Tins " BCHANTOIT" TMBUlfE FRIDAY ' MOIINIITGK AUGUST ' 2, 1895. WiIkesBafre. (The Tribune hu opened a branch of fice at No. 29. Lanlng building. Public Square, Wllkea-Barre. It la the purpose of the publisher! to 1m ue a newspaper as valuable to the general public a the met ropolitan dailies, and deliver It to the peo ple throughout northeasten Pennsylvania from three to five hour earlier than the Philadelphia and New York paper can reach them. KO RIGHT TO SERVE THE STATE Several Prominent Member of the Mat- . Regiment Discharged by Their Employ era for Attending Stat Camp. A number of member of Company E. of the Ninth regiment, located at Parsons; have been discharged from thete- positions because Hhey attended camp with the regiment. as they 'wtre obliged to. The men discharged were Nelson Slranbergr, captain of Company E. who haa held the position of mine foreman In the ivlaware and Hudson Coal company's Laurel un mine for ten vars, and who toast for the tst few month been inside foreman of the Del aware and Hudson company1 now opening above the Laurel Hun mine. He Is counted one of ithe best mine ex perts in the county. He wa notified of his discharge soon after hi return honio, and the other men received notloe when they reported for work, one or two being allowed to work the three first days of this week. Mr. Stran berg" position will bv tilled for the present by Thomas Stonen. of the Con yngham mine, located in this city. The other men discharged are AVHl Tero and W illiam Ktllgallon. wvo were drivers. They are privates In Company E. Aus tin Ptimlo. mason, who la corporal attached to the hospital corps: Harvey Jenkins, nason, central In Company R; Hugh Evan mason, a corporal In Om;arry E: Thoma Francos, driver, a. corporal, and Gua N-elaon. laborer, a private. Anothor employe named Rich ard Evan, who 1? not connected with the militia, was also discharged. No reason has been (riven for the dis charge of these men. AH are reliable men an 1 no fault has ever been found with their work. In case of a atrife where violence is attempted the very corporations that have dealt this slap t th militia would be the ftrst to call for their services, TO RECOVER WITNESS FEES. A Legal Setto ia the Office of Alderman Pa Is. Mrs. Barbara Thomas brought suit yesterday momtt:g before AWernuim bavls to recover $2.05 witness fees which the commissioners refused to pay. Attorney .Moore appeared for the county and Attorney Martin for the plaintiff. Like yesterday" ball game. It wa a battle of pitcher with the at t'Vney occupying the points. iM.xre tried to strike out Martin and couldn't, but the straight delivery of the latter was oo . much for the little attorney from the town of miils. and toe fanned the wind every time. The tatter grew wrathy and come hard wames were pass!. Mr. Martin sold that the legal Ignorance of Mr. Moore was responaiiile for the court house muddle, and Mr. Moore retorted by calling Mr. Martin a "muttefchead." Mr. Martin said If the diminutive Mr. Moore wouM step outside, be (Mr. Martin) would aid the Town Improvement society by cleaning up the street wtth his (Mr. Moore's) per son. Mr. Moore advised Mr. Martin to go to the north pel to cool off, and Mr. Martin told Mr. Moore to go to another P5a.ce equally noted for its cMmate. Hos tilities were finally suspended add the attorney separated. HELD FOR COURT. John I'rfeaa to A as war Alleged Charge of Misappropriating Fund. The Blackman mine murder of a, short time ago was forcibly recalled yesterday in a ease trie before Alder man Davison. When Anthony Zemtls, the man accused of the crime, was re manded to Jail, he confided 1104 to the care of his best friend, John Urban, a fellow-countryman and a boarder in the same house. Recently Zemtls sus pected that Urban desired to retain the money for hi own personal use, and he Instructed another friend to procure the money from Urban. V.'hen the friend demanded the money. Urban re fused to give It up and suit wa brought. John MoOahren appeared for Urban, and James L. Lenahan for the prosecution. A number of witnesses were examined and Urban was held in 1-iOO bail for appearance at court. Urban was) known to be without a cent previous to the Franklin mine tragedy, when he was) arrested. After being released he deposited 1170 In the Wllkes-Barre Deposit and Savings bank. When he was arrested, charged with unlawfully retaining the money, he had a hank book whloh he gave to Attorney John ghea to go hi security. ANNUAL SHOOTING MATCHES, Regimental and Brigade Matches to Be Shot Beginning Aug. 2. The annual regimental and brigade rifle- matches will be shot at Mount Oretna during the week beginning Aug. 26. urlder direction of Colonel Asher Miner, general Inspector of rlile prac tice. Each regiment team will consist of four men and one reserve, and no com missioned officers eligible . Teams must arrive and go into camp Aug. 26. Range open for practice Tues day. Tents and mattresses will be pro vided, fcut the men must bring their own blankets. The regimental match will be shot Thursday, Aug 29; skirmish match Friday, Aug. 30; 'brigade match Satur day, Aug. 31. A team to represent the state at Sea Girt Interstate match, Sept. 2, will be chosen. The Ninth regiment team will prob ably be the same a last year Hard ing, Innes, Everett, Leldner. In the Courts. O. F. Shelly, through 111 attorney, D. I Rhone, a. L. Halsey and J. Q. Crevellng, brought suit against Sheriff Walter yesterday for $25,000 damage. The claim Is based on the ground that Shelly was in possession of his prop erty In Plymouth borough, engaged in mining the coal from some culm banks. 8herlff Walters, so Shelly alleges, levied on Shelly' machinery and leasehold and sold Vthem at publlo sale without the proper) warrant. Eugene Ward, attorney for Mike Bud fnsk, brought suit for 1200, against the Quaker City Mutual Fir Insurance company. The plaintiffs house was burned down and the company refuses to pay the damages. . .. The Red Man's Exenraloa. The excursion of the Red Men to Atlantlo City left yesterday morning over the Jersey Central ' road with eleven cars, of whioh wart well filled j and about two-thirds of the party be ing ladies. 'Among the excursionists were: Aldermen J. F. Donohue and John E. Perkins. Attorney E. F. Mo Govern and M. H. McAnlff. Daniel F. and J. L. Behee. James Kinney, of Plains; and Joseph A. Ansraann. who will probably be the life of the party during It trip through to the sea shore. A Will Filed. The will of Thomas Mooney, of Wllke-Barre. wa filed yesterday. He give to hi wife, Ann Mooney, all hi estate, real and personal, during her life time. After her death the estate to be divided between his children. Michael. Thoma It. and Mrs. Annie Conway, and hi step-children, Mrs. Mary McCormlek. John F. Cavannugh. and Duvld Cavanaugh. share and share alike. Mrs. A. IM. Mooney. his wife. Iai polnted executrix. The estate I valued at $3,500. Carried Off the Records. Union Hose house, of the Nantlcoke fire- department, wa broken into last night and the book nd record of the company, picture, etc.. were carried awayJ Suspicion rest on mm f ne well-known men about " " would be an object to certain person, to get the records out of the way. BRIEF NOTES. An unknown man was allied last Wednesday night on the Lehigh Val ley railroad near White Haven, white trying to board a freight train. The White' Haven authorities took charge of the body. rrofewo Wolfe ha closed hi sum mer school at Wyoming seminary, after a successful season of six weeks. The will f Mrs. Mary A. Small, pro bated yesterday, leaves her entire es tate, valued at $2,000. to Bridget Cos- tello. , The city clerk's mortality roll for July shows ninety-four deaths, of which thirty were due to cholera In fantum. , . The Weat End Wheelmen will hold their annual moonlight picnic at Moun taiu Park on Friday evening. Aug. 8. The delay in repairing the town clock is owing to making of a new set of Jew els. It la expected to be In running or der today. There will be two band concerts next week, one on Monday and one on Thursday evening. A handsome spaniel dog was run over on East Market street yesterday and had its back broken, so that It had to be killed. - PERSONAL. Messrs. Alexander Farnham, I. P. Hand, and E. H. Chase spent part of this week In Philadelphia, attending the state council of the Legion of Honor. Miss Kathleen Hand is the guest of friend at the Thousand Islands. She will also visit In Toledo, O., before re turning home. Mis Stella Farnham left yesterday for Glen Summit, where she will spend the iremainder of the summer. Mlssee Harriet Williamson and Jeanne RIcketts left on Monday to spend several weeks at North. Moun tain. B. F. Cresson, Jr., and J. C. H. Lud ken wlU spend Sunday with Mr. Cres aon's parents. In Philadelphia. TUN KHAN NOCK. A robust baby boy at the house to whait makes R. E. EUlings at peace with ail the world these days. Miss Mary Macy and Miss Frances Leightoa left for New York city yes terday, where they will spend the month. Mrs. fi. S. Talte and two children ar rived from Philadelphia yesterday to visit her father, B. M. Hall. The railroad scribe of the Dushore Review, who Is evidently a railroad employe himself, hoists the semaphore signal for the benefit of his brother railroaders in this wise: "Tunkhan nock is vigorously alitor the trains that stand on the road crossings over three minutes. Engineer Connell, of the lo cal, who wo at one time one of the bor ough fathers and helped make this ob noxious law, was the first to answer 'guilty' and settle $2.60 to Tunk's bur gess." "A prrttty little concert" was the gen eral expression bonoelmlng the "Y" muelcate. ' The programme was carried out as arranged, and the parts all ac quitted themselves most creditably. A feature worthy of tipeclal mention was the cornet solo hy Harry Mack, whose proficiency with the horn is rarely equalled in this eedMon. The financial results of the entertainment were grati fying to the society. Miss Mary Avery entertained twenty three young ladles at an evening party Wednesday. Miss Carrie Sperry, of Sayre, was In town briefly yesterday, en route to Dlmook. The Agricultural society over at Mansfield are advertising the champion heavy lifter of the workl as an attrac tion to their fair. If he Is worth any thing to lift expenses tSe local society might take a hint. Mrs. Samuel flakier and daughter, Florence, and Mrs. Rlel and daughter, Bessie, all of Scranton, who are rusti cating at Falls, were In town yesterday visiting old acquaintances. Hon. George W. Cooke has a trophy In the shape of nine rattles from the tall of a snake some farmers up Bow man's Greek were killing Just as he ar rived on the scene Wednesday. His snakeshlp was three feet in length. The attorneys In the Judicial contest have their ibrlefs nearly prepared and the court will assemble again at La porte on Tuesday next, when a lot of old straw will be thrashed over again for the edification of the new Judge. The right of Judge Woodward to skt In place of Judge Rice will be ques tioned by both sides, it is said. The briefs will set forth in detail all the votes) which the attorneys will ask to have thrown out and the reasons for so asking. When the Judge pass upon the maulers presented, each party will probably file exceptions to the findings, and the exceptions win be argued later on. It Is not Improbable that the case will go to the Supreme court after this court ia done with it, on account of al leged Irregularities dn trying It. Mr. ' and) .Mrs. Myron Kasson, of Scranton, Invaded this country yes terday with the evident purpose of "outing." . They pursued their way on up into Susquehanna county. A big squad of haTd-vlsaged men and host-haired' women from the moun tain Utrleta of Sugar Hollow occupied the office of Justice Xuti yesterday. There were suits and counter-suits for nomelesw offense at all sorts, and each faction swore that they were afraid for their lives and wanted the other party ut under tell so keen the -peace. The justice concluded the matter by bind ing them over to JalL AVOCA. (Miss Fannie Snyder, of Plttston, spent yesterday with tier friend. Miss Nettle Druffner. Rev. J. Malone, of Carbondale. wa the guest of Rev. J. B. MoCabe yester day. Mrs. William Webber and daughters Bessie and Ella are enjoying the sea breexe at Atlantlo City. Rev. W. F. Healey. of Alton. 111., re turned home last evening after pend ing a few week with friend In town. Alls Agner Gallagher, of PltUton, re turned home after spending a few weeks with friend In town. Charles Boxley vUlted friends in Wllkea-Barre last evening. A young daughter has brightened the home of Mr. and Mr. James Campbell, of West Avoca. Rev. Frederick Gallagher, of Parsons, spent yesterday with friends In town. Mr. M. Hrennan, who has been spending a few month In town, will return to her home In Philadelphia. Miss Teresa Battle, of Plttston, was the guest of the 'Misses Olbbona yester day. , All person desirous of ecurlng shares In the silk mill fund should con fer with W. II. Holllster at once. The necessary amount Is almost secured, and It Is the wish of the parties con cerned that the stocks be presented oh soon a possible. OLYPHANT Last evening the rhibmiban' whltwn rook a nan to CairflKmdaile and return. Mrs. Kate McAn'drew. of Paterson. N. J.. 1 vU?ltUug with friends here tho last iweek. Yesterday afternoon a llimge crowd witnessed the Kurnie of twsc ball be tween Wi-e F. and G.'s and the Mountain Ikes, in which the latter were vic torious by a sour of 21 to 9. The Moun tuln Makes were rtmiewhi't haiid'lcnanx'd by the absque of Merchant and Wat kins, but tievvr,t.lKVis put up am. ex cellent game. A iw-luMulod catch by Reddlngton -was oroe at the features. Both clubs will xin together on Aug. 9 for a purse cf $50. Mrs. TWomaa Lvntfan, of Thlla! phU, called on friends here yesterday. .Miss Llzxle Spelcher Is visiting her paneivts at AtchbaUl. iMi Iura MeOawJey. of Dansvllle, N. Y., Is the gueat of iher sister, Mrs. W. J. Schuume.nl. Mr. aavJ Mr. Wli'J)vitoffe. of Pak's Pond, who have been vtoitlr.ig here for the past week, 'have returned. The excursion of t. Patrick's church will take place next Thursday to Fan-low. iMlss Ma me O'iMalley mas returned from a two weeks' visit at Wllkea Barre. Alice E. Kelly returned yesterday from a two weeks' vacation at Lake George and Adirondack mountains. Kate Kelly, of New street, Bonanton, Is visiting Mies Alice Kelly, on Dun more Street. New consignment of parrots and canaries at Furgeson's, 130 Franklin avenue, Scranton. IMies Gorman, of Mahanoy City, is visiting Miss Annie Jordan. Miss Afwnle Francis Lee, of Ashley. Is visiting Mts Mary E. Martin, of Delaware street. Miss Annie l,indy, f Brow ni Hollow, is the guest of iMies Mary Rogan. The young ladies of this place are ar ranging a social, to Oake place in the near future. If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used tor over Fifty Year by Millions of Mother for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child. Softens the Quins. Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best rerae-ly for Diarrhoea, Bold by Druggists In ev ery part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow' Soothing 8yrup." and Uke no ether kind. Twenty-five cent bottle. . HAWLEY. A force of met are at work laying a foundation 60 by 100 feet on' Joseph At kinson' lot, war the stone dock, oppo site the Hawiey Glassworks, on Which a building .which is to be of wooden structure, will soon be erected. It ki rumored that It is to be used a a fac tory for manufacturing boxes, and will nrobalbly furnish employment for forty men amd boys. The feettval whioh was fhekJ cm wnatiiiiv vrsnr at the residence of iRev. A. W. Cooper, pastor of the Meth- odlflt Episcopal church, was wen pat ronized and netted about $35, which wIM go toward paying off the church dt'fht. v. n Taonhereh. of HumtlnKdow. Pa., Who has been tine guest of (Mr. and Mrs. D. James Colgate for several weeiKS, k'f t for Harrlsburg on Thursday moun- nig. i Misses Grace, Annie Gladys and Master Foster Ware, of New York city, who were the guests of Mr. amd Mrs. S. T. Palmer for several weeks, re turned home on Thursday oming vte fkramton. New consignment of parrot and canaries at Furgeson'e, 130 Franklin avenue, Scranton. Miss Elsie Colgate Wft Thursday af ternoon for WiUkes-Tla e to vlmlt with fronds at thalb plaice. Beifor return i ing she will vllt Philadelphia. Miss Colgate expwt to be gome two weeks. Mlmt SUraJi iLynn, of tihts place, and her friend, 'Mis Aw) Gavin, of Pltts ton, are spending a week v letting f rlto-nds In 'Honesdato Mrs. ChaTlew Raoker Visited 'Homes dale on Thursday. Itev. J. H. Judlge visited Hotvesdale yesterdby. J. H. Thompson visited Honeadafe yesterday aftermootu Mr. Malta, who wpnerent ihe Truth at Horvesdale, was in town on Thurs day. Mawter George iBldwell, of Arlington, Pa., 1 spencfinig a few days heme, the guest of Roy Rolllon. Mr. amd Mrs. 8. T. "Palimer went to 8c ran ton Thursday to spend the day. Pimples, blotches.' blackheads, red, rough, and oily skin, prevented by Cuticura Soap, the most effect ive skin purifying and beautifying soap in the world, as well as pur. est and sweetest for toilet and nur. sery. The only preventive of pirn pies, because the only preventive of inflammation of the pores, PITTST0H. (The PltUton office of the. Scranton Tribune has been opened by H. W. Cruser, agent, at No. t Williams street, where con tribution of news, complaints of non-delivery, orders for Job work of all descrip tions, should be addressed and regular subscriptions received. Advertising and subscription rates cheerfully submitted.) At a regular meeting of the select council last evening the bond of the city assessor was approved. A bill passed third reading creating the office of city clerk and fixing compensation for the same. A communication was received from M. J. Dickson, of Avoca, demanding $13.&0 damages for Injuries to his buggy, received some time ago by a collision with a Plttston stone heap. Dickson had been offered $10 for the damages but refused to accept that amount. His case was referred to a committee. Word was received from Wllkes Uarre last evening to tin) effect that Chief LoftUH and Detectives Mc Sweeney and Bowers had arrived from Virginia with George Wlndlsch, the oc cussed wife murderer. Wlndlsch has been very talkative since his arrest, and still protests hlH Innocence. He will probably be brought to UiIh city for a formal heurlng today. George JohwUin. t West Plttstoni. well known throughout h "te n. land agent for the pant quarter of a ctmtury fur the PemnHylvjimia -4 company, resigned yesterday. Plttston lluslnoss lUrectory. KOn FIR8T-OI.ABH PMIMRINO CALL on Wright '.. W Houtu MhIii street. A new raiiK for stile or exchange; also aei'iind-haud household goods, bought or '1' - MOSCOW. Mr. and Mrs. Culver ami faimlly, from New York city, are buardtag ait the Central hotel. Miss Nettle Vail left for BoKloni yes terday, where she will pend a. few weeks with frlenwl iMr. amd 'Mrs. H. J. (Roberts spant Tuoeduy In Serainloti. (Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Gardner spent Tuesday In Wcranton. Mi. Verdon Smith, of NMvolson, re turned homo on .Monday af Uv etllnir a few weeks wll'h her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fordwmuin, Who have been buurdtaig at the (Vn'tral liotel, re turned to their home in Ktmlra oni Sat urday. Washington camp, No. 248, Patrlotlo Order Sons of A.nwrlca, v tailed Kim hurst camp on Saturday nlifflnt. Those who went were Harry Watts, Fred Vain Brunt. Ed Vain Brunt, Dam Clouse, John Clouse, C. H. Clouse. J. 13. Love land, B. J. Camnon, Arthur Depew, ttoige Dalrymple airtd Edward S. Sayre. A number of young people went to Lake Sovella this week 'for an outing. The following were In the panty: Mrs. George Boriree, Mis Ella. Pel ton, Miss Saraih Decker, iMlss AuguHta Ge.uirhart, Moscow; MlFS Mary Jo-hrson, George Travis. Galge Dalrymple, Edward Nichols, Clark's Greon. A. S. Spencer and Mrs. EHls, of Green Ridge; Mrs. Wldowfleld and daughter, Jennie, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mrs. Jaimes Masters and etm, Spencer, of Dunimore, called Sunday afternoon on Mr. amdi Mrs. A. 5 1 1 nils. SINGER WANTS A DIVORCE. Lea Van Dyck Seeks Legal Separation From ilsr Husband. Yankton, Aug. 1. airs. Lea Davis, known in the operatic world as Lea Van Dyck, is .here to aecure a divorce from her husband, "Harry Dtivls, of Philadelphia. She dfclaredi today that she was a pupil of ManchesI, had sung with Melba, Gerster, Nevada! and oth ers, and was under 'tie chaperorrage of Nevada when s.he first appeared' on the stoge. Her last appearance was in "Robin Hood." Mrs.' Davis e plentifully supplied with funds and Jewelry, and la killing time 1n teaching a few pupils. .Her husband Is said to have paid 'her a fly ing visit lately, and seemed well pleased at the prospect of an early separation. Tine prima donna engaged to sing In the Etpincapall church here when she first came, but the trustees opposed her and stia was. not allowed to ling. Mrs. Davis is accompanied by a maid, who carries the purse amd exer cises watchful caro over her distin guished companion. THEY BEAT THE PARSON. Lively Reception Accorded Rev. 8. W. Jordan by Ills Flook. Caimdcn, N. J., Aug. 1. Rev. S. W. Jordan, the pastor of the WrlghtsvHlo (colored) Met'hodlst Episcopal church, Just ovw the city line, was tataen aback last night, when, on entering -Vtut earred edifice, he was seized by tihe,.nnipe of the neck and beatan by mnnYbcrs of his own congregation. Hev. Mr. Jor da't Hid been aiAra.y on a vacation. He telegraphed ahead to the trustees of hie church that he would return Ira tkme to conduct lawt wetting's services. Ac cording to promise, he arrived albout 8 o'clock. Ho had hflTdly reached the nil tar be fore he felt a wluftik on tihe 'back of his head. Thietv somebody grabbed him toy hlsitirousers and jwck, end tumbled him unceremoniously to the floor, Where he was severely maltreated. There has bcen some trouble,' It Ib sold, betweMi the church end Rw, Mr. Jonluni over money matters, aiM the brethren took this forceful method of settling Ithe dlfllculty. WILLING TO MARRY HER. Mr Gallagher ICipreMes Ills Grstltnde to Ills Savior. riillaili'liililit, Aug. 1. As a heroic life saver, Mies Carrie Vaughan, a pmxw Btswtaig young bcMo of Gladwyn, iMont gomery county, came 'bravely to the front at Rone Glen today. John GoiHo gher, a young .nvan wiho resides In lower Merlon townwhlp, acclden'lally fell from the boat latuMnig whllo tohlug at Rose Glen on the iSohuylkMI. The water at the Inmdlng In twelve feet deop and Gallagher was umatole to mvJim. His struggles In the waiter and1 cries for help attracted Milw Vawghai who was walking along tihe river road. Mhe hastened to his asHlstawe, and springing Into a (boat, pushed out from the shore. Afloat on Uhe deep stream the heroic younig rescuer graped the drowning man by the ihatr, Just In the nick of time. With firm grip eihe towed him safely ashore. iMlss Vaiuigh. am received the tih&nk of Gallagher not only, but he offered her Ills heart and ihand as an evidence of his grati tude. . CAVE FULL OF SKELETONS. Remains of Four Unadred Unman Beings Found on the White River.' Yuma, Arlfonoj Aug. 1. On the White river, eight miles from Camp Apache, has been found a remarkable cave. For 800 feet of the distance the explorers were obliged to orawtoa their hands and knees, using' candles and bull's-eye lanterns for light. They found between 400 and 400 human skeletons, Indicating the aim of j?ereone who Cimimlll7 C I AT Until August 15 vo vill soli our oarly fall capos at about half the original prices, Wo havo also mado some big reductions in the prices of suits and soparate skirts. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 2o'or!onu8'' ONE CENT A WORD. WANTS OP Al,U KINDS POST THAT MltrH. WHEN PAU FOR. IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 MAUR, NO CHAltOK WILL BE L.E38 THAN 2S C1SNTH. THIS HVL.K AP I'LIRS TO HMAIX WANT ADS, EX CEPT HIT'TATIONH WANTISD, WHICH AHfcl IN8ERTK1) FREK. Help Wanted-Male. need hoo clerk. Apply at Ltarldow's Shoo Store, 14U Peuu avonue. WANTKD-A JANITOR KOlt CLUB hona& Apply to Urooti Rldse Wliwl. men, corner Handernna eranua ud Urea Hiilu etreet, Iwtwees 7 and 8 p. m. 1 HOTO TICKET AOENTNDMCTUHE men can learn nf a flue position by. ad drRHina WILLIAM U. PLAT1', ',M Elm struet, Camden, N. J. ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN vm? town to oliclt stock HubecrlD- tlons; a monopoly: biir money for aseou: no capital required. EDWAUUC. FISH CO., Burdun Block, Chleago. III. SALESMEN - RESIDENT 8ALKSMEN O wnntcd, acquainted with th local and nearby drug aua grocery trade, to handle our lino of high gra.lo ciitanv Address, trlvlns references, J. EDWARD COWLEd CO.. la Chambers street, N. Y. Helo Wanted Females. hntisownrk; (rood watrei. MRS. JOS, A. MEARrt, SH South Main arenue. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN AS cook in hotel; suitable salary. Address, with references, Box 10U8. Plymouth, Vu AN T EDTm ME DWTTslY TWoTe N E R gotio aalestvomnn to represent ns. Guaranteed ti a day without interfering: with other duties. Healthful occupation, write for particulars, int-loaing stamp. Mango Chem ical Company, No. 72 John street. New York. For Rent. WW. i;OH RENT TWO PLEASANT FRONT V roomx. unfurnished, with or without board, at I'M Adams ave. OrFICES TO LET, DESK ROOM TO LET and Assembly Hall to let O B. REP LOG LE, 4U8 Spruce street. TX)R RENT A LARGE, 4-STORY BUILD X1 ins at 1U3 Franklin avenue; suitable for wholesale business. CAHSON Is DAV'IES, Scranton. F'OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOU8E ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, aear IMS Luserne, Hyde Parfc J'ORllENTNiCELY FURNisHP.n HALL 1 suitable for ludire ruoma JOHN JER MYN, 111) WyomlnR ovenue. For Sale. l.-'OR SALE CHEAP-LARGE HOUSK AND P barn and one acre of ground at Daltou, Pa Address J, L. Swarts, Dalton, Fa., or H. D, Swarts, 223 Spruce street, city. IOR SALE-NEW HOUSEHOLD GOODS. . smalll lot Inqnire for Van Auker, Boo mer's restaurant, Franklin avenue, Call to day. "L-"OR8ALE-AT REASONABLE FIGURE8T V a lot of Hoe A Co.'s iron pipe composi tion frames, single and double; also a lot of Rooker cases, In pairs, some extra depth. All only slightly Bard and good as new. Address inquiry to BUSINESS MANAGER, The Trib une, Scranton, Pa. ri'HB HOME FOB THE FRIENDLESS OF J for their property on the west sldo of Adams avenue, between Pine and Uibson streets, consisting nf five forty-font lots, mak ing a frontage of two hundred feet on Adams avenue bv one hundred and fifty foet in depth, improvecf, with a largo three story frame house, Price, thirty thousand dollars. EZRA 11. RIPPLE. WILLIAM T. SMITH. HENRY A. KNAPP, Advisory Committee. Boarders Wanted. A FEW BOARDERS WANTED AT 1X!1 XV Washburn street. Agents Wanted. AGENTS HINDE'8 PATENT UNIVKK sal Hair Curlers and Wavers (used with out hoat), and "l'yr l'olnted"Hair Pins. Lib eral coinmlHsinns, Free samplo and full par ticulars. Address P. O, Box OA. New York. w ANTKU - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO lmndln nnr line, no tieiiillititf. Satsrv.' tlli pur month and expnnsos paid to all. Uixxli entirely now. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 6IIU8, Boston, Masa Executors' Notice. INSTATE OF CATHARINE WINTON, J deceased, late of the city of Scranton. Pa. Letters testamentary upou tho above named rstnto having been granted to the under signed, all persona having claims or demands against the ealil estate will present them for payment, and tboss Indebted thereto are required to mako Immediate payment to WALTER W. WINTO-N, I venter. II. M. WINTON. Executors. GARKICK M. HARDING. Attorney. fdmlmstrstrlx's Notice. : I'TiSTATTrMMuXTp j of Hursntou, Lackawauna county, de ceased Letters of administration upon the above named estate haviug been granted to the un dersigned, all persona havlag claims nr de mands against the said estate will present them for payment, aud thoe indebted thereto will plaassmake immediate payment to AMY BAHTRON, Administratrix. D. B. Rxplooi.r Att'y, 4WI Spruce Hi. had perhaps been smothered to death iby smoke long years ago. ' Some of them were In crevices just large enough to admit a human body. The skeletons are of various slses. The skulls are of a brown color, with an exception of a few that are white. The White Mountain Apaches, are superstitious about the eave, and say that within It there is large lake of water. ' ' Toplo cards for the next tlx months printed In good style at low prloes. If you contemplate an exourslon or festival this summer, it will pay you to consult us about printing posters, circulars, tickets, etc. The Tribune & A P E 1 i! ALL PRICES. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, REASONABLE CHARGES. TRY US. THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO Special Notices. VTOTICE--ON AND AFTER MAY 1. 1 1 v will make a monthly tour of the follow ing places giving free opun air advertising ex hibitions with the stereuptlcon: Tarlorvillu, Hyde Hark, Providence. Dickson Olyphast, PeekvUle, Arch bald, Jermyn. Exhibitions given on Wednesday and Friday of each week during the month, the rates for adver tising are 110 per month. Address . H. Call, Tribune office, city. rpHE BOI.DIERIN OUBCIVIL WAR." 1 You want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Pictureashow ing the forces in actual battle, sketched on the spot Two volumes, 2. (Ml pictures. Bold on easy monthly payment". Delivered by ex press complete, ail charges prepaid. Address P. a MOODY, OU Adams Ave., beranton. Pa. BLANK BOOKS. PAMPHLETS, 1IAGA sines, etc, bound or rebound at Tug Tribvks ottos, guick work. Reasonable prices. Stockholders' Meeting. Notice-thTnmiTmtTkgf the stockholders of The Scranton Bed ding Company will be held at the office of the company, eu and H Lackawanna avenue, Scranton. Pa on the 10th day of Augnst, li. at lu o'olock a in., for the election of directors and the transaction of such other busin ess as may properly come befure the meeting. No tice is also given tbat an amendment to the Bv-Laws will be presented, changing the time of holding the annual meetinc. By order uf the Board of Directors. T. H. BENTON, Secretary. Scranton. Pa.. July 27th, lWo. Situations Wanted. Situation wanted - by a boy is years; knows the eltv wsll and willing to work. Address G M., Tribune. SITUATION WANTED-FOB WASAING and ironing to do at boms. Call or ad dress L.B.. KHN Sumner are.. Hyde Park. WANTED A LADY WOULD UKE TO do washing. MISS BROWN, 618 Le xeme street. DRUGGIST, REGISTERED, WANTS PO sition as clerk or manager: It years' ex perience; city or country. Address DftL'US, care Scranton Tribune. A WIDOW WITH TWO CHILDREN wants a position as housekeeper. Call or address V. M., Sit Oswald court SITUATION WANTED A COMPETENT woman, aged U years, wants situation as housekeeper or some good pesitloo ia a re spectable, temperate man s family. Address 11. A. BURCH, Duninore, Pa. Medical. LADIES! Chidwiter'l (mMi Pewiyroyal Nit (IHamnrf rtmi). are the Beet. Kl.bl.. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to CIS Spruce street, Scranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY. t6 PENN AVE.; 1 to 3 P. M ; call 2iH& Dis. of women, obstretrlce and and all dls. of chll. DR. A. J. CONNELU oVfICH Ml Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street over Krancke's drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vine at. Office hours: 10.30 to 12 a. m. and I to 4. and I.W to 7.10 p. m. Bun. day, i to I p. m. DR. W. B. AI.I.KN. HJ North Washlngtea avenue. DR. C. L. FREY. FRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: office, 123 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, 62 Vine street. DR. U M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Olllca hours, I to a, m., 1.30 to t and 7 to I p. m. Ilesldenoe SOU Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. BATESON, RRLIABLK SKIN. Tumor and Cancer Specialist. Tuesdays and Fridays, at 605 Linden street. Of fice hours, 1 to 4 p. m. . Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN. Rrldge and Crown work. OITloe, (29 Washington avenue. C. C. LAUBACH. SURGEON DlSNTIST. No. lit Wyoming avenue. R. M. 8TRATTON, OFFICE! COAL Ex change. . Schools. SCHOOL Or TUB LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re auest Opens September 10. ' REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUKLL. M198 WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN ana School. 412 Adams avenue, opens Sept. . Kindergarten 10 per term. " Seeds. O. B. CLARK 4k CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen! store 14 Washington ave nue; green house. W0 North Main ave buss store telephoe 7H. Wire Screens." JOS. KUETTKL, REAR 611 LACKA 1 wanna avenue, Soranton. Pa., iaaautee surer et Wire Screens. S ! 6o2 and 6oi ii Licki lie., Cor. Idim Lawyers. WARREN & KNAPP,' ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law. Republican building, . Washington aveflue, Scras ton, pa. JESSUPS HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law. Commonwealth euiluiog, Washington avenue. W. H. JESBUP, HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP. JR. PATTERSON 4t WILCOX. ATTOR cys and Counsellors at Law; offices I aad I Library building , Scranton. Pa, ROSWELL H. PATTERSON. v 1LUAU A. W ILASOX. ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wuiiumig. nuomi iy, as ana ii. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room i. Coal Exchange, Screo ton. Pa. J A MES W. OAK FORD. ATTORNEY. at-Law, rooms (3, U and ti Common wealth building. SAMUEL W, EDGAR. ATTORNEY-AT Law. Office, 317 Spruce su, Scranton, Pa. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa. CRIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building, Scranton. Money to loan in large sums at t per cent C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT law. Commonwealth building. Scran ton. Pa. C. COMEGYB. 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. P.EPLOGLE. ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 401 Spruce street B. F. KILLAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 46 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. J. M. C. RANCk. 1M WYOMING A VS. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS. ARCHITECT. Rooms 24. 25 and 26. Commonwealth building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICB rear of 606 Washington avenue. LE WI3 HAN COC K, J R , ARCHITECT, 43i Spruce st, cor. Wash, ave.. Scranton. BROWN MORRIS. ARCHITECTS, Price building, LS Washington avenue, Scranton. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Loans. THE REPUBLIC 8AVISG9 AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better oa Investment thaa any other association. Call on & N. Callander. Dime Sank building. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MU8IO FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptlona, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'e tnuslo store. MRGARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton, i'a. FRANK P. BROWN A CO, WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Clothf20 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms It and 20, Williams Building, opposite postoltlce. Agent tor the Rex Fire Extinguisher. - Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK lilt avenue, Rates reasonable. P. zikulek. proprietor. 8CHANTON HOU8E, NEAR D., L W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WE8TMI NSTsfRHttOTEU ' - Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, . New York. Rates, I3.M per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLE, -Proprietor. Mi Pioneer of the hotel cen ter in New York eltv. Noted for Its superb loca tion, superior rooms and excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for giving MORE VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any first-class hotel In the world. Facing Central Park, 68th and (tth ats., Plasa Square and Fifth avenue; reached by any uptown cars, and the crosstown cars at 69th st, which latter in tersect all surface and elevated roads; terminal station 6th ave. L road within half a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plans. Drinking water and Ice used la vaporised and frosen on the premises, and eertlfled as to purity, by Prof. Chandler. V. A. HAMMOND, THE WINDSOR HOTEL NEW YORK. ' (Oeeaprlsf aa entire block ft) fifth Arse as i between 4Mh and 4fta Sto.) HIWK t WETHEBBEE, PROPWTOH The Amerioea ead Eerepeew Mses. Roonu with Board, - . : - S4.00 and upwards per day. -Rooms wRbsat Board, . . tl.80 and upwerda per day. ' The cnurins sad eervlee aasuitiaessl. ' The Latest and Meet Approved iaaHar ' Ptattblaa. Kewly oeoorated sad refaralabed, ". Flea Mlaeteef- Walk fro itteMHl Ceatral - Matioa. .. . a:-?'.--' - ' :i -