. Having never run
counter to the wishes of my consti
tuents, I take pleasure In assuring you
that, If elected a delegate to the stale
convention, I will vote for you for state
By the desertion of Mr. Patton the
Hastings forces may lose two dclgate
In the state convention, as the Twenty
seventh ward leader can probably carry
his ward with him Into the Quay ranks.
The Hastings lenders claim, however,
that ' they can make a fight In the
Twenty-seventh that will make the
contest there not only doubtful, but
probably a victory for them. They ay
Mr. Patton's change of sentiment was
not brought about by any discovery of
the wishes of constituents, but because
he Is disgruntled by his failure to secure
the place of deputy real estate sheriff
left vacant by the resignation of Frank
Willing Leach, and to whloh Sheriff
Clement appointed James 8. Miles,
president of select council.
Hove Soldiers Dewrtlng.
Berlin, Aug. 2. A dlspstch from Ma
Junga, Madagascar, says the llova sol
diers are desnrtlng enmasse after being
routed from day to day by the steadily
advancing French army.
Charles T. Askew A Co., leading At
toona clothiers, failed yesterday. Judg
ments for I1A.0U0 were entered and execu
tions upon them Issued.
Rev. M. Orth, a distinguished minister
of the Lutheran church, died at MecJhsn
tcsburg yesterday, aged (1 years. Mr.
Orth was president of the Pennsylvania
synod and part owner of Irving college,
John and Frank Curry, aged 1 and II
years respectively, who are wanted at
Pottsvtlle for entering a railroad car and
Healing several watches belonging to
members of a repair gang, were arrested
at Boston and were taken to Pottsvllle.
Peter Cassldy, one of the best known
passenger engineers on the Philadelphia
and Reading railroad, died yesterday at
his home In Reading, aged 42 years. He
acquired distinction during the railroad
riots of July, 1177. When Engineer Will
iam Savacool was driven from the cab of
Ms locomotive by the mob In the main!
depot In thts city, Cassldy bravely stepped
Into the cab and smld a shower of clubs
and stones he took the train through to
PottsvUU. . .
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.'V- ' ' ' ' ' ' . i
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Impossible to Obtain Evidence of
Murder Against Him.
The One City That Now Entertains Hope
of Convicting lllm District
Attorney Is I
termined. Philadelphia. Aug. 2.-K If. II.
Holmes Is convicted of murder It begins
to look very much as If he would have
to be found guilty right here In Phlla
dilphlu. While bones Innumerable have
been dug up in various purls of the
country, and mysterious disappear
ances galore have been laid up ugulnst
him. It was admitted yesterday that
very little If any tangible proof that
would tend to hung hi in has been pro
duced. Chicago police authorities admitted
yoslcrJuy that they were ballled and
the prosecuting uttorney at Toronto has
come to a standstill In his investiga
tions. That District Attorney Graham
realizes this fact, and that he Intends
to bend his efforts toward securing con
viction here was evidenced yesterday,
Kor nearly two hours Mr. Graham,
Special Asxlstant District Attorney
Harlow and Lawyer Thomas Fahy.
representing Mrs. Pletsrl, had a long
"piifcrenee. When It terminated Mr.
Graham announced that Detective
Ooyer would be recalled. "I shull bring
Mr. Oeyer back," he said, "not because
the search for Howard PMael has been
abandoned; but for the purpose of com
paring notes.
"The search Is to be renewed and
continued, and no effort or expense will
be spared to reuch the much-desired re
suit. The oillcers of the Fidelity Mu
tual Life association are giving me all
Uhe assistance I require to prosecute
this search, so that the question of
whether Howard l'letzel Is alive or
dead may be settled, and If dead the
manner and cause of his death ascer
tained. "I shall not decide where Holmes
shall be tried until every means within
the limitations of my ofllce are exhaust
ed In the effort to find the missing child
or his remains. If I were to stop now
the mother of the child might never
know with certainty whether her boy
was among the living or also shared the
fate of her two little daughters. To set
at rest this question for her and at the
same time to strengthen and benefit
the commonwealth's case is my pres
ent purpose.
"1 have no Idea that we shall obtain
from Holmes any Information which
msy aid us In finding the boy. Up to
the present time - everything I have
learned from him has been ..false and
misleading, and has nofaldeS us In the
lesat degree In solving tMs great mys
tery." Confidont of Escape.
Holmes Is fully aware that the au
thorities have by no means got a clear
case agalm.t him, and he says he Is con
fident that nothing can be proved
against him. Yesterday he went over
everything, step by step, and said he
did not know where 'Mrs. Conner was;
declured thut Miss cigrand was alive
and well with friends, and that Minnie
Williams could be found whenever
When asked about the Pletzel chil
dren the prisoner declared that he did
not know whether ahe bodies found
were those of 'the PictstMl children or not,
t ut If they were he declared thpy were
killed by Hatch. Holmes still stuck
to his sory that Pletzel committed
Lawyer Shoemaker, Holmes' counsel,
had a long conference with the prisoner
yeBterdny, and after It was over he an
nounced that they were prepaied to
disprove any charges of murder, no
matter when brought.
ChlfORo, Aug. 2. The police at En
Klewood continued the attempt to trace
the missing Williams girls yesterduy.
Of Annie but little Is known, and Min
nie has been traced to June, 18113. Let
ters wire found showing that she was
In the confidence of Holmes, and was
supposed by people living at a dis
tance to be a man and a partner of
Holmes. A letter from Ferandall of
Auiorn teferred to a deal In which
H( lines and Minnie Williams were In
ttnsled. The effects of the Qulnlans
were rearched, but nothing was found.
Inspector Fltspatrlck denies that At
torney Capps ihus Instructions to try
and get Convict Allien released from the
penitentiary, but. ways he was told to
simply try and get what Information he
cculd from the man without maklna
any definite promise of reward,
lrg C lerk's Story.
A druggist's clerk has told the police
that he was at one time employed In
the "Castle" drug store, and knew
Holmes and considered him very pe
culiar. "He always wanted so much chloro
form," the clerk said. "I was only a
few months there, and sometimes sold
this drug to Holmes nine or ten times
a-week, and each time In large quanti
ties. I asked him what he used It. for
on several occasions, but he gave me
unsatisfactory answers. At last I re
fused to let him have any mora, saying
1 was afraid he was not using It for
any good purpose. He then told me
he was making some experiments, and
the following day showed me a bottle
with white liquid In It. When he
opened the bottle a very heavy vapor
arose to which he set Are. He also told
me that the gas was poisonous.
"Some time after, when he got more
chloroform, I asked him If his experi
ments were nearly completed, and then
he sahl he was not making any more
Anderson, Ind Aug. 2. Mrs. Phllla
Clgrand and her mother say they do not
believe Holmes' statement that Emellne
Clgrand was married to htm, and' then
went. Into a convent In Minnesota. The
missing girl's sister says Dr. Clgrand
and other -relatives In Chicago all
agree In the belief that Emellne was
murdered by Holmes.
- -i'
The "Oeneral". Is Nora lasted for Gov
; ernor of Ohio.' '
! Columbus, Ohio, . Aug. 1. "General"
Jacob B. Coxey was today nominated
for governor by the Populist state con
vention. ' Among the planks of the
platform adopted were the following:
Declaring It treason to Issue Interest
bearing bonds In time of peace; thut
the trial of Debs was a subversion of
the right to trial by Jury, and demand
ing thut all public monopolies be na
tionalized; favoring the state .control
of the sale or Intoxicating liquors with
out prollt; declaring In favor of the
election of all state and national of
fices by direct vote of the people; fav
oring the eight hour system of stute
Meprtecntatives from Societies at Kend
hum, Lackawanna, Plttston, Tunkliun
nock and Other Points Are Present.
Speelul to the tkrunton Tribune.
Avoeu. Aug. 2. A meeting of the
Avoca sub-dlstrlct Kpworth league was
held at Avoca Mthodlt Kpiscopal
church today. The nub-district com
prises Avoeu, Itendhum, Lackawanna,
pulsion, West Plttston, Tunkhannock,
Eatouvllle and oilier connecting
The forenoon was spent very pleas
antly by such KpworthlanH as had ar
rived In picnicking at Lincoln park,
near the church, where dinner was also
At 2.110 p. m. services were opened ut
the church, the devotional exercises be
ing led by Itev. J. C. Tennunt. Organi
sation was affected by electing the fol
lowing permanent oillcers: President,
V. 11. Lyman, Tunkhannock; vice
president. Mrs. Kate Campbell, Avoca;
Beoretury, G. Evans Avery, Tunkhan
nock; treasurer, Mrs. J. It. Wilson,
The time and place for the next sub
dlstrlct rully was llxed ait Itendham on
Tuesday, Sept. 17.
A very Interesting and helpful ud
dress was then delivered by Q. A. Hald
wln, president of the Wyoming District
Kpworth league, followed by a love feast
led by Rev. Simpson, In the absence of
Itev. W. M. Illller, of Tunkhannock,
who was appointed to conduct It, but
was not present.
The delegates present were as fol
lows: Avoca Mrs. Kate Campbell, Mrs. N.
S. Hosklits, Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Wag
ner, Mrs. W H Gray, Misses Ella Keith,
Edith Rolls, Rachel Stelger. Tunkhan
nock S. Judson Stark, V. H. Lyman,
Missca iMInnle liannatyre and Jae Mo
Kown, Pi'Kston Rev. and Mrs. Simp
son and two children. Rendltam Rev.
W. R. Cochrane, George Johns, Mrs.
Huleer, Mrs. K. Johns, Miss Ella Hul
eer. May Kortrlght, Emma Hulser.
Mooslc Rev. J. C. Tennant, John King,
Fred King, Lena King, Carrie Seiber
sheim, Edith Smith. Lackawanna
Rev. E. L. 'Santee. D. C. Reed, Lydla
Reed. Mrs. Lizzie Wlson, John Farra
dy, Lizzie Bostwick, Mrs. E. L. Ban
tee. Tatesvllle Rev. James Jones, Ar
thur Brown, Mrs. Amy Hale. Mrs. Isa
bella Brown, Mrs. Rachel Hole, Rev.
Joseph Madison,
The Much Talked of Yacht Breaks n
Uaff and Becomes as Steady is a Mud
Newport, R. I., Aug. 2. Defender
lost her first race today and great was
the pity of It, for she had walked away
from her three competitors, and was
nearlng home when a new fangled gaff
at the top of her mainsail broke, and
most tnglorlously the aspirant for cup
honors was obliged to take a line from
a common, everyday tug and retire
from the race, allowing Vigilant to
The $500 cut) offered by Ogden Goelet
was the nominal prize for which the
syndicate boat was racing, but tihe
fair fame of a craft that seeks inter
national honors was at stake. Pitted
against her were her persistent an
tagonists, George J. Gould's Vigilant,
the preserver of the America's cup In
IS93, and General Charles J. I'ulnc's un
known quantity, Jubilee, bulit for a cup
defender In t3. but not chosen, and
also J. IMulcolm Forbes' successful cup
defender of ISSff, the Volunteer. With
three opponents fit to try her steel, the
latest Herreshoff Creetlng went out to
lirenton's Reef llghtsililp, off the en
trance to Newport harbor, this morn
ing, and put up n rare that delighted
the big crowd of spectators until after
rounding the second urn and sailing
thlnty-two miles of the thirty-eight of
llhe course. Then her new hollow gaff
broke near Its middle, and the
mainsail became a misshapen bag. Be
fore the mlslinp the Defender hail
threshed to windward seventeen and
one-liulf miles and run eighteen miles
with the wind astern and spinnaker
out. and had turned the second mark
with 11 minutes !I5 seconds advantage
over Vigilant, IS minutes 12 seconds
over Jubilee and 34 minutes 3.1 seconds
over Volunteer. ,
Tomorrow morning the fleet will con
tinue the cruise by a run to Vlneynrd
Haven, where It will lay at anchor over
Sunday, returning here on Monday.
