The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 30, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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Dslly SBS Weekly. S Suaday Edltloa.
NMM rttaaatea.
i by The Tribune rub-
. obiu CVOIBUT.
" w Trlbona BuUdlst. Fran a
; WIMMUSJT, m. ... a.k Kn
w. W. DAVIS, himm NUataia.
. wf. VOUNa. An. Mua
urcnso a thi rosromos at o.tukto.1. r.. as
IWntenr Ink," the Tcrogntc1 Jowral fbr cinf
XL1"' V." Tnm "CAt ThinUKtMthlKl
aavertMng aisdium In Xoahsasieru rcwuytw
ute. -ltlatnr Ink" ksous.
f Wassrw TairmsK, Issued Kwry Saturday,
Oonulna Twalr HaaOaora wlh an Abua
llano of Mm, Wlloo. uul W.ll-WUed Mbl
Jany. tot Those Wta Ouiuot Tk Ths Daily
Titisrasj, la Weakly U Krcmmtnjd as im
Bcstliaitalailobhs. Italy 11 a Yu. in Adrau.
ffn Tanross It Ihr M Tiaiif at Ih 0 . L. ana W.
Stattaa al Ilubokeu.
i i .. ., .
Mr, Quay should confine himself to
addition, division and silence.
Bulldozing Susquehanna.
Tho Quayites are doing their level
best to capture the two Susquehanna
county delegates by the customary
"bulldozing methods so familiar In tome
of the othsr counties of the state whore
Quaytsm has been dominant in fonmer
years. The Quay adherents, under the
mnahalslhlp of Sarauel 8. Wright ac.d
Tommy Kilrow, aro threatening with
political annihilation every Republican
who refutes to obey their arbitrary or
der and fall Into line for Quay and the
local machine. Wright u.i Kilrow
havs their paid agents out In nearly ev
ery section of the .county appealing to
one class ac.d thma.ter.lnj another with
r vengeancar'' Wright a::d Kilrow
nude the b attain at tho Wyoming
tuouse in Sijrartton to deliver to Quay
the two Susquehanna deleaves. That
t&rgato they are movlns h?iven and
earth to fulfil, and Quay la backing
them up iwtth all the ar.-lsta.-.cs they
The self-respecting KepubUcars of
Susquehanna county -were at firit re
luctant to ibelleve that even such reck
less poUtloal schemers as Sam Wright
and "Tommy" KUrow would have the
temerity, the audacity, to enter into a
bargain and sale with Quay 'for the de
livery of their representatives In the
state convention. The schemers who
entered Into this disreputable agree
ment have mot up to 'this ,t! me had the
.courage to deny the charge. If they
Should deny It The Tribune Is prepared
to give In detail everything that oc-
tor Q1uSrltalnthe latter' roam at the
WyomlnghouslJfce weeks ago yester
day. Suuh recfta of tacts would con
stitute one of the most shameless chap
ters In Susquehanna county politics.
On Saturday next the Republican of
Susquehanna county, at their delegate
elections, will decide whether or not
they will deliver the delegates that were
sold to Quay at the Wyoming house
conference. If that, bargain should tie
consummated the Susquehanna Re
publicans will cover themselves with
everlasting disgrace. The ratification
by them of the Wyoming house bargain
sod ante would be a confession that
are willing tto commit themselves
I. nmini .1. i urr ariiiiiiirv III! I ,lm
patroc trading political scnem-
alms And purposes are all
represents only Quaylsm awl Cameron-
I The Susquehanna Republicans will
have an excellent opportunity to assert
their manhood on 'Saturday next. They
can repudiate the schemers who made
the Wyoming (house bargain and declare
to their party brethren throughout the
..Mats that they are still their own. mas
ters; that they will not permit them
selves to tie sold out ibag and baggage
by a few selfish, pampered local poll-
. t (clans, who for a mess of pottage are
Willing to demoralize the Republican
party of Susquehanna, destroy all har
mony, ssid give the Democrats a fong
ooveted opportunity to attain power.
let the self-respecting Republicans of
Susquehanna assert .themselves and de-
throne the corrupt schemers who have
undertaken to duprlve them of their
. TJbo Quay victory In Columbia Is a
clear case of the Dutch capturing Hol
land. Grasping at Straws.
The desperation of the Quay man
agers Is well illustrated In the spurious
Capital which they are trying to make
out of the defeat of Chairman Watklns
Of the Third legislative district com
mittee at Saturday's gathering In the
court house. With a partial attendance
present a change In the chairmanship
was decided upon, by the narrow mar
gin of one vote, and that. It Is be
lieved, through a misunderstanding.
The substitution In nowise affects the
Issue upon which the Republicans, at
next Friday's primaries, will be called
upon to pass Judgment, and Is simply a
personal matter absolutely devoid of
political significance. Tet the organs,
Democratic and Republican, of the
great general, V. S. Quay, parade It be
fore their readers in startling type as
another eventful victory of his magnifi
cent leadership a thing to be ranked
with that other great feat when, alone
and unaided, he out-talked the Popu
lists of the senate and forced an amend
ment of the original Wilson tariff bill.
To compare the Quay of old, whose
Political genuis won national battles,
with the desperate factlonlst forced to
grasp at such unstfMtaatial straws as
this m order to presorrs a semblance of
vitality In a rapidly collapsing warfare
of, revenge -.make an unpleasant
spectacle fof Republicans y accus
tomed to regard, the. junior 'sen
ator as ths master politician of the
Ms. It IV avVju of decMne almost pa-CctatUCtraa-J.
And yet, withal.
It Is a high tribute to the discernment
of the Republican masses, who, even
though accustomed to admire the Quay
of old, are too fair to permit that na
tural admiration to betray them into
an indorsement of his present indefen
sible attack upon the state administra
tion. a;
The Quay brigade of Susquehanna
county under the leadership of third
term Register and Recorder Wright,
have put forward "Tommy" KUrow as
one of their candidates for delegate to
the state convention. "Tommy" was
one of the half dcion who came to
Scranton In response to the summons
of Senator Quay, and "Tommy" had a
special Interview with the senator,
when things were ' fixed up. The
proposition to send this man Kilrow to
Harrlsburg to represent the Republi
cans of Susquehanna county in the
state convention Is an insult to the
dwent, reputable and self-renpectlng
member of the party. Who and what
Tommy Kllroy Is may 'be ascertained
by examining the court records of Sus
quehanna county lor 1S7S-9. For easier we recommend an examina
tion of Pennsylvania State Reports, 8
Norris. pases 4S0-IS3. where the name
of Tommy Kilrow figures very con
spicuously. Foolish Work In Potter County.
The Republican committeemen,1 of
Totter county, who have Just Instructed
the state delegate from that county to
vote for Hasting! for permanent chair
man of the convention and for Quay
for chairman of the state committee,
would more clearly exprevs their real
intentions, end the Intentions if their
muster. Mr. Quay,' If they would In
struct the Totter delegate to present
a resolution at Harrlsburg next month
culUnir upon the Republican party In
Pennsylvania to deliver over to the
Junior stnator from this state,' the
United States senatorshlp now held by
Senator Cameron, but which will be
come vacant In 1S97. and likewise com
manding Governor Hastings to ac
knowledge Mr. Quay as his superior
officer and ''boss." For this Is what a
vote for Quay for state chairman
mean?, and, v.ith the Issues drawn as
they are now drawn. It is the only
thing which such a vote can mean.
Why should the Republicans of Potter
county or of any other county In the
commonwealth pass a vote of censure
In August. 1S9S, upon a state adminis
tration called to power In the preceding
November by the largest popular plur
ality In the annals of our polities? Why,
If It was deserving of such a tremen
dous Indorsement last fall, should It
within less than a year be publicly hu
miliated by the very men who then
stood sponsor for it at the polls? Has
It, In the Interval, failed In any of the
requisites to public confidence and ap
proval? Has It not, In every emer
gency, stood for the people and safe
guarded their Interests? Did It not,
through Governor Hastings, cry out
against the extravagance of the Quay
legislature? Did It not, through him,
do all within its power to enforce the
constitutional mandate in reference to
reapportionment? We challenge the
production of any proof that the admin
istration has fallen short In any of these
particulars. We challenge Senator Quay
or any of his allies to cite an Instance
In which the present chief executive of
the commonwealth has shown by his
ofAclal actions that he deserves to be
censured by the men -who elected him
to office, or that the deliberate humilia
tion of him at the beck of a jealous
senatorial boss would redound to the
benefit of the party or the state.
To elect Quay state chairman after
the threats he has made would be to do
all of these things. It would be to put
a public premium on dictatorial Inter
ference with elected servants of the
people. It would be to confirm in Mr.
Quay all those traits of mischievous
manipulation which have twice ere this
overwhelmed the party In this state
with disaster and Invite their future
repetition unchecked toy the fear of pop
ular disapproval. It would do even
more than this. It would be to post a
public notice that offices In (Pennsyl
vania could hereafter be secured only
through the brokerage of Cameron,
Quay, Andrews & Co., and that honest
performance of public duty or personal
fitness for public trust had been super
seded as essential qualifications for
party preferment by oaths of servitude
to the rtlgnlng party czar.
Do t'so people of Poiter county want
another era of Delamaterlsm?
Governor Hastings flatly denies that
he contemplates abandoning Judge
Ollkeson. The governor Is not in' the
habit of deserting Ms friends.
Journalistic Blackmailing.
Two reputable young men, Messrs.
Friend and Ruyl, recently entered Into
a partnership In this city to conduct
an honest mercantile business. The
name chosen for their dry goods store
was "The Fair." For a time they met
with success, but afterward encoun
tered the prevalent business depression
and on Saturday of last week were
forced to make an assignment. During
the period of yelr prosperity R. M.
Scranton, business manager of the
Scranton Republican, repeatedly ap-,
proached them soliciting for advertis
ing. 'Having already contracted for
space in The Tribune and the two
afternoon papers, ithus effectually cov
ering tlie field, (Messrs. Friend te Ruyl
declined to do business with the de
caying Republican, and In consequence,
in Sunday's Issue of that journal, were
treated to the following specimen of
"Colonel". Scrantton's malice: .
The failure of the Arm of Friend ft Ruyl,
which occurred yesterday, was not unex
pected, as rumors to the effect that they
were (n deep waiter have been prolific
among business men for a number of days.
The persons constituting the Arm rented
the store rooms formerly occupied by O.
A. Fuller on Lackawanna avenue, at ths
corner of Wyoming, early last year and
stocked it with a cheap grade of goods
that attracted a certain class of trade.
By spasmodic advertising in papers of
unknown circulation at ridiculously low
prices they endeavored to work tip a good
trade, but It Is claimed by people who
know, that thvy did not at the time get
Hho patronage' they, 'expected. Several
months ago they rented h storeroom snrt
property knewn' as the " old ' Monies A
Pugh bakery, around which clings memo
ries of the labor troubles of August, 1I7T,
and toy means Of banners and hangers
tried to attract buyers to a supposedly
"bankrupt sale of ths Stock of A. Rundls,
of Nicholson." This was recently given
up and tfie business continued as formerly
la the Fuller store. The failure Is only
what could be expected from men of such
business methods as the members of the
The publication of the foregoing
choice ebullition of littleness was no
doubt planned with a double purpose.
It was doubtless regarded as aa oppor
tunity to punish the proprietors of
"The Fair" for heir temerity In re
fusing to expend money on advertising
known by them to be productive of lit
tle value; and also as a first class
chance to notify other Scranton firms
that unless they shall cravenly submit
to the Republican's importunities, they
may expect at any moment to be made
the targets or similar scurrility.
Journalism of this Dick Turpln style to
a disgrace to all who sanction it.
Greene county has gone for Quay,
which la only natural considering that
Greene county is heavily Democratic
Count Scranton In.
It would no doubt afford pleasure to
many Lackawanna county friends of
Miss Sadie E. Kaiser, the gifted young
WUkesJBiarre soprano who is winning
siK-h high encontumsiby her magnificent
vocal work in public and chia-nvber con
certs In London, to aid In a movement,
should erne be smarted, ito make It possi
ble for Miss Kaiser to continue for an
other year her music studies In the Eng
lish Royal Academy. IMany of our peo
ple fciave experienced the charm of her
superior voice; others know Miss Kaiser
thiough the medium of her 'bright let
ters from iha British metropolis which
have been printed In The Tribune. All,
we dare say, share with us the pleasure
derived from the neiws of her excep
tional success on the other side, and
would be glad to offer substantial
tokens of their interest should a suita
ble occasion arise.
We understand that Miss Kaiser's
Immediate friends In Wllkes-Barre are
discussing the feasibility of arranging
scrlea of benefit concerts, to be par
ticipated In by .tlx? cream of the city's
talent, In the hope that they may
thereby secure a testimonial fund to be
loaned ito Miss Kaiser upon tho condi
tion that she will continue for another
yar to cultivate her voice under the
guidance of the skilful teachers of the
Royal Academy. Should an affirmative
decision be reached, we feel that we
may. In behalf of song-loving Scranton,
pledge a rousing attendance in case
one or more of 'these concents should be
held here. 'Not to cultivate to Its full
eat possibilities a vocal endowment so
rare as is the on uadcr consideration
would 'be a public misfortune; and a
double one In the case of so versatile
and yet unassuming a young lady as
Miss Kaiser.
The renewal of talk about a compro
mise speedily follows Senator Quay's
return to Philadelphia and Indicates
the trend along which he wishes to
work. Quay wants to compromise be
cause Quay is beaten. If he held the
whip hand, there would be no compro
mise short of the other fellows' politi
cal death.
The explanation which one resident
of Plttston recently gave for his belief
that Quay would capture the Fifth Lu
zerne was that that district Is "heavily
Democratic." The Democrats of Pltts
ton, like the Democrats of most other
Pennsylvania places, are for Quay
almost to a man at least, just now.
The Philadelphia Inquirer complains
tha t the people are for Quay but that the
delegates proposa to vote for Cllkeson.
This, If true as to the first specific,
tlon, would be merely a reproduction
of Quay politics. But It is not true.
Ncatner people nor delegates are for
Quay in the present fight.
Delegates must be urgently needed on
the Quay side when It Is deemed no un
usual thing to send $1,100 of the Quay-
Cameron campaign fund into a small
county like Susquehanna. But the Re
publicans of Susquehanna are not on
the market, as Quay's agents, Wright
and Kilrow, will soon find out.
The Harrlsburg Patriot looks resplen
dent In a new equipment of linotypes,
and it signalizes the progressive change
by dropping its subecrlp'How price to a
penny a copy and almost doubling the
quantity of Its contents. The Patriot
Is a credit to Pennsylvania Journalism.
Ex-County Chairman Powell has evi
dently ibeen "Jollying" our neighbor,
the Times. David Is far too cute a
bird not ta know that Quay Is licked.
When we remember how the Ameri
can Tory majority of 1892 was swept
away In 1894, it becomes quite clear that
Irish home rule Is not dead.
The Quay howl over Lackawanna's
Third district comes a full week too
soon. The last laugh is the heartiest.
The "card that Quay holds up his
sleeve" Is probably an order on Cam
- 1 1 y
From the Pittsburg Times.
This Is evidently to be another of
Senator Quay's compromise weeks. His
organs have started out in full cry that
there is great talk of compromise afoot,
and, with their usual lack of candor and
regard for truth, they falsely attribute
such utterances, really emanating from
themselves, to the friends of Governor
Hastings. It Is especially noteworthy
that the Democratic Quay organs are
particularly positive that the support
ers of the governor are anxious for a
compromise and are sure of defeat if
one Is not effected. The few Republi
can Quay organs follow the same
strain, which is weakly echoed by ths
sheets still on tho fence between duty
to the party and slavish submission
to the senatorial autocrat Ths whole
cry for compromise has come from
these sources. It was first heard when
ths Quay defeats ' In Lackawanna
county convinced ths senator that hs
was certainly riding for a fall, and ths
repeated reverses experienced by him
since have only served to Impress the
necessity of somettilng being done to
permit blm to score a point Indirectly,
which hs Is evidently unable, to make
directly. ' After the first compromise
talk was launched a gams of bluff and
bluster and - sensational unfounded
charges was resorted to by Senator
Quay and his supporters In ths hops of
turning the tide of defeat, but this hav
ing availed nothing, ones mors ths wall
for a compromise la raised wltto ono
accord br tils Reoubllcan and Demo
cratic and on-the-fence organs.
No suck demand or request Is or has
been voiced by any of the numerous
Republican papers which support Gov
ernor HasUtags or by aay of his friends.
In fact, a compromise on the Itaes laid
down by Senator Quay la Impossible.
The withdrawal of Colonel Gllkeooa)
cannot for a moment bo considered.
Buoh a withdrawal would bo a defeat
for Governor Hastings and a victory for
Senator Quay, even though accompa
nied by the withdrawal of tho latter
from the chairmanship contest 8ena.
tor Quay announced his candidacy sole
ly for the purpose of defeating or re
moving Colonel Gllkeson from the
chairmanship. His only reason for op
posing the latter was because he had
sustained Governor Hastings in fall at
tempt 4o prevent the violation of the
state constitution and the party's
pledges In the matter of apportionment
by Senator Quay and his friends assist
ed by the Democrats. It la a low per
ception. Indeed, which, could imagine
that Governor Hastings would consent
for a moment to sacrifice Colonel alike
son in a spurious compromise, wnlch
would mean an indorsement for Sena
tor Quay of bis Indefensible course in
the matter of the apportionment, and
an emphnitlc repudiation of that of the
governor himself, to say nothing of the
righteous reproach which would accrue
from such a desertion of a faithful sup
porter suffering because he was such.
Senator Quay defeated the Republi
can party organisation and the gover
nor In the legislature In the apportion
ment matter by the aid of Democratic
votes. He Is now hoping to defeat the
governor and seize control of the (Re
publican party organization with the
iald of Democratic papers and votes, in
order that he may 'be enabled to wreak
vengeance on any 'Republican wltH the
temerity to take Issue with him, even
when he has shown himself to be en
tirely In the wrong. This, in short. Is
a contest to determine whether the Re
publican party organization belongs to
the mnk and file of the party or Is the
personal property of Matthew Stanley
Quay. He dare not make the Issue
plain, but is speciously trying to hide
It under '.he false plea that he Is not
opposing the governor, but only Colonel
Gllkeson, and that the Interests of the
two are not the same. Tbey are, how
ever, identical and both must stand or
fall together. They have won tho
fight, for both, and nothing makes this
fact clearer than the renewed howl for
a peaceful compromise by the Quay or
gans on a basis which will give the
senator all he asks, and which he
knows he cannot achieve by continuing
the contest. There can 'be no compro
mise. But there can be peace, condi
tioned upon the withdrawal by Senator
Cuny of all opposition to the well de
served re-election of Chairman Gllke
son, and the abandonment of his un
justifiable raid upon the popular Re
publican governor for simply endeavor
ing to do his constitutional duty,
Mr. Lyon Says Tbey Need No Help in tho
Lycoming Primaries.
WUllamtport, July 29. Howard Lyon,
chairman cf the RepUbllcai.i county
committee in Lycoming, recently re
ceived the following letter from Frank
Willing Leach:
Philadelphia, Pa, July 24, 1S95.
Howard Lyon. Esq., Chairman Republi
can County Committee, Wiltiamsport,
(My Dear Sir: Is Aug. 17 the date of your
primaries, or the county convention?
What I particularly desire is the date of
your primaries. Please advise me by re
turn mall, and oblige, yours very truly,
Frank Willing Leach.
Mr. Lyon naturally felt Indignant at
what looks like an Impertinent Inter
ference with politics In this county,
and at once mailed Mr. Leach the fol
lowing letter:
Wllliamsport, Pa., July 27, 1895,
To Mr. Frank Willing Leach.
Dear Sir: I am in recedpta of yours cf
24th Inst., Inquiring aa to the date of our
"primaries," or the "county convention,"
and you add that what you particularly
desire to know Is the date of our "pri
maries." Just why you are Interested In
the date of the primaries In Lycoming
county arouses my curiosity.
I understand that you are a cltlten of
Philadelphia, and I desire to say our pri
maries wflll be managed by our own peo
ple, and you may as well be Informed now
that Lycoming county is for Hastings and
Gllkeson, and If you or any of your agents,
foreign or domestic, are discovered within
the limits of this county urilng unlawful
methods of Influencing voters I shall deem
it my official duty, as well as a great per
sonal pleasure, to give you a taste of Ly
coming county Justice by way of the
court of quarter sessions.
I have already some reason to suspect
you, and It might be prudent for you to
go no further. Very truly yours,
Howard Lyon,
Chairman Republican County Committee.
Don't Want to Oo to Sleep.
Philadelphia Press: "It would not do to
take it for granted that If Senator Quay's
friends could control the coming state
convention they would nominate the Supe
rior court Judges recently appointed by
Governor Hastilngs. Tho announcement
was originally sent out on the authority
of Senator Quay that they would be
turned down, and wMIe an understand
ing has since obtained that such a policy
would not be pursued, It Is a fact of record
that a fight has been, and Is being made,
in behalf of distinctively Quay delegates
In every county where a Superior court
Judge lives, except Beaver, and against
the delegates known to be In the Interest
of the candidates for judge. Nothing
would be more probable tf Mr. Quay's
supporters controlled the convention than
an effort to prevent the renomlnatlon of
every Republican Superior court Judge
with the exception of Judge Wick ham,
who Is Senator Quay's neighbor and per
sonal friend, In Beaver codnty. This is a
campaign In which the people do not want
to allow themselves to be tricked."
Mot Prlmsrlly a Wsr oa Quay.
Altoona Tribune: "Did It ever strike
you that this plaintive plea of Senator
Quay that war Is being waged against him
Is not true In point of fact? He killed the
congressional and legislative apportion
ment Mils, by means of his action on ths
latter depriving Altoona of a reprtsenta
live which the constitution awards It.
And then he announced himself as a can
didate for chairman of ths state oommit
tea although nothing could be alleged
against the seal or efficiency of Chairman
Gllkeson, and there was, therefore, no rea
son why hs should not be re-elected."
First-Class Msn, but Not Now Avs liable.
Reading Times: "Prominent Repub
licans anxious for party harmony are sug
gesting ex-Lieutenant Governor Watrss,
of Scranton, for the chairmanship of ths
Republican state committee. Governor
Watres bears ths reputation of being aa
eminently discreet man, whose selection
for that place In the svent of a compro
mise would be the best that could possibly
bs made by ths contending factions." ;
.-. , II II W , - ..,
A Rsdlssl Dlffsrsaes.
Pittsburg Times: "Tho radical differ-
snce In ths spirit animating ths support'
ers of Governor Hastings sad those of
Banator Quav Is clearly, shown .by . ths
manner in which the lattpr treated 'ths
proposal of the former that the stats con
vention should recognise the right of tbe
Republicans of Pennsylvania to be heard
upon the question of federal appoint
ments. Senator Quay not only had not
one word of commendation for such ac
tion but mads It very clear that no mat
ter what the stats convention might de
clare, he would take refuge under a false
and strained Interpretation of the consti
tution of the United States to defest the
wishes of ths Republicans of Peansyll
van la."
tl II II
' Not Likely to Be So Reasoaabls.
Philadelphia Press: "William H. An
drews, who urged Senator Quay Into this
causeless raid upon Governor Hastings
for the purpose of again securing control
of the state orgaslsation, should now ad
vise Mr. Quay that the time bas come to
quit But Andrews Is not likely to do any
thing so reasonable as that, since be nas
nothing to lose himself."
Beat Psopls Agsiast lllra.
Altoona Tribune: 'There Is not a lead
ing Republican newspaper anywhere In
the United States, outside of Pennsyl
vania, that has not. at one time or an
other, sneered at the Republicans of the
Keystone state for their subjection to
Senator Quay. The religious press of the
country Is unanimously against him."
Quay Will He Defeated.
Norrlstown Herald: "It Is now clearly
evident to all who have tuken the trouble
to Investigate the matter, that the best
possible action to take Is to continue
Chairman Gllkeson In his present position.
That this will be done Is now an absolute
certainty. Enough has already developed
to show the tendency of party sentiment
on this point."
Talks I.Ikes Slatod Victim.
Washington Post, formerly a Quay or
gan: "Mr. Quay may be on the eve of a
great victory, but ho Is beginning to tulk
like a man who Is loullng about on the
threshold of a thorough licking."
Shouldn't Assume Crown.
Wilkes-Rarre Record: "We do not think
that President Cleveland ought to ask for
a third term, In the absence of a son to
succeed him."
Plnvlng tho Dnby.
Philadelphia Press: "Whenever Senator
Quay gets beaten ho doesn't want it to
count, but thinks It ought to be tried over
Ought Not to llavo Begun It.
Philadelphia Tress: "Senator Quay
ought not to have begun the war. There
was no excuse for It."
In pursuance of a resolution of the
standing committee of the Third legisla
tive district of Lackawanna county, no
tice Is hereby given of a convention to be
held on Thursday, Aug. 6. 18S6, In the arbi
tration room of tho court house, Scranton,
at 2 p. m., for the purpose of electing a
delegate to represent eald district In the
state convention to be held at Harrlsburg
on Aug. 28, 1S95, and for the transaction of
such other business as may properly come
before It.
The primaries for the election of dele
gates will be held at the several regular
polling places on Saturday, Aug. 8, 1895,
between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m.
Districts are entitled to representation
In the convention as follows
Bon ton 2
Clifton 1
Covington 2
Dalton borough 2
Glenburn 1
GouldBboro 1
Greenfield 2
Lackawanna township. South dls 1
Lackawanna township. West dis 3
Lackawanna tow.nalilp, East dis 1
Lackawanna township. Northeast dis... 2
Lackawanna township, Southwest dls.. 1
La Plume 1
Lehigh 1
Madison 2
Newton 2
North Ablngton 1
Old Forge, First dls 3
Oold Forge, Second dls 1
Old Forge, Fourth dls 2
Ransom 1
Scott 4
Scranton, Sixth ward, Third dls 4
Spring Brook 1
South Ablngton 4
Taylor, First ward.! 2
Taylor, Second ward '. 2
Taylor, Third ward 8
Taylor, Fourth ward 2
Taylor, Fifth ward 1
Waverly 2
West Ablngton 1
Totals C9
Vigilance committees will please take no
tice and act in accordance herewith.
J. W. HOUSER, Secretary.
Scranton, Pa., July 27, 18U5.
Hill Sc
131 AND 133
Tht Best of Them
All Is the.
Porch Chairs and Rockers,
Fins Reed Chairs and Rockers,
A Few Baby Carriages Left at Cost
Cedar Cheats, M9tb Proof, In
Three Sizes.
are located ths Unost ashing sad hunting
grounds In ths world. Descriptive books on
application. Tickets to all points in Maine,
Canada sad Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis,
Bt Panl. Canadian and United States North
wests, Vanooaver, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland,
Ore., Bad franciaoa.
Flrst-Clsss Slcsplng and Dining Cars
attached to all through trains. Tourist cars
Tally fitted with bedding, curtains sna spec
ially adapted to wants of families may be bad
with second-class Moketa Rates always less
than rta other lines, For fall Information,
time table, etc oa application to
C.V. 8KINNKR, O. B. A.
- 3 IttlSm IEW YORK.
k UVin Chat
With Housekeepers That
Want to Save Some
Fall is near at hand, and you will perhaps need some
Curtains, either Lace, Chenille or Derby, to beautify
some of your windows that have hitherto been treated
with indifference. Also some small rooms may re
quire a new Carpet or a Rug. If such is the case,
buy them of us now during the dull season, because
we are anxious to clear out all odds and ends, so as to
make room for our fall stock. Your money at inter
est brings you only 6 per cent, and by investing it on
household requirements, which you must have sooner
or later, it will bring you from 30 to 40 per cent
ftA Word to the Wise
The best and cheapest
Jar in the market. Give
thein a trial and you will
never use any other kind.
and just as easily opened,
no wrench or great
strength required as with
the old style of Jars.
Clarence M. Florey, the
sporting goods dealer of Wyo
ming avenue, has devised a
scheme to keep the boys in
terested in the matter of base
ball. With every ten cent
ball or bat he will now give a
fine cap and belt, which are
uniform. Among the hustlers
is Mr. Florey.
make an ontlng, whlcs depends upon yonr
outfit and the place where yon take It Wher
erer you take yaars you should hare sn Al
outfit selected from oar stock.
Uc.mnni iu.
Toss Is fossa self ts Ike WISER
Call and sss them Plsaea sad
ond-kand riaaoswo hare tskaa la stsaa
asm. . ,
micdiwcv ttpnTurne as
Wye. Ars.
Is Sufficient See Large Center
Special Attentloi Gi.en to BbsIbmj
tnd PtKOiil Accounts.
HittonalBaia otScnntoi
CAPITAL 250,000
SURPLUS, $40,000
AUUEL RINB8, President '
WTW. WATBON, Vloo-Prasldsats
A. B. WILLIAUS, Cashier.
Samuel Rises, James U. Kvsrkart. If
hut A. Finch. Ptoros B. Plnley, JossM J.
Jermya. M. 8. Kemersr. Charles P. Slat
thewsJohn T. Porter. W. W. Watsos.
fafc sank Invites the patrsaafs st I
ass sasa and arms tsistaVa
i scrihton mm Bi
Is prepared to furnish trarelers win
Moosic Poudor Go.
Rooms 1 aad S foffisntotl BkVf,
Lafflla Raaa Pswdor Co.
Orango Gun Powdci
dec trio Battsrtss. roses for isrlss
, lag blasts, aafstyVBss sad
A A X A Ass's
Window for Prices.
Blank Cooks,
Office Stipplioi
Aad BlappUes,
Statical tr.J Efignrcs,
Bet teeth, K B; best set, : for sold sap
and teeth without plateaeallederown and
brides work, call for prices sad rsters
sooas. TONALQIA. for ejtractinf test
WlUaVUl piWs v vwawas aw t
MS bs coded quickly If you have aa toa-plch.
s tood lea eras m traeter, sloe bmpsoqw
sad toed Mresos, end if yos oe seel '
teabsron knives ssd forks saC other Bi
vara at 11 Washlnrtos AY
Tsars Is so ass
sattiag hot erer It If yea
Vuafs elsewhere. Osms
hare bosshl po
here seat time;
ear sties. Aad. you'll sa them a UU
wider wkes you learn sat prices.