.THE SCBANTON, TBIBUNE "WEDNESDAY MOBKXNG., JULY 31, 1895. HORTOH'S BOLLETIR. Bicycles. Tricycles. Velocipedes" Boys' Backboards. Boys' Express Wagons. Boys' Wheelbarrows. Babies' Double-horse Rockers Dolls' Perambulators. Children's Coaches. Krough Keigh and other Games. Very Interesting Prices, at x NORTON'S, 22 Lackawanna Avenue. ' A Foo to Dyspepsia OOOD BREAD USB THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALS TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go. PERSONAL. riH i jrr la nr -a ii n ar n an nivr n city. A. Morgan, of Carbondale, was In n yesieruay. . .w, fuuui I iiruui ill Lull vuy. . T. F. Walsh and children, of Green , are visiting in Carbondale. Attorney C. C. Donovan has returned from a visit with friend at Great Bend. John GHgallon ltft yesterday to visit friends at Whitney'. Point and Oswego. Ml.. May Purner. of New Tork. is the guest of Miss Bertha Smith, of Cedar ave nue. Miss LllUe Solomon, of Baltimore, Is the guest of Mrs. S. Millhauser. of Franklin avenue . Rev. Thomas Boll, of Plymouth church, and his family will leave today for Lake Idlewlld. . Mies Libel Doersem, of Penn avenue, Is tsitlag Mis. Bertha MoCurdy, of Wal thaea, Mass. Fred Metcalf, of Uie Bcranton House, WH1 aaU on Saturday for England to visit fcis parents. Miss Anna- Madtgan, of Fifth avenue. Is eatertalnina Mia. Margaret Burns, of Mew Tork city. Attorney H. W. Mulholland returned yesterday from a ten days' fishing trip In Mew Tork state. Miss Pearl Courtrlght, of Philadelphia, Is visiting- her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Luce, 81S Mulberry street. Dr. G. E. Dean made a visit last even- tnir to the bedsld of his uncle. Amasa Sean, of Dalton, who Is critically 111. Fred Bennett, now of Bayonne, N. J., but formerly of this city, graduate of the class of "81 of the ficranton high school, was In town yesterday. Patrolmen James Feeney and Thomas Thomas went on their annual vacation John J. Johler returned to duty after pending their ten days' vacation. A letter received yesterday from A. K. Wlnton Mates that he and hi. wife are itjoylng , themselves at Hotel Lenton. Mount demons, Mich., where thy are uKins me iimoui cams, i neir aaugn tar. are at the Thousand Islands. ... vrur irivrt av arr , ' It Was Enjoyed at the Y. TV. C. A. Rooa t . Last Night. A large nurrfoer at youncx todies e teodod the "match social" held at t. Young Women's ChrisVilan aasoctsnoa room last waning. It was a unla.ua affair. In charge of a committee from b Penn Avenue Baptist church, with Ml. Esther Rowlands aa chairman. The musical and literary rogrfcmnie was rendered by Mrs. Oaten, Mr. Kel ler and Mrs. Svenesonv after which card, connaindng quotations from popu lar author., and Which Md been previ ously divided . and decorated, with matches and ribbons, were distributed anion the rlrta. Earh rlrl wis then al lowed' to burnt up the other naif of her Oard. The nims oaaaaloned much flnervftfn.nt, A barge number of A. range young wo ven take advantage of these weekly so cials and get the benefit of companion atitp with the young ladles who are en auged i the wortc. The socials will continue during the summer and young MOM. are Invited no "be present. iiii.iu'ibviii a tic. rr.UJri.fc. wlPl. "rt tereet will be published wb.n accompa tod. for wubllcation. by the writer's a. I,, l Tk. Tri hrnu Mill ... w , j - - - - .,w ww livlfl WW epoaolelo far opinion, h.ro expressed.) . , ' - ' KEOAKDINQ a patkkt.' ' Editor of The Tribune. ' Irs Only last week I noticed that a Teal US had advertised Jn thi papers of the eHy tat b. had a patent on a faucet Which would In a short time bring him a fortune. I wish to Inform the public that ana af the mea employed by Mr. Griffiths woraea tor the uventor of the faucet, which - ooataln. a removable seat and and - reside linings. When the firm of Foot. A Shear company were on Lacka wanna avenue, a lawyer then In the city had charge of same, and since his depart re the papers have been In the municipal balkUag.of this cKy. In care of the city eUeitor. The date, on the paper, and the BBOdel will .haw that t am the In ventor of the faueaf and ran nrova ma to acy awe la the world. t Very truly, - James it. Mitchell, IM Lafayette street, af Feote A Shear Company 1 t Oeaartm.at. . . Snorate tee tasnT.- cost mm - ".''' Court Decide. Tlwt Thomas Remedy Had No Cuse for Actio. - SUED THE D., L & Vs. COMPANY Jodg. Slmoaton,of llarrlsbarg, Presided at Trial Case and Nonsuited It -Verdict la liughoa-Dolaware and Hudson Suit Is Iphcld. Judge Slmonton'b opinion In the case of Thomas Kennedy against the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western Rail road company for damage, wa. received yesterday by Prothonotary Pryor. The cae wa. called for trial on April i last before Judge Slmonton, of Harris burg, sitting In the court of this county and was nonsuited. Cornelius Smith was attorney for the plaintiff and Judge Wlllard. ex-Judce Jessuu-and M. I. Cor bett were the legal representatives of the company. Kennedy lives on the West Side, and was empKyed for upwards or nine years preceding May 23, ISM. by th company at one of Its breakers on the West Side. His orcupatlon. was chiefly In hauling ashes from the boiler room and taking coal In with a mula and car. On the date aforementioned he was tak ing coal Into the boiler room and after the car was dumped, he shoved It to the d.Kr to hitch the mule to It. The nnlmal was around tho corner and when he went U K"t it, the long-eared creature broke away. Veil Into Hot Water. Kennedy thought that a piece of sheet Iron wa. what caued the mule to get fractions, of which It evidently got scared, and he picked It up to carry It where it would be out of sight. While carrying the sheet Iron behind the boiler he stumbled Into a receptable that contained the exhaust steam from the pumping engine. It contained about three reel of hot water and his leg wa9 so burned that he was four months In bed, and not able to work for almost two years. When the plaintiffs case rested court granted a compulsor nonsuit on the ground that Kennedy went Into a place where he was not called to go either In the course of his employment or otherwise, and that the company was not therefore responsible for his acci dent. The oprnlon was on the argument to strike off the nonsuit and Juilse Slm onton refuses to strike It off. He says the facts In the case have not changed since he granted the nonsuit. Hughes Verdict Snst.ined. Since L-ack&wu'mva. a cowry was formed no larger verdict 'has been ren dered In the courts here.. where the ac tion of damages waa on account of the death of a. person, than in the .case of Mrs. Margaret Hughes against lha Delaware and Hud'Son Canal Railroad company for the death of her husband. At the Cartoon street crossing on the evtnin of Sept. 3. 1S90, William J Hughes, of Luzerne street, ihusband of I ha lilntlff, wa. driving over the tracks in a buggy, a. train dashed Into the out fit and Hugiwe was Injured so badly Shot :he died thirteen days later at the Laakawunna hospSaL He left a wife and nine chUdVen, another having been born after his deith. The euS; was called for trial on Aprl 10 of this year. Judge SUmomton, of Har ri9burg. presiding. Judge WUIoird. Ma jor Everett Warren ,r.J ex-Judje Knafp appeared for the plaintiff, and the company was reipreseni.ed y ex Judge W. H. Jessup, W. H. Jessup, Jr., and Horaoe E. Hand, attorney The Jury returned! vervilct of t9.499.50, witth the qualification that the court should decide She validity if t'he verdict on the question as to whether or not the husband of the plaintiff had been guilty of contributory negligence. Jndge Simdionton's Decision, An argument for a cerar l.rlal was mode and the &cUfon of the court wus announced On an opinion received yes terday by Prothonotary Pryor. Judge Slmonton refuses to giant a raw trial a,nd ruled tlholt Hughes was not guilty of contributory Mgllgence. The cross ing was guarded try gates, 'but they were not lowered on the approach of the train which killed Hughes, who drove across on the supposition I: hat no train was coming because the gates were not lowered. Th opinion ordered Judgment for the verdict to be entered against the com pany. - ' RAILROAD NEWS. . It ia said that upon the completion of the new Sevewth Sl..reet station in Car bondale the Union depot will be done away with and all trains rum to the one point. The rumor that the Reading company ha- cut city prices) on coal about IS cents per ton ixu teen denied by offi cials ,of the company.' It is asserted, however, that the Pennsylvania and Le high companies are the guilty parties. Rwdrlng officttAs admitted that they had hoard of such cuts being made, but as yet had taken no aotkm ta the mat ter, and they could not aay whether they would meet the cuts. It Is prcb able, however, they will toe compelled to do so, or see their local trade puss Into the hands of JU rivals. Abserit-mlmled people have recentry led the larger trunk lines to Introduce a new kind of employe Into the rail way service, who Is known- as a train seiirchcr. As soon as the train arrives and the cars are empty his duty con mM In entering the train at the rear end and searching every seat for pack ages, umtorellaa or any sort of articles left by the deputrtrng passengers toy ac cident or forget'tulness. -The articles are then taken toi:h office of the sta tion master and there held until called for. If not claimed within reasonable tlrme they are sold. iReia-tlve Ho the rumor that the Penn sylvania is making war on the Order of Railway Conduotors, a Philadelphia ex change has the following: The com pany do not discharge the members of the order outright, it I said, but they are given ko understand that it would please the compumy if they would re tire from the order, and man who are not members of the order are advanced over those holding memVbersWp. The company cfalm that the reaison they are doing tints Is I tout there are a targe num ber of ex-conductors and others not In the railway service who are members of the order, and who are oontlrvu-ally stir ring up strife or trying to foment trou ble between the company and the men. The Ontario and Western conductors' annual clam bakewlll take place Thurs day, Aug. 15, at UvlngsKone Manor. On arnd after tomorrow the Delaware and .Hudson company will compel wheelmen to pay 26 cents expresaage on oleyctes. Heretofore tricycles were carried wOthout charge upon the own er's r'gnlng a putper releavstng the com pany for liability of damages. Apropos of action of the company the fol lowing ei iterootvt of Chief Counsel Por ter: "What conststutea' baggage may be a question for a Jury before we get through. I hurve bee-n looking up the tosUter very carefully of late, and the lame between the railroad andi 'cyclist has got to come. I am preparing a brief, and as far as I can see the rail roads can be compelled to carry wheels as baggage, and to check them the same as they do trunks and valleea. Albert Mott. of Maryland, wiho Is chairman of the transportation committee of the League of American 'Wheelmen, has done good work tn this direct ton. I look to se the question taken up In this state and dvcldJd, and I think It will be 'before long. In exime oasea 'cyclists are cnmpelled to pay for carrying dlhelr wheels and sign releases at the same time. The law on the sjnaitter In this state Is that so much is charged per passage and ISO pounds of baKKage. If anybody la charged In excess t hw com pany U llible to a forfeit of $50 aind I wJH wager that the companies have for feited in t'hle way. U not paid, fully $150,000 fn the last wo man) ha. When my brief Is prepared I will erfbmlt it to the presidents of the League of Amerl aon Wiheelmen and 'the (board of trade. A bicycle Is personal property, end lihe same rules which govern a aatchel or trunk should apply to the wheel." SHOCKING STATEMENT. Counellmcn Henr All About Omen, Volts Amphcres, Watts nnd the Like. Owing to the fact that the city. In the opinion of the watch dogs of the treasury has been paying too much for the lighting of the city hall, engine houses and the like, the lUht and watch committee of select council has entered upon an Invest Igatlon of the different methods pursuinMiy electric light com panies In charging for the illuminating fluid, and upon this point will chletly rest the decision of the committee on the proposals now before councils. Many of the councllmen, and especial ly the light and water councllmen, shara the opinion of some electrical experts that It Is impossible to correctly mea sure the amount of electricity that Is used In lighting purposes. They favor paying for the service at so much per lamp and It is likely that the company securing the bid will be compelled to make their figures accordingly. At a meeting of the committee last nlsht representatives of the Illuminat ing. Heat and Power comnnnv nnd tho Suburban Electric Light company were present and illustrated to the committee the metrical system used by each. As the committee evinced a desire to become more thoroughly acquainted With the subject it una dooldeil tn a.: cept the invitations extended by the eiectnc ngnt men to visit their plants and lm'pecF the apparatus. Conse quently no action was taken on the bids last night, and no report will be made until the meeting two weeks hence. GATHERED HERE AND THERE. The Delaware and Hudson are sending circulars to all their agents requesting In formation as to who In their respective towns take boarders, that they may next year give a more complete list of hotels and summer boarding houses than Is now given In their b?autifully Illustrated book entitled Mountain, Lake and Meadow, which is a hotel and boardlrg-house reg ister. Many who take boarders during the summer are not represented in the work owing to the failure to respond to circu lars sent out by Mr. Burdlck, general pas senger agent, early In the spring. He Is anxious to give a more complete list next season acid every one desiring boarders should make application to the nearest station agent on the Delaware and Hud son for thfse blanks, properly fill them out and return them to station agent or mail them to J. W. Burdlck, general passenger agent, Albany, N. Y. You will get a rep resentation tree, or If you desire an en graving of your house shown in the work you can get it at an expense of 13, to or $10, as Is fully explained in circular which will be furnished by station agents. A copy of .Mountain, L,ak and Meadow will be mailed to any address on receipt of a 2 cent stamp. Address J. W. Burdlck, gen eral passenger agent, Albany, N. Y. "George Adams, formerly connected with the Scranton, Pa., office of a. G. Dun & Co., was at the Globe hotel yes terday," says the Syracuse Post. "Mr. Ad ams recently fell heir to some real estate in the vicinity of Buffalo, on which soil suitable for making brick was discovered, and he has Just disposed of some of It at terms exceedingly advantageous to him self. Speaking of Scranton yesterday, Mr. Adams said: 'Business In Scranton Is booming just at present. There Is an ac tive demand for real estate and nrlces have advanced from 15 to 25 per cent. This Is an encouraging sign, as real estate is generally the last thing to feel the effects of returning prosperity. There Is a good deal of building going on In Scranton and Its suburbs. A large ten-story office build ing is being erected In the heart of the city, ground has been broken for a mag nificent bank building and the chamber of commerce Is to have a new structure. Any quantity of smaller structures, in cluding a number of handsome residences are In process of construction or planned. The Iron mills are all running, some of them night and day, and everybody is busy and everybody happy.' " John L. Kerr, representing Wagner A Rels, the lessees of the Frothlngham the ater. Is In the city and will remain here a few days to make arrangements for the formal opening during the first or noxt month, although Cleveland's m'nstrels have been secured for the night of Friday, Aug. 18. When interviewed by a Tribune reporter last night Mr. Kerr was unpre pared to make an early announcement cf the season's bookings nor could he state who the manager and attaches of the theater will be. He remarked that If suit able persons could be procured In Scran ton he would prefer to engage the whole theater corps from this city. In discussing the clnss-of attractions to be presented Mr. Kerr sadd that none of the cheaper kind win be engaged, nor will the theater depend upon companies playing on the cir cuit of which the Frothlngham is a part. standard companies and standard plays and operas only will be secured, while at Intervals the best New York attractions wfll appear In special engagements. Tho policy of the management will be to cater only to the best theater-going element. Alderman Millar relates a good story of the 'First brigade camp at Banatoga, Rev. Henry A. F. Hoyt, the venerable chaplain of the State Fenclbles of Phila delphia, on Sunday afternoon took as the text of his sermon "The Way of th. Transgressor Is Hard." That evening the chaplain went to visit friends In Potts- town and staying later than he Intended reached th. lines after taps had been sounded, and not being provided with the countersign was placed under arrest and conveyed to the guard house, notwith standing his most vigorous protestations. While the corporal of the guard was look ing up ths colonel to lay the case before him the dominie, In none too amiable a mood, was languishing In the guard house, and during all this time a mischievous sentry kept repeating the minister's text of that day, "The Way of th. Trans gressor Is Hard," There Is on exhibition In Hill A Connell's window a very Interesting relic of revolu tionary days, which Is attracting much attention. It Is a desk used by Charles Thompson, first secretary of ths con- nental congress. It Is In an almost perfect stats preservation. Mrs. R, J. Foster, of mis cny, is me owner. Ptllsbury's Flour Mills have a aaaaeitv f 1T.M barrels a day. ( NEWS OF TEE SUBURBS Two Conductors oa the South Side Line Dismissed by Sapcrlateadcat. MK. HOGGS WOULD NOT SUBMIT Would Quit Before H. Would B. Dlselp- llnsd-Latest llapsalags of the Day In lbs North End, and Dunmoro la Gondeassd Form. SOUTH SIDE.' As the result of the tie-up that oe curred Monday afternoon on the strett oar line on this Me. Superintendent Robert F. Fox called the two crews who caused the trouble up before him yesterday morning for a hearing. He listened to what they had to eay in regard to the malr, and concluded that one was equally a much to blame as the other, he discharged, the two conductors. William Aloggs, motor man oT one of i.ihe cars, worked for sev eral years on the line and Mr. Fox blamed him for not advising some way out of the difficulty, while the two con ductors were lighting It out. In order tolleachiMr. Muggs not to re mulliv Inactive If such a case in future mfght arise, he gave ill in a vacation of ten days. To this Mr. iMoggs demurred and Informed the superintendent he would quit rather Mianiiakethe sentence Imposed. Mr. Fox said ihe could do as he plcared a'bout that, and so the pay master was called In and Mr. Moggs paid off. He will leave today for Brook lyn, where I, here Is a position for him on the Atlantic avenue trolley line. Shorter Paragraphs. William Monsey, engineer for Wlll Inm Coiifiell & Co., lias laid out the lines for the addition to the Lackawan na Knitting mills. .Michael MoGulnnesa, of Remlr.&llori avenue, who mis hurt a few weeks ago at the South Steel mill, was admitted yesterday to the Moses Taylor hospital. iMrs. 'Margaret McHafle, wife of John McHule, of Pros ped.. avenue, died Mon day evening. Her husiband, two eons, and two daughters survive her. Thomas iM. Jones, of PI tts t dm avenue, has not got any 'better from his recent a.l ack of illness. iHlsr condition, how ever, is not such as to caure his family apprehension, although he Is very sick. Aliases iSarah Ffannery and Mamie Golden, of Pittston, visited on this side y-i-steiday. NORTH END. Mrs. Q. H. Kennedy, of Sayre, who was visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs, V. Reynolds, of Court street, has returned home. Mrs. Christian Deubler, of Card well, Wyoming county, who was visiting friends here, has returned home. Mrs. Mary Newton, of Albright ave nue, is visiting relatives near Shen andoah. The Albright Avenue Mission picnic is postponed to Aug. 8. Burton Knapp, of Marlon street, re moved yesterday to Nicholson. ' Mrs. Lake, of Capouse works, is con valescent. John E. Smith has opened a market and ice cream saloon In Ross's old store. Mrs. Eugene visited relatives In Car bondale yesterday. Mrs. Emma Anderson Is in Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. Van Camp, of Holllster street, are entertaining relatives from the west. Mrs. John Kinney is erecting a large dwelling on the corner of Summit ave nue and Theodore street. Mrs. Watklns, of Balnbrldge, N. Y.. Is visiting at the Fish residence on North Main avenue. The Crystal Literary club are making very extensive preparations for their excursion to Mountain Park on Aug. 1. The train leaves the Ontario and West ern station at T.30 a. m. Tickets, adults, 73 cents; children, 60 cents. Mr. Kelly, of the Brlsbin -mines, Is erecting a new house on Theodore street. Evan Morgan, of Forest City, Is vis iting friends in the North End. The prayer meeting of the Providence Presbyterian churcfli will be held up stairs tonight, as the carpenters are re pairing tho room where It is generally held. C. W. Benjamin Is building a new fence around his residence on North Main avenue. H. McTamany, of the New York Tribune, who has been visiting Mrs. Samuel MoEachen, of Oak street, re turned to his home, In New York city, Monday. Mrs. T. F. Walsh and children, of Green Ridge, are visiting at Carbon dale, J. U. Hopewell, of the Providence Register, who ihas filled the office of district president of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, will be a candidate before the state convention of that or der In Allentown next month for the office of state master of forms. Miss Kate Flaherty and .Miss Mary Carbln have returned from Lake Ariel, where they have been spending their vacation. Miss Carrie iMiller, of Churrti avenue, returned last evening from Anbury Park, where she has spent her vaca tion. Mrs. Relfsnyder and children are vis iting with Mrs. E. 8. Jackson, or Hollls ter avenue. Mr. Herd, of Cedar Falls, la., la vis- REXFORD'S. SOLID STERLING SILVER JEWELRY, On-able, IneXMnsiv. and pretty, W. bur direct from factory and, nf course, can sail yon reasonable. Many reduoed, too. FOR INSTANCES . Starling Belt Pins worth lie . go at 19. Sterling Belt Baoiiss worth 11.00, go at. .. ,69o Sterling Heart Pins worth We., go at 29o Sterling Bat Pia.wortB 50c., so at 2So Most everything la Silver hara. REXFORD'S, ' - - 213 LICKIW1MI ME Wall Paper Styles and colorings are very fine this season. Let us fix you up a sample room' with nice Gilt Paper, $5. Itlng with his sister. Mrs, H. R. Hurl but, of Putnam street. DUNMORE O. W. B. Allen will have, charge of the prayer meeting In the Presbyterian church tonight at 7.45. Photographer K. L. Washer's face was all smiles yesterday on account of a baby boy, which his wife pre sented him with on Monday night. Those who' attended the entertain ment given at the Dudley Street Bap tist churcti last night were well re paid. An excellent programme of vocal and musical selections, recitations, etc., was rendered, which were heartily en Joyed by all present. Mrs. A. E. Hoyle, of North Rlakely street, spent Monday at Lake Ariel. Oscar Yost, the Drinker street Jew eler, pent yesterday at Thangevllle. Miss Mime McClraw, of Archbald, accompanied by her cousins, tho Misses McDonnell, of Centrallo, are visiting at the Hun more hotel. Miss Mary E. McDonough, of Chest nut street, in enjoying the salt breezes of Atlantic City for a few weeks. The Americans of this place will play I'he Crackajacks of Green Ridge at Sanderson's park this afternoon at 2.30. The cmblnet of the City Union of Kpwnrth leagues, which visits the dif ferent societies, called on the league In this place last night nnd found It In a very prosperous condition. MONEY FOR THE BANDSTAND. Altogether Forty-Two Dtillurs Have Been Seunrod for lis Erection. Secretary D. B. Atherton, of the board of trade, the leading mover In the matter of erecting a bandstnnd for open air concerts by the musicians of the city, expects to have the Btaml built and a concert arranged within ten days. The ground on which it will be put up Is diagonally across the street from Hotel Terrace, the lot toeing owned by the Dickson Manufacturing company. John Benore & Son have quoted prices on the cont of the lumber and work, and It will be done for 125 all told. The plans have been prepared by Architect Kdwln H. Davis; the dimen sions of th. t tunU are 30 by 30, a can opy roof. A space 8 by 30 feet In front will be open and reserved for the chairs of the bands; the remainder of .the ppace, 22 by 30, will be occupied by benches, with a seating capacity for 150 singers. The following contributions have been so far received by Mr. Atherton: William Connetl, $10; Alfred Hand, ; W. H. Whyte, !0; Theodore R. Straub, 3; C. W. Gunster, tl; Lewis, Rellly & Davles, $1; E. M. Jones, $1; Fred Sohoin, J2; Morris Bros., $1; Kramer Bros., $1; Charles Grossnlger, $1; John A. Sohadt, 2; H. E. Delaney, $1; CharU'S Falkowsky, $1; Herman Langfeld, 11; N. B. Levy, 1; total, $12. There Are Some Things That are everywhere recog nized uh the very best of their kind. They are the stand urd others may be good, but the genuine always com . mand respect, evoke admira tion. Yon have heard of the Libbey Cut Glass Haviland French China Rookwood Ware Crown Pairpolnt Decorated Ware We carry the best lines of all these in Northeastern Penn nylvania the only lines of some of them. This is more than a store it's an Art Exhibition, to which you are heartily welcome, whether you come to buy or look around. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 04 WYOIIMG 1VERUL Walk in and look around. DU POINT'S IIHIM, BLASTING MO SPORTING POWDER HaaofaMnrad at ths W.pwallopta MUla La seme county. Pa., sod at Wtl- mingtoBi Delaware, HENRYBELIN.Jp. General Agent for tb. Wyoming District. t18 WYOMING AVE Senrnton, P Third Mattsasl Bank Bnildlag. Aasactas! rnos. roBrT rittaton. Pa. JOHN B. SMITH BON, Prmonth. P L W. MTJLUOAN. Wukea barre, P. A rant for the Kanaans Charaloal Oaaai tatty's Blfh taplsatvea AYLESWORTH'5 MEAT MARKET The rinest la the City. The latest Improved furnish' !db and apparatus for keepiatg it, batter and eggs. 123 Wyoming Avts. RC3F TK3IBG MD SOLDERmC An dona away with by th. naa af HART MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which constats f lagradlents well-known to all. It can ba applied to tin, galvanised tin, .heat Iron roofs, also to brick dwellngs. which will Kwvent absolutely any crumbling, crack. g or breaking of th. brick. It will out last tinning or any aina ay many years, and It's cost doaa not axaaad ona-flflh thai f tha cost of tinning. Is sold by tas Jok or pound. Contract, taken by AhTONIO HARTMAKji. U7 Bank at, , Nursing Mothers who are run down, and whose appetites have failed, and milk diminished in both quantity and quality, will find Bovinine of the greatest service. It restores the mother's strength, produces new, rich milk. For years the best physicians of the country have prescribed Bovinine in all such cases. It never fails them. DAYS (li SATURDAY AND MONDAY. LADIES , Look in our window and see what ' You Can Bay for $1.00, $1.49, $1.98 Oxford Ties in all styles, sizes and widths. Take a look at thein. U IIUUIIUUii! 410 Spruce Street. VICTOR LEADS ALL We are receiving a few daily, and are prepared to furnish Vic tors, Gcndrons. Envoys, Fleet wings. Relay Special, Relay Road ters, Crowns, Lu.MiNums; all new in both Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wheels. WE HIVE STILL SOME BARGAINS III SECOND-IIAJiD WHEELS Call and Examine. J.D. i 3I4lickl scRMTon, PL- Spring House U. E. CROFUT,rop'r, Heart Lake, Pa. AltltndenraAy 2,00 feat. Fine groves and boaiitifnl snenary. Hons now and well fur niahed; but three minutes' walk from D., U A W, atatlon, and 1C0 feet from th lake, GOOD BOATS, FISHING TACKLE, Dancing Pavilion, Swing, Croqnat Hrounda, etc., FREE to Gnaaia. COLD SPRING WATER AND PLENTY OF MILK. RATES REASONABLE. Writ, for circular. iTT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Osal af tha bast quality for doiaasUs ftse, and of all slsss, ditllvrrad, la aai art ot the oily at lowest prtca. Orders foft at my Offlca NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, first floor. Third National Bank, or soot y mall or t.lrpbone to taa tilaa, will receive prompt attention. peetal contracts will be made for taa sis and delivery of Buckwheat Ceaj. WM. T. SMITH. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton. ROOMS 4 AND 8, Qaa and Water Co. Bulldlno, CORNER WT0MIN6 ATE. AMD CENTER ST. orriCB HOURS from T.W a ra. tot p. .; (I hoar Intermission far dinner aad sapper.) Pttrtlcnlar Attention GiTcnto Collections Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. V0URIUSIRESS IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Telephone No. 134. UA deiler eases' is a dalle eeraael jt TMeLaSlM'Selld I fses eeywawe to the UA,ea eeelptelOaah, Moo Order, ae I'm! KoM far IIM Xawale erary way tee kooM sold la all Med stares far tl.M. We SMke lade beet aaieeiaaa. UaSiu we eaer aM tkejk, eM. aad war, and If eaeee b set eaaMted we wui r areas iae saeeay WMtbSO, O.K. a B k slaas 1 to I aad aai KfiTHIFP nes! aai aoBfSf a i- ..N ii rn x I'll vf 1 1 1 MEN'S. ALL-WOOL SUITS $6.00 WHITE DUCK VESTS MARTIN & DELAMY DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Specialist, and his asso ciated staff of English and Qrinan physicians, are now permanently located at Old Poetofflce Building, Corner Pans Avenue and Spruce Street. The doctor is a graduae of the Unlver Slty of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator of physiology and surgery at the Medico-Chlrurglcal college of Philadel phia. His specialties aru Chronic, Ner vous. Skin, Heart, Womb and blood die eases. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS STSTEI The symptoms of which are dissiness.lack of confidence, sexual weeneiw In men end women, ball rising In throat, suots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind, which unfits them for performing tho actual du ties of life, making hapviness Impossible, distressing the action of the heart, caus ing flush of heat, depression of spirits. evil forebodings, cowardic, fear, drea mil. mel ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling aa tired In the mornir,g as when retiring, lack of enerpy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of tbouftt, depression, constipa tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Thoe so affected should consult us immediately ard be restored to perfect health. Lost Ma.ihood Restored. Weak nf or Young Men Cured. If you havi been given up by your phy sician call pon the doctor and be exam jd. He cures the worst cases of Ner ras Debility, Scrofula, Old Bores, Ca tarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Affec tions of be Eye. Kar, Nose and Throat, Asthma, leafness. Tumors, Cancers and Cripples I every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confldeniC Office hours dally from a.m. to Id.ii. Sunday, to I Enclose five I -cent stamps tor symtpora blanks and m.T book called "New Life " I will pay one thousand dollars In cold to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI LEPTIC CONVULSIONS or PITS . DR. E. GREWER, Old Post Office Building, corner Pane avenue and Spruce street. SCRANTON. PA. N.A.HULBERT'S 111 IE WYOMING AVE, SCRANTON. STEIrTWIT I SOU DECKER RROTHERS and XRINICH I BACK Other STULTZ I BAUER PIANOS Alto a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL nERCHANDlSB. MUSIC, ETC. JAMES & KELLY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. Late of Pittsburg, First-Class Lkery la Connection, 205 SPRUCE. ST., SCRANT8R. call up aenz ULB OIL MD MdClifj CO. ' VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO m MERIDIAN STRE3T M. W. COLLINS, tWfifr. TAR GUM Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrirjpe, Cures Incipient Consumption. . Manufactured . by G. ELMEN DORF, Elmlra, N. Y., and for sale by the trade generally. MBQARQE L & C0NNE LL, a QJWJVPA Vetera. Cnrtlt ft Wheeler are recognized as the leading manufacturers of Ladiea' Fine Footwear in this country. Their Hhoea posieaa superior merits over nearly all others. Tl ey are beautiful in deriim, graceful in appear ance and poaaiw. the glore-fltting qualities ae much sought after in drees auoee. We call your particular attention to our complete line of Oxford Ties in black and fancy leathers la say style of hat and in all widths from Ate EE. We invite a com d risen with other makers shoes at the same prices. (LIMITED. CORKER LACIL MD JEFFERSON IVES. Atlantic Refining Co Manufacturer, aad Dealers ta om Unseed Oil. KaDthas and lines of all grades. Axle Oi Pinion urease and Colliery pound: also a large line of afflne Wax CaaJU . Ws also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety, burning oil In the mcrket. Wra.Jastnrtt: Office: Coal Exchagns, .Wyoming Are. Works at Pine Brook. WELSBACH LIGHT Sptclalli ideated (or Beading ud Seiiij. Consumes tbree (3) feet of gas per hnur and orlwaa an afflntennv ut aixt (60) candles. Baring at least S3 per cent erer the ordlnarv Tin Rurnara. Call and See It. 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Manufacturers' Agents. tan dare Instruments In erery sense at the term as applied to Pianos. -Exceptional In holding their original reV nees of tone. ...., a ea . MW TORK WARBHOUSB. NO, fifth avenue. SOLD BY ' E.C.RICKER&CO ll Adam Are, Hew Telephone Bide ODD FELLOWS. Masses, P. O. e of A., O. A. B t. of T O. U. A- U.. la fast all lodges and seeteMei tateadlag to ran excursions eaa hare tea est ertatiag ta the city at lowest prleet jtoealaat at Tax Taiauaa Joe Daaarv T 1 1 i Com. Pag mi Ta. : 9 IWM HIT f. " i " "V ' " - ' -. ' h