Word was received rrom Rrlstol late
tonight that the Defender will be on
hand with a new gaff tomorrow nnd
will continue on the cruise. The Vlgl
Innt, Jubilee and Volunteer will nlsn
go to Vineyard and In all probRbllMy
the four boats will meet again In the
Drexel cup razees here next Tuesday.
The American cup committee will
set the time for the trial races upon
the return of the fleet here next Mon
Governor Hastings Appoints Representa
tives to Cbtton States Exposition.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Aug. 2. Tonight
Governor Hastings announced the ap
pointment of thirteen members of the
woman's auxiliary to the Cotton States
and International exposition commis
sion as follows:
(Miss Julia Harding, chairman, Wash
ington, Westmorland; Miss Mary 8,
Garrett, Philadelphia; Mrs, Anna Scott
Strong, Erie; Mrs. Anna F. B. Kauff
man, Lancaster; Mrs. Kate Wentworth
Thompson, Allegheny; Mrs. George
Edward Reed, Carlisle; Mrs. Mary
White Emery, WIHIamspdrt; Mis.
George Wright. Mercer; Mrs. William
V. Hughes, Hollldayaburg; Mrs. Henry
W. Williams, Wellsboro; Miss Elisa
beth Marshall, Chambersburg; Mrs.'
Ada Cable, Bradford: Mrs. Henry W.
ratmer, wiiites-Barrs,
Another Chance for the Spectators
May Ik Offered.
Acting Secretary Curtis Insists Thst the
Withdrawal of Uold Indicates Noth
ing Except a Itcitire on Part of
Americans to I'sy llcbts.
Washington, Aug. 2. Treasury offi
cials were surprised this afternoon
Informed thut a demand had been made
on Die sub-treusury at New York for a
conslderublo sij-ru of gold for export.
The amount exceeds two mlllloriH, and
opens up unollier gup wihich the iMor-gun-lielmoirt
bond syndicate may feel
culled upon to fill. One million was
culled for by the Hunk of (Montreal and
upwards of a million and a quarter by
the coffee Importing houses. This with
drawal does not appear In the state
ment Issued today, us the treasury has
not been officially advised of the trans
action. According to the otllcictl fig
ures Issued at 2 o'clock this afternoon
the reserve stands at $107,118,251, a low
since yeuterduy of $UH,2M.
Acting Secretary Curtis says the
withdrawal indicates nothing more
than a desire on the part of American
Importers to pay their debts as they
fall due, the export of gold at this sea
won being occasioned by the liquidation
of foreign accounts. The Information
came to Assistant Secretary Curtis by
long distance telephone. The shipping
of gold to the Montreal bank Is not, the
secretary says, an unusual occurrence.
That bank has large credits In New
York, and this call for gold Is, he
thinks, on account of the demand for
settlement. Assistant Secretary Curtis
scouts at the Idea of any attempted run
on the treasury gold.
According to Dan Company the Mar
kets Are Sluggish, Though There Are No
Indications of a Backward .Movement.
New York. Aug. 2. R. G. Dun & Co..
In the weekly review of trade tomor
row, will say;
The year's business will be much
affected by the corps, and the most
hopeful estimate falls below a full yield,
except for corn. Larger stocks than
were Immediately wanted have been
taken by traders as prices were ad
vancing, and these tend to limit future
orders. The general advance In many
products also causes reluctance to pur
chase, and the distribution of the past
half year has been In part to make up
for stocks and Individual supplies de
pleted during two years of economy.
On the other hand, there has been en
ormous increase in the working force,
and a considerable Increase in wages
paid, which enables people to buy more
freely. Apprehension of monetary dis
turbance has been quite pushed aside.
Strikes of some Importance appear, but
do not yet threaten to last long. The
hopeful spirit prevailing In nearly all
markets may find its warrant In spite
otf some shortage In crops. Railroad
earnings for July thus far reported are
26.8 per cent, larger than lasi year,
but 14.3 per cent, smaller than in 1S92,
the loss being mainly west o the Mis
sissippi. AH the indications show mid-summer
lassitude. For the first time since the
rise In prices of iron products began,
there have been come concessions to
retain business, and efforts of new
works to get orders tend to check the
advance. In spite of this the general
average of prices Is a. shade higher, bar
having risen relatively more than mill
Iron has declined.
The failures for twenty-five days of
July have been smaller In liabilities
than a year ago, amounting to $S,S92.
727. of which $2,021.S22 were of manu
facturing and $3.66,",53 of trading con
cerns, while the liabilities last year
were $9,016,778, of which $4,500,220 were
of manufacturing and $4,331,470 of trad
ing concerns. Failures for the week
have been 2fit In the Vnlted States
against 230 last year, and 2S in Canada
against 44 last year.
Threatened Strike of Western Coal
Miners Is Averted.
Pittsburg. Pa.. Aug. 2. A compro
mise has been effected and a strike of
western Pennsylvania coal miners
averted. : This morning's session of the
miners' convention was given up to a
discussion of the propositions sub
mitted by a committee representing the
coal operators t yesterday afternoon's
session. The proposition hnd been
placed by the miners In the form of a
resolution, which extended the time
until Oct. 1; the wage In the Interim to
remain at sixty cents per ton; after
that date, sixty-four cents In cash pay
ments nnd sixty-nine cents where there
are company stores or a coupon system
In existence.
The resolution was adopted by the
convention and the operators were so
not Hied. This morning the executive
committee of the operators' association
met nnd ratified the resolution as adopt
ed by the minors' convention. The
operators' proposition had named Nov.
1. as the time for wage readjustment.
Their acceptance of the miners' date,
Oct. 1, Is a decided victory for the latter.
She Is to'Rcsume llcr Maiden Nsme at a
Salory of $5,200 a Vesr.
New York. Aug. a. Judge Glldcr
slceve in the Superior court signed a
decree today granting Mrs. OUIe Cor
bett an absolute divorce from her hus
band, Pugilist James J. Corbctt. The
decree was signed upon the recommen
dation of Referee Jacobs, who heard
Uhe testimony, and who reported that
the evidence showed that Onrbett had
been guilty of Iniproper conduct with
a woman ntimed Vera. , ;
The decree provides that Coibett
shall pay his wife $5,200 a year alimony.
In case 'Mrs. Coibett re-married she
will forfeit the alimony. She is au
thorised to resumeher maiden name of
OUIe; iLake. and can. remarry. Corbett
cannot remarry until his wife Is dead.
Foreastern Pennsylvania, fair; threat
ening in the afternoon, but probably with
out rsini,sUgbtly warmer. t J
Fiiley s
ler Sale
At prices reduced to
close out balance of
One lot Empire Gowns
98 cents, former price
$1.25. Four lots Cor
set Covers 25c, 39c.
50c, 75c, former
prices 38c. to $1.25.
5 klrts, Drawers;
Chemise, etc.
69c, 98c, reduced
from 85c. and $1.19;
Boys' Kilt Suits.
$3.50, $5.00, $6.00,
$7.50, reduced from
$4.50, $6.50, $8.00
and $9.00. Ladle
White Lawn Waists
at exactly half price.
Agent for Charles A.
Schieren & Co.'s
The Very Best.
313 Spruce St., Scranton.
One of the LargMt and busiest Shoe Rooms
m the United Utes. LEWIS. RE ILL M
DAVIK8, lit and 1U Wyoming Avenue.
Call and get one for
your Bicycle. Only 75c
with your name engraved
on. it.
W.J. Wekhel
408 Spruce 5V
' , '
,;:.Tr. - '