The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 02, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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tfa Jforattfon Zxiiunt
Dan? aM Weakly.
fwatlrtsi at Bautoa. kjr Tk TMbeaa
Wsw Tsrk Mee: TittuM Buildlag ,
C P. NINMBURT, Nn. ua Oca-i Mm.
- K. M. Ht-LC. 8er aa Ttaas.
UVV . RtCNaRD. Imm.
W. W. OAVIS. Iiwaiu MaaMe
W. W. VOUNOS, Ass. Mm
Cmsu at thi rosroinnei at anuurroa. ra..
ssoosd-olass mail unu
Printers' Ink," the rmabwd Journal fcr dw
Item, nttte THa HcauiroM Tmtm'MH a Uh teal
Mvarudor medium la Nonoauuau rvauayiT
ua. -rnaianr i ." um
fat WiniT TBiat'HC. Ian4 Krcnr Saturday,
lonuun. Twain Hiuid-ume not, with aa AM
dance of Nm, Flettoa. an Wetl-Mlled allarai
kuiy. Foe Thuae Woo cannot 1k Thi Daily
Tmit'Kt, Ibe Weekly I IMcon-mended aa lha
est aargaia uoms. unty si a i at, ib j-.uj-.
tM Tsia a la fcr Sal Sally at tha D., L. and W,
Halloa ai uuoos.n.
The Scranton Times is mistaken If It
aiuiHi?s that Senator Uuuy will be
beaten simply because the Scranton
Truth U for him. Much as that Jay
contribute, there are other reasons.
nr. Wright Prevaricates.
In yesterday's Issue of the Scranton
Republican appeared a communication
from Third-term Register and Kecorder
Samuel S. Wright, of Susquehanna
county. In which that very ardent but
ln3iscr't Quay adherent denies the
charge m:de by The Tribune with ref
erence to the attempted sale of the two
Susqiuhinna deleftaes on the occasion
of Senator Quay's visit to this city
several weeks ago. Mr. Wright denies
what he knows to be the exact truth
From beginning to end his communica
tion In the Republican is untruthful
In order that there may be no mis
understanding on any point It this
controversy. The Tribune will be some
what more explicit than It would have
been had Mr. Wright not been to rash
as to Impugn the truth of the state
ments made In these columns. The
only object The Tribune originally had
In view In exposing the Wyoming house
bargain was to let the self-respectjn-Republicans
of our neighboring county
know that a couple of selfish, trading
politicians had. without their knowl
edge, disposed of their delegates to the
state convention to Senator Quay, for
a consideration.
mis Mr. Wright dnlei We call
his attention to the fact that he him'
self was at the head of the delega
tlon of half a dozen from Susquehanna
who were admitted to Senator Quay's
room at the Wyoming .house. ilr.
Wright heard every word that was
ppoken by the senator and by members
of the delegation. He knows that the
spokesman of the delegation told Sena
tor Quay that they could give him the
two delegates from their county, but
that It could not be done without a con
test, and money would be required to
make a successful battle. When 'Mr.
Wright states that no such demand for
money was made he says what he
knows to be an absolute falsehood
What was Senator Quay's reply to this
dejnand for boodle? Mr. Wright heard
every word of It. The Senator said:
"Gentlemen, I will need your delegates;
tell me how much money will be re
quired to fight a successful battle and
I will teo that you get It; and make the
figures big enough to cover any pos
sible" .Mr. Wright knows
that this was" almost word for word
the senator's language, and when he
says there was no talk of a money con
sideration h utters a deliberate false
hood. From sources whloh we regard
as entirely reliable we have the Infor
mation that the first and second Instal
ments of Quay boodle sent to Susque
hanna county aggregate exactly 11.100,
and this Is virtually the consideration
pall for tho two delegates.
Mr. B. S. Wright knows that there la
not an allegation conlalned In this ar
ticle, that Is not tho exact truth. He
knows that the Wyoming house con
ference was precisely as herein de
scribed, for' he was there In person and
an eye-witness.
In this connection we may call Mr.
"Wrights attention to the fact that
there were several gentlemen In the
delegation referred to whom we would
not hesitate in a contingency to call
upon for corroboration of the allega
tions herein made, confident that they
-would not prevaricate as Mr. Wright
tiaa dona.
