0 THE SCRA2TTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNINO, JULY 24, 1895. . THE Flowaeg By A. T. QUELER COUCE tCtopyricat IH by Irving BactaolVer tn. . Borne three month after this, and on an exceptionally, fine morning In Sep tember. Master Simon put Harmony, hto celebrated traveling hen. Into her traveling hamper, and marched over to the cross-road to take coach for 11 lo gon, in the mining- district ' where rhe matches for the championship cup were to be flown that year. Now Ann the cook bad ventured no less than five pounds upon Harmony. Five pounds represented half of her annual wage, and a trifle less than half her annual saving. Therefore she spont be greater part of the following after noon at her window, gazing westward in no bhukHI perturbation of spirit. It wanted few minutes o Ave when a carrier pigeon came traveling across the cenith, shot downward audd-.-nly. and alighted on the roof. Ann cllmlx-d Her Ejes Optima Wide When Tliey Fell oa tke Uandwritlnc. to the trap-door and put out a hand. The bird was preening his feathers, and allowed himself to be taken ea.ily. In circumstances less agitating Ann had not failed to observe that the thread about the messenger's wing was not of he kind that Master Simon used. But her eye opened wide as they fell on the handwriting, nd still wider as she Mid: ' "It Is all for the best, perhaps. If only people have not begun to talk. prudence." A second messenger arrived toward vening with word of Harmony's suc cess. But the news hardly relaxed Ann's brow, which kept a pensive con traction even when master arrived next evening, and poured out her wtnlngs on the table from the silver challenge cup. She wore this frown at Intervals for a fortnight, and all the while main tained an unusual silence which puzzled Master Simon. Then one morning he heard her In the kitchen scolding the tap-boy with all her pristine heartiness. That night, after mulling her master's . - 1 1 . . 1 J n t" mile ivrneu hjl unr u'K 11. muvclriu it mm cougni losttraot attention. -what is It?" "lou ve been prwanaenn "Hey! pon my word. Ann " Ann produced the Widow Waddllove's note and flattened It ou.t under Master Simon's eyes. AndMasterSimonblushed painfully. "Are you going to marry the woman?" Ann demanded. 1 think not." "I reckon youj will." "Well, you see, there has been a hitch. Mw won't leave the Pandora's Box. and rra not going M budge from the Flow ins? Source. If a woman won't put her self out to that tit Besides, he cooks no bett you." "Not so 'an't thinking, ty ani Ing me?" y brazen: well, jo; io tell theS uth, I wasn't." "That' all rlfc because I've gone and promised myselto a young farmer VP the valley." "What's his name?" "I shan't tell you; for the reason that I've a second to fall back on. If I And on acquaintance the first won't do. But first or second, I'll marry one or t'other at the month end, and so I give you turtle." Master Simon sighed. "Well, well! I must get out as best I can with Tom for wWtle." Tom was the tap-boy. "Tom's going too. I bullied him so this morning thait he means to give notice to morrow; that Is If he don't save him eh? the trouble of running off to sea." "The twelfth In live years!" ejaculated (Master Simon, stopping his pipe vic iously. "And small blame to them. Married man or mariner that's what a boy Is horn for. Beltter dare wreck or -wedlock than sit here and talk about both. Take my advice, master, and marry the widow." Ann carried out her own matrimonial program, at any rate, (with spirit and determination. Finding the first young fanner satisfactory, she espoused him "Yoafwa Very Obstinate Woman." at the end of the month, and turned her hack at Flowing Source. And Tom the tap-toy fulfilled her prophecy and ran away to sea. And the old inn leaned after him nl Its umoer creariea. l And the autumn floods rose ana covered i meadow. (ter Simon sat and smoked, and Ms own bed, and accomplished xesrable cookery In the Intervals of 'oHlnit hh ouch aim. Even duck- ma a weariness When a lanaf faa nd punt One afternoon he mm in an exceedingly -ri'led up to the Jaws - be landed, and ti r marshy EXIfi well, f J Lxaanci x rouw r wis tnadS! ahodtInghec man has ? V tmrw-har e'sndoHt l-ttsr- oinree bottoms had the luck o knock over two brace of woodcock. He rode back with his spoil, and was making fast to the ferry steps. whna thought struck him. He dipped he paddles again and pulled down to Von-Th- .hurt day was slosing and alitady a young moon glimmered oil the floods. ... The woodcock was cooked to a turn: Juoler birds never reenneu v The waitress removed the cloth and re turned with a kettle; retired turned again with a short-necked i,.n- . i-iMas and suoon. sugar. ut- ' i . l.,,. relireu With a ;n5. twinkle In her eye. .-.if l.1 Mistress Pru dem-e. rubbing a lump of sugar gently on the lemon rind. "The night air," Master Simon mur ium e J. Asatnst the damp house you re going back to." the lady corrected. You talk without giving It a trial. 'As vu talk. In your parlor, of deep- As a fhi:'a captain you would re- spx-t me. perhaps? for vnu haven't the head. But 1 should like jvur pluck. If 1 saw you r.tilng off for sa In earnest,! would ,, nf nn 1 irlve vou a chance to steer a woman instead of a ship. You would find her safer." Master Simon entitled his glass, rose, n,i vm-ni his great comforter about his nook. The widow saw him to the door. You're a verv obstlnato woman," he said. And with this he unmoored his boat and row?d j-esolutely homeward. A strong wind came piping down on the back of a strop ar tide, and Master 8lmon arched his shoulders against It. "Married man or mariner." It piped, na hA mnn 11 thz first bend. Master Simon pulled his left paddle hard and roundel tne cvnu. "Marr!;d man or mar " His heels flew up and his head struck the bottom boards. Then, in a mo ment thp hrit waa eone. and a rush of water f ang In h! ears and choked him. He saw a black shadow overhanging, and clutched at It. Mistress Prudence stood In her door way on the quay, as Master Simon had i.-rr hor In the room above, the wait ress blew out her candle, drew up the blind and opened her window to me moonlight. Selina!" the mistress called, Sellna thrust out her head. tvmr' thnt enminzdown the river?" A black, amorphous mass was moving swiftly down toward tha quay. 'I think 'tis a haystack," Selin3 whis pered, and then. "Lord rave us all, there's a man on It!" "A man?" cried the widow, shrilly. "What man?" A voice answered the question, call ing for help out of the river a voice that she knew. "What is It?" she called back. "I think." nuavered Master Simon, "t think HU the roof o' Flowing Source !" Mi3tress Prudence ran down the quay steps, cast off the first boat that lay handy.and pulled toward the dark mas sweeping seaward. As It crossed ahead of her bows. he dropped the paddles ran to the painter, and flung It forward with all her might. The Pandora's Box Inn stands on that Is left of Flowing Source hangs on ho nt the best parlor four dark oak Umbers forming a frame around a portrait, the portrait of a women or middle age and comfortable counten ance. In the rl,ght-hand top corner of the picture. In letters of faded gold, runs the legend: Uxor bona lnstar navls. (The end.) AUDIENCE HAD TO BE NICE. Actor Frawley Relates on Iseldent In Ills F.xperlance. rRj-l Frawley, once a newspaper man, , nr t-l the San San Francis co Call: At one little place called West Union, In Iowa, we 'had the oddest ex pertenca I ever ye.t met with. We I layed In a hail thirty ft under ground that hid formerly been two saloons, and the stage being composed of two tuning tables. Though the theatre was packed w'.h people, we might have bee play Ire? to wax figure for all the Inter fst they exhibited In the play. Ttwre wb nt one tough or sign of aplause from berinn1ng to end of the perform nnee. V.'e noticed a man going up and down the aisles but Md not pay much attention toTiim unill he became behind the scenes after how and was Intro duc?4 e the proprietor of theater th? ex-saloon keper. "Pretty nice lot of an audience," he remarked to me, with the pride of own erf Hip. "Yes, quite a la5y-llke one. I an swered, "very gentle and timid." "They've got to be. I walk up and down the ai) with a club, and If I so? anyone making a noise, I throw him out." And that accounted for the silence. The people rtood In such awe of the ta-toon-keepcr that they did not dare to smile. TOWN WITH WO GOVERNMENT. Qnesr Stat of Affairs st llsmboldt, asa., Apposrs In Lltlgstlon. In the United States circuit court of appeals, at St. Louis last Saturday, was filed the transcript of the record In the case of Peter A. H. Jackson vs. the city of Humboldt, Kan. Jackson sued the cMy on bonds aggregating 86,S0O, and the city filed a plea to the jurisdiction on the ground that the officers of the city had not been summoned. The rec ord, says the OltOe-Democrat, dis closes a story of a town without ofll cers and without government except cuch as the citizens voluntarily fur nished. Some, fifteen years ago, for reasons that do not appear, there was a partial disorganization or discontinu ance of the city government, and for twelve or fifteen years the town was run by citizens, who got together when ever occarlon demanded and did what appeared should be done levied taxes, directed street Improvements, etc. About once a year the meeting ordered an election, and whoever was chosen mayor was called mayor, hut more by the way of a joks than seriously. One of the depositions said that matters were run by "lot , of people" and money was disbursed for things that had to be dons and should he paid for. There waa seldom a question put to vote, and 'no one could remember whether there was ever an adjourn ment; some one would say It was time to go and they all got up and went. Service waa had on McElroy. who was "mayor" In 18M, and on the city officers of that year, uut McElroy denied hav ing ever been mayor of the city, and the others swore that they had never been city officers. Upon a trial of the question of ser vice a large amount of testimony was taken. Involving the way the town was run: and the Kansas federal court held that McElroy was a good enough mayor for service, and the service on the others -was good; and then the case went to trial and there was judgment for the plaintiff against the city for $81.43$. The city appealed. There was also filed In this court yes terday transcript In the case of Quincy A. Shaw versus Murry M. Kellogg, from Colorado. It waa a suit for the possession of a mining claim located by the defendants under the act of 1SC0. allowing the selection of lands not mineral, and the question was whether the lands were mineral or not. Judge Hatlett rendered Judgment for tbe de fendant and the plaintiff appealed. oir naWnaiTantiiem. Liter la an Authority W hloh Contends That the Star-Spangled Banner Fills tbe BUI. What Is an anthem? Strictly speak ing. K Is a. composition Iro prose or verse sung antlphonally tha't Is. by two voices or choirs respectively. The word comes from the a reek, outlphona (ant I, over again, and phone, voice). Tlw root of the Greek Is Su-.-.Bkrit. and means simply to epeuk. The sntlifhon al form of ttie anthem la bolh Ortn-k and OhrlsiWan. and Is to be fjur.il today In the rktual of every church which makes music part of Its worship. This meaning of the word, It Is agreed 'by the highest authorities, haa disappeared. Its recond signlnVanoe Is a musical compost in or aacred motet usually set to verses of the psalms or other por tions of the svrfcptures and sung as an in'tegrail part of pu'tnllc worship. In neither the first nor tihe second sense is it applicable to a, secular poem, set to music Intended to express or symibol lze love of country. Anthem, say the now "English Dlt'ttotvary on Historical Principles" (Philologlcad society, Ox ford), Is an Inappropriate title for na tional anthem. "It has. however, Jiow bec.m ex generally adopted that It would be pedantic not to use It." The validity of a national anthem need not 'be sought ibehlnd the word. It makes little difference how novel meanings come Into universal speech. Once they are universal the door Is closed on mere verbal archaeology. A national ant'hem Is that combrr.'ativxn of malody and words which Is Identified with a nation In an exclusive eernee. In this sense "The Star-Spangled Banner" Is the American nai.lonal anthem. In the fame se-r.iie (the "Marseillaise" la of France, and "Ood Save the Qufen" that of 'England. It is true that "America," the words of which were written by an American, Samuel Fran cis Smith, is 'to the tune of "God Save the Queen." That anthem Is not, how ever, strictly speaking, national, be cause the government of the United States has officially recognized "The Star-Spangled Banner," and also "Hall Columbia" which was originally Gen eral Washington's march, the music being by a German named Phyla, or Fayles, 'leader of the orchestra for the old John street theater In New York. The melody was first played, so far as is known, on the occasion of Washing ton's first visit 'to that .play house. Do Not Need New Ono. There) appears to be no good reason to doubt that the germ of all national songs Is to be found far back among folk melodies anterior to the time when natlonailltlws in the present sense ex isted. The .air of "America" and of "God Save the King" or Queen, is not English, Its first adaptation to words is obscure. The air itself waa known as a folk song among various peoples. It Is the Danish national air. It Is the Prussian national air and It Is the Ger man national air.- Its age is beyond con- jacture. In musical science It Is akin WHO That insists upon keeping a stock of ddwaa's Beany In the house? Whjr, the wise mother. Because. v!ic taken internally It cures in a few minute Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartbur: Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Sick Heailarh Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Summer Complain' Colic, Flatulency and all internal pains. DOSE Hall a teaspoonful In half a tumbk of water. Used externally, it will cure Rheumatisr Neuralgia, Mosquito Bites, Stings of insert Sunburns, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Couglr Colas and ail throat troubles. Radwav's Ready Relief, aided by RaC way's rillt, will cure Fever and Ague; hU larious, Bilious and other Fevers. FlftyCMtsafettl. Seld ivPrsrflitf mASWAT CO., Mew Ysrk. RAD WAY'S Furstr Ttbl, mild and ro'lsbls. C.vr prf ct dlsMtlm, romrlot ssnlmiUllon an kesitbtnl retslarlty. Curs eonitlpstinB Its luaa Usl of aaslsiMM nipteias snil rcj i vtasts ths srstoss. i!u cuU boa. All dm. fists. REVIVC RESTORE! VITALITY Made a Well Mar 1st Day, - IMhOsy, of Me. TNI WHAT goth srsdaees tbs shove resalta In SO Mays, ltscb Mvortullr sad euicily. Cures wata til othm tall ToaasaaawtUrarala their Inet aaaaood.aadolr ms will fMorer b,lr routafal lor kr saint RKT1 TO, It qalekljr and asmlr raeton Merrann Mas, Leal THIUr, laapotener, ihllr Inlatlou Loei Fewer, rilUas Memory. weeUa Diseases, aitf all aaeas ef etU-almeB or esonuut ladteeretion waleh aaate oh for otadr. feuelneae or aurrtese. II sot safer same by atanint et tbe aeat St lNse, but la a tree awrfattmle sad blooel balldor, bfina keek tbe stak glow ta mis etaeebs and r MerlBg tbe lire of yoatb. It werdx off Inaantti nd OeaeumDtloB. unlit oa karlci RRVIVU,m otker. It en ke earried Is vast socket. Br mall U per swsase, at ais Sot tM.so, with poal tire writtsajrsanatss s ears Miuni. ibOBMaoy. O&eolatlreB. Addfats 'OVAL HIOICIIII GOy IS fltf St, CMrCASO. Ill ftf Hatthews Still mm MAS bar- to tUe old Gaelic. Scotch, or Irish "El len Aroon" ballad. "Franklin Is Fled Away." first printed In 1669, showing this relationship. - We have, 'therefore, aa much right as Saxon, Norman or Dane to