. - ' v. THE SCBANTON TBIBUNE-FBIDAT MOHNING. JULY 26, 1895. v HORTON'S BOLLETIN. i Bicycles. Tricycles. ' Velocipedes. Boys' Backboards. Boys' Express Wagons. Boys' Wheelbarrows. Babies' Double-horse Rockers Dolls' Perambulators. . Children's Coaches. Krough Kcigh and other Games. Very Interesting Prices, at NORTON'S, St Lackawanna Avenue. AFoetoDyspopsia QOOD BREAD . USE THE Snoullite FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALS TO THE TRADE BY Tho Weston Mill Co, PERSONAL. Frank McCann was at Asbury Park yes Unlay. J. H. Valentine, of Newburg. N, T., 1 la the city. Miss Mam Kelly, of thU city, Is visit lag at Kingston. Attorney E. J. Jordan, of Tunkhannock, was In the city yesterday. Robert ES. O'Boyle has returned from a Business visit to Port Jervis. Miss Jennie Simons, of Portland. X. J., la visiting Mrs. Lona B. Day. Simon Lauer left Wednesday for a few aveek s outing at the seashore. ar. ana Mrs. Harry Leant called on friends In this city Wednesday. Joseph O'Retlly and Harry Thomas are spending a vacation by the sea. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hayes, of Olive street. will leave today for Branford, Conn. -MUs Grace O'Ualley. of Pittston. made call on friends la this city Wednesday. Mrs. C. J. Carter, of Franklin avenue. Is entertaining Mrs. E. U. Brown, of Phil adelphla. Miss Ullle Thomas, of Pittston. Is vt tting Miss T.IHIan Simpson, of East Mar ket street. Miss May Calvin, of New Tork city. Is the guest of Miss Agnes Moyles, of Jeffer son avenue. Professor and Mrs. H. L Morgan and child left yesterday to spend ten days at ocean urove. Miss Agnes 8crlne, of Viae street, has returned from a months' visit with Johns town relatives. Miss Nellie Cummlngs and Miss Annie Early, of Pittston, ass the guests of Scranton friends. Colonel and Mrs. A. C. Hubbell and son. f Somersvllle, N. J., are the guests of Bcranton friends. Misses Margaret and Kathryn Waters, f Danbury. Conn., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Keeley. Miss Hannah Friend, of New Tork. Is Siting at the residence of N. O. Goodman n Franklin avenue. Attorney August Battenburg, of the city soacttors omce, returned yesterday from Hurnsioes, . r., where be spent a week. Miss Julia Campbell, of Olbton street. ha returned home after an extended visit with friends in Wllkes-Barre and Pitts ton. i Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Blacklnton, John B Smith Qalpln, Miss M. E. Cornelia Oal pin. Miss King and Miss Bronion are at the "Ontlo." fnadilla, N. Y. DUNMORE. Arthur Smtth la .now employed In the DUiunore Cash store. Miss Jennie Russell, bookkeeper In Allen's grocery store, Is confined to her borne on North Btakely street by sick Samuel Cummlngs, employed hy F. E. awarts, wMto assisting Barker A Bona In placing new weigh scale In position, had the misfortune to drop a- heavy piece of Iron on bis left foot, crushing it quite badly. The new steady boarder that has com to the home of A. P. MoDonough, of West Drinker street, is an assistant liveryman Instead of one of the gentler aex, as reported yesterday. Ira. Albert Mowery has been suffer ing from a few days Illness, i The residence of Harry Klzer, on Fourth street. Is receiving a new coat of paint. Ernest Finch, who was Injured while 4 work on the episcopal rectory a few lays ago. is" now aible to wadk with the fcetp of a cane. John Dyke, who eye was Injured fcy the explosion of a cartridge, Is doing well, and It Is thought be win save his sight. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Bollls, of South Blake street, Is dan ' Soroualy 111.- The funeral of Mrs. M. K. 8mlth, who died at her home on Orove street Tues day evening at ISO. wlH be heM this morning from he house at I o'colck. Tho remains wHl be taken to Monroe county on the I B Delaware, Iyaoka wanna and Western train for interment. Pets CKHora, Jr., of Apple street, had lila hand badly crushed fey a car run ota over It yesterday. . . . Howard M. Bono and Mist Blanche BloeS enjoyed a pleasant drive to Peek riUe last dtcht.. ., .... .,, . . " 1 - i i v la the art Gallery, ; a PAaeer (enthuslaattcally) "Just look a that 'River Nymph r Doesn't it show oaaraoter?' - ..r. Aunt Jane (from VTsyback, severely) "rtei It eeeea'tt And I don't behave any gwi that would gat bar plater took that wax ewer had any, otMnoa"-4uok . ALL RECG1S ARE BEATEIi Thirtecstb Lowered It Twice in One Diy. GREAT KOKK THE BOYS DID They Have Proved Again Thst Oars Is the Peerless Regiment of the Guard of the State-Officers Warmly Commanded. Concluded from rage 1. many bright witticisms for the com pany. First Sergvant Engl, of Company D, Is greatly liked Iby members of the conv puny. Corooral Thomas Munihy Is not as amusing on this trip as on previous oc caslons. Captain 'Rowland is a close student of the tactics and law pertaining to mill Ury duty. Second Lieutenant Smith U prothono tary of Wayne county. He Is an elll- clent officer. Captain MoKee, of Company I. Ninth regiment, was a guet of the officer of Company C last evening. John It. Edwards, of Company F. son of Judire Edward, was chosen corporal of the guard at headnuartera. Private HIrIow, of Company E, coun' ty commissioner's cK-rk of Wayne coun ty. Is not partial to camp life.' Frank Raymond, of Company F, to the humorist of the regiment. - Jie gave an entertainment last evening- Newton Jackson has been we'll worked both In Companies A and C, and de serves credit. He may need It. Sergeant Bramla, of Company P. Is quite a home body. This Is his tlrst camp since hebecame a benvdK t. First Sergeant Dodge Is profiting by his seven year's service and 1s discharg ing his duties in an excellent manner. FX1. Burkhouse is one of the best cor porals In the regiment. He is an Inde fatigable worker and a strict tactician. Captain Fellows, of Company F, al though quite young. Is the senior offi cer of the regiment, and Is a skillful of ficer. Colonel Ripple Inspected the head quarters of the different regiments and found everything In a satisfactory con dltior.'. Major Whitney Is the proud possessor of one of the finest steeds in camp. It was purchased from Buck Taylor, the cowboy. Jam IMcGouldrlck sustained a pain ful Injury to his right hand, which Is not serious. Attorney Robert J. Murray, of Com pany C. Is company clerk. He Is ex cused from drill and is having an en joyable time. Captain Burke Is delighted with his position as commissary sergeant of the governor's staff. His horsemanship is greatly admired. The 'bas bail team of. Company B will .phty a game with a team from Company E. of the Twelfth regiment. for a purse of M. Company H men, of the Ninth regi ment, sold Company I men a keg. which when opened, was found to contain water instead of beer. Adjutant Millar mounted the Thir teenth regiment guard this morning, having arrived with the governor on the previous evening. Later, he Inspect ed 'the guard. Private Youngs excites surprise and admiration by the number of medals on his coat and the absence of stripes. He has -won the state championship three years In succession. The members of the regiment are pleased that ours -was the hospital corps selected for the exhibition before the governor. It reflects credit on the corps, the surgeons and the regiment. Captain Frannery, of Company H, Ninth regimenti, was the only captain who was congratulated while in line by General Hastings. He complimented him on the excellent line and the gen eral condition of the company. The programme for the vaudeville concert In Company B street this even lng 'includes selections by five members from Company E, Twelfth regiment, who were members of Kitty RAoadea' company last season. Courtrlght and Mitchell will englge in a sparring bout. There is no regiment In camp which has such excellent sanitary arrange ments as the Thirteenth. The surgeons pay particular attention to this and see that everything is clean and In order. As an evidence of the superior skill of our surgeons, a member of the Fourth regiment had a chicken bone stuck In his throat. It caused him great dis tress, but he could not find a surgeon to extract It until he reached the Thir teenth. Dr. Fulton had the neceeary Instruments and it rwaa extracted and his sufferings relieved. Our men realize (he competency of the surgeons, and any little trouble requires their im mediate attention. One man lost his taste and wanted it returned. That was a terrible calamity to happen while at camp, and he cought the doctor. It was a staggerer, -but an attempt was made at restoration. It failed, and he returned next day. He has not been heard from slnoe. T. P. D. SOUTH SIDE. John Cyril, Infant son of Dr. and Mrs. John J. Walsh, Is dangerously 1H of cholera infantum and not expected to recover. Greirtiam, the bright little son of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. O Malley, is seriously III. At Artesian Well grove the Hundoy school of the Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal church will hold Its picnic Saturday. The South works will be Idle next Monday on account of the excursion of St. John's congregation to Lake Ariel. Under the auspices of the Young Men1 Tourist club of St. John's Total Abstinence and 'Benevolent society an entertainment was last evening held at Its hall. Thomas M. Jones, chief clerk In the Meadow Brook office of William Con nell at Co., Is 111 at his home on Pittston avenue. Tho' excursion of' James Connrtl Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, to Lake Ariel today promises to bring a large part of the people of the South Side away for a day of pleasure. NORTH END. Charles Hen wood and family will re turn today from Mansfield, Pa. F. ' M. Vandtlnr and Charles Von Storch are enjoying tho fishing at Maple wood.- . ., . i , Miss Kate Lynch, of Wllkes-Barre, has returned home. She has been Visit ing tho Misses. Gillespie,, of Durkln street. . , . Miss Rum Jackson has returned from New York. Miss Daisy Stevens, niece of Mrs. C. tt. Bctiarar, of North Main avenue, en tertained flllsa Annie Gillespie and Miss Meta Oaterhout last evening, ; Tho only Sunday service In tho North Main avenue Baptist church will be Sunday school at 2.30. Miss Fannie Moran, of Carbondale, Is visiting Miss Julia Moran, of West Market street Mrs. Gabriel, of Church avenue. Is re covering from her recent illness. Mrs. Oliver and daughter have been visiting in Scott. Rev. D. M. Kinter has gained very much In heailth and Is enjoying his stay at Harvey s Lake. Frank McGinnis, who formerly re sided In Scranton, ia visiting William C. McGinnis, or Weston place. Mrs. David Conshlno, of Carbondale, visited Mrs. Andrew Smith, of Throop street, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgson have returned from Pittston. Ladies, Attention! On Saturday and Monday we offer Ladles' shirt waists worth from $1.00 to 11.95 for 75 cents. Waists worth 50c for only 26 cents. Waeta goods at half price. See our advertise ment on third page of thL twper. Mears A Hagen. GATHERED HERE AND THERE. At the recent meeting of the State Bar amai'latton at Iletlford Springs. Major Ktr erctt Warren, of this city, was honored by an election as one or the vice presidents. Mimui-i int-KMon. or I'nuailelphla, was elei-ted president. The other vice presi dents chosen were: William Scott, of Al- U'Khcny; It. M. Henderson, of Cumber land; Wllllm M. Hiiys. of Theater, and S. A. Davenport, of Kile. Jmlt'e Hlmonton. of Hurrlsliurtr, delivered the annual ad dress. A member of the city engineer's corps who had Just emerged from a sewer nun- hold and who was not the tidiest looking Individual to be found, was standing on Madison avenue yesterday .waiting for a car, when a lady with a sli-kle In hr hand caled him over to her gate and In a charitable tone of voice nuked him if h didn't want to cut her whs. Visitors to the city enk'liie.-r's ottlce yesterday who saw the picture of a sickle drawn upon the blackboard and chalked on the lloor In various places will now readily under stand the signlllcance of the mysterious symbol. The young men of the Excelsior Social club tendered the visiting and resident ladles a trolley party to 1'erkvlllo on Wednesday evening, after which the young people repaired to the club rooms where a dance followed. Those from out of the city were: Miss Israel, Mr. Stein, Philadelphia: Miss Vidnver, New York, and Miss Davis, of Albany. "I w!sh to correct the Impression that may have gone forth by reason of your article on the school board war." said a member of the teachers' committee to a Tribune reporter yesterday. "We, whom you deem proper to dub the new powers. deny emphatically the Intimation that we have continually before us the one Idea of revenge for old wroniis. The In sinuation Is a lie In every particular. As on of the teachers' committee I wish to say that Mr. Wormser only Imagines he received a turn down from the commit tee. The appointment at No. $ was made for reasons which are obvious to any one who cares to look Into the matter. I might say that Miss Kelly, who we con sidered the most deserving applicant, had no controller working In her Interest. She made her own light and won It, as she had the best arguments. "Your article says that while Mr. Worm ser was chairman of the teachers' com mittee the wishes of controllers were in every Instance heeded as regards the choice between applicants for a position, Just ask .Mr. Williams, Mr. Mahon, Mr. Jennings, Mr. O'Boyle and Mr. O'Malley how far their wishes were heeded In such matters. , 'As far as the braggadocio concerning the probable brevity of the reign of the present regime goes. Just say for me that we are not allowing that to give us the least worry. It 4s Just possible that we have the interests of the schools Just as much at heart as Mr. Wormser or his col leagues." There has not been a police arrest In this city, unless one took plane late last night, since 2.30 p. m. Tuesday, and not an arrest In the central city since 6.15 a. m. Monday. This l something unprecedent ed In the records of the police; that is, of course, since the city attained Its pres ent cosmopolitan character, say a decade or so. It might be said to be purely acci dental that such a thing could happen. The average number of arrests a day Is bout five and scarcely ever before In the time specified above has a whole day passed without an arrest being made In some one of the four precincts. In this instance about sixty hours have elapsed without an arrest being recorded and In the center of the elty, where the majority of arrests are made, no one has fallen into the hands of the police In about ninety two hours, figuring from 6 o'clock Mon day morning up to 1 o'clock this morning. And yet in some remote corners of this world Scranton has a hard name. Everything Isn't lovely among the Peo pie's party magnates of this county; It Is troubled by so many leaders. Alfred Buttermnn asserts that he Is the county chairman and M. .1. Coleman alleges that he Is the one for that position. Each has a set of adherents and It is not improbable that the party may split on this rock. Mr. Coleman and his followers were refused admittance to the hall on Lackawanna avenue when they sought to hold a meet lng Wednesday evening. The Janitor would not let them in because there is an old account of 130 for rent not liquidated. But that cut no Ice with the Colemanltes; they got down on the ten-foot privilege and went Into executive session In the open air. Buttcrman's supporters are In active at present; they call Coleman, "the balloon chairman," and threaten to rrad him out of the party. A merry time Is expected at the meeting next Wednes day evening. SHE WILL RECOVER. Mrs. Catherine Sweeney's Injuries Ars Not Vary Serlons. Dr. W. E. Alien slates that Mrs. Cath erine Sweeney, of Green's Lane, the aged woman who was struck by Taylor car Wednesday evening, and rolled ahead of It for some feet, is not seriously Injured. - . Her shoulder Is severely bruised and she has also some superficial Injuries, but nothing that will cause her to bo confined to her bed tonger than two weeks. MINOOKA. P. J. Qulnn has accepted the position of correspondent of the Scraitrton Timue) In this plaice. The Sunday school of the Greenwood Presbyterian churnh will have an ex cursion to Lake Ariel today. Much Interest Is manifested In the coming (shooting match botween M. Powell, of this place, and P. J. Durkm, of Old Forge. , Squire O'Hara'a office waa the scene of a heartrending domestic drama last evening when John Moran was ar retted at the Instance of his daughter Annie, charged wtth assault and bat tery committed on the person of ithe prosecuttlx. Ths defendant alleged that he waa trying to correct his chll hrett. He wa.i held in 1300 ball for Ma appearance at court P, C. Connolly qualified as bonds ma rv After the case waa heard the father tried to gpt ribs two younger daughters, Ellen and Ka tie, to come home, but they stubbornly refused, saying they would go wherever tho older sister, the complainant In tho case, wont. ... , , BAKE TAKEN AN APPEAL First Cases from This County Taken to New Superior Court. D. ft H. CO. THE APPELLANT Oeolsloa of Judge Qnnatsr Allow lag a Grade Crossing at Mooais Is Not Sat isfactory to It-Rales Adopted by the New Court. The first cases appealed to the new Superior court from Uhls county are those of the Delaware and Hudson Canal company against the Scranton and Pittston Traction company, and the Scranton and yitt.iiton Traction company against the Delaware and Hudson Canal company. In each case the Delaware and Hudson Canal com pany Is the appellant. These proceeding were begun at the time the Traction company made an effort to cross the Delaware and Hudson company's tracks at grade at Mooslc station and at Stark's Patch, below Moosic. Tho Traction company enjoined hi tulltf ad company from Interfering wUV. It In laying the cros Inga, and the ril read company enjoined the Traction company from laying- the crossings. ThU kept the matter In statu quo pend ing the decision of the court on the rights of the company. In disposing of the applications for a preliminary Injunction the court decid ed that the Traction company could not crura the steam road at grade. -Later the matter came up for final hearing and Judge unter went over the ground that he might have a clear Idvfa of the situation at .the ipolnts where the Traction company desired to cross. Judco Uunstor's Uecislon. His dec 1st I. VII, which was exclusively announced In The Tribune a month ago, gave the Traction company the right to croF the Delaware and Hudson rail road at grade at the Moosic station, as there was no other feasible way of crossing at that point. At Spring street, in Stark's Pulch, the Traction company was directed to tunnel under the steam road. It Is now preparing to comply with the decl-lon of the court. The Delaware and Hudson Catva! com pany Is not pleased with Judge Gun ner's decision allowing a grade cross ing at Moosic station, and has therefore taken an appeal to the Superior court. The Judges of the Suerlor court met at Harrlsburg Wednesday acij promul gated the rules to govern Its proceed ings. The terms were fixed as follows: At Philadelphia the court to sit the first Monday In November for six weeks for Philadelphia county and the other eastern counties. At Scranton the fint Monday of January for Luxerne, Colum bia and 'Montour; second 'Monday of January for Lackawainna, IMonroe, Car bon and Wyoming. The third LVliyiday of January for Bradford, Susquehanna Wayne and Pike counties, At Wllliamsport first iMonday of February, continuing three weeks. At Harrigburg, first Monday of . March, three week. At Pittsburg, the first Monday of A'prll, continuing fix weeks. Whore It Will Sit In Scranton. The court will pro'boibly sit In Scran ton In the federal court rooms, over the postofflce. The rules follow those of the supreme court pretty generally. Appellees must be notified of appeals taen by appel lant. Assignment of error must be filed the first day of the week in which the ca-e Is set down for argument. Outside of Philadelphia, appellant must serve appellee with copy of his paper 'book twelve days before argu ment, and the reply book served t least five days before time appointed for hearing case. Samuel H. Stevens will be proUionotary of the new court in this city. Judge McCarthy, of the Superior court, yesterday at Philadelphia, made this announcement, which will be of in-tcrt.-it to thoee who are seeking other positions at the disposal of the court: "We have decided to make no appoint ments of criers or tipstaves in any one of the districts until fall." The first seralon of the court wlH be held In Phil adelphia on ithe ft: rt Monday in No vember. Plllsbury's Flour Mills have a caoaclts Of 17,500 barrels a day. I Wall Paper Styles and colorings are very fine this season. Let us fix you up a sample room with nice Gilt Paper, $5. HITS, THE LAST Wash IN ORDER TO CLOSE ENGLISH DUCKS, JAPONETTES, SWIYEL SILKS, SCOTCH GINGHAMS, PLISSE, - , BRILLIANTS, - DIMITIES, JACONATF, ZEPHYR GINGHAMS, CHAMBRA.S, CREPER, LAWNS, " challifs; dimities, v . MEARS & mGEN, 415 U&XAnAXXA AYET.l'E v RAILROAD NEWS. ' Officer Lukens, df tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western citation, is again at hla post after short Illness. All the local roads are experiencing a heavy business, owing to the summer travel. This Is always an indication of prosperity In the land. The Jackson and Wooden Manufac turing company, of Bloomaburg. have about finished a big order for large freight cara for' the Delaware, Lacka wanna .and Western. The cars have a capacity of 60.000 pounds, about 10,000 pounds more than the ordinary car. All the western roads are increasing their forces. Nearly If not quite all the old force on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul have been re-employed, and the same Is true on the Chicago and Northwestern. The Union Pacific is opening Its Cheyenne shops; the Chi cago, Burlington and Qulncy has large ly increased Its shop force, and the Omaha and the Missouri Pacific have Increased the force In the shops and In the transportation department. A meeting of the conductors, engl 'neers, firemen, brakemen airjd switch men employed In the yards of rhe Penn sylvanla Railroad company was held at Altoona yesterdlay. It Is said a committee was appointed to, wait upon the superintendent to request that the yardmen be paid at the same rate uf wages as the employes of the com pany doing similar work In 4 he yards at Wall Station, neat Pittsburg. The brakvmen cay that ur.iess the demand la acceded to they will strike and ef fectually t'le up (lie sya:m In Altoona. If a strike among the brakemen should Hake pidce, about 2&0 would probably ro out. International and Great Northern, $411,613, Increase $5,208; Ontario and Western, $74,743, decrease, $14,621; Peoria, Decatur and Evansvllle, $14,- 411. Increase, $2.1H3; Union Pacific, $343, 000, Increase, $5,000; Louisville. Evans vllle and St. Louis, $23,707, Increase, $6,797; Pittsburg and Western, $64,266, Increase, $21,311; Mexican Central, $ir's, 417, increase, $5; Missouri Pacific, $334, 000, increase, $82,000; Chespeake and Ohio, $180,56, decrease, $r,04; Cen tral Branch, $7,090, decrease, $4, 000; Buffalo, Rochester and Pitts burg, $66,762, lncreaise, $5,535; St. Louis (Suuthwosternv. $68,000, In crease, $12,700; Denver and Rio Grande, Jackson and Mackinaw, $51,277, Increase, $1,400; Lake Ktie and Western. $60,639, Increase, $10,307; Mexican National. $80. 259, Increase, $11,250; Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City, $31,926, Increase, $5, 711. The gross earnings for the first Ave months of the present year of 132 roads are as follows: January 1 to May 31 1891. Gross $252,130,752 $213,uS,lrt3 Operating expense.... 181,345,172 179.186,604 Net $70,785,580 $64,721,491 The increase In gross earnings was $8,222,657, the Increase In operating ex penses was $2,158,568, and the Increase In net earnings was $6,064,089, or 9.37 per cent. IH Carpenters going to make more room for ns before dirt making commences, we mark low. Ftamsd Pictures: 13x18 Colored Pastel 19c 14x22 Colored Paatol 39c 17x30 Real Etchings, White and Gold Frames 75c Over 1000 Framed Pictures at prices that wiu male tnam get oat of the way. REX FORD'S, 20 LICK1WINM WE. AYLESWORTH S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest inprored furnish' logs and apparatus for kecpiog mat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Am HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED. DR. JOHN HAMLIN, The Acknowledged Expert la Horseshoeing and Dentistry, Is Now Permanently Located on West Lackawanna Ave., Near the Bridge. CALL ON Goods THEM OUT WE OFFER For only iac.t which is just half price. . For only 6 cents, which is less than half price. For only cents, worth 6 to to cents. Large Pitchei and Basin, Small Pitcher, Brash Yase, 0 L E T S E T S Covered Soup, -Covered Chamber, New Shapes in Pink, Bine, Brown, Grey and Other Colors. For the Set, China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 04 WVOIIIC 1VEMUE. $1.98 ANY STYLE BLACK OR COLORED - OXFORDS Come and pick them out all sizes, only $1.98. We also have in addition to the above complete lines of Common Sense, Opera Toe and Piccadilly Toe Oxfords at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50. i 410 Spruce Street Spring House U. E. CROFUT, PropV, Heart Lake, Pa. Alt!nin!-1 IM0 tmt Vina ittwm arM tw.utiful tc.narv. Honaa nw and well fur- nlsn.d; but tbra mlsutea' walk from D., U a w, nation, ana iuo km from tu una. GOOD BOATS, FISHING TACKLE, Dancing Pavilion, 8wlnira, Croquet Ground ate., rKKtt to uueala. COLD SPUING WATER AND PLENTY OF MILK. ' RATES REASONABLE. Writ for circular. Stocks, Bonds, and Grain, Bought and sold on New Tork Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, either for cah or oo margin. O. duB. DIMniCK, 41a 5pruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS I SrtCULTT. Telephene 0002. IIT. PLEASANT COAL, AT RETAIL Coal af the baat oualltv far etataaatla Ma. and of all alaaa. dallMraA In mum part of the elty at lowest price. Ordxra left at my Office NO.HB WYOMING AVENUE, gear reoat, flrat floor, Third National Bank, or cent by Ball or telephone ta the Bine, will receive prompt attention. pecuu nmnw win ne Baaae far IM late aad delivery of Buckwheat Coal WM. T. 8MITH. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton. ROOMS 4 AND 8, . Oaa and Water Co. Building, COINER 1T011N0 1TB. AID CENTER ST. nvtra noniM fram ran a n. to to. nt.: (1 boor Interalealoa for dlntur and eapper. ) Piftlcnlir Attention Glren to Collections Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. TOURBUSIRESS IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Telephone No, 134. R83F TKIIRG IRD SOLDERS. AH done away with by the ute ef MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which HART ef Ingredient well-known to all. It caa be applied te tin, talvanleed tin, aheet Iroa reefs, alao to brick dwellnn, which WUI Iirevent absolutely any crumbllaa", crach ng or breaklne of the brick. It will out last tlnnlna of any kind by many years, and It's coat does not exceed one-art n thai mi the ooat of tinning. Is sold by the Jok er pound. Contracts taken by AMTONXO UARTaUKN, eVBtreh M. T O $8.00 EMIR WATER-PROOF -.OMQBITS 7 OUR NEW Combining all the requisites of a fine Spring Overcoat and possess ins water-proof qualities. ALL. NEW SPRING STYLES IN AT MARTIN&DELANY'S DR. E. GREWER. The Philadelphia 8( erlnllnt, end hie assa cmii'u man or i".i)R!in ana urmu physicians, are now permanently located at Old PostofTlce Building, Corner Pen Avenue and Spruce Street. The doctor Is a er&duuo of tliu L'nlver stty of Pennsylvania, formerly demon, strator of phymelogy and surgery at the leuico-t mrursicai college or I'niiadftl. bhla. Hla specialties urn Chronic K'ar. voun, Skin, Heart, Womb and Wood die. eaeM. DISEASES OF THE HERYOUS STSTE1 The symptoms of which are dlszlnesH.l&ck of contldence, sexual weakneHa In men and women, ball rlHlns; In throat, spots floating before the eyes. Ions of memory, unable to concentrate the mind on one subject, easily Btartled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mlnd.whlcn unfits them for performing tho actual du lies or lire, making napviness Impossible, distressing the action nt the hrt iu. lng flush of heat, depression of splrlts.evll forebodings, cowardice fear, dreams.meW ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as jireu in me mormr.g as wnen retiring, lack of enerirv. nrrvnu.nm trtn.iitB confusion of thought,depresBlon, constipa. tlon, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so errectea snouia consult us Immediately ard be restored to perfect health. Lost Ma j i hood Restored. Weaknee bt Young Men Cured. Y? WAtl hstf i kaan sllt.n ee Waa .. atclan call upon the doctor and be exam. W.ll UA .IIFaa .. -. - . us Lability, Scrofula. Old Sores, f'a- tlons of be Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat rum, tumors, cancers ana Cripples tl every description. .uiiaiuiaiiuii. iree ana strictly sacred and confident.. Office hours dally frsra a.m. to p.r. Sunday. to 1 Enclose five l-cent stamps for symtpora blanks and mt book called "New Life " I will pay one thousand dollars in roll to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI LEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. " my x?iiiiuiiik, comer rau avenue and Spruce street. SCRANTON. PA. IM.IIULBERrS WYOMING AVE SCRANTON. STEMW1Y t SOR DECKER BROTHERS KRIRICH t BACK STULT2 ft BAUER and Others PIANOS Alao large stock of first-clase ORGANS MUSICAL rtERCHANDISB. MUSIC. ETC. JAMES & KELLY FUNERAL OIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Late of Pittsburg. First-Class Llrery in Connection, 205 SPRUCE ST.. SCRA.1T01 call up aetx CiLOlT 1 11 mUFlK CO. OILS. VINEGAR i AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE. 141 TO 181 MHRIPIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'r. TAR GUM Cures Cold, Lays Out LaGrlppe, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured . by G. ELM EN DORF, Elmlra, N. Y., and for sale by the trade generally. MB GARQE L & C0NNE LL, VaOlesilt lie!!, Strctci, Pi . W III I IN Messrs. Cnrt!s & Wheeler nra recognized IS (be leading manufacturer of Ladies' Fine Footwear intuis country. Tlielr Shoes poxieat superior merit, over nearly all othora, TLey are beautiful in desiirn, graceful in appear ance snd postern tht gloro-Stting qualities so much souicht aftar lu drees sboes We call your particular attention to our complete Use of Oxford Ties in biauk anl fancy leathers ia any style of last and ia all widths from A to EE. . We invite a comparison wtth otter makers' shoes at the same prices LIMITED. CORKER LICKL 1N0 JEFFERSD.1 1'EjS Atlantic Refiningfco - tlanafactttrer and Dealers li 01 5 inns Unseed Oil, Xspthaand Case, lines of all grades. Aise Grease. Pinion Create an J Colliery Com. pound; also a large line W Psu V afflne Wax tanaiti. , We also handle the Fan ous CROWN ACME OIL. the onlv fam.lv aafetv ' burning oil In the market. Wm. Mason, Manage!, OfHOel! COaVl KVtftlatsTna VamiftaT AWnV Wortu at Pin Brook. WELSBACH LIGI epecltllf idtpted for Retdlo ud Setli Crnnimei three (SI feet of gas pat hour and glvee au efficiency uf sixty (0) candles. Saying at least 831 ner cent over the ordinary Tip Burners. au ana Ace it. 8 434 UCXlWkRRI IVERUL risnufacturers' Agents. Standard Instruments In every eamee eg the term ae applied to Pianos. : - . exceptional In holding their erigiaai ran. HEW TORK WARBHOOTB. NCX a. aVa. fifth avenue. Ortl B BY E.C.RICKER&Cp til Adaai. AV.., NSW TOMpa mows. t, P. a B. et A., O. A. B . ef T, ' n itI." it i iut u ImIsm i I nrintlas la the elty at lowest arte. oy eVlUas a Xaa Taisraa ee Depart. TV iiwih v j num. 1 1 9 colli INT CONNELL vr oie3gepgA I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers