The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 02, 1895, Image 1

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la price, the dose of tit season,
till continues with ruthless and
unsparing hand to set early summer
figures all topsy-turvey, and lucky
Is the buyer who comes In these
latter days to purchase warm
weather comforts, for the buying
power of their dollars has expanded
till It Is all but 2 to 1 as compared
with early June figures.
Have got to go. no matter what
they'll bring. We're not overload
ed with them by any means, so price
slaughtering don't 'bother us much
as we've already got the cream of
the trade.
In white lawn waists, various styles
and a variety of qualities, sisei, 36
to 40 only.
Your Pick 19c.
Printed lawn waists, all sizes, but
mixed in quality. Colorings good,
styles top notch. Fineness surpris
ing. craal
Very choice print cambric waists,
an high grade, but limited to 2. 28
and 40 in sites. For the very poor
est of them you wouldn't think of
offering less than 11.00.
Your Pick 50c.
i$t a Few
Extra, handsome waists In small
cheeks, and polka dots, blue and
white, red and white, and Mack and
Your Pick 85c.
Of very One, elaborately trimmed
white lawn waists (embrsMsry,
' Hamburg edgings, etc.) All tltes,
. Nothing newer out.
Your Pick $1.25
: , Dainty French aephyr waists,
I pretty as a picture and stylish.
' Your Pick $1.00
Aid Ells
Hobscs Swept Away by the Kiisk of
Waters. '
Awful Work of the Flood at Other Points.
Eight Persons Perish at Soearro
sad Fifty Buildings
Are Destroyed.
Casper. W'yo., Aug. 1. A. terrible
cloudburst occurred south of this city
on Cuaper nuHintaln. at the head of
Garden creek, last night.
The creek is about sevftx miles long
from mouth to source, and la lined with
campers. Near the he d of the creek
Is a summer tfsort. frequenttd by local
picnio parties ad l credited with being
one of tho most beautiful spots In cen
tral Wyoming.
The nret thlivg the flood reached wjs
the pleasure reaort at the head of Gar
den creek. At this point all tha build
ings were crushed and swept away and
the original site of the hotel at this
point to burltd beneath debris tworxy
or more feet Utp.
From here the water followed the
course of the creek aavd demolished ev
erything In Ha path. Judging from
waiter mark volume of water forty
feet high and thirty rods wUle must
have passed a narrow detl'.-e abtut two
mlk-s from the mountain proper.
Without warnlr. this great Hood of
water In its ruste down the side of tlw
mountain found many camper up ad
kr.Ma the creek eltlwr sUeplng or Juet
ready to retire for the night.
Fate of Nowby's Fmnily.
8. Newby and his family had retired
for the night, when all at once they
were surrounded with water and a race
for life commenced. Newby says that
he heard his wife scream for help; he
grabbed for her, but missed, and in
the next second he was being carried
on by a great rush of water. That was
the last he saw of his wife and baby.
Newby grabbed the limbs of a floating
tree and after floating about forty rods
was thrown on a bank. Mrs. Newby
was found this morning beneath a pile
of debris twenty feet high. The boy
has not been found.
Near the Newby camp was camped
Samuel Harlson, lately of Alliance,
Neb. Hacrlson's two children were
caught In the flood and carried away
by the mad waters. The bodies of the
children were recovered this morning.
Some idea of the force of tha torrent
can be formed from the fact that In
the first two mile of Its course five
ledges of rock are to be found. These
ledges are twenty-five feet high. In
the first one are boulders torn from the
mountain side that will weigh fifty
tons. These two feet In diameter were
torn -op and carried down the stream.
The tents and wagon of all the camp
ers up and down the creek were de
frayed and st least fifty persons es
caped with nothing but their sleeping
garment. Food and clothing Is being
sent to the unfortunates by the citizens
of Casper today.
Eight Person Perish.
Socorro, N. 'M., Aug. 1. The excite
ment attendant upon the flood Is over.
The list of dead Is eight, six of whom
are the Duran family, and the other
two, children that were rescued from
the flood awd died yeeterduy. Fifty
buildings In the city hive been warned
away and contents destroyed. About
100 buildings are more or less daimagftf,
and a large portion of the contorts
damaged and destroyed. To these
lozses 'must he added the total destruc
tion of gardens and vineyards, and
these looses fall upon the poorer class
of people.
The Magdafena branch of the Sunta
Fe railway Is washed away for about
five miles, and their loos will run Into
the thousands. The water washed niway
the main track Jut b!w the dpot
yard and covered the tracks ta the
yards about four Inches deep. The
lower part of Manzanare aivcnue la a
total wreck, bridges and sidewalks be
ing wasted away. The waiter covered
the whole valley from (the vkrlnHy of
the Windsor hotel to the depot and for
several miles above and below the city.
The Array, that did the damage,
comes Into the city at the southwest
corner from the mountains on the road
to MajrdaW-na, jut as It strikes the
city It divided Into two channels, one
going down Spring street to the river
bottom and the otJier to the west,
emptying to the north of the city and
swinging around passes to east of the
city, mtaailng Its waters with the one
coming down Spring street. The floud
came In two big waves, one ftllii.-.K the
Arrays, over bank full and the Oliver
pouring out over every street In the
form at Denver.
: Denver, Col., Aug. 1. Another ter
rible ram storm swept this region this
evening and all railroads continue to
suffer great losses. The Arkansas river
Is tonight a raging torrent, and all
travel or roads crossing It has been
stopped. In the city the storm again
flooded everything: Cloudbursts at
Morrison and Sallda threatened much
The Plttstonlan Aeesssd of Murdering"
, His Wife Is WIlkesBarre's asset.
' Wllkes-Barre, Aug. 1. George Wind
tech, of Pltteton, accused of murdering
his wife on April 4, was brought to
Wllkes-Barre tonight and lodged In the
county Jail. He waa brought from
Monogah by Detectives McSweeney
nd Bauer and Chief Loftus, of Pitts
ton. He denied hi guilt and has not
so far as can be learned made anything
like a confession. . ,
Tothe detective Wlndlsch says that he
can prove his. Innocence when brought
to trial,' hut beyond this he refused to
eay. anything about himself or his
crime. , .
Farmsr Is Killed While Blasting Stumps.
Fatal Railroad Asoldant.
Lafayette, Ind., Aug. 1. While blast
ing stumps tivts mornlngr James H. Cok
rill, a farmer living four mile south
of this eity, was blown ta. pieces by
dynamite. He was carrying twelve
.pounds of the explosive in a basket and
Ignited K white lighting- a fuse. The
body was terribly . . mutilated. ; ThU
afternoon Charles Lucaa, brother-in-law
of W. H. MoDoel, general mana
ger of the Motion Railway, waa killed
by the cars at the new Monon shops.
He, aa foreman of the engine crew,
was setting tha brake on a flat car.
The atem broke and he fell under the
wheels. The top of his head and his
right arm were cut off. The remains
will be sent to his old home, at State
Line, Ind., for burial.
The Opposition, However, Intlusts That
His Fences Are Toppling Over.
Philadelphia. Aug. 1. Senator Quay
left here tonight for his home, at Bea
ver. Mr. Quay appeared well content
with the shape his campaign Is In and
said that, as he had accomplished as
much work here In six dnya as he ex
pected to do In ton. "
The opposition, on the other hand,
say that Mr. Quay hs become fright
ened about the condition or his fences
In Beaver .county and was hurrying
home to try and get them straightened
Fine Points Raised at tho Close of the
Campaign-Lebanon Endorses the Old
.Man. ,
Harrlaburg. Pa.. Aug. 1. Tonight
Colonel B. F. ailkein, choilrman of
the Repifbllnin state committee, seit
the folVowinw letter ito C. B. Bingham,
chairman of th Chester comity com
mittee: My Dear Sir in reply to your letter of
July X). I have to say first, that I am a
candidate for chairman under the rules
of the Republican party and do not ank
that they should be changed by reason of
my candidacy: second, tha.t a decision
reached by the proposed means of submit
ting the names of the Hon. M. S. Quay
and myself to the voters of Chester
county is liable to be misleading by reason
of. the omlmlon of the names of one or the
other of the candidates from the ticket In
many of the election districts; third, that
the voters of Chester county, in my Judg
ment, understand this contest and I am
perfectly willing to trust to their Intelli
gence to select delegates who will fairly
represent them.
Chairman Gilkeson was Indisposed to
day, and remained In bed at the Com
monwealth hotel.
Lebanon, Pa., Aug. 1. At a meeting
of Vhe delegates of this county to the
Republican state convention held this
evening, the following preambles and
resolution were adopted:
Whereas, the sentiment of the Repub
lican voters of Lebanon county Is over
whelmingly In favor of ths election of Hon.
M. S. Quay as chairman of the Republican
state committee, and
Whereas, We believe that this sentiment
expresses a proper appreciation of the
many great services rendered to the Repub
lican party by Senator Quay, and a recog
nition of his fitness and ability to organ
ize victory In the next presidential cam
paign; therefore be It 1
Resolved, That we, the delegates elected
by the Republican party of Lebanon coun
ty to the coming state convention, hereby
tender and pledge Senator Quay our
hearty support In his candidacy for state
chairman. Slgs.) E. H. Harts, D. M.
Earnest, C. R. Hetrick.
Harrlsbupg. Pa,, Aug. 1. C. M. Arbo
gaat, chairman of the Snyder county
Republican committee, has writ ten to
State Chalrmiin, Gilkeson stating that
the primary election held In that coun
ty some ti'me ao for tho election of a
delegate to the state convention waa Il
legal under the rules of the party. He
says another election will be held cn
Saturday, Aug. 3, when the sate chair
manship matter would also ibe submit
ted to the people.
Colonel Gilkeson he not replied to
the letter, but holds that the first elec
tion was all right, and the delegate
then chosen -will be recognized.
Blazer Ely's Pantaloons Filled With Shav
ings and Mve Coals.
Mascoutaft, III., Aug. 1. A fiendish
outrage was committed In the name of
a practical Joke near Venedy Station,
twelve miles east of here. Blazer Ely,
a well-known character of the commun
ity, aged 62, had been on a three weeks'
drunk. His associates packed his panta
loons with shavings and live coals of
fire, Intending, It Is supposed, to tan
talize the old man with the smoke
cause thereby.
The coals set the shavings ablaze,
and In a few minutes the would-be
Jokers found their victim burning to
death. The fire was extinguished, but
the old man died a few hours later.
Noted Red Mi III.
Easton, Aug. 1. Andrew J. Baker, of
Philadelphia, past grand Incohonee of the
Improved Order of Red Men, who is vis
iting In Easton, was taken suddenly 111
with hemorrhages last evening. Mr.
Baker Is 97 years old and Is In a critical
Wsgos Advanced.
Bethlehem. Pa., Aug. I. The employes
of the Hellertown blast furnace and stone
quarries, operated by State Senator H. D.
Heller, were today given an advance of IV
per cent. In wages.
Onsher Is filseoverad.
Bellalre, O., Aug. 1. Culberson ft Co.,
oil No. 1, on the Lohrl farm, near An
tlerch, came in today and Is a guaher
flowing a thousand barrels. Experts say
It Is the largest In the country.
The Potlsvllle police arrest any of the
trolley parties detected blowing horns.
Track Walker Simon Gloce was struck
by an engine and killed at Inglenook.
Farmer Thomas Fulletn, near Doyles
town, fell In front of his reaper and had a
foot cut off, ,
Fish wardens are making war. on those
who Indulgo !n Illegal fishing In the Dela
ware river, near Easton.
Over 2,000 delegates are expected at the
national convention of the Keeley league
to be held at Harrisburg Aug. 20.
The Harrisburg and Mechanlcsburg
Electric railroad wants 150,000 from the
Cumberland Valley railroad for blocking
Its tracks. ' .
Ealella, the T-year-old daughter of Will
iam Osmun, of Allentown, fell under a coal
'delivery wagon while picking coal yester
day and was Instantly kllled her skull be
ing crushed.
The money In the general fund of the
state treasury continues to Increase In
amount At the close of business on July
n there waa tfi,20,X In the state's cash
box, of which amount $33,421 had been ad
vanced to legislative committees before
thelr-bllls were vetoed by the governor. '
They See Signs of Success for the
More Progress by the Rebels la Five
Months Now Than In Five Years in
the Former I'prlsing-Spanlsh
Show Signs of Weakness.
Now York. Aug. l.-.WMh the enthu
siasm which Is the natural Inheritance
of those Yn whose veins flow the blood
of tho Latin race, ithe Cubans In New
York were still Inclined today to cele
brate the landing of the patriots In the
ptwlnce of Santa Clara, new of whoh
they received Tuesday.
It would be difficult now to find a
Cuban In this city who does not be
lieve that the revolutkmlnts will ulti
mately win. This belief U t-aaod not
ln!y uion the success which atU"nld
the latent expedition, ai.vdi upon the
nim,ber and con'JItlon of the revolu
tionary troops, but alfo upon the fact
tihat the first Sparolsh reserve -has been
called out. The Cuib..ini reason that,
If there were available regular troops,
tho reserves wouM not now be called
for. Ths lust continued for tern
years, and the reserves were not called
for until the war was more than, half
over. During the Ave months that tho
present' revolt has conlttaned, the Cu
bans, It la eald, have made as great
progress as they did In Ithe flrs five
years of the revolution of 1SG8.
Rensls Stronger Than Ever.
At no time during the former struggle
were the Cubans as numerically strong
as they are today. The largest number
of men which they had In the field at
any one tlnfe during that conflict was
12.000. and these were poorly armed.
There are said to be 25,000 patriots In
the field today.
If the city of Havana Is considered a
province, there are six provinces In
Cuba. Of these the Spanish forces are
In possession of the three most west
erly ones Plnar del Rio, Havana and
Matanzas. The central provinces of
Santa Clara and Puerto Principe, es
pecially the latter, are In almost com
plete possession of the Cubans. Santi
ago de Cuba, the extreme eastern prov
ince. Is the scene of the most active hos
tilities. It Is in that province where
Captain General Campos has his head
quarters. In all the territory occupied
by the Spaniards there are only about
125,000 troops, as compared with the
250,000 men General Campos had under
him during the last revolt.
Then It is asserted that the pre
judices of the Inhabitants of the Island
favor the success of revolt. It Is In only
the three western provinces that there
Is anything like loyalty to the Spanish,
and even In those, U Is said, if there
were experienced leaders tft go there.
It would be only a short time before
they would be In open revolt. The peo
ple of Santa Clara, the center of the
wealth and the sugar plantations, and
of Puerto Principe are said to be heart
and soul with the revolutionists.
Utah Ranchmen Are Deserting Their
Homes in Haste.
SaR Lake, Utah, Aug. l.-iDIspatche
from Soda Springs, Gentile valley, Mar
ket Lake aivd other frontier Mormon
settlements report the constamt arrival
of ranchers and settlers who are in a
wild state of alarm over the rumors of
Indian uprising. The refugees come in
wagons awl on horseback, and moeitly
in a condition that chows they left
their homes in the greatest haste.
Thus far none of these people report
amy outrages of their own knowledge,
thelt1 statement being that they were
alarmed by the night flresi they saw
kindled on the mountain peaks aind of
the stories which reached them from
the newspapers.
The Sixteenth Infantry is expected to
reach the sicene of the reported troubles
Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 1. The people
of Dubois are keeping a sharp lookout
for the Indians who wore encamped
near Oregon Buttes last night. It was
the talk among the Shoshonea at Lean
dor yeeteretay that they were starving
and would rather die fighting the sol
diers than by starvation.
It Is understood that an agreement
exists between the Bannocks, Vtes,
Letnhls and Shnshones by which the
government will 'be Informed at the
proper time that pmoe can be secured
only by Increasing their rations.
Market Lake, Ida., Aug. 1. A corre
spondent returning from the seat of
Indian troubles In the Jackson's Hole
country says that tnoFt reports of the
actual danger of the situation have
been greatly exaggerated and the In
dications are that the Indians will go
to the reservation peacefully rather
than meet the soldiers.
And Now Martin Yenknwskl Suffers
from Trlchlnoslei
Reading. Pa., Aug. 1. Reading phy
sicians are gireatly Interested in a case
of trichinosis, which Is now being treat
ed at tho Reading hospital. The pa
tten is Martin Yenkowskl, a young
Potander, who was admitted a few days
ago. It is caused by eating raw pork.
Yenkowskl admitted that ho had
been used to easing this kind of meat
during the last two years. His condi
tion Is critical.
Sisters Separated for Forty-Two Years
by Forty Mile.
Logansport, Ind., Aug. 1. Mrs. James
Rosier and Mrs. John .Miles, sisters,
who had not seen or heard of each
other for 68 years, met at Lake Maxln
kuskee. '
They had lived Only forty miles apart
for 42 years without knowing It, and
their, reunion was brought about by a
castlal mention of the name of one to
the other. . . , r ,
Italians Give It a Wide Berth as m
' Hassled Ground.
8t. Paul, Minn., Aug. 1. The sensa
tional dispatches from Market Lake
and other- remote points In Idaho to the
effect that there are Indians hi Yellow
stone Park) are undoubtedly the work
ot ths 'string" fiend, Yellowstone
Park Is under government control, and
In charge of a cavalry officer, under
whose direction severul companies of
cavalry are constantly patrollng the
great reservation for the purpose of
preventing the destruction of game
and objects of interest to tourists who
come each year from all over the world
to visit this wonderland.
Aa a matter of fact the Indians, who
are the nfost superstitious people on the
face of the earth, always give Yellow
stone Park a wide berth, on the ground
that It la the abode of evil spirits, on
which theory they account for the pres
ence of Keyuers and other wonderful
phenomena there found.
Tamsen Made Kesnonvlhleforthe F.scape
of tlio I'ofioffico Knhher.
New York. Aug. 1. The grand Jury,
which has been investigating the es
cape of the postofllce robbers, Allen,
ItUHsell and Kllloran, from Ludlow
street Jail on July 4, today handed In
Indictments against Sheriff Thomas,
ex-Warden Itaabe, of Ludlow street
Jail, ex-Keepers Suhoen and Schneer.
Later In the afternoon Sheriff Tamsen
was arraigned before Recorder Golf.
Ho was accompanied by Edward
(JrooKP, his attorney. He was arraigned
on two Indictments, one under section
89 of the Penal Code, for felony, and
the other under section 117, for a mis
demeanor. Lawyer Groose entered a plea of not
guilty, with leave to demur.
Recorder Goff fixed bail at 91,000.
which was furnished
lie Is Manufacturing "Mountain Dow" in
the Wilds of Fayette.
Unlontown, Pa., Aug. 1. Twenty
"mountain dew "Ptllls are said to ex
ist in two townships in Fayette coun
ty. County Detective Campbell has
Just returned from Springfield and
Salt Ltck townships along the Somer
set border, making discoveries that will
probably iresult in a number of arrests.
Two stills of considerable pretentions
have been definitely located, In a rough
part of tho mountain, far away from
road or habitation, and the revenue
officials have been notified.
Old Bill Fritz, the murderer of Hoeh
stetter, Is again operating a small still
In the mountains not far from his
home. This discovery was made by a
party of surveyors.
Mrs. Augusta Mstland Murderously As
. ssulted by Peter Wahlgren.
Omaha. Aug. 1. Mrs. Augusta Mat
land, a starcher at the '(Model Steam
laundry, was shot three times shortly
after noon today by Peter Wahlgren,
a former, lover. The woman was re
moved to the Presbyterian hospital,
where she is now hovering between life
and death. The attending physicians
state that she has little chance of re
covery. Wahlgren was taken to the
police station.
He admits that he intended, to kill
the woman. The cause of the deed was
Jealousy. The woman had been living
with Wahlgren In Omaha and Minne
apolis for seven years, but last June she
left htm and came to this city with
Cyrus Matland.
Shrinkage of the Manufacturer's Dollar
Cause of the Trouble.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 1. The Stand
ard Wagon company and the Davis
company assigned this afternoon to Ed
ward Ritchie with preference. The
Standard Is reported as having $300,000
assets, and $400,000 liabilities, and the
Davis company tlnO.000, but no state
ment ot liabilities Is given.
President Burrows, of the unfortu
nate concern, attributes the failure to
the alleged fact that the banker's dol
lar has doubled In value, while the
value of the manufacturer's dollar has
decreased, and ns a consequence de
preciation In really good assets makes
It Impossible for him to meet liabilities.
John lletlmsrt Arrested for Boating the
Postofflce Officials.
Lebanon, Pa., Aug. 1. John Ileilmnn,
of Annvllle, was airrested here this
afternoon by Chief of Tollee Riley
Rlnler, at tho request of Deputy Post
master Jacob Weiss, who alleges that
Hellman, by means of false representa
tion, had a money order, amounting to
S14.25, cashed at the postotlloe.
Hellman, it is alleged, asked for a let
ter addressed to John Hoffman, which
was handed him. The letter contained
a money order which was cashed aftrir
correctly answering a number of ques
tions. When arrested Hellman re
turned 111 of the amount. He was
locked up.
It Is thought that the refusal of Mexico
to order the extradition of an Iowa em
bezzler will result In a new treaty.
Louisiana sugar men say they'll defeat
the Democratic party in that stnte If the
bounty appropriation by congress Is not
paid them.
Four of the largest powder Arms In this
country are working hard to produce a
smokeless pownr acceptable to the army
ordnanre bureau.
8enntor Stewart, of Nevada, sustained
a dislocation of the knee cap Tuesday
night at Washington while alighting
from a street car. . '
Accompanied by Mrs. Carlisle, the secre
tary of the treasury will leave Washington
tomorrow and go direct to Chicago, where
they will be Joined by Mrs. W. K. Cur
lisle and children, and the party will
board the lighthouse tender Amaranth,
and make the tour of the lnk w to Buffalo.
New York capitalists have bought the
Bridgewater flour mills, at Fredericks
burg, Va.
The New York city park commissioners
set aside 250 acres of Bronx park for a
botanic garden.
.Burglars who blew tip a house at Thomp
son, Ga., set the depot afire, but It was
saved with little loss.
A. fall of eight stories from a building
fatally Injured BJoern Edwards, of Chi
cago, publisher of the American Contractor.-
Miss Dora 3. Cole, of Philadelphia, was
among thostf-who spoke at the final ses
sion of the colored women's conference In
Boston yesterday. , .
On the charge of stealing $4,000 worth
of Jewelry from Mrs. Selvis, of Brooklyn,
Harry Mortimer, a female Impersonator,
was arrested at Chicago.
Beginning of the Downfall of Mary
land Democracy.
In Plsin English Senator Hayes Predicts
the Defeat of Senator Gorman and
Uls Followers and the lcmo
cratlo Party of the State.
Baltimore, Aug. 1. The sensational
Interview between United States Sena
tor Gorman and State Senator Hayes,
which took place Just before the state
Democratic convention met, and which
was briefly outlined In these despatches
yesterday, has excited wide Interest and
has all the city politicians agog.
The News, a Democratic afternoon
paper, today prints what Is claimed to
be an accurate report of the stormy
Hcpslon. According to the report, Mr.
Gorman sent forOdr. Hayes, and asked
him, in view of the grave crisis which
confronted the Democratic party In
Maryland, to withdraw from the gub
ernalional contest. As a reason for his
request Mr. Gorman stated that "Free"
Rasln, the Baltimore leader, was un
alterably opposed to him (Hayes), and
without Rasln's votes nothing could
be accomplished In the way of defeating
the nominee of the Cleveland Demo
crats, Judge Fisher.
Senator Hayes Is quoted em replying
to tS.'irator Gorman, in fheso words:
"Do you think you can fool the pe!e
Into bellwlrsj this, Arthur Common?
Do you think that they wtll believe for
a momcmt that you could not do as you
wlched wMh this convention, and have
had me or any oth-r tmm nominated,
as well as John H. Hurst, who haa al
ways been against the k?eue on which
we have fought and won this cam
paign? Do you imagine for u moment
that atvy one will believe that you have
been doing anything but deceiving
them all the tkme? Why. you know
that at lta"t 4gWt of the city delegates
will leave Rasln tind vote as you order.
You U-.ow this 4 all true, and yet you
bow to RaS'ln awl allow him to sell the
nomination and. defy the popular will.
You repudiate the Issue on whhh you
have won an'J expect to delude the pen
pie agi'ln, as you have deluded them
btifore. Yeu will nOl 4e warned. You
have made mistakes before, ai'.J have
recovered from their effects. From rhls
you can siever recover. You will drag
down the party and 'bring tt to defeat
by your trachery. The party can re
cover from ll defeat, but you inever
Gonnau Becomes Livid.
Here Senator Gorman, who toad be
come livid with rage and pale in turns,
attempted to Interrupt Jdr. Hayes, but
the lai;tr dn tinned :
"No, I will hear nothing from you. I
would believe nothing you could say,
even If you swore to it. Arthur Gor
man. I have stood up for you and de
fended you for years, when you were
attacked. I am one of the few men
who have always believed you to be
true. When some of my friends even
hinted at possible treachery on your
part I have spurned the very thought
and would not believe It. Now I know
that no deceit, treachery or baseness
is too great for you. Tou have crowned
at last a long career of double dealing,
treachery and falsehood by this act of
infamy. By your course today you will
bury yourself beyond resurrection. I
am only sorry that you will bury the
party with you. But the party can live,
while you, overcome by your treachery
and falsehood, will meet with the fate
you deserve. I am no tool, no puppet
to be fooled and trifled with, and I
want nothing more to do with such a
man as you.
"You have posed as hi favor of re
assessment and have used me for your
base purposes. If you had given me a
few more hours to expose your nefar
ious schemes I should have let the peo
ple of Maryland know of your decep
tion. I despise your methods, and do
not fear you or your henchmen. I nm
determined that If I can prevent It that
your grip on the Democratic party shall
end with your nomination of Hurst."
Mr. Hayes Is said to have shaken his
fist at Senator Gorman, ns he stalked
rrom the room saying: "We this day
part forever, and my life's work shall
be to help dethrone you from the dic
tatorship now held by you over the
. .
Peculiar Result of an Accident to a Grsad
Rapid Ulrl.
Grand Rapids, iMich., Aug. 1. Ger
trude Smith, the 2-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith, got a cher
ry pit up her nose some tilme ago. She
did not My anything about It until yes
terday, when the child was taken to
Dr. Prentice.
Th pit was removed, and It was
found that during the two weeks or
more it had remained there It had
started to g.row. The shell had cracked
and a tiny shoot had made for day Ugh t
at the end of the nose.
Food Must Ito Pure.
Harrisburg, Aug. 1. Secretary of Agri
culture Edge toilay issued a circular let
ter to manufacturers and dealers In ar
ticles of food calling their attention to the
provision of the oleomargarine law of
March 13, IK, and the act relating to the
adulteration of food products, which will
be enforced.
F.vldence of the Millennium.
Pittsburg, Aug. 1. The employes of the
electric line of the Citlsens' Traction com
pany ore to have their former wages re
stored. These men received a cut during the
business depression. The advance goes
Into effect at once.
It Is now denied that Emperor Francis
Joseph, of Austria, will visit England this
Mr. Gladstone will soon make an address
at Chester, dealing with the Armenian
A daughter was born Tuesday at Berlin
to Countess Von Rottenburg, daughter
of the late William Walter Phelps.
British Conservatives have practloally
decided not to oppoi the re-election of
Mr. Gully to the speakership of the house
of commons.
For eastern Pennsylvania, generally fair,
probably slightly warmer.
TT0 T 0
icr Sale
At prices reduced to'
close out balance of
One lot Empire Gowns
98 cents, former price
$1.25. Four lots Cor
set Covers 25c, 39c,
50c, 75c, former
prices 33c to $1.25.
Skirts, Drawers,
Chemise, etc.
69c, 98c, reduced
from 85c. and $2.19;
Boys Kilt Suits.
$3.50, $5.00, $6.00,
$7.50, reduced from
$4.50, $6.50, $8.00
and $9.00. Ladle
White Lawn Waists
at exactly half price.
Agent for Charles A.
Schieren & Co.'s
The Very Best.
313 Spruce St., Scranton.
One of the Largest and bnsleet Shoe Hooms
(n the United States. LEWIS, REILLT
DaVIKS, Ut and lis Wyoming Arenas.
Call and get one for
your Bicycle. " Only 75c.
with your name engraved
on it.
W.J, Weichel
403 5pruC9 5t
1 iff SW