avail or that whloh comes down . the centuries, a common heritage of mankind. That a melody la English and that we should not sing U wllih a sense of nationalisa tion by ourselves Is a mere suierstHlon. The air of "Tho Star-Spangled Banner" Is admitted to be that previously adapt ed to "Adams end Ubei ty." Written by Samuel Arnold, of Oxford, It was baptized at uhe revolutionary fonlt by Robert Treat Paine, Jr., son of a signer of the Declaration of Independence. The music of natlunal anthems being a common appropriation, the test of na tionalism lies in the words and the cir cumstances of the marriage of the mel ody and 'the poem. Thus tented, no question whatever can arise concerning "Tha Star-Spangled lianner." "Hall. Columbia," or "My Country 'TIS of Thre." To raise the questhm H on the aide of language, mere 'pedantry, and on the nlde of music unfamlllarlty with the ethics of adoption. There la no reason In history or senti ment why the American people shall no pay to any one of those the deference which every other nation having what Is conventionally called a national an them renders to its own. That Is to Kay, when any one of these three airs ts played In the open dt Fhould be received with applause and cheers. When sung In an inclosure It tthould be listened to ftantllngandbe participated In with en thUMlam and love. THE JUDGE'S SOLILOQUY. (Picked up on the beneh at Woomilury county count after Jinluo Uncoil hud mis taken a "New Womnn" for a man.) "Is thls a womnn that I tee before me. In yonder gallery T Como, quickly tell me! I doubt my eyes; and yet I see a form Cup'd, collar'd, fronted, neck-tied like a marw A form, methlnks that wears a reefer Jacket, And, possibly but no! I'll not (to on. Is this same creature as Insenslblo To feeling ns to taste? or Is !.t but A phantom of my mind, a falne crentlon, Proceed Init from a 'Vellow-Aster'd braint I see It silll, and in a shupe so palpable I fear It Is ns true as It Is 'now!' And yet If 'tis a woman that I see. Why, why. Is It ithut she Is dressed like that? What has unsexed her? what has made her ape Her lord an master, man, before high heaven? I see her still oh! 'tis a womnn, eh? Then seise her, usher! nay, I'll not com mit, her, What need of that? for she commits her self. But, In the name of outraged sense, re move her. Not for contempt of court, but for a crime Kar worse contempt of her own woman hood!" London Truth. Senators. From the Detroit Tribune. "Senators' terms are fixed by law, are they not?" "Oh, no. Legislatures are free to get whatever there Is In It." HER ANSWER. What is my answer? Really oh, I think you mlnht try to guess; It Is awfully hard to tell you no, But I simply can't say yes. I'm fond of you that I will confess. And I've let my feelings show Until you fancy it must b yes. And you won't conceive of no. Oh, don't be angry, sweetheart! Don't go lf I haven't quite said yes I haven't now have I? quite said no. Oh I think you might try lo guess. ' Judge. (ACTION to our Washbtirn.Croby Co. wlnh to nsnure their many pat rons that they will thin year hold to their imual cuntom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop 1 fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing, to the executively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it in already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co, will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling haa S laced Wishburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other rands. MM MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. MRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Riins, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, BfTTtlB HUB SCR ANTON, PA. wv.. i. h., ltaMlt la 4 waalta. Per Ml by JOHN H. PHI LPS. Pharmaolst, cor, Wyoming Avenue and SpniM 8trMt Scrantan Pa. . MEW POINT IN TRAVEL. Bostonlsns Bof use to Pay Extra for Sssts in Parlor tare. . A party of well-known men return ing from the Newport session brought out a point In railroad travel the other day, says the Hop.on Herald. There were twelve in all, and they Included Senator Woods, of Providence; Sena tor Earclon, of Pjiwtuckut; ex-Senator Augustus 3. 'Miller, (jeneral John M. ltrennan. Attorney Isaac H. South wick, Jr., and clerks of the house and evr.u':. They reached Wiokfurd Junc tion and waited for the Providence train. When It arrived there was but a single passenger coach outside the parlor cars. Into this car they crowded with grips air.tl valises, and found the sea'ls all taken and women standing. The dele gation got to the' rear of the ear, suys the Providence Journal, and looked toward the drawing room car and Its easy seats. Almost all 'ihe party were members of the bar, and somelbody reoollecited a recent case wherein the court had. decided that the purchaser of a ruillroad ticket was en'lltled Ho a seat. Whereupon tfie entire party fried Into the drawing room car and iplcked out eonie choice restlin? places. Kvcntual ly tho 'purlor car conductor came along and aicowled Mr. Southwlek. The attor ney handed out a little blue .ticket Which was good for one passage from Niwport to .'Providence. The conductor said he wanted eilher a drawling room car ticket or GO cent. Tho rest of the party agreed that Mr. iSouthwlck would be a tit puhject for a test case, and liicy all made solemn atllrmatlon that If he was a tree ltd they would go out lo the Jail now and then to see him. lacked up by this consolation, the at torney eald ha Hud itjo drawing room car ticket and he wouldn't give up CO cents. The conductor made a men'tail mote of It and looked severe. Thc-m he tackled ilr. Miller and was shown the ordinary 'Urn traveling ticket, die made an other mental note and was Informed tha't the travelers Wfre not Incited to place any blame on him for the condi tion. He paseed alorij ami every man hcU up line blue t'loce of tpcr. The corUuctor went ami conferred with the conductor of .the train. Then the lat- til uiiijoaitf!wii.in"jtiiti!.-uihVWi Mium kJi. Fink ffifi ik mm TMAuo temm sitccwo Ms YOWW MU A X ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Nit ttood tho Teat ol Tins MORE SOLO THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED patrons: RESTORE LOST VIGOR m a ftMvfltM fVMIItv. t jMt nf Setul rwflf fin tlltier W4 CONNELL I ML ctl, ImiMniicr, Alroohr. Varlcacila ud niter waknnm. (mm ny nm, um niiurllll. Draint therkeil end full vifnr qukkljr mlortfd. If nr(lecll, luch IroolenmiiltbMilr- lllil unirwlwrt, tnM, rarfi.oot ebotejfof h. Willi rnn U rvi nrUer e (I a leva) f nar-tnio M cur. or rafuad IM nonty. Aodraat rSAL VliDICINI CO-.Ckrel.uid.l , . ter came In and gathererl up aN tha tickets. The twelve' men enjoyed the ride to Proidar.c?,'ajid there waa no squad of officer to meet them upon their ar rival. One clerk of tho house who was on the train wfcLh a lady five up $1 to the parlor car conductor upon demand. When he arw the action of the others tie aked the man in uniform to return him Jl. That official smiled and went on punching ticket WASN'T INTERRUPTED AGAIN. The mlnlstw of a congregation In an atr rluulturul dlntrict waa greatly annoyed Sunduy after Sunday by the unruly con duct of the Junior member or hl flock. When any one of tha younger repreaenta tlvea of the gentler aex got weary of the evening tervlce ahe would Invariably rise and go out. A moment later her admirer would aelze hU hat and aheeplshly follow hor. To auch an extent would this course of action prevaH that by the time the dis course TO finished only the old people remained for the conclusion of the ser vice. Mr. Jones concealed his chagrin for several weeks, but at mat he firmly re solved to act. A youth grew drowsy one Sunday evening, and, picking up his hat, stepped into the alxle. Hut the minister's keen eye was upon him, and, to the cul prit's dismay, he stopped short In hla ser mon. "Young mnn," said he, "the girl who went out last is not the one you wish to walk homo with. When he goes I will let you know at once. I'lcase sit down. After this when a young woman goes out I will call on the proper young man to take care of her." The minister resumed h!s discourse. There was much tittering and consldtr ahlo anger, but his sermons were not In terrupted again. Hartford Times. Sho Was Frank. Prom Illustrated Fashion llevlew. She Yes, I am very fond of pets. He Indeed. What, may I ask. Is your favorite animal? She (frankly) Man. "Off." "And now how will you have Tour hair cut?" auld the voluble barber. "Off," answered the angry customer. And tho barber cut on. Boston Com mercial Bulletin. French Injection Compound Tares pntlttTely, qolekly. (not merely ehecki.) Uu&rauued or uiumy refunded. Avnta dangerous remedial. Prti-e so reals per bottle, ais Haul (will cure leverest. rue) wnt liei.Jl, secure front obwnraUon. srltb only cleullAcaliy made yilaue, to auy address for fl. do. faktrwt.r'a EasUeh MaaMeS It ran S. ENNYRQYAL PILLS Original and Oalf hbjIb Arc, rcUftbli. bDi uk DrutiUI tor Ckhh9ltr$ IMaifk ItsbitM. MtltH With 1)1 ii rlMm. T mkm in iiiI (tr nartkulirt, loat.aooiklt u4 l4llcf fttp Lilr,n tnlt(Cr. bt rvtnni Lf JBiBlk iiiivvn iruuitMia.tB. Anit riur, 1nkMtM'kwlstml ClladlinHllaMiii 814 bj til Ueti Druauu. A'hlUsitu, Vm 33 VV if .J Beta too Sore Throat, rimr-lei, Copper-Colored Spots, Acfaes, (Nd Cores, Ulcers In Mouth, Hslr l4uinfft Write Ceek Keaaealr Ce, 807 Bfav aaaleTesialehleace,Illor proofs of eorea. Caaltal aaoa,OaO. fatlentsearedalaeyeare agoUvljjsnnnrlandwlljJO SSrSS-f THE MOST EXPENSIVE 5iitii& STORY EVER PUBLISHED. ?t won the: CAPITAL PRIZE OF S2000.o!ffereb ry ANft 0THETI NEWS; ,TiTLED ANbWILLA COLUMNS DAILY BE THIS REvvArIi WHmiNSTfiE foreAos: AMERICAN NOVELIST, COLLABORATION WITIi AR;J0SEPH E.01AADERL1N OFBCHSTOW. 7 --.---.-----. CORES THE TOBACCO HABIT IN 4 TO 10 DAYS OR MONEY REFONDEDe Use All the Tobacco You Want Till Your "Craving" Is Gone. N ARCOTI-CURE is the only remedy in the world that acts directly oa the nerves and drives the nicotine from the system tu from four to ten day. It leaves the patient in better health than before taking, aud is warranted free from any injurious ingredients. NAKCOTI-CURE is popular because it allows the patient to use all the tobacco he wants while under treatment, or until the "craving" and "hankering" are gone. It is then no sacri fice to throw awav tobacco forever. NAKCOTI-CUltE is sold at the uniform price of 13.00 bottle and one bottle cures. Money refunded if a cure is not effoctod when taken accord ing to directions. ' PROF. W. Jf. WAITE, Of Amherst, Mass., Chewed Tobacco for 46 years, and Was cured by Nurcotl Aiinr.rtiT. Mass , Feb. 8. 1835, Tmw Narcoti cmmoALCo.. fcprinitfleld, Macs. Gentlemen: Replying to yours of tbo 1st, would ssy that 1 he used tobacco for M years, end of lata bava censumtu a llMtmt plus a day. besidei smoking considerably. Icomaenoed to asa tubsveo whoa I was 11 ynsraold, slid bsro never nn able to (five up the habit nntd I took MsacoTl-CuiiB. altbouili 1 have tried ether acailod rrma die wlthoot effe t- Attor uslai your reiuo dy four dsya all "lunkering" tot rbowict d'aap('el, and in four days mvre smok in i became uuiiiraaant. I have no further Uefflre for the weed, and experienced ao bad effects, whatever. I am eaiuiuji iu ti.h, and feel bttr than I Bare tor a lone time. To all who wlsli to ba free from the tobacco bxbit 1 arouU say. ue NancOTI Cuiti. Yonrs truly, W. S. WAITE. III PIPS OAK BILL STUFF. mm Li TELEPHONE 482. i nm mmi I .' -Vl.T l.KUal w f C ' jar: -vm tiJ ai - TIBs I taraVSsUMaTlaBWaajaaV asHaam wtf mm ws ----a a a saasaw Ifrocr flrnggist Is unable to give you full particulars about NABCOTKTRE, send to us Tor Book or Particu lars free, or send $3.00 for a bottle by malL THE KARCOTI CHEMICAL CO., Springfield, Mass. a TIES 22 Commonwealth M Bld'g, Scrmtoa, Pi thi: IN 7 (' :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers