'.4' '' i . 1 :. 9 TXIO CC2A2ITOTT TRICTTITE PATUHDAT T-TOIOTITGr. JULY 27. 1698. j : Wilkes of flee at No. 2 Lanlng building. Public Bauare. Wllke-Barr. It la th purpoie of the publish to Issue a. newspaper vajuaoto to in iviikiu puunu m . i.. . i.i - Jt JaIImb 1 a tKm i met- pie throughout northeaaten Pennsylvania from Ihrsa to Ov hour earlier than Philadelphia and New tork paper the can reaca iwa.j MIBDEBEB WINP18CH CAlfiHT. The Slaver of HI Wit Located l Wt Virginia Retreat and Prom Stly Kabbed. History of th Crime. News cam from West Virginia yes terday to the affect that wlfa-murdarer George Wtndlsoh, of Plttston. had been captured in that state. Deteotlve James O'Brien nt the dlapatch and proves beyond a doubt that at lnat the au thorities have secured the right man. The crime was one of the moat hor rible in the annata of Luaerne county. -which ia noted for Kb horrible murdera. It waa committed In Plttstiin on April 4. but waa not discovered until the fol lowing Sunday. Py this time Wlndisch had time to get out of the county, and left absolutely no elue aa to his where about. A number of detectlvea tried to locate him without success, all believing; that he had gone to Ger many. Detective O'Brien and Chief of Police tioXtua, of Plttston. investigated the case thoroughly, and held to the theory tttat Wlndisch waa still on this elde of th ooeaa. which theory waa vin dicated by yesterday' telegram. Chief lioftus started for Monongah yester dajr with th requisitions nd other nec-es-ary papers, and Wlmlteoh will prob ably t t eugtrt back to this ottr today. On Thursday night, April 4, the neighbors ct the Wind Inch family heard the parent quarreling, but the noise soon ceaaed, and nothing more was thought of It. On th next day the chUdran went to school a usual, but the parents were nowhere to be seen. On the following day. Saturday, the two children played around home as formerly, but neither Wlndisch or his wife being vtesM. th neighbor began to talk about it and make Inquiry. Next morning they wnt to the Wln disch house, and upon entering the par lor a horstWe eight greeted them inside. The floor wis covered and the walls bespattered with blood, and evidence of a struggle wer Been on every side. In th oenter of the room lay the form of Ztfrs. Wlndieoh. an old piece of carpet thrown carelessly over her body, but her face waa uncovered. The eyes and mouth were wide open, and the whole top of the head had been crushed to a pulp wtth repeated blows. A large carpenter's chisel lying close by. Its handle and blade covered with clotted blood ,told the story of the crime. The crime was attributed to Wlndisch by the coroner's jury, and for a while It looked aa though he would get away, but now it Is assured that the right man Is captured in spite of many false reports, and justice Will at uaat be done. RAILROAD MEN 1IERE. Will Try to Arrant; a Uniform Schedule of Tariffs. A number of prominent railroaders are In town for the purpose of arrang ing a uniform tariff of rates between different Dolnts on all the roads repre sented. It Is four years since the tariff was adjusted and this meeting will go far to produce the harmony that should exist between these respective corpora tions., The rates, U Is expected, will be arranged so that the long lines or routes will adopt the unlimited rate. It Is ex pected the masting will adjourn tomor row. The visitors praise Wilkes-Barre and Wllkes-Barrsana, the one for Its beauty attd: favored) location, the other for prim social qualities not ifound anyiwasr Ibeyond Wyoming Val ley. Antona the railroaders in attendance upon thla meeting ar:A. H. Xranskopf, chief rat clerk, passenger department (Lehigh Valley railroad. South Bethle hem; H. C Hoe, chief clerk passenger department. Central Railroad of .New Jersey, Yew Tork; O. L. Robinson, chief rate) clerk, (Now Tork, Ontario and Western railway passenger department, New Tork: J. O. Davenport, chief rate clerk passenger department, West Shore railroad, New Tork; Frank K. Bacon; rate olerk oaasenger department, Penn sylvania railroad, Philadelphia; W. F. Thornton, chief rate clerk passenger de partment, Delaware, iLackawanna and Western railroad, New Tork. BRIEF NOTES. A number of well known railroad men are now in hds ctty arranging for new tariff ratfes between different points. TheWriIkBarre Toung Men's Chris flan association and the Kingston Toung Men's Christian assoatatlon base ball team will play at ithe new athletic field next Saturday. Edward Kappktr la tlte third mall ear lier wttMn a wefek who fcaJ been at tacked and bitten by vicious dog. Professor Watah, of Plymouth, will glv a recital thte evening in the rooms of tJWet End) wheelmen for the mem bers and itateir friends. Burglar are still operating on the West Side, aod are frequently entering houses, although the results of th rob beries) have not been very large. A little girl named Werrtiel wa at tacked by vicious dog on Dana street yesterday. The animal waa killed by High, Constable 8aur. Information