It la as true in thIThlrd Lackawanna
district as It was true Jn the other
three districts that a vote for a Quay
delegate Is a vote against Judge Wlllard
and an indorsement of czar-rule In poll
Why We Blame the Reading.
The Wilkes-Darre Record airily re
marks1 that "on the Issue that the Read
ing receiver are right in fens-toting upon
21 per cent, of the airtfhracite output
there la no room Cor nrumfit." Un
fortunately our oDotemporary'a asser
tion does not remove the fact that there
1 room, avml plenty of room, for argu
ment on this point, and' that some very
atrong argument ha already toeen ad
duced to prove Vw aibMrdHy of Mile
raitroad'e present avttempt to eelce a
larger percentage than it ever previous
ly recorded.
"But," add the Record, - "the fear
luhat next year 23 per cent, may be de
mended, and the next year 23 per cent.,
ts iwhat 1a so potent in Influencing the
trade 1s tts opposition- to the 21 per
cent, condition. The road simply want
Ws 21 per cent now, and of course does
not expect to go asking for an increase
in lt output Just 'because the Justice of
tts claim -wae recogtnlxei In it he praat
ent Instance." O, hoi. It Just want a
bigger. fctte.mow than It ver thought
ttaelf entitled to before, andi .it won't let
lta appetite grow a. bit eta! Bui bow
doea tlM Record, know tJMef - What ae
curtty can, U el rtfcy-ftfce es
ally given word of a perhaps temporary
president to not to be regarded aa de
fining the' road's permanent ' future
policy. . . . . t
The Record admits that the Reading
is toeing money on tta coal in order to
boleter up 1te freight receipt. But it
thinks it disposes of Klria unfair fact
by accuakig the other coal carrying
railroads of doing likewise, of course
they do likewise. They naturally won't
sit back and let the Reading run the
whole coal trade. But these other
roads are willing to stop this robbing-IVter-to-pay-Paul
way of doing busi
ness as soon as the Reading will get
down to a decent basis of mutual agree
ment, which the Reading Isn't willing
to do, Hence -we blame the Reading
and acquit the other big roads.
"Thrice armed is he whose cause Is
Just," quotes our contemporary. Very
true. Bo well armed thait he needn't be
afraid to submit his quarrel to Impar
tial arbitration.
The Suaquehunnult-'s point out the fact
that the friends of the aJmluistrutlon In
Lackawanna county have nut dared to
extend their offensive meddling to Lu-
sern county, where nine delegates are to
be elected, boctiuae they know that such In
terference would be rebuked In a wuy that
they would not relish, and the Susque
hanna Republicans feel that they are
equnlly competent to manage their own
The above is from the news columns
of the Independent Truflh, of this city
a paper which seemingly wants to
gvt down in the Quay ranks, 'but, like
all so-called "Independent" paper, lie-
Ikig afraid to express a pronounced
opinion, contents itself -with making
ugly faces when the teaoher's back Is
turned. Id the Truth for Quay 'because
Hastings approved compuleory educa
What Has Quay Done?
The Philadelphia Inquirer. 1n its seal
to rivet a Qaiy collar on the neck of
every free-born Pennsylvania Uepub
Ucan, honors this journal with a yard
and a half, extra-width editorial as
suming to present a record of the great
things thut Senator Quay has done In
his public career. The llrst entry to the
sena'tor's credit Is that of bravery and
devotion on the field of bottle, culml
natlng In conduct that won for him a
medal of honor. We gladly recognize
this claim to public appreciation, not
withstanding that war-time bravory
was by no means limited to the men
who obtained special recognition. But
we don't think It entities' Senator Quay
to assume the proprietorship of the Re
publican party.
Again, the Inquirer gives to Senator
Quay the credit for electing General
Harrison president In 18SS. There are
some persons up this way who have an
idea that the voters of the country had
a hand in that achievement; and that
some of the credit for the executive
work at national headquarters In the
closing weeks of that celebrated cam
paign should be bestowed on Hon.
John Wanamaker, who, after Quay had
given up the fight, personally took hold
of it, becoming the chairman de faoto.
But this is a matter fairly open to dif
ferences of opinion. For what ' Quay
did we are duly thankful; and guess
that his re-election to the United States
senate kind of squared that account.
Finally, we come to the Inquirer's as
sertion that Mr. Quay "saved the In
dustries of Pennsylvania and made it
possible for The Tribune to be pub
lished." We need scarcely ymind our
contemporary that in doing this if,
indeed. It be conceded that he has the
right to claim the whole credit lie did
no more than might have been expected
from a senator of Pennsylvania; and
that It was to do such things that his
constituents elected him. A senator
who fought his party by defeating the
federal elections bill and who is re
sponsible for the presence in the sen
ate of a colleague almost powerless
to look after the state's Interests ought
to do something important, by way of
The fact that Senator Quay has brav
ery ami ability is freely admitted.
It la one of the reasons why the Repub
lican party picked him up in a Beaver
county printing office and made him a
United States senator. To be fitted for
his present position he naturally ought
to be something more than ordinary.
But none of the claims so eagerly en
tered in his behalf by the apologists of
his present attack on the Hastings ad
ministration is sufficiently unrecom-
pensed to Justify the Republican party
In Pennsylvania In conferring upon
Senator Quay absolute power. Our
manly governor aflso has done his duty;
arod the party proposes to sustain him
in K.
Say Third Term aim Wright: "I
have not had or used one dollar of
money furnWhed by 'Senator Quay or
by any of his aigents, either in this cati
vaea or in amy preceding one. 'Neither
has any other person In Susquehanna
county been furnished wltft suoh
money." In lying, there's notthiing like
a complete Job.
The Scranton Republican has no
memory, these days, for the time when
its owm proprietor sought to run the
Republican politics of all this north-
ea6t-rn country. Its plaintive whine ait
The Tribune's tncrenslng influence is,
however, well understood by fhe read
ing public.
If It had any directing head these
days, the Scranton Republican would
have sense enough to know that Us
long-prolonged -whining over a fair and
square political defeat only makes it
ridiculous In the eyes of grown-up men.
Calling names at the tmem whom
"Quay Has mode" will not convince
self-owned Republicans that they
ought tto become Quay's chattels, too.
The Philadelphia Inquirer exin-uehow
neglect to print a 'list of Senator
Quay's contributions to the cause of
political reform.
Out of politeness' soloe, we merely
remark that 6am Wright prevaricates.
But there's a sthorusr word that flu
quite as weM. .
The Reading Times to facetious. 1 It
peaks of Reading as m "rival of Saran-
ton." . i . ,
There is no lmpropriaty In a Republi
can Journal like The Tribune, irherevar
It to printed, trying to notify the Re
publican maiaas of neighboring
county what their so-called bosses are
plotting behind their backs. That ia
one of the things a live newspaper la
published for.
The Philadelphia Press unquestion
ably holda something up Its sleeve
when It asks Senator Quay what over
tures he made to David Martin, at their
recent secret conference. The chances
are that if Quay doesn't tell, the Presa
will. Let us have the facts.
The argument Aiat unless Quay la
made absolute monarch of Pennsyl
vania Republicans, he will not do his
duty in the four remaining years of hla
senatorial term, might appeal to boys,
but It will not Influence adults. Even
Quay is not Indispensable.
Luzerne county received more recog
nition from Oovernor Hastings in six
months than It had received from Sen
ator Quay In six years prior. It la not
likely to forget this fact at tomorrow's
The latest efTort of the Quay press
bureau Is a fake story to the effect
that the Hastings people will try to
turn down Judge Wlckham. It would
take a pretty silly person to believe
The really amusing feature of It all
Is Quay's bid for sympathy because he
"was caught napping." Of course Quay
himself never took advantage of nap
ping adversaries.
What Is a Pennsylvania senator In
congress for. If not to look after Penn
sylvania's interests? If Quay didn't
do that, Cameron certainly -wouldn't.
Sam Wright of course blushlngly
turned his head while Quay was writ
ing those checks, and hence knew noth
ing about them. Wily boy, Samuel!
When It comes to buying up a whole
county, self-respecting Susquehanna
Republicans Insist it takes more than
three to make a bargain.
Faith, In Senator Quay's case, is ob
viously the price of delegates hoped for,
and the flexibility of delegates not yet
The Republican party in Pennsyl
vania Is not minded these days to sell
Its birthright for a mess of federal pot
tage. The Scraniton Republican Is recom
mended not to Judge others by its own
standards of Journalistic unscupulous
ness. If Councilman Wade Finn saw Cap
tain Edwards In an unlicensed saloon,
what was Wade doing at the time?
Accenting any view of it, what right
had Quay to try to dictate who should
be mayor of Philadelphia?
Senator" Wright evidently has pre
varication down to a point that would
stump Ananias.
Gorman wins In Maryland, among
other things because he never tried to
Delamater It.
In offering a penny for Joe's thoughts
we had an eye to their present market
value. .
Those who will come before the Luzerne
county district conventions on Monday as
candidates for election as delegates to the
state convention are, so far as known, as
follows. Their preferences are shown by
the letter after the name H for Hastings
and Q for Quay:
First district (Wllkes-Barre city) Dr.
W. O. Weaver (H.), Wdlkes-Barre; An
thony L. Williams H.), Wllkes-Barre,
possibly H. W. Palmer In place of the lat
Second district-John Woodworth (H.),
Shickshlnny; Alexander McOougal (H.),
West Plttston; 'Isaac Eckert (Q.), Forty
Fort: Lewis Jones (Q.), West Plttston; Dt.
Hughes (Q.), Shickshlnny; J. C. Harvey
(Q.), Harvey vllle.
Third district-Christopher Wren (H.),
Plymouth; 'Squire Oldfleld (H.), Nan;;.
coke; Howard Armstrong (Q.), Plymouth,
Fourth district Reese Lloyd (H ), Drlf
ton; William Powell (Q ), Hasleton.
Fifth district-Charles Smith (H.), Pitts-
ton; M. Jones (Q.), Plttston.
Sixth district A. K. Detro (H), Ashley;
John B, Graham (Q.), Ashley.
Attorney McLean, of Wllkes-Barre, hav
ing after a period of deliberation decided
to accept the partisan nomination for
judge, thereby, it Is fair to assume, In
dorses the grab-all principle Involved In
that nomination, and will accommodate
himself to the inevitable licking which
such a principle assures In, a county as In
telllgent as Luserne.
If it will shed any light on the situation
In Luserno, we will say that less than a
fortnight ago ex-Attorney General Palmer
told one of the editors of The Tribune that
he not only was for Governor Hastings
In this fight, but that he had so, In person,
Informed Senator Quay. This was two
weeks ago. He may since have changed
his mind.
Congressman "Jack" Robinson, of Del
aware, will probably be the choice of
Senator1 Quay's friends for temporary
chairman of the coming state Republican
Thcro Can Uo No Compromise.
Philadelphia Bulletin: "Any thought of
a compromise on the part of the Repub
licans who are opposing Senator Quay as a
candidate for chairman of the state com
mittee Is now inadmissible, except on the
basis of Quay's retirement from the can
vass and his support of Chairman alike
son for re-election. Senator Quay him
self declares that he has no Intention of
seeking a compromise on any terms, and
there Is no doubt that he will be cheerfully
accommodated by his opponents In avoid
ing one. The paramount Issue Is whether
a chairman of the state committee who
would not obey Senator Quay's orders
shall b rejected by the party and Mr.
Quay put In his place aa a punishment to
him as a warning to others. On this Issue
Senator Quay doserves to be beaten, and
will be beaten. It does not admit of any
compromise. The re-election of Chairman
Gllkesoa Is essential to the establishment
of a party organisation In which there will
be fair play for all Republicans of ability
and character. The one-man power In
the Republican party In Pennsylvania has
had its day, and it Is the duty of every
member of th party who wants a broad
and wholesome management of Its affairs
to assist In the overthrow of Mr, Quay's
pretensions. That Is the issue In a nut
shell, and it Is obviously beyond the range
of compromise so long as Quay remains In
the field." ,
Showing Bad Temper. .
Towanda Reporter-Journal: "Tha man
who loses- his temper in a contest gener
ally gets the worst of it, and bad tamper
la of Itself a prophecy of defeat. Senator
Quay's bad tamper, and his undignified
abuse of the opposition, may perhaps be
accounted for, although not aaouaed, by
the protest of defeat which he sees ahead,
but hla friends must regret to see a sea
ator and a leader thus demeaning him
self. His condemnation of those who are
working for the administration aa a "hog
combine," ia coarse and compromising,
and shows how his usual coolness and
good sense have deserted him under the
pressure of a light which he unjustifiably
precipitated. Some friend should give him
that famous bit of advice, which he may
remember: 'Dear Quay: Don't talk,' for
the senator's talks are undeniably giving
him away."
May Ratify Lackawanna's Verdiet.
Wllkes-Barre Record: "The moral ef
fect of th Hastings victory In Lacka
wanna was felt In every election district
In Pennsylvania. It proved beyond ques
tion that the name of Matthew Stanley
Quay Is no longer a name to conjure with;
that the free Republicans of this state
are not the chattel slaves of one man, and
that they decline to be a party to the dis
ruption of the state organization simply
because Senator Quay has some dirty
linen to wash. It la In the power of Lu
serne Republicans to ratify that Lacka
wanna victory next Baturduy. It Is their
duty to ratify it. A solid Hastings dele
gation from this county will give Mr.
Quay to understand that his flght Is a
hopeless one and may lead to his with
drawal from the contest."
Does llo Sanction Snch Method T
Philadelphia Press: "Thpre are a good
many threats about what Senator Quny
Is going to do In ease h is defeated for
chairman of the state committee. No
town is to get any new public building;
those preferred for federal appointment by
ths local Republican organisations are to
be turned down, and It Is even threat
ened that the ticket will be knifed. There
are som pet-sons enimtteri In the Quay
Cameron campaign who are quite eapuble
of this kin. I of political blackmail, but we
should regret to know thut Mr. Quay ap
proved any part of It."
Promises to llo a t'ool Week.
Wllkes-Iiarre Record: "This promises to
be the coolest summer on record in- this
vicinity. But it will have to be a grent
deal more frosty before the Quay dele
gates are elected In this county."
"Yes, It's the grandest pluce I ever saw
or heard tell of," said Maggie to a group
of her Cherry Hill friends, telling about
the country residence In which she had
gone to work. "It's a regular palace, elec
tric lights and everything. And they've
got the most wonderful telephone. It
looks Just like a common American one,
but can speak foreign languages through
It. When the muster's in the city and
wants to tulk to the nilxtress so that no
one can understand, they talks French or
something and they can understand every
word. And you can talk American
through It, too, becnuse I heard the mis
tress talking to the butcher and ordering
roost beef for dinner," New York Trt
In pursuance of a resolution of the
standing committee of the. Third loglHla
tive district of Lackawanna county, no
tlce is hereby given of a convention to be
held on Tuesday, Aug. 6, ltD5, in the arbi
tration room of the court house, Scranton,
at 2 p. m for the purpose of electing a
delegate to represent said district In the
state convention to be held at Harrisburg
on Aug. 28, 1895, and for the transaction of
such other business as may properly come
before It.
The primaries for the election of dele
gates will be held at the several regular
polling places on Saturday, Aug. 3, 1895,
between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m.
Districts are entitled to representation
In the convention aa follows
Bonton 2
Covington 2
Dalton borough 2
Greenfield 2
Lackawanna township. South dis 1
Lackawanna township, West dis
Lackawanna township, Fast dis l
Lackawanna township, Northeast dis..,
Lackawanna township, Southwest dis..
La Plume 1
Madison 2
Newton , 2
North Ablngton 1
Old Forge, First dis 3
Oold Forge, Second dts 1
Old Forge, Fourth dis 2
Ransom 1
Scott 4
Scranton, Sixth ward, Third dis 4
Spring Brook
South Ablngton 4
Taylor, First ward , 2
Taylor, Second ward 2
Taylor, Third ward 3
Taylor, Fourth ward 2
Taylor, Fifth ward 1
Waverly 2
West Ablngton 1
Totals 59
Vigilance committees will please take no
tlce and act In accordance herewith.
J. W. HOUSE R, Secretary.
Scranton, Pa., July 27, 1895.
131 HO 133
The Best of Them
All lathe
Porch Chairs and Rockers,
Fins Reed Chairs and Rockers,
A Few Baby Carriages Left at Cost
Cedar Chests, Moth Proof, In
Three Sizes.
Hill &
Stocks, Bonds,
and Grain,
. Bought aud sold on New York
, Exchange and Chicago Board
-' of Trade, either for cash or on
. margin. '
Q. duB. DIMTtlCK, .
41a Sprite Street.
TMeibanaOOOa. ;
A Little Ghat
With Housekeepers That
Want to Save Some Honey.
Fall is near at hand, and you will perhaps need some
Curtains, either Lace, Chenille or Derby, to beautify
some of your windows that have hitherto been treated
with indifference. Also some small rooms may re
quire a new Carpet or a Rug. If such is the case,
buy them of us now during the dull season, because
we are anxious to clear out all odds and ends, so as to
1 r 11 -i ir .. . ...
iuaKe room ior our iaii siock. xour money at inter
est brings you only 6 per cent, and by investing it on
household requirements, which you must have sooner
or later, it will bring you from 30 to 40 per cent.
A Word to the Wise
The best and cheapest
, Jar in the market. Give
them a trial and you will
never use any other kind.
and just as easily opened,
no wrench, or great
strength required as with
the old style of Jars.
Clarence M. Florey, the
sporting goods dealer of Wyo
ming avenue, has devised a
scheme to keep the boys in
terested in the matter of base
ball. With every ten cent
ball or bat he will now give a
fine cap and belt, which are
uniform. Among the hustlers
is Mr. Florey.
U acaompllihod In thlicM, m bath hort and
ritlor ro aqual to tha amaroanor. All dlffl-
cnltleaahonldb aurmounted whathar tha ba
enay or otharwlaa. We maka It vary aaay to
got over tha difficulty of aavlog money by oar
grand sale of
Montlon thle Adv. and you can buy any
In the Store for $1.00.
Lackawanna Are.
Tom UtMae only lathe WEBER
OaJl and aaa tkaaa Piano a4 aaaaa As
on iV band Maaae wo bar takes la
ter thorn.
cjef;::ey mothers,
Wye. at. J
Is Sufficient See Large Center Window for Prices.
M Nil Bit Fine
Special Attention Glien to Business
and Personal Accounts.
I&tlonal Bank of Scnntoa.
CAPITAL 250.000
SURPLUS, $40,000
BASr-ti HINES, President
W. W. WATSON.VIoa-Prealdaata
JL & WIJLUAMB, Cashier.
BtmtMl Hlnea, James M. Bverhart, Ir
hla- A. Finch. Pierce B. Flnley, Joaeph J.
Jan nyn. M Kemerer, Charlea P. Hat
laiwi, jolia. rorter, w. w. wauon.
rani, m
getig. wmm
and L!
Tab tank Invites the patroaace ef
Mee asa and arms csnaraUy.
are located the finest flahlne; aad hunting
gronada In the world. Descriptive books on
application. Tickets to all points In Maine,
Canada and Maritime provinces, Minneapolis,
St Paul. Canadian and United States North
wests, Vanooavsr, Heattlo, Taooma, Portland,
Ore., Han Francuoo,
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to all through trains. Tourist cars
fully fitted with bedding, curtains and spec
tally adapted to wants of families may be had
with second-class tickets. Rstss always leas
than via othsr lines, For full Information,
tims tables, etc., on application to
f.loosic Poudor Co,
a m . . "
gross i ina i coszsveaiu mu
lAfflln Raad Few Co.
OrangoGun Powdcf
Bteotrto Batteries, vnee for mlee
la bhute, eafetyVaM aol
Blank Books,
Office Supplies.
And BucpUee,
Stiticsers ci Entrarsrs,
mums uciKiEi
Bet teeth, B.C0; beet set. It: for gold eapa
and teeth without plates, called crown aod
bridge work, call tor prtrea and refer,
ences. TONALOIA, for extracting teetH
without pain. Me ether. No gas.
with aa oil or gas stove. No smoke. dIH of
smell. It does the work so. well The pries,
mac am. is mlrtn-provoang ra lie niuensss.
n.t H-.rla,-- atanda in the front rank. A
Kt or kettle. Ma can or pap. does its duty or
is according as It to rlghtW made of the
right material. The right kinds are what we .
are selling. . . .. . ,,
As for prices, we have made them to Ua)
that thsy seed support, and well have to raise
them to get supooVt, bat Uttle prlsse briag
Ugbasueea. . .--
si in