THE SCBANTOK THIBUNE-FR1D AY MORNING. AUGUST 2, 1893. HORTOH S BOLLETIH Bicycles. Tricycles. Velocipedes. Boys' Backboards. Boys' Express Wagons. Boys' Wheelbarrows, tables' Double-horse Roclcers Dolls' Perambulators. Children's Coaches. Krough Keigh and other Games. Very Interesting Prices, at NORTON'S, , S22 Lackawanna Avenue. A Foo to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD . USE THE SnonWie FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Co. PERSONAL. M'.ss Jennie Wrltrht Is (pending her va cation In Binghamton. Peter Thatcher, of Green Grove, was In -h city yesterday afternoon. Hiss Jennie Williams, of Peckvllle, Is rlstt'.ng friends on Madison avenue. Miss Bridget Kennedy, of Lackawanna ivcnue, left for Olyphan: yesterday. Miss Eva McLaughlin, of Forest City, is Matting friends on North Main avenue. Mrs. J. D. Laclar, of Wllkes-Barre. Is In :he city the guest of Miss Llzsie Penman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones, of the West !de. art spending a few days at Atlantic :;ty. M. J. O'Malley. of the firm of demons, Berber A O'Malley. and his two daughters ft yesterday for Atlantic City. Merritt Turner and son, Van, of Port fervis. X. Y.. a former resident of this ric'.nlty, was a visitor here yesterday. George Farber and Miss Ann O'Don ell. of Petersburg, were married yester lay afternoon by Alderman O. B. Wright. Deputy Prothonotary Myron J. Kasson eft yesterday to join his family at Spiing rille. Susquehanna county. He will re rain for a week. The following young ladles will spend a Vw days at Dundaff villa next week: Misses Jessie Phillips, Mime Hancock. L.ZI s Jenkins, Kittle Warner, Gertie iloat, Jean Alkman and Alice Warner. Dr. and Mrs. Coolidge, who have re timed from Colorado, where he has been 11 since May with typhoid fever, will Ipend a few days with their family at Crystal lake, after which he will return to Icranton to resume his practice. NEARLY A HUNDRED. Raw Subscriptions to the Band Stand for Open Air Concerts. The amount of m&rvey for the erection f i he band stand at 'Wyoming avenue and Vhve street received yesterday was nly $10, but it came to Secretary D. B. A therton without any solicitation. The i mourn previously acknowledged was yesterday's receipts were as fol lows: John T.' Porter, 15; John M. Kmmrer, XI; John A. 'Mean, $2; Dr. E. T. Wheator.-, $1. ' Air. AtJherton has had tout on refusal and that man offered to subscribe 125 ff it were burtt opposite his store; how ever, the g-ewttemar- volunteered his rood will, which meatrvs that he wkll send a check around aifter the statid la built. The programme for the con-SM1- wlH be ready for publication, per naipa tomorrow.' HONOR FOR FRIANT. lorantoa Taxidermist Choson for Im portant FxhlHtlon Work. George P. Friant, the Scranton tax idermist, has been engaged by Secre tary Keenan, of the Pennsylvania com mission of the Cotton States exposition, to prepare the exhibit of Pennsylvania birds and animals at the World's fair, to be reproduced at Atlanta. The work Is being done In the base men of the executive building under the Slrectlon of State Ornithologist War- t south side; In the butcher shop of Adolph Olda konskl, r24 South Washington avenue, "hanging lamp fell from the celling lit S.tO last evening and set fire to the woodwork. An alarm was sent In from box M, which brought the fire compa nies) out, but their assistance was not needed. The fire was extinguished by the bucket, brigade. The damage to the room will not exceed $5. Shorter Paragraph. Misses Minnie and Augusta Claus, of Elizabeth, N. J., are visiting lira. M. Robinson and famUy. Mlas Carrie Long, of Wilkes-Barre, Is visiting friends on this side. Mrs. Charles Harvey, of Cherry (treat, 4s seriously 111. A. banquet will be held at St. John's ball this evening. The funeral of Mrs. Patrick Ketrlck, f Cherry street, will be held this morn rtur with a h4gh mass of requiem at St. John's church and Interment In Hyde Pajrfc Catholic cemetery. The day of St John's parish excur sion to Lake Ariel the confectionery Mora of William Tobln, of Plttston avenue, was broken into by boys, sup posedly, and a lot of stock stolen. . Timothy Lavelle, of PrMston avenue, has entered upon the duties of his ap pointment to inspector of masonry on (he new Ptttaton avenue bridge. , (, . WILL m A mi FLAN Street Commissioner KUsley to Cx- perimest Is Street CleaaUg. ADOPTS THE BLOCK SYSTEM Paved Streets Will be Divided Into Sea ttoas and a Man Plaeed la Charge of Eaeh-Frashing Will be Almost v Done Away With. Following' out lili theory that the city has boeo payins too much money for street cleaning purposes Street Commissioner Ktnsley ha adopted by way of experiment what Is known as the "block system." favored generally In other cltlta and practiced on a small plan by private contract here. Cy this system the streets will be di vided into sections and each section, wH be In charge of one mam. who will be held wholly responsible for It being kept clean, lie will work during the day and! will 4ave to use scraper, and hroom sa his only Implements, thus do ing away with flushing the streets, which method so greaitly damages as phailt and -makes a bis expense for cleaning sewer Test to be Mad on Two Avenue. This pHn will not be feasible on all city streets, but will work successfully, he thinks, on all paved! t'horoughfa.res except rhoce In tthe Immediate center of the city, where the traffic Is very heavy and where, consequently, much .refuse and dirt accumulates. For the present Washtrirton and Adorns avenue, along the resletK-e portions will be experi mented upon. If the works suc eessfulty here, Hwr streets will be In cluded until, finally. It la hoped tha.t the streets that wl'l have to he flushed will tie few. Commlloner Kirwley fig ures that th pavemvtits can te kept cleaner with a smaller force than la at present employed, and, of course, with lees expanse. In addition to this the savCr on the aphlt will be Inestim able, and the targe force that Is em ployed daily In cleaning out sewer fcae toa, filled with dirt by the flushing of 'the streets, can ibe cut down to a very small number of mti k One small gwng of men will be aible to do ail the flush ing. Present System a Nuisance. This will doubtless be welcome news to property owner alotrs: the line of paved streets, who nave continually and strenuously objected to the pave ment for which they paid so dearly be ing destroyed .by flushing system. An other commendatory feature la the fact -that the street will be 'not only cleaned each day, but kept clean con stantly during ttie day. Now they elm ply get a drenching about midnight and are not cleaned again until 'the next might. In consequence of which .the streets are nevt clean when they should be, that la, wha.t they are being used. RAILROAD NOTES. The Baltimore and Ohio has Usued an order requlrtrngr all newsboy to wear tiha prescribed uniform while on duty. The Financial Chronicle gives the earnings of forty-four roads for the third week in- July a showing a gain of 7.79 per cent. The Pennsylvania has a new rule which prohibits news agents selling anything except newspapers and peri odicals on its Sunday trains. Officials of 'the Pullman and Wagner companies cay that the business of their sleeping and parlor cars for June and July was the largest In the history of the corporations. The Waibas-h company has presented Mrs. John 'Preston, whose son was killed In the burning of the roundhouse at Toledo last siprtas. with $2,000 and a life pass over It lines. As the conn crop now stands It rep resent 1600,000.000. The crop will not begin to move until January, but the anticipation of the heavy tonnage Is having a bullish effect upon the stock of the granger roads. The new :tlme table Issued by the Pennsylvania company is a thing of beauty. The cover is embossed, a pret ty gold color. The tables given are both local and for through travel, and are marvelously iwell arraitHfred for easy refetence. Compressed paper la rapidly finding favor with car manufacturers for vari ous purposes, the laitest ibeimg for axle bearing's. At the Altoona shops a num ber of engine truck 'boxes have been filled with compressed papa bearings as an experiment. PaperJias been found a success for machinery bearings In tve lathe Fhop, outwearing iron, steel and brass bearings. Officials of coal carrying- roads are watching with interest and much anx iety the movements of coal operators aind miners, now that another strike of miners seem prdbable. A strike wlH, of course, have a serious effect upon the business of these roads, as coal, on meet of them, forma the bulk of the traffic. They are just recovering from the depression caused by ther last strike and to have business again paralyzed by another strike la a situation not pleasant to contemplate. The report that Philadelphia firm has ordered 1.200 ton of steel rails in England laicka confirmation. Dealers say the difference In price there and here Is too wide to mafee such a ds-al profltalble. The price abroad Is $17.03, the duty $7.84. ifreiijlht $1.50, making the prfce of the foreign product at New York, $26.37. aigalnet $24, the price of do mestic products at Philadelphia. If the order, as reported, has been placed oibroad, it was done to save freight In shipping to thefPaclfto coast or points along the Gulf of Mexico. MI NOOK A. Mrs. James H.airt, of S'jiyire, Pa., la vis iting her brother, Thomas Burke, on Main street. Mrs. John iLoveTilng Is sojourning at Atlan'tloClAty. iMtas (Mary Barrett, of Wyoming, Is visiting IMInooka friends. The peaceful residents of Main street aire again complaining lbuut. the nuis ance which passes through this vicin ity frequewMy. 'Last evening about 1 o'clock (four wagons owned by the Lackaiwarsiia Chemical and Fertilising company, of Mooalc, passed through town loaded up with dead mine mules. Three of the vehicles were uncovered, md the odor which emanated from them was horrible and boused most of the snhatoltwrtta to close their doors to escape the pert urns which filled their olofactory organ for one hour after wards, One of our prominent citizens Informed The Tribune representative that some steps would' to taken to abolish the nuldamce, as it Is a menace to the' health of the community. ' ' , Mtas (Mary A. O'Malley, of Plttston, was vlattknf MJnooka friend yester day. (Patrick Haley, a farmer at Spring Brook. apearel before. Justice O'Hara yesterday and sworm out warrant for Jack Astor, a buooUc Individual who resides near the Wilkea-Baire and eastern railroad, charging htm with assault and battery. Constable St. John located Astor near Mooiic, where he appeared before 'Squire Hind and gave ball la the sum of 1300 for his ap pearance at the next term of court. iMrs. John levering, of Greenwood, left yepterday for a few weeks' sojourn at Atlantic City. The National mines of WtllUm Cor nell ft Co. will be vdle until Saturday. The National mines are Idle today. John P. Galraigher has removed his household effects to bks new Main street resldinece. NORTH END. The many friends of John Mitchell, who recently sailed for England, after an absence of a quarter century, will be pleased to learn that he has arrived safely and in good health. A letter Just received from CamUre states that he Is staying with his mother, who Is 87 years of age. Will Snyder, for some time at Stan ton's, started to work for Charley Crossman yesterday morning. Frank Battln take! his place at Stanton's emporium. L. W. Morss has engaged Henry C. Pettis, of Walton, N. Y to sucpeed Alfred Michael as coachman, the latter now being In the employ of ex-iMayor Fellows. Randolph Crlppen has purchased a farm at Da I ton, and Painter James Me Gennls and men are busily engaged In renovating the new home of the ex sherlff. Mrs. Thomas Davis, who has been visiting the family of F.dward Crellin. will return to her home In Shenondoah today. Mrs. J. R. Williams, of Madison ave nue. Green Ridge, Is visiting In Strouds burg. James Barrlcklow, a New York attor ney, who has been Visiting William H. W'lnton, has returned home. Mr. Wlnton and Mr. Barmklow were class mates at Princeton college. - Mr. J. U. Hopewell is ail theTunstall cottage at Ariel. There wlM be a meetlnr of the L'ldles Aid society of the Providence Preaby tfrinn church this afternoon at 2 o'clock In the Sunday school rooms. iMrs. S. iM. Coursen. of North Mailn avenu?, Is recoverlr.g from a severe 111 nwsi Miss Father Oliver, of Beech Lake, who has beem v letting .her brother, Franlt Oliver, of Electric .avenue, re turned to hpr home Wednesday. Miss Kellfy and Miss 'Margaret Tralnor, of Putnam street, are visiting at Elm'hurst. Miss Maltie Potter, of Caipouse ave nue, Is visiting friends at Dalton and Fleetville. Mlse iMa.ry E. Farrell, of Capouse aivenue, left "Wednesday with a number of friends for Canada, where they will spend the 'month of August. Miss Lizzie Moyles and Miss OIHara left yesterday for a two weeks' vaca tion at Atlamtle City. Miss Maud Pat too le spending her vacation at Ablngton and Benton. 'Mrs. Evan J. Morgaim, of Church ave nue, gave a five o'clock ea Wed.mesd.ay afternoon In honor of her son's mar riage, 'Willlsim E. IMorg-aw, to Miss Mary Pugh. Those present were: Mrs. J. D. Evans, Mis Roberts, Mr. aind Mrs. Henry Jenkins, .Mrs. E. Gabriel and daughter, Mrs. Thomas Cawardlne, Mlrs. D. D. Reese, (Mrs. E. Reese, Mrs. Daniel Evans, Mrs. Johm Richards, Mrs. William Rich ante, Mrs. John Mor gan, Mrs. Mary Morgan, Mrs. Samuel Lewis, Mrs. Harry Jenkins, of New Tork city; Dr. and Mrs. Strang. Mrs. D. P. Thomas. iMrs. E. Pugb, Mrs. Da vid Pugh, Mrs. David iMorgan and Mrs. John Jemkin. Mrs. Sherwln, of East iftiirket street. Is slowly reooverlng from a very severe Illness. Mrs. Jake Bloom, of Church avenue, is slowly recovering from a serious hemorrhage of the nose. Postmaster Vandllng, of North (Main avenue, left yesterday for a fishing tour on the? Susquehanna river. 'Miss Jennie Thompson, of Oarbon dale, called cm Mrs. iR. Kellow, of Mon sey avenue, yesterday. Wesley and Albert KeJ'low returned yesterday from a month's tay at Jen r,lngsvllle, N. Y. Mrs. A. B. Catterson, of Elmhurst, called on her .aunt, .Mrs. Edward LoughMn, of Monsey avenue, yesterday. DUNMORE Mrs. Thomas Protheroe and three children, of West Drinker street, left yesterday for a itwo weeks' stay at Lake Wlnola. William P. Warden, of Cafley Brook, one of Wayne county's most prominent men, Is in town on business.' Miss Grace Hlftes, of Moscow, is the guest of her rout-In, Ml;s Louise Mas ters, of Mill street. Mrs. Charles Blocs, of Fourth street. Is spending a few days with firlenda In Carbondale. Mrs. M. E. Close, of Elm street, who has been suffering for some time with a weakness of the eyes, will go to Phil adelphia today for treatment. The remains of A. L. Van Horn, who died at the Lackawanna hospital on Wednesday, were conveyed to the home of his sister, Mrs. J, W. Harper, on Bloom street, from whence they will be taken this afternoon at 2 o'clock to the Methodist Episcopal church, where ser vices will be held. Interment will be made In Dunmore cemetery. Mrs. James Beattle, of George street. Is spending some time with friends and relatives in Olyphant. Mrs. Philip Davis, of Third street, r.ent Wednesday with friends In Haw ley. A large number of people assembled at the Methodist church last evening to hear Rev. S. R. Janney talk upon India, Its customs and religions. The address was full of interesting descriptions of life In that country, and much Infor mation was gained on the subject of missions. A company of theatrical people gave an exhibition In Odd Fellows' hall last night. William Bennett, who has been spending some time visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Maloney, of West Drinker street, has returned to his home, at Nantlcoke. Wall Paper Styles and colorings are very fine this season. Let us fix you up a sample room with nice Gilt Paper, $5. filMlS, 312 Laehf tin L'.m - ... ,, - ' V'.v.'f. GUTKG FC3 1.7C3 PERM Graad Success of St. Lake's Annual Free Excursion. POR CHILDREN AND MOTHERS Twelve Cars Required to Carry Tbsm and sa Esast Count Was Impossible. Story of On of Sranton's Most Praatlcal Charities. It would have done good to the heart of one charitably Inclined' to have wit nessed yesterday the departure or the return of St. Luke's annual free excur sion for the poor. Twelve cars so h.Uvlly laden that the usual custom of counting Ivaadij hid to be dispensed with will give an Idea of the extent of this, one of the city's moat practical and mofit succteiful charities. The excurrlon was to beautiful Lake Ariel and It eneaiks well for the man agement and the object that cf the 150 babes In arms, 1.0C0 children and 00 weary mothers not one flight or case of temporary sk-kmeM occurred. The figures are estimated because each car was to densely packed that an exact count was for the flrft time In the his tory of these excursions an Impossibil ity. But to a greater extent than ever before, evidence was given anew that St. Luke's free excursion Is to Scran ton what similar objects are to New York, Philadelphia and other large cities. Throng at th Depot. Long before the hour of departure from 'the city, 8.30 o'clock, and up to the moment tin final "all wboard" was shouted, swarms of boys and girls, mothers' wan-faced from the care of children or from s:?kn?3 and broods of pale-sklnned little toddlers poured onto the station filariform and aboard the train. It was generally observed that these folk, though poor, phowed the result of a.n attempt at r.'?atne? and cliumlimeps In with what Is to them the ga4a event of the heated season. It might also have been noticed when the train rolled Into the stlatlon In the- cool of iie evening that the gown of many a child was soiled or torn or that the hair of the mothers! was not eo neatly plastered as earlier In the day, but there were brighter eyes, more rosy cheeks und other indications of a day in the open air and good milk and lunch. Maybe In some cases new leases of life were given, at all events the tired crowd, which was equal In numbers to the population of many a thriving town, was benetltted by the outing, which was the beat return for 'the care and trouble of the score or more of commit teemen and eonvmltteewomen who re turned as agreeoibly weary as were their charges. The Day at th l.ako. LVmlted space does not suffice 'to tell In detail how the day wvaa pemt. 'Ev eryone, women and children, was al lowed to do albou t as he or she pleased, care being taken to guard against acci dents. Fresh sweet milk waa furnished for sickly balbles in a quantfty that sur prised and gladdened the .mothers who are obliged to coumt the pennJes before purchasing the article when at home. For the children and older persons, tea, coffee and substantial sandwiches were distributed In unstinted fashion. The weather outlook was not pleasing on arrival at the take, but later the chnilness disappeared and the day was Ideal for the purpose. The excursion wa under the auspices of the Men's guild of St. Luke's and un der ihe Immediate direction of the fol lowing freeexcuratan committee: Chair man C. B. iDerman, Mr. Hazzard, S. H. Stevens, J. C. Highrlter, George MerrN man, Thomas Jackson and Brother Francis. They were assisted by the fol lowing auxiliary committee of ladles: Mrs. H'azzard. (Mrs. St. J. Foster, Mrs. Osland. Mrs. A. F.. Pettlgrew. (M!3 Josle Lees, Mies Annie Duval, Miss Williams, .Mlss Weaver, Miss Sherer, Mis Hazzard and IMrs. J. . Besst ll. Boy the Weber nd get the best At Guernsey Broa Plllsbury's Flour Mills have capacity f 17,(00 barrels a day. ( REX FORD'S. SOLID STERLING SILVER JEWELRY, On able, inexpensive and pretty. We buy direct from factory and, of coarse, can sell yon reasonable!. Many reduced, too. FOR INSTANCE i Bterllng Belt l'ins worth 36a., go at 19o Sterling belt Buckles worth $1.00, not....69c Sterling Heart Pins worth 50c., go at 25c Bterllng Mnt Pins worth W)c, eo at 25c Moat everything In Bilver here. REX FOR D'S, 213 LiCKAWJIIIM AVE. Dress .Goods IN ORDER TO CLOSE THEM OUT WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS: DRESS PATTERNS AT HALF PRICE Cheviots, Crepons, Beiges, Mohairs, in Mipres, Stripes and Checks at Greatly Redded Prices. School Dresses for Children at half price. Black and White Stripe Taffeta Silks for 33 cents. They are good value at 75 cents. i, fancy Stripe Taffetas for 39 cents, Worth 75 cents. ; MEARS & HAGEN, 415 UCXMMKU AYEK& . There Are Some Things That are everywhere recog nized as the very best of their kind. They are the stand ard others may be good, but the genuine always com mand respect, evoke admira tion. .You have heard of the Libbsy Cut Glass Havlland French China Rookwood Ware Crown Pairpoint Decorated Ware We carry the best lines of all these in Northeastern Penn sylvania tlic only lines of some of the in. This Is more than a store it's an Art Exhibition, to which you are heartily welcome,' whether you come to buy or look around. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 04 WT01ING HEME. Walk In and look around. RUSSET SHOES You're getting them at next to nothing. Wouldn't offer them to you at such a sacrifice it we didn't really have to get rid of them to make room for our Fall Goods, now nearly due. 14 pair Ladies' Tan Viel Button, ra 'zor toe, former price $3.80. Closing Out at $2.50 30 pairs Ladies' Tan Fox Button, needle toe, former price $:i.KO, Closing Out at $2.50 28 pairs Ladies' Russet. Gout Lace ' Shoe, new opera toe, former price $3.00. Closing Out at $2.50 30 pairs Ladies' Tan Vici, 3-Button Oxfords, good style, former price $3,00, Closing Out at $2.00 24 pairs Ladies' Tan Vici Oxfords, needle toe, all sizes, former price $3.00, Selling at $2.00 i 410 Spruce Street. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton. ROOMS 4 AND 5, Gas and Watr Co. Building, CORNER WYOMING YL AHD CENIER SI. OFP1CC HOURS from T.M a n. to p. m.; (1 boor intermission for dino.r and supper.) Particular Attention Glvento Collections Prompt Settloment Guaranteed. T0URBUSINESS IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Tslaphon No. 134. -A dstlmr aaMd U a dtlimr TMsLadlM' ssIM FMaeh DoacrtasIMBas. twm atttrewd free saywan Is Mi U.8.,oa wseipt or ca, Massy owist, or Postal Mete tor tlJO. Bowie every we fas keote sold la ell retell sMns for S1.M. Wesmke tela seel ewseltes. teerefei w ante the St. etefc a4 mp. end if any ee Is sot aejtene win reran ie BMy eandenotherBafcr. Onare Toe or Cosmo Been, u, ii, a, a as. s end tea Iraeretev Illustrated Gate. logo rnKfc Spil ttrmt Vta( WVe SCHANK KOEHLER I.. .a..l I tll Villi is i va m anw A , MEN'S ; ALL-WOOL SUITS $6.00 WHITE DUCK VESTS MARTIN & DELANV DR. E. GREWER, Th Philadelphia Specialist, and tils asso ciated start of Unsllvb and (fennaaj physicians, are now permanently, located at Old Postofflca Bujldina, Cornsr Pan Avsnus and Sprues Stroat. Th doctor la a irradua of th Unrver slty of Pennsylvania, formerly demon. trator of pliyalolosy and aurcery at th Medico-Chlrurajlcal college of Phlladel. phla. His specialties are Chronlo, Ner vous, Bkln, Heart, Womb and Blood dls cases. DISEASES OF THE IERY0US STSTEI The symptoms or which are dlsslness.lack of conltuence, sexual weakness In men and women, ball rising in throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentrate the mind on on eublect, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind. which unfits them for performing tho actual du ties of lire, making happiness Impossible, distressing the action ol th heart, caus ing flush of heat, depression or spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, met ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired In the mornir.g as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought,depreBslon, constipa tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us immediately ard be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weaknerc of Young Men Cured. If you havt been given up by your phy sician call upon the doctor and be exam d. H cures the worst case or Ner rus Debility, Scrofula. Old 8ores. Ca tarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Affec tions of 'he Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Asthma, leafness. Tumors, Cancers and Clippies I every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidents! Office hours dally fram a.m. to p.ri. Sunday, to 1 Enclos Ave t-cent stamps for symtpom blanks and my book called "New Life I will pay one thousand dollars In gold to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI. LEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. Old Post Office Building,' cornar Pan tveau and Spruce street. SCRANTON. PA. tUJIULBERfS WYOMINQ AVE, SCRANTON. STE1RWIT t SOU DECKER BROTHERS RRINICH I UCR STULTZ I BAUER and Other PIANOS Also m large stock of Arst-clasa ORGANS HU5ICAL nERCHANDlSB MUSIC. ETC JAMES & KELLY -sssaaaaaat FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMCRS. Late of Pittsburg, First-Class Livery la Connection. 205 SPRUCE ST., SCRMTOR. call up seta. MET Oil E fflfJI3 CO. OILS. VINEGAR AND cider: OPFIOE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO 151 MERIDIAN STRUCT M. W. COLLINS, M'cfr. TAR .GUrJ Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippc, Cures Incipient Consumption. ( Manufactured by G. ELMEK DORF, Elmlra. N. Yn and for sale try the trade generally. MEGARQEL & COS SELL, laoleale lints, Sergei, h. . (IM n Mesira Curtis Wheeler are recognised a th leading maaufeotarers of Ladies' Fine footwear in this country. Their Shoes possess superior merit over nearly all others. Tly arvbeautifol in design, graceful In appear anoe and posses, the glove-fitting quslitiM much sought after in drees shoes. We call your particular attention to our oomplet Us of Oxford Ties In black sad laser leathers la any style of last and In all widths from At EE. We Invite a eomsariava with ether fnakers' shoes at the same prices. iuu store mi LIMITED. CORNER LACKL 1RD JEFFERSON IVES. WELSBAGII LIGHT Spcltl! ld&vled lor tadlDi ud Sewing. Conmmei three (8) fret of pas per hour and give an efficiency of sixty (60) caodlea Bavin g at least 83) per cent ore the ordinary Tip Burners. Call and See It. HIT I C01ELL CO., 434 UCUWIRNl IVEXOL rUaufscturers' Ageats. taadard kwtruments la every 1 th term as applied to Plane. BxeapUoaal la holding their original rat ess of ton. . . NSW TOM WAREHOUSE, NCX rifta avenu. 80LO 1Y E.CRICKER&CO llf Adamms Av4 KMT TsUpaoa aUela. HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED. DR. JOHN HAMLIN, The Acknowledged Expert to x Horseshoeing and Dentistry, Is Now Permanently Located on West Lackawanna Ave., Near the Bridge. The Scranton Training School For Klnttarsartensrs, SCRANTON, PA. Th seeaed year of th Seranten Training School for Kindergartener wlU ope Septeav ber 1&, UK Diplomas will be awarded Jan 17, INS. For droaUrs a ether parthmlats addreat MISS KATH1BINE H. CUKX, READINCL MAS8 009 FELLOWS. Mssoas,P. OEst A..O. A. BH I. af T.. O. n A. at. la fnet all lodges Mat esslsMa ssteadlag to taa aaaaisi saa have tb kertprlatuwta th olty at lowsst srisss y saUlat at Taa Tamoaa j.b Pefart 41 Pi ill! Mi Hi ECOHltOL ar Bl3ra.Sai-a-!'l - a-sjwj-Aj,