came from' Mt. Gretna yesterday snornina; that camp will be broken today. The Ninth will probably arriv to this otty kit thla afternoon or thla evswrln. They report having an enjoyabte and successful camp. etanialaw LobeUld, a 10-year-old boy, who waa charrged with criminal as sault on the J-year-old child of Fred . Rare, of 'Plymouth, waa brought before BABY, HUMOURS ItttUnily toileted And Speedily Cured by WHEN'ALL ELSE FAIL ' A warm bath wKh CUTICURA SOAP tnd a ilnrle application of CUTICURA, (ointment), will afford instant relief, per mit rat aod tletp, and point to a speedy, perimnent cure of the most distressing, of ttchlnrsjidbummfsklnsjulsctlpdlseajei, after i0 other mttbodi fall iiaili w. Sun i a, a sow, ia rs-xn-t- r eea. v.L?tfti igge - Barre, Judge Lych today on habeas corpus proceedings. No evidence was given and the defendant entered ball In $1,000 for bis appearance at court P. J. Ruddy represented th defendant and District Attorney Fell the common wealth, Th habeas corpus hearing granted for the custody of a S-year-old child of William D. and Jessi Crawford was heard before Judge Lynch yesterday. Mrs. Crawford claims that on account of ill treatment she was compelled to leave her huaband, and that he gained possession of the child by fraud from her and now aska the court to grant her the custody of the ohlld. The child was awarded to th mother. F. A. Mc Gutgan and IB. J. Hope appeared for Mrs. Crawford and 8. 8. Herring for Mr. Crawford. The mallcarrlera have been granted permission to carry revolvers on their rounds, and hereafter all vicious dogs attacking them will "be shot. Of late three mallcarrlera have "been attacked and either foltten or had their clothes badly torn by ugly dogs, and they have decided to avail themselves of the privi lege of carrying firearms. When some of these ferocious dogs ar killed It may prove a lesson to owners to keep the animals chained up during the day time. The Plymouth band was In town last evening and serenaded some of our lead ing cltiiens and the newspaper offices. The iband Is an excellent one, and their playing waa much enjoyed by those fortunate enough to receive the treat. J. W. Williams, vice-president of the Central railroad, together with Super intendent Lawalt. or the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal company, arrived at Glen Summit yesterday afternoon, from where they drov to Crystal Springs and Inspected th recently completed filter. "Mr. William cam in his private oar. Charles Broad A Co. have purchased three peach orcitarda in Delaware and New Jersey, and will ship 1,000 baskets a day aa soon as they are ready to be picked. Owen P. Keenly, of the Elmlra Bud get, has returned from a trip of several days to Mount Gretna. dvl H. Harris, a prominent young man of Bdwardsvllle, was united In marriage yesterday afternoon to Miss Carrie Metzgcr, of Wlltlamstowtv. The base 'ball team will commence a series of game at home on Monday. Two houses on Franklin street were burglarised on yesterday afternoon. They first entered the residence of L. J. Fogel, ransacking things generally, but securing nothing of value, as the family had prepared for such emer gences. From Mr.Fogel's residence they visited that of W. 3. BUkile and fared likewise. Both families are summering at Harvey's Lake. Mr. Blddle returned and made a hasty examination but was unable to state deflnately Just what had been stolen, but thinks that it will not amount to very much. The advance guard of the Stafford Literary club, which Is going to camp out at Harvey's Lake, left yesterday morning at 10 o'clock for the camping grounds. Over a dozen tents are on the ground, and everything will be ready by tomorrow. Next Friday the club will run an exourslon to the lake, the train leaving here in the 'morning and returning at about 9 p. m. ELM HURST. The following guests have registered ad Hotel Elmhurst during the week: Selden Kingsbury, J. L. Wents and wife, W. H. Jessup, Jr., Dr. F. D. Brew ster and wife, 'Miss C. Brewster, Miss Emma J. Jermyn, Miss Nettle Cole man, Fred (Miller, jr., 'Mr. and airs. Horace E. Hand, (Mrs. 1L J. Mulford. Miss Anna Mulford Hand, M. J. Olark and wife, Richard J. Matthews, H. H. Stark, H. Gillespie, John E. Myers, Mrs. K. O. Tripp, "Mrs. T. P. Detweiler, Mrs. atary (Moran, H. iM. iBoles and wife, Mrs. C H. Welles, Paul and Ken neth Welles, David and Hester Bolee, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Watklns, Judge E. N. Wtllard, A. D. Holland, Edit May Holland, Miss Helen T. Cooke, Scran ton; Mrs. J. Philip B. Pendleton, Edith May Pendleton, Bchenedtady, N. T.; Dr. J. W. Knedler, Alburtls, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Black In ton. Miss Galple, iMIsa B ronton, J. T. IRlchards, M. E. GelpHa, L. B. Moaner, Dunimore: C. Jackson, Berwick; E. J. HuUbeU and wife. D. F. HuWbell and wife, H. C. Hubfbell and wife, Washington, D. C; W, T. Ivory, Wilkes-Barre; C. M. Olark, PhltadetpUa; Mis Carrie Burns, Great Bend; F. A. Coyne and lady. Old Forge; Ofiss Stanton, iHonesdale; H. W, Mont gomery, Philadelphia: A. L. Hunt and wife, Mies wellies, Soranton. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad are making prepara tions to build a retaining wall along the street that follows their tracks from the depot to the crossing, thus widen ing that street nearly again as wide as It is now. Rev. J. li Crawn will occupy the pul pit of th Baptist church Aundajr morn ing and evenicgv (Henry Battln will leave Monday on a ibuslness trip pto New Tork city. The Second Nine Base Ball club of this place defeated th Moscow club last Saturday by a score of IT to SO. A. C. fJuiMring and son are at work making Improvements on the graded school building. W. B. Edwards, the poundmastef, ha a stray cow In th pound; about six years old, black and white spotted. An Kalian, while attempting to board train on the Erie and Wyoming Val ley railroad, near th Curtis reiervotr, missed Us footing, Tailing between the oars and was terrVbly crushed. He died 'by th time he arrived at th depot. W. O. Edwards Bon, undertaker, took onarge of th remains. Interment took place at Falrvlew cemetery. O. B, Grant, president of th Union Tanning company, paid a raoent visit to taw place, Inspecting their plant her. TAYLOR David T. Davis will drive today to Hasleton; where he will visit Ms daugh ter, Mrs. Thomas 3. Williams, for a few days. Tallle Griffiths arrived home yester day from Camp Curtln on account of the death of bis father, John P. Grif fiths. Th house of Anthony Lydon, on Main street, is completed and about ready for occupancy. Miss Busle Morris end Fred Wins low wilt leave today Cor Lake Underwood, where they will spend e few day. John C. Hatton Is a delegate for James E. Watklns from the Fifth ward, John Connolly having withdrawn. Th borough council held a meeting last evening. John Hodge, of ta Pyae, la quite se riously Injured. , .- The standing committee of th Third legislative district will meet today to dsolde wbeathaeoavatttlM trict will b held to 4et lete to the stat convent Ion. Th funeral of John V. GrifflUkS, SMD tlon of whoa death was toad In these columns a fw day ago, will occur this afternoon, aervloea will be conducted In th Calvary Baptist churoa, of this place. Rev. B. 1. Evans and other cler gymen will officiate at th eervtoea Interment will be mads In the Forest Home cemetery. Temple of Love lodge of True Ivortte. of which deceased was a member, will attend th funeral in a body. Rev. Mr. Hloraa will occupy th pul pit at tih Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow morning In the plac of Rev. P. A. King, who Is on a vacation. PITTST0N. (Th Plttston office of th ' Scranton Tribune has been opened by H. W. Cruser, agent, at No. ft Williams street, where cn trlbuuon of news, oomplalnts of noa-de-livery, orders for Job work of all doecrlp ttcina, should be addressed and regular subsorlpMons received. Advertising and subsvrlptlan rates cheerfully submitted.) Ithas been decided that the West Chester paper milt will remove to this place. This will be a great enterprise, and is due to the efforts of the board of trade. It Is hoped that this move ment will revive an Interest In manu facturing among th merchants and capitalists of Plttston. A report has been received from Wilkes-Barre that wife-murderer Win dish la In the hands of Chief Lof tus and Detective O'BrUn. His capture was made In a secluded spot in West Vir ginia, were he has been In bidding for a number of weeks. The Black Giants, of Plymouth, swiped a gam from the Plttston twhlers at the Kingston seminary grounds yesterday afternoon. The game was wang-bosted nl alx-taszled. Ply mouth won on errors In Judgment by the umpire. Their playjng was full of errors. Pltciher Kehoe, of Plttston. failed to show up and Chamberlain and emllts were substituted, which was th cause of their defeait. Th great feature of the game were Branl gan's double play, McCue'a home run and Smalti's great base sliding. The result of the game was 15-1, in Ply mouth's favor. Mrs. E. P. Van Wagenen and son Roy, of Orange. N. T are the guests of C. P. Law, on Wyoming avenue. Miss Carrie Miller entertained a num ber of her friends last evening at her home on North Main street. Plttstoa Bnslness Directory. FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBING CALL on Wright Co., T South Main street. A new range for sale or exdhang; also second-hand household goods, bought or sold. MONTROSE. Miss Lottie Warner has returned home after an extended visit In Brook lyn, iN. T, 'Mrs. Ernest Lyon and daughter will spend several weeks at Wilkes-Barre. Miss Dora 'Welch has returned from Walton, N. V., where she ha spent the summer. ' 'Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Latnrop attended a family reunion last week at Hall stead. Miss Bessie Perlgo Is visiting at Great Bend, (being th guest of Miss Willard. Colonel Warner was called' tp New Tork city Wednesday on business. He will return In a few day. On Wednesday John Lunney, of Great Bend, was - brought before Justloe Courtrlght charged with assault and battery by P. R. 'Barrlger, of Great Bend, during which assault the latter's nose was bitten nearly off. Mr. Lun ney gave ball to the extent of 1500 to appear at August court. Professor A. H. Berlin, of Wilming ton, Is spending a part of his vacation with friends here. Miss Florence Kerrlgen Is th happy owner of a "Rambler." A very enjoyable time was had fby all who attended th (Episcopal Sunday school plonio. Mrs. L, A. Backus Is In Philadelphia, visiting at th horn of her daughter, Mrs. Scott, HAWLKY, Wangaum Lodge, No. 44S, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows, have ar ranged to run an excursion by rail Aug. 22 from Honesdale to Newburgh and from there to New Tork by steamer on the Hudson river. The fare for the round trip is 3.60, tickets good for three days. Remember the Red Men's excursion and picnic to Lake Ariel next Tuesday. July 80. The Erie will run another excursion to New Tork on Thursday, Aug. . The fare for the round trio Is 11.78. Ticket good for one day only. Thomas KeMey, of Port Jervls, was In town Thursday. Mrs. Theobald Drevr snent Thuadav at Lacks waxen. Edward Cole returned home from BaJ. tlmore, Md., on Wednesday, oupermtenaent G. B. Smith with hie private car was In town Thursday. u. w. LAKe and J. T. Oow spent Fri day fishing atLakeTedy-uR-cung. If th Baby t ratting Teeth. Mr. Wlnslows Soothing Brruo ha baas used for over Fifty Tear by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens th Gums, Allays all Paint Cures Wind Colic and I th best renwty for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In ev ery pert of the world. Be sure and ask for 'Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no ether kind. Twnty-flv sent botti. . , . NAT AUG ITEMS. . i . Several Delaware. Lackawanna and Western linemen, who were putting up a line of wire to Elmhurst, wr board ing here last week. The brick plant Is now Idle, A. R. Com p ton, who own th hotel recently vacated by Mr. Dunbar, Is now occupying It himself. Mrs. Turner, who has been sick ell winter, is now able to b out again. ' Mrs. Houser end son, George, who have been visiting friend here' for some time, have returned to their home at Sayre, Pa, s esSBBSSBBBsseaksstaBMgt 1 " How to Car all Skis Disess." Simply apply "Swam ointment N Internal medlein required. Curs tet ter, sssima. Hob, all empties oa th face, bauds, so ate., leaving th skin clear, whit and healthy. Its great healing and euratlv powers ar possessed by no ether remedy. Ask your drug gist for Swayne'a Ointment. P. Y. S. C. S. a ad Srwsrth Lsagns. Tople cards for th eeet six month printed la good style at lew prists, if yen contemplate an xourslon or festival this summer. It will say you to consult as about printing posters, sirculars, Ueksta, to, The Tribune,. , , - . Ha Bees Wall Cosssasd. ' ' . Norrlatown Hraldt "Senator Quay has enjoyed many favors from th Republican party of th state certainly e fall equiva lent -for whatever services he may have . . .. . ' O Vi'liLD C? EUSQSS STOCKS ASP EOSCS. New Tork, July 11-Th Granger stocks developed strength today and they aU soldj at the best figures for a long time past. In th Industrials the feature waa the feverlshneta of Chicago Gas. The stock first advanced to MV4, dropped to bZ. later rose to S6V and receded to ClaMU- Speculation closed steady. Net changes show advances of HH per cent.. Burlington leading. Sales footed up 12,489.000. Th range of today's prices for the ac tive stacks of the New Tork stock mar ket are given below. The quotations an furulsed The Tribune by G. du B. Dlm mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen 4k Co., Block brokers, 411 Sprue street. Scranton. Op'n- High- Low- Cloa Ing. est. eHt. in. Am. Tobacco Co 11014 Wi H Am. SiiKur lle'g Co.113'4 114 113-i HM A tch.. To. A a. F. M'4 U MH U I'un. Bouth M b 6i Wi, Ches. ft Ohio Jl 13 Hi -'l'k Chtoaso Uaa M',4 Mi Ub UH Chic, ft N. W 1U0 lot lw Chic, B. ft Q Ki SOTt 14 HH, C. C. C. ft St. L 47 4S 47' 47'4 Chic, Mil. ft Bt. P... 6Wi 70H S Wk Chic, R. I. ft p 7H4 77 K'A Tl Delaware A Hud Wt 1 131 Vto'i 131 L)., U ft W HUH 1614 liil'4 Dist. ft C. F 1(1 S S1H 21 '4 Gun. Klectric ,. X4 STA; III. Central W-j mk lltl'ii Lake Shore 15.1 VAi 133 lM'i Louie, ft Nash tWi liutt 09 5'J Manhattan Kle 113 11314 113 "34 Mich. Central 101 I'll lul lul Mo. Pacific !M1, -M U U N. J. Central lull lot 1"3 1U3U, N. Y. Central lift HU 1U2 ' 102 N. Y. ft N. K M 05 64 5t N. Y., 8. ft W 114 H'4 114 I!', N. Y., 8. ft W., Pr... 2M4 H 294 3U4 Nor. Pacific 6 fj 6 l"4 Nor. Pacific, Pr WH W 1k4 194 Ont. ft West 174 17H 174 V Pacini) Mall tH 294 4 29U Phil, ft head 174 18 174 174 Southern H. R H4 1-114 144 114 Tenn., C. ft 1 jM4 StiiJ ani n;,4 Tex. Panltlc 124 134 1-4 ii Union I'aclflo is it 124 lv. WabuRh 94 914 9 ii Wabash. Pr 21 214 21 214 Went. Union 91 914 91 M i IT. 8. leather 174 "4 M4 164 U. 8. Leather, Pr..., M4 87 864 to CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE PRICES. Open- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. ing. est. est. Ins. September 71 7114 694 H OATH61" W 73 7114 ll St-ptember 224 224 224 24 December 234 234 234 234 MOR'tf 4 September 43 4.14 42 434 December 304 3T.4 ' jr. ST.4 MAIj K4 304 3i4 Sl September (!32 6.32 8.30 .3f January CM 6.32 6.30 6.32 POHK. Boptember 10.7B 10.78 10.6S 10.67 January I0.6O 10.67 10.06 10.67 Reramon Board of Trad Esohana Quo- tstloas-AII Quotations Basod on of 100. Par Ank "iio STOCKS. Dime Dep. ft bin. Hank .... First National Bank Green Ridge Lumber Co Lackawanna Lumber Co Scranton Savings Bank Scranton Lace Curtain Co Third National Bank Thuron Coal Land Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Glaus Co National Boring A Drilling Co. Scranton Jar ft Stopper Co Lacks. A Montrose R. R Spring Brook Water Co Elmhurst Boulevard Co Anthracite Land A Imp. Co.... BONDS. Scranton Traction Co Economy Steam Heat ft Power Co Scranton Glass Co Rush brook Coal Co., 6 Scranton Pass., Railway first mortgagee's, due 1920...,. People's St. Railway, first Bid. 125 600 'iio CO '"si so 65 90 25 ino so 100 CO 100 100 100 350 110 mortgage 6's, due 1918 , 110 People's St. Railway, second.. 110 Scranton Hholesnle. Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per lb., 5aCc; evaporated apples, 74a8a; Cali fornia prunes, 64a8c; English currants, 24a3c; layer raisins, ll.6oal.70; muscatels, 4afic. per lb., Ilal.25 per box; new Valen cia, 64a(4c. per lb. Beans Marrowfats, S2.AOa2.6a per bushel; mediums, 12.25. Peas Green, Sl.10al.15 per bushel; split, J2.50a 2.60; lentels, 6a8c. per lb. Potatoes New, S2.25a2.75 per bbl. Onions Per bbl, S2.50a 2.75. Butter 16al9c per lb. Cheese 6a0c. per lb. Rggsv-14al44c. Meats Hams, 104c; Kmnll hams, 11c; skinned Hams, 11c; California hams, 74c; shoulders, 74c; bellies, 8c; smoked breakfast bacon, 104c Smoked Beef Outsldes, 12c; sets, 134c; Inside and knuckles, 15c; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb. cans, $2.40 dosen. Pork Mess, $14.50; short cut, $15. Lard Leaf, in tierces, 8c; In tubs, 814c; 10-lb. palls, 8c per lb.; 5-lb. palls, 8ftc per lb.; 3-lb. palls, Sc. per lb.; compound lard, tierces, Sc.; tubs, 64c; 10-lb. palls, 6-c. per lb.; 5-lb. palls, 6!4c per lb.; 8-lb. palls, 7c. per lb. Flour Minnesota patent per bbl., $4.40a4.0; Ohio and Indiana amber, $4.10: Graham, $4; rye flour. $4.00. Feed Mixed, per cwt., $1.10. Grain-Corn, 55c; oats, 35a40c. per bushel. Rye Straw Per ton, $13alS. Hay-$15al7. New York Produo Market. New York, July 26. Flour Dull, barely steady. Wheat Dull, 1c. lower, steady; No. 2 red store and elevator, 7344c; afloat, 74c. ; f. o. b., 744a754c; ungraded red, 68a76c; No. 1 northern, 76c; options de clined la2c on foreign selling, closed Arm at al4c under yesterday with a moderate trade; No. 2 red, July, 73 V.; August and September, 73c; October, 740.1 December, 754o.l Msy, 784c. Corn Fairly active, easier; No. 2, 48c. elevator; 49c. afloat; options dull, 4c lower; July, 484c; August, 484c. i September, 484c ! October, 474c i May, 41e. Oats-Dull, 4c higher on white; options dull, easier; July, 284c; August, 27c; September, 264c; Oc tober, J64o. ;No. 2 Whit September, 284J.; spot prices, No. 2. 284c; No. 2 White, 32a S24o.; No. 2 Chicago, 2944c I No." 3, 28c; No. S white, 314c.; mixed western. 30c ; white state and western, t2a40c. Feed Bran,' 80a86o. Beef Inactive, unchanged. Lard Quiet, firm; western steam, $6.U4: city, $6.25; tleptember, $6.6, nominal; re fined, easy; continent, $6.95; South Amer ica, $7.30; compound, 4a54c Pork Steady; mess, $l2al2.75. Butter Fair de mand, choice firm; state dairy, llaMltc.; do. creamery, 174c; western dairy, 4a Uc; do, creamery, 12al74c.l do. factory, 8al214a; Elglns, 174c; Imitation creamery, llaltc. Cheese Quiet, less Arm) state large, 5ja7')4c. do. fsncy, 74a7c; do. small, 64a8c; part skims, Ia514c. full skims, ttaHto. Eggs-Quiet, unsettled; state and Pennsylvania, 1l4al44c; west ern fresh, 1241840. 1 do. per case, $laj.75. Toledo Grain Market. Toledo, O., July 26. Wheat Receipts, 170,000 bushels; shipments, 7,000 bushels; market quiet; No. t red, cash, and July, 74o. t August, 7214C. 1 September, 724o. De cember, 7414c; No. $ red, sash, 74c. Corn Reeelpts, $,000 bushels; shipments, (.000 bushels; market easy; No. 2 mixed, cash, 444c; September, 44140. Oats Receipts, 4,000 bushels; shipments, none; market steady; No. f mixed, cash, 24c. September, 184c.: No. $ white, 24c. Rye Market firm; No. I cash, too.) No. t do.) 45c. : Clover Seed -Market dull; cash, $6; September, $5,724; October, $5.75; March, $. -Chisago Live etook. Union etook Yard, III., July tl.-Cattl Receipts, 4,000 head; market barely steady; common to extra steers,- $3.40a6.8O; stockers and feeder, $2.25a4.10; cows and bull, S1.75aS.80; calves, $2.50a5.50; Texans, Q.S5a4.7A HogsReoetpts, 9,000 head; mar ket Arm and 5a. higher; heavy packing and shipping lots, $4.M6.S0; common to choice ' mixed, $4 75a4.S0; cholo assorted, $5.105.25; light, KSOaCtS; pigs. $$.50a4Jl5. Bbsep-Raealps, (,000 head; saaraet Arm and )5aS0o. higher; inferior to choice, sat $.Tti Umbs, tkO. Cera wily. CIosIidi Prices on Dress Goods to Make Room Four Great THE 15c. LOT Comprises 40 pieces ef all wool Mixed SultloS, 4. Inches wide; goods that have always brought 50c a yard. Also about as many more pieces of a gen eral assorted character. Nothing In the lot worth ender 37 1-2C We consider this the best. bargain ever offered in Dress Goods. 15c Yard, AT 25c. All wool Cheviots la a large variety of mlied color ings, Henriettas and Serges ia plain colors and many novelties. The goods we offer under this heading would be cheap at 50c. Sale Price, 25e The above four lots are unquestionably the best bargains ever offered la Dress Goods. The prices we quote are actually less than half the cost of manufacture. We are making some alterations and improvements ia our store and must have the room. Consequently the sacrifice prices oa these goods. Bale lasts until AngUlt L - . CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 0". ONE CENT A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR. IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHAHOHJ WILL BE LKBB THAN CENTS. THIB RULE) AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONB WANTED. WHICH AHB INSERTED FREE. H.lp Wantsd-Msls. W4 ANTEDA F1KHT-CLAK8 BLACY einitu to make hum foreinee for ei. Bine and thr mschlnery; must be well roc ommended: state sse and whether married o; siBKle. Addres Box care ttcrantoa Tribune, I)HOTOTICKBT ' AQENTBAND TplbrUKF. men can loam of a fine position br ad dresains; WILLIAM U. PLATT, 7 film atreet, Camdeu, N. J. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN HAN l- ererr town to solicit stock subsorly tlona; a monopoly: bis; moner for agents; nu capital roquired. EDWAUD 0. FiBH CO., Burden Block, Chleago. 11L SALESMEN - KKBIDENT 8ALE6MEK O wanted, acquainted with the local sml nearby drug andgrooery trade, to handle our line of high srade cigars, Addross, giTinR references, J. EDWARD COWLE3 Cu., HI Chambers street, N. Y. Helo Wanud Fcmal.s. VV housework: irood wages. MES. JOS, A.IEARH, ZU Bouth Main avenue. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN AS cook in hotil; suitable salary. Address, with referenoee, Boi 1068. Plymouth, Pa. ANT EDIM MEDIA TLYWOEN E It ftetie saleswomen to represent ns. Onaranteed Sti a day without interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation, write for particulars, incloilnff stamp, Mango Chem ical Company, No. 711 John street, New York. For Sal. I JOB 8ALB-O00D (2) QLAS8 MILK 1 shake, barber chair, gold watch, or will exchange above for show esses or good second-hand bioyele. C E, C, Oil E. Market St IOB BALE-NEW HOUSEHOLD OOOD8. 1 smalll lot. Inquire for Van Auker, Boo mer's restaurant, Frankliu avenue, Call to day. ryVLK HOME FOB THE FRIENDLESS OF J fer their property on the west side of Adams avenue, between Pine and Gibson streets, consisting of Ave forty-foot lota mak ing a frontage of two hundred feet on Adams avenue by one hnndred and fifty feet in depth, Improve!, with a large three-story frame house, Price, thirty thousand dollars. EZRA H. RIPPLE, WILLIAM T. SMITH. HENRY A. KNAPP. Advisory Committee. Fop RtiL FvrTOESTOLEDESK ROOM TO LET J and Assembly Hall to let D. & REP f.OO I.E. ue Bpruee street. iron RENT A LARGE, 4-8TORY BUILD X1 Ins at lid Franklin avenue: suitable for wholesale business. CARBON DA VIES, Scranton. t'OR RENT BIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, aear 11S Luserne, Hyde Park. V0BRENTiuLY''FUKNi8kEDHALL r suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JEK MYN, 110 Wyoming ovenus. Cottage to Let. COTTAGE TO LET AT LAKE WINOLA, furnished, a Penn avenue. Money to Loan. f'l liin AND DPWA ROB ON STRAIGHT ilOUU mortgage. D. B. HEPLOOUC, Homey, 40k Hpruce street. Bualn.as Opportunity. AKE MONEY-II0 TO ISO PER DAY made easllv on small investment in stocks, grain or cotton through our systematic plan ot operating. We have offices in Now York and Chicago. rVnd for our book "How to Speculate Baocmsfullv" and special review telling "What and When to Buy;" all free. Blx national banks given as referencee. F. J. WAKEM A CO.. Bsnkers and Brokers, M eaver street, lit Pearl atreet, New York. NO FAULT OF HIS. From the Chicago Tribune. "And now wMl somebody In the audience accommodate me with the loan of a cav alry sword? asked the professor of magic, stepping to the front of the stsge and rub bing his hands In pleasant anticipation. There was no response. The? professor repeated his request. Stime result. "I am sorry," he said at Inst, after wait ing several minutes, "that t shall be un able to perform my advertised feat of swallowing a sword, but you will see, ladies and gentlemen, that It is not my fault. I will now proceed with th won derful performance of th maglo egg bag," etc. , Oil Market. Flttsburg, July M.-OII opened and high est, 130; lowest and closed, ISO. Oil City, July M.-OII opened and high est, 142; lowest and closed, 130. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, July 86. Tallow Demand light, but prices steady. We quote: City, prime, in hhds, 4 He; country, prime. In bbls, 4c; do. dark, In bbl, Mc; cakes, 414c. i grease, IVjc. Belief In Six Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis uses relieved In six hours by th "New Great Bouth American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great aurpris on account of Its exceeding promptness la relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, hack and every part of th urinary pas uges, in male or female. It relieve re tention of water and pain In passing II almost Immediately. -If you want quick relief and cor this I your remedy, sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, ia Penn ave nue, Beranton, Pa. m Have Arranged the Bulk of Our Stock Into Lots at 1 Sc., 25c., 35c., 50c. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. EXPERIENCED WORKMEN REASONABLE CHARGES. TRY OS. e 1 SCRANTON BEDDING CO, tpselal Notlcs. U'TaWED6C?pirR7joWw;ffii for copies of The Tribune of the follow n 1 dates: January 4. 1800; February 2, 15; Uay W, 1805. TRIBUNE BUSINESS OFFICE. VTOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY I, I i-i will make a monthly tour of the follow ing places giving free open air advertising ex ubitions with th stereoptioon: Tavlorville, Hyde Park, Providence. Diokson Olyphant, ;'i-ckville. Arch bald, Jermyn. Exhibitions aren on Wednesday and Friday of each .veek during; the month, th rates for advsr i,!DLr 10 Pr month. Address B. H. ;U,Trlbune office, city. "rT,HB SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR.1' A. lou want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Picture sbw ng the foroee In actual battle, sketched on th,. ipot. Two volumes, 2.0UU ploiuree. Sold on oasy monthly payments. Delivered by ex "rose complete, all charges prepaid. Address I'. O. MOODY, ta Adams A v., Beranton? Pi BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAGA sines, etc., bound or rebound at The TntBVMS office, tjuick work. Seasonable prices. Agent Wanted. UJK DON'T WANT BOV8 OR LOAFERS, but men of ability; S30tol500a moatb to hustlers; state and general ageuta; salary lud conjmission. Chemical Fir Extinguisher to., Racing, Hla rjENERAL AGENTS WANTED BELL Is Ing new articles to dealers: exclusive ter ritory, no conipetltlon.no capital required: .1)0 to :uo per rent, profit. Columbia Chemical Co., 60 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. A OENTB WANTED EVERYWHERE. TO n. make t" dally aeUing our Aluininum Novelties; look exactly Use stiver; weighs one-quarter: featherweight ; wonderful : new-i-Kt out; simple, 10c.; catalogue free; ALUM 1NUM NOVeXTY CO, SU Broadway. M. Y. AOENTS-HIKDE'B PATENT CNIVER sal Hair Curlers and Wavers (used with out heat), and "Pyr Pointed"Hair Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box too. New York. WANTED - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle our line, no peddling. Balarv, ITS per month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly, r. O. Box, SOU, oiawn, SltusUsns Wsntsd. WAS? ted-a Lady would like to do washing. MI88 BKOW.v. til La- xerne street DRUUGIBT, REGISTERED. WANTS Po sition as clerk or manager: 12 years' ex perlenoe; city or country. Address DhUGS. csre Scranton Tribune. A WIDOW WITH TWO CHILDREN wants a position as housekeeper. Call or address V. M., 81 Oswald court. SITUATION WANTED-A COMPETENT woman, aged 82 yean, want, situation as hniteekcepor or soma good position ia a re speotablo, temperate man s family. Address 11. A. BURCH, Dunmore, Pa. SITUATION WANTED BY A WORTHY woman to ge oat by the day washing, cleaning oulces or aay kind of work It the day. Call or address MBS. RU8BELL, Ills Cedar avenue, in rear. CITUATION WANTED FOR WASHING O and ironing to do by the day ; washings tnken home, also. Call or address I , B4 North Sumner avenue, Hyde Park. oitUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG O girt ss clerk; has had extierlence in gro cery store; can furnish liest of reference. Call or address SOS N. Osrfleld avenue. Mdll. LA DIRS t Ctllchtttsr'l VWr4i PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Phynicians end Surgeons. a. EDGAR DEAN HAS) REMOVED to 111 Spruce atreet, Soranton, Fa, (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, tot PENN AVB.Il to I P. M.l call 3ML Die. of women, obetretrie and and all dls.f chll. DrTA. J. CONNELL, OFFICK Ml Washington avenue, car. Spruce street, over Francke'e drug atroe. Residence, ta Vine st. OHIO hours: 10.10 to II a m. and t to 4, and 6.M to IM p. ta. Bun day, I to I p. m. DR. W. B. i 1.1 .gW, Bi North WaaaUgtea straw Dk7'c. U PBBY. PRACTICB LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throats office. 123 Wyoming av. Resi dence, Kt Vln street. DR. I M. OATE8. IM WASHINGTON avenue. Omce hours, I to I a. m., I.M to I and t to I p. m. Residence Ml Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. DATR90N, RELIABLE! SKIN, Tumor and Cancer Bpeclallat. Tuesday and Fridays, at tot Linden treet Of Be hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR tit LA.CKA- Wanna avenue, eumiivn, rm nwuwww- turer of Win Screens. Dentists.' DR. WILLIAM A, TAPT, PORCELAIN, Bridge and Crown wrk. Offlo. Mt Washington avenue, . C C. tiAUBACH, aUSOEON DONTIST. No. lit Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON. OFFICtt OOAas ExT enao. . mm for Fall Stork. We AT 35c. All wool Tweed mixtures, Scotch Cheviots, regalar 60c goods, 46-lnch plate .Serges and Henrietta worth 75c, all go at Me. a yard during, thla sale, and the style and colors are correct la every way. AT 50o. 1 Here are Checks and Stripes ia a doxen dlflereet combinations, Silk and Wool Mixtures, Plain Serges la every desirable shade, Jacquard Suitings, Pop lins and the popular aod serviceable Vigoreaui Cloths. The actual worth of this aggregation is from 85c, to iL3s a yard. Bale Price, 50C 6o2 and 604 Lack Ats., Cor. Idami Lawyers. WARREN KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Bcran- tun. Pa. ; '' JESSUPB A HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law. Commonwealth oulldlne, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP, HORACE E. HAND. W. H. JEBSUP. JR. PATTERSON WILCOX. ATTOR. neys and Counsellors at Law; offices I and I Library building , Scranton, Pa. ROBWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellors, ' Common wealth building. Rooms U. M and 21. - FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room 6. Coal Eacaange, Bcraa ton. Pa. JAMES W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY. at-Lnw, rooms 03, U and 16, Common weaith building. - 8AMUEL W7 EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT Law. Office, 117 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. L. A. WATRE8. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 421 Lackawana ave., Scrankon, Pa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building. Scranton. Money to loan in large sums at t per cent. . C. R. PITCHER. ATTdRNEY-AT law. Commonwealth building, Scran ton, Pa. . C. COMEsirBPRUCE STREEtT"- D. B. r.EPLOQLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security, tut Spruce street. B. F. KILLAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 180 Wyomln g ave., Scranton. Pa. J AS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g. Scranton. J. M. C RANCK. IM WTOMINO AVa. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, Rooms 24. 25 and 26, building, Beranton. ARCHITECT. Commonwealth E. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT. OFFICB rear of 606 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK.'jR. ARCHITECT, 415 Spruce at., cor. Wash, ave.. Scranton. BROWN A MORRIS.. ARCHITECTS. Price building, 126 Washington avenue, Scranton. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. JONES BROS. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier term and pay you better on investment than aay other association. Call on & N. Callander, Dim Bank building. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balla, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulberf music store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, IN Washington ave.. Scran ton. Pa. FRANK P. nnOWrJ A CO.. WHOLE aale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil ClothJ Weat Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT AC countant and auditor. Rooms U and 20, Williams Building, opposite postofflc. Agent for the Rex Fire Extlnguleher. Schools. SCHOOL OF THB LACKAWANNA, Scranton. Pa., prepare, boys and girls for collg or business; thoroughly train young children. Catalogue at re auesu Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL, MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERQARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue, open Sept. I. Kindergarten 110 per term. Seeds. O. R. CLARK CO., SEEDSMEN AND, Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house. 13TO North Main ave nue; store telephoe 781. Hotels and Restaurants. THB ELK CAFE, Ut and 127 FRANK tin avenue. Rate reasonable. P. ZIBQLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D L. W. Etnger depot. Coaduoted oo tho uropeaa pUn. VICTOR KOCU. Prop. , WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Plac. New York. . Rate, M.M par day and upward. (Amsrt aaa plan). B. N. ANABLB. Proprietor. Plobeer ef the hotel en ter in New York eltv. Noted for It superb loss- tion, superior rooms ana excellsnt culsln service. Th Standard HoUl for giving Mums VAbtig roR THB PRICE than any Brst-clas haul In th world. Pacing Central Park. Mth and Mth ats., Plasa Square and Fifth avanua; . reached by aay uptown ears, and the sreestown oars n ana ai wnioa uwtsr in tsraaet all surface And elevated roads i' terminal station ttn ave. L road within , half a Nock. Absolutely lyeprooe American and Buropean plana Drlnkuts water and lee used is vaporised sod rresea on th ptwnl, and rtind a t rnrity. Sy Prof. Chaadlar. ( F. A. llAsUtOND. f .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers